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Environmental Policy Draft 2016
Forward Environmen Environmentt and natural resources in Somalia Somalia are valuable valuable national assets that must be sustainably managed for present and future generations. They offer a range of benefits and opportunities for local and national economic development, improved livelihoods and provision of environmental goods and services. Despite being the foun founda dati tion on on whic which h sust sustai aina nabl blee deve develo lopm pmen entt is anch anchor ored ed,, ther theree are are many many environmental degradation issues and challenges facing this nation. Notable drivers of enviro environme nmental ntal degrad degradati ation on are high high rates rates of popula populatio tion n growth growth,, inappr inappropr opriate iate technology, unsustainable consumption and production patterns, increased incidences of poverty and climate change. Further, urban environmental degradation, through lack of appropriate Solid waste management and sanitation systems, industry and transport related ir pollution, adversely impact on air, water pollution, soil !uality and human human health health and well being. being. noth nother er ma"or ma"or set of challe challenge ngess arises arises from emerging global environmental concerns such as stratospheric o#one layer depletion and biodiversity loss. These have led to changes in the relationship between people and and ecosy ecosyst stem ems. s. $f this this tren trend d is left left unch unchec ecke ked d it will will lead lead to furt furthe herr serio serious us environmental degradation that may perpetuate deprivation and poverty. Environmental Background Somalia has e%perienced over two decades of political conflict. The toll on the nation has been devastating, which has caused the rise of pirates, climate change, to%ic waste dumping and destruction of the forestry and turning huge tracks of land into barren fields. &uch of the forestry was destroyed to satisfy the demand for charcoal in and outside outside Somalia. Somalia. &oreover, &oreover, business elements imported e%pired food and medicines medicines and benefited from the lack of the rule of law and !uality control. This has lead to food poisoning and thousands of people falling ill. Doctors have been working in these these condit condition ions, s, discov discoverin ering g unknow unknown n human human diseases diseases every every day. day. $n additio addition, n, prohibited agrochemicals and other harmful har mful products to human and environment have been recorded across the country. 'rgani#ations or functioning institutions that safeguard safe drinking water, health and safety have not been put in place. 'ther Standards or regulations regarding (ities planning, )ousing !uality, ha*#ard control are yet to be put in practice nationwide. +ater pollution, ir pollution, sea pollution and solid waste continue to affect large areas in the country. Introduction combination of social and cultural dynamics, politics, economics, and the condition of ecosystems affects how people in Somalia are born, grow, live, work and ages. Somalias long*lasting civil strife, disorder and lack of a functioning government for more than twenty years have contributed to the de*pressed state of environmental cond condit itio ions ns and and the the impl implica icatio tions ns for for publ public ic heal health th.. The The absen absence ce of appr approp opri riat atee governance, a regulation and legislative frame*work, enforcement and control over attai attainm nmen entt and and use use of natu natura rall and and envi enviro ronm nmen enta tall resou resource rcess have have had had not not yet significant impact in Somalia.
1 Sector of environment (environmentalist )&inistry of planning and international (ooperation Email- gureahmed/
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Page 2 Environmental Policy Draft 2016
0- NT$'N1 EN2$3'N&ENT 4'1$(5 S$T6T$'N1 N15S$S Somalia has witnessed unprecedented political and socio*economic transformation since since inde indepe pend nden ence ce.. )igh )igh popu popula latio tion n grow growth th,, shri shrink nkin ing g prod produc ucti tive ve land land and and techn technol olog ogica icall chan change gess are are some some of the the sign signifi ifica cant nt chan change ges. s. These These inte interli rlink nked ed components provide the backdrop against which to view changes in the state of the countrys environment. This is because they serve a dual purpose as some of the most forceful drivers of environmental change. The main human activities contributing to Environmental disaster in nationwide includes unsustainable land use practices, poor soil and water management practices, deforestation, overgra#ing and pollution. - unregulated activities contribute a great deal to environmental disaster of the countrys scarce natural resources such as land, fresh and marine waters and biodiversity thereby threatening the livelihoods of many people. They also undermine the sink function of the environment which operates through such processes as nutrient recycling, decomposition and the natural purification and filtering of air and water from pollution. Environmental degradation 7forest elimination for charcoal8 in Somalia directly contributes to impacts of climate change as is witnessed decrease of ground water, drought mass immigration increase of food imports9cities density shortage and in e!uality health service. These are not only increasing human 2ulnerability and health insecurity but also draining the countrys economic resources. The e%pansion of human activities into marginal areas leading to clearance of natural habitats such as tree cutting for charcoal use has been a ma"or driving force behind land environmental disaster throughout the country. The continuous loss of biological resources and ecosystem translates into loss of economic potential and signal signal of :N4 crisis. crisis. This This backdr backdrop op provid provides es the "ustifi "ustificati cation on for this this Environment 4olicy. $t gives the framework to guide the countrys efforts in addressing the Ever*growing environmental issues and challenges such as Environmental Environmental governance: 1ack of many partial policies and laws. These include policies and laws concerning agriculture, land, water, forests, sustainable cities , trade which have significantly importa important nt on the enviro environme nment. nt. The The sector sector rather rather than than integr integrate ated d and ecosys ecosystem tem approach to management of natural resources has proved inade!uate in addressing Environmen Environmental tal challenges. challenges. $n addition, addition, lack of law enforcement enforcement and implementatio implementation n of policies remaining a ma"or issue concern in Somalias environment sector. Loss of biodiversity: Somalia continues to lose her biodiversity due to habitat destruction destruction,, overgra#ing, overgra#ing, deforestation deforestation,, pollution, pollution, unsustainab unsustainable le )arvesting )arvesting of natural resources. Valuation of environmental and natural resourcesresources Environmental and natural resources are largely considered !uality of public :oods and $ntegrating environmental considerations into the behavior of
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Environmental Policy Draft 2016
enterp enterprise risess and consum consumers ers would would reflect reflect a change change in consum consumpti ption on and production patterns. Rehabilitation and restoration restoration of environmentally environmentally disaster areasareasThere There are are seve several ral degr degrad aded ed areas areas in Soma Somalia lia whic which h re!u re!uire ire rehab rehabili ilitat tatio ion n and and restoration. These include sea9land, riverbanks, forest plantation, shoreline, hilltops and disused !uarries and mines. Urbanization, waste management and pollution $ncreasing $ncreasing rates of urbani#ation urbani#ation is caused by natural growth of the urban populatio population n and rural*u rural*urba rban n migrati migration. on. 6rbani 6rbani#ati #ations ons often often leads leads to destru destructio ction n of sensiti sensitive ve ecosystems. 4oor solid waste management causes urban pollution and poor health effect.
Climate change, energy, security and disaster management: (limate change poses significant environmental challenges for Somalia as evidenced by the fre!uent droughts and water shortages that even affect of power supplies. supplies. . GOAL, OBJECTIVES A! G"I!IG #$ICI#LES The goal of this 4olicy is @etter !uality of life for present and future generations through sustainable management and use of the environment and natural resources.
OBJECTIVES The ob"ect ob"ective ivess of this this 4olicy 4olicy are to provid providee a framewo framework rk for an enviro environme nmenta ntall approach to planning and sustainable management of Somalias environment and natural resources. Ensure Ensure sustain sustainabl ablee managem management ent of enviro environme nmental ntal educati education, on, such such as uni!ue uni!ue terrestrial and a!uatic ecosystems, for national economic growth and improved livelihoods. 4rom 4romot otee and and supp suppor ortt resea research rch and and capac capacity ity deve develo lopm pmen entt as well well as use use of innovative environmental management tools such as incentives, disincentives, total economic valuation, indicators of sustainable development, s 4romote domestication, coordination and ma%imi#ation of benefit from Strategic &ultilateral Environmental greements 7&Es8.
Public participation, participation, environmental education education and awarenes awarenes%& %& @road public participation in decision making processes is one of the fundamental preconditions for sustainable development. This presupposes access to timely and accurate information on the environment. Environmental management and education for all ages has to be basically participation of demand. Poverty: 3ising poverty levels have impacted negatively on the environment. 4overty is a ma"or cause and conse!uence conse!uence of environmental environmental disaster disaster and resources depletion
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Page 4 Environmental Policy Draft 2016
agriculture, manufacturing, energy, leisure and as ingredients to (ommonly used materials such as plastics, electronics, refrigerators and air conditioning..
GUIDING PINCIP!"# $mplementation of these ob"ectives will be guided by the following principlesEnvironmental 3ight , , Ecosystem pproach, pproach, Right to !evelopment, Total Economic 2alue, "ust "ustai aina nabl blee Reso Resour urce ce Use, Use, E#ui E#uity ty,, $ubl $ublic ic $art $artic icip ipat atio ion, n, "ubs "ubsid idia iary ry,, $recautionary $rinciple $olluter, %nternational Cooperation& 'ood 'overnance, (enefit sharing, (ommunity Empowerment.
0' Fore%t Eco%(%tem $olicy "tatements The :overnment may Formulate strategies to increase tree cover. Develop and implement a national strategy for rehabilitation and restoration of to avoid charcoal use and degraded forest ecosystems and water catchment areas with active community involvement9participation. Support effective implementation of the forest and other related policies and laws. Develop and implement national standards, principles and criteria of Sustainable forest management. . Co%tal, marine eco%(%tem, Fre%) *ater and Eco%(%tem 4olicy Statements The :overnment may Develop and implement integrated freshwater and wetland resources 4romote and institutionali#e payment for environmental services schemes to 4romote sustainable use of freshwater and highland resources. Develop and implement catchment*based wetland management plans Ensure rehabilitation and restoration of degraded highlands, riverbanks 4romote sustainable use of marine resources and the conservation of vulnerable coastal ecosystems. Ensure the development and implementation of a harmoni#ed $ntegrated (oastal Aone &anagement 7$(A&8 4olicy and $ntegrated $ntegra ted 'cean &anagement 4olicy, Strategy and ction 4lan. 6ndertake and support research and training in the conservation and +ountain% Eco%(%tem 4olicy statement The government may :enerate and strengthen knowledge about the ecology and sustainable management of mountain ecosystems. Develop and implement strategies and action plans for sustainable management
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Environmental Policy Draft 2016
of mountain ecosystems. 4romote integrated watershed management and alternative livelihood dopt appropriate land use planning and watershed management practices for sustainable development of mountain ecosystems. Ensure all water catchment areas are #oned and managed as protected areas and free from e%cision.
Arid and SemiArid Eco%(%tem Eco%(%tem $ olicy olicy Statements The :overnment may Develop and implement an $ntegrated 1and 6se &aster 7Development8 4lan for the grassland. 4romote integrated natural resource re source management in S1s. Ensure Ensure applic applicatio ation n of $ntegr $ntegrated ated +ater 3esour 3esources ces &anagem &anagement ent 7$+3&8 7$+3&8 in grassland with a view to harvesting flood and river water. 4romote efficient adaptation measures for productive and sustainable resource management in the grassland. $mple $mpleme ment nt the the Nati Nation onal al ction ction 4lan 4lan 7N4 7N488 to comb combat at deser deserti tific ficati ation on and and revitali#e the Desertification Trust Fund. &ainstream dry land issues into all national development plans and policies. $nvolve and empower communities in the management of grassland ecosystems. $olicy "tatements )he 'overnment may: Land, Soil and +ineral% Ensure implementation of the (onstitution and the National 1and 4olicy in a way that will take into account sustainable conservation and management of the environment and land resources. 4romote and enhance best practices for optimal and sustainable land use. 4romote sustainable urban and per* urban land uses. 4romote land restoration policies. 4romote high rise building as an efficient land utili#ation practice. 4romote research on land use in relation to the built environment. $nvolve and empower communities in land utili#ation and management. Biodiver%it(, *ildli-e and $e%ource $olicy "tatements The :overnment may Deve Develo lop p and and impl implem emen entt the the Nati Nation onal al @iod @iodiv iver ersi sity ty Stra Strate tegy gy and and ctio ction n 4lan7N@S48. 3egulate and encourage sustainable utili#ation and bioprospecting of biological resources in accordance with international law.
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Page 6 Environmental Policy Draft 2016
Develop and implement a strategy to contain, control and mitigate alien and $nvasive species.
*ildli-e and $e%ource% $olicy "tatements ) he he :overnment may 4rotect 4rotect,, conserv conservee and improv improvee the habitat habitats, s, corrid corridors ors and dispersa dispersall areas areas of wildlife. 4rovide incentives for investment in sustainable tourism and wildlife 4romote the establishment of transboundary wildlife conservation areas as a basis for enhancing the conservation of shared wildlife resources Encourage and support the establishment of private and community based &aintain all ga#ette protected areas and reclaim and restore the encroached parks and reserves for enhanced wildlife conservation. Strengthen and support wildlife research and monitoring to generate ade!uate information for decision making. 4rotect endangered wildlife species. $nvolve community participation in conservation activities. Live%tock $olicy "tatements )he 'overnment may: Develop and implement an environment*friendly livestock production policy that takes cogni#ance of livestock mobility and communal management of natural resources. Enforce regulations on waste management in livestock production industry. Enforce regulations on livestock movement and disease control through commercially viable production systems Fi%)erie% $olicy "tatements )he 'overnment may: 4romote sustainable management and utili#ation of fishery resources. Strengthen capacity to carry out fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance. 4romote sustainable a!uaculture development. Strengthen community participation in fisheries resources management, 4rotect fish breeding grounds and implement closed seasons regulations where necessary Trade and Environment $olicy "tatements The :overnment may &ainstream environmental considerations into the National Trade 4olicy. Ensure that issues on environment are integrated into international and regional
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Environmental Policy Draft 2016
trade negotiations and domesticate resulting agreements. 4romote and support capacity building in the field of trade and environment. 4romote and encourage the adaption, uptake and implementation of international environmental and natural resources stewardship standards. 4romote 4romote reduction reduction of negative negative environmen environmental tal footprints footprints in production production and trade practices. Touri%m $olicy "tatements The :overnment may 4rovide incentives to encourage eco*tourism industry initiatives aimed at protecting the environment. $mprove policy implementation and strictly enforce environmental regulation. &arket BgreenC tourism products. Encourage the promotion of investment in sustainable tourism, including ecotourism and cultural tourism. Encourage community participation in tourism industr y. Indu%triali.ation Indu%triali.ation and Environment $olicy "tatements )he 'overnment may: Develop and implement environmentally*friendly industriali#ation policy. 4romote and support S&Es and other industries to adopt appropriate Environmentally sound technologies through provision of appropriate $ncentives and disincentives. Develop and promote use of strategic environmental assessment in the industrial development plans, policies and programmers. Develop capacity and promote environmental education and awareness. 4romote 3esource Efficient and (leaner 4roduction 73E(48 technologies, $ncluding best available techni!ues and applications. C)emical% +anagement 4olicy Statements
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Page 8 Environmental Policy Draft 2016
4lan that takes into account environmental considerations. Develop and enforce integrated land use planning at all levels. Develop and promote a policy on eco*settlement centers including informal settlements. &ainstream environmental considerations in the refugee policy and legislation. Energ( u%e, e--icienc( and Con%ervation $olicy "tatements The :overnment may: may: Develop and promote an integrated national strategy for generation and Sustainable utili#ation of renewable energy. 4romote adaptation of the cleaner production concept in all energy production and consumption activities. Develop comprehensive nuclear, petroleum and coal energy policies guided by research and the precautionary principal. Climate C)ange di%a%ter management 4olicy Statement The :overnment may Develop and implement a comprehensive National (limate (hange 4olicy. Strengthen capacity for national and county level institutions to support national climate resilience, low carbon development through integrating climate change into implementation strategies. Develop and implement awareness raising strategies and capacity development on the opportunities for adaptation and mitigation measures as per the climate change action plan. Strengthen and enhance early warning and response systems for climate and disaster risk reduction. @uild and strengthen research capacity on climate change and related Gender Vulnera0ilit( and Environment olicy Statements $ olicy The :overnment may
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Environmental Policy Draft 2016
Set up a framewo framework rk for research research,, inform informati ation on e%chan e%change ge and enviro environme nmenta ntall awareness on invasive alien species. $nvolv $nvolvee and empowe empowerr commun communitie itiess in instit instituti uting ng measure measuress for preven preventio tion, n, eradication and control of invasive species that have ma"or environmental and economic impacts. Environmental Environmental 2ualit( and )ealt) 4olicy Statements The :overnment &ay 4romote Environmental )ealth $mpact nalysis 7E)$8 as a component of E$ for all development pro"ects. Enhance the provision of occupational health and safety services. 4romote capacity building in the field of health impact analysis Air 2ualit( 4olicy Statements The :overnment may Ensu Ensure re comp complia lianc ncee with with air air !uali !uality ty stan standa dard rdss and and stren strengt gthe hen n enfo enforc rceme ement nt capacity. 4romote efficient non*motori#ed, non*polluting and efficient infrastructure for mass transport system. 4romote non*polluting modes of transport. 4romote alternative cooking stoves and technologies that are none polluting and construction of well ventilated houses. *ater Sanitation and Solid wa%te management 4olicy Statements The :overnment may : $mprove the management and conservation of water supply sources. 4romote technologies for efficient and safe water use, especially in respect to wastewater use and recycling. 4rovide incentives for private sector investment and development of appropriate water and sanitation technologies and infrastructure for waste management $adiation and To3ic )a.ardou% %u0%tance 4olicy Statements The :overnment may-
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Environmental +onitoring and a%%e%%ment $olicy "tatements The :overnment may Develo Develop p and implem implement ent standa standardi rdi#ed #ed indicat indicators ors that that will will form the basis basis of monitoring the status of the environment. Develop and implement a National Environmental &onitoring and ssessment 4rogramme to monitor the state of the environment. Encourage reporting environmental status on a balance sheet. Ensure periodic reporting on county and national status of environment. Institutional $rrangement $rrangement 4olicy Statements The :overnment may Strengthen the Directorate of Environment in the State Department responsible for for envi enviro ronm nment ent to supp suppor ortt the the (abi (abine nett Secr Secret etary ary in his his over oversig sight ht role role in environmental policy formulation, coordination of intervention activities and to monitor the implementation in relation to other sectoral policies. Strengthen the capacity of environmental as the designated national institution 3esponsible for the general supervision and coordination in all matters relating to the environment. Stream Streamlin linee and strengt strengthen hen the capacit capacity y of enviro environme nmenta ntall instit instituti utions ons at the national and county levels so as to make them more effective and participatory Funding +ec)ani%m% 4olicy Statements The :overnment may 4rovid 4rovidee ade!ua ade!uate te resourc resources es for enviro environme nmental ntal protec protectio tion n and manage managemen mentt through annual budgetary allocation. 4romote participation of individuals, public and private partnership through fiscal incent incentive ivess and volunt voluntary ary agreem agreement entss pegged pegged on enviro environme nmenta ntall perfor performan mance ce indicators. @roade @roaden n the revenu revenuee and fundin funding g base base to ensure ensure financi financial al sustain sustainabi ability lity of environmental management institutions.