Report on Marketing Bangladesh Limited
Rahimafrooz Bangladesh limited limit ed was established in 1950. As a trading company. Late A.C. Abdr Abdr Rahim was the proprietor in this time. !rom 195" it was established as a limited company. company. #n the new en$ironment he had to start afresh. %e had little capital. %is main assets were self& confidence confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty' Almighty' which carried carried him throgh all the difficlties difficlties with a rema remar( r(ab able le trim trimph ph.. %e fina finally lly esta establi blish shed ed a smal smalll prop proprie rietar taryy trad tradin ingg comp company any named named Rahimafrooz ) Co' in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 195"' which is now Rahimafrooz *Bangladesh+ Ltd. Rahimafrooz e,panded rapidly into $arios trading items. -he maor milestones in Rahimafrooz history can be smmarized as below/ #ncorporated in 195" by r. A.C. Abdr Abdr Rahim istribtorship of Lcas Battery in 1959 2,clsi$e distribtorship of nlop tyre in 1934 Acisition of Bangladesh operations of Lcas 67 in 1940 !irst prodcer of indstrial battery in 1945 8ioneering olar 8ower in collaboration with B8 in 1945 !irst e$er battery e,port : to ingapore : in 199; Lanched Rahimafrooz #nstant 8ower ystem in 199< Acisition of =asa Batteries *Bangladesh+ Ltd. : in 199" Attained #> 900; certification for RBL operations in 1993 !irst #ndia office opened in Ahmedabad : in ;000 Awarded ?Bangladesh 2nterprise of the =ear@ =ear@ in ;001 Attained #> 1"001/199 for RBL operations Lanched ?Agora@ : the first e$er retail chain in ;001 Lanched Rahimafrooz 2nergy er$ice in ;00; : promoting distribted power. 2stablished Rahimafrooz C ltd. in ;00< Awarded ?ational 2,port -rophy@ -rophy@ in ;00< etronet Bangladesh' a fibre optic based digital soltion pro$ider for data commnication'lanch ed in oint $entre with !lora -elecom : in ;00" Recei$ed craw&%ill 8latt lobal 2nergy Award for Renewable 2nergy in ;00" Recei$ed the ? Ashden Award@ for stainable 2nergy in ;00 28D factory and RAL two new company de$eloped : in ;004
1.1 ORIGIN OF !" R"#OR$
-his proect proect Report has been been prepared prepared as the flfillment flfillment of the partial reirement reirement of B.B.A 8rogram. 1.% OB&"'I(" OF !" R"#OR
>r bsiness corses are designed to help the stdents learning the technie and aciring with s(ills needed effecti$ely in management inclding planning' organizing' staffing' directing' moti$ating and controlling' problems in achie$ing organizational goals in differing managerial en$ironments as a part in different management system. o the prime aim of the regarding report is to diagnosis a company regarding their operations ) ths ma(e a nice combination of my for years edcational learning. -he main obecti$e of the report is mar(eting strategy of Rahimafrooz ltd. 1.) #*R#OS" #*R# OS" OF !" R"#OR$
# ta(e information for my report by two prposes. 1.+ #RIM,R- #*R#OS"$
-he 8rimary prpose of this report is to partially flfill the reirement of my Bachelor egree. 1. S"'ON/,R- #*R#OS"$
econdary sorces inclde the internal docments li(e annal report company blletin other research reports and brochres. 1.0SO*R'" ,N/ M"!O/ OF 'OLL"'ING /,,$ /,,$-he report is organized by secondary
sorce of data. Earios reportFs brochre' catalog' articles and ornals' proects profile' dealer credit policy' and Rahimafrooz website is sed in this regard. 1.LIMI 1. LIMI, ,ION ION OF !" S*/-$
!irstly' dging a companyFs acti$ity relati$e to competitor is not an easy tas(. -his stdy has tried to figre ot the (ey factors that has an effect towards the profitability of the company. econdly' analyzing the secondary data and comparing it with the primary data was a maor problem in ma(ing the report. -hirdly' lac( of adeate adeate (nowledge has a effect in writing the report properly. 'hapter 2o 'ompany history
!onder Late A. C. Abdr Rahim *1915&194;+. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited A man of strict religios $ales' yet a belie$er in progressi$e dynamism' and a dreamer who thoght nothing is impossible : Late A C Abdr Rahim o$ercame nmeros challenges and
obstacles to become one of the most accomplished entrepreners of this contry. Born on the ;0th of Ganary 1915' he lost both his parents by the time he was se$en years of age. epri$ed of formal schooling and a typically comfortable childhood' he grew p as a man with strong determination' hardwor(ing diligence' and hmane compassion. By the early 19"0s' r. Rahim started small scale commercial trading on his own. %e mo$ed to Chittagong in 19"3 and stared afresh with $ery little capital in hand' bt with a whole world of corage and faith. #n 1950' he established the small trading concern dealing in $arios items. -his proprietary bsiness was formally incorporated on April 15' 195" as Rahimafrooz ) Co. -ill date' Rahimafrooz rop commemorates this as its ?!ondation ay@. -he childhood hardship and the strggle in his yong years only made r. Rahim a strong indi$idal' a faithfl hman being' and a leader fll of compassion and hmanity. %e was a caring father and an affectionate person throghot his life. Hhoe$er' in his lifetime' came in toch with r. Rahim' fondly remembers him as a man of tremendos hmility' dignity' and trstworthiness. %is passion for continosly impro$ing himself and his religios and ethical righteosness' and his dedication to please his cstomers : are still pre$alent in todayFs Rahimafrooz cltre : shaping the ropFs present and its ftre. -odayFs Rahimafrooz is a dream that r. A C Abdr Rahim trned into reality. -he bsiness growth' the social commitment' and the great di$ersity in todayFs Rahimafrooz are the otcome of one lifetime of hard wor( and compassion from r. Rahim. %e breathed his last on arch 1"' 194; in London. Bt his wor( and his $irte ha$e (ept him ali$e fore$er. ay Allah grant him with eternal peace. >$er the decades' Rahimafrooz has grown in size' scale' and di$ersity. -he rop today has 2ight >perating Companies *B6s+' a few other bsiness $entres' and a not for profit social enterprise. As of ;011' the rop crrently employs more than three thosand people directly and a frther twenty thosand indirectly as sppliers contractors' dealers and retailers. Rahimafrooz operates in for broad segments : torage 8ower' Atomoti$e ) 2lectronics' 2nergy and Retail. He ha$e strengthened or mar(et leadership at home while reaching ot to international mar(ets. Ranging from atomoti$e after mar(et prodcts' energy and power soltions' to a world class retail chain : the team at Rahimafrooz is committed to ensring the best in ality standards and li$ing the ropFs fi$e core $ales : #ntegrity' 2,cellence' Cstomer elight ' #nno$ation and #nspiring 8eople. Rahimafrooz has been a partner in the de$elopment orney of this nation for more than fifty&fi$e years now. He set orsel$es the highest standards in responsible corporate beha$ior and or
passion for sccess is aligned with the de$elopment of the contry. He are committed to playing a leading role in dri$ing growth' prosperity' ethical $ales and social responsibility. He contine to ser$e or cstomers throgh nparalleled ality e,cellence and ser$ice speriority. >r bsiness sccess has been complemented by or commitment to the en$ironment' society and commnity. At Rahimafrooz' He are : Ienriching li$es with yor trstFJ %.1 ,spiration$
-o be most admire and trsted organization throgh e,celling in e$erything we do' following ethical bsiness practice and adding $ale to sta(e holder. %.% (ision$
Be an enterprising grop of -a(a ;'000 crore by the year ;010 with the di$ersified bsiness portfolio focs on dynamic growth' e,cellence' inno$ation' cstomer delight in enriching or world. %.) (ision %31/ A billion dollar di$ersified grop committed to adding $ale to all sta(eholders
and commnity (al4e$ Integrity in all o4r dealing "56ellen6e in e7erything 2e do otal 6ommitment to 64stomer satisfa6tion hinking ahead and taking ne2 initiati7e %.+ 84ality poli6y$
He' as a team' totally committed to cstomer delight throgh intelligent effort and continos impro$ement. %. 'omm4nity ser7i6e$
Rahimafrooz reglarly contribte personal' monetary and medical help to people disad$antaged by natral calamities and serios illness. Rahimafrooz also ma(es significant contribtion to leading diabetic and cancer hospitals. %.0 ,6hie7ements of RBL$
AsiaFs Best Brand C> Award ;010 AsiaFs Best 2mployer
C) !2' CR Award ;004
Brand Leadership Award ;004 Ashden Award Award ;00 ational e,port trophy Award ;001& 'hapter three
Strategi6 94siness 4nit :SB*; RBL ). SB*s :Strategi6 B4siness *nits;$
Rahimafrooz *Bangladesh+ Ltd. *rop 8arent Company+ Rahimafrooz *Batteries+ Ltd. Rahimafrooz istribtion Ltd. Rahimafrooz 2nergy er$ices Ltd. Rahimafrooz Renewable 2nergy Ltd. Rahimafrooz C Ltd. Rahimafrooz perstores Ltd. 2,cel Resorces Ltd. Rahimafrooz lobatt Ltd. Rahimafrooz ser$ice center ).1 Rahimafrooz :Bangladesh; Ltd. :Gro4p #arent 'ompany$
Rahimafrooz *Bangladesh+ Limited *RABL+ is the rop %olding and 8arent Company inclding the rop Corporate Center that gides the trategic Bsiness 6nits *B6s+. #t ensres continos management inno$ation' technology adoption' new initiati$es' corporate go$ernance and compliance. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd has imported world famos nlop -ire and -be which is prodcing in Gapan and #ndia. At present Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. #s one of the top most organizations in the contry many officer and personnel wor( hard. !rom the de$elopment of the organization Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. is mainly wor( in for di$isions 1. Corporate i$ision ;. anfactring i$ision <. ar(eting and sales di$ision ". #nternational di$ision -he chairman is the chief e,ecti$e officer of the organization and the director is the head of e$ery di$ision. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. has one head office in otiheel. -wo ser$ice offices in ha(a and Chittagong and one factory in a(hal 8ara and other is a$ar. Regional office is operated by regional manager who has controlled all the sales force and also has responsible for his ob to the managing director of head office. 2$ery appointed dealer in the sales center of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. they always get p great training from the company to ser$e the cstomer all o$er the contry there are near abot 140 dealers of Rahimafrooz
Bangladesh ltd. >ften the company organize conference for the dealer and they create the opportnity to e,change their $ale. ).% Rahimafrooz Battery Ltd$
Rahimafrooz battery ltd has mainly mar(eted Rahimafrooz battery. At present Rahimafrooz company has been prodcing and mar(eting more than one hndred categories battery. Atomoti$e battery and motor cycle battery are prodced by Rahimafrooz Company. -his is $ery poplar in the mar(et and also high ality. -he CompanyFs manfactring plants prodce a range of prodcts : atomoti$e' motorcycle' and appliance batteries' #ndstrial *stationary' deep cycle' traction' ERLA batteries' #8 and 68 batteries' and rectifiers. Lcas and par( are the leading names in the local atomoti$e battery mar(et while Eolta' >pts and elta are gaining eity as #nternational brands. RBL has a sccessfl story of installing solar power in the remote rral areas of Bangladesh. #t has sccessflly installed more than 10'000 home solar systems in the remote rral areas of Bangladesh. #n Bangladesh Rahimafrooz !actory is sitated in a(hal 8ara. -egoan. #t is the heist battery prodction capacity factory. -he athority tries their le$el best bt to (eep its ality throgh s(ill and efficient engineer 8lant Capacity/ Rahimafrooz has state of the art manfactring plants. He are eipped with all latest technologies with complete air treatment and lead&recycling management. RBL prodces different types of batteries to meet the local and international mar(et. #ts capacity in Atomoti$e Battery is 0'000 *50+ nits per annm and #ndstrial Battery is "1 million A%Kannm. By the end of ;010' these will increase to 4000'000 *50+ and 1;0 illion A% respecti$ely. All the prodcts are manfactred following strict ality and en$ironmental standards' and are ensred by international certifications too. >r main prodct range incldes/ Atomoti$e battery otorcycle battery Appliance battery eep cycle : !lat plate battery #ndstrial tblar battery ERLA battery #8 and 68 batteries ).) R,!IM,FROO< /ISRIB*ION L/$
-he company has a hge relation with the mar(et to distribte its prodcts throgh the networ( of dealers. #t has almost near abot ;00 dealers' ;40 Retailers and 95 Lbricant ealers across the
contry for distribting nlop tyre' Lcas batteries' Eolta batteries' RD tire' B8 lbricants and Rahimafrooz instant power system. RLFs portfolio incldes international tyre brands nlop and 7enda while it also carries its own brand RD -yre and battery brands Lcas and par(. RL is the e,clsi$e franchisee of the worldFs leading lbricant brand Castrol. -hrogh Rahimafrooz #8' 68 and Eoltage tabiliser' the company enoys clear leadership of the emergency power prodcts mar(et. #n addition' it also rns eight atomobile ser$ice centres in ha(a and Chittagong. Recently the company has entered the electronic goods mar(et. #t distribtes and mar(ets $arios hosehold appliances and electronic goods throgh RLFs newly inagrated electronics retail chain' 6re(a and its nmeros sales otlets. RL prodct portfolio incldes the followings/ yre
RL mar(ets different tyres for car' bs' trc( and ato&ric(shaw. #t is the sole distribtor of 6L>8 in Bangladesh. RD -yre is its own premim hea$y dty trc(Kbs tyre fit for Bangladeshi road. #t also mar(ets other economy tyres. ,4tomoti7e
RL mar(ets three maor brands of atomoti$e batteries/ L6CA' E>L-A' E>L-A ! *aintenance !ree+ and 8AR7. All batteries are prodced by RBL. #o2er Ba6k=*p System
RahimAfrooz #8 and Rahimafrooz 68 are two poplar power bac(&p systems mar(eted by RL. L49ri6ant
RL is the mar(eter and sole agent of Castrol' one of the lbricant giants Rahimafrooz solar is started with a pilot proect with the Bangladesh Atomic 2nergy Commission. Rahimafrooz olar spplies solar&electricity to the remote $illages of Bangladesh. ore than <0'000 thosand families are spplied with solar power with help of >s and #nternational >rganizations. 2,cel retires limited RBL is the leading tyre retread company in Bangladesh. 2RL has been ser$ing the indstry since 199" pro$iding best ality of retreads. #ts plant is capable of retreading tyres of car' bs' and trc(. ">'"L R"SO*R'"S L/
2,cel Resorces Ltd. *2RL+ is a leading name for tyre retread. 2RL also manfactres and mar(ets emery cloths and abrasi$e papers. ,BO* R"R",/
Retread of tyre is a process whereby new tread rbber is applied on a sed tyre casing if done properly' this process allows similar mileage li(e new tyres. -he process e,tends longer casing life. Based on the casing' a tyre can be retread p to < or " times' as long as the casing spports. -he retread process is eco&friendly and does not reslt in en$ironmental polltion. A retread tyre can sa$e p to 50M of new tyreFs cost. 2$ery time yo by and se a retread tyre' yo help to conser$e -heir $alable natral resorces and since retread tyres are less e,pensi$e than comparable new tyres' one can sa$e money while helping the en$ironment. -his is trly a win&win sitation ).+ Rahimafrooz "nergy Ser7i6es Ltd. BR,N/
Rahimafrooz 2nergy er$ices Limited was established in the year ;000 as a standby' capti$e anddistribted power soltion pro$ider. #t is a leading name in the diesel generator indstry ha$ing a cstomer base of nearly 300. #ts clientele comprise of indstrial plants' real estates' hospitals' edcational instittions' telecoms' spermar(ets' corporate hoses and go$ernment establishments inclding the Armed !orces. -he company is mar(eting both diesel and gas generators from 8ramac 8ower 2ngineering' #taly and pain' and itsbishi %ea$y #ndstries Limited' Gapan. Rahimafrooz 2nergy is also pro$iding Rental 8ower with both diesel and gas generators. Rahimafrooz 2nergy is the Athorized istribtor of 2 Consmer ) #ndstrial Lighting' 6A and 2,clsi$e istribtor of Hiring Accessories and Low Eoltage 8rotection e$ices from %ager' !rance in Bangladesh. Located at the heart of -egaon #ndstrial Area' ha(a Rahimafrooz 2nergy is eipped with the necessary ser$ice facilities and ready a$ailability of stoc(s for all (inds of organizations and indi$idals reiring energy related soltions R2L is the 2,clsi$e istribtor of 8RAAC in Bangladesh. #t mar(ets diesel generators p to ;500 7EA for mltiple sers. #ts cstomers comprised of indstrial plants' real estates' hospitals' edcational instittions' telecom companies' spermar(ets' corporate hoses and go$ernment establishments. 2stablished with the aim of being a pro$ider of standby' capti$e and distribted power soltions offering ;"N3 cstomer ser$ices' the company is now ready to lanch three new prodcts which are gas generators' power rentals and electrical accessories. #n a short span of fi$e years' Rahimafrooz 2nergy er$ices Limited has grown to be a highly reliable energy soltion company.
#R,M,' generators come p to ;'500 7EA for mltiprpose se. #ts cstomers comprised of
indstrial plants' real estates' hospitals' edcational instittions' telecom companies' spermar(ets' corporate hoses and go$ernment establishments. ). R,!IM,FROO< R"N"?,BL" "N"RG- L/
-ransforming the li$es of people and lighting p different corners of the contry' Rahimafrooz Renewable 2nergy Ltd. *RR2+ has been pro$iding Rahimafrooz olar soltions for hoseholds' agricltre' healthcare' edcation' rral streets and mar(etplaces. -o date' RR2 has lightened p more than "0'000 rral homes in Bangladesh and the Company is endea$oring to do mch more in the ftre. -he abndance' ine,hastibility and non pollting natre of solar energy' ha$e made it right alternati$e for con$entional energy sorces' which are getting fast e,hasted. o far only a small portion of solar energy is being harnessed for se in solar water heating' solar lighting' telecommnications' medical refrigeration and solar water pmping. Hor(ing closely with Bangladesh o$ernmentFs agencies' >s' donor and partner organizations' and international agencies' RR2 offers a fll rage of solar soltions inclding home lighting' street lighting' heating systems' water pmps' 8hoto Eoltaic *8E+ centralized systems' drip irrigation systems' $accine refrigeration' spport for compter and other electronic systems' and a nmber of other soltions. ore than 0'000 homes already been illminated with RR2Fs solar efforts and the nmber is always growing. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. At first has mar(eted solar energy by e,porting it from 2ngland. -he following places and the instittions are the ser of solar. 1. %ospital and Clinic ;. #rrigation proect <. chool' asid' Road' -ele$ision ". -elecommnication sector. 5. Railway signal . -o find ot the ri$er way. -he >rganization where the solar 2nergy is set p 1. > ;. -ea arden <. Army cantonment Chittagong ". 8ri$ate >rganization ).0 R,!IM,FROO< 'NG L/.
Rahimafrooz C Ltd. *RAC+ offers comprehensi$e soltions for C refeling' con$ersion' con$ersion centers' and maintenance. -he Company rns state&of&the&art C con$ersion centers offering 1st to 5th generation con$ersion' and is setting p a wide contry&wide networ( of refeling stations. #t also assists' throgh eipments' technological (now&how' training and mar(eting' in setting p C con$ersion centers and refeling stations INS,LL,ION OF 'NG S,ION$
#t helps to setp C !el tation on a trn&(ey basis. #t also assists in obtaining financial spport from the !inancial #nstittion to setting p C station. #t pro$ides rond the cloc( technical spports and training 'NG 'ON("RSION /
#t has its own con$ersion centers where yo can con$ert yor >ctane or 8etrol dri$en atomobile into C. Rahimafrooz C offers an inno$ati$e and technically ad$anced system for con$ersion of all types of $ehicles into C #t is the sole technical and commercial representati$e of Lo.gas s.r.l. of #taly. All C components are gi$en fll warranty with necessary technical spport. 'NG S"R(I'"S$
#t also pro$ides all types of technical spport related to C stations' systems and (its to indi$idals and instittions. ). Rahimafrooz S4perstores Ltd
Rahimafrooz perstores Ltd. *RL+ made a brea(throgh in the rban lifestyles by lanching the first retail chain in the contry : Agora. Hith otlets in important locations in ha(a' and many more coming at (ey locations in ha(a and other maor cities' Agora is endea$oring to flfill the e$eryday needs of the rbanites throgh fair price' right assortment' and best ality. Hhile Agora mainly focses on food items : ranging from a wide $ariety of fish' meat' $egetables' frits' ba(ery' dairy' and grocery : it also carries a $ast array of other hosehold' grocery' personal care' and $arios other prodcts. %a$ing started its orney in ;001' Agora is committed to sstaining and growing as the most trsted' lo$ed' and freented retail chain. ,gora o4tlets$
hanmodi lshan ogbaar irpr ).@ Rahimafrooz Glo9att Ltd :RGL;
Rahimafrooz lobatt Ltd *RL+ is the global wing of Rahimafrooz grop. As part of e,celling two decades of international mar(et e,perience and aspiring to become a trly global company' this state of the art aintenance !ree *!+ and ealed aintenance !ree *!+ battery manfactring plant was established in the year ;009. Hith ;.5 million nit prodction capacity per year' RL is the largest battery e,port plant in oth Asia. #n recognition to its ality management system' RL has recei$ed #> 9001/;004 Certification from >rion Registrar' #nc.' 6A. -he manfactring process of RL ensres highest le$el of en$ironment sstainability. RL offers a broad range of maintenance free atomoti$e batteries manfactred according to G# and # standard for a $ariety of $ehicles' ranging from small cars to large commercial $ehicles. RL also manfactres deep cycle battery for in$erter application. All these batteries ha$e been designed by one of the leading erman company. -hese batteries are designed for millions of $ehicle enthsiasts across Asia ) 8acific' iddle 2ast' Africa' 2rope and Americas. As the pay off line of its flagship brand L>BA-- ?ri$e Hithin@ illstrates' the battery is winning heart and mind of the consmers arond the globe throgh its nparallel performance. Metro net
Rahimafrooz rop' in a oint enterprise' has $entred into the first e$er fiber optical commercial networ(ing bac(bone in Bangladesh etronet Bangladesh Ltd. *BL+. BL pro$ides robst data commnication ser$ices to pri$ate sector offices' financial instittions' A-s' and many other instittions. rey!ab and Asia -e, are two other bsinesses that manfactre and e,port te,tile and terry towels. Rral er$ice !ondation *R!+ is a not&for&profit social enterprise endea$oring to alle$iate po$erty and spporting the rral poor. -he po$erty alle$iation model of R! is based on three basic principles : affordable' replicable' and sstainable. R! has been helping the rral poor' throgh programs in$ol$ing solar home systems' irrigation' bio gas' contract farming' battery powered instant power systems etc. Besides' R! also rns ?ha(a 8roect@ which is a home to some 00 rban street children' pro$iding them with shelter' edcation' food' clothing' and care. pported by Rahimafrooz. ).A R,!IM,FROO< S"R(I'" '"N"R $
Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd ser$ice center is sitated in 1< aha(hali commercial areas in ha(a. %ere the prodct of Rahimafrooz is sold and ser$icing also. %ere the ser$ice is done in modern compterized system. -he complain is also sol$ed and handle from here. and a nmber of generos donors from home and abroad' R! has a contry&wide networ( with nearly fifty field offices. ).13 Sales pro6ess$ /iesel generator$
#re=sales meeting$ :sale people; iscssion with cstomer regarding the actal need' the
size of the generator' 7EA' installation process etc.
#nform cstomer regarding prodct featre
ite $isit/ e$alate the cstomer recommended location where generator wold be placed
Load calclation
ite sggestion/ #nform cstomer regarding installation process pro$ide prodct
recommendation based on site etc. e+ 1.
2stimated price rates Offer s49mission *based on cstomer reirement+ -echnical 8rodct list !inancial offer
Other parties in7ol7e 2ith offer s49mission. :hey e7al4ate the offer;
!inancial instittionK Ban(
c+ 1.
Constrction contactor Follo2 4p :9efore sale;
>$er phone
b+ 1.
irect $isit
Final Negotiation meeting
8rice 8rodct If a66epted 9y the 64stomer then 2ork order is iss4ed
schedle date for installation material estimate or list of material material arrangement rele$ant docment 1. ;. • • • • • •
8rice and mode of payment payment *as per wor( order+ pre=installation inspe6tion : sale people and installation and ser$ice sper$isor
cstomer name and address pac(age nmber capacity installation place material list deli$ery date
1. ;. <. ".
deli7eryCdispat6h :store offi6er installation follo2 4p : after sales; 9y the sales people 9ill 6olle6tion : acconts and sales people ;
description of eipment model commissioning date amont of bill claimed by the R2L
,. 'orporate$
• • •
/efinition/ corporate cstomers are those cstomers who by a bl( amont of prodcts from
R2L. #t can be Ban(' factory' hospital' real estate or indstry. ales process is same 1 to 11 #nstallation orcesKsales leads are different. B. Indi7id4al$ /efinition/ indi$idal cstomers are those cstomers who by one or two prodcts from R2L. #t
can be Ban(' factory' hospital' real estate or indstry. ales process is same 1 to 11 *e,cept wor( order+ 100M payment before deli$ery sorcesKsales leads are different 1. B. Referral $ Colleage from RL' RBL and etc ales lead gi$en by commission agent ales man of R2L has contact with other companyFs sales man Refer cstomer to the R2L. Recei$e commission from R2L 1 to 11 same processes. 2,cept wor( order for indi$idal bt for corporate *need wor( order+ 1.
hird partyC'ontra6t proposal$
Rail way ' police by from third party -hird party by from R2L *spplier of generator+ Bt all after sales ser$ices gi$en by the R2L So4r6es of sales lead$
!rom colleage li(e RL'RBL sales person of other company e,isting cstomer irect call from cstomer* new or e,isting cstomer+
ales lead gi$en by commission agent !rom bill board ewspaper Related generator companyK similar trend bsiness Consltant Road site !ield representati$e irect sale Cstomer direct come to R2L #roe6t
partyC6ontra6t proposal
!rom 2,isting cstomer
irect sale
irect sale
!rom bill board
!rom bill board
!rom bill board
irect sale
sales person of
other company
ales lead gi$en
Road site
by commission
Related generator
companyK similar
trend bsiness Fig4re D1 ).11 ,fter sales ser7i6e$
1. Installation :proe6t and indi7id4alC6orporate; ;. Ser7i6e :indi7id4al + 1. #. 2mergency ser$ice ;. ##. chedle ser$ice <. Ser7i6e :proe6t; Installation: indi7id4alC6orporate; 1.
ite $isit
8re&installation inspection :sale people and installation &ser$ice sper$isor ; cstomer name and address pac(age nmber
capacity installation place
!rom colleage li(e RL'RBL
material list deli$ery date c+
aterial arranged aterial boght by the cstomer *cable+ or R2L pro$ide it.
Based on that date follow p and confirm that today yo ha$e installation date.
Hhich engineer will go for installation *his name' place and date+O -his record is in e,cel
sheet f+ • • • • • • • •
Commissioning sheet ite code cstomer name 8ac(age no pplier address -echnical terms >ther rele$ant information Comments from cstomer signed by R2L ser$ice engineer and cstomer
;. Ser7i6e : indi7id4al ; 1. #.
2mergency ser$ice *warranty period 1year or rnning hor1500h+
%ot line
Call from cstomer
Hhether this prodct is within warrant or not
Commissioning sheet chee(ed by ser$ice coordinator cstomer name 8ac(age no pplier address -echnical terms >ther rele$ant information Comments from cstomer signed by R2L ser$ice engineer and cstomer
#f it is within warranty then free ser$ice and prompt* e,clding Lb oil filter' air filter' fel filter
and clent filter parts+ f+
send engineer to the sight
er$ice sheet sign by engineer and cstomer with the bill copy' feed bac( sheet and other
material h+
!ollow p only for indi$idal *e$eryday at least 10 calls from e,cel sheet randomly+
ocmentation how many times complains come from client.
8roblems sheet send to Ser7i6e 6omplain par dayEE0 to 13
he only send critical problem to the C>>
"mergen6y ser7i6e for an e5amplePhospitalP1+ normal problemP normal engineer
P;+ critical problemP critical engineer 1.
S6hed4le ser7i6e
%ot line
-ell etail information abot prodct* 7EA and price rate+
>ffer gi$e by ser$ice coordinator of R2LQthis is basically ga$e idea abot rele$ant parts for
generator escription of material
8rice ignatre by ser$ice engineer
#f accepted then schedle date
Bill collection
,M' ser7i6eQha(a and ot side ha(a city
Critical A TT:one ser$iceT:price range different on Critical T&one ser$iceT:price range different per Critical Tone ser$iceT:price range different Hor(ing hor 8ayment date 2,clsion >ther applicable terms tarting date
• • • • • • • •
#nform abot er$icing after 50hK;00hK or month which e$er come first * e,clding Lb oil
filter' air filter' fel filter and clent filter parts+ h+
2ngineer send to the cstomer with the bill copy' feed bac( sheet and other material
8ayment* partially or fll+
!ollow p monthly wise
All 8roblems sheet send to *senior officer& cstomer relation
Ser7i6e 6omplain par dayEE13 to 1
m+ he only send critical problem to the C>> '. Ser7i6e :proe6t;$
8roects are those cstomers who boght a bl( amont of prodct. !or an e,ample 8 boght TT50U diesel generators. 5 people are wor(ing as a ser$ice coordinator to maintain the ser$ice for proect. ifferent people are handling different type proect. o' their wor(ing style is
also different. -hey ha$e 5proects *8' Bangla lin(' 2ric son' A7-2L and otorola. 8rocesses are same bt record (eepingKdocmentation is different. Installation :proe6ts;$ ser$ice coordinator
• • • • • • •
2stimated* e$erything inclding prodct' parts and etc+ gi$en by the proect cstomer name 8ac(age no pplier address -echnical terms >ther rele$ant information Comments from cstomer signed by R2L ser$ice engineer and cstomer R2L ta(e all estimated material* material list+ for installation to the site #f any e,tra parts or material need then R2L claim e,tra bill for that Commissioning paper and engineer sign that paper #ro9lems$
er$ice engineers are not identifying the specific problem. 2$ery time new ser$ice engineer was coming and telling cstomer abot new problem. ifferent ser$ice engineers are sending for same problem. cstomer become dissatisfied and for this reason sell will be decline in ftre toc( ot problem ot deli$ery at proper time ot inform problem to the original sales people by 8roper ser$ice 8lace anpower Branding 8romotion #romotion :integrated Marketing 6omm4ni6ation;$
R2L was doing ame 8romotion for all prodcts. !or an e,ample/ diesel generator' 2 lighting and power rental. Abo$e the line -hrogh the line Below the line ,9o7e the line
Bill 9oard
#ress add ,dd /esign for 9ill 9oard #ro6ess of press ad7ertising$
esign de$eloped by R2L with agency Rate *fi,ed+Qon behalf of R2L negotiation with news paper by Agency a+
?hich paper
#age nmber
?hat size
Sotation send by add agency Hor( order send by R2L 8ayment 'hapter fo4r Branding +.1 Brand$ A name' term' sign' symbol' or design' or a combination of them intended to identify
the goods and ser$ices of one seller or a grop of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. Brand elements' sometimes called brand identities' are those trademar( able de$ices that ser$e to identify and differentiate the brand. -he main brand elements are brand names' logos' symbols' characters' slogans' ingles' and pac(ages. Brand element choice criteria/ 1.M"MOR,BL"
2asily recognized/ it is easy to recognize becase this is already a establish brand *general electric+ 2asily recalled/ easy to recall also %. M",NINGF*L
!n and interesting Rich $isal and $erbal imagery ). #RO"',BL"
Legally Competiti$ely +. ,/,#,BL"
!le,ible 6pdatable
Hithin and across prodct categories Across geographical bondaries and cltres he 4ality parameter$
Sality 8erformance
Conformance ality
tyle and design
+.% Steps of 9rand 94ilding ,RG" M,RH" O!"R (,RI,BL"S (,L*" INNO(,ION (,L*" #RI'ING (,L*" /"LI("R(,L*" #RO#OSIION Brand "lements S"#S IN B*IL/ING BR,N/ #rod46t "ngineering 'reating /ifferentiation Fi7e /imensional Branding ?in ?in
Sit4ation 'ost="ffe6ti7e /istri94tion #osition the 9rand in the mind of the prospe6t 'reate a2arenessC identity of nameC sym9olCpersonality #osition the 9rand to differentiate from others 'reate 9rand image 'reate tr4st in the minds of 64stomers prospe6ts and other stakeholders 9y maintaining 6onsisten6y and /"L
BR,N/ "8*I-
Bild awareness to the mind of the prospect. a+
Branded $ehicle
All -ransportation of 2 will co$ered by the 2 stic(ers
ales man will bild awareness to the dealer
-ell detail abot the brand li(e 2
8ro$ide 2 -&shirt to all sales people
+.) "5perien6e 2heel of Rahimafrooz 'hapter Fi7e S4pply 6hain
.1 F4n6tion of #hysi6al distri94tion$ In7entory 6ontrol
%ow mch to orderO
Hhen to orderO
Begn bari
Material handling
aintain the ality of storage
o$ing right goods at the right time to ma(e them a$ailable to the right cstomer.
'hannel str46t4re$
#ndirect #ntermediary *R2L+ anfactrer 2nd ser Le7el of intensities$
istribtion from single otlet *R2L+ 2,clsi$e
?are ho4se entry pro6ess$
1. ;.
ormal entry Harranty entry
A+ ormal entry Qwhich come from direct principle 2ntry new prodcts LKC nmber Abot prodct part nmber and serial nmber #npt to the e,cel sheet 7ept in store eli$ery B+ Harranty entry 2ntry efecti$e prodcts atch with the prodct part nmber and serial nmber #npt to the e,cel sheet !or efecti$e prodcts (ept in storeQ for physical e$idence eli$ery '4rrent pro6ess :re=pla6ement flo2;$
.% arget market $
-he target mar(et is grop of cstomer to whom the company aims its mar(eting effort. -he target mar(et of the RBL is atomobile sers and indstries telecommnication' power station' railway system' electric $ehicle' for(lift' ship boy lighting and solar power system and hosehold for #8 and 68 battery. targeting board grops of byers within a specific prodctKmar(et' sch as atomobiles. Consider for e,ample' the global mar(et for atomobiles. #n ;00< the sales of the Che$rolet #mpala model where 1.5 million nits' #n ;005 the sale corolla best selling model has sales of abot <00'000 nit .considering atomobile mar(et RBL segmented their mar(ets and de$elop prodct li(e locs. -he fragmentation of needs and want in mar(et is creating sbgrops of byers of byers within the total mar(et' each displaying different cstomer satisfaction reirements. sch differention pro$ides and opportnity for bsiness to design prodct offerings to meet the needs of cstomer indifferent mar(et segment. -argeting all people and also organization in a mar(et is not a typical strategy for RBL. instead' many target one or more segment within the total mar(et. eciding what people to target is a critically important strategic decision. '4stomer fo64s
Rbl are focsing on cstomer. getting to close to cstomer Rahimafrooz associates directly with distribtion' retailers and also byers to (now what dri$es cstomer satisfaction' identify cstomer needs' and se those needs to target mar(et where the bsiness can achie$e a sstainable and significant competiti$e ad$antage in this field. RBL nderstand cstomer preferences and reirement and offerings sperior $ale
RBL de$eloped a centralized cstomer feedbac( and ery sell total commitment to cstomer satisfaction ?is one is of their $ales. listening to what cstomer say in continal systematic way is a (ey tool to comprehend their needs and reirement and to satisfy them a achie$ement e,cellence in their prodct and ser$ice accordingly. All indi$idals of Rahimafrooz rop interact with cstomers and members of the pblic e$eryday and do hear' recei$e' or learn abot their comments' complaints' $iews' etc on the prodcts' ser$ices' and dealings of the company A systematic and organized way of managing these feedbac(s and eries will srely strengthen their total commitment to cstomer satisfaction. Strategi6 #oli6ies Inno7ati7e$ RBL always find creati$e means to achie$e their desired reslts' while bilding on the
e,periences of others. Leaders $ RBL aggressi$ely in the forefront of economic de$elopment for their target mar(ets others will
se their sccess to measre own. Rene2als and Gro2th$ RBL focs or efforts and incorporate $ales into actions that contribte to a positi$e'
effecti$e and sstainable economic transformation in the Region. "nterprising #eople$ RBL find' embrace and spport the efforts of cstomers' sppliers and
employees who are moti$ated to nderta(e new or ris(y paths that reslt in personal and company growth. "nterprising B4sinesses: RBL attract and engage companies willing to change and ta(e ris( to achie$e sstainable
growth' thereby pro$iding increased employment and wealth to the Region. he Region$ RBL will ser$e the broad geographic area rather than Bangladesh. Strategies
Bild a spport system that will enable the sccessfl e,ection of resorces to inno$ate sperior prodcts. e$elop prodction process based on the strategic plan implementation reirements e$elop cross&fnctional team to spport implementation of the strategic plan. e$elop a performance measres tool
e$elop a process for continal feedbac( on
progress from the mar(et and periodic
assessment and re$ision of their mar(eting strategy and plans. .) !o2 RBL Be6ome Market Leader 1.li7e the 7al4es Integrity
%onest' fair and impartial to all. : e. g. deli$ering on promises to e,ternal and internal cstomers. "56ellen6e
elf discipline' personal responsibility' o$erall commitment e.g.
-a(ing personal
responsibility for deli$ering the reslts as planned. e.g. *b+ !inding and implementing new or impro$ed soltion. otal '4stomer satisfa6tion
-his applies to both internal and e,ternal cstomers' and mst flly satisfy both. -his means those nderstanding their e,pectations' and matching to or resorcesKcapabilities. aking ne2 initiati7es
!inding and implementing new ways of sol$ing or impro$ing isses %.R"S*L ORI"N"/
Achie$ing targets' ta(ing correcti$e action' gi$ing feedbac(. ). ",M B*IL/"R
2mpathic' Compassionate . e.g. *a+ Recepti$e to ideas' complaints' feedbac( of others and adding positi$e sggestions *b+ Acti$ely coaching team members for their de$elopment. +. R"'"#I(" O '!,NG"
2.g. deri$ing ma,imm
benefit from the new style of spporti$e training programs
rather than the pre$ios directi$e style of training. . (ISION,R-
Recognizing the alities ) s(ills reired to aspire to the companyFs $ision e.g. Constantly benchmar(ing themsel$es to flfill aspirations. 0."NR"#R"N"*RI,L
8roacti$e' ris(&ta(ing' elf&starter' inno$ati$e' confident e.g. Constantly stri$e to impro$e (nowledge of company. .+ S?O ,N,L-SIS OF RBL
According to the stdy if the organization strengths' wea(nesses' >pportnities and -hreats *H>-+ analysis of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd is described bellow Strengths$
2,cellent cycling ability high reliability and e,ceptionally long life Large electrolyte reser$oir high tolerance to water loss and minimal maintenance %igh charging efficiency Low self discharge' dry pre&charged plates %igh rate of discharge performance %igh resistance to ad$erse mechanical and electrical condition ?eaknesses$
2,pensi$e than other competitorsF brand Low self discharge Opport4nities$
2$oltion into a ?8lg&in %ybrid@ with higher capacity batteries and a dri$e train designed to operate for e,tended periods in electric&only mode. spread into other mar(et sectors #ncreasing awareness of en$ironmental isses li(ely to (eep demand high. licensing of technology to other manfactrers hreats
#ncreasing lobal Competition Low price batteries offered by China #ncreasing raw materials price 'hapter Si5 Findings #rod46t Basis Market Share$
Rahimafrooz Battery Ltd
;3 !eb ;011 J Bangladesh now has a battery mar(et of 0. million nits worth -( 5.0 billion a year andRahimafrooz has 35 per cent market share. RahimafroozKs Glo9att hits Lo6al Market
?He e,ported 0. million batteries in the last two years with lobatt ha$ing 0 per cent share of the total nits. r. oin said at present there is a demand of "00 million batteries worldwide while Rahimafrooz e,ports 0.5 million nits a year. B4siness /omains
-his section describes Rahimafrooz ropFs bsinesses according to the for broad segments that its companies operate in.
Storage #o2er$ Rahimafrooz rop is the largest manfactrer and e,porter of atomoti$e
and indstrial batteries in Bangladesh and has the largest battery e,port plant in oth Asia. ,4tomoti7e
and "le6troni6s$ Rahimafrooz
rop mar(ets and distribtes $arios
atomoti$e after&mar(et prodcts sch as atomoti$e batteries' tyres and lbricant as well as electronics ranging from home appliances' power bac(p systems' lighting prodcts' and electrical accessories. -he rop is also one of the leading complete C soltion pro$iders in the contry. "nergy$ Rahimafrooz rop has a significant presence in the energy sector of Bangladesh
and offers a wide range of renewable and con$entional energy soltions. Retail$ Rahimafrooz rop introdced the first retail chain of sperstores in Bangladesh and
has played a maor role in redefining e$eryday shopping. After gathering information # can draw the following findings/ As it is fond that a$erage 35M of mar(et share is obtained by RBL. ost of the dealers claim that they recei$e their order' bt it is not in ordering period. Cent percent dealersF claims that they are dissatisfied with the prodcts of RBL. -he Rahimafrooz rop has more than 10 e,clsi$e otlets. BangladeshFs largest manfactrerWdistribtor of atomoti$e and indstrial 9atteries. Bangladesh&based Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd *RBL+ e,pects #ndia operations to contribte 10 per cent to the companyFs global re$enes by ;01<. Rahimafrooz #8 ) 68 are best in contry. RBL is the first prodcer of indstrial battery. #t is a leading name in the diesel generator indstry ha$ing a cstomer base of nearly 900. RR2L is also the pioneer in pro$iding solar&hybrid soltions for -elecom >peratorsF B- towers and solar powered irrigation systems in Bangladesh. (illed and well&trained team to ensre ality wor(manship 2,cellent after sales ser$ice. Rahimafrooz C Ltd. *RAC+ is one of the leading complete C soltion pro$iders in the contry 'hapter Se7en Re6ommendation
er$ice engineers are not identifying the specific problem. 2$ery time new ser$ice engineer was coming and telling cstomer abot new problem. ifferent ser$ice engineers are sending for same problem. cstomer become dissatisfied and for this reason sell will be declined in ftre
toc( ot problem ot deli$ery at proper time ot inform problem to the original sales people by 8roper ser$ice 8lace anpower Branding 8romotion If 6ompany sol7es these pro9lems then it 2ill gro2 faster. 'on6l4sion
o bsiness stays at the top if it doesnFt maintain its performance. -hs it is $ery important to flfill the demand of the consmers throgh competiti$e ad$antage. -his stdy has gone throgh different stages to identify the relations of mar(eting tools that can affect significantly the mar(et share of RahimafroozFs prodct. oing throgh' RahimafroozFs prodct also identifies different acti$ities of the competitors becase there are also players who ha$e special interest are their mar(et share in the same mar(et. -imeliness of the data is $ery important. # want to mention that here # learned how to wor( in professional en$ironment with challenges in the real de$elopment world' how to impro$e coding and design technies and how to cope with different wor(ing -hroghot the whole de$elopment process. # got the chance to implement my theoretical (nowledge of mar(eting that # learnt o$er last " years from my respected faclty members of AA 6ni$ersity of Bangladesh. ot only that' throgh report writing # got to (now how to compose professional and formal reports for any proect or research wor(s. # ha$e ta(en total mar(eting strategy of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited. -hrogh this # ha$e tried to gi$e an actal scenario of ar(eting trategy.