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Anglo-Eastern Group Doc Doc No. No.:: MSM MSM 09.0 09.03 3 S*ip +&pe: All S*ips
Revi Revisi sion on Date Date:: 1515-c ctt-!0 !009 09
General Third Officer shall understudy Chief Officer for cargo operations and Second Officer for Navigational duties. He shall be responsible responsible to the Master Master for all aspects aspects of his responsibil responsibilitie ities s described here. At Sea, Third Officer shall keep !"# navigational navigational $atch, or as decided by the Master.
Sa/et& Euipent The Third Officer shall be responsible for% •
The inspection, and &aintenance of all safety, life saving and fire fighting e'uip&ent on deck, under the supervision of the Chief Officer. Maintaining (SA and ))A &aintenance records up to date and keep Master and Chief Officer infor&ed of any shore inspection or service due. Maintaini Maintaining ng &uster &uster lists, lists, (SA and )ire training training &anuals &anuals up to date and correctly disposed
Navigation Third Officer shall be responsible for% •
• •
Maintena Maintenance, nce, sto$age and labeling labeling of all flags, flags, signalin signaling g apparat apparatus us and shapes. Correction of list of lights and *adio Signals. Assisting Second Officer in the correction and &aintenance &aintenance of charts and nautical publications. Maintena Maintenance nce and upkeep upkeep of all &eteorol &eteorologic ogical al instru&e instru&ents nts and reports. reports.
#argo an$ %allast The Third Officer shall be responsible for% • •
Assisting the the Chief Officer Officer in all all cargo and and ballast ballast operations. operations. Maintaining port $atches as decided by Master and Chief Officer.
A$inistration an$ Recor$ (eeping The Third Officer shall be responsible for% •
+reparing schedule of training and drills under Chief Officers guidance and &aintain a record of all drills and training sessions.
Anglo-Eastern Group Doc No.: MSM 09.03 S*ip +&pe: All S*ips • • • • • •
Revision Date: 15-ct-!009
Revision No.: " #reate$ %&: '(#
Approve$ %&: M)
Assisting Second Officer in &edical responsibilities. Assisting in docking - undocking operations under Masters directions. The preparation of port papers in consultation $ith the Master. Maintain inventory of bonded stores. +reparing &onthly bond accounts. nsuring that personnel $orking under hi& co&ply $ith safety and environ&ent protection procedures. *evie$ing and rene$ing notices and procedures posted on the bridge and the acco&&odation /e0cluding &achinery space1.