Descripción: FCE Writing Guide with 3 examples of each piece of writing. This is only a sample. Be sure to download the full version at Academia de inglés en Granada KSE Academy (
FCE Writing Guide with 3 examples of each piece of writing. This is only a sample. Be sure to download the full version at Academia de inglés en Granada KSE Academy (http://keepsmilingenglis…Descrição completa
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Writing Writing Paper Part 1. Task Ty Type: Essay - Technolog Technology y Question
In your English class you have been talking about technological developments. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay. People have become overly-dependent on technology with the result that we are not as mentally challenged as we used to be. Do you agree? Notes
Write about:
1. positive ways in which technology simplifies tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming. . the e!tent to which technolgy stops us working things out for ourselves. " ................ #your own idea$ Write your essay for essay for your teacher (around 14!1" words#. What you need to do to pass $se our checklist checklist first first to understand what the e%aminer wants you to do. Ideas for writing &sk yourself the following 'uestions to help you get started In which ways does technology simpify tasks)
E.g. Researching subjects on the Internet? Finding your way around using Sat Navs? •
*ow might technology limit out ability to work things out mentally) E.g. Are search engines making research skills redundant? Are we becoming over reliant on devices and losing our ability to work things out !or ourselves?
Is there another way of looking at the issue) E.g. Are we learning new skills !ollowing technological develo"ments# !or e$am"le# online networking?
Drafting and proofreading your work +ou should look at your first draft of the task and decide •
*ave you responded to the statement and the notes appropriately)
Is the essay organised in a clear and logical way)
Is the language correct with a good range of structures)
Will the reader en,oy reading your essay) Is the style -) If the answer to any of these 'uestions is /no/ you will need to do some more drafting0
Writing Checklist Writing Paper Part 1. Task Type: Essay Content
Should include a discussion of both the advantages of technological developments as well as addressing any negative effects on us. Include a short conclusion giving your opinion and offering an idea of your own. Communicative achievement
Semi-formal. The teacher would be informed and would know what your own opinion is. Organisation
Could include a brief introductory paragraph. The points in the main body of the essay should be in a logical order, i.e. the impact of technology to begin with, the skills/knowledge we may be losing later. The final paragraph should be a conclusion with an idea of your own. Language
anguage of opinion !"In my view...."#, and argument and comparison !"$n the one hand...."% "&owever, a ma'or drawback would be ...."#. (im for a variety of language !e.g. advantages and disadvantages ) pros and cons% pluses and minuses#. Should not contain ma'or errors that lead to misunderstandings or that irritate the reader.
Capacitación Corporativa – Coaching Lingüístico en Inglés – Tutorías Especiales Deán Funes 981 – Piso 8vo. – Dpto. C – X5000AAS Ciudad de Córdoba – Córdoba-A!"#$%#A -$e&'(ono )* +00,+5, 051- /18 2 Ce&u&ar* 3 5 9 51 551/5
Capacitación Corporativa – Coaching Lingüístico en Inglés – Tutorías Especiales Deán Funes 981 – Piso 8vo. – Dpto. C – X5000AAS Ciudad de Córdoba – Córdoba-A!"#$%#A -$e&'(ono )* +00,+5, 051- /18 2 Ce&u&ar* 3 5 9 51 551/5