BUILDI ING TECHNOLOGY and a METH HOD OF CO ONSTRUCT TION W is type e of Roofin ng Tile with h S-Shaped d, what typ pe – ans. PANTILE 1. What 2. What W suppo ort you nee ed to suppo ort Super S Structure – ans. GRADE BEAM 3. What W is Ballloon Frame e and wherre did usua ally used – ans. CHEC CK BOOK ni Francis D.K Ching T is the distance d off lockset, what w do you u call – anss. BACKSET T 4. This 5. Where W Wrou ught Iron to t be used – STAIR R RAILING, MAIN GATE,, etc. etc 6. Vernacular V terms t in co onstruction n – VACIAD DA yong lum mabas noo ong nag ex xam ako W is the standard size s of Scaffolding – BROWSE B BROWSE sa a mga 7. What Constructio C n Site at Brochures 8. Sabi S sa Que estionnaires identify which w is BE EAM BLOCK K 9. In n Utility Ma aterials – What W is PUL LL BOX – b browse, bro owse, and browse 10.S SOLDER AN ND SWEAT JOINTS – Ano A mga itto at saan madalas gamitin 11.K KINDS OF PAINT P DEFE ECTS ex. (BLISTERIN NG, ALLIGA ATRING, etc etc.) che eck nalang pon spelling pa asensiya na a kong ma y mali kong minsan… … TYPE NG MG GA JOINTS S – ito madalas lumala oard Exam – 5 12.T abas sa Architect Bo tiimes lumab bas sa amin ganitong g uri ng mg ga tanong ((MGA WOO OD JOINT a as well w ex. SCA ARF JOINT, LAP JOINT) 13. What W is con nstruction Joint – che eck termino ologies sa book ni Ar. George Salvan S dam mi rin tinata anong nila roon. 14.W What is ISO OLATION JO OINT, EXPA ANSION JO OINT – BRO OWSE BROW WSE kaya nga sabi ng mga a natuturua an ko makipag close raw kayo k kay Francis s D.K Ching at Architect A Ge eorge Salva an dame alam niyon.. 15.D Description ng PEBBLE E WASH OU UT 16.W What is ABR RASIVES MATERIALS M 17.H How do you u place SQU UARING CO ORNER – a ns. 3,4,5 18.W What is BRIICK BOND – yong mg ga pattern rin ng Brick importan nte alam na atin from wall u 19.T This is brick k or stone projecting p usually to ssupport a w weight – pwede rin ittong tanong na ito sa a History off Architectu ure – Ans. CORBEL 20.PVC TILE trims – may tinanong rito yong p profile ng tiile trims 21.PART OF TILE ROOFIN NG – ano yong sheath hing, underlayment, purlins, batten etc. etc 22.Id dentificatio on ng ROOF F FRAMING G – Gusset Plate mad dalas tinata anong ito ng PBoA – all-ttime favorite sabi ng mga oldiess Architect na nagpa practice sa a Pilipinas 23.W What is RID DGE TILES 24.W What is HIP P ROOF 25.W What is OGE EE ROOF 26.W What is FAÇ ÇADE – yes s Porch, Po ortico, Vera anda at kon ng ano ano o pa 27.T Type ng mg ga WINDOW W PROJECT TION (ex. B BAY WINDO OW at yong ORIEL WINDOW) W check c sa bo ook ni Ar. George G Sa lvan yong buiding m materials
Building Teechnology an nd Method of C Construction n (2017)
28.W What type of o window ginagamit sa Hospita al – ops Jan nuary SPLB BE 2016 lu umabas ito ong tanong na ito 29.W What type of o window naman kap pag nakapa ag design k kayo ng DE ETENTION BLDG. B – Ans. HIGH WINDOW W 30.B Best window w sa Fire Exit (Double e Hung Win ndow, Case ement, Aw wning and Sliding S Wind dow) 31.T Type of window subjec ct to decay y due to ex xposure to sunlight – Ans. SKYLIGHT S 32.W What is SPA ANDREL GL LASS – Che eck in the b book 33.W What is STA AINED GLA ASS – Check in the bo ook 34.T Type ng mg ga GLASS (Plate, ( Smo oke, Clear)) ang mga sample nitto, sa exam m namin luma abas rin ang tanong ano a raw typ pe ng Glasss ang less ang DISTORTIO D hh! N,,,,umhhh 35.W What is JAC CKBUILT MA ASONRY 36.C CONSTRUCT TION EQUIIPMENT – Sa S amin ex xam lumab bas yong im mage ng BA ACK HOE H ang yo ong 2011 SPLBE S naman ganito y yong tinanong yong g ginamit raw w doon sa Maguindanao Massacre which is th he PBoA latter to be co orrected da ahil n sa Pilipina as, currentt event lang ang motive na involve itong tragedic happen ya nila tina anong siguro yong ga anitong que estion. ng PBoA kay What is CRA ANE BUCKE ET 37.W 38.W What is LAT THE MACHIINE – sa mga Furnitu re ito ginagamit 39.M Machine use ed to make e Mouldings – Ans, RO OUTER, see the imag ge 40.T Type of BOL LTS and NU UTS – ito huwag h natin dami rin ng ini small ito kasi d lu umalabas nito n sa exam 41.W What is NAIIL POINT and NAIL HEAD 42.W What is CWN – Ans. COMMON C WIRE W NAIL 43.W What is ESC CUTCHEON N NAIL 44.W What is SCR REW HEAD ( see Brou uchere Also o) 45.W Wahat is TO OOTHLOCK K 46.FLAT HEAD 47.In n illustratio on given ID DENTIFY yo ong part ng g CORNICE ES 48.Y Yong PVC tile trimmerr – See mga illustratio on kaya mahalaga an ng browsing nito sa mga a reference book, etc etc. P BOARD B 49.PLYWOOD PARTICLE 50.W Wood Connection – Ve ery Important talaga ito as a Fu uture Archiitect 51.W What is HAU UNCHED TE ENON 52.W What is THR ROUGH TEN NON 53.W What is V-C CUT 54.W What is V-G GROOVE 55.D Difference between b PL LASTER, MO ORTAR, GR ROUT AND CEMENT 56.W What is AST TM 57.W What is PNS S 58.W What is Inte ermediate Grade Stee el Bar saan n ginagamiit anong prroject 59.W What is Stru uctural Gra ade Steel Bar B saan ginagamit att anong pro oject
Building Teechnology an nd Method of C Construction n (2017)
60.W What is High Steel Gra ade Steel Bar B saan giinaganit att anong prroject 61.T Type ng We eld connenttion mga Welding W Sym mbol 62. Type T ng mg ga door ve ery importa ante at yon ng Part. Halimbawa ng door clos ser 63.T Type ng doo or knobs pati yong pa art ng doorr (IRONMO ONGERY) 64.T Type of rooff gutter (m min. width, etc etc._) 65.T Type ng mg ga PVC, uPV VC especia ally yong m mga color co oding, etc. etc,,, mga a manufactur m e Name 66.T Type ng Lighting (Warrm White, Cool white , day light)) 67. LED, L CFL mga m Newly at Innovattive lighting g product – kaya nga a dapat kee en Observer O ka ayo sa pag browse ng g mga Build ding Produ ucts and Ma aterials 68.T Type ng mg ga Advertis sing Lightin ng like Neo n Ligh, etcc etc. 69. Type T ng mg ga CCTV – Burglar Sy ystem, Fire e Alarm, ettc etc. 70.M Minimum he eight, size ng stair yo ong Type a t Part imorrtante like Newel Pos st, Balustrade, B closed and d open stringers. Etc tec. N TAKE NOTE: ct Board Ex xam is easy y if you know what yo ng… do nott focusing on Architec ou are doin the things that eve en the PBo oA does nott comes ou ut their min nd to ask tthose questtions (outside e our subje ect matter)… Many Re eviewee faiiled in the exam beca ause they focusing g on the things (subje ect) outside the Sylla abus. a ng Mento or ko na Le egendary sa Martial A Art na si Brruce Lee na a: Sabi nga kill set wiithout pro oper Mind Set is jus st a Tool w without Ma astery of one “The Sk using itt”. me things rin r sa pagkuha ng Arc chitect Boa ard Exam,,,, marami k kasi not The sam focusing g on the su ubject mattter, not cla arity sa mg ga subject,, not consis stent sa pa ag review, pag sagot or sa pag prepare pa ara sa Exam m at yong iba yong s sinasabing (BAKASAKALI SYS STEM) see Memorandum Circula ar # 002-03-2017 ence betwe een Green Bauhaus o nline Revie ew Series tto other What is the differe Review Center is to t develop and improving your M Morale Asp pect at the same time e. Happy Reviewing! R
Building Teechnology an nd Method of C Construction n (2017)