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LAST EDITED: Date: 10-11-17 15:30 Author: Seolek Revision: 126 ==========
Error messages from AK 200 S are divided into four different error levels depending on the possibility to recover or restart. 1. Unconditional technical error. No restart or recovery attempts. attempts. This will be used where patient safety cannot be guaranteed in presence of the error. This could be caused by some serious hardware error. 2. Conditional technical error. Continued treatment is allowed allowed given that a certain certain condition is fulfilled or a confirmation has been made. These errors are marked with "/" before the error code, "/FCN 5.02 002". 3. Recoverable technical error. A number of restart attempts attempts will be made. If this is unsuccessful an unconditional or conditional technical error will appear. These errors are marked with "*" before the error code, "*FCN 8.09 001". 4. Silent technical error. A technical technical error that does not affect continued treatment; treatment; it will not activate the technical error key or the buzzer. Silent technical errors are only stored in the diagnostic error buffer. If this is unsuccessful an unconditional or conditional technical error will appear. These errors are marked with "!" before the error code, "!FCN 1.00 018". The letters [F,T,D,S] can follow the names of the functions. [F,.....] means that the error codes can appear during the function checks. [.,T,...] means that the errors can appear during treatment. [...,D,.] means that the errors can appear during rinse or disinfection. [.....,S] means that the errors can appear during service mode. Look in the end of file for: AK 200 S attention explanation. AK 200 S incorrect operation.
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"FCH" is displayed during start-up. BM main board LED status indicates the test that is in progress. "Exy" is displayed when a test fails. BM main board LED status indicates the test that failed. The correspondence between time display and main board LED indication will be: LED indicator V28, V30, V31 = Least significant digit on time display (y). V25, V26, V27 = Most significant digit on time display (x). V23, V24 = Not significant on time display. NOTE. The appearance of the first LED status code 11000000 may, may, besides the status explained below, below, also be considered as a 'CPU OB is executing' indication. Also note, that it is advisable NOT to interfere with the machine during start up test other than when explicitly advised to do so.(Non-relevant error messages may occur)
CPU OB INITIAL TESTS Error Diode status (V 23 - 28, 30, 31) ----- --------------VV VVV VVV 2 2 2 22 2 33 3 4 5 67 8 01
"E54" "E56" "E10" "E12"
/11 /01 /10 /11 /11 /11 / 11 /11 /11
111 111 111 011 101 111 1 11 111 111
1111111111111110111 01110111-
FPGA loaded Execution started (CPU188) CPU test Chip select init NMI error RAM test Wait for safe bus reset ROM test Operating system start.
Codes --11nnnn [E60]-[E67],[E70-E77] are r eserved for use within CPU OB task AINIT.PLM. ALL tests passed main board LED status should be 00000000 and will be output in AINI T.
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"FCH" is displayed during start-up. BM main board LED status indicates the test that is in progress. "Exy" is displayed when a test fails. BM main board LED status indicates the test that failed. The correspondence between time display and main board LED indication will be: LED indicator V28, V30, V31 = Least significant digit on time display (y). V25, V26, V27 = Most significant digit on time display (x). V23, V24 = Not significant on time display. NOTE. The appearance of the first LED status code 11000000 may, may, besides the status explained below, below, also be considered as a 'CPU OB is executing' indication. Also note, that it is advisable NOT to interfere with the machine during start up test other than when explicitly advised to do so.(Non-relevant error messages may occur)
CPU OB INITIAL TESTS Error Diode status (V 23 - 28, 30, 31) ----- --------------VV VVV VVV 2 2 2 22 2 33 3 4 5 67 8 01
"E54" "E56" "E10" "E12"
/11 /01 /10 /11 /11 /11 / 11 /11 /11
111 111 111 011 101 111 1 11 111 111
1111111111111110111 01110111-
FPGA loaded Execution started (CPU188) CPU test Chip select init NMI error RAM test Wait for safe bus reset ROM test Operating system start.
Codes --11nnnn [E60]-[E67],[E70-E77] are r eserved for use within CPU OB task AINIT.PLM. ALL tests passed main board LED status should be 00000000 and will be output in AINI T.
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"E61" "E78" "E63" "E64"
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Diode status --------------------VV VVV VVV 2 2 2 22 2 33 3 4 56 7 8 01 / 00 /00 /00 /00 /10 /01 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
1 00 010 001 000 000 000 1 00 0 10 0 00 0 00
0 00 0000001001001001 00 1 00 0 100 00 -
CPU OB initialization task start. CPU OB error logger task start. I2C bus initialization CPU OB communication task start. CPU P communication initialization. CPU F communication initialization. CPU F recovery initialization. System data transfer transfer start CPU OB tasks start up. CPU OB initialization task task end.
LED status 00000000 indicate completed/passed basic and AINIT tests. "FCh", however, will continue to be shown on time display until all functional tests of the monitors are completed. 2. SUPERVISORY TASK ---------------In some cases, an E-code in the range E80-EFF may show up on the time display. Such a code indicates an error condition where it might not be possible to route the message the normal way to the information display.
Error ----This error codes are now saved as Mail-errors: TSK
= task under run
"E80" is supervisory low task (idle-task) under run. "E81" is ADC task under run. "E82" is AOTRC task under run. "E83" is ABTRC task under run. "E84" is FCN 0 task under run. "E85" is FCN 1 task under run. "E86" is FCN 2 task under run. "E87" is COM task under run. "E88" is INFO DISP task under run. (FCN309) "E89" is FCN 3 task under run. "E8A" is recovery task under run. (FCN827) "E8B" is AATRC task under run. "E9C" is out of SRB in CPU OB "E9D" is out of SNR in CPU OB "EA0" AOTRC transition controller time-out "EA1" ABTRC transition controller time-out "EA2" AO2TRC transition controller time-out "EA3" AOATRC transition controller time-out
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3. BOOT ERRORS -----------
b.o.O. b.o.O b.o O. b.o O b o.P. b o.P b o F. b o 5 b o o b E O b E 1 b E 2
Boot mode indicating that all CPU's are empty. First d.p. ind OB second P and third F. Boot mode indicating that CPU's OB and P are empty. Boot mode indicating that CPU's OB and F are empty. Boot mode indicating that CPU OB is empty. Boot mode indicating that CPU's P and F are empty. Boot mode indicating that CPU P is empty. Boot mode indicating that CPU F is empty. Boot mode indicating that boot is requested from strap. Boot mode indicating that boot is requested from operator (string in memory). CRC error in OB boot. CRC error in P boot. CRC error in F boot.
bS3 br3 bE3
CPU OB is not able to send status request to CPU P. No response from CPU P on status request. Error in the received response from CPU P.
bS4 br4 bE4
CPU OB is not able to send status request to CPU F. No response from CPU F on status request. Error in the received response from CPU F.
bS5 br5 bE5
CPU OB is not able to send boot request to CPU P. No response from CPU P on boot request. Error in the received response from CPU P.
bS6 br6 bE6
CPU OB is not able to send boot request to CPU F. No response from CPU F on boot request. Error in the received response from CPU F.
bS7 br7 bE7
CPU OB is not able to send go request to CPU P. No response from CPU P on go request. Error in the received response from CPU P.
bS8 br8 bE8
CPU OB is not able to send go request to CPU F. No response from CPU F on go request. Error in the received response from CPU F.
Diode status (V31 – V32) for CPU F in FM202 during boot: (IC91: Version P022007.102 and above) VV 33 12 0 0 - FPGA not loaded 1 1 - LFSELECT waiting for FCOM to initiate 1 0 - Reset synchronization done, waiting for access_domain command to finish 0 0 - Waiting for command from CPU OB 0 1 - Request version command received
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MAIN BOARD LED STATUS FOR CPU P IN BM200 / BM202. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diode status (V1 - V8) ------------------VV VVV VVV 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 11 01 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
111 111 111 011 101 110 111 111 111 111
FPGA loaded Execution started (CPU188) CPU test Chip select init NMI error Video RAM test RAM test Wait for safe bus reset ROM test Operating system start.
Any errors in the tests above will halt the execution of CPU P. The time display will show "E63", indicating that CPU OB is unable to communicate with CPU P. Any errors in the tests below will not halt the execution, instead they will be sent as error codes to CPU OB. Diode status --------------VV VVV VVV 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
100 010 001 000 000 00 0 000
0000000001000100 01 000-
CPU P initialisation task start. CPU P function initialisation. CPU P;Q communication initialisation CPU P communication task start. CPU P LCD task (bmdisp) start up. CPU P supervision tasks start up wait. CPU P initialisation task end (supervision tasks started).
LED status 00000000 indicate completed/passed basic and BINIT tests.
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MAIN BOARD LED STATUS FOR CPU F IN FM202. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Diode status (V 38 - V 31) ------------------VV VVV VVV 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 8 7 6 54 3 21 11 01 10 11 11 11 11 11 11
111 111 111 011 101 111 111 111 111
FPGA loaded Execution started (CPU188) CPU test Chip select init NMI error RAM test Wait for safe bus reset ROM test Operating system start.
Listed below are error message explanations for error information handled the normal way via the system error logger and which might be read on the information display entering the error logger menu. System messages.
= = = = = = =
No system request blocks (SRB:s) available No system memory request blocks (SMR:s) available Illegal internal MTOS call: X_OVIN Illegal internal MTOS call: X_OVOUT Illegal internal MTOS call: X_GET_BLOCK Illegal internal MTOS call: X_FREE_BLOCK Illegal internal MTOS call: X_ALLOC_8087
SYS INTR 000 = Divide error exception interrupt SYS INTR 001 = Single step interrupt SYS INTR 002 = Non=maskable interrupt SYS INTR 003 = Breakpoint interrupt SYS INTR 004 = Overflow exception interrupt SYS INTR 005 = Array bounds exception interrupt SYS INTR 006 = Unused opcode exception interrupt SYS INTR 007 = Escape opcode exception interrupt SYS INTR 008 = Reserved vector interrupt SYS INTR UNX = Unexpected vector interrupt SYS REAL 000 SYS REAL 001 SYS REAL 002
= = =
Floating point illegal opcode Floating point real overflow Floating point integer overflow
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CPU OB task errors
= supervisory task A "Exx" errors above
Transition controller messages.
TzA Pxxx ttt TzB Pxxx yyy TzC Pxxx ttt TzD P000 xxx TzE Pxxx yyy TzF Pxxx yyy TzG Pxxx yyy TzH Pxxx yyy TzI Pxxx yyy TzJ Pxxx yyy TzK Pxxx yyy TzL Pxxx yyy TzM P000 fff TzN Pxxx yyy TzO jjjj iii TzP P000 fff TzQ jjjj iii
xxx yyy z
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = =
Process nr xxx out of range in transition test. State nr yyy out of range. Test nr ttt out of range in transition test. Process state shadow table corrupt in process xxx. Process attempt to assume non-defined state yyy. State yyy attempt to control process at own or higher level. State yyy attempt to control non-defined process. State yyy attempt to control non-defined function. State yyy attempt to duplicate process control. State yyy attempt to duplicate function control. State yyy attempt to reference non-defined event control. State yyy attempt to set non-defined event mode. Non-controlled function fff. State yyy attempt to set nonexistent output cross=reference. Cross reference iii references non existent logical output jjjj. Function shadow table corrupt in function fff. Output shadow table corrupt, cross reference iii (Index in logical declaration), output jjjj (index in *.lit file). Process number State number Transition controller identifier [O,B,P,Q,F]
CPU OB operating system errors
= SVC ERROR : Communication task start. = SVC ERROR : AD=converter task start. = SVC ERROR : AOTRC task start. = SVC ERROR : ABTRC task start. = SVC ERROR : Function task 0 start. = SVC ERROR : Function task 1 start. = SVC ERROR : Function task 2 start. = SVC ERROR : Supervisory high priority task start. = SVC ERROR : Supervisory low priority task start. = SVC ERROR : Information display task start. = SVC ERROR : Flash Memory start. = RIO ERROR : CPU F Power=up/Recovery string call. = SVC ERROR : Recovery task start. = SVC ERROR : Attention traco task start. = SVC ERROR : No recovery data from CPU F.(Time out). = SVC ERROR : OPCOM task start. = SVC ERROR : BVSCOM task start. = SVC ERROR : PROM version receive error from OP. = Removed = Removed
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CPU P operating system errors
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
SVC ERROR : Communication task start. SVC ERROR : Logging task start. SVC ERROR : BTRC task start. SVC ERROR : Function task 0 start. SVC ERROR : Function task 1 start. SVC ERROR : Function task 2 start. SVC ERROR : Supervisory high priority task start. SVC ERROR : Supervisory low priority task start. SVC ERROR : Information display task start. SVC ERROR : Function task 3 start. SVC ERROR : Recovery task start. SVC ERROR : LCD task start or not present. SVC ERROR : AD converter task start. SVC ERROR : FRN Communication task start. SVC ERROR : PROM version receive error from FRN. SVC ERROR : DUO prot Communication task start. SVC ERROR : PROM version receive error from Select prot.
Bitbus communication errors. (CPU OB and CPU F).
Bitbus protocol error in FIFO CPU P to CPU OB. The message did not end with command byte = 0. The message is discarded. Bitbus protocol error in FIFO CPU C to CPU F. The message did not end with command byte = 0. The message is discarded.
Flow generator communication errors. (CPU F).
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Flow generator not responding. Flow generator program restart error. Flow generator NMI restart error. Flow generator unused op code error. Flow generator CPU error. Flow generator ram error. Flow generator Flash Memory error. Flow generator dialyzer pressure out of limit. Removed in program ver. 5.00. Flow generator pump motor in overload. Flow generator pump motor out overload. Flow generator AD offset out of limit. Flow generator AD reference out of limit. Flow generator high pressure guard out of limit. Removed in program ver. 5.00.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit in Functional Check. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit in Functional Check. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit in Functional Check. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit in Functional Check.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit in pre treatment. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit in pre treatment. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit in pre treatment. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit in pre treatment.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit during taration in pre treatment. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit during taration in pre treatment. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit during taration in pre treatment. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit during taration in pre treatment.
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= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit in treatment. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit in treatment. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit in treatment. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit in treatment.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit during taration in treatment. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit during taration in treatment. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit during taration in treatment. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit during taration in treatment.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit in rinse or post chemical rinse. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit in rinse or post chemical rinse. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit in rinse or post chemical rinse. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit in rinse or post chemical rinse.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit in drain. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit in drain. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit in drain. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit in drain.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit in heat disinfection. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit in heat disinfection. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit in heat disinfection. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit in heat disinfection.
= = = =
Flow generator HPG below low pressure limit in chemical disinfection. Flow generator PD below low pressure limit in chemical disinfection. Flow generator HPG above high pressure limit in chemical disinfection. Flow generator PD above high pressure limit in chemical disinfection.
FM operating system errors.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Error in calling MTOS. SVC ERROR : AD-converter task start. SVC ERROR : Fluid TRC task start. SVC ERROR : Function task 0 start. SVC ERROR : Function task 1 start. SVC ERROR : Function task 2 start. SVC ERROR : Communication task start. SVC ERROR : Supervisory high task start. RIO ERROR : CPU F Power-up/Recovery string call. Error in calling MTOS. Error in calling MTOS. Error in calling MTOS.
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FM test program errors.
= = = =
Ram error from CPU F. Flash Memory error from CPU F. Flash Memory address 20000 error from CPU F. Flash Memory address E0000 error from CPU F.
FCH RAM 000 = FCH PROM 002 = FCH PROM 00E =
Ram error from CPU F. Flash Memory address 20000 error from CPU F. Flash Memory address E0000 error from CPU F.
Function messages.
FCN x.xx yyy = Function error message x.xx = Issuing functions number) yyy = Function error type, application specific, although 000 reserved for case ptr error) FCN 1.00, AD Com P <-> Q FUNCTION (CPU P) FCN 1.00 000 = Removed FCN 1.00 001 = Removed FCN 1.00 002 = Removed FCN 1.00 003 = Removed FCN 1.00 004 = Removed FCN 1.00 005 = Removed FCN 1.00 006 = Removed FCN 1.00 007 = Removed FCN 1.00 008 = Removed FCN 1.00 010 = Case error. FCN 1.00 011 = Error in receiving RIO. FCN 1.00 012 = Error in transmitting RIO. FCN 1.00 013 = Acknowledge time out (10 resends each 800ms) in set mode. FCN 1.00 014 = Acknowledge time out in program version requsest. FCN 1.00 015 = DIVA response from Q is not correct within 2 sec FCN 1.00 016 = TAVA response from Q is not correct within 2 sec !FCN 1.00 017 = Last SafeBus Reset was caused by Q: missing Acknowledge (silent). !FCN 1.00 018 = Last SafeBus Reset was caused by Q: error in Heart Beat (silent). (Silent errors are only stored in the diagnostic error buffer) FCN 1.00 2xy
2 is the logical bus number. x is the sensor: 0 = AD 1 = C2G 2 = C1G 3 = BLD 4 = SAG 5 = PDI 6 = AUX 7 = AUX 1
y is type of error: 0 = Reply timeout 1 = ACK 3 = CRC 4 = Type 5 = Addr 6 = Offset 7 = Scale A = Verification B = AD overflow C = AD busy (no EOC recived) D = Division by zero E = Measured AD-offset out of limits F = Measured AD-reference out of limits G = Overflow in conversion calculation (result>16 bits) H = 12V supply (Q12VS/) out of range
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Fluid error function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.01 000 FCN 1.01 001 FCN 1.01 002 FCN 1.01 003 FCN 1.01 004 FCN 1.01 005
= = = = = =
FCN 1.01 006
FCN 1.01 007
FCN 1.01 008
Case error. The program is not working properly. Conductivity set error. Division by zero or overflow. PD AD overflow error. TEMP AD overflow error. Removed. Previously: COND AD overflow error. Bicarbonate constant comparation error. Protective system and CPU OB differ in constants. Removed. Previously: Communication error BiCart Select BiCart Select Protective Pump node volume not calibrated [F]
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * BiCart Select Protective Pump node volume not calibrated. * Program in the BiCart Select Protective Pump node is exchanged. FCN 1.01 009
BiCart Select Protective system level detector not calibrated [F]
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * BiCart Select Protective system level detector not calibrated. * Program in the BiCart Select Protective Pump node is exchanged. FCN 1.01 010 FCN 1.01 011 FCN 1.01 012
= = =
DiaScan Protective system sodium dose over max limit. DiaScan Protective system sodium dose under min limit. DiaScan Protective system conductivity step out of limit.
Info display function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.02 001 FCN 1.02 002 FCN 1.02 003 FCN 1.02 004 FCN 1.02 005 FCN 1.02 006 FCN 1.02 007 FCN 1.02 008 FCN 1.02 009 *FCN 1.02 010 *FCN 1.02 011 FCN 1.02 012 *FCN 1.02 013 *FCN 1.02 014 FCN 1.02 017
FCN 1.02 018 FCN 1.02 019
!FCN 1.02 020
= = = = = = = = = =
Removed. Removed. Removed. Removed. Removed. LCD CPU F. Register test error LCD CPU F. Flash Memory CRC test failure LCD CPU F. RAM test failure LCD CPU F. Display RAM test failure. Error sending information display data to LCD task. LCD task uses the graphics controller on the BM board. = Unknown error when sending information display data to IT expansion board. = Too many errors of type 020, 021, 022, or 023 detected when sending information display data to IT expansion board; either 3 errors within 5 minutes or more than 9 errors total. = OS kernel error when sending information display data to IT expansion board. = Unknown error when receiving reply from IT expansion board. = Missing video controller during start-up. IT expansion board connection was not established, due to no response, or IT expansion board does not support the display function. But the video controller on the BM board is not responding, so information display is impossible. = The S/W version extracted from the IT expansion board is not compatible with the current version of AK200S. = One or more of the buffers used to save information display data is too small. The saved data is used to restore the display when the IT expansion board has been reset. The S/W must be reconfigured with larger buffers and rebuilt. = Error when sending information display data to IT expansion board. A NAK was received from IT expansion board, (the message was not acknowledged), meaning that there was a low-level checksum error in the data, or that the DisplayServer task in the IT expansion board was not ready to receive the data.
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!FCN 1.02 021 =
Error when sending information display data to IT expansion board. The send timed-out, there was no acknowledge from IT expansion board. This may be due to faulty connection, or IT expansion board failure. !FCN 1.02 022 = Error when sending information display data to IT expansion board. There is no free buffer to use, the IT expansion board is not reading the messages fast enough. This may be due to faulty connection, or IT expansion board failure. !FCN 1.02 023 = Error when sending information display data to IT expansion board. The DisplayServer task in the IT expansion board received invalid data (data not intact, or CRC error) and sent a reply with the error back to the information display task in CPUP.
Buzzer/loudspeaker function. (CPU P). Valid for BM CPU board K19720 version 003 and lower.
FCN 1.03 000 FCN 1.03 001
= =
/FCN 1.03 002
FCN 1.03 003
Case error. The program is not working properly. CPU P buzzer (H1) test error. This error code can be a result of another technical error that disturbs the buzzer test. CPU OB buzzer (H2) test error. Possible explanation: There may be a bad connection to X0VC from the FM power distribution board Buzzer already on even before buzzer test. Check microphone or comparator.
Buzzer/loudspeaker function. (CPU P). Valid for BM CPU board K19720 version 005 and higher.
FCN 1.03 000 FCN 1.03 001
= =
/FCN 1.03 002
FCN 1.03 003
Case error. The program is not working properly. CPU P buzzer (H2) test error. This error code can be a result of another technical error that disturbs the buzzer test. CPU OB buzzer (H1) test error. Possible explanation: There may be a bad connection to X0VC from the FM power distribution board Buzzer already on even before buzzer test. Check microphone or comparator.
Level detector function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.04 000 FCN 1.04 001 FCN 1.04 002 FCN 1.04 003 FCN 1.04 004 FCN 1.04 005 FCN 1.04 006 FCN 1.04 007 FCN 1.04 008
= = = = = = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Sync not toggled from CPU OB. Removed. Reset of receiver failed. Removed. Removed. Removed. Wrong number of pulses in test burst. Wrong number of pulses in normal burst.
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Priming detector function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.05 000 FCN 1.05 001 FCN 1.05 002 FCN 1.05 003 FCN 1.05 004 FCN 1.05 005 FCN 1.05 006 FCN 1.05 007 FCN 1.05 008 FCN 1.05 009 FCN 1.05 011 FCN 1.05 012 FCN 1.05 014
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Removed Removed Removed Removed Invalid low DAC value. Not inside PROM limit. Removed Removed Removed Priming detector can not sense blood during T1 test. Removed Removed Removed
FCN 1.06, BLOOD PUMP FUNCTION (CPU P) Purpose: Please also refer to the description of FCN 5.00 and FCN 5.01. * Checks the different ways to turn off the blood pumps during the function check. * Checks if the blood pumps have been rotating so much that the priming must have been completed. * Turns off the blood pumps if the protective system detects certain alarms during treatment. FCN 1.06 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 1.06 001 BLOOD PUMP RUNNING WHILE SAFE BUS ALARMING ERROR [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The blood pump(s) were running during function test even if the safe bus was set in alarm mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was set in alarm mode. Current should NOT flow through it. The relay K3 on the BM CPU board should be deactivated and the supply voltage for the blood pumps R24V should be 0V. No other electronic signals tried to stop the blood pump. The protective system detected that at least one of the blood pumps were rotating during more than 1.6s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The relay K3 on the BM CPU board is broken.
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FCN 1.06 002 DOUBLE PUMP STOP WHILE SAFE BUS NOT ALARMING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: At least one of the blood pumps were not running during function test when the safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. Current should flow through it. The relay K3 on the BM CPU board should be activated and the supply voltage for the blood pumps R24V should be 24V. The protective system could not detect that both blood pumps were rotating during 6.8s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The arterial blood pump is broken. * The venous blood pump is broken. * Some of the electronics on the arterial blood pump distribution board are broken. * Some of the electronics on the venous blood pump distribution board are broken. * The relay K3 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The mono stable multi vibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The protective system resets the mono stable multi vibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board. * The blood pump cover sensor is broken. * The blood pump overload sensor is broken. * Some cables are broken or not connected. * The protective system detection of the blood pump rotation is broken. FCN 1.06 003 SINGLE PUMP STOP WHILE SAFE BUS NOT ALARMING ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: The arterial blood pump was not running during function test when the safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. Current should flow through it. The relay K3 on the BM CPU board should be activated and the supply voltage for the blood pumps R24V should be 24V. The protective system could not detect that the arterial blood pump was rotating during 6.8s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The arterial blood pump is broken. * Some of the electronics on the arterial blood pump distribution board is broken. * The relay K3 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The mono stable multi vibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The protective system resets the mono stable multi vibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board. * The blood pump cover sensor is broken. * The blood pump overload sensor is broken. * Some cables are broken or not connected. * The protective system detection of the blood pump rotation is broken.
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FCN 1.06 004 BLOOD PUMP FREQUENCY ERROR [F] General description of conditions for occurring: At least one of the blood pumps were running dur ing function test while none of them has got any input frequency. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The frequencies that tells the blood pumps to run were turned off. No other electronic signals told the blood pumps to stop. The protective system detected that at least one of the blood pumps was rotating during 8.6s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Some of the electronics on the venous blood pump distribution board is broken. * Some of the electronics on the arterial blood pump distribution board is broken. FCN 1.06 005 BLOOD PUMP ENABLE ERROR [F] General description of conditions for occurring: At least one of the blood pumps was running during function test while CPU OB had commanded them to stop. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The protective system detected that at least one of the blood pumps were rotating during 2.6s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Some of the electronics on the venous blood pump distribution board is broken. * Some of the electronics on the arterial blood pump distribution board is broken. * The IC 46 or Q 9 on the BM CPU board is broken. FCN 1.06 006 BLOOD PUMP TRIG ERROR [F] General description of conditions for occurring: At least one of the blood pumps was running during f unction test while CPU OB tried to stop them. Technical description of conditions for occurring: CPU OB did not trig the mono stable multi vibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board. The protective system detected that at least one of the blood pumps were rotating during 6.6s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The mono stable multi vibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The relay K3 on the BM CPU board is broken. Safety guard function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.07 000 FCN 1.07 001
= =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Safety guard pressure AD overflow error.
Heater function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.08 000
Function moved. Is now included in FCN100.
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EEPROM control function, FM protective system. (CPU P).
FCN 1.09
Function moved. Is now included in FCN100.
Watch-dog driver function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.10
Function deleted.
Watch-dog driver function. (CPU C).
FCN 1.11
Function deleted.
Direct valve function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.12
Function deleted.
Direct valve function. (CPU C).
FCN 1.13
Function deleted.
Clamp function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.14 000 FCN 1.14 001 FCN 1.14 002 FCN 1.14 003 FCN 1.14 004
= = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Venous clamp should not be open error. Arterial clamp should not be open error. Venous clamp should not be closed error. Arterial clamp should not be closed error.
EEPROM control function, BM protective system, main. (CPU P).
FCN 1.15 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
The remaining error messages is built according to: FCN 1.15 4XY where 4 = current I2C-bus, CPU P I2C-bus. X = current EEPROM address. Address 0
EEPROM MAIN BOARD CPU P, level detector, priming detector and concentrate presets.
Y = error type: 0 1 2
EEPROM acknowledge or CRC verification error. EEPROM header verification error. Parameter validation error.
Conversion function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.16 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Service strap function (CPU P).
FCN 1.17 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
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FCN 1.18, BLOOD LEAK FUNCTION (CPU P) Purpose: * The blood leak transmitter sends light to the blood leak receiver. If the receiver detects too little light during the function checks, then an attention is given. * If the receiver detects too little light during treatment, then a blood leak alarm is given. * Resets the blood leak alarm when the operator presses the blood leak key. * Checks that a blood leak can be detected by reducing the light for 7s during the function checks and for 7s every 5 minutes during treatment. FCN 1.18 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 1.18 001 BLOOD LEAK SENSOR TEST "REDUCED LIGHT" FAILED [F,T,D] General description of conditions for occurring: The blood leak receiver detected too much light when the blood leak transmitter was reduced. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The blood leak transmitter was reduced to approximately 75%. Wait 7s. QRI(QI_BLOOD$LEAK) < 95. (QRI(QI_BLOOD$LEAK) = 0 when the fluid is completely transparent and it is about 120 when the fluid is completely dark.) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Incorrect blood leak detector calibration. * The blood leak receiver is broken. * The A/D system is broken. * The blood leak transmitter was never reduced. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check the blood leak detector calibration. FCN 1.18 002 BLOOD LEAK AD OVERFLOW General description of conditions for occurring: The error code has been removed. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Signal to AD system to high. ( > 60 mV.) * Resistor R5 on blood leak detector board to big, this will cause a signal that is to high for the AD converter. Re-calibrate. * Blood leak sensor partially filled. The light beam was reflected in the fluid surface. * Strong infra red ambient light. * AD converter is not working properly. FCN 1.18 003 CPU OB IS NOT RESPONDING ON BLOOD L EAK DETECTOR ALARM General description of conditions for occurring: The error code has been removed.
18 / 116
FCN 1.18 004 BLOOD LEAK TEST ERROR DURING FUNCTION CHECK General description of conditions for occurring: The error code has been removed. The detector was not able to see that the infra red beam was lit. Technical description of conditions for occurring: QRI(QI_BLOOD$LEAK) > PW(EPW_BLOOD$LEAK$ON) during test. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Dirty blood leak detector. * The blood leak detector was not filled with flu id when this test was done. * Infra red diode not working properly. * Aborted heat disinfection might cause this message, due to a slight thermal change in the photo transistor. FCN 1.18 005 BLOOD LEAK TEST ERROR DURING FCH. General description of conditions for occurring: The blood leak test detects a limit less than -20 BLU. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The blood leak transmitter is switched on. PRI(PI_BLOOD$LEAK) < PI(EPI_BLOOD$LEAK$ON$MIN) PRI(PI_BLOOD$LEAK) = 0 when the fluid is completely transparent and approx. 120 when the fluid is completely dark.) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Incorrect blood leak detector calibration. * The blood leak receiver is broken. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check the blood leak detector calibration.
HDF scale supervision function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.25 000 =
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Profiling function. (Na profiling in Acetate mode and Na, HCO3 profiling in Bicarbonate mode)
FCN 1.26 000 =
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 1.26 001 =
Undefined Na type in Bicarbonate mode neither of (Off, Linear, Degressive, Progressive).
FCN 1.26 002 =
Undefined HCO3 type in Bicarbonate mode neither of (Off, Linear, Degressive, Progressive).
FCN 1.26 003 =
Undefined Na type in Acetate mode neither of (Off, Linear, Degressive, Progressive).
FCN 1.26 004 =
Division by zero or overflow error.
Profiling parameter set function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.27 000 = FCN 1.27 001 = FCN 1.27 002 = FCN 1.27 003 =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Removed. Previously: No correct safe memory area for profiling settings. Irrelevant profiling model selected. Division by zero or overflow error.
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HDF infusion pump rate supervision function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.28 000 =
Case error. The program is not working properly.
HDF infusion pump rate calculation function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.29 000 = FCN 1.29 001 = FCN 1.29 002 =
FCN 1.29 003 =
Case error. The program is not working properly. The HDF infusion pump is running to fast. A pump error has occurred . General description of conditions for occurring: Infusion pump running when blood pump is stopped (Not in EXTRA mode). Infusion pump stopped in EXTRA mode. The venous blood pump is regulated to a speed near the set value of 2 kHz during the blood pump test in the function check. The error code is issued when the speed is outside the limits of the protective system half revolution time counter, 2000 ms to 3000 ms.
Main Flow supervision function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.33 00x Removed. Main Flow supervision FCH function. (CPU P).
FCN 1.34 00x Removed. BiCart Select Flow Multiplexer Function (CPU C)
FCN 1.35 000 DIVISION BY ZERO OR OVER FLOW ERROR Power supervision function (CPU P)
FCN 1.37 000 = FCN 1.37 001 = FCN 1.37 002 =
Case error, not used Z12P (P12PS) out of range for more than 3 seconds Z12N (P12NS) out of range for more than 3 seconds
FRN node controller Function (CPU P)
FCN 1.39 000 =
Case error. The program is not working properly. [F,T,D,S]
Note: Error codes 001, 004 and 006 are only possible if machine preset for UF supervision active (Fch of FRN RQ1 and RQ2 measurements). FCN 1.39 001 FRN high flow measurement failed too many times. General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between Channel 1 and Channel 2 flows measured by the FRN differed more than the preset value (1-3 ml/min). PRB(PB_RESTR$NO$HIGH$FLOW$RETEST) = Number of retest of the complete FRN high flow test Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: ∗ The FRN is not calibrated. ∗ There is a small leakage in the fluid path between the FIP and the FOP transducer. ∗ The preset limit is set to low. ∗ There is a hardware error in the Node or in the FIP or FOP transducers.
20 / 116
FCN 1.39 004 Too many tarations not approved by node. General description of conditions for occurring: - The error is set when the FRN node fails to make a taration of the measurements in Channel 1 and Channel 2. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The FRN is not calibrated. * There is a hardware error in the Node or in the FIP or FOP transducers. FCN 1.39 006 FRN low flow measurement failed too many times. General description of conditions for occurring: - The difference between Channel 1 and Channel 2 flows measured by the FRN differed more than the preset value (1-3 ml/min) or - The Channel 1 or Channel 2 flow measured by the FRN differed more than 9 ml/min from the set value. PRB(PB_RESTR$NO$LOW$FLOW$RETEST) = Number of retest of the complete FRN low flow test Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: ∗ The FRN is not calibrated. ∗ There is a small leakage in the fluid path between the FIP and the FOP transducer. ∗ The preset limit is set to low. ∗ There is a hardware error in the Node or in the FIP or FOP transducers. FCN 1.39 007 FRN recovery failure General description of conditions for occurring: - During recovery CPU P has sent the taration parameters to the FRN node more than 60 times Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * There is a hardware error in the FRN node. Note: Error codes 008, 009 and 010 are only possible if machine preset for UF supervision NOT active (Fch of FRN RQ1 measurement only). FCN 1.39 008 FRN RQ1 High Flow test measurement failed too many times General description of conditions for occurring: - The main flow, RQ1, measured by the FRN differed more than +/- 9 ml/min from the flow set value FI_MAIN$FL$SET, High Flow test set value approximately 700 ml/min. Max test time 336 seconds (200 samples from FRN). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The FRN is not calibrated. * The FRN or the UF-cell is badly calibrated. * There is a hardware error in the Node or in the FOP transducer.
FCN 1.39 009 FRN RQ1 Low Flow test measurement failed too many times General description of conditions for occurring: - The main flow, RQ1, measured by the FRN differed more than +/- 9 ml/min from the flow set value, Low Flow test set value = High Flow test set value - 50 ml/min (FI_MAIN$FL$SET + FI_MAIN$FL$OFF). Max test time 336 seconds (200 samples from FRN). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The FRN is not calibrated. * The FRN or the UF-cell is badly calibrated. * There is a hardware error in the Node or in the FOP transducer.
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FCN 1.39 010 FRN RQ1 Diff Flow test measurement failed too many times General description of conditions for occurring: - The FRN main flow measurement, RQ1, difference between High Flow test and Low Flow test differs more than +/- 4 ml/min from the difference set value 50 ml/min (FI_MAIN$FL$OFF). Max test time 336 seconds (200 samples from FRN). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The FRN is not calibrated. * The FRN or the UF-cell is badly calibrated. * There is a hardware error in the Node or in the FOP transducer. FCN 1.39 011 FRN Taration leakage check not approved General description of conditions for occurring: - The valves are closed for taration. The FRN UF-rate has not fallen below preset limit S 529 (default 10 ml/min) before FRN taration is started. Time limit 30 s. This implies a flow through the closed valves. A new taration has been requested by FRN and also this taration is out of limit. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Leaking TAVA/DIVA. * There is a hardware error in the Node or in the FOP transducer. FRN UF supervision function (CPU P)
FCN 1.40 000 =
Case error. The program is not working properly. [F,T,D,S]
BiCart Select Protective Pump node controller Function (CPU P)
FCN 1.41 000 =
Case error. The program is not working properly. [F,T,D,S]
Heparin pump supervision (CPU P).
Purpose: Supervises the heparin pump speed. * Checks that the number of counted pulses does not differ too much from the estimated number of pulses. * Checks that the pump is stopped when it is not commanded to move. The heparin pump set value , ORI(OI_HEP$SET), is used to calculate the expected infused heparin volume, PRI(PI_HEP$EST$ACC). This volume is compared with the volume calculated from the counted pulses, PRI(PI_HEP$ACC). /FCN 1.43 000 =
Software error. Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
/FCN 1.43 001 =
Heparin potentiometer read error from FPGA.
/FCN 1.43 002 =
Heparin control error (movement detected when disabled). Please refer to FCN 5.02 006.
/FCN 1.43 003 =
Heparin pump speed too high. Please refer to FCN 5.02 004.
/FCN 1.43 004 =
Heparin pump speed too low. Please refer to FCN 5.02 003. Heparin syringe dimension preset error (Syringe volume or/and Syringe length out of limits).
/FCN 1.43 005 =
22 / 116
Function check temperature test supervision (CPU P).
FCN 1.44 000 =
Software error. Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 1.44 001 =
High temperature test error. [F] The difference between the control system temperature sensors and the protective system temperature sensors is too large.
FCN 1.44 002 =
Set temperature (treatment temperature) test error. [F] The difference between the control system temperature sensors and the protective system temperature sensors were too large. FRI(FI_TEMP$A) FRI(FI_TEMP$B) PRI(PI_TEMP$1$G) PRI(PI_TEMP$B)
= = = =
Conductivity cell A temperature. Conductivity cell B temperature. Conductivity cell A temperature guard. Conductivity cell B temperature guard.
EEPROM ctrl function for protective BUS 4, external pressure sensors. (CPU P).
FCN 1.45 000 FCN 1.45 xyz
= =
Case error. The program is not working properly. x - I2C bus, y - logical address, (see I2C list at end) z - error type: 1 - acknowledge error (no response) 2 - wrong byte addr. or byte count 3 - read CRC error 4 - type error 5 - position error 6 - offset limit error 7 - coefficient limit error 8 - E2PROM is reference type 9 - wrong bus number A - read verify error B - internal table error
Blood pressure transducer test during Fch: Pressure test at > 200 mmHg and < -200 mmHg (CPU P).
FCN 1.46 000 Case error. The program is not working properly. FCN 1.46 011 High pressure difference test failed: Arterial pressure did not reach 200 mmHg within 30 seconds. FCN 1.46 012 High pressure difference test failed: System pressure did not reach 200 mmHg within 30 seconds. FCN 1.46 013 High pressure difference test failed: Venous pressure did not reach 200 mmHg within 30 seconds. FCN 1.46 014 High pressure difference test failed: Arterial and system pressure differed more than 20 mmHg. FCN 1.46 015 High pressure difference test failed: Arterial and venous pressure differed more than 20 mmHg. FCN 1.46 016 High pressure difference test failed: System and venous pressure differed more than 20 mmHg.
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FCN 1.46 021 Low pressure difference test failed: Arterial pressure did not reach -200 mmHg within 30 seconds. FCN 1.46 022 Low pressure difference test failed: System pressure did not reach -200 mmHg within 30 seconds. FCN 1.46 023 Low pressure difference test failed: Venous pressure did not reach -200 mmHg within 30 seconds. FCN 1.46 024 Low pressure difference test failed: Arterial and system pressure differed more than 20 mmHg. FCN 1.46 025 Low pressure difference test failed: Arterial and venous pressure differed more than 20 mmHg. FCN 1.46 026 Low pressure difference test failed: System and venous pressure differed more than 20 mmHg. Blood pressure transducer test during Fch: Arterial zero pressure test (CPU P).
FCN 1.47 000 Case error. The program is not working properly. FCN 1.47 001 First zero pressure stability test failed for arterial pressure transducer. The absolute difference of max and min pressure was not within 10 mmHg and the last examined sample was not < ±5 mmHg even after waiting 2 min. after confirmed attention. A possible explanation why the error has occurred: * If the machine is shut off or service mode is entered during the blood pressure transducer test, there is a possibility that the pressure gets locked in the new check valve and as a result the machine has to be opened and the pressure released manually.
FCN 1.47 002 Second zero pressure stability test failed for arterial pressure transducer: The pressure did not return to zero after the h igh and low pressure difference test. Probably the leak hole in the tube-set between the pressure test pump and the transducers is clogged up. Blood pressure transducer test during Fch: System zero pressure test (CPU P).
FCN 1.48 000 Case error. The program is not working properly. FCN 1.48 001 First zero pressure stability test failed for system pressure transducer. The absolute difference of max and min pressure was not within 10 mmHg and the last examined sample was not < ±5 mmHg even after waiting 2 min. after confirmed attention. A possible explanation why the error has occurred: * If the machine is shut off or service mode is entered during the blood pressure transducer test, there is a possibility that the pressure gets locked in the new check valve and as a result the machine has to be opened and the pressure released manually. FCN 1.48 002 Second zero pressure stability test failed for system pressure transducer: The pressure did not return to zero after the h igh and low pressure difference test. Probably the leak hole in the tube-set between the pressure test pump and the transducers is clogged up.
24 / 116
Blood pressure transducer test during Fch: venous zero pressure test (CPU P).
FCN 1.49 000 Case error. The program is not working properly. FCN 1.49 001 First zero pressure stability test failed for venous pressure transducer. The absolute difference of max and min pressure was not within 10 mmHg and the l ast examined sample was not < ±5 mmHg even after waiting 2 min. after confirmed attention. A possible explanation why the error has occurred: * If the machine is shut off or service mode is entered during the blood pressure transducer test, there is a possibility that the pressure gets locked in the new check valve and as a result the machine has to be opened and the pressure released manually. FCN 1.49 002 Second zero pressure stability test failed for venous pressure transducer: The pressure did not return to zero after the h igh and low pressure difference test. Probably the leak hole in the tube-set between the pressure test pump and the transducers is clogged up. Fluid pressure test in PRS
FCN 1.50 06x LOW PRESSURE CORRELATION TEST [P] State 1: Low pressure correlation PD (protective), PD (control) and SAG transducers. The HPG is regulated to 20% by CTRLS. A. Each pressure transducer shall have a stable value during 5 seconds, maximum deviation 10mmHg. B. When stable values for each transducer are obtained, the transducers are compared. The test is passed if the maximum deviation between the transducers is less than 25mmHg. x is type of error: 1 - PD (protective) is not stable, test A. 2 - PD (control) is not stable, test A. 3 - PD (protective) and PD (control) not correlated, test B. 4 - SAG not correlated to both PD (protective) and PD (control), test B. 5 - PD (protective) and SAG not correlated , test B. 6 - PD (control) and SAG not correlated, test B. 7 - No correlation at all, test B. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: The pressure transducer(s) is not calibrated. The pressure transducer(s) or electronics malfunctioning. The fluid pump(s) are broken.
FCN 1.50 07x HIGH PRESSURE CORRELATION TEST [P] State 2: High pressure correlation PD (protective), PD (control) and SAG transducers. The HPG is r egulated to 80% by CTRLS. A. Each pressure transducer shall have a stable value during 5 seconds, maximum deviation 10mmHg. B. When stable values for each transducer are obtained, the transducers are compared. The test is passed if the maximum deviation between the transducers is less than 25mmHg. x is type of error: 1 - PD (protective) is not stable, test A. 2 - PD (control) is not stable, test A. 3 - PD (protective) and PD (control) not correlated, test B. 4 - SAG not correlated to both PD (protective) and PD (control), test B.
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5 - PD (protective) and SAG not correlated, test B. 6 - PD (control) and SAG not correlated, test B. 7 - No correlation at all, test B. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: The pressure transducer(s) is not calibrated. The pressure transducer(s) or electronics malfunctioning. The fluid pump(s) are broken.
Arterial pressure guard supervision. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.00 000
Function deleted.
Extra pressure supervision. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.01 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Venous pressure supervision. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.02 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Level detector function (CPU OB).
FCN 2.03 000 FCN 2.03 001 FCN 2.03 002 FCN 2.03 003 FCN 2.03 004
= = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Removed. Removed. Removed. Removed.
Priming detector function. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.04 000 FCN 2.04 001 FCN 2.04 002 FCN 2.04 003
= = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Removed Removed Removed
Arterial tidal volume supervision. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.05 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Arterial pump supervision function. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.07 000 FCN 2.07 001 FCN 2.07 002 FCN 2.07 003 FCN 2.07 004
= = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Technical error in the arterial pump. Arterial pump head does not move when it should. Arterial pump head move when it should not. Arterial pump head does not move with right speed.
26 / 116
Venous pump supervision function. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.08 000 FCN 2.08 001 FCN 2.08 002 FCN 2.08 003 FCN 2.08 004
= = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Technical error in the venous pump. Venous pump head does not move when it should. Venous pump head move when it should not. Venous pump head does not move with right speed.
Preset conversion function. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.09 000
Function deleted.
Optional pressure function. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.10 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Pressure transducer connection supervision. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.11 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
HDF scale supervisory function. (CPU OB).
FCN 2.12 Removed. BVS Supervision function, (CPU OB)
FCN 2.13 000 = !FCN 2.13 001 =
Case error. The program is not working properly. More than 90 seconds between BVS measurement data during treatment.
Bargraphs. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.00 000 FCN 3.00 001 FCN 3.01 000 FCN 3.01 001 FCN 3.02 000 FCN 3.02 001 FCN 3.03 000 FCN 3.03 001 FCN 3.04 000 FCN 3.04 001 FCN 3.05 000 FCN 3.05 001 FCN 3.06 000 FCN 3.06 001 FCN 3.07 000 FCN 3.07 001 FCN 3.08 001
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Case error for venous pressure. RIO Request Err for venous bar Case error for blood flow. RIO Request Err for blood bar Case error for temperature. RIO Request Err for temperature bar Case error for conductivity. RIO Request Err for conductivity bar Case error for arterial pressure. RIO Request Err for arterial bar Case error for TMP. RIO Request Err for TMP bar Case error for UF volume. RIO Request Err for UF volume bar Case error for UF rate. RIO Request Err for UF rate bar RIO Request Err for CUR bar
UF gain control. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.08 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
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Information display. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.09 xxx FCN 3.09 256 FCN 3.09 258 FCN 3.09 259 FCN 3.09 260 FCN 3.09 261 FCN 3.09 262 FCN 3.09 263 FCN 3.09 270 FCN 3.09 271 FCN 3.09 272 FCN 3.09 280 FCN 3.09 281 FCN 3.09 282 FCN 3.09 283 FCN 3.09 284 FCN 3.09 285 FCN 3.09 286 FCN 3.09 287 FCN 3.09 288 FCN 3.09 289 FCN 3.09 300 FCN 3.09 301 FCN 3.09 981 FCN 3.09 982 FCN 3.09 983 FCN 3.09 984 FCN 3.09 985 FCN 3.09 986 FCN 3.09 992 FCN 3.09 993 FCN 3.09 994 FCN 3.09 995 FCN 3.09 996 FCN 3.09 997 FCN 3.09 998 FCN 3.09 999
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Case error in main state xxx. SVC error. RIO error status=??. RIO error status=1. RIO error status=0. RIO error status=-1. RIO error status=-2. RIO error status=-3. reference to non-existent treatment text reference to non-existent service text reference to non-existent treatment language non-existent chemical type in EEB_CH$TYPE$0 non-existent chemical type in EEB_CH$TYPE$1 non-existent chemical type in EEB_CH$TYPE$2 non-existent preset type in OB_PRESET$TEXT non-existent heating type in EEB_HEAT$TYPE$0 non-existent heating type in EEB_HEAT$TYPE$1 non-existent heating type in EEB_HEAT$TYPE$2 non-existent rinse type in EEB_RINSE$TYPE$0 non-existent rinse type in EEB_RINSE$TYPE$1 non-existent rinse type in EEB_RINSE$TYPE$2 Checksum error of current language text bank. TEXTBANKID and the selected bank does not match. Removed. -"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"Main Case error. The program is not working properly.
(not used in Prom 10.00) (not used from Prom 10.00)
Access code control. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.10 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
28 / 116
LED functions. (CPU OB).
Function 3.11 to 3.44, 3.75, 3.76, 3.78 : Key LEDs. FCN 3.nn 000 = Removed. Case error. The program is not working properly. FCN 3.nn 001 = Removed. LED broken or bad connection. FCN 3.nn 002 = Removed. Removed. FCN 3.nn 003 = Removed. Function state conflict ( Not 0 during LED test ). FCN 3.nn 004 = Removed. Shortage error. FCN 3.12 nnn FCN 3.13 nnn FCN 3.14 nnn FCN 3.15 nnn FCN 3.16 nnn FCN 3.17 nnn FCN 3.18 nnn FCN 3.19 nnn FCN 3.20 nnn FCN 3.21 nnn FCN 3.22 nnn FCN 3.23 nnn FCN 3.24 nnn FCN 3.25 nnn FCN 3.26 nnn FCN 3.27 nnn FCN 3.28 nnn FCN 3.29 nnn FCN 3.30 nnn FCN 3.31 nnn FCN 3.32 nnn FCN 3.33 nnn FCN 3.34 nnn FCN 3.35 nnn FCN 3.36 nnn FCN 3.37 nnn FCN 3.38 nnn FCN 3.39 nnn FCN 3.40 nnn FCN 3.41 nnn FCN 3.42 nnn FCN 3.43 nnn FCN 3.44 nnn FCN 3.75 nnn FCN 3.76 nnn FCN 3.78 nnn
= Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed. = Removed.
L3 L9 L4 L5 L6 L 10 L 11 L 12 L7 L2 L 22 L 14 L 15 L 17 L 16 L 28 L 29 L 30 L 32 L 18 L 34 L 35 L 21 L 31 L8 L 13 L 25 L 26 L 36 L 38 L 39 L 41 L 42 L 19 L 23 L 24
Auto heat LED test. Auto rinse LED test. Isolated UF LED test. TMP mode LED test. UF mode LED test. Single needle mode LED test. Acetate mode LED test. Bicarbonate mode LED test. Chemical disinfection LED test. Heat disinfection LED test. Heparin pump LED test. Blood flow LED test. Single needle parameters LED test. Conductivity LED test. Temperature LED test. UF volume LED test. UF rate LED test. Level detector LED test. Attention LED test. Priming detector LED test. pH LED test. Blood leak LED test. Time LED test. Arterial guard LED test. Rinse / Drain LED test. Venous pressure LED test. Extra pressure LED test. TMP LED test. Blood pump LED test. Mute LED test. Fluid bypass LED test. Start / Stop LED test. Hold LED test. Profiling LED test. HDF LED test. HF LED test.
Remaining time calculation. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.45 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
Passed time calculation. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.46 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
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Non-diffusion time (bypass time) calculation. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.47 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
UF volume predict. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.48 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
TMP - UF transition. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.49 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
Blood flow path LEDs. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.50 000 FCN 3.50 003
= Case error. The program is not working properly. = Function state conflict ( Not 0 during LED test ).
FCN 3.50 001 FCN 3.50 004 FCN 3.50 011 FCN 3.50 014 FCN 3.50 021 FCN 3.50 024 FCN 3.50 031 FCN 3.50 034
= Removed. LED broken : AFL1 , Arterial LED 1 = Removed. Shortage : AFL1 , Arterial LED 1 = Removed. LED broken : AFL2 , Arterial LED 2 = Removed. Shortage : AFL2 , Arterial LED 2 = Removed. LED broken : VFL1 , Venous LED 1 = Removed. Shortage : VFL1 , Venous LED 1 = Removed. LED broken : VFL2 , Venous LED 2 = Removed. Shortage : VFL2 , Venous LED 2
Nr : 46 Nr : 46 Nr : 47 Nr : 47 Nr : 48 Nr : 48 Nr: 49 Nr : 49
Fluid flow path LEDs. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.51 000 FCN 3.51 003
= Case error = Function state conflict ( Not 0 during LED test ).
FCN 3.51 001 FCN 3.51 004 FCN 3.51 011 FCN 3.51 014
= Removed. LED broken : FLOL, Fluid Left Ok LED = Removed. Shortage : FLOL, Fluid Left Ok LED = Removed. LED broken : FLAL, Fluid Left Alarm LED = Removed. Shortage : FLAL, Fluid Left Alarm LED
Nr : 53 Nr : 53 Nr : 54 Nr : 54
FCN 3.51 021 FCN 3.51 024 FCN 3.51 031 FCN 3.51 034
= Removed. LED broken : BYOL, Bypass Ok LED = Removed. Shortage : BYOL, Bypass Ok LED = Removed. LED broken : BYAL, Bypass Alarm LED = Removed. Shortage : BYAL, Bypass Alarm LED
Nr : 55 Nr : 55 Nr : 56 Nr : 56
FCN 3.51 041 FCN 3.51 044 FCN 3.51 051 FCN 3.51 054
= Removed. LED broken : FROL, Fluid Right Ok LED = Removed. Shortage : FROL, Fluid Right Ok LED = Removed. LED broken : FRAL, Fluid Right Alarm LED = Removed. Shortage : FRAL, Fluid Right Alarm LED
Nr : 57 Nr : 57 Nr : 58 Nr : 58
FCN 3.51 061 FCN 3.51 064 FCN 3.51 071 FCN 3.51 074
= Removed. LED broken : DLOL, Dialyzer Left Ok LED = Removed. Shortage : DLOL, Dialyzer Left Ok LED = Removed. LED broken : DROL, Dialyzer Right Ok LED = Removed. Shortage : DROL, Dialyzer Right Ok LED
Nr : 50 Nr : 50 Nr : 51 Nr : 51
FCN 3.51 081 FCN 3.51 084
= Removed. LED broken : DRAL, Dialyzer Right Al. LED = Removed. Shortage : DRAL, Dialyzer Right Al. LED
Nr : 52 Nr : 52
30 / 116
Fluid bypass (DIVA bus). (CPU OB).
FCN 3.52 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
Venous pressure auto alarm limits adjust. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.53 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
Extra pressure auto alarm limits adjust. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.54 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
TMP auto alarm limits adjust. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.55 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
Time display. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.56 000 FCN 3.56 001
= Case error. The program is not working properly. = RIO error. Can't send msg.
Keyboard input. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.57 000 = Case error. The program is not working properly. FCN 3.57 001 = Not valid. FCN 3.57 002 = Error in START/UF/STOP KEY handshaking with CPU P General description of conditions for occurring: START/UF/STOP key is stuck or does not respond. FCN 3.57 003 = RIO error. FCN 3.57 004 = Time out in receiving program version from operators panel Manual data input. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.58 000 FCN 3.58 xxx FCN 3.58 256 FCN 3.58 900 FCN 3.58 901
= = = = =
Main Case error. The program is not working properly. Case error in main state 0 - 255. OI_UF$RATE$SET has become negative RIO error. Unexpected message was received.
Machine off. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.59 000 FCN 3.59 001 FCN 3.59 002 FCN 3.59 003 FCN 3.59 004 FCN 3.59 005 FCN 3.59 006 FCN 3.59 007 FCN 3.59 008 FCN 3.59 009 FCN 3.59 010
= = = = = = = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Estimated heat time too large. Estimated rinse time too large. Machine still running after machine-off sequence. clock alarm write error. clock read error. Not used from Prom 10.10 (was: dummy alarm write error). Not used from Prom 10.10 (was: clock NODA write error). Not used from Prom 10.10 (was: clock COMP write error). Auto on (heat/rinse) safe memory area checksum error. This area is set to default values when error. = Auto on (heat/rinse) safe memory week scheduler area checksum error. This area is set to default values when error. To correct error change time in week scheduler.
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Main buzzer control. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.60 000 FCN 3.60 001
= BM case error. The program is not working properly. = FM case error. The program is not working properly.
Blood potentiometer data input. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.61 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Heparin auto stop limit. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.62 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Linear transducer calibration calculation. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.63 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Real time calculation. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.64 000 FCN 3.64 002 FCN 3.64 003
= = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Error when writing YEAR in EEPROM. CMOS real time clock was not initialised. Automatic initialisation follows, but previous settings are lost. FCN 3.64 004 = The time saved in battery powered RAM is corrupt. Previous settings are lost. !FCN 3.64 005 = RTC Low voltage detected. The time in the RTC may be corrupt. Only used in Prom9.20, replaced by attention in Prom10.00. FCN 3.64 1xy = Error accessing CMOS real time clock over the I2C bus: x = type of access
x=0 x=1 x =2 x=3 x=4 x=5 x=6 x =7
initialising RTC at start-up reading time from RTC resetting alarm time in RTC at start-up (before Prom 10.10 writing alarm time) resetting NODA flag at start-up resetting COMP flag at start-up reading time from RTC at start-up writing default time to RTC at start-up writing programmed time to RTC (from Prom 10.10)
y = I2C access error
y=1 y=2 y =9
I2C acknowledge error I2C byte address error I2C bus address error (bus 3 is not valid)
Select disinfection mode. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.65 000 FCN 3.65 001 FCN 3.65 002
= = =
Case error chemical disinfection selection. The program is not working properly. Case error heat disinfection selection. The program is not working properly (from Prom 10.10). Case error rinse selection. The program is not working properly (from Prom 10.10).
32 / 116
Parallel E2prom function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.66 000 FCN 3.66 001 FCN 3.66 002 FCN 3.66 003
= = = =
FCN 3.66 004 FCN 3.66 005 FCN 3.66 006 FCN 3.66 007 FCN 3.66 008 FCN 3.66 009 FCN 3.66 010 FCN 3.66 011 FCN 3.66 012 FCN 3.66 013 FCN 3.66 014
= = = = = = = = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. CRC error. Preset variable out of range. Too few variables in EEPROM according to program. Initiate the new variables in preset handling. EEPROM read error. EEPROM write error. PC preset calculation not performed. PC preset not complete. Default preset error in EEL array. Default preset error in EEB array. Default preset error in EEW array. Default preset error in EEI array. Default preset error in EER array. PC preset to CPU F not performed. PC preset to CPU P not performed.
Internal support function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.67 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Battery/Ultra capacitor test function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.68 000 = FCN 3.68 001 = !FCN 3.68 002 =
FCN 3.68 003 = ! FCN 3.68 004 = ! FCN 3.68 005 =
Case error. The program is not working properly. The 12V winding in the AC/DC unit is broken. The battery failure attention has been confirmed three times. The battery, mounted inside the blood monitor has to be recharged or replaced. If the error remains the PLD P0-185 might be broken, see FCN 3.68 003. PLD P0-185 on the BM CPU board is not working. Venous pressure air pump overload (from Prom 10.10). System pressure air pump overload (from Prom 10.10).
LED test function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.69 000 FCN 3.69 001 FCN 3.69 002
= = =
Case error LED test function. Removed. LED port out of range [0..7] LED test Rio error.
Preset calculation function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.70 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Conductivity function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.71 000 FCN 3.71 001
= =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Bicarbonate constant comparation error. Protective system and CPU OB differ in constants.
Concentrate preset mode/alternative function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.72 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Attention function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.73 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
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Bicarbonate mode time measurement function. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.74 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
More LEDs. (CPU OB).
FCN 3.75 nnn FCN 3.76 nnn FCN 3.78 nnn
= = =
Removed. Removed. Removed.
Profiling parameter set function.
FCN 3.79 000 FCN 3.79 001 FCN 3.79 002
= = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Not valid. Not valid.
Conductivity profiling function.
FCN 3.80 000 FCN 3.80 001 FCN 3.80 002 FCN 3.80 003
= = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. NA undefined profile type. HCO3 undefined profile type. NA AC undefined profile type.
Convert function. Convert preset variables.
FCN 3.81 000
Function deleted.
UF equation and UF gain utilities (UF profiling).
FCN 3.82 000 FCN 3.82 001
= =
Case error. The program is not working properly. UF undefined profile type.
System pressure alarm limit controller.
FCN 3.83 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Treatment time handling function in protective system. (CPU P).
FCN 3.84 000
Function deleted.
FCN 3.86 nnn
Function deleted.
Negative UF supervision. (CPUA).
FCN 3.89 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 3.92 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
34 / 116
BM AD function. (CPU OB).
ADC INTR 000 =
AD-buffer full error
FCN 4.00 000 FCN 4.00 001 FCN 4.00 002 FCN 4.00 003 FCN 4.00 004 FCN 4.00 005 FCN 4.00 006
Undefined AD case error Undefined sequence selection Multiple AD-restarts Reference voltage out of range Offset voltage out of range Illegal sensitivity coefficient Reference voltage limits start up check
= = = = = = =
FM AD function. (CPU F).
ADC INTR 001 ADC INTR 002 ADC 4.01 0xx
= = =
A/D timer load counter error call from interrupt state. A/D timer mode load hold register test error call from interrupt state. More then 20% over range on channel xx Channel xx Explanation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
FCA 4.01 001 FCA 4.01 002 FCB 4.01 xxx FCN 4.01 000 FCN 4.01 001 FCN 4.01 002
= = = = = =
FCN 4.01 003
FCN 4.01 004 FCN 4.01 005 FCN 4.01 006
= = =
A/D timer load counter error call from ad-task. A/D timer mode load hold register test error call from ad-task. AD conversion stop for xxx sec. Case error. The program is not working properly. Timer error. AD converter offset out of limits. -10 mV < offset (= 0.0 mV) < + 10 mV AD converter reference out of limits. 45.45 mV < reference ( = 49.50 mV) < 54.89 mV AD-system timeout 1 sec. AD buffer full. AD buffer full and empty.
pH measuring function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.02 000 FCN 4.02 001 FCN 4.02 F00 FCN 4.02 F01 FCN 4.02 F02
= Case error. The program is not working properly. = Timer problem detected. = init timer error. = overflow error. (Currently not used after prom 3.40) = read timer error.
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Clamp controller. (CPU OB).
FCN 4.03 000 FCN 4.03 001 FCN 4.03 002 FCN 4.03 003 FCN 4.03 004 FCN 4.03 005 FCN 4.03 006 FCN 4.03 007 FCN 4.03 008
= = = = = = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Clamp verify error. Venous clamp was not opened. Clamp verify error. Arterial clamp was not opened. Clamp verify error. Arterial clamp was not closed. Clamp verify error. Venous clamp was not closed. Venous clamp does not close during functional test. Arterial clamp does not open during functional test. Venous clamp does not open during functional test. Arterial clamp does not close during functional test.
Flow generator transducer calibration function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.04 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 4.05, FLOW MEASURING FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * NORMAL OPERATION: The signal TMO0 is used for the synchronisation of the UF flow measurement. TMO0 is a 401.44 Hz square wave (50% duty cycle) with TTL levels. It switches the magnetic field in the UF measuring unit and controls the sampling of the received flow signals. The two measured flow signals are amplified at the UF preamplifier board. The flow signals then passes multiplexers, are amplified and sampled on the FM CPU board. The sampled voltages are converted to frequencies that are measured by two counters that both are contained in IC 75 on the FM CPU board. FCN 4.05 calibrates the counter values and creates the variables FRR(FR_CH1$RATE) and FRR(FR_CH2$RATE). FRR(FR_CH1$RATE) is the flow through channel 1 and it has the unit ml/min. FRR(FR_CH2$RATE) is the flow through channel 2. FRR(FR_UF$RATE) is calculated as the difference between the flow through channel 2 and the flow through channel 1. FRR(FR_UF$RATE) has the unit 1 l/h. The UF volume FRR(FR_UF$VOL) is calculated. It's unit is 1 l. * EVERY 30 MINUTES: A self calibration is done twice an hour. The normal operation of the self calibration is as follows: 1 The measuring system is calibrated by first grounding the input and then applying a reference voltage to the input. 2 ZEVA is opened and DIVA/BYVA are closed so that no flow passes the flow cell. The zero flow signals are measured for 15 seconds and the program checks that the signals are stable. Flow transducer offsets are calculated. If necessary the measurement is prolonged for 15s. 3 BYVA is opened and DIVA/ZEVA are closed so that the same flow passes through flow channel 1 and flow channel 2. The flow signals are measured after 15s. The measurement continues for 15s and the program checks that the signals are stable. If necessary the measurement is prolonged for 15s. The program checks that the parameters FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) and FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) have not changed too much since the last self calibration. If a self calibration fails, then it is repeated after 5 minutes. * VALVE LEAKAGE TEST : The direct valve, the bypass valve and the zeroing valve are leakage tested during the function checks. DIVA, BYVA and ZEVA are closed. The flow output pump tries to force f luid through the closed valves, and the flow measuring function FCN 4.05 checks that no flow is leaking through them.
36 / 116
* CALIBRATION: The calibration is done in service mode, and it consists of the following steps: 1 Tempered fluid flows through both the flow channels for 10 minutes. 2 The linearity of the UF measuring unit is checked by letting three different flows flow through both the channels. 3 The offsets are calculated by not having any flow through the channels. 4 The channel 1 coefficient is calculated by letting the flow through channel 1 fill a reference volume. 5 The channel 2 coefficient is calculated by having the same flows through both th e channels. 6 The calibration parameters are verified. If "Internal" mode is selected to update offset's and channel 2 coefficient then only steps 1,3 and 5 is performed. NOTE! The channel 1 flow signal is forwarded through the VFC channel 2 and vice versa. NOTE! The most probable error explanations are described the first. FCN 4.05 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.05 001 INVALID CHANGE OF MUX ADDRESS General description of conditions for occurring: The UF measurement multiplexers are not selecting the correct data.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: The address signals UIS0 and UIS1 for the multiplexer IC 14 on the FM CPU board have incorrect values OR The address signals UIS2 and UIS3 for the multiplexer IC 20 have incorrect values. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The Multiplexer, IC 7, IC 14, IC 20 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The IO-PORT, IC 75 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The RAM, IC 85 is broken. * SOFTWARE : The program is not executing correctly. * SOFTWARE : The software code is incorrect. FCN 4.05 002 TIMER ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 5.00 001. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The FPGA timer IC 75 is broken.
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FCN 4.05 003 VFC CHANNEL 1 PULSE COUNTER OVERFLOW [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The pulse counter for VFC channel 1 has counted up to its maximum value. Note! VFC channel 1 takes care of flow measurement signals CH2P and CH2N! Technical description of conditions for occurring: The pulse counter for VFC channel 1 has counted up to its maximum value at 5 following attempts OR The pulse counter has counted up to a value greater than 32768 at 5 following attempts. The value of the pulse counter = SRR(6) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. The counter was set to 0 after each time the error occurred. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The VFC, IC 56 or some of the components around it are broken. FCN 4.05 004 VFC CHANNEL 2 PULSE COUNTER OVERFLOW [F,T,D,S] Please refer to the description of FCN 4.05 003 The value of the pulse counter = SRR(11) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Note! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow measurement signals CH1P and CH1N. FCN 4.05 005 TIMER ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 5.00 001.
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The FPGA timer IC 75 on the FM CPU board is broken. FCN 4.05 006 VFC CHANNEL 1 REFERENCE MEASUREMENT ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The VFC channel 1 has been connected to the reference voltage. The pulse counter has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when the reference voltage is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: VFC1.VALUE > 0.86241*VFC1.OFFSET for 2s OR VFC1.VALUE < 0.82859*VFC1.OFFSET for 2s VFC1.VALUE = SRR(6) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. VFC1.OFFSET = SRR(7) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. VFC1.REF = SRR(8) holds the result of the reference measurement and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The VFC, IC 56 or some of the passive components around it is broken. Please refer to General Information 179 for more details. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is not present or the levels are out of the TTL specification (low level<0.5 Volt, high level>2.4 Volt). * FM CPU BOARD: The FPGA timer IC 75 on the FM CPU board is not working properly. The sampling pulses UFSN and UFSP are incorrect or missing. The pulse duration should be 50 microseconds and the pulse repetition time should be 2.49 milliseconds. The pulses should have TTL levels. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is incorrect as the CPU, IC102 is broken or the FPGA IC 75 is broken. * UF DRIVER BOARD,TMO0: TMO0 short circuit. If TMO0 becomes correct when the flow transducer is disconnected then the error is probably caused by a broken IC2 on the UF driver board. * FM CPU BOARD: The sample and hold circuits IC 47 and IC 48 are broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The multiplexer IC 14 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The amplifier IC 31 or some of the components around it are broken.
38 / 116
FCN 4.05 007 VFC CHANNEL 2 REFERENCE MEASUREMENT ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The VFC channel 2 has been connected to the reference voltage. The pulse counter has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when the reference voltage is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: VFC2.VALUE > 0.86241*VFC2.OFFSET for 2s OR VFC2.VALUE < 0.82859*VFC2.OFFSET for 2s VFC2.VALUE = SRR(11) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. VFC2.OFFSET = SRR(12) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. VFC2.REF = SRR(13) holds the result of the reference measurement and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The VFC, IC 57 or some of the passive components around it is broken. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is not present or the levels are out of the TTL specification (low level<0.5 Volt, high level>2.4 Volt). * FM CPU BOARD: The FPGA timer IC 75 on the FM CPU board is not working properly. The sampling pulses signal UFSN and UFSP are incorrect or missing. The pulse duration should be 50 microseconds and the pulse repetition time should be 2.49 milliseconds. The pulses should have TTL levels. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is incorrect as the CPU, IC 102 is broken or the FPGA IC 75 is broken. * UF DRIVER BOARD,TMO0: TMO0 short circuit. If TMO0 becomes correct when the flow transducer is disconnected then the error is probably caused by a broken IC 2 on the UF driver board. * FM CPU BOARD: The sample and hold circuits IC 38 and IC 39 are broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The multiplexer IC 20 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The amplifier IC 31 or some of the components around it are broken.
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FCN 4.05 008 VFC CHANNEL 1 OFFSET MEASUREMENT ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The VFC channel 1 has been connected to 0V. The pulse counter has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when 0V is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: (VFC1.VALUE-8907) > 2000 for 2s OR (VFC1.VALUE-8907) < -2000 for 2s. VFC1.VALUE = SRR(6) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. VFC1.OFFSET = SRR(7) holds the result from the offset measurement and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The VFC, IC 56 or some of the passive components around it is broken. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is not present or the levels are out of the TTL specification (low level<0.5 Volt, high level>2.4 Volt). One reason for this error could be that there is a bad connection between the CPU, IC 102 on the FM CPU board and its socket. * FM CPU BOARD: The FPGA timer IC 75 on the FM CPU board is not working properly. The sampling pulses signal UFSN and UFSP are incorrect or missing. The pulse duration should be 50 microseconds and the pulse repetition time should be 2.49 milliseconds. The pulses should have TTL levels. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is incorrect as the CPU, IC 102 is broken or the FPGA IC 75 is broken. * UF DRIVER BOARD,TMO0: TMO0 short circuit. If TMO0 becomes correct when the flow transducer is disconnected then the error is probably caused by a broken IC 2 on the UF driver board. * FM CPU BOARD: IC 21 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The sample and hold circuits IC 47 or I C 48 are broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The multiplexer IC 14 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The amplifier IC 31 or some of the components around it are broken.
40 / 116
FCN 4.05 009 VFC CHANNEL 2 OFFSET MEASUREMENT ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The VFC channel 2 has been connected to 0V. The pulse counter has measured a frequency that differs too much from the frequency that usually is measured when 0V is connected. Technical description of conditions for occurring: (VFC2.VALUE-8907) > 2000 for 2s OR (VFC2.VALUE-8907) < -2000 for 2s. VFC2.VALUE = SRR(11) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. VFC2.OFFSET = SRR(12) holds the result from the off set measurement and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FM CPU BOARD: The VFC, IC 57 or some of the passive components around it is broken. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is not present or the levels are out of the TTL specification (low level<0.5 Volt, high level>2.4 Volt). One reason for this error could be that there is a bad connection between the CPU, IC 102 on the FM CPU board and its socket. * FM CPU BOARD: The FPGA timer IC 75 on the FM CPU board is not working properly. The sampling pulses signal UFSN and UFSP are incorrect or missing. The pulse duration should be 50 microseconds and the pulse repetition time should be 2.49 milliseconds. The pulses should have TTL levels. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is incorrect as the CPU, IC 102 is broken or the FPGA IC 75 is broken. * UF DRIVER BOARD,TMO0: TMO0 short circuit. If TMO0 becomes correct when the flow transducer is disconnected then the error is probably caused by a broken IC 2 on the UF driver board. * FM CPU BOARD: IC 21 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The sample and hold circuits IC 38 or I C 39 are broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The multiplexer IC 20 is broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The amplifier IC 31 or some of the components around it are broken.
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FCN 4.05 010 MEASURED MAGNETIZATION CURRENT INCORRECT General description of conditions for occurring: Measured magnetisation current differs too much from typical value.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: ( FRI(FI_UF$COIL$CU)/10000.0 - 0.23 ) > 0.05 A for 5s OR ( FRI(FI_UF$COIL$CU)/10000.0 - 0.23 ) < - 0.05 A for 5s SRI(37) has the unit 1 mA, and it corresponds to FRI(FI_UF$COIL$CU) / 10. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * UF PREAMP BOARD: The IC that generates the signal MFC0 is broken. * UF DRIVER BOARD: Something is broken on the UF driver board. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is not present or the levels are out of the TTL specification (low level<0.5 Volt, high level>2.4 Volt). One reason for this error could be that there is a bad connection between the CPU, IC 102 on the FM CPU board and its socket. * FM CPU BOARD,TMO0: The signal TMO0 is incorrect as the CPU, IC 102 is broken or the FPGA IC 75 is broken. * UF DRIVER BOARD,TMO0: TMO0 short circuit. If TMO0 becomes correct when the flow transducer is disconnected then the error is probably caused by a broken IC 2 of the UF driver board. * CABLINGS: Some cables are broken or short circuit. * UF MAGNETIZATION COIL: Broken or short circuit.
42 / 116
FCN 4.05 011 SELF CALIBRATION PARAMETERS DIFFER TOO MUCH FROM THE LAST SELF CALIBRATION [T] General description of conditions for occurring: A self calibration was run. It failed as the values of the variables FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) and FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) had changed too much since the last self calibration. A new self calibration was run after 5 minutes. It did also fail for the same reason. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following parts of the self calibration executed successfully without any errors: VFC channel 1 reference measurement (NO error 4.05 006) VFC channel 2 reference measurement (NO error 4.05 007) VFC channel 1 offset measurement (NO error 4.05 008) VFC channel 2 offset measurement (NO error 4.05 009) Flow offset calibration (NO error 4.05 015) Differential flow calibration. The same flow through channel 1 and channel 2. The following parts succeeded: NO error 4.05 015 NO error 4.05 014 CALIBR DIFF FLOWnew differed more than 1 ml/min from CALIBR DIFF FLOWold A new self calibration was done after 5 minutes. CALIBR DIFF FLOWagain differed more than 1.0 ml/min from CALIBR DIFF FLOWnew AND CALIBR DIFF FLOWagain differed more than 1.0 ml/min fr om CALIBR DIFF FLOWold EXPLANATIONS: CALIBR DIFF FLOW is the calibrated differential flow. It is stored in the variable FRR(FR_UF$RATE) and has the unit l/h. The following equation is used to calculate it: CALIBR DIFF FLOW = 0.048 * ( UNCALIBR DIFF FLOW + FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) * UNCALIBR CH1 FLOW FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) ) 0.048 is an approximate value that varies for different flow measuring units. UNCALIBR DIFF FLOW = SRR(16), has the unit 0.08 ml/min. UNCALIBR CH1 FLOW = SRR(11), has the unit 0.08 ml/min. NOTE! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1. CALIBR DIFF FLOWold is a CALIBR DIFF FLOW that is calculated using the values of FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) and FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) from the last self calibration. (If there is no last self calibration then the v alues that are stored in the E2PROM are used, and the difference is allowed to be 1.5 ml/min instead of 1 ml/min.) CALIBR DIFF FLOWnew is a CALIBR DIFF FLOW that is calculated using the values of FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) and FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) from the main self calibration. CALIBR DIFF FLOWagain is a CALIBR DIFF FLOW that is calculated using the values of FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) and FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) from the self calibration that is done 5 minutes after the main self calibration.
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Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW CELL: The flow cell has been coated by dirt. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is broken. * FLOW CELL: The resistance between one of the flow cell carbon tubes and the Z0VR on the UF preamplifier board is greater than 2 ohms. * DIVA: The direct valve is leaking. * BYVA: The bypass valve is leaking. * UF PREAMP BOARD: The UF preamplifier board is broken. FCN 4.05 012 SELF CALIBRATION PARAMETERS DIFFER TOO MUCH [T] General description of conditions for occurring: A self calibration was run. It failed as the value of the variable FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) differed too much from the value that was stored in the EEPROM or estimated at the last performed self calibration. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following parts of the self calibration executed successfully without any errors: VFC channel 1 reference measurement (NO error 4.05 006) VFC channel 2 reference measurement (NO error 4.05 007) VFC channel 1 offset measurement (NO error 4.05 008) VFC channel 2 offset measurement (NO error 4.05 009) Flow offset calibration (NO error 4.05 015) Differential flow calibration. The same flow through channel 1 and channel 2. The following parts succeeded: NO error 4.05 015 NO error 4.05 014 CALIBR DIFF FLOWnew differed more than 7.5 ml/min from CAL IBR DIFF FLOWold EXPLANATIONS: CALIBR DIFF FLOW is the calibrated differential flow. It is stored in the variable FRR(FR_UF$RATE) and has the unit l/h. The following equation is used to calculate it: CALIBR DIFF FLOW = 0.048 * ( UNCALIBR DIFF FLOW + FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) * UNCALIBR CH1 FLOW FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) ) 0.048 is an approximate value that varies for different flow measuring units. UNCALIBR DIFF FLOW = SRR(16), has the unit 0.08 ml/min. UNCALIBR CH1 FLOW = SRR(11), has the unit 0.08 ml/min. NOTE! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1. CALIBR DIFF FLOWnew is a CALIBR DIFF FLOW that is calculated using the values of FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) and FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) from the current self calibration. CALIBR DIFF FLOWold is a CALIBR DIFF FLOW that is calculated using the value of FRR(FR_UFR$TOLERANCE) that was stored in the EEPROM or estimated at the previous self calibration and FRR(FR_UFR$OFFSET) from the current self calibration.
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Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW CELL: The flow cell has been coated by dirt. * FLOW CELL: Leakage in flow cell (and positive dialysis pressure) * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is broken. * FLOW CELL: The resistance between one of the flow cell carbon tubes and the Z0VR at the UF preamplifier board is greater than 2 ohms. * DIVA: The direct valve is leaking. * BYVA: The bypass valve is leaking. * UF PREAMP BOARD: The UF preamplifier board is broken. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Run a chemical disinfection. FCN 4.05 014 TOO LOW SELF CALIBRATION FLOW [T] General description of conditions for occurring: The flow measuring unit measured a flow through channel 1 that was less than 100 ml/min. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following parts of the self calibration have executed successfully without any errors: VFC channel 1 reference measurement (NO error 4.05 006) VFC channel 2 reference measurement (NO error 4.05 007) VFC channel 1 offset measurement (NO error 4.05 008) VFC channel 2 offset measurement (NO error 4.05 009) Flow offset calibration (NO error 4.05 015) Differential flow calibration. The same flow through channel 1 and channel 2. The following parts succeeded: NO error 4.05 015 FRR(FR_CH1$RATE) < 100.0 ml/min. The self calibration was repeated after 5 minutes and the tests above did not fail. FRR(FR_CH1$RATE) < 100.0 ml/min. FRR(FR_CH1$RATE) = SRR(0), has the unit ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: Dirty or wrong restrictor. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Broken or not calibrated. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: Dirty or broken. * FLOW INPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: Dirty or wrong restrictor. * FLOW INPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Broken or not calibrated. * FLOW INPUT PUMP: Dirty or broken. * ZEVA: Leaking. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell has been coated by dirt. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is broken. * FLOW CELL: The resistance between one of the flow cell carbon tubes and the Z0VR at the UF preamplifier board is greater than 2 ohms. * UF PREAMP BOARD: The UF preamplifier board is broken.
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FCN 4.05 015 UNSTABLE SIGNALS DURING SELF CALIBRATION [T] General description of conditions for occurring: The self calibration failed because at least one of the measured flow signals varied too much. A new self calibration that was done 5 minutes later did also fail because at least one of the measured flow signals varied too much. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following conditions occurred twice, and there was 5 minutes between the two attempts: The calibration of the measuring system was successful. The zero flow signals were measured for 15s. Variance of the flow signals where calculated. Flow channel 1 variance SRR(34) > 146.5 OR Flow channel 2 variance SRR(35) > 146.5 ( The measuring of zero flow signals was continued for 15s. Variance of flow signals were calculated from 30s data. Flow channel 1 variance SRR(34) > 293.0 OR Flow channel 2 variance SRR(35) > 293.0 ) OR ( New zero flow signals were measured for 15s. Variance of flow signals were calculated from 15s data. Flow channel 1 variance SRR(34) > 146.5 OR Flow channel 2 variance SRR(35) > 146.5 ) OR The following conditions occurred twice, and there was 5 minutes between the two attempts: The calibration of the measuring system was successful. The calibration of the offset flow was successful. Wait for 15s. The differential flow signals were measured for 15s. Variance of the differential flow signal was calculated. Differential flow variance SRR(36) > 585.9. ( The measuring of differential flow signals was continued for 15s. Variance of the differential flow signal was calculated from 30s data. Differential flow variance SRR(36) > 1171.9. OR ( New measurement of differential flow. Variance of the differential flow signal was calculated from 15s data. Differential flow variance SRR(36) > 585.9. ) The same flow went through both the flow channels while the diff erential flow was measured. The unit of the variances is 0.0064*(ml/min)*(ml/min) Note! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1! Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Air is flowing through flow channel 1. * The ultra sonic transducer in the bubble trap 1 is broken. * TAVA: The taration valve is leaking. * DIVA: The direct valve is leaking. * BYVA: The bypass valve is leaking. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is dirty. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is broken. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * The flow system before bubble trap 1 causes an unstable level in bubble trap 1. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly.
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FCN 4.05 016 SELF CALIBRATION TIME OUT General description of conditions for occurring: The self calibration executed for a too long time.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: SELF CALIBRATION TIME > MAX SELF CALIBRATION TIME MAX SELF CALIBRATION TIME = 15s - 68s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Secondary error to the error FCN 4.05 006. * Secondary error to the error FCN 4.05 007. * Secondary error to the error FCN 4.05 008. * Secondary error to the error FCN 4.05 009. * FM CPU BOARD: The VFC IC 56 or some of the components around it are broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The VFC IC 57 or some of the components around it are broken. * FM CPU BOARD: The FPGA timer IC 75 is broken. FCN 4.05 017 SELF CALIBRATION TIME OUT Please refer to the description of FCN 4.05 016.
FCN 4.05 018 SELF CALIBRATION TIME OUT Please refer to the description of FCN 4.05 016.
FCN 4.05 019 SELF CALIBRATION TIME OUT Please refer to the description of FCN 4.05 016.
FCN 4.05 020 SELF CALIBRATION TIME OUT Please refer to the description of FCN 4.05 016.
FCN 4.05 021 MEASURED MAGNETIZATION CURRENT INCORRECT Please refer to the description of FCN 4.05 010.
FCN 4.05 022 UNSTABLE SIGNAL DURING UF CALIBR LINEARITY TEST [S] General description of conditions for occurring: The channel 1 flow and the differential flow varied too much during the linearity test in service mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following occurred twice during the linearity test in the UF calibration in service mode: The calibration of the measuring system was correct. The linearity test was started and the same flow should flow through both the UF measuring channels. The variance of the channel 1 flow and the variance of the differential flow were calculated at the times stated below while the linearity test was going on. CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE
> 293.0 after 30s OR > 293.0 after 30s > 439.5 after 45s OR > 439.5 after 45s > 585.9 after 60s OR > 585.9 after 60s > 732.4 after 75s OR > 732.4 after 75s > 878.9 after 90s A N D > 878.9 after 90s
The variances have the unit 0.0064 * (ml / min) * (ml / min). CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE = SRR(34).
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DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE = SRR(36). Note! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1! Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Air is flowing through flow channel 1. * The ultra sonic transducer in the bubble trap 1 is broken. * TAVA: The taration valve is leaking. * DIVA: The direct valve is leaking. * BYVA: The bypass valve is leaking. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is dirty. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is broken. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * The flow system before bubble trap 1 causes an unstable level in bubble trap 1. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. FCN 4.05 023 UNSTABLE SIGNAL DURING UF CALIBR LINEARITY TEST [S] General description of conditions for occurring: The channel 1 flow varied too much during the linearity test in the UF calibration in service mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following occurred twice during the linearity test in the UF calibration in service mode: The calibration of the measuring system was correct. The linearity test was started and the same flow should flow through both the UF measuring channels. The variance of the channel 1 flow and the variance of the differential flow were calculated at the times stated below while the linearity test was going on. CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 293.0 after 30s OR DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 293.0 after 30s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 439.5 after 45s OR DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 439.5 after 45s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 585.9 after 60s OR DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 585.9 after 60s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 732.4 after 75s OR DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 732.4 after 75s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 878.9 after 90s The variances have the unit 0.0064 * (ml / min) * (ml / min). CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE = SRR(34). DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE = SRR(36). Note! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1! Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * The flow system before bubble trap 1 causes an unstable level in bubble trap 1. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. * Air is flowing through flow channel 1. * The ultra sonic transducer in the bubble trap 1 is broken. * ZEVA: The zero setting valve is leaking.
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FCN 4.05 024 UNSTABLE SIGNAL DURING UF CALIBR DIFFERENTIAL FLOW [S] General description of conditions for occurring: The differential flow varied too much during the differential flow calibration in service mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following has occurred twice during the differential calibration in the UF calibration in service mode: The calibration of the measuring system was correct. The differential flow calibration was started and the same flow should flow through both the UF measuring channels. The variance of the differential flow was calculated at the ti mes stated below while the differential flow calibration was going on. DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 293.0 after 30s AND DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 439.5 after 45s AND DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 585.9 after 60s AND DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 732.4 after 75s AND DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE > 878.9 after 90s DIFFERENTIAL FLOW VARIANCE = SRR(36). The variance has the unit 0.0064 * (ml / min) * (ml / min). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Air is flowing through flow channel 1. * The ultra sonic transducer in the bubble trap 1 is broken. * TAVA: The taration valve is leaking. * DIVA: The direct valve is leaking. * BYVA: The bypass valve is leaking. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is dirty. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is broken. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * The flow system before bubble trap 1 causes an unstable level in bubble trap 1. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly.
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FCN 4.05 025 UNSTABLE SIGNAL DURING UF OFFSET CALIBRATION [S] General description of conditions for occurring: The channel 1 flow signal and the channel 2 flow signal varied too much during the main flow offset calibration in service mode. There should be no flow through the measuring cells. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following has occurred twice during the main flow offset calibration in the UF calibration in service mode: The calibration of the measuring system was correct. The main flow offset calibration was started and no flow should flow through the UF measuring channels. The variance of the channel 1 flow and the variance of the channel 2 flow were calculated at the times stated below while the main flow offset calibration was going on. CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 293.0 after 30s OR CHANNEL 2 FLOW VARIANCE > 293.0 after 30s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 439.5 after 45s OR CHANNEL 2 FLOW VARIANCE > 439.5 after 45s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 585.9 after 60s OR CHANNEL 2 FLOW VARIANCE > 585.9 after 60s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 732.4 after 75s OR CHANNEL 2 FLOW VARIANCE > 732.4 after 75s AND CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE > 878.9 after 90s OR CHANNEL 2 FLOW VARIANCE > 878.9 after 90s The variances have the unit 0.0064*(ml/min)*(ml/min). CHANNEL 1 FLOW VARIANCE = SRR(34). CHANNEL 2 FLOW VARIANCE = SRR(35) Note! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1! Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is dirty. * FLOW CELL: The flow cell is broken. * BYVA: The bypass valve is leaking. * DIVA: The direct valve is leaking. * TAVA: The taration valve is leaking.
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FCN 4.05 026 CHANNEL 1 FLOWS TOO CLOSE DURING LINEARITY TEST [S] General description of conditions for occurring: The minimum and maximum channel 1 flows differed too little during the linearity test in service mode OR The medium and maximum channel 1 flows differed too little during the linearity test in service mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: ( MINIMUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW > 0.75 * MAXIMUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW OR MEDIUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW > 0.88 * MAXIMUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW ) CHANNEL 1 FLOW = SRR(11) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Note! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1! Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW CELL: The channel 1 part of the flow cell is broken. * UF PREAMP BOARD: The channel 1 part is broken. FCN 4.05 027 CHANNEL 2 FLOWS TOO CLOSE DURING LINEARITY TEST Please refer to the description of 4.05 026. CHANNEL 2 FLOW = SRR(6) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Note! VFC channel 1 takes care of flow channel 2!
FCN 4.05 028 FLOWS TOO CLOSE DURING LINEARITY TEST [S] General description of conditions for occurring: The minimum and maximum channel 1 flows differed too little during the linearity test in service mode OR The medium and maximum channel 1 flows differed too little during the linearity test in service mode. AND The minimum and maximum channel 2 flows differed too little during the linearity test in service mode. OR The medium and maximum channel 2 flows differed too little during the linearity test in service mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: ( MINIMUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW > 0.75 * MAXIMUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW OR MEDIUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW > 0.88 * MAXIMUM CHANNEL 1 FLOW ) AND ( MINIMUM CHANNEL 2 FLOW > 0.75 * MAXIMUM CHANNEL 2 FLOW OR MEDIUM CHANNEL 2 FLOW > 0.88 * MAXIMUM CHANNEL 2 FLOW ) CHANNEL 1 FLOW = SRR(11) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. CHANNEL 2 FLOW = SRR(6) and has the unit 0.08 ml/min. Note! VFC channel 2 takes care of flow channel 1! Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: not working properly. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: not working properly. * FLOW CELL: The resistance between one of the flow cell carbon tubes and the Z0VR at the UF preamp board is greater than 2 ohms. * FLOW CELL: The channel 1 part AND the channel 2 part of the flow cell are broken. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check during linearity test if the three different linearity test flow rates can be observed at the drain. If that is the case, then the flow cell is out of order. Otherwise the flow generation is not working properly.
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FCN 4.05 029 UF CALIBR REF VOLUME OUT OF LIMITS [S] General description of conditions for occurring: The reference volume was outside its specified limits during the UF calibration in service mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: ORI(OI_UF$CAL$REF$VOL) < PI(EPI_UF$CAL$REF$VOL$LL) OR ORI(OI_UF$CAL$REF$VOL) > PI(EPI_UF$CAL$REF$VOL$HL) ORI(OI_UF$CAL$REF$VOL) has the unit 0.1 ml. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Probably failure in communication of the reference volume value f rom opcom. * FM CPU BOARD: The RAM, IC 85 is broken. FCN 4.05 030 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.05 031 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.05 032 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
General description of conditions for occurring: A self check was run (requested by flow supervision). It failed as the channel 1 flow signal was unstable during the self check. Technical description of conditions for occurring: (Treatment mode is UF control and difference between measured UF and selected UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) OR (Treatment mode is TMP control and measured UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) No flow through the channels and not in Isolated UF mode. The calibration of the measuring system was successful. The zero flow signals were measured for 15s. Variance of the flow signals were calculated. Flow channel 1 variance SRR(34) > 293 OR Flow channel 2 variance SRR(35) > 293 ( The measuring of zero flow signals was continued for 15s. Variance of flow signals were calculated from 30s data. Flow channel 1 variance SRR(34) > 586.0 ) OR ( New measurement of zero flow signals for 15s. Variance of flow signals were calculated from 15s data. Flow channel 1 variance SRR(34) > 293 ) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Connection between electrodes and preamplifier board broken. * Ground connection between preamplifier board and Carbon tubes is too high, should be less than 2 ohm. * Broken preamplifier board. * UF measurement system on FM CPU board broken. * Flow output pump not working properly.
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General description of conditions for occurring: A self check was run (requested by flow supervision). It failed as the channel 2 flow signal was unstable during the self check.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: (Treatment mode is UF control and difference between measured UF and selected UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) OR (Treatment mode is TMP control and measured UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) No flow through the channels and not in Isolated UF mode. The calibration of the measuring system was successful. The zero flow signals were measured for 15s. Variance of the flow signals were calculated. Flow channel 1 variance SRR(34) > 293 OR Flow channel 2 variance SRR(35) > 293 ( The measuring of zero flow signals was continued for 15s. Variance of flow signals were calculated from 30s data. Flow channel 2 variance SRR(34) > 586.0 ) OR ( New measurement of zero flow signals for 15s. Variance of flow signals were calculated from 15s data. Flow channel 2 variance SRR(35) > 293 ) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: See "FCN 4.05 034". FCN 4.05 036 CHANNEL 1 OFFSET OUT OF LIMIT MEASURED AT SELF CHECK
General description of conditions for occurring: A self check was run (requested by flow supervision). It failed as the measured offset for channel 1 was to big. Technical description of conditions for occurring: (Treatment mode is UF control and difference between measured UF and selected UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) OR (Treatment mode is TMP control and measured UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) No error 4.05 034. Measured offset of channel 1 bigger than 1000 or less than -1000 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: See "FCN 4.05 034".
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General description of conditions for occurring: A self check was run (requested by flow supervision). It failed as the measured offset for channel 2 was to big. Technical description of conditions for occurring: (Treatment mode is UF control and difference between measured UF and selected UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) OR (Treatment mode is TMP control and measured UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) No error 4.05 035. Measured offset of channel 2 bigger than 1000 or less than -1000 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: See "FCN 4.05 034". FCN 4.05 038 UNSTABLE DIFF.FLOW SIGNAL DURING SELF CHECK
General description of conditions for occurring: A self check was run (requested by flow supervision). It failed as the differential flow signal was unstable during the self check.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: (Treatment mode is UF control and difference between measured UF and selected UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) OR (Treatment mode is TMP control and measured UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) The calibration of the measuring system was successful. The check of the offset flow was successful. Wait for 15s. The differential flow signals were measured for 15s. The variance of differential flow signal was calculated. Differential flow variance SRR(36) > 1171.9 ( The measuring of differential flow signals was continued for 15s. Variance of differential flow signal were calculated from 30s data. Differential flow variance SRR(36) > 2343.8. ) OR ( New differential flow signals were measured 15s. Variance of differential flow signal was calculated. Differential flow variance SRR(36) > 585.9. ) The same flow went through both the flow channels while the diff erential flow was measured. The unit of the variances is 0.0064*(ml/min)*(ml/min)
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: See "FCN 4.05 034".
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General description of conditions for occurring: A self check was run (requested by flow supervision). It failed as the tolerance between channels differed too much from the values measured at the last approved self calibration.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: (Treatment mode is UF control and difference between measured UF and selected UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) OR (Treatment mode is TMP control and measured UF is less than -100 or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. ) No error 4.05 038. Tolerance between channels differs more than 7.5 ml/min from value measured at last approved self calibration. See 4.05 012 for description of how difference is calculated.
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: See "FCN 4.05 034". FCN 4.05 040 UNEXPECTED RESULT AT DIRECT VALVE LEAKAGE TEST [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The leakage flow of the direct valve DIVA (measured by channel 1 of the flow meter) was more than +1 ml/min. This is an unexpected result as the applied pressure over the valve should result in a negative flow upon a leaking valve. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The direct valve and bypass valve were closed. The flow through channel 1, CH1 FLOWnopress was measured. The flow input pump tried to suck flow through DIVA and channel 1 by applying a negative pressure at DIVA. The CH 1 FLOWpress was measured. The DIVAtestValue = CH1 FLOWpress - CH1 FLOWnopress was calculated. The DIVAtestValue > +/-1.0 ml/min. The same test procedure was performed once more. The DIVAtestValue was once more > +1.0 ml/min. CH1 FLOW is stored in SRR(0) and has the unit ml/min. DIVAtestValue is stored in SRR(45) and has the unit ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The bypass valve (BYVA) is leaking. * See "FCN 4.05 034".
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FCN 4.05 041 TARATION VALVE LEAKAGE TEST FAILED General description of conditions for occurring: The leakage flow of the direct TAVA was more than 1 ml/min.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: The TAVA valve and bypass valve were closed. The ZEVA valve was opened. The flow through channel 2, CH2 FLOWnopress was measured. The flow input pump tried to force flow through TAVA and channel 2 by applying a positive pressure at TAVA. The CH 2 FLOWpress was measured. The TAVAtestValue = CH2 FLOWpress - CH2 FLOWnopress was calculated. The TAVAtestValue > +/-1.0 ml/min. The same test procedure was performed once more. The TAVAtestValue was once again < -1.0 ml/min. CH2 FLOW is stored in SRR(1) and has the unit ml/min. TAVAtestValue is stored in SRR(46) and has the unit ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The bypass valve (BYVA) is leaking. * The taration valve (TAVA) is leaking. * See "FCN 4.05 034".
FCN 4.05 042 UNEXPECTED RESULT FROM TARATION VALVE LEAKAGE TEST [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The leakage flow of the taration valve TAVA (measured by channel 2 of th e flow meter) was more than +1 ml/min. This is an unexpected result as the applied pressure over the valve should result in a negative flow upon a leaking valve. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The TAVA valve and bypass valve were closed. The ZEVA valve was opened. The flow through channel 2, CH2 FLOWnopress was measured. The flow input pump tried to force flow through TAVA and channel 2 by applying a positive pressure at TAVA. The CH 2 FLOWpress was measured. The TAVAtestValue = CH2 FLOWpress - CH2 FLOWnopress was calculated. The TAVAtestValue > +/-1.0 ml/min. The same test procedure was performed once more. The TAVAtestValue was < -1.0 ml/min. CH2 FLOW is stored in SRR(1) and has the unit ml/min. TAVAtestValue is stored in SRR(46) and has the unit ml/min. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * See "FCN 4.05 034". FCN 4.05 043 removed
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FCN 4.05 044 TOO LONG TIME SINCE LAST APPROVED TARATION. General description of conditions for occurring: The flow meter has failed to finish and approve a taration within 6 attempts (approx. 30 minutes).
Technical description of conditions for occurring: The following happened more than 6 times: The taration timer (SRI-74) was incremented up to 1800 and a taration was requested. The counter holding the number of attempts was incremented. When the taration was started the taration timer was reset to 1500 (30 minutes minus 5 minutes). The taration was interrupted or taration was not approved. Taration was interrupted if at least one of flags FRL(F_COND$ACH), FRL(F_TEMP$ACH), FRL(F_MAIN$FL$ACH), FRL(F_TAR$PRES$LIM$INH) (= Dialysis pressure SRI-4 or High Pressure Guard Pressure SRI-6 was out of pressure range low SRI-44 or pressure range high SRI-43 limits) was false or if PH installed at least one of FRL(F_PH$AL) or FRL(F_PH$AH) was true. Treatment continued and the taration timer was once more reset to 1500. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Unstable conductivity (see description at the last part of this document). * Unstable dialysis pressure control. * Unstable PH (if PH installed). * Unstable main flow control. * Unstable temperature control.
FCN 4.05 045 - 053 removed FCN 4.05 054 TOO HIGH FLOW IN CH2 DURING ZERO$FLOW PHASE The measured flow (ch2) during taration (zero flow phase) was more than +/- 20 ml/min when it should be 0. Possibly caused by leaking TAVA. FCN 4.05 055 TOO HIGH FLOW IN CH1 DURING ZERO$FLOW PHASE The measured flow (ch1) during taration (zero flow phase) was more than +/- 20 ml/min when it should be 0. Possibly caused by leaking DIVA.
High pressure guard evaluation function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.06 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Valve control function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.07 000
Case error. The program is not working properly. Non allowed combination of valves is selected.
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Water inlet function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.08 000 FCN 4.08 001
= =
FCN 4.08 002 FCN 4.08 003
= =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Heating vessel level-detector indicates both low and high level. Check and/or replace the level detector. This error will show up if the level-detector is disconnected. Fire alarm in heating vessel caused INVA to open. Fire alarm in heating vessel caused FLVA to open.
The fire alarm is triggered when the temperature in the heating vessel is above the boiling point (i.e. no water left). As a safety measure INVA + FLVA can be opened to sprinkle water over the heater rods to prevent a fire. Check the heater rods and electronics, heating vessel temperature sensor, level detector and inlet water pressure. Level measuring function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.09 000 FCN 4.09 001 FCN 4.09 002
= = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Timer 4 (STC1) initiation error. Timer 5 (STC1) initiation error.
Bypass control function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.10 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
58 / 116
E2prom control function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.11 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 4.11 xyz
x - I2C bus, y - logical address, (see I2C list at end) z - error type: 1 - acknowledge error (no response) 2 - wrong byte address or byte count 3 - read CRC error 4 - type error 5 - position error 6 - offset limit error 7 - coefficient limit error 8 - E2PROM is reference type 9 - wrong bus number A - read verify error B - internal table error C - read error: main board (corrected by next preset) F - E2PROM is empty
FCN 4.11 003
(during Fch) no pump calibration data read (corrected after a complete Fch)
FCN 4.11 F0z
error reading "online installed flag" from main board CPU F EEPROM (z = error above)
FCN 4.11 F4z
error reading "UFD kit installed flag" from main board CPU F EEPROM (z = error above)
FCN 4.11 F5z
error reading "pH available flag" from main board CPU F EEPROM (z = error above)
FCN 4.11 F6z
error reading "BiCart available flag" from main board CPU F EEPROM (z = error above)
FCN 4.11 FBz
error reading "Central Conc. installed flag" from main board CPU F EEPROM (z = error above)
FCN 4.11 FCz
error reading "BiCart Select hardware installed flag" from main board CPU F EEPROM (z = error above)
Real time compare function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.12 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
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Cycling logic function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.13 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 4.13 001
Case error. The program is not working properly. Main cycle counter out of range.
Stirring motor function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.14 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Disinfection time estimate. (CPU F).
FCN 4.15 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
E2prom control function. (CPU OB).
FCN 4.16 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 4.16 xyz
x - I2C bus, y - logical address, (see I2C list at end) z - error type: 1 - acknowledge error (no response) 2 - wrong byte address or byte count 3 - read CRC error 4 - type error 5 - position error 6 - offset limit error 7 - coefficient limit error 8 - E2PROM is reference type 9 - wrong bus number A - read verify error B - internal table error
Service strap monitoring function. (CPU OB).
FCN 4.17 000
Function deleted.
Blood dialyzer pressure. (CPU OB).
FCN 4.18 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
60 / 116
UF rate filter function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.19 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Select chemical disinfection fluid concentration function. (CPU F).
FCN 4.20 000 !FCN 4.20 001
= =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Selected chemical disinfectant error, unknown disinfectant. The selected disinfectant can not work be used in this fluid monitor.
FCN 4.20 002
Selected heat disinfection error, unknown program. The selected disinfection program can not work be used in this fluid monitor.
FCN 4.20 003
Removed in Prom10.00. (was “Selected rinse program error, unknown rinse program.”)
FCN 4.21, VALVES AND MOTOR CURRENT (CPU F) Purpose: * Checks that the valve currents are within certain limits. * Checks that the fan motor current, degassing motor current and stirring motor current are within certain limits. FCN 4.21 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
General description of conditions for occurring: The current through the DIVA TAVA and INVA valves was too high while the safe bus was set in alarm mode. The valves should be disconnected from the 24V supply. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was set in alarm mode. There should not flow current through it. The relay K1 on the FM CPU board should be deactivated, and the supply voltage MC24 should be 0V. An attempt to open the DIVA TAVA and INVA valves was made. The valves should not open since it had no supply voltage. The measure current is not allowed to increase with more than 50 mA for 4 sec. (FRI(FI_VALVE$CURR) - VALVE REFERENCE CURRENT) > 50mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Current was flowing through the safebus on the FM CPU bo ard when it should not. One reason for this could be that the relay K1 on the FM CPU board is broken. * Bad AD converter. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check the safe bus and the relay K1 on the FM CPU board.
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FCN 4.21 031 INVA CURRENT TOO LOW WHILE SAFE BUS WAS NOT ALARMING. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The current through the inlet valve was too lo w while the safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. The valve should be connected to the 24V supply. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. Current should flow through it. The relay K1 on the FM CPU board should be activated, and th e supply voltage MC24 should be 24V. An attempt to open the inlet valve was made. (FRI(FI_VALVE$CURR) - VALVE REFERENCE CURRENT) < 200mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Not connected valve. * Broken valve. * Current does not flow through the safe bus even if it should. A reason for this could be broken IC 64, Q8 or relay K1. * Broken IC 15, IC 75. * Bad AD converter. FCN 4.21 032 INVA CURRENT TOO HIGH WHILE SAFE BUS WAS NOT ALARMING. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The current through the inlet valve was too h igh while the safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. The valve should be connected to the 24V supply. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. Current should flow through it. The relay K1 on the FM CPU board should be activated, and th e supply voltage MC24 should be 24V. An attempt to open the inlet valve was made. The measured current increased with more than 450 mA when the valve was activated. (FRI(FI_VALVE$CURR) - VALVE REFERENCE CURRENT) > 450mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Short circuit or bad valve. * Bad AD converter. FCN 4.21 041 FLVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The FLVA current was too low when just that valve was tested. Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to open FLVA was made. The measured current increased with less than 200 mA and stayed so for 4 sec. (FRI(FI_VALVE$CURR) - VALVE REFERENCE CURRENT) < 200mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Not connected valve. * Broken valve. * IC 15, IC 16, IC 17, IC 18 or IC 19 on the FM CPU board is broken. * Bad AD converter.
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FCN 4.21 042 FLVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The FLVA current was too high when just that valve was tested. Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to open FLVA was made. The measure current increased with more than 450 mA and stayed so for more than 4 sec. (FRI(FI_VALVE$CURR) - VALVE REFERENCE CURRENT) > 450mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Short circuit or bad valve. * Bad AD converter. FCN 4.21 051 BYVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 052 BYVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 061 EVVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 062 EVVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 071 EMVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 072 EMVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 081 RFVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 082 RFVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 091 TAVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 092 TAVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 101 PBVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 102 PBVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 111 FOVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 112 FOVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 121 ZEVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
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FCN 4.21 122 ZEVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 131 DRVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 132 DRVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 141 FAN MOTOR CURRENT TOO LOW. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The fan motor current was too low when just that motor was tested. Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to start the fan motor was made. The measured current increased less than 40 mA within 4 sec. (FRI(FI_MOTOR$CURR) - MOTOR REFERENCE CURRENT) < 40mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Not connected fan motor. * Broken fan motor. * Bad AD converter. * Broken fan motor electronics. FCN 4.21 142 FAN MOTOR CURRENT TOO HIGH. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The fan motor current was too high when just that motor was tested. Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to start the fan motor was made. The measured current increased with more than 300 mA and stayed so for 4 sec. (FRI(FI_MOTOR$CURR) - MOTOR REFERENCE CURRENT) > 300mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Short circuit or bad fan motor. * Bad AD converter. FCN 4.21 151 STIRRING MOTOR CURRENT TOO LOW. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The stirring motor current was too low when just that motor was tested. Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to start the stirring motor was made. The measured current increased with less than 15 mA within 4 sec. (FRI(FI_MOTOR$CURR) - MOTOR REFERENCE CURRENT) < 15mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Not connected stirring motor. * The stirrer rotates in the air, not in fluid. * Broken stirring motor. * The polarity of the contact for the stirring motor was reversed when the contact was mounted. * Broken stirring motor electronics. * Bad AD converter.
64 / 116
FCN 4.21 152 STIRRING MOTOR CURRENT TOO HIGH. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The stirring motor current was too high when just that motor was tested Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to start the stirring motor was made. The measured current increased with more than 100 mA and stayed so for 4s. (FRI(FI_MOTOR$CURR) - MOTOR REFERENCE CURRENT) > 100mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Short circuit or bad stirring motor. * Bad AD converter. FCN 4.21 161 DEGASSING MOTOR CURRENT TOO LOW. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The degassing motor current was too low when just that motor was tested Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to start the degassing motor was made. The measured current increased with less than 100 mA within 4s. (FRI(FI_MOTOR$CURR) - MOTOR REFERENCE CURRENT) < 100mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Not connected degassing motor. * Broken degassing motor. * De-coupled pump. * Loose magnet coupling. (the screw has to be fastened) * Broken degassing motor electronics. * Bad AD converter. * Broken stirrer motor. (Check SRL062.TRUE = Stirrer motor test failed) FCN 4.21 162 DEGASSING MOTOR CURRENT TOO HIGH. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The degassing motor current was too high when just that motor was tested. Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to start the degassing motor was made. The measured current increased with more than 500 mA and stayed so for 4s. (FRI(FI_MOTOR$CURR) - MOTOR REFERENCE CURRENT) > 500mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Short circuit or bad degassing motor. * The degassing motor is occluded by calcium precipitation’s. (Run citric acid cleaning.) * Bad AD converter. * Broken stirrer motor. (Check SRL062.TRUE = Stirrer motor test failed)
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FCN 4.21 171 DIVA CURRENT TOO HIGH WHEN CPU OB OB ALARMS AT THE DIVA-BUS. [F] This is not used any more. General description of conditions for occurring: The DIVA current was too high. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The measured current increased with more than 50 mA for 4s. (FRI(FI_VALVE$CURR) - VALVE REFERENCE CURRENT) > 50mA for 4s. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check Q3, Q4, Q5 on the FM CPU board. Check FPGA IC 75 on the FM CPU board. FCN 4.21 181 DIVA CURRENT TOO HIGH WHEN CPU P ALARMS AT THE DIVA-BUS. [F] This is not used any more. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 171. FCN 4.21 191 DIVA CURRENT TOO HIGH WHEN CPU Q CLOSED DIVA. [F] The DIVA current was too high when CPU Q tried to turn off the current in DIVA. Technical description of conditions for occurring: An attempt to open the direct valve was made when CPU Q kept DIVA closed. The measured current increased with more than 50 mA for 4s. (FRI(FI_VALVE$CURR) - VALVE REFERENCE CURRENT) > 50mA for 4s. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The Diva driver is not working properly. FCN 4.21 201 DIVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check Q3, Q4, Q5 on the FM CPU board. FCN 4.21 202 DIVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 211 BCVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 212 BCVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 221 TPVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 222 TPVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 231 PAVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 232 PAVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 241 HDVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
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FCN 4.21 242 HDVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 251 FIVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 252 FIVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 261 CWVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 262 CWVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 271 DIVA + TAVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 272 DIVA + TAVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.21 281 TAVA CURRENT TOO HIGH WHEN CPU Q CLOSED TAVA. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 191.
FCN 4.21 291 LDVA CURRENT WAS TOO LOW. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 041.
FCN 4.21 292 LDVA CURRENT WAS TOO HIGH. Please refer to the description of FCN 4.21 042.
FCN 4.22, EVALUATE FM PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS, FM LEAKAGE TEST (CPU F) Purpose: * Perform a leakage test of valves DIVA and TAVA * Perform a leakage test of valve HDVA, only if Online installed (ULTRA) * Pressure correlation test, check that the measured high pressure guard (HPG) pressure, dialysis pressure (PD) and safety guard (SAG) pressure does not differ too much from each other. The leakage and correlation test process state can be logged with SP(27) FCN 4.22 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
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State 1: Low pressure correlation between HPG, PD and SAG transducers. A. The HPG pressure is regulated to 20% of pressure range with flow input pump. B. Each pressure transducer shall have a stable value during 5 seconds, maximum deviation 10mmHg. C. When stable values for each transducer are obtained, the transducers are compared. The test is passed if the maximum deviation between the transducers is less than 25mmHg x is type of error: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
HPG not stable, test B. PD not stable, test B. HPG and PD not correlated, test C. SAG not correlated to both HPG and PD, test C. HPG and SAG not correlated, test C. PD and SAG not correlated, test C. No correlation at all, test C. HPG regulator unable to control pressure within 90 s, test A
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The pressure transducer/s is not calibrated. * The pressure transducer/s or electronics malfunctioning. * The fluid pump/s are broken. FCN 4.22 07x HIGH PRESSURE CORRELATION TEST
State 2: High pressure correlation between HPG, PD and SAG transducers. A. The HPG pressure is regulated to 80% of pressure range with flow input pump. B. Each pressure transducer shall have a stable value during 5 seconds, maximum deviation 10mmHg. C. When stable values for each transducer are obtained, the transducers are compared. The test is passed if the maximum deviation between the transducers is less than 25mmHg x is type of error: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
HPG not stable, test B. PD not stable, test B. HPG and PD not correlated, test C. SAG not correlated to both HPG and PD, test C. HPG and SAG not correlated, test C. PD and SAG not correlated, test C. No correlation at all, test C. HPG regulator unable to control pressure within 90 s, test A
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The pressure transducer/s is not calibrated. * The pressure transducer/s or electronics broken. * The fluid pump/s are broken.
68 / 116
The leak tests are performed by locking up a pressure inside a closed loop delimited by the valves DIVA and TAVA (and HDVA if Online hardware is installed) and RFVA, see below. The leakage is measured with PD pressure transducer. The leak tests are performed with a high pressure on one side of valves and a low pressure on the other side. The outer loop pressure is regulated by running in bypass mode and regulating HPG. Both positive and negative pressure in closed loop is tested. The complete closed loop in a non-Online machine: DIVA - RFVA - EVVA - TAVA The complete closed loop in an Online machine: DIVA - FIVA - CWWA - RFVA - EVVA - TAVA during DIVA/TAVA leakage test HDVA - RFVA - EVVA - TAVA during HDVA leakage test State 1: Low pressure correlation test, see FCN 4.22 06x. Preparing for leak test. HPG is controlled to 20% of the pressure range (negative pressure). DIVA and TAVA are closed. Low pressure sealed. State 2: High pressure test HPG is controlled to 80% of the pressure range (positive pressure). A. First it is checked if the PD pressure has changed with more than 50mmHg since DIVA and TAVA were closed. In that case it is assumed that there is an external leak. B. After 30 seconds the PD pressure is measured again. If the pressure has changed more than 10mmHg during this time a DIVA and/or TAVA internal leakage is assumed. C. If Online hardware is installed HDVA is also tested. This is done by closing HDVA and opening DIVA. If the PD pressure changes more than 10mmHg during 30 seconds a HDVA internal leakage is assumed. DIVA and TAVA are opened and HPG is controlled to 80% of the pressure range, followed by high pressure correlation test, see FCN 4.22 07x. Then DIVA and TAVA are closed to lock up the high pressure. State 3: Low pressure test HPG is controlled to 20% of the pressure range. D. First it is checked if the PD pressure has changed with more than 50mmHg since DIVA and TAVA were closed. In that case it is assumed that there is an external leak. Max time to perform the test after DIVA and TAVA were closed is aprox 2 minutes. E. After 30 seconds the PD pressure is measured again. If the pressure has changed more than 37 mmHg during this time a DIVA and/or TAVA internal leakage is assumed. F. HDVA is tested if Online hardware is installed. This is done by closing HDVA and opening DIVA. If the PD pressure changes more than 37 mmHg during 30 seconds a HDVA internal leakage is assumed.
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x is type of error: 0 1 2 3 4 5
Low pressure external leakage, test D. High pressure external leakage, test A. Low pressure DIVA/TAVA valve leakage, test E. High pressure DIVA/TAVA valve leakage, test B. Low pressure HDVA valve leakage, test F. High pressure HDVA valve leakage, test C.
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The pressure transducer/s or electronics malfunctioning. * Valves internal or external leaking. * Leakage in closed loop fluid path, see above. * Leakage in ULTRA filter (Online only) * Leakage in fluid tubes * High level in heating vessel causes INVA to close which results in loss of counter pressure for leak test
FCN 4.23, FLOW RESTRICTOR ESTIMATE FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Checks that the main flow is one of the allowed main flow in the monitor * Calculates the low (negative) limit and the high (positive) limit for the fluid pressures. The low limit is the flow output pressure, and the high limit is the flow input pressure. * Calculates restrictor coefficients for flow output pump and flow input pump. ( PRESSURE = RESTRICTORCOEFF * FLOW * FLOW, where PRESSURE is measured between the restrictor and the pump, and FLOW is the f low through the restrictor. ) * Calculates calibration coefficients and calibration offsets for the flow input pump and the flow output pump. ( DUTYCYCLE = CALCOEFF * DIFFPRESS + CALOFFSET, DUTYCYCLE is converted to an output voltage for the pump. FRI(FI_E$PUMP$OUT$DTCY) = 50 (=5%) ==> flow output pump voltage = 0.05 * max voltage. FRI(FI_E$PUMP$OUT$DTCY) = 950 (=95%) ==> flow output pump voltage = 0.95 * max voltage. 1 unit of FRI(FI_E$PUMP$OUT$DTCY) = 0.1% DIFFPRESS is the pressure over the pump. DIFFPRESS over fl out pump = FRI(FI_HPG$SET)-FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT). DIFFPRESS over fl in pump = FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) - FRI(FI_HPG$SET). FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) is about -400mmHg. FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) is about +350mmHg. 1 unit of FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) = 0.1mmHg) * Calculates other regulator parameters for the flow output pump and f low input pump. FCN 4.23 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.23 001 Removed.
70 / 116
FCN 4.23 002 FLOW OUTPUT PUMP TOO HIGH DUTYCYCLE [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The flow output pump can not create a pressure over itself that is 80% of the total pressure range even if it is told to run as fast as it can. (The flow output pump duty cycle is greater than 95% when the differential pressure over the flow output pump is 80% of the total pressure range.) Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10), FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) SRI(9) and FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) SRI(25) have been stable for 5s. FRI(FI_E$PUMP$OUT$DTCY) > 950 when FRI(FI_E$HPG$SET) = FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) + 0.80 * ( FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) - FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) ) The unit for the duty cycle is 0.1% and for the pressures 0.1 mmHg. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow output pump is dirty. * The flow output pump is broken. * The flow output pump motor is broken. * The flow output pump electronics is broken. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is not calibrated. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is broken.
FCN 4.23 003 FLOW OUTPUT PUMP TOO LOW DUTYCYCLE [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The flow output pump can not create a pressure over itself that is 20% of the total pressure range even if it is told to be almost stopped. (The flow output pump duty cycle is less than 5% when the differential pressure over the flow output pump is 20% of the total pressure range.) Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10), FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) SRI(9) and FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) SRI(25) have been stable for 5s. FRI(FI_E$PUMP$OUT$DTCY) < 50 when FRI(FI_E$HPG$SET) = FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) + 0.20 * ( FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) - FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) ) The unit for the duty cycle is 0.1% and for the pressures 0.1 mmHg. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow output pump is broken. * The flow output pump motor is broken. * The flow output pump electronics is broken. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is not calibrated. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is broken.
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FCN 4.23 004 FLOW INPUT PUMP TOO HIGH DUTYCYCLE [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The flow input pump can not create a pressure over itself that is 80% of the total pressure range even if it is told to run as fast as it can. (The flow input pump duty cycle is greater than 95% when the differential pressure over the flow output pump is 80% of the total pressure range.) Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10), FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) SRI(9) and FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) SRI(25) have been stable for 5s. FRI(FI_E$PUMP$IN$DTCY) > 950 when FRI(FI_E$HPG$SET) = FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) + 0.80 * ( FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) - FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) ) The unit for the duty cycle is 0.1% and for the pressure 0.1 mmHg. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow input pump is dirty. * The flow input pump is broken. * The flow input pump motor is broken. * The flow input pump electronics is broken. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is not calibrated. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is broken. FCN 4.23 005 FLOW INPUT PUMP TOO LOW DUTYCYCLE [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The flow input pump can not create a pressure over itself that is 20% of the total pressure range even if it is told to be almost stopped. (The flow input pump duty cycle is less than 5% when the differential pressure over the flow input pump is 20% of the total pressure range.) Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10), FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) SRI(9) and FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) SRI(25) have been stable for 5s. FRI(FI_E$PUMP$IN$DTCY) < 50 when FRI(FI_E$HPG$SET) = FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) + 0.20 * ( FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) - FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) ) The unit for the duty cycle is 0.1% and for the pressures 0.1 mmHg. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow input pump is broken. * The flow input pump motor is broken. * The flow input pump electronics is broken. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is not calibrated. * The high pressure guard pressure transducer is broken.
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FCN 4.23 006 FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR COEFF OUT OF RANGE General description of conditions for occurring: The flow output pump restrictor coefficient is outside its allowed li mits.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10), FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) SRI(9) and FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) SRI(25) have been stable for 5s. FRR(FR_FOP$RESTR$COEFF) > -350.0 / (791.0 * 791.0 ) for 5s or FRR(FR_FOP$RESTR$COEFF) < -350.0 / (268.0 * 268.0 ) for 5s The unit of the restrictor coeff=0.1mmHg/(1 ml/min * 1 ml/min) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow output pump restrictor is not correct, it might be dirty. * The UF cell is badly calibrated. * The flow output pump pressure transducer is badly calibrated. * The UF cell or its electronics does not work. * The flow output pump pressure transducer or its electronics does not work. FCN 4.23 007 FLOW INPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR COEFF OUT OF RANGE General description of conditions for occurring: The flow input pump restrictor coefficient is outside its allowed limits. Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10), FRI(FI_E$PR$FLOW$IN) SRI(9) and FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) SRI(25) have been stable for 5s. FRR(FR_FIP$RESTR$COEFF) > 0.009 for 5s or FRR(FR_FIP$RESTR$COEFF) < 0.0002 for 5s The unit of the restrictor coeff=0.1mmHg/(1 ml/min * 1 ml/min) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow input pump restrictor is not correct, it might be dirty. * The UF cell is badly calibrated. * The flow input pump pressure transducer is badly calibrated. * The UF cell or its electronics does not work. * The flow input pump pressure transducer or its electronics does not work. FCN 4.23 008 CORRELATION ERROR [T] General description of conditions for occurring: The main flow restrictor value differs from the UF-channel 1 rate. Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_RESTR1$RATE) < FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) Alarm limits are 5 %. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Both the UF-Cell and the restrictor flow meter are badly calibrated. * The machine is dirty. * Try to restart the machine or calibrate the UF-Cell.
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FCN 4.23 009 CORRELATION ERROR [T] General description of conditions for occurring: The main flow restrictor value differs from the UF-channel 1 rate. Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_RESTR1$RATE) > FRI(FI_CH1$RATE) Alarm limits are 5 %. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Both the UF-Cell and the restrictor flow meter are badly calibrated. * The machine is dirty. * Try to restart the machine or calibrate the UF-Cell. FCN 4.23 010 UNSTABLE PRESSURE FLOW OUT General description of conditions for occurring: Unstable pressure during Flow system calibration. Test is done with: 1. E2prom constants 2. Default values 3. Default values / 2 4. Default values / 3 If the test does not succeed in any of those cases within 40 sec each, this technical error is issued. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow pumps are not working properly. * The flow path may be obstructed or dirty.
FCN 4.23 011 UNSTABLE PRESSURE FLOW IN General description of conditions for occurring: Unstable pressure during Flow system calibration. Test is done with: 1. E2prom constants 2. Default values 3. Default values / 2 4. Default values / 3 If the test does not succeed in any of those cases within 40 sec each, this technical error is issued. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow pumps are not working properly. * The flow path may be obstructed or dirty.
FCN 4.23 012 UNSTABLE CHANNEL 1 FLOW General description of conditions for occurring: Unstable pressure during Flow system calibration. Test is done with: 1. E2prom constants 2. Default values 3. Default values / 2 4. Default values / 3 If the test does not succeed in any of those cases within 40 sec each, this technical error is issued. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow pumps are not working properly. * The flow path may be obstructed or dirty.
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FCN 4.24 UF AUTO CALIBRATION FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Reads the low level and high level signals from the UF calibration box during automatic calibration of UF. * Sends the following box modes to the UF calibration box: "manual mode", "mode 0" (=closed), "mode 1" (=low level fillup), "mode 2" (=high level fillup), "mode 3" (=high level drain), “mode 4".(=low level drain) FCN 4.24 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.29, FLOW SUPERVISION FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Detect if flow transducer is broken. Test limits are if UF control :
Difference between measured UF-rate and set value rate is less than -100 ml/min or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. if TMP control : Measured UF-rate is less than -100 ml/min or bigger than +250 ml/min for more than 30s. When detected the function will request for a self check of the flow transducer. From the operators point of view this will look like an ordinary self calibration on the panel except for the colour of the fluid path that will be orange.
FCN 4.29 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 4.30, UF LOCAL LOGGING (CPU F) Purpose: *Handle the logging of data concerning the UF flow meter in the E2prom located on the UF measuring unit. Data that is logged concerns the calibration parameters that are estimated by the self calibrations during treatments and the function 4.05 error codes. FCN 4.30 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.31, ONLINE VALVE CONTROL, OPTIONAL VALVE CONTROL (CPU F) FCN 4.31 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
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FCN 4.32, POST BLOOD PUMP STOP VOLUME CHECK (CPU F ) FCN 4.32 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.33, RESTRICTOR SUPERVISION OF MAIN FLOW (CPU F) FCN 4.33 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.33 001 Volume diff (flow meter restrictor) out of limit
FCN 4.34, CENTRAL CONCENTRATE VALVE CONTROL (CPU F) FCN 4.34 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.35, BiCart Select CONTROL PUMP FUNCTION (CPU F) * Sets the control pump speed FCN 4.35 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 4.35 001 BiCart Select CONTROL PUMP SYNCRONIZATION ERROR Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The pump position sensor is broken. * The cables between pump and FM CPU are broken or left open. * The pump is stuck. FCN 4.35 002 BiCart Select CONTROL PUMP VOLUME NOT CALIBRATED Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * BiCart Select Control Pump node volume not calibrated. * Program in the BiCart Select Control Pump node is exchanged. FCN 4.35 003 SelectBag HOLDER TYPE NOT SAME AS PRESET The mounted SelectBag holder type differs from the preset holder type. Check status of preset S 558.
FCN 4.36, HDF NORMALIZATION (CPU OB) Removed FCN 4.36 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 4.37, DIFF FLOW SUPERVISION FUNCTION (CPU F) FCN 4.37 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.37 001 TOO MANY TARATIONS [T] General description of conditions for occurring: The difference between the UF rate measured by the protective system and the UF rate measured by the control system has been exceeding a presetable limit for 30 minutes. During this time, 5 tarations have been performed without being able to correct the difference. FCN 4.37 004 TOO FREQUENT TARATIONS DUE TO TIME OUT OF TARATION General description of conditions for occurring: The last three tarations have not been completed because the time out of 120 seconds has expired.
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Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Bad contact between PROM and FM board. * The conditions to perform a correct taration are not fulfilled. FCN 4.38, TOP PRIMING FUNCTION (CPU F) * Controls TPVA and BCVA * Reads level in BiCart trap FCN 4.38 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.39, PBVA FUNCTION (CPU F) * Controls PBVA FCN 4.39 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.40, MAIN FLOW MEASUREMENT FUNCTION (CPU F) FCN 4.40 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 4.41, E2PROM RUN-TIME METER CONTROL FUNCTION. (CPU F). FCN 4.41 000 = Case error. The program is not working properly. Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000. FCN 4.42, CONDUCTIVITY CONTROL FUNCTION TEST (CPU F) * Please refer to the description of FCN 4.43. FCN 4.42 000 = Case error. The program is not working properly. Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000. FCN 4.43, CONDUCTIVITY PROTECTIVE FUNCTION TEST (CPU P) * The T1 conductivity test checks that the conductivity cells are working properly, i.e. the cells are measuring the correct conductivity. * The test is divided into two parts: a low conductivity part and a high conductivity part. * The test is carried out by the protective system. FCN 4.43 000 = Case error. The program is not working properly. Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000. FCN 4.43 010 = LOW CONDUCTIVITY LIMIT NOT ACHIEVED DURING 5 MIN. General description of conditions for occurring: The requested conductivity level was not reached during a 5 minutes period. Technical description of conditions for occurring: * During this part of the test PRS orders control system to regulate the conductivity to a level < 0.5 mS/cm. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Conductivity cell A needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell B needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell is broken. * TPVA valve is leaking. * PBVA valve is leaking. FCN 4.43 011 = HIGH CONDUCTIVITY LIMIT NOT ACHIEVED DURING 5 MIN. General description of conditions for occurring: The requested conductivity level was not reached during a 5 minutes period.
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Technical description of conditions for occurring: * During this part of the test PRS orders control system to regulate the conductivity to a level > 18.0 mS/cm. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Conductivity cell A needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell B needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell is broken. * TPVA valve is leaking. * PBVA valve is leaking. FCN 4.43 020 = CONDUCTIVITY NOT STABLE DURING LOW CONDUCTIVITY TEST General description of conditions for occurring: Before the conductivity is measured and evaluated the stability is controlled. Technical description of conditions for occurring: * All samples in a continuous 10 sec. long period shall not differ more than ±0.4 mS/cm from the average during the same period. * If the test fails it is repeated after 60 sec, but for a maximum of three times. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Conductivity cell A needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell B needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell is broken. * TPVA valve is leaking. * PBVA valve is leaking. FCN 4.43 021 = CONDUCTIVITY NOT STABLE DURING HIGH CONDUCTIVITY TEST Please refer to the description of FCN 4.43 020 FCN 4.43 030 = CONDUCTIVITY EVALUATION ERROR DURING LOW CONDUCTIVITY TEST General description of conditions for occurring: The conductivity samples are evaluated in 4 separate tests by PRS. Technical description of conditions for occurring: * Test 1 is approved if difference of PRS acidic and CTRL acidic is less than ±0.2 mS/cm. * Test 2 is approved if difference of PRS total and CTRL total is less than ±0.2 mS/cm. * Test 3 is approved if difference of CTRL acidic and CTRL total is less than ±0.3 mS/cm. * Test 4 is approved if difference of PRS acidic and PRS total is less than ±0.3 mS/cm. * If any test fail, all tests are repeated after 60 sec, but for a maximum of three times. The maximum difference of test 1 and 2 is stored in the variable PRI(PI_COND$ABS$EVAL$DIFF$1) which should be less than 20 if approved. The maximum difference of test 3 and 4 is stored in the variable PRI(PI_COND$ABS$EVAL$DIFF$2) which should be less than 30 if approved. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Conductivity cell A needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell B needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell is broken. * TPVA valve is leaking. * PBVA valve is leaking. Use the service overview screen to identify faulty cell(s). FCN 4.43 031 = CONDUCTIVITY EVALUATION ERROR DURING HIGH CONDUCTIVITY TEST Please refer to the description of FCN 4.43 030 FCN 4.43 040
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General description of conditions for occurring: The requested conductivity level was not reached during a 5 minutes period. Technical description of conditions for occurring: * If the low conductivity limit not is reached during a 5 minutes period and the machine is preset for treatment with high inlet water conductivity the PRS orders control system to regulate the conductivity to a level < 2.5 mS/cm. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The CWP or WRO is not working correctly. * Conductivity cell A needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell B needs to be calibrated. * Conductivity cell is broken. * TPVA valve is leaking. * PBVA valve is leaking. FCN 4.44, DIASCAN INTERFACE FUNCTION Purpose: * Generate DiaScan conductivity steps. * Post conductivity data and other parameters to the Condstep algorithm (mailbox). * Receive clearance value and other results from the Condstep algorithm (mailbox). * In case of errors in the Condstep algorithm, generate silent mailerrors. All FCA 4.44 errors below are silent (only stored in the diagnostic error buffer). !FCN 4.44 000 = ALGORITHM PHASE ERROR Internal software error. !FCN 4.44 001 = MAILBOX SEND ERROR Internal software error. !FCN 4.44 002 = MAILBOX RECEIVE ERROR Internal software error. !FCN 4.44 003 = ALGORITHM GENERAL FAILURE The Condstep algorithm reported a fatal error and a DiaScan measurement in progress was aborted. !FCN 4.44 004 = INTEGER CONVERSION FAILURE A Condstep algorithm result was outside integer range. Measurement failed. !FCN 4.44 201 = ALGORITHM INTERNAL PHASE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCA 4.44 000. !FCN 4.44 210 = ALGORITHM DIVISION BY ZERO A Condstep mathematical operation resulted in division by zero. Measurement failed. !FCN 4.44 211 = TOO FREQUENT UF TARATIONS The total DiaScan step duration must be shorter than the UF taration interval. !FCN 4.44 212 = OUT OF MEMORY DiaScan sample data does not fit into available RAM memory of CPU F. !FCN 4.44 221 = NO STEP DETECTED (FI_COND) A DiaScan step has been started but could not be detected by the algorithm. Log FRI(FI_COND), to see if the step is performed or not. !FCN 4.44 222 = NO STEP DETECTED (FI_COND$CL) A DiaScan step has been started but could not be detected by the algorithm. The DiaScan conductivity cell may be faulty; log FRI(FI_COND$CL) to verify its performance.
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!FCN 4.44 223 = UNSTABLE CONDUCTIVITY (FI_COND) The conductivity is too unstable to perform a DiaScan calculation. Disturbances during the measurement or errors in conductivity control system (dosage pumps, mixing chambers, tubes, flow pumps etc.) may trigger this error. !FCN 4.44 224 = UNSTABLE CONDUCTIVITY (FI_COND$CL) The conductivity is too unstable to perform a DiaScan calculation. Disturbances in or after the filter or a faulty DiaScan conductivity cell may trigger this error. Please also refer to the description of FCA 4.44 223. !FCN 4.44 226 = CONDUCTIVTY STEP ERROR Please refer to the description of FCA 4.44 223 and FCA 4.44 224. !FCN 4.44 227 = ALGORITHM TIME CALCULATION FAILED The Condstep algorithm quality check for calculated time points on the conductivity curves failed. Disturbances during the measurement or DiaScan operating outside specified range may trigger this error. Please also refer to the description of FCA 4.44 223 and FCA 4.44 224. !FCN 4.44 231 = CONDUCTIVITY STEP NOT RESET The DiaScan conductivity step was not reset after the measurement was finished or aborted. Internal software error. If the set conductivity is manually changed during or immediately after a DiaScan conductivity step, this error may be triggered. !FCN 4.44 999 = UNKNOWN ALGORITHM ERROR Internal software error. FCA 4.44 does not match FCB 4.44. FCB 4.44, DIASCAN ALGORITHM FUNCTION Purpose: This function contains the Condstep algorithm used for DiaScan calculations. It receives conductivity data and other parameters from FCA 4.44 via a mailbox and sends results and errors back to FCA 4.44. For errors, please refer to the description of F CA 4.44. WRO Control Function (CPU F)
FCN 4.45 000 = Case error. The program is not working properly. [F,T,D,S] WRO Communication Function (CPU OB)
FCN 4.46 000 = Case error. The program is not working properly. [F,T,D,S] FCN 5.00, ARTERIAL PUMP CONTROL FUNCTION (CPU OB) Purpose: (Please also refer to the description of FCN 1.06) * Controls the speed of the arterial blood pump. * Controls if the arterial blood pump should run or not. * Reads if the arterial blood pump cover is open. * Reads if the arterial blood pump is overloaded. * Function check 1: Commands the arterial blood pump to run. The safe bus is set in alarm mode which disconnects the 24V supply for the blood pump. Function 5.00 checks that the blood pump is not moving. * Function check 2: Commands the arterial blood pump to r un. Checks that it is moving. * Function check 3: Sets the pump speed for the ar terial blood pump to 0. Enables the arterial blood pump by setting BPAE/ = 0. * Function check 4: Sets a pump speed for the arterial blood pump. Disables the arterial blood pump by setting BPAE/ = 1. * Function check 5: Commands the arterial blood pump to r un. CPU OB does not trig the monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board which results in that the 24V supply for the blood pump is d isconnected. * Function check 6: CPU P resets the monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board,
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which results in that the 24V supply for the blood pump is disconnected. Function 5.00 commands the blood pump to run, and checks that it is not moving. FCN 5.00 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 5.00 001 Not valid. FCN 5.00 002 ARTERIAL PUMP RUNNING WHILE SAFE BUS ALARMING ERROR [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The arterial blood pump was moving during function test even if the safe bus was set in alarm mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was set in alarm mode. Current should NOT flow through it. The relay K3 on the BM CPU board should be deactivated and the supply voltage for the blood pumps R24V should be 0V. Function 5.00 commanded the arterial blood pump to run and no other electronic signals tried to stop it. The arterial blood pump was moving after 2s. (The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board had counted more than 10 units as the signal ATP0 indicated that the pump was moving.) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The relay K3 on the BM CPU board is broken. (This error is probable if the blood pump is moving) * The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board is broken. (This error is probable if the blood pump is not moving) FCN 5.00 003 ARTERIAL PUMP STOP WHILE SAFE BUS NOT ALARMING ERROR [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The arterial blood pump was not running during function test when the safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The safe bus was NOT set in alarm mode. Current should flow through it. The relay K3 on the BM CPU board should be activated and the supply voltage for the blood pumps R24V should be 24V. Function 5.00 commanded the arterial blood pump to run and no other electronic signals tried to stop it. The arterial blood pump was NOT moving after 5s. (The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board had counted less than 10 units as the signal ATP0 indicated that the pump was not moving.) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The arterial blood pump is broken. * Some of the electronics on the arterial blood pump distribution board is broken. * The relay K3 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The protective system resets the monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board. * The blood pump overload sensor is broken. * Some cablings are broken. * The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The enable signal BPAE/ is 1. * There is no current in the safe bus. * CPU OB does not trig IC 85on the BM CPU board. * CPU P resets IC 85 on the BM CPU board (PBPE = 0V).
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FCN 5.00 004 ARTERIAL PUMP INHIBIT TEST ERROR [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The arterial blood pump was moving during function check even if the protective system tried to stop it. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Function 5.00 stopped the blood pump for 2s. CPU P reset the monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board (PBPE = 0V), which resulted in that the 24V supply for the pump was disconnected. Function 5.00 commanded the blood pump to run. The blood pump was moving after it has been commanded to run for 3s. (The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board had counted more than 10 units as the signal ATP0 indicated that the pump was moving.) Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The relay K3 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board is broken. * Some of the electronics on the arterial blood pump distribution board are broken. FCN 5.01, VENOUS PUMP CONTROL FUNCTION (CPU OB) Purpose: Also refer to the descriptions of FCN 5.00 and FCN 1.06. * Controls the speed of the venous blood pump. * Controls if the venous blood pump should run or not. * Reads if the venous blood pump cover is open. * Reads if the venous blood pump is overloaded. * Function check 1: Commands the venous blood pump to run. The safe bus is set in alarm mode which disconnects the 24V supply for the blood pump. Function 5.01 checks that the blood pump is not moving. * Function check 2: Commands the venous blood pump to run. Checks that it is moving. * Function check 3: Sets the pump speed for the venous blood pump to 0. Enables the venous blood pump by setting BPVE/ = 0. * Function check 4: Sets a pump speed for the venous blood pump. Disables the venous blood pump by setting BPVE/ = 1. * Function check 5: Commands the venous blood pump to run. CPU OB does not trigg the monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board which results in that the 24V supply for the blood pump is d isconnected. * Function check 6: CPU P resets the monostable multivibrator IC 85 on the BM CPU board, which results in that the 24V supply for the blood pump is disconnected. Function 5.01 commands the blood pump to run, and checks that it is not moving. FCN 5.01 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 5.01 001 Not valid. FCN 5.01 002 VENOUS PUMP RUNNING WHILE SAFE BUS ALARMING ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 5.00 002. FCN 5.01 003 VENOUS PUMP STOP WHILE SAFE BUS NOT ALARMING ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 5.00 003. FCN 5.01 004 VENOUS PUMP INHIBIT TEST ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 5.00 004.
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FCN 5.02, HEPARIN FLOW CONTROL FUNCTION (CPU OB) Purpose: * Controls the speed of the heparin pump by letting the F PGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board create a frequency. The heparin pump speed set value, ORI(OI_HEP$SET) is used to calculate the FPGA timer IC 46 set frequency. * Controls if the heparin pump shall run or not. * Checks if the heparin pump is overloaded because it has reached its end position. * Stops the heparin pump if it is overloaded or has any technical errors. * Calculates how much the heparin pump has moved by letting the FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board count pulses from the heparin pump encoder. Checks that the number of counted pulses does not differ too much from the estimated number of pulses. * Checks that the heparin pump is moving when it is commanded to move during the function checks. GENERAL EQUATIONS: Syringe area = 3.142 * (ORI(OI_HEP$SYR$DIAM) / 10) / 2 * (ORI(OI_HEP$SYR$DIAM) / 10) / 2 Volume = (Syringe area * length) / 1000 Volume / time = ORI(OI_HEP$SET) / (10 * 3600) Length / time = ORI(OI_HEP$SET) / (36 * Syringe area) Output frequency = 160 * ORI(OI_HEP$SET) / Syringe area Length = Encoder pulses / 50 /FCN 5.02 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
[mm2] [ml] [ml/s] [mm/s] [Hz] [mm]
/FCN 5.02 001 Not valid. /FCN 5.02 002 Not valid. /FCN 5.02 003 HEPARIN PUMP SPEED TOO LOW [F,T,(D,S)] General description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump speed was too low compared to the estimated heparin pump speed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: ORI(OI_HEP$SET) > 0 The heparin pump was commanded to run with the set speed, ORI(OI_HEP$SET), which has the unit 0.1 ml/h. BRI(BI_HEP$EST$ACC) - BRI(BI_HEP$ACC) >= 3 BRI(BI_HEP$EST$ACC) = Time * ORI(OI_HEP$SET) / 3600 (Estimated volume = Time * ORI(OI_HEP$SET)/(10 * 3600) BRI(BI_HEP$ACC) = Syringe area * Encoder pulses / 5000 (Measured volume = Syringe area * (Encoder pulses / 50) / 1000 Please also refer to "GENERAL EQUATIONS" above.
[*0.1ml] [0.1ml] [ml] ) [0.1ml] [ml])
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The heparin pump cogwheel does not follow the heparin pump belt. * The heparin pump belt broke during the treatment. * The heparin pump cogwheel is skidding. (The heparin pump axis does not turn as fast as the heparin pump cog wheel). * The heparin pump encoder is broken. * The heparin pump motor is broken. * One of the driver circuits IC 68 or IC 70 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board is broken.
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/FCN 5.02 004 HEPARIN PUMP SPEED TOO HIGH [F,T,(D,S)] General description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump speed was too high compared to the estimated heparin pump speed. Technical description of conditions for occurring: ORI(OI_HEP$SET) > 0 The heparin pump was commanded to run with the set speed, ORI(OI_HEP$SET), which has the unit 0.1 ml/h. BRI(BI_HEP$ACC) - BRI(BI_HEP$EST$ACC) >= 3 BRI(BI_HEP$EST$ACC) = Time * ORI(OI_HEP$SET) /3600 (Estimated volume = Time * ORI(OI_HEP$SET)/(10*3600) BRI(BI_HEP$ACC) = Syringe area * Encoder pulses / 5000 (Measured volume = Syringe area * (Encoder pulses / 50) / 1000 Please also refer to "GENERAL EQUATIONS" above.
[*0.1ml] [0.1ml] [ml] ) [0.1ml] [ml])
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The heparin pump encoder is broken. * The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board is broken. The output frequency is too high. /FCN 5.02 005 SYRINGE DIAMETER ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: The syringe diameter is incorrect.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: ORI(OI_HEP$SYR$DIAM) < ORI(OI_HEP$SYR$DIAM$LL$LVL$3) [*0.1mm] OR ORI(OI_HEP$SYR$DIAM) > ORI(OI_HEP$SYR$DIAM$HL$LVL$3) [*0.1mm] OR Syringe area > 1020 [mm2] Please also refer to "GENERAL EQUATIONS" above. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The program is not executing correctly. * Data stored in the RAM, IC 65 on the BM CPU board has changed in an incorrect way. If the error occurs once again after the monitor has b een turned off and on again, then the RAM is probably broken. /FCN 5.02 006 HEPARIN PUMP MOVING WHEN IT SHOULD NOT MOVE General description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was moving even if it was commanded not to move.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was commanded to stop. The pot counter counted more than 10 encoder pulses during 1s. Please also refer to "GENERAL EQUATIONS" above. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * One of the driver circuits IC 68 or IC 70 on the BM CPU board is broken. * The FPGA timer IC 46 on the BM CPU board is broken.
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/FCN 5.02 007 HEPARIN PUMP FUNCTION CHECK FAILURE [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was commanded to move during the function checks, but the detected movement was too small. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was told to run with the set value Heparin pump speed = 10 ml/h and Syringe area = 254 mm2 during the function checks. The pot counter counted less than 13 encoder pulses during 30s. It should have counted 15 encoder pulses for a 75 turn pot and 23 pulses for a 120 turn pot. Please also refer to "GENERAL EQUATIONS" above. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: Please refer to the explanations of FCN 5.02 003. /FCN 5.02 008 HEPARIN PUMP FUNCTION CHECK FAILURE [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was commanded to move during the function checks, but the detected movement was not correct. The movement was larger than for a 75 turn pot and smaller than a 120 turn pot. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was told to run with the set value Heparin pump speed = 10 ml/h and Syringe area = 254 mm2 during the function checks. The pot counter counted less than 21 encoder pulses, which is the minimum limit for a 120 turn pot, and more than 17 encoder pulses, which is the maximum limit for a 75 turn pot. /FCN 5.02 009 HEPARIN PUMP FUNCTION CHECK FAILURE [F] General description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was commanded to move during the function checks, but the detected movement was not correct. The movement was larger than for a 75 turn pot and a 120 turn pot. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The heparin pump was told to run with the set value Heparin pump speed = 10 ml/h and Syringe area = 254 mm2 during the function checks. The pot counter counted more than 25 encoder pulses, which is the maximum limit for a 120 turn pot. /FCN 5.02 010 DPRAM error General description of conditions for occurring: Can't read correct value from DPRAM.
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FCN 5.03, TEMPERATURE FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Regulates how much the heating rods should be turned on. There is a temperature drop from the temperature transducer in the heating vessel, FRI(FI_TEMP) SRI(14) and the temperature transducer after the second conductivity cell, QRI(QI_TEMP$B) SRI(16). The function creates a duty cycle for the heating rods which gives FRI(FI_TE MP) the value ( ORI(OI_TEMP$SET) + temperature drop ). If the duty cycle is 25%, then the heating rods are on 25% of the time. The LEDS V 27 or V 28 on the FM CPU board are lit when the FPGA timer IC 75 commands the heating rods to be on. * CPU C commands the Heater Control Board to break the power supply for the heating rods during the function check. If the temperature FRI(FI_TEMP) has not decreased at least 1 degree within 1 minute, then a technical alarm is given.
FCN 5.03 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 5.03 001 TIMER ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 5.00 001. The FPGA timer IC 75 on the FM CPU board is broken.
FCN 5.03 002 Removed. FCN 5.03 003 HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST ERROR. [F] General description of conditions for occurring: High temperature (42 degrees C) was not achieved within 15 minutes during high temperature test in the function check. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The temperature sensors in the heating vessel and/or cond cell B are not measuring the temperature correctly. Check FRI(FI_TEMP$HW) and FRI(FI_TEMP$B). * The heating rods are not connected. * The mains cable from the Heater Control Board is not connected to the mains connection at the power supply unit. * The over temperature guard on top of the heating vessel has released. * A 10A fuse in the AC / DC unit is broken. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check connections. FCN 5.03 004 SET TEMPERATURE TEST ERROR. General description of conditions for occurring: Set temperature (treatment temperature) was not achieved within 15 minutes during set temperature test in the function check.
Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: Please refer to the explanations of FCN 5.03 003.
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Fluid composition function. (CPU F).
FCN 5.04 000
= Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 5.04 001
= Timer handler error.
FCN 5.05, DEGASSING PRESSURE FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Regulates the degassing pressure by creating a pulse width for controlling the degassing motor. The degassing motor and the degassing pump are connected with magnets. If it is not possible to regulate the degassing pressure, it can depend on that the magnet in the pump does not follow the magnet in the motor. If so is the case, the function tries to stop the motor for 1 second and then to regulate again for 150 seconds. * Checks that the degassing pressure is above a certain limit. FCN 5.05 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 5.05 001 TIMER ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 5.00 001.
FCN 5.05 002 TOO HIGH DEGASSING PRESSURE [F,T] General description of conditions for occurring: The measured degassing pressure is greater than the set degassing pressure for 5 minutes, and it is also greater than -500 mmHg for 5 minutes. Technical description of conditions for occurring: (FRI(FI_DEGASSPR) > ORI(OI_DEGASS$PR$SET) + 200) and FRI((FI_DEGASSPR) > -5000) for 300 continuous seconds. 1 unit of FRI(FI_DEGASSPR) = 0.1mmHg. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred. * The degassing motor is broken. * The degassing pump is not OK. * The degassing pressure transducer is broken. * The degassing pressure amplifier is broken. * The A/D system is broken. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs Check degassing pressure with internal logging. If the motor voltage is > 20 volt, check for air leakage or check the degassing pump. FCN 5.06, DEGASSING LEVEL FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Regulates the degassing level in the bubble trap following the flow pump. The degassing level is regulated by letting a motor control how much the recirculation valve should be opened. * Checks that the degassing level in the bubble trap is within certain limits. An ultrasonic transducer is used to measure the degassing level. FCN 5.06 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
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FCN 5.06 001 INCORRECT DEGASSING LEVEL [F,T,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The degassing level is incorrect if it is outside th e limits 35mm - 65mm for 5 minutes. Technical description of conditions for occurring: (FRI(FI_DEGASS$LVL) < 350 or FRI(FI_DEGASS$LVL) > 650) The total time that the degassing level has been incorrect is 5 minutes longer than the total time that it has been correct. 1 unit of FRI(FI_DEGASS$LVL) = 0.1 mm. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Problems with the ultrasonic transducer in the degassing chamber. * The motor controlling the recirculation valve is not working properly. * The monitor can not create enough of fluid through the degassing pump. * There are particles in the degassing chamber. * The concentrate is too old. * The degassing chamber is not positioned completely vertically. * The tube inside the chamber is not in the correct position. * New pre filter U8000S may cause bubbles. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check degassing level with internal logging. SRI(28). The level should be about 50.0 mm. (+/- 2 mm.) Look for particles in degassing chamber. Check "Used before date" on concentrate container.
FCN 5.08, MAIN FLOW CONTROL FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Gives CPU F information about how fast CPU F shall run the flow output pump. All information to CPU F is sent via the flow generator communication function. During treatment when the conductivity is above 11mS: Gives CPU F a set value for FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) that will make the main flow FRR(FR_CH1$RATE) correspond to the set main flow FRI(FI_MAINFL$SET). The set value is stored in SRI(56) and has the unit 0.5 mmHg. FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10) has the unit 0.1 mmHg. FRR(FR_CH1$RATE) SRR(0) has the unit 1 ml/min. FRI(FI_MAINFL$SET) is usually 5000 [*0.1 ml/min]. * During self calibrations in treatment or when the conductivity is below 11mS: Sends a constant set value for FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) to CPU F. The set value is stored in SRI(56) and has the unit 0.5 mmHg. * During other modes: Sends a set value for FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) to CPU F. The set value is stored in SRI(56) and has the unit 0.5 mmHg. OR Sends a set value for FRI(FI_E$HPG) to CPU F. The set value is stored in SRI(56) and has the unit 0.5 mmHg. OR Sends a set value for FRI(FI_E$PD) to CPU F. The set value is stored in SRI(56) and has the unit 0.5 mmHg. OR Sends a set value for the flow output pump voltage to CPU F. The set value is stored in SRI(56). One unit is about 0.35mV. * Sends calibration constants and regulator constants that have been calculated in FCN 4.23 to CPU F.
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FCN 5.08 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
FCN 5.08 001 MAIN FLOW TOO LOW ERROR [T,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The time that the flow output pump pressure has been below a minimum limit is one minute longer than the time it has been above that minimum limit. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Do once a second: if (FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) < FRI(FI_PR$RANGE$LL) - 500) then Error counter = Error counter - 1 else if ( FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) > 500 ) then Error counter = Error counter + 1 else if ( Error counter > 0 ) then Error counter = Error counter - 1 else if ( Error counter < 0 ) then Error counter = Error counter + 1 Error counter <= - 60 FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10) and FRI(FI_PR$RANGE$LL) SRI(44) have the unit 0.1 mmHg. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow output pump restrictor is dirty. * The flow output pump pressure transducer is badly calibrated. * The flow output pump is dirty. * The water filter after the heating vessel is dirty. * The flow output pump pressure transducer is broken. * The flow output pump motor electronics is broken. * The flow output pump is broken. * The flow output pump motor is broken. * The degassing pressure transducer is broken. * The degassing pump is dirty. * The degassing pump motor electronics is broken. * The degassing pump is broken. * The degassing pump motor is broken. * The ultra sonic transducer in the degassing chamber is broken. * The pH measuring unit is not correctly mounted. High pressure drop. * The flow path between the degassing chamber and the flow output pump restrictor is dirty or not correctly mounted. * The flow path between the flow output pump and the HPG pressure transducer is dirty or not correctly mounted. * The throttle before the degassing chamber is dirty. * The degassing pressure transducer is badly calibrated. * The flow output pump pressure transducer is badly calibrated. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check and/or clean the flow output pump restrictor. Check the flow output pump pressure transducer.
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FCN 5.08 002 MAIN FLOW TOO HIGH ERROR [T,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The time that the flow output pump pressure has been above a maximum limit is one minute longer than the time it has been below that maximum limit. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Do once a second: if (FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) < FRI(FI_PR$RANGE$LL) - 500) then Error counter = Error counter - 1 else if ( FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) > 500 ) then Error counter = Error counter + 1 else if ( Error counter > 0 ) then Error counter = Error counter - 1 else if ( Error counter < 0 ) then Error counter = Error counter + 1 Error counter >= 60 FRI(FI_PR$FLOW$OUT) SRI(10) and FRI(FI_PR$RANGE$LL) SRI(44) have the unit 0.1 mmHg. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The flow output pump pressure transducer is badly calibrated. * The flow output valve FOVA is leaking. * The flow output pump pressure transducer is broken. * The flow output pump electronics is broken. (Commands the flow output pump to run too fast.) FCN 5.08 003 FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: The main flow is less than 500 ml/min during UF calibration.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRI(FI_MAIN$FL$SET) < 5000 [*0.1 ml/min] during UF calibration. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Incorrect flow output pump restrictor. * The flow output pump restrictor is dirty.
FCN 5.10, Differential flow control function. (CPU F). FCN 5.10 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
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General description of conditions for occurring: PD was more than +50 mmHg or less than -50 mmHg during direct valve or taration valve leakage tests. Should have been near 0 mmHg as RFVA is open and the tubes from heating vessel and safety bypass unit is filled with air and the pressure in heating vessel is 0 mmHg. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Functional check of CPU F was running. Air was entered into the deairating chamber by opening the recirculation flow valve (RFVA). Direct and taration valve test was started. The direct valve (DIVA) and TAVA valve (TAVA) were closed. The recirculation flow valve (RFVA) was opened. The dialysis pressure (Pd) was more than +50 mmHg or less than -50 mmHg for more than 5 seconds. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Tubes was removed from Safety Bypass Unit before the functional check was ready. * TAVA broken, constantly open. * DIVA broken, constantly open. * Broken or bad calibrated dialysis pressure (Pd) transducer. * Fluid path from heating vessel to Safety Bypass Unit obstructed. FCN 5.10 004 ZERO PRESSURE CONTROL TIMEOUT DURING THE DIRECT AND TARATION VALVE LEAKAGE TESTS.
General description of conditions for occurring: Not possible to control the high pressure guard (HPG) pressure to the value of the dialysis pressure (Pd) within 120 seconds. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Functional check of CPU F was running. Direct and taration valve test was started. The direct valve (DIVA) and TAVA valve (TAVA) were closed. The recirculation flow valve (RFVA) was opened. The Flow Input Pump starts to control high pressure guard pressure (HPG) to be equal to the pressure on the other side of the direct valve (DIVA) and taration valve (TAVA) measured by dialysis pressure transducer, Pd. The controlled pressure (HPG) differed more than +/5 mmHg f or more than 120 seconds from dialysis pressure (Pd). Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * The flow system before bubble trap 1 causes an unstable level in bubble trap 1. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. * FLOW INPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirt y. * FLOW INPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * FLOW INPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. * Dialysis pressure (Pd) transducer not working properly (unstable signal from the transducer itself). * High pressure guard (HPG) transducer not working properly (unstable signal from the transducer itself). Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check if flow output pump pressure (SRI-10) is stable. The pressure should be -350 to -425 mmHg and not vary more than +/- 2 mmHg.
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General description of conditions for occurring: Not possible to control the high pressure guard (HPG) pressure within 120 seconds to the value requested by the direct valve (DIVA) leakage test. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Functional check of CPU F was running. Direct and taration valve test was started. The direct valve (DIVA) and TAVA valve (TAVA) were closed. The recirculation flow valve (RFVA) was opened. The test was successfully proceeded until the start of the direct valve leakage test. The Flow Input Pump starts to control high pressure guard pressure (HPG) to the requested value of the direct valve leakage test. The test pressure was Pd - 300 mmHg or the minimum allowed system pressure estimated during the Flow System Calibration state of the functional check. The controlled pressure (HPG) differed more than +/5 mmHg from requested value for more than 120 seconds. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * TAVA leaking. * DIVA leaking. * FLOW INPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirt y. * FLOW INPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * The flow system before bubble trap 1 causes an unstable level in bubble trap 1. * FLOW INPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. * Dialysis pressure (Pd) transducer not working properly (unstable signal from the transducer itself). * High pressure guard (HPG) transducer not working properly (unstable signal from the transducer itself). Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check if flow output pump pressure (SRI-10) is stable. The pressure should be -350 to -425 mmHg and not vary more than +/- 2 mmHg. Check if channel 1 flow rate, SRI(25) is negative ( < -10 ml/min) or unstable caused by air sucked through tubing’s from Safety Bypass Unit then error is probably caused by big leakage of the DIVA valve. Check if channel 2 flow rate, SRI(26) is positive ( > +10 ml/min) or unstable caused by air sucked through tubing’s from Safety Bypass Unit then error is probably caused by big leakage of the TAVA valve.
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General description of conditions for occurring: Not possible to control the high pressure guard (HPG) pressure within 120 seconds to the value requested by the taration valve (TAVA) leakage test. Technical description of conditions for occurring: Functional check of CPU F was running. Direct and taration valve test was started. The direct valve (DIVA) and TAVA valve (TAVA) were closed. The recirculation flow valve (RFVA) was opened. The test was successfully proceeded until the start of the taration valve leakage test. The Flow Input Pump starts to control high pressure guard pressure (HPG) to the requested value of the taration valve leakage test. The test pressure was Pd + 300 mmHg or the maximum allowed system pressure estimated during the Flow System Calibration state of the functional check. The controlled pressure (HPG) differed more than +/5 mmHg from requested value for more than 120 seconds. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * TAVA leaking. * DIVA leaking. * FLOW INPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirt y. * FLOW INPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * The flow system before bubble trap 1 causes an unstable level in bubble trap 1. * FLOW INPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP RESTRICTOR: The restrictor is dirty. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP: The pump is not working properly. * FLOW OUTPUT PUMP PRESSURE TRANSDUCER: Not working properly. * Dialysis pressure (Pd) transducer not working properly (unstable signal from the transducer itself). * High pressure guard (HPG) transducer not working properly (unstable signal from the transducer itself). Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Check if flow output pump pressure (SRI-10) is stable. The pressure should be -350 to -425 mmHg and not vary more than +/- 2 mmHg. Check if channel 1 flow rate, SRI(25) is positive ( > +10 ml/min) then error is probably caused by big leakage of DIVA valve. Check if channel 2 flow rate, SRI(26) is negative ( < -10 ml/min) then error is probably caused by big leakage of TAVA valve.
FCN 5.11, DIALYZER DEAIRATING FUNCTION (CPU F) Purpose: * Opens the evacuation valve EVVA for 400ms if the measured fluid level in bubble trap 2 is less than 15mm for 1s. * Sends a technical error if the measured fluid level has been greater than 68.5mm for 30s. * Sends a major air leak attention if the evacuation valve has been opened 15 times or more during 30s. * Sends a minor air leak attention if the fluid level in bubble trap 2 has decreased more than 10 ml/min. FCN 5.11 000 SOFTWARE ERROR Please refer to the description of FCN 1.00 000.
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FCN 5.11 001 TOO BIG AIR LEAKAGE FROM THE BUBBLE TRAP 2 [T,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The measured fluid level in bubble trap 2 has been greater than 68.5mm for 30s. Technical description of conditions for occurring: FRL(F_DEAIR$LVL$AH) = true for 30s AND The evacuation valve has been closed for less than 10 min OR FRL(F_DEAIR$LVL$AH) = true for 30s AND The evacuation valve has been closed for 10 minutes AND more than 100 micro litres / minute have been leaking. Level is NOT measured during taration or pre-taration infusion ramp in Online HDF/HF. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The Evacuation valve (EVVA) is leaking. * The ultrasonic transducer is not working properly. * There has been a very high positive pressure in the chamber. This pressure is > 400 mm Hg. * The surface smoothener (the tube) inside the deairating chamber has been removed or is not in the correct position. * The evacuation tube from the top of the chamber is leaking. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Use an oscilloscope. 20 usec./div - 0.5 volt/div. The kick pulse and the echo signal can be seen at R 133 on the FM CPU board. It should be above 1.5 volt. This check is not valid during heating. Single needle generator. (CPU OB).
FCN 5.12 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
Mean blood flow and control. (CPU OB).
FCN 5.13 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FCN 5.13 001
Timer error.
Blood flow and volume measurement. (CPU OB).
FCN 5.14 000 FCN 5.14 001 FCN 5.14 002 FCN 5.14 003 FCN 5.14 004 FCN 5.14 005 FCN 5.14 006 FCN 5.14 007
= = = = = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Timer error type 1. Timer error type 2. Timer error type 3. Timer error type 4. Timer error. Timer error. Timer error.
BM fan function. (CPU OB). FCN 5.15 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
FM fan function. (CPU F).
FCN 5.16 000
Case error. The program is not working properly. Duty cycle was selected more than 99%.
FM Disinfectant and Cleaning agent supervision function. (CPU F).
FCN 5.17 000
Case error. The program is not working properly.
94 / 116
Initialisation function. (CPU OB).
FCN 6.00 000 FCN 6.00 001 FCN 6.00 002 FCN 6.00 003 FCN 6.00 004 FCN 6.00 005 FCN 6.00 006 *FCN 6.00 007 FCN 6.00 008 FCN 6.00 009 FCN 6.00 010 FCN 6.00 011 FCN 6.00 012 FCN 6.00 013 FCN 6.00 014 FCN 6.00 015 FCN 6.00 016 FCN 6.00 017 FCN 6.00 018 FCN 6.00 019
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Case error. The program is not working properly. Analogue main board interface not connected. No communication contact with CPU P or/and CPU C. No communication contact with CPU F. Safebus reset test time-out failure. CPU OB Power-up/Recovery string protocol error. CPU OB Power-up/Recovery string time-out error. Safe bus activation detected (by FCN809). CPU OB has wrong version. CPU F has wrong version. CPU P has wrong version. Node Q has wrong version. Node OP has wrong version. (Kt/V key not supported by Panel control board) Node Com OB has wrong version. Node Com P has wrong version. Node Com F has wrong version. Node FRN has wrong version. Node Select protective has wrong version. Removed. Removed.
Reset handler function. (CPU P).
FCN 6.01 001 FCN 6.01 002 FCN 6.01 003
= = =
Removed. Safebus reset time-out test failure. Removed.
Reset handler function. (CPU C). Function removed
FCN 6.02 001 FCN 6.02 002 FCN 6.02 003
= = =
Removed. Removed. Removed.
Initialisation function. (CPU F).
FCN 6.03 001 FCN 6.03 002 FCN 6.03 003 FCN 6.03 004 FCN 6.03 005
= = = = =
Removed. Safebus reset test time-out failure. Removed. CPU F Power-up/Recovery string protocol error. CPU F Power-up/Recovery string time-out error.
Master communication function. (CPU OB).
FCN 7.00 001
Removed. Previously: Communication time-out.
FCN 7.00 002
Removed. Previously: Communication command error.
FCN 7.00 003 FCN 7.00 004 FCN 7.00 005 FCN 7.00 006
= = = =
Communication buffer too small. HDF communication buffer too small. No RIO buffers available in OPCOM_TASK. RIO receive error in OPCOM_TASK.
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Communication function. (CPU C).
FCN 7.02 001
Illegal communication, Hardware problem.
Communication functions for BVS (CPU OB).
FCN 7.03 000 !FCN 7.03 001 !FCN 7.03 002 !FCN 7.03 003 !FCN 7.03 004
= = = = =
Case error SVC ERROR: No response from BVS node SVC ERROR: No response from BVS Com node Wrong program version of BVS node Wrong program version of BVS Com node
FCN 7.04 001 FCN 7.04.002
= =
No RIO buffers available in BVS$COM_TASK in fcn704. RIO receive error in BVS$COM_TASK in fcn704.
Communication functions for BPM (CPU OB).
!FCN 7.05 001 !FCN 7.05 002 !FCN 7.05 003
= = =
Wrong BPM version No answer from BPM at start-up No answer from BPM at measurement
Local logging CPU OB.
FCN 8.05 001 FCN 8.05 002 FCN 8.05 003
= = =
Opcom part command error. Blood part command error. System logging command error.
Local logging CPU P
FCN 8.06 001 FCN 8.06 002
= =
Protective system part command error. System logging command error.
Local logging CPU C.
FCN 8.07 001 FCN 8.07 002
= =
Protective system part command error. System logging command error.
96 / 116
Local logging CPU F.
FCN 8.08 001 FCN 8.08 002
= =
Protective system part command error. System logging command error.
FCN 8.09, CPU OB SUPERVISORY TASK (CPU OB) Purpose: * Supervises every 50 ms that all parts of the CPU OB software is executing within certain time intervals. (task supervision) Sends the error codes "8.09 010 - 8.09 01B" if any part of the software has not been executing in time. * Supervises every 50 ms that the CPU P supervisory task, FCN 8.10 has been executing correctly within a certain time. * Supervises every 50 ms that the CPU F supervisory task, FCN 8.12 has been executing correctly within a certain time. * Supervises every 50 ms that the operators communication state machine in CPU OB has been executing within a certain time. Sends the error code "EA0" if it has not been executing. * Supervises every 50 ms that the blood part state machine in CPU OB has been executing within a certain time. Sends the error code "EA1" if it has not been executing. * Calculates the checksums of the CPU OB Flash Memory when CPU OB is not doing anything else. * Supervises every 5 s that the operators panel is responding to a heart beat message. If the operators panel fails to respond the error code "8.09 007" is generated. Note! Sometimes the 8.09 errors can only be observed in the diagnostics error buffer!
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*FCN 8.09 001 CPU P SUPERVISORY TASK TIME OUT [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.09 can not detect that the CPU P supervisory task, FCN 8.10 has been executing within a certain time. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 50 ms: if BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU P supervisory task has NOT executed ) Timeout counter = Timeout counter + 1 if Timeout counter > PB(EPB_B$TASK$TO$HL) then Send the error code "FCN 8.09 001" else ( CPU P supervisory task has executed and has set PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) Timeout counter = 0 BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Hardware disturbances in the communication between CPU P and CPU OB. IC 16, IC 46 on the BM CPU board. * The CPU P software is not executing correctly. * Communication hardware between CPU OB and CPU P is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.09 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. If any of the CPUs are not executing then do the following: * Turn off the monitor and turn it on again. * Wait until the flow path on the operators panel is lit up. FCN 8.09 002 CPU P SUPERVISORY TASK COUNT UP ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.09 detected that the CPU P supervisory task, FCN 8.10 had been executing, but that the variable PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) had an incorrect value. The CPU P supervisory task should have updated this variable correctly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 50 ms: if BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU P supervisory task has executed and should have set PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) Timeout counter = 0 if PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT)+1 then Send the error code "FCN 8.09 002" BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The CPU P software is not executing correctly. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Please refer to the hints for FCN 8.09 001.
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*FCN 8.09 003 CPU F SUPERVISORY TASK TIME OUT [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.09 can not detect that the CPU F supervisory task, FCN 8.12 has been executing within a certain time. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 50 ms: if BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU F supervisory task has NOT executed ) Timeout counter = Timeout counter + 1 if Timeout counter > PB(EPB_D$TASK$TO$HL) then Send the error code "FCN 8.09 003" else ( CPU F supervisory task has executed and has set FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) Timeout counter = 0 BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: Please refer to the explanations of FCN 8.09 001. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Please refer to the hints for FCN 8.09 001. FCN 8.09 004 CPU F SUPERVISORY TASK COUNT UP ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.09 detected that the CPU F supervisory task, FCN 8.12 had been executing, but that the variable FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) had an incorrect value. The CPU F supervisory task should have updated this variable correctly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 50 ms: if BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU F supervisory task has executed and should have set FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) Timeout counter = 0 if FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT)+1 then Send the error code "FCN 8.09 004" BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The CPU F software is not executing correctly. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Please refer to the hints for FCN 8.09 001. FCN 8.09 005 Not valid.
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FCN 8.09 006 FLASH MEMORY ERROR CPU OB General description of conditions for occurring: The checksum calculation of the Flash Memory IC 63 failed.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.09 calculated the checksum for the CPU OB Flash Memory IC 63 on the BM CPU board. It differed from the checksum that was stored in that Memory. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The CPU OB Flash Memory IC 63 is broken. FCN 8.09 007 SUPERVISION HEART BEAT ERROR FROM OPERATORS PANEL. [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: The operators panel have failed to return the heart beat message. Technical description of conditions for occurring: The supervision function in OB (FCN 8.09) sends a unique heart beat message to the operators panel every 5 seconds. If a response is not received within a certain time window the message will be resent. If the heart beat fails more than two times this error will be generated. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The operators panel is broken. * The communication with the operators panel is broken. !FCN 8.09 008 SUPERVISION HEART BEAT ERROR FROM BVS. [F,T] General description of conditions for occurring: The BVS have failed to return the heart beat message. Technical description of conditions for occurring: More than 60 seconds between heart beat from BVS. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The BVS is broken. * The BVS communication cable is loose or broken. !FCN 8.09 009 HEART BEAT COUNT ERROR FROM BVS. [F,T] General description of conditions for occurring: Count error in heart beat from BVS Technical description of conditions for occurring: The BVS shall count up the BVS heart beat 2 units. It has failed to do so. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The BVS is broken.
100 / 116
*FCN 8.09 01x TASK ERROR CPU OB Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: X is the task number below.
Rep time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B
N/A N/A 800 ms 600 ms 2s 1s 200 ms 200 ms N/A 1s 2s 1s
N/A N/A 50-150 ms 300 ms 1s 300 ms 100 ms 100 ms N/A 300 ms 200 ms 400 ms
CRC back ground task AD system task TRACO task (AOTRCT) TRACO task (ABTRCT) Function task 0 (AFCN0) Function task 1 (AFCN1) Function task 2 (AFCN2) Communication task (ACOM) Send trend data (FCN309) EEPROM control task (AFCN3) Recovery task (FCN827) TRACO task (AATRCT)
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FCN 8.10, CPU P SUPERVISORY TASK (CPU P) Purpose: * Enables the current through the safe bus during Fch. (Please refer to "How the safe bus is connected" below.) * Supervises every 200 ms that all parts of the CPU P software is running within certain time intervals (task supervision). Stops the blood pump(s), closes the clamps and the direct valve and starts the buzzer if any part of the software has not been executing in time. * Supervises every 200 ms that the CPU OB supervisory task, FCN 8.09 has been executing correctly within a certain time. * Supervises every 200 ms that the CPU P state machine has been executing within a certain ti me. * At certain conditions: Disables the current through the safe bus to reset all CPUs in case of tr ansient errors. (Please refer to "How the safe bus is connected" below.) * Calculates the checksum for the CPU P Flash Memory when CPU P is not doing anything else. How the safe bus is connected: The safe bus is a single conductor which lets current flow fr om a current generator Q 34 and V 65 on the BM CPU board. The safe bus has the signal name SBSI on the BM CPU board, and the signal names SBSI and SBSF on the FM CPU board. The LED V 65 on the BM CPU board is lit when current is flowing through the safe bus. The following circuits control the current through the safe bus: * IC91-B on the BM CPU board, controlled by CPU P via the protective FPGA (IC16), IC92-B on the BM CPU board, controlled by the reset signal RES2/ connected to SBRE through IC84-D and IC97-B (power failure) * IC 64 on the FM CPU board, controlled by the CPU Q. * IC 92 on the FM CPU board, Comm. Node CPU F. The following opto couplers sense if current is flowing through the safe bus: * IC 92-A on the BM CPU board. The 24 volt supply for the blood pump(s) is turned off if no current is flowing through the safe bus. * IC 67-B on the FM CPU board. The 24 volt supply for the direct valve, the taration valve, the inlet valve, the flow output pump and the flow input pump is turned off if no current is flowing through the safe bus. Note! Sometimes the 8.10 errors can only be observed in the diagnostics error buffer!
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FCN 8.10 001 CPU OB SUPERVISORY TASK TIMEOUT [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.10 could not detect that the CPU OB supervisory task, FCN 8.09 had been executing within a certain time. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 200 ms: if PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU OB supervisory task has NOT executed ) Timeout counter = Timeout counter + 1 if Timeout counter > PB(EPB_A$TASK$TO$HL) then Send the error code "FCN 8.10 001" else ( CPU OB supervisory task has executed and has set BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) Timeout counter = 0 PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Hardware disturbances in the communication between CPU P and CPU OB. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for further information. * The CPU OB software is not executing correctly. * The CPU P software is not executing correctly. * The CPU F software is not executing correctly. * Communication hardware between CPU OB and CPU P is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.10 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for further information. * Communication hardware between CPU P and CPU OB is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.10 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for further information. * Communication hardware between CPU P and CPU F is broken or b adly connected. The error code FCN 8.10 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for fur ther information. * CPU OB hardware is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.10 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. > IC 73 on the BM CPU board. > All circuits that are connected to the CPU OB data bus (ADMx) on the BM CPU board. * CPU P hardware is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.10 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for further information. * CPU F hardware is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.10 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for further information. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Please refer to the hints for FCN 8.09 001.
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FCN 8.10 002 CPU OB SUPERVISORY TASK COUNT UP ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.10 detected that the CPU OB supervisory task, FCN 8.09 had been executing, but that the variable BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) had an incorrect value. The CPU OB supervisory task should have updated this variable correctly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 200 ms: if PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU OB supervisory task has executed and should have set BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) if BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT)+1 then Send the error code "FCN 8.10 002" PRB(PB_B$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$B$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The CPU OB software is not executing correctly. * CPU OB, IC 72 on the BM CPU board is broken. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Please refer to the hints for FCN 8.09 001. FCN 8.10 006 FLASH MEMORY ERROR CPU P General description of conditions for occurring: The checksum calculation of the Flash Memory IC 9 failed.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.10 calculated the checksum for the CPU P, Flash Memory IC 9. It differed from the checksum that was stored in that Memory. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The Flash Memory IC 9 is broken. FCN 8.10 007 CPU P WATCHDOG RESET REQUEST ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: CPU P could not initiate a reset by deactivating the safe bus.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.10 deactivated the safe bus but a reset was never generated. (Please refer to "How the safe bus is connected" above) CPU P was not reset after 1 second. Some reasons why FCN 8.10 initiated the reset: * CPU OB commanded FCN 8.10 to reset because the operator exited service mode. CPU OB commands a watchdog reset by setting ORB(OB_SYS$RES$RQ$0) = 'R' , ORB(OB_SYS$RES$RQ$1) = 'E' , ORB(OB_SYS$RES$RQ$2) = 'S' , ORB(OB_SYS$RES$RQ$3) = 'R' , ORB(OB_SYS$RES$RQ$4) = 'Q' * CPU OB detected a transient error (marked "*FCN .... ..." in this document) and commanded FCN 8.10 to reset. * FCN 8.10 sent one of its own transient error codes (*FCN 8.10 xxx) and CPU OB did not return a reset command (se above) in 4 seconds. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: The safe bus is broken (please refer to “How the safe bus is connected” above for details). • If the error codes FCN 6.00 004, FCN 6.01 002 or FCN 6.03 002 are present they may indicate which • processor(s) failed to reset during FCH. If the error code FCN 6.00 007 is present it is likely that the safe bus is always activated and deactivation • from CPU P failed (FCN 8.10 007).
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*FCN 8.10 008 CPU P CPU Q HEARTBEAT SUPERVISION ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: CPU P failed to communicate with CPU Q during heartbeat supervision. *FCN 8.10 010 CPU P FRN HEARTBEAT SUPERVISION ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: CPU P failed to communicate with Flow Restrictor Node during heartbeat supervision. *FCN 8.10 011 CPU P BiCart Select Protective pump node HEARTBEAT SUPERVISION ERROR General description of conditions for occurring: CPU P failed to communicate with BiCart Select Protective pump node during heartbeat supervision. *FCN 8.10 02x CPU P TASK SUPERVISION ERROR Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: X is the task number below:
FCN 8.11
Rep time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
600ms 5s N/A 2s 400ms 200ms 400ms 2s 1s 400ms
300ms 100ms 1s 200ms 50ms 200ms 100ms 500ms 200ms
BTRCT BCOM CRC background BFCN0 BFCN1 BFCN2 BFCN3 (EEPROM) Info disp ctrl Recovery ADC task
Not valid.
FCN 8.12 001 CPU OB SUPERVISORY TASK TIME OUT [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.12 can not detect that the CPU OB supervisory task, FCN 8.09 has been executing within a certain time. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 200 ms: if FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU OB supervisory task has NOT executed ) Timeout counter = Timeout counter + 1 if Timeout counter > PB(EPB_A$TASK$TO$HL) then Send the error code "FCN 8.12 001" else ( CPU OB supervisory task has executed and has set BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) Timeout counter = 0 FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1
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Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * Hardware disturbances in the communication between CPU P and CPU C. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for further information. * The CPU OB software is not executing correctly. * The CPU P software is not executing correctly. * The CPU C software is not executing correctly. * Communication hardware between CPU OB and CPU P is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.12 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for f urther information. * Communication hardware between CPU P and CPU C is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.12 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for f urther information. * Communication hardware between CPU C and CPU F is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.12 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for f urther information. * CPU OB hardware is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.12 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. > IC 73 on the BM CPU board. > All circuits that are connected to the CPU OB data bus (ADMx) on the BM CPU board. * CPU P hardware is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.12 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for f urther information. * CPU C hardware is broken or badly connected. The error code FCN 8.12 001 would not have appeared if the hardware was completely broken during the function checks. Refer to the explanation of FCN 8.09 001 for f urther information. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Please refer to the hints for FCN 8.09 001. FCN 8.12 002 CPU OB SUPERVISORY TASK COUNT UP ERROR [F,T,D,S] General description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.12 detected that the CPU OB supervisory task, FCN 8.09 had been executing, but that the variable BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) had an incorrect value. The CPU OB supervisory task should have updated this variable correctly. Technical description of conditions for occurring: do every 200 ms: if FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 then ( CPU OB supervisory task has executed and should have set BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 ) if BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) <> FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT)+1 then Send the error code "FCN 8.12 002" FRB(FB_D$A$TASK$SUPER$CNT) = BRB(BB_A$D$TASK$SUPER$CNT) + 1 Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The CPU OB software is not executing correctly. * CPU OB, IC 72 on the FM CPU board is broken. Some hints of what to do if the error occurs: Please refer to the hints for FCN 8.09 001. FCN 8.12 003 Not valid.
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FCN 8.12 004 FLASH MEMORY ERROR CPU F General description of conditions for occurring: The checksum calculation of the Flash Memory IC 84 failed.
Technical description of conditions for occurring: FCN 8.12 calculated the checksum for the CPU F, Flash Memory IC 84 on the FM CPU board. It differed from the checksum that was stored in that Memory. Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The CPU F, Flash Memory IC 84 is broken. FCN 8.12 005 The error code has been removed. *FCN 8.12 006 CPU F - TRANSITION CONTROLLER TIMEOUT ERROR Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The Transition controller has not evaluated its input within 10 sec.
*FCN 8.12 01X CPU F - TASK UNDERRUN ERROR The error code has been removed.
*FCN 8.12 02X CPU F - TASK TIMEOUT ERROR Some possible explanations why the error has occurred: * The task has not executed within the limited time.
X is the task number below: X
Rep time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
N/A 400ms 400ms 400ms 2s 12s N/A
200ms 200ms 200ms 200ms 1s 200ms 200ms
Supervisory task low priority (Background) ADC TASK DTRC TASK FCN TASK 0 FCN TASK 1 FCN TASK 2 (EEPROM) DCOM TASK
DAC logging (CPU OB) (function removed).
FCN 8.13 000 FCN 8.13 001 FCN 8.13 002
= = =
Removed. Removed. Command type error. Removed. Type error.
DAC logging (CPU P) (function removed).
FCN 8.14 001
DAC logging (CPU C) (function removed).
FCN 8.15 001
DAC logging (CPU F) (function removed).
FCN 8.16 001 FCN 8.16 002
= =
Removed. Command type error. Removed. Type error.
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External logging opcom traco (CPU OB).
FCN 8.18 000
Case error.
External logging blood traco. (CPU OB).
FCN 8.19 000
Case error.
External logging (CPU P).
FCN 8.20 000
Case error.
External logging (CPU C).
FCN 8.21 000
Case error.
External logging (CPU F).
FCN 8.22 000
Case error.
System EEPROM handling. (CPU OB).
FCN 8.26 000 FCN 8.26 001 FCN 8.26 002 FCN 8.26 003 FCN 8.26 004 FCN 8.26 005 FCN 8.26 006 FCN 8.26 007 FCN 8.26 008 FCN 8.26 009 FCN 8.26 010 FCN 8.26 011 FCN 8.26 012 FCN 8.26 013 FCN 8.26 014 FCN 8.26 015 FCN 8.26 016 FCN 8.26 017 FCN 8.26 018 FCN 8.26 019 FCN 8.26 020 FCN 8.26 021 FCN 8.26 022 FCN 8.26 023 FCN 8.26 024 FCN 8.26 025 FCN 8.26 026 FCN 8.26 027 FCN 8.26 028 FCN 8.26 029 FCN 8.26 030 FCN 8.26 031 FCN 8.26 032 FCN 8.26 033 FCN 8.26 034
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Case error. CRC error boolean segment (1) CRC error byte segment (2) CRC error word segment (3) CRC error integer segment (4) CRC error real segment (5) CRC error segment (6) CRC error segment (7) CRC error segment (8) Illegal command parameter Illegal segment parameter Illegal boolean length parameter Illegal byte length parameter Illegal word length parameter Illegal integer length parameter Illegal real length parameter Illegal seg 6 length parameter Illegal seg 7 length parameter Illegal seg 8 length parameter CNTRL program request time-out Non-owned CNTRL program release Write error boolean segment (1) Write error byte segment (2) Write error word segment (3) Write error integer segment (4) Write error real segment (5) Write error segment (6) Write error segment (7) Write error segment (8) Illegal segment reference in SAFE-area Boolean write src/dest verify error Byte write src/dest verify error Word write src/dest verify error Integer write src/dest verify error Real write src/dest verify error
108 / 116
FCN 8.26 035 FCN 8.26 036 FCN 8.26 037 FCN 8.26 038 FCN 8.26 039 FCN 8.26 040 FCN 8.26 041 FCN 8.26 042 FCN 8.26 043 FCN 8.26 044 FCN 8.26 045 FCN 8.26 046
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Boolean transient array write error Byte transient array write error Word transient array write error Integer transient array write error Real transient array write error Boolean transient array write error Byte transient array write error Word transient array write error Integer transient array write error Real transient array write error Illegal key for write inhibit unlock request Unlock attempt on unlocked write inhibit protection
System recovery handling. (CPU OB).
FCN 8.27 000 FCN 8.27 001
= =
Case error. Illegal program control parameter. Index table error. Recovery data bank longer then the defined recovery data. Cause: 1. Program error. 2. Faulty safe memory.
FCN 8.27 002
No correct recovery bank found. Both recovery data banks has CRC error. Cause: 1. Recovery was active when new battery-backed RAM was installed. 2. Power failure before a complete history collection. 3. Faulty safe memory.
FCN 8.27 003
Incorrect CRC (checksum) of reset request. Indicates that the content of the battery-backed RAM has been distorted either by means of a disturbance or a component failure.
System recovery handling. (CPU F).
FCN 8.29 000
Case error.. Illegal program control parameter.
FCN 8.29 001
Index table error. Recovery data bank longer then the defined recovery data. Cause: Program error.
FCN 8.29 002
No correct recovery bank found.
FCN 8.29 003
CPU F recovery data too long for communication.
FCN 8.30 SXX
= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15
= = = = = =
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FCN 8.35 000
Case error. Illegal program control parameter.
FCB 8.35 000
Instruction test of CPU OB failed.
FCB 8.35 001
Variable outside IEC-limits not confirmed or variable inside IEC-limits incorrectly confirmed.
FCN 8.36 000 FCN 8.36 001
= =
Case error. Illegal program control parameter. No correct memory bank found.
External F logging. This function redirects logging blocks from FSS port (ASYDRV) to FCN822 in CPU F, and vice versa. FCN 8.37 ...
no errors defined.
FCN 8.39 000 = Case error, not used. FCN 8.39 001 = Z12P (OB12PS) out of range for more than 3 sec. FCN 8.39 002 = Z12N (OB12NS) out of range for more than 3 sec. POWER SUPERVISION function (CPU F)
FCN 8.40 000 = Case error, not used. FCN 8.40 001 = Z12P (RES10/ or RES10A/) out of range for more than 3 sec. FCN 8.40 002 = Z12N (RES11/ or RES11A/) out of range for more than 3 sec. Description over functions used in different function tasks. CPU OB. AFCN 0 = 1 SEC TASK (priority = 80)
FCN$3$45 Remaining time calculation. (CPU OB). FCN$3$46 Passed time calculation. (CPU OB). FCN$3$47 Non-diffusion time (bypass time) calculation. (CPU OB). FCN$3$48 UF volume predict. (CPU OB). FCN$3$49 TMP - UF transition. (CPU OB). FCN$3$08 UF gain control (CPU OB) FCN$3$10 Access code control. (CPU OB). FCN$3$52 Fluid bypass (DIVA bus). (CPU OB). FCN$3$62 Heparin auto stop limit. (CPU OB). FCN$3$63 Linear transducer calibration calculation. (CPU OB). FCN$3$64 Real time calculation. (CPU OB). FCN$3$67 Internal support default set function FCN$3$68 BATTERY TEST FUNCTION FCN$3$71 Conductivity function. (CPU OB). FCN$3$74 Bicarbonate time function. (CPU OB). FCN$3$80 Conductivity profiling function. FCN$3$82 UF equation and UF profiling. FCN$4$17 Service strap supervision. FCN$5$02 Heparin flow control. (CPU OB). FCN$5$15 BM fan function. (CPU OB). FCN$8$35 IEC-control. (CPU OB). FCN$8$39 Power supervision (CPU OB) LOCAL$LOGGING$FCN LOGG$DAC$FCN CHECK$STACKS
110 / 116
300 ms TASK (priority = 90)
FCN$2$00 FCN$2$05 FCN$2$07 FCN$2$08 FCN$2$10 FCN$2$11 FCN$2$12 FCN$5$14 FCN$3$53 FCN$3$54 FCN$3$55 FCN$3$59 FCN$3$65 FCN$4$28 FCN$8$33 AFCN 2
Arterial pressure guard supervision. (CPU OB). ARTERIAL TIDAL VOLUME SUPERVISION Arterial pump supervision function. CPU OB). Venous pump supervision function. CPU OB). Optional pressure function. (CPU OB). Pressure transducer supervision. HDF supervision. (CPU OB). Blood flow and volume measurement. (CPU OB). Venous pressure auto alarm limits adjust. (CPU OB). Extra pressure auto alarm limits adjust. (CPU OB). TMP auto alarm limits adjust. (CPU OB). Machine off. (CPU OB). Select chemical mode function Pump segment control Data conversion
100 ms TASK (priority = 210)
FCN$2$03 FCN$2$04 FCN$5$13
level detector priming detector blood flow calculation
300 ms TASK (priority = 50)
FCN$3$66; FCN$3$70; FCN$3$72; FCN$4$16;
parallel EEPROM Preset calculation Concentrate preset mode and alternative I2C (serial) EEPROM
300 ms TASK (priority = 95)
FCN$3$09; information display function REMOTE$DISPLAY$FCN
200 ms TASK (priority = 70) recovery function
200 ms TASK (priority = 150)
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(if configured) Manual data input. (CPU OB). Keyboard input. (CPU OB). Blood potentiometer data input. (CPU OB). Remote panel display
Attention function. Profiling parameter set function.
300 ms TASK (priority = 155)
Extra pressure supervision. (CPU OB). Venous pressure supervision. (CPU OB). Single needle generator. (CPU OB).
Clamp controller. (CPU OB). Arterial pump control. (CPU OB). Venous pump control. (CPU OB).
Time display. (CPU OB). Main buzzer control. (CPU OB).
400 ms TASK (priority = 100)
112 / 116
I2C BUS ID ---------------
0 2 4 5 6
MAIN BOARD CPU F. UFM. UF-CELL. PH. PH-CELL. RTM and monitor id. UFM. UF-CELL address 56H.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 0 Z
4 4 4 4
0 2 3 4
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* AK 2 00 S
Fluid tubes not in safety bypass.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Fluid tubes not coupled to safety bypass. Blood leak cover not tighten enough. Air is leaking into the fluid path somewhere else. A valve is NOT CLOSED when it should. Check DIVA, BYVA, ZEVA. A valve is CLOSED when it should not. Check TAVA, DIVA. Flow input pump is filled with air and can't create any negative pressure. A bad fluid pump. A bad pressure transducer. SAG or PD.
Insufficient water supply.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Water supply is not connected. A filter outside AK 200 S is occluded. The RO unit can not deliver all the water that AK 200 S needs. Inlet water valve does not open. The safe bus has closed the inlet water valve. Broken inlet water valve. Float valve in heating vessel does not open.
114 / 116
BVS failure
Communication error. Check if the flag BRL(B_BVS$COM$ERROR) is TRUE. The AK 200 S has problems communicating with the BVS sub unit. The problem can occur if the BVS sub unit board is broken or if the cable between the BVS and the Panel ctrl board is not properly connected or broken. See also silent error codes FCN 2.13 001 and FCN 8.09 009
Errors in the BVS sub unit. Before any further actions make sure that the aluminium block in the BVS holder is clean. To have a relative blood volume value during dialysis, the arterial blood flow must be more than 180 ml/min. Check BRB(BB_BVS$ERROR$NBR) (SRB 56) in a hexadecimal format. The errors reason is given in the table below. Error value
Reason of occurring
General errors 00
Communication error, see above.
Function test errors 12 13 14
LED Current too high Dark Current too high Safety failure
Auto correction error 21
Auto-correction out of range
Hb0 sampling errors 31 Hb0 time out Calibration errors 41 42
Data not consistent. Coefficients out of range
Acquisition errors 51 52
Signal too low Signal too high
Self-tests errors 61 62 63
EEPROM check System check Safety check (integrating circuit)
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BPM failure
Communication and/or BPM PROM version error. The AK 200 S has problems communicating with the BPM unit. The problem can occur if the BPM sub u nit is broken or if the cable to the BPM sub unit is broken or if the BPM version is incorrect. The BPM PROM version string contains three figures and a letter, e.g. '128A'. The figures are saved in OW_PROM$VERS$BPM$MAIN and the letter is converted to a figure and saved in OW_PROM$VERS$BPM$SUB where 1 corresponds 'A', 2 corresponds 'B' and so on. A silent technical error FCN 7.05 XXX is also issued to h elp determine the cause of the failure.
NO BPM VALUES, NO BPM CUFF A list of possible causes is listed in the operator's manual. Which of these errors it is can be seen in the variable FRB(FB_BPM$ERROR$NR) (SRB 57). The error reason is given in the table below. Error (SRB 57) Value: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Reason: Adult cuff is used in neonatal mode The pressure dropped to 10mmHg but the measurement is not complete The air was not discharged for a time longer than 15s because of motion artifact Apply pressure again Abnormal oscillometric wave form Impossible to measure due to noise by arrhythmia or body movement Measurement took more than 160s More than 160 pulses were detected during measurement. Cuff pressure rose above 300 mmHg Pulse too low to measure Neonatal cuff is used in adult mode