AN ALY ALYS SIS OF THE W EEK 29 OCTOBER OCTOBER – 2 N OVEM BE BER R 2012 1 – Last ast W eek Review Review This w eek was som som e differen t fro m m y expectations. I expected a break to bullish bullish m arket and a sidelined market during the week. However week was more bearish bearish than I expected. expected. Except xcept M onday, rest rest of t he w eek we go lower and low er. During the w eek I tested tested some m ore techniques and I am optim istic istic to have bett er predictions for t he upcom ing weeks. weeks. 2 – PLANETAR PLANETARY Y POSITIONS POSITIONS OF FAS FASTT M OVING PLANETS PLANETS MOON M oon starts week in Aries and finish it in Cancer. Cancer. Aries Aries is a bullish bullish sign sign for M oon . But But aft er Aries I don’t observe any tendency. ItIt is 63% bullish bullish to go long 7 hours before to 48 hour s later later after M oon ingress in Aries. I didn’t see such such strong t enden cy but Tauru Tauru s is is little little b ullish. ullish. Gemini is on th e ot her hand little bearish. Cancer is little b ullish. ullish. Until late W ednesday ednesday M oon p hases hases on the oth er hand b earish. earish. This This is is not p arallel arallel with t he sign sign M oon inside. inside. So So bu llis llish affects would b e some diminished by the effect o f M oon ph ase. ase. M ERC ERCURY M ercury will enter enter Sag Sagittarius ittarius in this week. I didn’t see see any pattern or t endency when Geocentric M ercury in Sagittarius. Sagittarius. On the ot her hand Heliocent ric M ercury position is little bearish. VENUS Venus enters Libra Libra in m idweek w hich is th e hom e of th is planet . So So its affects can can be stronger t han norm al. I didn’t see any pattern or tendency on Venus position position in general. MARS I didn’t see any any patt ern or tendency on M ars position position in general. general. 3 – CYCLE YCLES S STUDI ES ASTRO CYCLES 1 On my first study there are three lines. lines. One of these lines lines going dow n w hile hile oth er tw o of t hem going up.
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
Saturn – Jupiter Cycle W hen w e plot pr ices ices of previous Saturn Saturn – Jupiter Cycl Cyclee w e saw saw similar price price m oves for t he same same phase of the cycle. How ever prices are inverted som e parts. I checked M oon d eclination over 0 degree for t he reasoning of the inversion inversion and it looks som som e relation. On 26 October M oon pass passed over 0 declination declination and on this phase phase of previous Saturn Saturn – Jupiter a trend change change happened. Thes Thesee tw o reasons give us clue clue for tr end change.
ASTRO CYCLES 2 Shor ter t erm astro astro cycles cycles pred ict higher higher pr ices for t he upcom ing week.
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
SOLAR SOLA R CYCLE CYCLE W hen w e revisited revisited 2002 we have similar similar price price m ovement s w ith th is year but inverted on es on som som e dates. If no in version occurs, we w ill see see higher prices. prices.
SHORT TERM CYCL CYCLE E Finally my short term cycle with several studies together. These cycles calculated with different techn iques th en ot hers but results again again show show higher prices.
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
M y cycle cycle stu stu dies in in general predict higher p rices for next w eek. 4 – SUPPORT AN D RE RESISTANCE ISTANCE GANN SQUARE
W e hit an im port ant r esistance esistance on GANN Square. Square. 1.3040 levels levels has resistance resistance for upcom ing week if w e see higher price levels. levels. GANN FANS Last ast h ours of t he w eek were very import ant. We stayed just above 1X1 1X1 (45 degree) angle angle of 1.2043 low. This means market is still strong bullish market. For me this is very important because W.D. Gann says says w hen 45 ’ angle broken p rice goes to next angle and 45 degree angle is very imp ort ant…. ant….
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
Below Below I show show ed planetary planetary longitude longitude table. It is is bad for Euro Euro that w e went dow n to Sun line and and stayed below it. So So next w eek Sun Sun w ill be a resis resistance tance along w ith M oon . In In case case to m ove higher Saturn is an important resistance around 1.3170 price levels. In case to go down again Saturn is w aiting around 1.2815.
5 – DEC DECLINATION AND LATITUDE LATITUDE STUDIE STUDIES S Geocentric Declinations Declination Declination s chart show n below . First First chart chart is the gener al outlook of t he m arket and second on e is a detailed look to current level.
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
M oon p ass assed over 0 degree declination declination and as I told before t his can can trigger trigger th e tr end change. W hen we look at declinations chart we see a market bottom few hours after this event and few hours before M oon – Venus opposition exactly exactly when M oon and Venus declinations declinations w ere parallel. parallel. I much m ore int erested in Venus for upcom ing week. Her declination w ill pass over zero degree and th is can cause cause tren d change. ItIt should be n ot ed and should be w atches carefully. carefully. Geocentric Latitudes
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
As seen seen from the chart M ercury, ercury, Venus and M ars latitudes latitudes are very imp imp ortant for p rice rice directions. directions. M ercury extrem extrem e points often created inverted results and some unreliable. But if I am not w rong current low of M ercury bottom will bring a top price. On On th e other hand Venus is is going up and M ars is going dow n. Their Their opp osite directions can can bring shaking shaking market aro und ext rem e dates. HELIOCENTRIC LATITUDE
Heliocentric view gives us an interesting detail. Today’s bottom price happened exactly same time w hen Venus and Jupit Jupit er heliocentric latit latit udes parallel parallel to each other .
General General Outloo k
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
Here are are all all declina declination tion and latitud latitud e events events show show ed together. On M onday M oon and Sun Sun declinations are contra parallel which is absolutely bullish before the event according to history. Before this even weekend event M oon – Neptune cont ra parallel parallel decli declination nation event has same same effect. O n t h e o t h e r h a n d a m o n g t h e Tu Tu e sd sd a y e v en en t s M o o n – M a r s, s, M o o n - U r a n u s a n d M o o n - Ju p i t e r Ge Ge o Latitude Contr Contr a Paral Parallel lel event is clearly clearly bearish. bearish. M oon – Venus and M oon – Saturn Geo Latitude Latitude Contr a Paral Parallel lel events events don’t have dom inant effect historical historically ly on price. Mo on – Pluto Declination Declination Con tr a Parallel Parallel event is bullish.
6 – PLAN PLAN ETARY ASPE ASPECTS Upcoming Aspects Aspects of t he Week (GM T)
A sp e c t s O ct 2 8 , 2 0 1 2 O ct O ct O ct O ct O ct O ct O ct O ct Oct O ct
1 2 : 5 4 PM M ar a r Sa g O p p o s Ju p G e m
2 8 , 2 0 1 2 1 : 0 4 PM Ve n e n t e r s Li b 2 8 , 2 0 1 2 4 : 3 4 PM Su n A r i CPa r . M oo oo Ar i 2 8 , 2 0 1 2 9 : 0 9 PM M oo o o A r i CPa r . N e p A r i 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 6 : 1 5 A M M o o e n t e r s Ta u 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 6 : 1 8 A M M e r e n t e r s Sa g 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 7 : 0 4 A M M oo o o Ta u Sx t i l N e p Pi s 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 1 1 : 5 4 A M M oo o o Ta u O p p o s Sa t Sco 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 5 : 4 0 PM M e r Sa g Sq r N e p Pi s 29, 2012 7:49 PM Sun Sun Sco Sco Oppo s M oo Tau Tau 2 9 , 2 0 1 2 9 : 0 1 PM M o o Ta u Tr i n e Pl u Ca p
O ct ct 3 0, 0 , 2 01 0 1 2 1 0: 0 : 2 9 A M Su Su n Sc o Sx t ili l Pl u Ca p O ct 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 O ct 3 1 , 2 0 1 2
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6 : 4 0 PM M o o e n t e r s G e m 7 : 2 8 PM M oo oo Ge m Sq r N e p Pi s
Bi a s Lo n g * Sh o r t * Sh o r t * Lo n g * Lo n g* Lo n g* Sh o r t * * Lo n g* Lo n g* Lo n g *
H i st o r y 1 7 8 / 31 31 1 182/ 313 11/ 12 178/ 307 1 9 8 / 3311 6 97/ 155 29/ 43 1 0 / 1122 9 8 / 1155 2 23/ 28
Tr a d e Ti m e -2 t o + 3 +3 t o +1 9 +1 0 t o +4 7 -8 t o -1 -2 2 t o +5 -3 2 t o + 8 -8 t o -5 -3 2 t o + 3 1 -1 t o +1 -2 3 t o -1 5
Sh o r t * Lo n g * Lo n g* g* * Long** Lo n g* Lo n g*
9/ 11 10/ 11 3/ 3 44/66 102/ 158 1 2 / 1133
-4 3 t o -8 -8 t o +4 -18 to - 4 to to 0 -4 3 t o -2 -2 9 t o + 7
Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/
Co n t r o l Gr o u p 1 5 6 / 31 31 1 160/ 313 6/ 6 155/ 307 1 6 3 / 3311 6 71/ 155 21/ 43 6/ 6 7 7 / 1155 2 14/ 28 5/ 11 6/ 11 0 -/ 33/33 82/ 158 7 / 1133
O ct 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 Oct 31, 2012 Sag Nov 1, 2012 N o v 1, 1, 2 0 1 2 N ov o v 1 , 2 01 01 2
3 : 3 3 A M M o o G e m T r i n e V e n Li b 5 : 3 0 A M M oo o o Ge m Sx t i l U r a A r i 1 0: 0: 0 4 PM Ve V e n Li b O pp p p os o s U ra r a A riri
Nov Nov Nov N ov ov
1:18 A M 9 :2 1 AM 2 : 2 2 PM 5 : 2 7 PM
2, 2012 2, 2012 3, 2012 3, 3, 2 0 1 2
8 : 1 3 PM M oo oo A r i CPa r . Pl u A r i Sh o r t * 10:54 PM M oo Gem Oppos M er Lo n g *
90/ 153 11/ 13
Sh o r t * 10/ 12 Lo n g* 2 0 / 23 23 Sh o rt rt * * Short** 23/35 M oo o o Ge m Co n j Ju p Ge m Lo n g* 1 0 / 1122 M o o G e m O p p o s M a r Sa g Lo n g * 9/ 12 V e n A r i CPa r . U r a A r i Sh o r t * 12/ 14 V e n Li b Sq r Pl u Ca p Sh or or t * * 3 / 3 Long** 4 8 / 7 1
-2 t o +5 -7 t o 0 -1 5 t o 0 -5 1 t o -1 -19 to -1 -1 2 t o 0 -3 t o 0 -5 0 t o 0 -2 to 11 to 15
76/ 153 7/ 13 6/ 12 1 2 / 23 23 18/35 6 / 1122 6/ 12 7/ 14 10 -/ 36/71
* Hourly chart chart * * Daily Daily Chart Little risk risk exists exists to enter new w eek with lower prices but overall most of t he aspects aspects historica historically lly look look bullish.
7 – CONCL ONCLUSION USION Becaus Becausee I have to mo ve my ho me and will be busy tom orrow I cannot cannot cont rol my analysis analysis for n ow . I saw som e error o n t he softw are I used used but haven’t yet checked checked th em in detail. I also also didn’t update m y Heliocentric Declinations Declinations chart along w ith Harm onic Elliott Elliott W ave counts. However analysis above gives enough clues about upcoming week. I expect higher prices during this new week. 1.317X is a strong resistance resistance area. For below still dow nw ard mo vemen t risk exists exists but above analysis analysis don ’t for esee it very likely. likely. Becaus Becausee w e are on key supp supp ort areas it is low risk to go belo w 1.2800 for n ow . Sorr y for m y bad Englis Englishh & Good Luck
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Erhan EKE EKER R © ht tp:/ / astro astro euro.blogspot .com/