Question 1 of 20
0.0/ 1.0 Points
"Which structure theorem is used n a computer program or algorithm to determine which particular step or set of steps is to be executed?"
A.Sequence B.Subprogram C.Selection D.Repetition
Question 2 of 20
0.0/ 1.0 Points
Which of the following corresponds to Process 1, when representing the following procedure in the flowchart below?
A.Indicate as “Odd number” B.Indicate as “Even number” C.Indicate value of m D.Indicate value of n
Question 3 of 20
Which of the following lines of code comes from a first generation computer language?
1.0/ 1.0 Points
A.ADD255(3,10),02B(4,5) B.set total to sum of totals C.00010 1010 1101 0001 1010 D.this Total=TotalA + TotalC
Question 4 of 20
0.0/ 1.0 Points
"The test data about the part of a program shown in the flowchart is specified by “decision condition coverage” (branch coverage). If this test data is specified by “multiple condition coverage,” which of the following is the appropriate data to add? Here, the part enclosed in parentheses indicates the pair of test
data elements. (branch coverage): (A=4, B=1), (A=5, B=0)"
The test data used by “decision condition coverage”
A.(A=7, B=0), (A=8, B=2) B.(A=3, B=2), (A=8, B=0) C.(A=3, B=0), (A=7, B=2) D.(A=4, B=0), (A=8, B=0)
Question 5 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
There are two important operations on a stack: PUSH and POP. PUSH adds the new data to the top of the stack leaving previous data below, and POP removes and returns the current top data of the stack. When the operations shown below are sequentially executed, which of the following is the correct
combination of the values x and y? Here, the size of the stack is big enough to hold the entire data. “PUSH(a)” inserts the data a into the stack, and “POP(b)” removes the data b from the stack.
[Operations] PUSH (5); PUSH (3); PUSH (6); PUSH (1); x= POP ( ); PUSH (7); y= POP ( );
A.x=5, y=7 B.x=1, y=6 C.x=5, y=3 D.x=1, y=7
Question 6 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
Which is not one of 3 basic structure when design an algorithm?
A.Repetition B.Selection C.Sequence D.Iteration
Question 7 of 20
Which of the following statements describes the flowchart symbol shown below?
1.0/ 1.0 Points
A.Indicates input and output of data B.Indicates the start and end of a loop C.Indicates the start and end of a flowchart D.Indicates processing such as an operation
Question 8 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
Which item is not a recommendation when writing pseudo codes?
A.Each set of instructions is written from top to bottom, with only one entry and one exit B.Keywords and indentation are used to signify particular control structures C.Each instruction/step is written on a separate line D.Try to keep each instruction/step as short as possible
Question 9 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
Which of the following variable name is the most retable and maintainable
A.emlstnam B.employeeLastName C.last name D.lastNameOfTheEmployeeInQuestion
Question 10 of 20
0.0/ 1.0 Points
"Which of the following is the appropriate basic structure in a flowchart for working out the sum from 1 to 10 using the sequence below? ① Assign the initial value “0” t o x ② Assign the initial value “1” t o i ③End when i is greater that 10 ④If i is 10 or smaller, add i to x, and substitute that value for x ⑤ Add 1 to i, and substitute that valu e for i ⑥Return to ③"
A.d) Repetition structure B.a) Sequence structure C.c) Conditional branch D.b) Selection structure
Question 11 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
As much as __________ percent of the t otal lifetime cost for an application program is for m aintenance
A.40% B.50% C.75% D.60%
Question 12 of 20
0.0/ 1.0 Points
The flowchart below shows a binary search algorithm to find the index m of the array element A(m), such that the equation “A(m) = k” holds, from the array elements A(1), A(2), …, A(n) already sorted in ascending order. In case of “m= 0” at the end, there is no element such that the equation “A(m) = k” holds. Which of the following is inserted in the process box X in the flowchart? Here, the slash ( / ) indicates division that truncates all digits after the decimal point.
A.(x+ y) → m B.(x+ y) / 2 → m C.(y – x) / 2 → m D.(x – y) / 2 → m
Question 13 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
In the course of creating program specifications, the end-user should sketch out the desired
A.icon B.input C.splash logo
Question 14 of 20
0.0/ 1.0 Points
What is incorrect function of the parameter using in communicating between modules?
A.To store the reference data B."To pass information from a calling module to a subordinate module " C."To pass information from a subordinate module to its calling module " D.To fulfil a two-way communication role
Question 15 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
__________ refers to testing by a select gro up of potential users in the final stage of testing a program
A.Manual testing B.Beta testing C.Desk checking D.Attempt at translation
Question 16 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
What can we do with the Circle symbol when drawing the flowchart to represent the algorithm?
A.Use it to represent a decision point in the process. Typically, the statement in the symbol will require a `yes' or `no' response and branch to different parts of the flowchart accordingly B.Use it to represent an event which occurs automatically. Such an event will trigger a subsequent action, for example `receive telephone call’, or describe a new state of affairs.
C.Use it to represent an event which is controlled within the process. Typically this will be a step or action which is taken. In most flowcharts this will be the most frequently used symbol D.Use it to represent a point at which the flowchart connects with another process. The name or reference for the other process should appear within the symbol
Question 17 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
The function f(x) has real arguments and returned values. Consider the procedure consisting of steps 1 ~5 as shown below using this function. After starting execution and repeating the procedure a sufficient number of times, y in step 3 stops changing. Which of the following expressions holds at this point?
A.f(y)=y B.f(a)=y C.f(y)=a D.f(y)=0
Question 18 of 20
________ language is made up only of binar y digits
A.Machine B.Natural C.Procedural
1.0/ 1.0 Points
Question 19 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
The program’s processing steps are grouped into logically-related programming statements called
A.unit B.Module C.component D.object
Question 20 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points
A(n) __________ error could be the result of the programmer making an incorrect calculation
A.logic B.general protection C.syntax D.breakpoint