Eight Trigrams I Ching (Book of Changes) Eight Gates to the Greater World Research by Michael P. Garofalo Bibliography Notes Quotations Notes I General Attributions II Feng Shui Martial Arts I Ching Meanings Elements Other
General Attributions
Last Updated on February 20, 2011
© Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California, 2011 By Michael P. Garofalo, All Rights Reserved.
Eight Trigrams
I. General Attributions
Trigram Trigram Meaning Symbol Name
Chien Qián 乾
Heaven, Sky, South Air
Supreme Yang
Sun Xùn 巽
Young Yin
K'an 坎
Middle Yin
Ken Gèn 艮
Mature Yin
K'un Kūn 坤
Supreme Yin
Chen Zhèn 震
Young Yang
Li 離
Middle Yang
Tui Duì 兌
Lake Valley
Mid-Spring Mature Yang
II. General Attributions Trigram Eastern Symbol Cosmos
3 水
Five Elements 五行 Wǔxíng
Western Cosmos
Daily Cycle Annual Cycle
Will, Spirit Intutition Metal, Sky Wood Chien West Fire Noon Heaven White Tiger South 12 pm South Lung, Taste Youth 3pm Summer Father Midday Summer Full Moon
Sun Wind
K'an Water West Autumn
Wood East Blue Dragon Liver, Sight Oldest Sister
Water North Black Tortoise Kidney, Touch Second Daughter
Afternoon 3pm - 6 pm
Emotions Feelings Water, Cups Late Middle Age Afternoon Evening Sunset Waning 6 pm - 9pm Moon West Autumn
Earth Center Yellow Ken Dragon Mountain Spleen. Smell First Daughter K'un
June 21st September21st Summer Solstice Lithia
September 22nd December20th Autumnal Equinox
Evening 9pm - 12 pm
October 31st December 20th
December 21st -
7 火
Earth North Winter
Sensations Earth, Center Coins Yellow Old Age 12 am - 3 Dragon Night am Spleen, Smell New Moon Mother North Winter
Wood East Chen Blue Dragon Thunder Liver, Sight Oldest Brother
Early Morning Sunrise 3am - 6am
March 19th
February 2nd March19th Chinese New Year Imbolic
Li Fire Spring East
Mind Thinking Air Fire Metal, South Swords Red Phoenix Infancy Heart, Sound Dawn Second Son Crescent Moon Spring East
March 20th - June Morning 20th 6am - 9am Spring Equinox, Ostara
Tui Lake Valley Irrigated Field
Metal, Lake West White Tiger Lung, Taste First Son
MidMorning 9am 12pm
May 1st - June 20th Beltane
III. Martial Arts Attributions Trigram Eastern Symbol Cosmos
T'ai Chi Ch'uan
BaGua Zhang
Chien Heaven South Summer
Peng Wardoff Step Forward
Sun Wind
Cai Pulling Coming Move Back
K'an Water West Autumn
Ji Press Face Left
Ken Kao Mountain Shoulder
K'un Earth North Winter
Lu Roll Back Coming Centered
Lie Chen Splitting Coming Thunder Move Back
Li Fire Sprint East
An Push Coming Look Right
Tui Lake Valley Marsh Irrigated Field
Shou Elbow Strike Step Forward
IV. Eight Core Hexagrams I Ching Attributions Hexagram Number General Symbol Name Meaning
#1 Chien Khien Heaven
"Heaven creates, develops, brings about fruition and consummation. " [Ct1] "What is great and originating, penetrating, advantageous, correct and firm." [Lt2] Meanings: strength, creativity, ruling, originating, Yang, fathering.
# 57 Sun Wind
"Wind is small but developmental. It is beneficial to have somewhere to go. It is beneficial to see a great person." [Ct1] "There will be some little attainment and progress. There will be advantage in movement." [Lt2] Meanings: penetrating, gentleness. equaling, scattering.
#29 K'an Khan Pitfalls Water
"Mastering Pitfalls (Double Pitfall): In mastering pitfalls there is truthfulness; thus the mind develops. There is excellence in practice." [Ct1] "The possession of sincerity, through which the mind is penetrating. Action, in accordance with this, will be of high value." [Lt2] Meanings: withdrawal, abysmal, perilous, injuring, danger, adapt to diffiuclt circumstances, flow like water around obstacles.
"Stopping at the back, one does not have a body; walking in the garden, one # 52 does not see a person. No fault." [Ct1] Ken Meanings: stillness, calmness, resting, completing, Mountain undisturbed, inner stillness.
#2 K'un Khwan Earth
"With earth, creativity and development are achieved in the faithfulness of the female horse. The superior person has somewhere to go. Taking the lead, one goes astray; following, one finds the master. Stability in rectitude is good." [Ct1] "What is great and originating, penetrating, advantageous, correct and having the firmness of a mare. When the superior man has to make any movement, if he take the initiative, he will go astray; if he follow, he will find his proper lord." [Lt2] Meanings: receptivity, acceptance, nurturing, yielding, storing, devoting, mothering, Yin, endless productive potential.
"Thunder is developmental. When thunder comes, there is alarm, then laughter. Thunder startles for a hundred miles, but one does not loose spoon and wine." [Ct1] "Kan gives the intimation of ease and development. When the time of movement comes, the person will be found looking out with some apprehension, and yet smiling and #51 talking cheerfully. When the movement (like a crash of Chen thunder) terrifies all within a hundred li, he will be like the Kân Thunder sincere worshipper who is not startled into letting go of his ladle and cup of sacrificial spirits." [Lt2] Meanings: alertness, active, arousing, moving, inciting, producing, explosive and vibrational energy.
# 30 Li Fire
"Fire is beneficial for correctness and development. Raising a cow brings good fortune." [Ct1] "It will be advantageous to be firm and correct, and thus there will be a free course and success. Let its subject also nourish a docility of the cow, and there will be good fortune." [Lt2] Meanings: clinging, dependable, spreading, transforming the host, light.
# 58 Tui Joy
"Joy is developmental, beneficial if correct." [Ct1] "Shows the pleasure of inward harmony and sincerity, and in good fortune. " [Lt2] Meanings: joyful, thankful, playful, pleasuring, courting, rejoicing, pleasure, hidden in deep currents. Associated with freshwater in low areas: rivers through a valley, marshes, lakes, irrigation ditches and canals - a sight that will bring joy to any farmer's heart.
V. Taijiquan and Yoga Exercise Workout Cycle Exercise Energy Cycle Levels
Eight Brocades Qigong
Eight Rivers Qigong
1 Chen
2 Li
3 Tui
4 Chien
5 Sun
6 K'an
Warm-up Thunder over Earth
Turning the Bouncing on Thunderous Toes Prayer Wheel
Heat Building Springtime Punching Grasping the Gusto with Fire Dragon's Tail Starting the Angry Eyes Fire Energetic and Joyful Rivers Run Down to the Warm Valley Increase Circulation
Bending Down The Wild Geese Joyfully Return to and Bending the Lake in the Valley Back
Vigorous Summertime Fire in the Heavens Pure Yang
Lively Moving Following the Wind
Drawing the The Wind Moves Bow the Clouds
Salutation to the Stars
Cooling Down Holding Up Coming Slowing Down the Void Feel the Autumn Rain Calming Cooling
Separate Heaven
8 K'un
Pausing Rest on the Mountain Resting Relaxing Pure Yin Winter Snow on the Earth MG8
and Earth
Wise Owl
VI. Medical Attributions Trigram
Bodily Coming Associations
Coming Head Lungs Taste
Thighs Coming Liver Sight
Ears Coming Kidney Touch
Hands Coming Spleen Ken Smell Mountain
Belly Coming Spleen Smell
Chien Heaven South
Sun Wind
K'an Water West
K'un Earth North
Foot Coming Liver Chen Sight Thunder
Coming Eyes Heart Sound
Fire East
Tui Valley
Mouth Coming Lung Taste
VII. Other Attributions Trigram
Mountains Buddhism Rivers Zen Coming Eightfold Path Order
Chien Heaven South
Sun Wind
K'an Water West
Direct Qi Transmit Qi
Skillful Action
Right Action
Conserve Qi
Skillful Livelihood
Work Practice
Dissolve Qi
Skillful Effort
Body Practice
Transform Skillful Ken Qi Mindfulness Mountain
K'un Earth North
Store Qi
Skillful Liturgy Concentration
Discover Skillful Qi Zen Study Chen Understanding Gather Qi Thunder
Circulate Qi Li
Skillful Thinking
Academic Study
Fire East
Tui Valley
Purify Qi
Skillful Speech
Art Practice
VIII. Five Elements, Five Movements Trigram
Chien Heaven Sky Air East
Li Fire South
Element Bodily Attributes Associations
Liver Gall Bladder Eyes Tendons Muscles Nails, Nerves
Green Spring East Windy Sour
Heart Small Intenstine Tongue Blood Vessles
Red Summer South Hot Bitter
Spleen Stomach Mouth Flesh, Muscles
Yellow Late Summer Center Coming Damp Sweet
Lungs Large Intenstine Bladder Nose Skin, Hair
White Autumn West Dry Pungent
Kidney Bladder Ears Bones, Teeth Hair
Dark Blue Winter North Cold Salty
K'un Earth Earth Southwest
Ken Metal Mountain West
K'an Water North
Sacred Circle at the Valley Spirit C
Chart of Associations, Attributions, Elementals, Spirits, and Sy Eastern and Western Magicks
Valley Spirit Sacred Circle Symbolism
North Green Earth Winter Body Oaks
Northeast Lime Green Cypresses
Eastern Cosmos Trigrams
K'un Earth North Winter
Chen Thunder
Five Elements 五行 Wǔxíng
Western Cosmos Magick
Earth Center Yellow Dragon Spleen, Smell Mother Valley Spirit
Body, Flesh, Beings Sensations Touch Earth, Soil, Stone Birth and Death Night New Moon Pentacle, Coins North Winter Trees and Shrubs Salt Oak Trees
Wood East Blue Dragon Liver, Sight
Oldest Brother
East Yellow Air Spring Mind Spirit Olives
Southeast Orange Bottlebrush
South Red Fire Summer Will Action Bay Laurel
Southwest Purple Redwoods
Li Fire Spring East
Tui Lake Valley Irrigated Field
Chien Heaven South Summer
Sun Wind
Fire South Red Phoenix Heart, Sound Second Son
Mind Thinking Air Smell Metal, Swords Childhood and Youth Dawn Crescent Moon Spring East Incense, Bells Olives, Aspens
Metal, Lake West White Tiger Lung, Taste First Son
Metal, Sky West White Tiger Lung, Taste Father
Wood East Blue Dragon Liver, Sight Oldest Sister
Will, Spirit Intuition Wood Fire Sight South Adult and Middle Age Midday Summer Full Moon Staff, Stave Red Candle Almonds Walnuts
West Blue Water Autumn Emotions
K'an Water West Autumn
Water North Black Tortoise Kidney, Touch Second Daughter
Emotions, Blood Feelings Water, Cups Taste Middle and Old Age Evening Waning Moon West Autumn Cauldron, Chalice Willows, Laurels
Inner Entrance Northwest Turquoise Liquid Ambers
Center White
Ken Mountain
Tai Chi Grant Ultimate
Earth Center Yellow Dragon Spleen. Smell First Daughter
Wholeness Harmony Interdependence Individual Self Circle Web White - All Colors
Sacred Circle at the Valley Spirit C
Chart of Associations, Attributions, Elementals, Spirits, and Sy
Western Emphasis
Valley Spirit Sacred Circle Symbolism
Western Cosmos Magick
North Green Earth Winter Body Oaks
Body, Flesh, Beings Sensations Touch Earth, Soil, Stone Birth and Death Night New Moon Pentacle, Coins North Winter Trees and Shrubs Salt Oak Trees
Daily Cycle Human Age
Midnight 12 am - 3 am Conception to Birth to 10 Years Old: Babies, Childhood, and 90-100+ Years Old
10 to 20 Years Old
East Yellow Air Spring Mind Spirit Olives
Southeast Orange Bottlebrush
Mind Thinking Air Smell Metal, Swords Childhood and Youth Dawn Crescent Moon Spring East Incense, Bells Olives, Aspens
December 21st March 19th Yule New Year Christmas
Birth and Death
Early Morning Sunrise 3am - 6am
Northeast Lime Green Cypresses
Annual Cycle Neo-Pagan and Secular H Liturgical Rites
Morning 6am - 9am 20 to 30 Years Old Young Adults
February 2nd - March Imbolic Chinese New Year
March 20th - June 20 Spring Equinox, Osta Memorial Day
May 1st - June 20th Beltane Mid-Morning 9am - 12pm
30 to 40 Years Old
South Red Fire Summer Will Action Bay Laurel
Will, Spirit Intuition Wood Fire Sight South Adult and Middle Age Midday Summer Full Moon Staff, Stave Red Candle Almonds Walnuts
Noon 12 pm - 3pm 40 to 50 Years Old
June 21st - September Summer Solstice Lithia Labor Day
Afternoon 3pm - 6 pm
Southwest Purple Redwoods
50 to 60 Years Old
West Blue Water Autumn Emotions Evergreen Shrubs
Emotions, Blood Feelings Water, Cups Taste Middle and Old Age Evening Waning Moon West Autumn Cauldron, Chalice Willows, Laurels
60 to 70 Years Old Wise Elders
Evening 9pm - 12 pm
Northwest Turquoise Liquid Ambers
Late Afternoon Sunset 6 pm - 9pm
70 to 80+ Years Old Wise Elders
Wholeness Harmony
August 1st - September First Harvest Festiva Mid-Summer Harvest Fe Lughnasadh, Lamm Lithia Labor Day
September 22nd December 20th Autumnal Equinox Mabon
October 31st December 20th Halloween Samhain Thanksgiving
Year Annual Cycle A Human Life
Interdependence Individual Self Circle Web White - All Colors
Eight Trigrams and Hexagrams Charts
Links, Bibliography and Resources Bagua Daoyin: A Unique Branch of Daoist Learning - A Secret Skill of the Palace. By He Jinghan and David Alexander (Translator). Singing Dragon, 2008. 148 pages. ISBN: 1848190093. VSCLC. Ba Gua: Hidden Knowledge in the Taoist Internal Martial Art. By John Bracy and Liu Xing-Han. Consulting editors: Li Zhong-Quan and Liu Men-Gen, Beijing, China. Berkeley, California, North Atlantic Books, 1998. Index, bibliography, notes, 139 pages. ISBN: 1556432763. VSCLC. Ba Gua Zhang ( Pa Kua Chang): Bibliography, links, resources, quotes, and notes. The Eight Palms and circle walking internal martial arts. Baguazhang
Druid's Journey The Eight Gates of Zen: A Program of Zen Training. By John Daido Loori. Edited by Bonnie Myotai Treace and Konrad Ryushin Marchaj. Boston, Shambhala, 2002. 270 pages. ISBN: 1570629528. VSCLC. The Eight Ox Herding Pictures - A Chan/Zen Allegory Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness: Walking the Buddha's Path. By Bhante Henepola Gunaratana. Boston, Wisdom Publications, 2001. Index, bibliography, 268 pages. ISBN: 0861711769. A clear and insightful commentary on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. Refer also to the Eight Precepts. VSCLC. Eight Trigrams Chart
Feng Shui and Eight Trigrams Feng Shui: How to Apply the Secrets of Chinese Wisdom for Health, Wealth and Happiness. By Lillian Too. Barnes and Noble, 1996. ISBN: 0760703906. Five Elements 33Kb. Five Elements Attributions of Trigrams (VIII) Five Elements Information 23Kb. General Attributions of Trigrams (!) Trigram symbol, Chinese name, cardinal direction, season of the year, Yin and Yan designation in chart form. General Attributions of Trigrams (II) Trigram symbol, Chinese name and Eastern cosmos meaning, Five Elements attribution, Western magikal cosmos, time of the day, months and days of the year. Glossary of Hatha Yoga Postures
Hexagram Attributions of Eight Trigrams Combined (IV) Hexagram symbol, name, Eastern cosmos meaning. Qigong (Dao-yin) and Yoga Exercise Cycle and the Eight I Ching Trigrams (V) Exercise cycle definitions and sequences for the Eight Section Brocade Qigong and Eight Rivers Qigong. Internal Martial Arts and the Eight I Ching Trigrams (III) Trigram symbol, Eastern cosmos meaning, T'ai Chi Ch'uan actions, BaGua Zhang, Other. Pa Kua Chang (Ba Gua Zhang) Parkha 20Kb. Qigong (Chi Kung), Chinese Yoga Qigong Attributions of Trigrams (IV) Sacred Circles The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom. By Angeles Arrien. Sounds True, 2005. 208 pages. ISBN: 1591792525. The Spirit of Gardening T'ai Chi According to the I Ching: Embodying the Principles of the Book of Changes.
By Stuart Alve Olson. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions International Ltd., 2001. 224 pages. ISBN: 0892819448. VSCLC. Tai Chi Chuan Lun T'ai Chi Ch'uan T'ai Chi Ch'uan and the I Ching. By Liu, Da. Harper Collins, 1972. ISBN: 0060616679. The Tao of Meditation: Way to Enlightenment. By Jou, Tsung Hwa. Scottsdale, Arizona, Tai Chi Foundation, 1983, 2000. 176 pages. ISBN: 0804814651. The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan: Way to Rejuvenation. By Jou, Tsung Hwa. Edited by Shoshana Shapiro. Warwick, New York, Tai Chi Foundation, 1980. 263 pages. First Edition. ISBN: 0804813574. An excellent comprehensive textbook. A Third Edition is now available. VSCLC. Taoism: Bibliography, links, resources. All the books used to research this short study on hexagrams and Trigrams are also cited in Taoism. Trigrams - Feng Shui Institute Valley Spirit Taijiquan Red Bluff, California. VSCLC = Valley Spirit Taijiquan Library Collection Wudang Qigong Valley Spirit (Gu Shen) of the Tao Te Ching Walking the I Ching: The Linear Ba Gua of Gao Yi Sheng. By Allen Pittman. Berkeley, California, Blue Snake Books, 2008. 224 pages. ISBN: 1583942149. Good information on relating the concepts of the Ba Gua and I Ching to Chinese internal martial arts. VSCLC. "Wang Haijun on Eight Methods of Training Jin," by David Gaffney, T'ai Chi: The
International Magazine of T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Vol. 29, No. 4, August, 2005, pp. 5-10. Translation by Davidine Diaw-Voon Sim. Zen Buddhism
(Research by Mike Garofalo)
Ba Gua
Chaos Magick
Druid's Journey
Eight Celebrations
Eight of Wands
Flowers in the Sky
Four Elements
Green Man
Green Wizard
Nature Mysticism
Sacred Circles
Tree Lore
Trigrams I Ching
Vegetable Nirvana
Zhan Zhuang
Eight Trigrams Chart Notes, Comments, Chart References
Chinese Models of the Eight Trigrams Traditional Chinese Associations and Attributes for Eight Trigrams Traditional Taoist, Chinese Medicine, Qigong, Martial Arts Associations
CM4 Refer to my bibliography for the Green Wizard. I'm especially fond of: Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard. by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart; The Magician's Companion by Bill Witcomb; The Spiral Dance by Starhawk; and Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and other books by Scott Cunningham.
CM7 Regarding the relationship between Tai Chi Chuan and the I Ching (Book of Changes), please refer to the following books: The Dao of Taijiquan: Way to Rejuvenation. By Tsung Hwa Jou. Charles E. Tuttle, 1998. 3rd Edition. 233 pages. ISBN: 0804813574. An outstanding textbook on Tai Chi Chuan. All styles are introduced and explained. A very informative introduction to the
philosophy and practices of Tai Chi Chuan. T'ai Chi According to the I Ching: Embodying the Principles of the Book of Changes. By Stuart Alve Olson. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions International Ltd., 2001. 224 pages. ISBN: 0892819448. An unique and thorough study of this correlation. Excellent photographs. A 16 movement and 64 movement Yang style form, linked to the Book of Changes, are explained and described. T'ai Chi Ch'uan and the I Ching. By Da Liu. Harper Collins, 1972. ISBN: 0060616679.
CM11, CM12, CM13 Ct1 = The Taoist Classics. The collected translations of Thomas Cleary. Volume Four. (The Taoist I Ching and I Ching Mandalas). Boston, MA, Shambhala, 1986, 1989. Index, 436 pages. ISBN: 1570629080. Lt2 = The I Ching. Translated by James Legge in 1899. Sacred Books of the East Series, Volume 16.
CM21 The Healing Promise of Qi: Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through Qigong and Tai Chi. By Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.. Chicago, Contemporary Books, 2002. Index, notes, extensive recommended reading list, 316 pages. ISBN: 0809295288.
CM22 Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness: Walking the Buddha's Path. By Bhante Henepola Gunaratana. Boston, Wisdom Publications, 2001. Index, bibliography, 268 pages. ISBN: 0861711769. A clear and insightful commentary on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. Refer also to the Eight Precepts.
The Eight Gates of Zen: A Program of Zen Training. By John Daido Loori. Edited by Bonnie Myotai Treace and Konrad Ryushin Marchaj. Boston, Shambhala, 2002. 270 pages. ISBN: 1570629528. Eight Gates of Zen
CM26 The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing. By Kenneth S. Cohen. Foreword by Larry Dossey. New York Ballantine Books, 1997. Index, notes, appendices, 427 pages. ISBN: 0345421094. MGC. One of my favorite books: comprehensive, informative, practical, and scientific. The Essential Qigong Training Course. 100 Days to increase Energy, Physical Health, and Spiritual Well-Being. By Ken Cohen. Boulder, Colorado, Sounds True, 2005. Includes a 59 page weekly workbook, a Qigong DVD, 5 audio CDs, and one Qi Healing DVD. ISBN: 1591790905. MGC.
Michael P. Garofalo's
Models of the Eight Trigrams
MG1 "The above Eight Trigrams Chart schema was created by me based upon 1) my reading of qigong and Taoist literature, 2) my reading of books and magazine articles, and listening to media products about the Eight Section Brocade Qigong, 3) the "Before Heaven Arrangement" of the Eight Diagrams attributed to the mythical sage-ruler Fu Hsi, 4) my reading of Western esoteric and magical literature regarding practices of the Green Wizard, and 3) the notes I made while getting group or personal instruction from a qigong or taijiquan teacher in the Eight Section Brocade." - The Eight Section Brocade Qigong, By Michael P. Garofalo, April 2005, 305Kb.
MG2 A reader cannot help but notice that these associations are common amongst people living in the northern hemisphere, 35°North to 55°North latitudes. The annual cycle of the seasons of a year, the annual cycle of agricultural activities that are the foundations of every civilization, and the daily cycle of the daylight hours (i.e., warmth, work, seeing-thinking, activity, etc) and the nighttime hours (i.e., cooler, sleep, sensory withdrawal, dreams, rest, etc.) are part of the landscape of the Mind.
Eight Section Brocade Qigong By Michael P. Garofalo. 309Kb, April, 2005. Provides information about the history and purpose of this popular Chi Kung practice. Detailed descriptions are provided for each of the eight movements; including information on movement variations, health benefits, qigong meaning, and cautions. The document includes the most extensive bibliography, link guide, and comments on Ba Duan Jin Qigong resources available anywhere. Some animated graphics are provided in linked files. This document is updated as new information is discovered. This qigong set is the most popular set practiced around the world, and is also known as: Baduanjin, Pa Tuan Jin, Eight Silken Treasures, Ba Duan Jin, Pal Dan Gum, Ba Duan Gin, Pa Tin Kam, Otto Pezzi di Tesoro, Acht Delen Brokaat, Les Huit Exercices del la Soie, Eight Silken Treasures, Brocade Qigong, Wudang Brocade Qigong, Brocade soft qigong (Rou Gong), Eight Treasures inner qigong (Nei Gong), Silk Treasures Qigong, and the first eight Buddha Lohan Hands. The document is about 80 pages long.
Quotations, Sayings, Notes Models Based on Eight Elements Eightfold Paths
"The Eight Elements West 1. Consistent Exercise Energize through safe, results-oriented exercise. 2. Body Alignment Promote proper posture, spinal strength with flexibility, and body awareness. 3. Natural Nutrition Implement sound eating practices for life. 4. Sound Mind Embrace life obstacles with self-awareness, reflection, imagination and creativity. 5. Relaxation and Centering Cultivate and calm the bodymind connection everyday. 6. Community and Environment Surround yourself with trusted friends and family. Be kind to the Earth. 7. Individual Action Time is precious. Let change begin now, with you. 8. Heart of the Human Spirit Transform life through your heart, where true strength resides." - The Eight Elements West
"One of the best-known and most influential Neo-Confucian (Dao Xue, Study of the Dao) philosophers was Zhou Dun-Yi (1017-73 CE), creator of the famous tai chi diagram (Taiji tu, the yin-
yang symbol) and its accompanying commentary, which was based on his study of the "appendices" of the Yi Jing." - Andy James, The Spiritual Legacy of Shaolin Temple, p. 84
Notes I first posted the material found on this webpage in 2005. Since then, I have received many interesting comments via email from readers. Objections include: 1. The yin-yang elements need to be reversed with the black on top and the white on the bottom. What I presented represents an "evil" positioning of yin and yang, and is wrong. 2. The Post-Heaven rather than Pre-Heaven arrangements should be used. 3. The trigram order needs to be changed for various reasons. 4. There are not enough references to literature in Chinese. 5. More attention needs to be given to Feng Shui commentary. 5. The names and meanings of some of the trigrams are not correct. 6. Connections with Western meanings and symbolism is purely coincidental and meaningless. I have found a wide variety of interpretations of the trigrams in the English literature on the subject. There are differences in the diagrams, and differences in the order and meanings of the trigrams found in this literature. The same situation occurs with even more frequency in Tarot decks. I cannot speak, read, or write Chinese. At my advanced age, it is unlikely that I will ever acquire such scholarly skills. Therefore, I try to do the best I can in English, with the limited time available. I find circular patterns (i.e., sacred circles, labyrinths, bagua, spirals, spheres, etc) to be very interesting. Circular arrangements have a key place in the spiritual practices in my life. I am fascinated by the symbolic, artistic, religious, and psychological aspects of circular arrangements. Some use a cross or sword as the symbol of their religion; which, to me, represent fear, oppression, violence, torture, death, and the end. Others, like me, find a wheel (Buddhist Dharma Wheel), Tai Chi Tun Yin-Yang Circle (Taoist), or a sacred circle of trees (Nemeton) or stones (Labyrinth) more appealing to their spiritual sensibilities. The circle, for me, represents the cycle of the seasons, life cycles, recurrent possibilities, complexity, the union of complementary forces (e.g.,
female and male, winter and summer, yin and yang, Unity and Complexity, etc.), the Ring of Commitment, Eternal Returning, and the patterning and ordering of the cosmos. My prejudices and preferences are, therefore, reflected in my interpretations.
Feng Shui The Eight Trigrams are widely used in the practical applications of the Chinese art of geomancy, Feng Shui. The Bagua is a primary aspects of the theory of Feng Shui. A full discussion can be found in numerous books published in the last twenty years on the subject. A few of these books are listed in the bibliography provided above. Various charts are widely available that outline the Bagua correspondences used in Feng Shui. The following chart is similar to the one presented Lillian Too in her book Feng Shui, 1996, p. 81. The yin-yang circle in the center of the diagram is reversed in Ms. Too's chart. She explains Feng Shui in terms of the Form School and the Compass School.