mcq exam ENT ormetric comission saudi test qulification arabia
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1)tympanoplasty is an operation aimed at: a)correction of hearing in porceptive deafness b)eradication of infection & correction of hearing c)drainage of mastoid abcess d)correction of hearing in otosclerosis 2)surgical emphysema after trachestomy is corrected by: a)taking more stitches of the wound b)cold compresses c)widening of the wound by removal of some stitches d)antihistaminic intake 3)commonest cause of septal perforation is: a)trauma b)syphilis c)lupus d)blood disease 4)stapedectomy is the operation of choice for: a)otosclerosis b)bell's palsy c)meniere's disease d)cholesteatoma 5)saddle nose may be due to the following except: a)overresection of septal cartilage b)nasal trauma c)septal abcess d)rhinosceleroma 6)the best treatment of mild epistaxis from little s area is: a)anterior nasal pack b)cautery of the bleeding point c)posterior nasal pack d)blood transfusion
7)referred otalgia may be due to the following except: a)acute suppurative otitis media b)quinsy c)dental infection d)maxillary sinusitis a 3 years old boy complained of suuden acute respiratory distress, with spasmodic cough, cyanosis & acting accessory respiratory muscles is most probably due to : a)acute follicular tonsillitis b)foreign body inhalation c)adenoid hypertrophy d)vocal cord nodule 9)proptosis may be due to the following except: a)frontoethmoidecele b)osteomata of the frontoethmoid c)antrochoanal polyp d)nasopharyngeal fibroma 10)the most serious complication after tonsillectomy: a)respiratory obstruction b)reactionary haemorrhage c)incomplete removal d)infection 11)otoscopic manifestation of chronic secretory otitis media may include the following except: a)perforation at pars flaceida b)transverse handle of malleous
c)absent cone of light d)air bubbles behind the tympanic membrane 12)tonsillectomy is absolutely contraindicated in : a)chronic tonsillitis b)quinsy c)haemophilia d)below five years 13)a newly born infant with respiratory distress & different feeding is more likely to be due to: a)laryngeal web at the anterior half of vocal cords b)bilateral posterior choanal atresia c)congenital subglottic stenosis d)congenital meatal atresia 14)unilateral offensive blood tinged purulent rhinorrhea in a 3 years old is more likely due to: a)rhinosceleroma b)lupus c)foreign body d)adenoid 15)the following are manifestations of meinere's disease except : a)vertigo b)posterior reservoir sign c)sensory hearing loss d)tinnitus 16)examination of the chest is more important in : a)fixed right vocal cord b)fixed left vocal cord c)singer's nodules d)laryngemalacia 17)manifestations of otogenic facial nerve paralysis may include the following except: a)deviation of the mouth to the same side of lesion b)inability to show the teeth on whistle c) inability to close the eye d)inability to raise the eyebrow 18)conservative septoplasty is: a)surgical correction of deviated septum above 17 years b)surgical correction of deviated septum below 17 years c) closed reduction of fractured septum by ash's forceps
19)a 20 years old man c/o fever & increasing sore throat with drippling of saliva &trismus for only 2 days on examination( the right tonsil pushed medially & forward ) no response to antibiotics ..rapid relief can be obtained by : a)short course of radiotherapy b)assurance & rest c)antidephtheric serum d)incision & drainage 20)the most common cause of conductive deafness is: a)otosclerosis b)secretory otitis media c)congenital ossicular fixation d)collection of wax 21)anosmia may be caused by : a)peripheral neuritis
b)nasal obstruction c)atrophic rhinitis d)all of the above 22)posterior nasal pack may be used in : a)nasopharyngeal carcinoma b)epistaxis from little's area c)CSF rhinorrhea d)post_ adenoidectomy bleeding 23)ottitic barotraumas is charactarised by: a)attic perforation b)middle ear effusion c)mucopurulant discharge d)central drum perforation 24)otosclerosis mean : a)congenital fixation of incus b)fixation of stapes by fibrous tissue c)ossicular disruption d)none of the above
25)all of the followings are absoulute contraindications for tonsillectomy except: a)rheumatic fever b)heamophilia c)advanced renal disease 26)unilateral clear watery nasal discharge reducing fehling's solution is suggestive of: a)CSF rhinirrhea b)allergic rhinitis c)viral rhinitis d)nasal dipheteria 27)the most common cause of oroantral fistula is: a)acute sinusitis b)car accident c)dental extraction of upper second premolar tooth d)radical antrum operation 28)ear wash is indicated in the following conditions except: a)wax b)otomycosis c)impacted F.B in the ear d)caloric test 29)post-tonsillectomy otalgia is mediated through: a)vagus nerve b)glossolaryngeal nerve c)trigeminal nerve d)second & third cervical nerve 30)nasopharyngeal carcinoma is managed by: a)surgical resection b)surgical resection followed by radiotherapy c)radiotherapy 31)trotter's triad include the followings except: a)otalgia b)epistaxis c)deafness d)deviation of the septum
32)the medial wall of the middle ear shows all the following anatomical features except: a)eustichian tube orifice b)horizontal part of facial nerve c)promontory d)oval & round windows 33)the most common cause for posterior septal perforation is: a)TB b)syphilis c)leprosy d)scleroma 34)moure's sign is: a)presence of laryngeal click b)absence of laryngeal click c)external neck swelling d)internal pharyngeal swelling 35)sridor is characteristic feature of the following diseases except: a)laryngeal dipheteria b)angioneurtic edema c)adenoid hypertrophy d)bilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis 36)laryngeomalicia is a disease due to: a)voice abuse b)soft larynx c)vocal cord nodule d)acute laryngitis 37)achalasia of the cardia is charactarised by the followings except: a)dysphagia is more marked for solids than fluids b)dysphagia is more marked for fluid than solids c)treated by cardiotomy d)regurgition of undigested food 38)subglottic stenosis may be caused by all the followings except: a) laryngeoscleroma b) high trachestomy c)post traumatic d)unilateral recurrent laryngeal N paralysis 39)quinsy is due to: a)blood disease b)peritonsillar infection c)pharyngoscleroma d)retropharyngeal suupuration 40)retracted tympanic membrane is characterized by the following except: a)prominent lateral process of malleus b)fragmentation of cone of light c)hyper mobility of tympanic membrane d)accentuation of malleolar folds 41)the following symptoms are true of primary atrophic rhinitis except: a)bad odour felt by the patient b) bad odour felt by others c)epistaxis d)sense of nasal obstruction 42)sever headache, vomiting, dysphagia ,&visual field defects in a patien with cholesteatoma indicate: a)secretory otitis media b)otogenic facial paralysis c)distant metastasis d)temporal lobe abcess
43)unilateral malignant tumor of the vocal cord with subglottis ectension & lymph node metastasis is best treated by: a)unilateral cordectomy b)total laryngectomy with neck dissection c)cheomotherapy d)tracheostomy only 44)the commenst presentation of laryngeascleroma is: a)vocal cord paralysis b)stridor & hoarsness c)pain & night sweating d)metastatic lymph node 45)the commenst nasal polyps are: a)ethmoidal polyp b)antrochoanal polyps c)bleeding polyp d)inverted papilloma 46)ludwig's angina is manifested by: a)unilateral submandibular swellings b)parotid abcess c)parapharyngeal abcess d)sublingual & submental cellulites 47)forign body nose in a child is better extracted: a)under local anaethesia b)under spinal anaethesia c)without anaeathesia d)under general anaethesia 48)the following are possible complications of ear wash except: a)perforation of the tympanic membrane b)paralysis of facial nerve c)caloric reaction d)syncope 49)suppurative labyrinthitis may complicate: a)salicylate toxicity b)streptomycin toxicity c)cholesteatoma d)otomycosis 50)the followings are common symptoms of nasopharyngeaol carcinoma except: a)nasal obstruction b)cranial nerve paralysis c)recurrent sever epistaxis d)a mass in the neck
answers 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
b c a a d b a
b 9) c 10) a 11) a 12) c 13) b 14) c 15) b
16) b 17) a 1 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27)
b d d c d b b a a c
2 c 29) b 30) c 31) b 32) a 33) b 34) b 35) c 36) b 37) a 3 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47)