The water bottle business is characterized by a small number of very large firms and a large number of relatively small players with specific geographic niches. But all bottled water providers share the need for customer service. Lorry Water Supply i
This power point on Euro Disney has used different models of Service Marketing like Tangibility Spectrum, GAP Model etc to analyze the case on Euro Disney
Case study of On Time Delivery Service from Sales Force management book. McGraw Hill. 2016. Jonston & Marshall.
Case Study
Case Study Toyotoa
German University in Cairo Faculty of Management Technology Technology
Course Name
Compensation and Performance Management
Case 1
The Customer-Service Agent Prepared By:
Naglaa Ahmed Raouf Hamed (I !"-"!#"$
u!mitted To
Prof% r% Ahmed Amin
&% oes the the da' diar' diar' includ includee sufficient sufficient information information "es the provided #iary in this case does provide sufficient information to ena!le the process of $riting a %o! description& Nevertheless it is !etter to collect the data from different data sources 'other incum!ents()o!holders* supervisors* +,pertise and(or analysts- to ensure consistent* accurate* useful* and accepta!le data&
)% Identif' the specific information in the article that 'ou found useful
*o+ Identification Title . customer.service agent #epartment in $hich )o! is located . The customer.service department Num!er of people $ho hold )o! . /0 customer.service agents
*o+ Content
. . . .
#ealing $ith difficult people 2andling the !ucets of e.mail and intermittent phone calls from curious* addled and upset users& Fields !et$een 30 and 100 emails and half a do4en phone calls& Customer.service agents are the crucial lin !et$een the faceless 5e! site and the consumer& 6nd ho$ they deal $ith the pu!lic can mae or !rea a !usiness& . ome customer pro!lems re7uire research and deep digging to find the resolution . They have to ans$er routine 7uestions that generate stoc responses& . #o $hat the company calls 8trust and safety $or9: investigating fraud and looing for things on the site that is 8funy&9 . 5hen 2alf&com receives a complaint from a !uyer a!out a seller* it is Mr& yan;s )o! to contact !oth parties and mae sure there is no fraud occurring& . Trac do$n the details on transactions in the 2alf&com user data!ase& 6ctivities .
The customer.service department receives a!out 1*<00 to =*000 e.mails a day* of $hich nearly a third are complaints a!out transactions& The rest are mostly 7uestions a!out the goods and ho$ the site $ors . >ess than 1? of the site;s transactions re7uire customer service;s involvement& . Time to noc do$n some $alls& >ively human.resources $orer 6licia #iCiacco invites Mr& yan and his colleagues to pic up sledgehammers and noc through a $all at the end of the office& 2alf&com;s staff has dou!led in the past year* and the company is e,panding into ad)acent space in the old tire factory& Constraints on actions . .
. . . . . . . . .
6fter each purchase is made* the !uyer gets a chance to rate the seller;s performance on a scale from 1 to <@8poor9 to 8e,cellent&9 +very rating sellers collect is displayed along $ith their user name ne,t to su!se7uent items they list& %ust one negative rating can ruin a seller;s reputation* depending on ho$ many sales he or she has made overall& 2alf&com;s policy is that if a !uyer hasn;t received an item $ithin /0 days of the purchase* he or she can lodge an official complaint& 2alf&com !elieves that help !eyond the re7uirements of its o$n rules* separates its customer.service approach from that of other companies& Communications $ith customers should have a consistent and pleasant tone 5hat the company learned* is that 8customers don;t mind if you tae a little more time to ans$er their specific 7uestion&9 Anstead of )ust firing off e.mails* 2alf&com sees it as important to personali4e each message& +ven $ith the personali4ation* 2alf&com says it responds to most messages $ithin = hours& +.mail messages should conform to the 8grandmother rule*9 +ach message should 8mae sense to my grandmother&9 Af it doesn;t* 8then $e are not heading in the right direction&9 5hen an official complaint has !een lodged the other party has five days in $hich to respond&
The site is supposed to list all ne$ !oos from ma)or pu!lishers* even if no one is selling them& That $ay* if a user is interested* he or she can put it on a $ish list and the site $ill automatically e.mail him or her $hen a copy has !een posted for sale& . 2alf&com prefers to conduct customer service on e.mail* to eep its costs do$n* it doesn;t display its phone num!er on its 5e! site& . An the event that the seller disputes the !uyer;s claim a!out the tape* 2alf&com is still liely to grant a refund* especially on ine,pensive items& . 2alf&com maes it clear* that its customer.service team eeps a close $atch on users; complaints* looing out for fraudulent refund re7uests& . Af 2alf&com suspects foul play* it doesn;t grant refunds so easily& Performance criteria . . .
The calls are the most stressful At usually taes a!out an hour to get through 10 messages. 8Customers don;t mind if you tae a little more time to ans$er their specific 7uestion&9 Anstead of )ust firing off e.mails& . Communications $ith customers should have a consistent and pleasant tone& . +.mail messages should conform to the 8grandmother rule*9 . Customer.service team eeps a close $atch on users; complaints* looing out for fraudulent refund re7uests& Critical incidents .
There has !een virtually no turnover in customer service since the company !egan a year and a half ago& . 2alf&com $ouldn;t discuss salaries& But Mr& yan and his colleagues* $ho are split into t$o shifts covering a&m& to midnight* seven days a $ee* say they;re satisfied $ith their $ages* $hich include 7uarterly !onuses& . 6 !uyer $ho purchased the video game 8T$isted Metal AA9 t$o months ago !ut never received it $rites to than 2alf&com for 8hounding9 the seller to send him the item& But he $ants a refund& . 6 user $ho can;t find the ne$ tephen Ding novel* 8#reamcatcher*9 on 2alf&com& The site is supposed to list all ne$ !oos from ma)or pu!lishers* even if no one is selling them& That $ay* if a user is interested* he or she can put it on a $ish list and the site $ill automatically e.mail him or her $hen a copy has !een posted for sale Conflicting demands . .
2andling the !ucets of e.mail and intermittent phone calls from curious* addled and upset users& 5hen 2alf&com receives a complaint from a !uyer a!out a seller* it is Mr& yan;s )o! to contact !oth parties and mae sure there is no fraud occurring& 5oring conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Customer.service agents are split into t$o shifts covering a&m& to midnight* seven days a $ee& 6 short drive from his home& The company is a single.story gray !uilding* $hich is a former tire factory in a colonial.era industrial to$n on the outsirts of Philadelphia The office has an open feel $ith tall ceilings& $ors in a lo$.slung* !lac cu!icle to$ard the !ac of the office The atmosphere at 2alf&com is decidedly young and casual& E:/0 6M* it;s time for a coffee !rea The itchen* $hich is )ust do$n the hall& The itchen is a $ell.lit room* stoced $ith free cappuccino* )uice* soda* fruit* cereal* cooies and other munchies& The cafeteria also dou!les as a lounge $ith a satellite television playing +PN* a Foos!all ta!le and a Ping.Pong ta!le& &",&" AM Bathroom !rea& &",)# AM nac time. +nergetic& 8At;s e,citing to $or here*9 he says& &),&" PM >unch it;s tough to $or at a des ! PM Bathroom !rea
. PM The day is done oles . .
Customer.ervice agent handling the !ucets of e.mail and intermittent phone calls from curious* addled and upset users& 2e also does $hat the company calls 8trust and safety $or9: investigating fraud and looing for things on the site that are 8funy&9
.mplo'ee Characteristics
Professional(technical no$ledge .
Trac do$n the details on transactions in the 2alf&com user data!ase
Manual sills
. %eans are the uniform . 2e $ears a $ell.groomed goatee and small round glasses* and sits up straight at his des er!al sills . . .
n a typical day fields !et$een 30 and 100 emails and half a do4en phone calls& The calls are the most stressful emains calm* calling on sills he learned in a seminar called 8#ealing $ith #ifficult People&9 An the class* $hich he too !efore coming to 2alf&com* he learned to paraphrase $hat the customer is saying to mae sure he understands the complaint& 5ritten sills . .
Taes a!out an hour to get through 10 messages. 2e doesn;t find the e.mails tedious& 8There is such a variety of a topic to respond to*9 he says& 8A never get <0 of the same 7uestions in a ro$9& . 2e then tacs onto the end of the e.mail a salutation that he dra$s from a list of suggested message closers provided !y 2alf&com& The list* the company says* maes it easier for the agents to $rite so many e.mails& Huantitative sills .
Mechanical sills .
Trac do$n the details on transactions in the 2alf&com user data!ase Not re7uired
Conceptual sills .
8Customers don;t mind if you tae a little more time to ans$er their specific 7uestion&9 Anstead of )ust firing off e.mails* Managerial sills .
>eadership sills .
Not mentioned Not mentioned
Anterpersonal sills . . .
emains calm and to paraphrase $hat the customer is saying to mae sure he understands the complaint& Taes care to spea clearly $ith a strong sense of empathy& preface it $ith a heartfelt
Internal Relationships
Boss I other superiors .
Peers . .
Not mentioned
Customer.service agents are split into t$o shifts covering a&m& to midnight 6 ne$ shift of $orers pics up $here Mr& yan left off* toiling from p&m& to 1= a&m& 5hen they finish* the customer.service staff in eBay;s facility in alt >ae City $ill tae over& u!ordinates
Not mentioned
./ternal Relationships
5hen 2alf&com receives a complaint from a !uyer a!out a seller* it is Mr& yan;s )o! to contact !oth parties and mae sure there is no fraud occurring& . 6fter each purchase is made* the !uyer gets a chance to rate the seller;s performance on a scale from 1 to <@8poor9 to 8e,cellent&9 . +very rating sellers collect is displayed along $ith their user name ne,t to su!se7uent items they list& %ust one negative rating can ruin a seller;s reputation* depending on ho$ many sales he or she has made overall& Customers . .
#ealing $ith difficult people 2andling the !ucets of e.mail and intermittent phone calls from curious* addled and upset users&
. 2e started $ith 2alf&com last 6ugust* $hich maes him something of an old.timer& Professional(Andustry
. . .
2alf&com* an online maretplace o$ned !y eBay& >ie eBay* 2alf&com attempts to match !uyers and sellers in a vast flea maret featuring millions of products ranging from trading cards to camcorders& But unlie eBay* there;s no !idding& 2alf&com lists items only at fi,ed prices& there;s no $ay for !uyers and sellers to interact directly !uyers use their credit cards or checing accounts to pay 2alf&com
Community .
Mr& yan eats up the office energy& 8At;s e,citing to $or here*9 he says& 85e;re gro$ing& 5e had the second launch of the site& J2alf&com e,panded its product line in 6prilK& 5e;re doing construction& At;s good to come to $or $hen the company is doing $ell&9 Union(+mployee Groups .
6 ne$ shift of $orers pics up $here Mr& yan left off* toiling from p&m& to 1= a&m& 5hen they finish* the customer.service staff in eBay;s facility in alt >ae City $ill tae over&
!% 0hat additional information do 'ou re1uire Ho2 2ould that information help 'ou No additional information is re7uired
% 0hat are some of the relational returns of the 3o+ . . .
+nergetic and e,citing $oring atmosphere satisfying $ages* $hich include 7uarterly !onuses +mployee security* as there $as no turnover in customer service since the company !egan a year and a half ago&
*o+ description,
*o+ Title, L Customer.ervice agent L *o+ Summar', #eals $ith customers !y email and through phone calls to handle customer in7uiries and complaints& • !tain all information from the customer and acts as a middleman on !ehalf of 2alf&com* !et$een the •
sellers and the !uyers to settle all disputes* in7uiries and complaints& Relationships, 5ill have and maintain $oring relationships $ith other Customer ervice 6gents on different shift •
schedules* as $ell as agents off sight in the alt >ae City customer service location& This )o! has only self.supervisory responsi!ilities& 4ualifications, 2igh school graduate • Prior e,perience in the customer service field preferred& 2ave a good grasp of the follo$ing sill set:
. . . -
trong customer service orientation& Communication sills* ver!al and $ritten& Pro!lem identification and effective pro!lem solving techni7ues& 6ccuracy and detail orientated& As patience* calm and speas clearly Dno$ledge of computer programs and operating systems such as email and $ord processing&
.ssential uties and Responsi+ilities, Must !e motivated and !e a!le to $or $ith limited supervision& Must have e,cellent computer sills& Must !e a!le to handle and prioriti4e assigned tass& espond to situations that arise !et$een !uyers and sellers* such as miscommunication !et$een the
parties involved in the transaction& Provide phone and $e! !ased assistance !y ans$ering 7uestions and resolving occasional disputes as
needed& Anvestigate allegations of fraud that are attempted to !e conducted !y sellers on the auction sight& Must !e a!le to $or in a team environment&