Principle of Management Professor Gordon Weibin Ye 9/15/2016 1. Describe te 5 Management !ompetencies !ompetencies tat are becoming cr"cial in toda#$s fast%paced and rapidl# canging &orld. 1. '(erseeing &or)
2.*ccomplising +as)s ,.Managing -elationsips
2.Define te Management "nctions. 1. Planning Planning means identif#ing goals for f"t"re organiati organiational onal performance performance and deciding deciding on te tas)s and "se of reso"rces needed to attain tem. 2. 'rganiing 'rganiing 'rganiing 'rganiing in(ol(es in(ol(es assigning assigning tas)s3 tas)s3 gro"ping gro"ping tas)s tas)s into deparments3 delegating a"torit#3 and allocating reso"rces across te organiation. ,. eading eading is te "se of infl"ence to moti(ate emplo#ees to acie(e organiational goals. eading means creating a sared c"lt"re and (al"es3 comm"nicating comm"nicating goals to people tro"go"t te organiation3 organiation3 and inf"sing emplo#ees &it te desire to perform at a ig le(el. . !ontrolling !ontrolling !ontrolling !ontrolling means means monitoring monitoring emplo#ees4 emplo#ees4 acti(ities3 determining determining &eter te organiations organiations is mo(ing to&ard its goals3 and ma)ing corrections as necessar#.
,. plain te difference difference bet&een efficienc# and effecti(eness effecti(eness and teir importance for organiational organiational performance performance 'rganiational 'rganiational effecti(eness effecti(eness is te degree to &ic te organiational organiational acie(es acie(es a stated goal3 goal3 or s"cceeds in accomplising &at it tries to do. 'rganiational effecti(eness effecti(eness means pro(iding a prod"ct or ser(ice tat c"stomers (al"e. 'rganiational efficienc# efficienc# refers to te amo"nt of reso"rces "sed to acie(e an organiational goal. 7t is based on o& m"c ra& material3 mone#3 and people are necessar# for prod"cing a gi(en (ol"me of o"tp"t. fficienc# can be defined as te amo"nt of reso"rces "sed to prod"ce a prod"ct or ser(ice. fficienc# and effecti(eness can bot be ig in te
same organiation.
. Describe tecnical3 "man3 and concept"al s)ills and teir rele(ance for managers. +ecnical s)ills +ecnical +ecnical s)ills incl"de master# of te metods3 tecni8"es3 and e8"ipment in(ol(ed in specific f"nctions s"c as engineering3 man"fact"ring3 or finace. +ecnical s)ills also incl"des specialied )no&ledge3 anal#tical abilit#3 and te competent "se of tools and tecni8"es to sol(e problems in tat specific discipline. "man s)ills s)ills "man "man s)ills in(ol(e te manager4s manager4s abilit# to &or) &it and and tro"g oter people people and to &or) effecti(el# as a gro"p member. "man s)ills are demonstrated in te &a# tat a manager relates to oter people3 incl"ding te abilit# to moti(ate3 facilitate3 coordinate3 lead3comm"nicate3 lead3comm"nicate3 and resol(e conflicts. !oncept"al s)ills !oncept"al !oncept"al s)ills s)ills incl"de incl"de te cogniti(e cogniti(e abilit# abilit# to see te organiation organiation as a &ole s#stem and te relationsips among its parts. !oncept"al s)ills in(ol(e )no&ing &ere one4s team fits into te total organiation and o& te organiation fits into te ind"str#3 te comm"nit#3 and te broader b"siness b"siness and social en(ironment. en(ironment.
5. Describe management t#pes and te oriontal and (ertical difference bet&een tem. :ertical :ertical Differences Differences +op managers +op managers are at te top of te ierarc# and are responsible for te entire organiation. Middle managers Middle managers &or) at middle le(els of te organiation organiation and are are responsible responsible for b"siness "nits and ma;or departments. Pro;ect managers Pro;ect managers are responsible for a temporar# &or) pro;ect tat in(ol(es te participation participation of people from (ario"s (ario"s f"nctions and le(els le(els of te organiation3 organiation3 and peraps peraps from o"tside te compan# as &ell. irst%line managers irst%line managers are directl# responsible for te prod"ction of goods and ser(ices.
oriontal Differences "nctional managers "nctional managers are responsible for departments departments tat tat perform a single f"nctional tas) and a(e emplo#ees &it similar training and s)ills. General managers General managers are responsible for se(eral departments tat perform different f"nctions.
6. <"mmarie te personal callenges in(ol(ed in becoming a ne& manager. Generalist= !oordinates di(erse tas)s= tas)s= Gets tings done tro"g oters= oters= * net&or) b"ilder= b"ilder= Wor)s Wor)s in igl# interdependent manner.
>. Define 10 roles tat managers perform in organiations. organiations. 7nformational 7nformational 1. Monitor Monitor 2. Disseminator Disseminator ,.
. ntreprene"r ?. Dist"rbance Dist"rbance andler 9. -eso"rce *llocator *llocator 10. @egotiator. @egotiator.
?. plain te "ni8"e caracteristic of te manager$s role in small b"siness and nonprofit organiations. Managers in small small b"siness often see see teir teir most important roles as as being a spo)esperson spo)esperson for te b"siness and acting acting as an entreprene"r. entreprene"r. Managers in nonprofit nonprofit organiations organiations direct teir teir efforts efforts to&ard to&ard generating generating some some )ind )ind of social social impact rater tan to&ard ma)ing mone# for te organiation. Managers in nonprofit organiations often str"ggle &it &at constit"tes effecti(eness.