O56ective& u&t 5e et over the 7ee8 and connected to the curriculu &tandard To eet the o56ective& nece&&ar! 9rocedure& u&t 5e :ollo7ed and i: needed+ additional le&&on&+ e;erci&e&+ and reedial activitie& a! 5e done :or develo9ing content 8no7ledge and co9etencie The&e are a&&e&&ed u&ing hi&el:?her&el: during iddle and late adole&cence# The learner& &hall 5e a5le to##conduct &el:)e;9loration and &i9le di&clo&ure# 4ode@ E&$)$D11?12O)Ia)1#1 4ode@ E&$)$D11?12O)Ia)1#1 4ode@ E&$)$D11?12O)Ia)1#2 4ode@ E&$)$D11?12O)Ia)1#2 =rite the L4 code :or each#
At the end o: the le&&on+ the learner& At the end o: the le&&on+ the learner& are At the end o: the le&&on+ the learner& are At the end o: the le&&on+ the learner& are e;9ected to@ e;9ected to@ e;9ected to@ are e;9ected to@ a# e;9lain that 8no7ing one&el: can a# e;9lain that 8no7ing one&el: can a8e a a# e;9lain that 8no7ing one&el: can a8e a a# e;9lain that 8no7ing one&el: can a8e a 9er&on acce9t hi&?her 9er&on acce9t hi&?her &trength& and 9er&on acce9t hi&?her &trength& and a8e a 9er&on acce9t hi&?her &trength& &trength& and liitation& and dealing liitation& and dealing 7ith other& 5ett er# liitation& and dealing 7ith other& 5etter# and liitation& and dealing 7ith other& 7ith other& 5etter# 5# &hare hi& ? her uniue characteri&tic&+ 5# &hare hi& ? her uniue characteri&tic&+ 5etter# 5# &hare hi& ? her uniue 5# &hare hi& ? her uniue characteri&tic&+ ha5it&+ and e;9erience ha5it&+ and e;9erience characteri&tic&+ ha5it&+ and ha5it&+ and e;9erience c# Start and aintain 6ournal# e;9erience 4ontent i& 7hat the le&&on i& all a5out# It 9ertain& to the &u56ect atter that the teacher ai& to teach in the 4G+ the content can 5e tac8led in a 7ee8 or t7o# no7ing One&el: no7ing One&el: no7ing One&el: no7ing One&el: Cnder&tanding one&el: during iddle Cnder&tanding one&el: during iddle and Cnder&tanding one&el: during iddle and late Cnder&tanding one&el: during iddle and late adole¢& late adole¢& adole¢& and late adole¢&
9# 1)3 9#1)3 9#2)3
9 #9 #(
The&e &te9& &hould 5e done acro&& the 7ee8# S9read out the activitie& a99ro9riatel! &o that &tudent& 7ill learn 7ell# Al7a!& 5e guided 5! deon&tration o: learning 5! the Note: All the acvies in this log can be changed by the subject teacher
A# Revie7ing 9reviou& le&&on or 9re&enting the ne7 le&&on
&tudent& 7hich !ou can in:er :ro :orative a&&e&&ent activitie Su&tain learning &!&teaticall! 5! 9roviding &tudent& 7ith ulti9le 7a!& to learn ne7 thing&+ 9ractice their learning+ ue&tion their learning 9roce&&e&+ and dra7 conclu&ion& a5out 7hat the! learned in relation to their li:e e;9erience& and 9reviou& 8no7ledge# Indicate the tie allotent :or each &te9# =hat do !ou under&tand a5out 9er&onal develo9ent =hat i& 9er&onal develo9ent =hat i& the Origin& o: $er&onal =hat i& &el:)conce9t =hat i& the i9ortance o: 9er&onal Develo9ent develo9ent in the learner& live& =hat are the di::erent &tage& o: "a&lo7& Hierarch! o: Need&
B# E&ta5l E&ta5li&h i&hing ing a 9ur9 9ur9o&e o&e :or :or the the le&&on
The teacher 7ill give the de:inition o: $er&onal Develo9ent
4# $re& $re&en enti ting ng e;a9le&?In&tance& o: the ne7 le&&on
D# Di&cu& Di&cu&&in &ingg ne7 conce conce9t& 9t& and and 9rac 9ractitici cing ng ne7 ne7 &8i &8illll&& 1
The teacher 7ill identi:! the three a&9ect& or doain& o: huan develo9ent#
B! 9air 9air++ let e t the the di&c di&cu& u&&& the the de:i de:ini nitition on o: 9er&onal develo9ent
Ho7 i& 9er&onal develo9ent lin8ed to 9&!cholog!
Ho7 can under&tanding !our&el: 9ave the 7a! to &el: acce9tance and 5etter relation&hi9 7ith other&
The teacher 7ill di&cu&& the Origin& o: $er&onal Develo9ent and $&!cholog! and $er&onal Develo9ent#
Learner& 7ill ta8e a loo8 at their o7n &el: conce9t and an&7er the &el:)conce9t inventor!#
A& a grou9+ The grou9 re9re&entative 7ill &hare to the cla&& their di&cu&&ion or under&tanding o: ho7 i& 9er&onal develo9ent lin8ed to 9&!cholog!# Teacher Teacher 7ill di&cu&& The "a&lo7& Hierch! o: Need& and an&7er the :ollo7ing@ Ho7 7ould !ou relate "a&lo7& Hierarch! o: Need& in !our 9er&onal li:e
Learner& 7ill give &oe 9o9ular &logan& or 9hra&e& that are attri5uta5le to $o&itive O&!cholg! &uch a& Thin8 $o&itive
<# Devel Develo9i o9ing n g a&t a&ter er!! /lead& to
Let the learner& :urther e;9lain 7hat i& 9er&onal develo9ent A&8 the learner& to cite an e;a9le o: ho7 9er&onal develo9ent ha99en& in real li:e#
H# "a8ing "a8ing genera generaliJ liJati ation& on& and and a5&traction& a5out the le&&on
Individuall!+ let the learner& 9re&ent their e;a9le o: ho7 9er&onal
Give the :ive &tage& o: "a&lo7& Hierarach! o: Need&
$rovide tie :or activit! / "Y BANNER F THE TREASCRE =ITHIN "E Learner 7ill identi:! their &trength& and 7or8 on their 7ea8ne&&e =rite a5out !our 5anner# =hat do !ou con&ider a& !our 7ea8ne&&e&+ a5ilitie& and talent& =hat are the reedie& !ou 7ill ta8e to i9rove or co9en&ate :or !our 7ea8ne&
In 7hat area& do !ou con&ider !our&el: &trong Are there ualitie& !ou con&ider a& !our 7ea8ne&& 5ut other con&ider a& !our &trength
Teacher 7ill 5e given reading aterial& a5out &el: Fconce9t# Ho7 reali&tic i& !our &el: iage To 7hat e;tend doe& it re:lect !our real &el: 4hec8 7ith 9artner# Do the&e :actor& hel9 !ou in under&tanding 9er&on& around !ou Share their idea& on ho7 the&e :actor& a::ect their live&
Ho7 can !ou :urther enrich !our a&&et& and &trength& =here and ho7 do !ou u&e it to !our 5e&t advantage
Note: All the acvies in this log can be changed by the subject teacher
develo9ent ha99en& in real li:e# Share to the cla&& t he heir o7n de:inition o: 9er&onal develo9ent
In "a&lo7& Hierarch! o: Need&+ 7here do !ou :ind !our&el: !et 5eing =hat need& are eet =hat need& are not 5eing eet =hat !ou have to do to :ul:ill !our need& &o that !ou can ove clo&er to7ard &el: actualiJation# A&8 three 9er&on& on 7hat the! under&tand a5out 9er&onal develo9ent and co9are thi& 7ith !our o7n under&tanding and e;9erience in cla&
Each learner 7ill a8e a re:lection :ro their 5anner#
Start a aintain a 6ournal
In th their 6ournal a a8e th their ge generaliJation o: the activit!
Re:lect on !our teaching and a&&e&& !our&el: a& a teacher# Thin8 a5out !our &tudent& 9rogre&& thi& 7ee8# =hat 7or8& =hat el&e need& to 5e done to hel9 the &tudent& learn Identi:! 7hat hel9 !our in&tructional &u9ervi&or& can 9rovide :or !ou &o 7hen !ou eet the+ !ou can a&8 the relevant ue&tion A# No# o: learner& 7ho earned K, in the evaluation B# No# o: o: learne learner& r& 7ho 7ho reui reuire re additional activitie& :or reediation 7ho &cored 5elo7 K, 4# Did the the reed reedial ial le&&on& e &&on& 7or8 No# o: learner& 7ho have caught u9 7ith the le&&on D# No# o: learner e arner&& 7ho conti continue nue to reuire reediation E# =hich =hich o: ! teachi teaching ng &trategie& 7or8ed 7ell =h! did the&e 7or8 <# =hat =hat di::i di::icultie c ultie&& did I encounter 7hich ! 9rinci9al or &u9ervi&or can hel9 e &olve G# =hat =hat innovati innovation o n or localiJ localiJed ed aterial& did I u&e?di&cover 7hich I 7i&h to &hare 7ith other teacher& Note: All the acvies in this log can be changed by the subject teacher
Note: All the acvies in this log can be changed by the subject teacher