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If you seraching jobs in sap abap so its right place for you you can learn new thing here and ticsk to how to cath the intervew and carcFull description
Basis Question and Answers
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Top Interview QuestionFull description 1. Go through VLSI book from beginning to the end 2. If possible solve all the problems at the end of the chapter 3. Most basic question is draw di...
1. Which R/3 System user is used for starting external programs using SAP background jobs? a. DDIC b. SAP* c. SAPR3 d. SAPCPIC e. adm 2. Name the R/3 System transaction used for monitoring spool requests. a. SM50 b. SM51 c. SPAD d. SP01 e. SM37 This one to put a bit of light on background processing 3. What would you do with a heavy program which blocks the system resources? Run it in background. 4. What is a background processing batch scheduler? It is a process which runs as defined by the parameter rdisp/btctime to check the scheduled background jobs and to execute them. The parameter defines the delay between two runs which means that a job start can delay at the most for that much time, if all necessary resources are free. 5. What would you do to test the background processing consistencies and options in the server? Run Tcode SM65 - Analysis Tool and select the relevant options. 6. What are the two files that are created (at OS level)when you create a Request? Data file in /usr/sap/trans/data and cofile in /usr/sap/trans/cofiles. 7. Your network Admin did a mistake and assigned the database instance and central instance the same IP Address, so what will happen when you start SAP instance. An IP address conflict will create havoc on the network. In this case, DB might start but the CI instance will not be able to connect to DB. 8. How do you automate the STMS? Schedule the abap program TMS_BCI_START_SERVICE in required interval 9. You go to su01 and you do not see create user option what does it mean? The system you logged on is child system 10. All the users in J2EE are locked what will you do?
Unlock user sap* through config tool and then login in to visual admin and unlock the users. Go to Configtool Global Server Configuration Services Global Properties ume.superadmin.activated. Set the custom Value to true and save it. This will enable the super user SAP*. Go to ume.superadmin.password property and set the password. This password will be for SAP* user. Now restart the server and login using SAP* user and defined password. 11. How do you create a reporting Authorization object in BW? T-code RSSM 12. Difference between license_Admin and usmm USMM has to be done in each and every system in your landscape, where as license_admin can be done from one central system, consolidate the users and then send to sap 13. how do you open up remote connections 14. How do you restart J2EE engine From SAP? SMICM-->ADMINISTRATION-->j2ee server 15. Difference between Config Tool and Visual Admin. 1. Config tool is offline whereas visual admin is on-line. 2. Config tool is designed to administrator cluster elements only while Visual admin is designed to administer whole cluster, Cluster nodes and all modules running in it. 3. Config tool can connect to local system only while Visual admin can connect to remote systems also. Config tool required server installed on local machine. 4. Config tool does not need user name and password while Visual admin required this. 5. Config tool can connect to down system while Visual Admin can connect to Up systems only. 6. Config tool connect to Server and DB directly and scans for properties while visual administrator connect to running server and get the properties from there. 7. Config tool is used to administer various parameter of system while Visual Administrator administers all the running services. 8. Config tool can config JAVA VM properties also but Visual Administrator cannot. 9. Config tool is XML Based while Visual administrator is JAVA based; require JVM installed in order to run. 16. What are the .sca files and their importance? .sca stands for SAP Component Archive. .sda for SAP deployed Archive These two are same and used to deploy the java components, patches and other java developments in the form of .sca, .sda, .war and .jar.