[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
PROFESSION! EN"INEER S#mmar$ Statement
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
PE !N"#$E%&E 'ASE
Interest and expertise in IC design and using the Cadence tool. Classification of the development process Develop a user friendly and faster self service
PE1.1 %nowle&'e of science an& en'ineerin' f#n&amentals
CE 2.
Analyzing the callers demands and CE 2.!"CE 2.1# service requests $ather required information to understanding the %rocess flo& of the application. 'nderstanding the requirements of (CADA
CE ).1
Design a * +it ,ipple Carry Adder C.E.1.2" C.E.1.* using -,A logic &hich is one of the prominent lo& po&er design technique for digital circuits
In-&epth technical competence in at least one en'ineerin' &iscipline
Identification of interfacing pro/lems 0hard&are and soft&are
CE 2.12
Evaluating the ,emote AC raction po&er system
CE ).2
Implemented * /it ,ipple Carry Adder &ith a lo& po&er design technique
C.E. 1.*" C.E. 1.
3hole process of design of an I4,( into t&o sections namely
C.E. 2.
*echni#es an& reso#rces
Engineers Australia
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
1. 5ard&are section 2. (oft&are section he three parts 5ost system" Communication Interfaces and ,ail&ay raction ,emote erminal 'nit 0,'.
C.E. ).!
o overcome disadvantages implemented faster and smaller logic gates
C.E. 1.2" C.E. 1.*
%rocedures in respect of health" quality" safety
CE 2.16
7no&ledge of testing testing and esting esting and involved in various activities
C.E. ).#" C.E. ).)
PE1., "eneral %nowle&'e
PE(.1 ilit$ to #n&ertae prolem i&enti/cation0 form#lation0 an& sol#tion
+y careful o/servation and /y C.E. 1.11 guidelines of the pro8ect supervisor I reduced one transistor from each latch.
Encountered technical difficulties in soft&are support.
CE 2.12
-ecessary measures for the proper CE 2.11
Engineers Australia
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Competency Element
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
functioning of micro controller . CE ). 4alidating 4a lidating the process control (imulating and analyzing the results of the design.
CE ).9
Analytical in the formulation and solutions of pro/lems :o& po&er circuits reduce the cost of the chip and attract customer to use the technology &hich plays a vital role in social and economical environment.
PE(.( n&erstan&in' of social0 c#lt#ral0 'loal0 an& en2ironmental responsiilities an& the nee& to emplo$ principles of s#stainale &e2elopment
C.E. 1.;
7no&ledge a/out the various departments" mode of &or
CE 2.1#
Esta/lishment of coordination /et&een the different teams
CE 2.1
'nderstand the /asic ,' operations and also verify the specifications and its relia/le performance.
CE ).9
Design each /loc< very carefully in terms of lo& po&er.
C.E. 1.; "C.E. 1.!
ilit$ to #tilise a
echnical factors &hich can lead echnical to failure
CE 2.;" CE 2.!
Engineers Australia
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
CE 2.! :imitations of I4,(
CE 2.16 ,esources responsi/le to support the I4,(
s$stems approach to comple3 prolems an& to &esi'n an& operational
=ocus &as to discover all the pro/lems identified &hich undergoing the phases in testing.
C.E. ).#
Design a * +it ,ipple Carry
C.E 1.9
Connection /et&een the telephone line and ring detector
CE 2.#
I4,( in internet applications
CE 2.!
Development of a visual /asic /asic program for transmission of data
CE 2.#
Pro/cienc$ in en'ineerin' &esi'n
Evaluation of the product and the process through a control plan.
CE ).1
Identification of various critical parameters that exist in the Engineering &or< as a team" plan" conduct good meetings" manage details" gather useful data" analyze the data" communicate the results and implementing changes.
Engineers Australia
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
he assigned pro8ect &as successfully implemented /y me.
'sage of audio amplifier as a /uffer
CE 2.#" CE 2.;
ilit$ to conct an en'ineerin' pro5ect
In depth analysis of ,' ,'
CE ).!
Developing a product &ith good quality values
CE ).16
Done product planning "implementation distri/uting &or< /usiness environment
rganizational goals" >uality and Customer satisfaction
CE 2.11
+enefits of product planning to the final customer
CE 2.1*
Achieved the organizational goals for >uality product
CE ).;
PE(.6 n&erstan&in' of the #siness en2ironment
+enefits of product planning PE, PR"-ESS"NA$ A**R'.*ES
Discussed &ith my pro8ect supervisor a/out process variation" time to mar
ilit$ to comm#nicate e7ecti2el$0 with the en'ineerin' team an& with the comm#nit$
Assigned a specific 8o/ and responsi/ilities
CE 2.1"CE 2.1*
Engineers Australia
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Effectively implement various suggestions and ideas of team mem/ers for the successful completion of the pro8ect
at lar'e
PE).( ilit$ to mana'e information an& &oc#mentation
PE).) 8apacit$ for creati2it$ an& inno2ation
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
CE ).11 CE ).1
,eceive feed/ac< from the team mem/ers for further improvements in the &ay the pro8ect &as /eing carried out. 5ad &ritten the &hole pro8ect report
'tilization of my &riting s
CE 2.1
(ynchronization /et&een the t&o involved teams.
CE 2.12 CE 2.;
(upporting the team mem/ers in integration Identified" documented and communicated changes of Control plans
CE ).1)
Circuit diagram /ased on lo& po&er technique
C.E. 1.*. "C.E. 1.9
%rogramming of micro controller
CE 2.11
+est features in /oth of communication and soft&are these streams.
CE 2.)
CE 2.2 Introduction of I4,( in mo/ile systems .
Engineers Australia
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Enhance quality planning according to the requirement.
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
CE ).# CE).)
Achievement of organizational goals through initiatives ta
Discussion &ith pro8ect guide and implementing the pro8ect successfully
C.E. 1.16
,esponsi/ilities in telecommunications
CE 2.1
he policy of our organization
CE 2.)
n&erstan&in' of Efficient design of Interactive professional an& voice response system" ethical responsiilities0 an& commitment A/ility to implement to them improvements in the discharge of
CE 2.*
CE ).;
professional duties
PE).4 ilit$ to f#nction e7ecti2el$ as an in&i2ial an& in m#lti&isciplinar$ an& m#ltic#lt#ral teams0 as a
Engineers Australia
rganizational /enefiting through technical accomplishment
CE ).*
A/i A/ility lity to mee meett and and solve olve issues ues
C.E.1 .E.1.! .! "C.E "C.E.. 1.1 1.19 9
Coordination of &or< /et&een the development team and quality assurance team
CE 2.*
?y duties in development process
CE 2.#
A/ility to coordinate &ith the other mem/ers of the team for the professional execution of the
CE ).11
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
Competency Element
team lea&er or mana'er as well as an e7ecti2e team memer
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
pro8ect A/ility to utilize the qualities of the team mem/ers for the success of the pro8ect.
CE ).12
7no&ledge of ?(=E" ?( transistors etc
C.E. 1.9" C.E. 1.
?eeting the demands of its customers
CE 2.1#
8apacit$ for lifelon' learnin' an& professional &e2elopment
Applications of I4,( in other areas
CE 2.2
Involved in the analysis of determining various errors of a unit
CE ).*
Can handle the pro8ect alone and dedicatedly
C.E. 1.11" C.E. 1.12
Infrastructure for rapid gro&th in the organization
CE 2.1
PE). Professional ttit#&es
CE 2.* =orming a multidiscipline team CE 2.! :imitations of I4,(.
A/ility to &or< in teams.
CE ).
A/le to support team goals &ith the organizational goals.
CE ).1*
%rocess flo&
Engineers Australia
[email protected]| +91-
Professional Engineer Professional Summary Report Name
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
in the manufacturing process of automotive components.
Engineers Australia
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed
CE ).