FOURTH PERIODICAL EXAMINATION IN T.L.E. GRADE 7 (NAIL CARE) NAME:_________________________________ Year/Sec Year/Sec:________________ I. TRUE OR FALSE- Tell !e"!er "!e #$ll$%&' &a%l care "% are "r*e $r #ale+ 1. Discard emery board after use on one person. 2. It is okay if the electrical wirings of the foot spa machine aren’t dry and unprotected from accidental water spillage. 3. Never le back and forth! this would cause the nails to crack and split. ". #pply heavy pressure to the pumice stone so as not to cause sores$ open wounds and infection. %. #lways start with the course side of the foot le. &. In using the callous remover$ apply heavy pressure with a steady hand and 'uickly glide it over the callous. (. In using an orange wood stick$ it is held in the same manner as in writing with a pencil. ). Don’t use cuticle remover while working with a pusher to keep cuticle moist. *. # cuticle pusher is held in the same manner as in writing with a pencil. 1+. ,ick up the cuticle nipper by the handles and turn the cutting edges against you. II. Place "!e #$ll$%&' "$$l/,a"er%al/e*%,e&" acc$r%&' "$ %" cla%ca"%$& %& "!e c$l*,& '%0e& 1el$+ Nail -ardener leaching /oap Nail ,olish 0emover uticle 0emover ,umice /tone uticle Nipper #ssorted Nail ,olish leaching /oap /pa achine otion 4oot /pa /tool hairs ling 5rap allous 0emover 6imer uticle 7il 4oot /crub 4oot /pa /tool /terili8er en8alconium hloride
3. 4. 5. 6. .
3. 4. 5. 6. .
3. 4. 5. 6. .
3. 4. 5. 6. .
III. Ma"c! "!e $r %& c$l*,& A %"! %" ecr%"%$& %& c$l*,& 8 COLUMN A 1. lunula COLUMN 8 2. para9n 3. nger a. a beauty care service where curative ". hygiene minerals are present for beautication. %. free edge b. a 4rench word meaning
f. the science of maintaining good health and cleanliness g. is a limb of the human body and a type of digit$ an organ of manipulation and sensation found in the hands.
h. a wa>y white or colorless solid hydrocarbon mi>ture used to make candles$ lubricants$ and sealing materials. i. a nailcare term meaning to shape the edge of something ?. it is the overlapping epidermis found in the surface of the nail. It is the transparent skin.
ANS=ER >EYS TO 6 TH GRADING PERIODICAL TEST IN TLE GRADE 7 I. TRUE OR FALSE- Tell !e"!er "!e #$ll$%&' &a%l care "% are "r*e $r #ale+ 1. Discard emery board after use on one person. 6 TOOLS
3. ,umice /tone 4. 7range 5ood
MANICURE/PEDICURE MATERIALS 3. Nail ,olish 0emover 4. #ssorted Nail ,olish 5. uticle 0emover 6. uticle 7il . Nail -ardener
/tick 5. allous 0emover hloride 6. uticle Nipper 6. ling 5rap . 4oot 4ile . 4oot /crub 2. It is okay if the electrical wirings of the foot spa machine aren’t dry and unprotected from accidental water spillage. 4 3. Never le back and forth! this would cause the nails to crack and split. 6 ". #pply heavy pressure to the pumice stone so as not to cause sores$ open wounds and infection. 4 %. #lways start with the course side of the foot le. 6 &. In using the callous remover$ apply heavy pressure with a steady hand and 'uickly glide it over the callous. 4 (. In using an orange wood stick$ it is held in the same manner as in writing with a pencil. 6 ). Don’t use cuticle remover while working with a pusher to keep cuticle moist. 4 *. # cuticle pusher is held in the same manner as in writing with a pencil. 6 1+. ,ick up the cuticle nipper by the handles and turn the cutting edges against you. 4
II. Place "!e #$ll$%&' "$$l/,a"er%al/e*%,e&" acc$r%&' "$ %" cla%ca"%$& %& "!e c$l*,& '%0e& 1el$+
III. Ma"c! "!e $r %& c$l*,& A %"! %" ecr%"%$& %& c$l*,&