G31. Engine Electronic %gnition $/ste" 4E00001-!P$E2P,18 4E00001-!P$E2P,18 - )3 - ocu" P+gina 1 de ,
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Product: GAS ENGINE Model: G3516 GAS ENGINE 4EK00342 Configurtion: G3516 Engine Electronic Ignition S!"te# 4EK00001$%P
Testing and Adjusting G3500 Engines Media Number -SENR6412-09
ub!i"ati#n $ate -01%0&%2012
$ate '(dated -15%0&%2012
Measuring Engine Oil Pressure SMCS - 1304-081
Table 1 Tools Needed 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group
An incorrect engine oil pressure gauge and an incorrect engine oil pressure sensor will provide false indications of low engine oil pressure or high engine oil pressure !se the 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group to "easure the engine oil pressure #ollow the instructions in $pecial %nstruction& $E'$8(0)& *!sing the 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group * that is included with the tool
Wor !are"ully around an engine t#at is running$ Engine %arts t#at are #ot& or %arts t#at are 'o(ing& !an !ause %ersonal in)ury$
G31. Engine Electronic %gnition $/ste" 4E00001-!P$E2P,18 - )3 - ocu" P+gina , de ,
%llustration 1
;easure the engine oil pressure to the ca"shaft and "ain bearings on each side of the c/linder bloc< at oil galler/ plug 1 =ith the engine at operating te"perature& the correct "ini"u" engine oil pressure at full load rp" is appro>i"atel/ ,80
i"atel/ 140
Co&!rig't 1((3 $ 201) Cter&illr Inc*
/ri Mr 1) 13:4(:34 %C$0400 201)
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