GMP Manual Contents
GMP Manual Contents 1
Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS)
The road to a Ph Pharmaceutical Quality System
1.C 1.C.1 1.C.2
Introduction to the PQS General requirements Documentation
1.D 1.D.1 1.D.2 1.D.3 1.D.4
Main elements of a PQS Management responsibility Resource management Manufacturing operations Evaluation activities
1.D (1) 1.D (4) 1.D (7) 1.D (10)
1.E 1.E.1 1.E.2 1.E.3 1.E.4
Essentials of a PQS Principles of a process Process mapping Responsibilities Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
1.E (1) 1.E (8) 1.E (25) 1.E (26)
1.F 1.F.1 1.F.2 1.F.3 1.F.4
Practical implementation of a PQS Assistance for implementation Organizational aspects Process of developing documents Document hierarchy
1.F (1) 1.F (3) 1.F (5) 1.F (7)
Structure of a PQS quality manual – example
Corr rre elation be between GM GMP re req quire rem ments (WHO) an and IS ISO 90 9001:2000
Place of work and job descriptions
2.B 2.B.1 2.B.2
Requirements of the personnel Qualification requirements Health requirements GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
1.C (1) 1.C (2)
2.B (1) 2.B (2)
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2.C 2.C.1 2.C.2 2.C.3 2.C.4 2.C.5 2.C.6 2.C.7 2.C.8
Training Purpose of training Responsibility for training Requirements profiles/learning objectives Training contents and target groups Training planning Carrying out Reviewing the training and the training system Documentation
2.D 2.D.1 2.D.2 2.D.3 2.D.4
Function owners subject to public law Qualified Person (QP) Head of Production Head of Quality Control Qualified Person in Accordance with Article 103 of Guideline 2001/83/EC Scientific Service in Charge of Information Medical sales representatives
2.D.5 2.D.6 s t n 3 e t n 3.A o 3.A.1 C
3.A.2 3.A.3 3.A.4 3.A.5 3.A.6 3.B 3.B.1 3.B.2 3.B.3 3.B. B.4 4
2.C (1) 2.C (1) 2.C (2) 2.C (3) 2.C (4) 2.C (4) 2.C (8) 2.C (11) 2.D (1) 2.D (12) 2.D (17) 2.D (21) 2.D (24) 2.D (26)
Premises Official Requirements Loca cattion, co con nnec ecttion to other ro roo oms Size, area, height Installation and supply of utilities Lighting, ventilation, air-conditioning Hygienic construction Room book and layout Material flow, personnel flow and layout Material flow Personnel flow Layout Design concepts in FDA’s Sterile Drug Produc uctts Produced by Aseptic Processing guideline
3.C 3.C.1 3.C.2 3.C.3 3.C.4 3.C.5 3.C.6 3.C.7
Room classes General GMP Requirements for Premises GMP Requirements for Cleanrooms: Air Cleanliness Grades Corresponding FDA Determinations GMP Requirements for Premises Room-specific Allocation of Air Cleanliness Stipulations Cleanliness Zoning Concepts Converting GMP Stipulations into Reality
(2 )
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
3.A (4) 3.A (5) 3.A (7) 3.A (7) 3.A (8) 3.A (8) 3.B (1) 3.B (4) 3.B (4) 3.B (5) 3.C (1) 3.C (1) 3.C (4) 3.C (6) 3.C (7) 3.C (9) 3.C (12)
GMP Manual Contents
3.D 3.D.1 3.D.2 3.D.3 3.D.4
Construction elements Walls Doors and windows Floors Ceilings
3.D (1) 3.D (6) 3.D (8) 3.D (10)
3.E 3.E.1 3.E.2 3.E.3 3.E.4
Barrier systems and isolators Protection concepts for maximized sterility assurance Pharmaceutical isolator technology Restricted access barrier systems (RABS te t echnology) Application options for RABS and isolators
3.E (1) 3.E (2) 3.E (8) 3.E (12)
3.F 3.F.1 3.F.2 3.F.3 3.F. 3. F.4 4 3.F.5
Building services Basic requirements for installation Heating Sanitary plumbing and sewage Elec El ectr tric ical al in inst stal alla lati tion onss in incl cl.. IT IT-m -man anag agem emen entt an and d co cont ntro roll sy syst stem emss Qualification
3.F (1) 3.F (3) 3.F (3) 3.F 3. F (3 (3)) 3.F (4)
3.G 3.G.1 3.G.2 3.G.3 3.G. G.4 4 3.G.5 3.G.6
Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) Introduction Room ventilation systems Filters Princi cip ples fo for the des desiign and pl planning of air air conditioning ventilation systems Design criteria for the ventilation of premises Maintenance of air ventilation systems
3.G (23) 3.G (26) 3.G (37)
3.H 3.H.1 3.H.2 3.H.3 3.H.4
Process Gases Quality Requirements Generation, Storage and Distribution System design Qualification and monitoring
3.H (2) 3.H (4) 3.H (5) 3.H (8)
3.I 3.I.1 3.I.2 3.I.3 3.I.4 3.I.5 3.I.6 3.I.7 3.I.8
Qualification of premises and air-conditioning systems Objectives of qualification Regulatory and normative fundamentals of qualification Project development and qualification Qualification Master Plan Qualification Plans and Qualification Reports Qualification checklists Requirements for measurement and test reports Requalification
3.I (1) 3.I (2) 3.I (3) 3.I (4) 3.I (5) 3.I (6) 3.I (29) 3.I (30)
3.J 3.J.1 3.J.2 3.J.3
Monitoring of HVAC systems Objectives of process monitoring Data management stipulations Air cleanliness and other room air data
3.J (1) 3.J (1) 3.J (3)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
3.G (1) 3.G (3) 3.G (11)
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GMP Manual Contents
3.J.4 3.J.5 3.J.6
Risks of microbiological monitoring Alarm and action limits Operation and maintenance
Facilities and Equipment
4.B 4.B.1 4.B.2 4.B.3
Mechanical components Construction and installation materials GMP-compliant design characteristics Electrical and pneumatic components
4.D 4.D.1 4.D.2 s t 4.D.3
3.J (4) 3.J (4) 3.J (5)
4.B (1) 4.B (2) 4.B (3)
Facility concepts CIP (Cleaning in Place) Isolator technology Connected facilities
4.D (1) 4.D (2) 4.D (2)
Examples of facility qualification Design qualification Installation qualification Operational qualification
4.E (1) 4.E (5) 4.E (12)
4.F 4.F.1 4.F.2 4.F.3 4.F.4
Technical documentation Necessity Scope and content Administration of the technical documentation Log book
4.F (1) 4.F (2) 4.F (9) 4.F (12)
4.G 4.G.1 4.G.2 4.G.3 4.G.4
Calibration Definitions Procedure Documentation Administration of scheduled calibration dates/ times
4.G (1) 4.G (3) 4.G (4) 4.G (5)
4.H 4.H.1 4.H.2 4.H.3
Maintenance Types of maintenance GMP-conforming maintenance Systems for maintenance
4.H (2) 4.H (2) 4.H (3)
4.I 4.I.1 4.I.2 4.I.3 4.I.4
CIP (Cleaning in Place) Introduction CIP systems GMP-conforming design of CIP facilities Nozzle heads for container cleaning
4.I (1) 4.I (3) 4.I (6) 4.I (11)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
n e 4.E t n 4.E.1 o 4.E.2 C
GMP Manual Contents
4.I.5 4.I.6
Measuring technology Realisation of cleaning systems
4.I (13) 4.I (15)
4.J 4.J.1 4.J.2 4.J.3 4.J.4 4.J.5 4.J.6 4.J.7 4.J.8 4.J.9 4.J.10 4.J.11
Containment (personnel protection) in solids handling Significance Definition of terms Containment grades of products Measurement of the residue limits (OEL) Example of containment facility planning Containment weak points Containment systems for filling and emptying drums Container systems Filter systems Sampling Containment on equipment
4.J (1) 4.J (3) 4.J (3) 4.J (6) 4.J (7) 4.J (15) 4.J (16) 4.J (23) 4.J (27) 4.J (28) 4.J (30)
4.K 4.K.1 4.K.2 4.K.3 4.K.4 4.K.5
Process control systems Definitions Features of process control systems How to use process control systems Carrying out a process control system project Qualification of process control systems
4.K (1) 4.K (2) 4.K (5) 4.K (6) 4.K (7)
4.L 4.L.1 4.L.2 4.L.3 4.L.4 4.L.5 4.L.6 4.L.7 4.L.8 4.L.9
Hygienic (sanitary) design when using solids Introduction Surfaces Material: stainless steel Connections Hoists and roller conveyors Pneumatic conveyor system Dosing systems Platforms and stands Clean room installations
4.L (1) 4.L (3) 4.L (6) 4.L (11) 4.L (22) 4.L (25) 4.L (26) 4.L (28) 4.L (31)
Pharmaceutical Water
5.A 5.A.1 5.A.2 5.A.3 5.A.4
Water types Potable water Purified water Highly purified water Water for injection
5.A (2) 5.A (3) 5.A (5) 5.A (7)
5.B 5.B.1 5.B.2 5.B.3
Generation of pharmaceutical water Purified water (PW) Water for injection (WFI) Purification of pharmaceutical water treatment systems
5.B (2) 5.B (11) 5.B (14)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
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GMP Manual Contents
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5.C 5.C.1 5.C.2 5.C.3 5.C.4 5.C.5 5.C.6 5.C.7
Distribution and storage of pharmaceutical water Loop Fixtures Measuring technique Formation of biofilms Rouging Buffering of ultra pure water Loop with subloops
5.C (1) 5.C (6) 5.C (7) 5.C (21) 5.C (23) 5.C (27) 5.C (29)
5.D 5.D.1 5.D.2 5.D.3 5.D.4 5.D.5 5.D.6 5.D.7 5.D.8
Qualification of water supplies Introduction Risk analysis Design qualification Installation qualification Operational qualification (OQ) Transfer to the user Process validation/performance qualification (PQ) Qualification report
5.D (1) 5.D (3) 5.D (8) 5.D (17) 5.D (28) 5.D (36) 5.D (42) 5.D (47)
5.E 5.E.1 5.E.2 5.E.3 5.E.4 5.E.5 5.E.6
Operation of water supplies Procedures to reduce microbial counts Maintenance of a water supply Calibration of measuring systems Change control Requalification Decommissioning/uninstalling
5.E (1) 5.E (4) 5.E (10) 5.E (11) 5.E (13) 5.E (14)
5.F 5.F.1 5.F.2 5.F.3 5.F.4
Pure steam systems Physical principles Quality requirements for pure steam Pure steam generation Pure steam distribution system
5.F (1) 5.F (3) 5.F (6) 5.F (10)
6.A 6.A.1 6.A.2 6.A.3 6.A.4 6.A.5 6.A.6 6.A.7 6.A.8
Official requirements Legal aspects of qualification Documentation of the qualification Design Qualification (DQ) Installation Qualification (IQ) Operational Qualification (OQ) Performance Qualification (PQ) Qualification of established facilities Requalification
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
6.A (1) 6.A (4) 6.A (5) 6.A (8) 6.A (9) 6.A (10) 6.A (11) 6.A (13)
GMP Manual Contents
6.B 6.B.1 6.B.2 6.B.3 6.B.4 6.B.5 6.B.6
Preparation of the qualification Commissioning Sequence Qualification team Responsibilities Qualification by external service providers Risk analysis
6.B (1) 6.B (5) 6.B (6) 6.B (6) 6.B (6) 6.B (10)
6.C 6.C.1 6.C.2 6.C.3 6.C.4 6.C.5
Qualification documentation Qualification master plan Qualification plan Qualification report Labeling of the qualification status SOP – “Qualification of facilities and equipment”
6.C (2) 6.C (3) 6.C (9) 6.C (10) 6.C (11)
6.D 6.D.1 6.D.2
Design qualification (DQ) User requirements (user specifications) Technical specification
6.D (3) 6.D (12)
6.E 6.E.1 6.E.2
Installation qualification (IQ) Examples of IQ plans Example: Fluid bed equipment
6.E (3) 6.E (22)
6.F 6.F.1 6.F.2
Operational qualification(OQ) Examples of OQ plans Example: Fluid bed dryer
6.F (3) 6.F (13)
Performance qualification (PQ)
6.H 6.H.1 6.H.2 6.H.3 6.H.4 6.H.5
Special cases of qualification Retrospective qualification Requalification Content of a review Maintenance of the qualified status Qualification of simple equipment
Process Validation
7.A 7.A.1 7.A.2 7.A.3 7.A.4 7.A.5
Official requirements Regulative aspects Principles of process validation Types of process validation Maintaining the validated status Documentation of process validation
Validation – a key element of quality assurance
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
6.H (1) 6.H (2) 6.H (3) 6.H (5) 6.H (7)
7.A (1) 7.A (11) 7.A (18) 7.A (23) 7.A (27)
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7.C 7.C.1 7.C.2 7.C.3
Process validation approaches Prospective validation Retrospective validation Concurrent validation
7.C (1) 7.C (3) 7.C (5)
7.D 7.D.1 7.D.2
Revalidation Time intervals for periodic revalidations Incidences requiring revalidation
7.D (2) 7.D (2)
7.E 7.E.1 7.E.2 7.E.3 7.E.4
Planning of process validation projects Responsibilities and task assignment Validation team Timing of validation Prerequisites for carrying out a validation project
7.E (1) 7.E (4) 7.E (6) 7.E (6)
Validation master plan Validation matrix Example of a validation master plan Example for a validation matrix Example for a test plan
7.F (4) 7.F (6) 7.F (17) 7.F (24)
Risk analysis Finding out the adequate extent of validation Carrying out risk analysis
7.G (1) 7.G (1)
7.H 7.H.1 7.H.2
Validation protocol and report Elements of the validation protocol Content of a validation report
7.H (1) 7.H (9)
7.I 7.I.1 7.I.2 7.I.3 7.I.4
Quality by Design Process development Design space Statistical Design of Experiments (DoE) Multivariate Data Analysis (MVDA)
7.I (1) 7.I (3) 7.I (6) 7.I (9)
7.J 7.J.1 7.J.2 7.J.3 7.J.4 7.J.5 7.J.6
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Process-analytical measurements Evaluation of the data Possible applications Implementations of PAT Advantages of PAT implementation PAT in the USA and Europe
7.J (1) 7.J (3) 7.J (4) 7.J (6) 7.J (6) 7.J (7)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
7.F 7.F.1 7.F.2 7.F.3 s 7.F.4
t n 7.G e t 7.G.1 n 7.G.2 o C
GMP Manual Contents
Cleaning Validation
Official requirements
8.B 8.B.1 8.B.2 8.B.3
How to validate cleaning procedures Optimization of cleaning procedures Compilation of cleaning instructions Validating manual and automated cleaning procedures
Cleaning validation master plan
8.D 8.D.1 8.D.2
Establishing the scope of validation Bracketing: determination of critical substances 8.D (1) Matrixing: determination of equipment-specific validation protocols 8.D (5)
8.E 8.E.1 8.E.2 8.E.3
Acceptance criteria and limit calculation Calculation of active pharmaceutical ingredient residues Calculation of cleansing agent residues Determination of the microbial status
8.E (1) 8.E (10) 8.E (11)
8.F 8.F.1 8.F.2 8.F.3 8.F.4 8.F.5
Sampling procedures Swab test Rinse test Other procedures Selection of the appropriate sampling procedure Microbiological testing of surfaces
8.F (1) 8.F (4) 8.F (6) 8.F (7) 8.F (9)
8.G 8.G.1 8.G.2
Analytical procedures Requirements for method validation Selection of the appropriate analytical procedure
8.G (1) 8.G (6)
8.H 8.H.1 8.H.2 8.H.3
Documentation Validation protocol Validation report Other documents
8.H (1) 8.H (5) 8.H (7)
8.I 8.I.1 8.I.2 8.I.3 8.I.4 8.I.5
Maintenance of the validated status Changes and deviations Change control Revalidation New products and equipment Deviations
8.I (2) 8.I (3) 8.I (4) 8.I (9) 8.I (12)
Cleaning validation documentation (example)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
8.B (1) 8.B (5) 8.B (8)
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Computer Validation
9.A 9.A.1 9.A.2
Introduction and basic terminology Introduction Basic terminology
9.A (1) 9.A (2)
9.B 9.B.1 9.B.2 9.B.3 9.B.4 9.B.5
Regulatory aspects Europe PIC/S USA Electronic signature / Electronic records GAMP® Good Automated Manufacturing Practice
9.B (1) 9.B (4) 9.B (4) 9.B (6) 9.B (8)
9.C 9.C.1 9.C.2 9.C.3 9.C.4
Life cycle of software and systems “V-Model” Software development Purchasing commercial of the shelf systems Configuration and customisation
9.C (2) 9.C (4) 9.C (6) 9.C (7)
9.D 9.D.1 9.D.2 9.D.3
Risk analysis and system classification GAMP® classification Risk indexes Risk management at the level of user requirements
9.D (1) 9.D (6) 9.D (14)
9.E 9.E.1 9.E.2 9.E.3 9.E.4 9.E.5 9.E.6 9.E.7 9.E.8
Validation of computerised systems Responsibility and organisation Validation plan Specifications (user requirements/technical specification) for hardware and software Unit, integration and acceptance tests Documentation for validation (validation plan and report) Data migration and start-up Examples Dealing with existing systems (legacy systems)
9.F 9.F.1 9.F.2 9.F.3 9.F.4 9.F.5 9.F.6 9.F.7 9.F.8 9.F.9
Operation of computerised systems System description User training Standard operating procedures (SOPs) Authorised access and security (virus protection) Data backup and archiving Contingency plans and data recovery Change management and error reporting Periodic review Retirement of computerised systems
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
9.E (1) 9.E (4) 9.E (8) 9.E (11) 9.E (17) 9.E (18) 9.E (19) 9.E (34) 9.F (1) 9.F (1) 9.F (1) 9.F (2) 9.F (5) 9.F (7) 9.F (8) 9.F (10) 9.F (11)
GMP Manual Contents
9.G 9.G.1 9.G.2 9.G.3
External service providers Relocation of activities (outsourcing, offshoring, nearshoring, backshoring) Service level agreement Auditing of suppliers and service providers
Considerations on Risk Management
10.A 10.A.1 10.A.2 10.A.3 10.A.4 10.A.5 10.A.6
Introduction and Principles Advantages of Risk Management Considerations on the Risk-Based Approach Regulatory Environment Objectives Science-Based Approach Summary
10.B 10.B.1 10.B.2 10.B.3 10.B.4 10.B.5 10.B.6 10.B.7 10.B.8 10.B.9 10.B.10 10.B.11 10.B.12
Basic Consideration on Implementing Risk Management Into a Process Areas of Hazards 10.B (1) Prerequisites 10.B (3) Use of Knowledge and Experience 10.B (5) Consideration on Manual Operations 10.B (5) Elements of Risk Management 10.B (6) Implementation of a Risk Management Process 10.B (7) Commitment of Management 10.B (7) Project Team 10.B (8) Analysis of Existing Risk Management Approaches 10.B (8) Standardization of Methods and Tools 10.B (9) Considerations on Risk Based Behavior 10.B (9) Additional Training Required? 10.B (10)
10.C 10.C.1 10.C.2 10.C.3 10.C.4 10.C.5 10.C.6
Details on Using Risk Management Principles as Behavior Application to the QM System The Team Assessment Criteria Procedure to Determine Conclusions Evaluation on Individual Topics (Detailed Evaluation) Using Risk Management Example on Process Validation
Methodologies to be Used to Facilitate Risk Management
Using Process Mapping
10.F 10.F.1 10.F.2
Using a Fishbone Diagram Create a Fish Bone Diagram Advantages and Disadvantages GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
9.G (1) 9.G (2) 9.G (8)
10.A (2) 10.A (4) 10.A (7) 10.A (12) 10.A (13) 10.A (14)
10.C (1) 10.C (2) 10.C (3) 10.C (4) 10.C (4) 10.C (6)
10.F (2) 10.F (4)
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Informal Use of Risk Management
10.H 10.H.1 10.H.2 10.H.3 10.H.4 10.H.5 10.H.6
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Basic Principles Objective: What a FTA Can Do and Where to Use It How to Run the Process of a FTA Prerequisites for an FTA Execution of an FTA Advantages and Disadvantages of an FTA
10.H (1) 10.H (1) 10.H (2) 10.H (2) 10.H (3) 10.H (5)
10.I 10.I.1 10.I.2 10.I.3 10.I.4 10.I.5
Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) Objectives and Areas of Application General Items on the FMEA Process Implementation of FMEA in a Project Advantages and Disadvantages of an FMEA Application Example of a Modified FMEA
10.I (2) 10.I (3) 10.I (18) 10.I (18) 10.I (23)
Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP) Prerequisite and Result to be Expected Advantages and Disadvantages Application Example
10.J (2) 10.J (8) 10.J (9)
10.J 10.J.1 s 10.J.2 t 10.J.3 n
e t 10.K n o C 11
11.A 11.A.1 11.A.2 11.A.3
Sanitation Organisational prerequisites Sources of contamination Responsibilities and implementation
11.A (1) 11.A (2) 11.A (3)
11.B 11.B.1 11.B.2 11.B.3 11.B.4 11.B.5
Personnel hygiene Clothing Code of Conduct Hand disinfection Health requirements Training
11.B (1) 11.B (11) 11.B (14) 11.B (15) 11.B (16)
11.C 11.C.1 11.C.2 11.C.3
Production hygiene Sources of contamination Cleaning Disinfection
11.C (4) 11.C (11) 11.C (13)
11.D 11.D.1 11.D.2
Sanitation programme Organisation of room cleaning Documentation
11.D (1) 11.D (5)
11.E 11.E.1
Environmental monitoring General
11.E (1)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
GMP Manual Contents
11.E.2 11.E.3 11.E.4 11.E.5 11.E.6
Sampling plan Establishment of limits and frequencies Methods Investigation areas Evaluation
GMP in the production process
11.G 11.G.1 11.G.2 11.G.3 11.G.4
Weigh-in Legal requirements Weigh-in principles Weigh-in procedure Documentation
11.G (1) 11.G (3) 11.G (7) 11.G (11)
11.H 11.H.1 11.H.2 11.H.3 11.H.4
Identification Handling of labels Labelling of starting materials Labelling of equipment and containers Labelling of rooms
11.H (1) 11.H (2) 11.H (3) 11.H (7)
11.I 11.I.1 11.I.2 11.I.3 11.I.4
In-process control Objectives Organisation and responsibilities Carrying out Documentation and evaluation of data
11.I (2) 11.I (3) 11.I (4) 11.I (8)
11.J 11.J.1 11.J.2 11.J.3
Prevention of cross-contamination Causes of cross-contamination Measures to prevent cross-contamination Manufacture of critical products
11.J (1) 11.J (5) 11.J (6)
11.K 11.K.1 11.K.2 11.K.3 11.K.4 11.K.5 11.K.6 11.K.7 11.K.8
Deviations Definition Procedure Responsibilities Measures Failure investigation report Evaluation of measures SOP “deviations” – (example) Check-list for deviation handling
11.K (1) 11.K (2) 11.K (4) 11.K (4) 11.K (5) 11.K (7) 11.K (9) 11.K (14)
11.L 11.L.1 11.L.2 11.L.3 11.L.4 11.L.5
Reworking Definitions Procedure Rework / Reprocessing of rejected products Rework of returned products Rework of products that have not been rejected
11.L (1) 11.L (2) 11.L (4) 11.L (8) 11.L (8)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
11.E (3) 11.E (4) 11.E (9) 11.E (11) 11.E (16)
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GMP Manual Contents
11.M 11.M.1 11.M.2 11.M.3 11.M.4 11.M.5 11.M.6 11.M.7 11.M.8 11.M.9
Warehouse and logistics Regulatory requirements Stock management system Responsibilities Personnel Storage areas Storage conditions Sanitation and pest control Material Flow Process Flow
11.M (1) 11.M (2) 11.M (6) 11.M (6) 11.M (7) 11.M (13) 11.M (16) 11.M (18) 11.M (22)
11.N 11.N.1 11.N.2 11.N.3 11.N.4 11.N.5
Transportation Requirements for logistic service providers Transportation challenges and monitoring devices Cool/Cold Chain Distribution Temperature Profiles Transportation Risks
11.N (2) 11.N (5) 11.N (9) 11.N (13) 11.N (18)
s t n 12 e t n 12.A o C 12.A.1
Sterile Production
12.A.2 12.A.3 12.A.4
Introduction Manufacturing products that can be sterilised in the final container Aseptic processing Production areas/premises Production equipment
12.A (2) 12.A (3) 12.A (4) 12.A (7)
12.B 12.B.1 12.B.2
Air Lock Concepts Personnel locks in the clean area Material locks
12.B (1) 12.B (7)
12.C 12.C.1 12.C.2 12.C.3 12.C.4
Manufacturing the solution Starting materials Solution batch Testing the bioburden Sterile filtration
12.C (1) 12.C (4) 12.C (8) 12.C (9)
12.D 12.D.1 12.D.2 12.D.3 12.D.4
Washing processes Stoppers Particulate impurities Glass containers (ampoules, bottles) Transport
12.D (1) 12.D (3) 12.D (5) 12.D (8)
12.E 12.E.1 12.E.2 12.E.3
Filling Filling equipment for solutions Process for filling LVP containers in cleanliness grade C Process for filling ampoules with solution in cleanliness grade A/B
12.E (1) 12.E (5) 12.E (8)
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12.E.4 12.E.5 12.E.6
Filling ampoules in cleanliness grade C and laminar flow Culture medium filling (Media Fill) Filling with powders
12.E (8) 12.E (8) 12.E (13)
12.F 12.F.1 12.F.2 12.F.3 12.F.4
Steam sterilisation Sterilisers Description of the procedure Qualification of a steam steriliser Validation of the steam sterilisation process
12.F (1) 12.F (2) 12.F (6) 12.F (11)
12.G 12.G.1 12.G.2 12.G.3 12.G.4 12.G.5 12.G.6 12.G.7
Microbiological monitoring Sources of contamination Room classification Monitoring program Sampling Sampling points Measure if levels are exceeded Organism identification
12.G (1) 12.G (2) 12.G (4) 12.G (17) 12.G (20) 12.G (22) 12.G (24)
12.H 12.H.1 12.H.2 12.H.3 12.H.4 12.H.5 12.H.6 12.H.7 12.H.8 12.H.9 12.H.10
Test for sterility Parametric release Sterility test Method description Number of samples Sample quantity Reading and evaluating Procedure in the event of culture medium turbidity Culture media Culture media controls Method validation
12.H (1) 12.H (3) 12.H (10) 12.H (11) 12.H (12) 12.H (12) 12.H (15) 12.H (16) 12.H (17) 12.H (18)
12.I 12.I.1 12.I.2 12.I.3
Testing for tightness and particles Testing for tightness Particle test Sequence of operation
12.I (1) 12.I (5) 12.I (12)
12.J 12.J.1 12.J.2 12.J.3
Freeze drying Description of the procedure Qualification of a freeze dryer Validation of the freeze drying process
12.J (1) 12.J (6) 12.J (9)
12.K 12.K.1 12.K.2 12.K.3 12.K.4
Dry Heat Sterilisation Description of the procedure Sterilisation kinetics Qualification of a sterilisation tunnel Validation of the sterilisation process
12.K (2) 12.K (3) 12.K (5) 12.K (8)
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s t n e t n o C
13.A 13.A.1 13.A.2 13.A.3 13.A.4 13.A.5
Packaging material Responsibilities Contents Materials Protection against counterfeit medicinal products Packaging material testing
13.A (2) 13.A (2) 13.A (2) 13.A (6) 13.A (7)
13.B 13.B.1 13.B.2 13.B.3 13.B.4 13.B.5 13.B.6 13.B.7 13.B.8 13.B.9 13.B.10 13.B.11 13.B.12 13.B.13
Packaging process Allocation of packaging material Line clearance Labelling Control functions Release for production In-process controls Cleaning primary containers Labelling Variable data Imprints Reconciliation Safety features Completion of a packaging process
13.B (2) 13.B (3) 13.B (6) 13.B (6) 13.B (8) 13.B (15) 13.B (21) 13.B (21) 13.B (22) 13.B (23) 13.B (24) 13.B (26) 13.B (26)
13.C 13.C.1 13.C.2 13.C.3 13.C.4 13.C.5
Qualification of a packaging line Master qualification plan Design qualification (DQ) Installation qualification (IQ) Operational qualification (OQ) Performance qualification (PQ)
13.C (2) 13.C (8) 13.C (24) 13.C (34) 13.C (46)
Laboratory Controls
14.A 14.A.1 14.A.2 14.A.3
Sampling Requirements Sampling plan (instructions) Notes for the sampling process
14.A (2) 14.A (3) 14.A (8)
14.B 14.B.1 14.B.2 14.B.3
Reagents Labeling Usage and stability Documentation
14.B (2) 14.B (2) 14.B (4)
14.C 14.C.1 14.C.2
Standards and reference substances Definition of different standards and their areas of use Handling, storage and stability
14.C (1) 14.C (5)
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14.D 14.D.1 14.D.2
Qualifying laboratory instruments Qualification protocols and reports System suitability test (SST)
14.D (2) 14.D (5)
14.E 14.E.1 14.E.2 14.E.3 14.E.4
Calibration in the lab Definitions Calibration instructions and record Examples Decision
14.E (1) 14.E (4) 14.E (5) 14.E (20)
14.F 14.F.1 14.F.2 14.F.3 14.F.4
Validation of analytical methods Principles Definitions of the parameters Documentation Revalidation
14.F (1) 14.F (3) 14.F (6) 14.F (6)
14.G 14.G.1 14.G.2 14.G.3 14.G.4 14.G.5 14.G.6
14.G.8 14.G.9
Stability testing ICH guidelines for stability tests Storage and storage conditions Analyses Reduction of the study design Stability testing in the marketing phase Defining the retest period for an active pharmaceutical ingredient and the shelf life for a drug product through evaluation of stability data (ICH Q1E) Decision tree for data evaluation for retest period or for APIs or drug products (excluding frozen products) Procedure for statistical analysis Examples of the statistical evaluation of stability data
14.G (40) 14.G (40) 14.G (42)
14.H 14.H.1 14.H.2 14.H.3 14.H.4 14.H.5
Out-of-specification results Significance Definitions FDA OOS Guidance Example for handling of an OOS result Trend tracking
14.H (1) 14.H (4) 14.H (4) 14.H (12) 14.H (13)
14.I 14.I.1 14.I.2
Raw data documentation Principles Single sheet documentation system
14.I (1) 14.I (3)
14.J 14.J.1
Batch release Certification by a Qualified Person and release in accordance with EC GMP Guidelines Responsibility for issuing the release Publication of release Release procedures in practice
14.J (4) 14.J (8) 14.J (9) 14.J (10)
14.J.2 14.J.3 14.J.4
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14.G (2) 14.G (4) 14.G (13) 14.G (20) 14.G (24)
14.G (37)
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14.K 14.K.1 14.K.2 14.K.3 14.K.4
Microbiological testing Total microbial count Specified microorganisms Testing frequencies Miscellaneous tests
14.K (2) 14.K (24) 14.K (48) 14.K (52)
14.L 14.L.1 14.L.2 14.L.3 14.L.4 14.L.5 14.L.6 14.L.7 14.L.8 14.L.9
Pharmacopoeias Structure of Pharmacopoeias General considerations Development of Monographs European Pharmacopoeia (Ph Eur) British Pharmacopoeia (BP) United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) International Pharmacopoeia (Ph Int) Harmonization
14.L (1) 14.L (2) 14.L (3) 14.L (4) 14.L (7) 14.L (9) 14.L (11) 14.L (13) 14.L (14)
s t 15 n e t 15.A n 15.A.1 o C
15.A.2 15.A.3 15.A.4 15.A.5
Official requirements GMP-requirements managed and reviewed according to German pharma business regulations Requirements of the EU GMP Guideline Requirements of the US GMP Regulations Formal requirements Management and revision documentation
15.A (1) 15.A (4) 15.A (8) 15.A (13) 15.A (17)
15.B 15.B.1 15.B.2 15.B.3
GMP-conforming documentation Handwritten entries Archiving Master-SOP – “GMP-conforming documentation”
15.B (1) 15.B (2) 15.B (3)
15.C 15.C.1 15.C.2 15.C.3 15.C.4 15.C.5
Batch documentation Manufacturing instructions/record Packaging instruction and batch packaging record Electronic batch recording Testing procedures and test protocol Batch record review
15.C (3) 15.C (26) 15.C (28) 15.C (31) 15.C (36)
15.D 15.D.1 15.D.2 15.D.3 15.D.4 15.D.5
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) Compilation Approval and implementation Training Usage Review
15.D (2) 15.D (7) 15.D (7) 15.D (8) 15.D (9)
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15.D.6 15.D.7 15.D.8 15.D.9 15.D.10
Changes Withdrawing an operating procedure Administration Archiving Example of an SOP “Compilation and administration of operating procedures”
15.D (9) 15.D (10) 15.D (10) 15.D (12) 15.D (13)
15.E 15.E.1 15.E.2
Site master file Introduction Design
15.E (1) 15.E (1)
15.F 15.F.1 15.F.2 15.F.3 15.F.4 15.F.5
Annual product review / Product quality review Documents required for an annual product review Annual product review report Collaboration with a contract manufacturer Example: annual product review Master-SOP for the annual product review
15.F (4) 15.F (6) 15.F (8) 15.F (9) 15.F (14)
Research and Development
General conditions and legal requirements
16.B 16.B.1 16.B.2 16.B.3 16.B.4 16.B.5 16.B.6 16.B.7
Development phases and GMP requirements Formulation development Analytical development Manufacturing and testing of stability samples Packaging development Process development Cleaning verification and validation Process optimization: Basic principles for process validation Up scaling to pilot plant and production scale Handover to other manufacturing sites
16.B.8 16.B.9 16.C 16.C.1 16.C.2 16.C.3 16.D 16.D.1 16.D.2 16.D.3 16.D.4 16.D.5 16.D.6
Interfaces to GLP and GCP GLP –Good Laboratory Practice GCP –Good Clinical Practice Interfaces between the areas regulated by GMP and those regulated by GCP Manufacture and control of clinical samples Prerequisites for the approval of clinical investigations Manufacturing of clinical samples and comparator drugs Packaging and labeling Control and release of investigational medicinal products Storage and shipment of investigational drugs Returns, recalls and destruction of clinical samples
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
16.B (4) 16.B (7) 16.B (11) 16.B (14) 16.B (16) 16.B (19) 16.B (22) 16.B (25) 16.B (27) 16.C (1) 16.C (5) 16.C (10) 16.D (1) 16.D (2) 16.D (6) 16.D (11) 16.D (14) 16.D (15)
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s t n e t n o C
Documentation and recording of changes during development
Development report
Contractors and Suppliers
17.A 17.A.1 17.A.2 17.A.3 17.A.4 17.A.5 17.A.6 17.A.7 17.A.8
Contract manufacture Reasons for contract manufacture Procedure for assigning manufacturing contracts Duties of the contract giver Duties of the contract acceptor Contract manufacturer agreement Audits of contract manufacturers SOP for assigning manufacturing contracts Framework contract for contract manufacture and quality control
17.A (1) 17.A (3) 17.A (9) 17.A (12) 17.A (17) 17.A (21) 17.A (30) 17.A (36)
17.B 17.B.1 17.B.2 17.B.3 17.B.4 17.B.5 17.B.6
Contract Analysis Introduction Legal background Selection of an external testing laboratory Liability limitation contract Certificate of Analysis Transfer of the test to the contract laboratory
17.B (1) 17.B (2) 17.B (3) 17.B (5) 17.B (14) 17.B (15)
17.C 17.C.1 17.C.2 17.C.3 17.C.4 17.C.5 17.C.6 17.C.7 17.C.8 17.C.9
Suppliers Introduction Definitions Quality systems Records Contracts and quality agreements Supplier review and controls Supplier audits Re-evaluation of Suppliers GMP Manual Cross References to Suppliers
17.C (1) 17.C (4) 17.C (5) 17.C (14) 17.C (17) 17.C (19) 17.C (21) 17.C (26) 17.C (28)
18.B 18.B.1 18.B.2 18.B.3 18.B.4
Inspection procedures System-based Product-based Procedure-based Area-based
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18.B (1) 18.B (2) 18.B (2) 18.B (3)
GMP Manual Contents
18.C 18.C.1 18.C.2
Inspectors Technical qualification requirements Personal requirements
18.C (1) 18.C (3)
18.D 18.D.1 18.D.2 18.D.3 18.D.4
Organization of inspections Inspection planning Inspection preparation Carrying out the inspections Evaluation and documentation
18.D (1) 18.D (3) 18.D (4) 18.D (8)
18.E 18.E.1 18.E.2 18.E.3 18.E.4 18.E.5
Self-inspection Purpose of self-inspection Carrying out the self-inspection Self-inspection documentation Errors and remedial action Follow-up activities
18.E (1) 18.E (1) 18.E (3) 18.E (9) 18.E (11)
18.F 18.F.1 18.F.2 18.F.3
Inspection of contract manufacturers Purpose of the inspection of contract manufacturer Carrying out inspections of contract manufacturer Handling of changes and deviations
18.F (1) 18.F (1) 18.F (3)
18.G 18.G.1 18.G.2
Inspection of suppliers Purpose of the supplier inspection Carrying out the supplier inspection
18.G (1) 18.G (2)
Questionnaire for preparing GMP-inspections
Quality Unit
General This chapter will be part of a later update.
19.B 19.B.1 19.B.2 19.B.3 19.B.4 19.B.5
The “Qualified Person” according to Directive 2001/83/EC Introduction Legal background of the European “Qualified Person” regulations Qualification and experience Duties and responsibilities Qualified Person and Pharmaceutical Quality Systems
19.B (1) 19.B (2) 19.B (5) 19.B (8) 19.B (26)
19.C 19.C.1 19.C.2 19.C.3
Change control Principles of change control Introduction and operation of change control programs Documentation
19.C (1) 19.C (4) 19.C (9)
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Continual Improvement
20.B 20.B.1 20.B.2 20.B.3 20.B.4 20.B.5 20.B.6 20.B.7
Six Sigma Definition What it is / what it does / how it works Goals/Objectives/Benefits Implementation Tools Variations Examples
20.B (1) 20.B (1) 20.B (19) 20.B (21) 20.B (24) 20.B (25) 20.B (26)
20.C 20.C.1 20.C.2 20.C.3 20.C.4 20.C.5 s t 20.C.6 n 20.C.7
Statistical Process Control (SPC) Definition What it is /what it does / how it works Goals/Objectives/Benefits Implementation Tools Variations Examples
20.C (1) 20.C (1) 20.C (32) 20.C (33) 20.C (36) 20.C (36) 20.C (36)
20.D.3 20.D.4 20.D.5 20.D.6
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Definition The Role of PAT in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Regulatory Perspective and Guidances PAT instrumentation Application of PAT in a GMP environment Examples of PAT Applications
20.D (1) 20.D (1) 20.D (5) 20.D (11) 20.D (13) 20.D (19)
Active and Inactive Ingredients
21.A 21.A.1 21.A.2 21.A.3 21.A.4 21.A.5 21.A.6 21.A.7 21.A.8 21.A.9 21.A.10 21.A.11 21.A.12
GMP for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) Introduction Quality management Personnel Buildings and facilities Process equipment Documentation and records Materials management Production and in-process controls Packaging and identification labelling of APIs and intermediates Storage and distribution Laboratory controls Validation
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
e t 20.D n o 20.D.1 C 20.D.2
21.A (1) 21.A (6) 21.A (13) 21.A (15) 21.A (21) 21.A (25) 21.A (33) 21.A (36) 21.A (43) 21.A (47) 21.A (49) 21.A (55)
GMP Manual Contents
21.A.13 21.A.14 21.A.15 21.A.16 21.A.17 21.A.18 21.A.19
Change Control Rejection and re-use of materials Complaints and Recalls Contract manufacturers, including laboratories Agents, brokers, traders, distributors, repackers, and relabellers Specific guidance for APIs manufactured by cell culture/fermentation APIs for use in clinical trials
21.A (59) 21.A (63) 21.A (70) 21.A (70) 21.A (72)
21.B 21.B.1 21.B.2 21.B.3 21.B.4
GMP for APIs – considerations on special topics Materials management Production and maintenance Re-use and recovery of materials Interaction with brokers
21.B (1) 21.B (9) 21.B (23) 21.B (32)
21.C 21.C.1 21.C.2 21.C.3 21.C.4 21.C.5 21.C.6 21.C.7
Excipients Introduction Regulatory aspects and guidance documents Safety, toxicological, and precedence of use issues Compendial monographs Excipient Master Files and other filings Applicability of ICH guidance to excipients Other aspects critical to the marketing of excipients
21.C (1) 21.C (6) 21.C (36) 21.C (39) 21.C (45) 21.C (48) 21.C (50)
21.A (75) 21.A (81)
This chapter is left empty in order to facilitate later additions.
Medical Devices
23.A 23.A.1 23.A.2 23.A.3 23.A.4
Introduction Definition Types of medical devices Regulatory background Process approach to a Quality Management System
23.A (2) 23.A (3) 23.A (5) 23.A (10)
23.B 23.B.1 23.B.2 23.B.3 23.B.4 23.B.5 23.B.6
Quality Management System (QMS) Management responsibility Quality manual Quality policy Quality planning Management review Audits
23.B (1) 23.B (4) 23.B (5) 23.B (6) 23.B (7) 23.B (10)
23.C 23.C.1 23.C.2
Personnel General Training
23.C (1) 23.C (2) GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
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23.C.3 23.C.4
Health, hygiene, practices, and clothing Consultants and contractors
23.C (3) 23.C (4)
23.D 23.D.1 23.D.2 23.D.3 23.D.4 23.D.5 23.D.6 23.D.7 23.D.8 23.D.9 23.D.10
Design control General Design planning Design input Design output Design review Design verification Design validation / Clinical evaluation Design transfer Design changes Design history file
23.D (1) 23.D (4) 23.D (5) 23.D (9) 23.D (10) 23.D (12) 23.D (15) 23.D (17) 23.D (18) 23.D (20)
Human factors
Statistical techniques
Risk management
23.H 23.H.1 23.H.2
Document and record control Control of documents Control of records
23.H (1) 23.H (4)
23.I 23.I.1 23.I.2 23.I.3 23.I.4 23.I.5
Production and process controls Manufacturing materials Automated processes Sterile products Changes Material acceptance procedures
23.I (2) 23.I (2) 23.I (3) 23.I (4) 23.I (4)
23.J 23.J.1 23.J.2
Identification and traceability Identification Traceability
23.J (1) 23.J (1)
23.K 23.K.1 23.K.2 23.K.3
Buildings, facilities, and equipment Buildings and facilities Environment Equipment
23.K (1) 23.K (2) 23.K (3)
23.M 23.M.1 23.M.2
Purchasing/supplier control Purchase orders Quality agreements
23.M (3) 23.M (3)
23.N 23.N.1 23.N.2
Packaging and labeling Packaging Manufacturer’s information
23.N (1) 23.N (1)
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23.O 23.O.1 23.O.2 23.O.3 23.O.4 23.O.5
Handling, storage, distribution, installation and servicing Handling Storage Distribution Installation Servicing
23.O (1) 23.O (2) 23.O (2) 23.O (3) 23.O (3)
23.P 23.P.1 23.P.2 23.P.3 23.P.4
Nonconformance, Corrective Action and Preventive Action Definitions CAPA System Nonconforming product Advisory notice, device correction or product recall
23.P (1) 23.P (1) 23.P (5) 23.P (5)
23.Q 23.Q.1 23.Q.2
Customer complaints Complaint evaluation Complaint investigation
23.Q (2) 23.Q (2)
Combination products
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Empty Chapter
Empty Chapter
List of Abbreviations
Japanese Regulations
MHW Ministerial Ordinance No. 2,1961: Regulations for Buildings and Facilities of Pharmacies, etc.
MHLW Ministerial Ordinance No. 136,2004 : Standards for Quality Assurance for Drugs, Quasi-drugs, Cosmetics and Medical Devices
s t n e B.3 t n o C
MHLW Ministerial Ordinance No. 179, 2004: Standards for Manufacturing Control and Quality Control for Drugs and Quasi-drugs
EU Directives and Guidelines
EU GMP Guide: Introduction
Commission Directive 2003/94/EC
Commission Directive 91/412/EEC
Part I Basic Requirements for Medicinal Products
Chapter 1: Quality Management
Chapter 2: Personnel
Chapter 3: Premises and Equipment
Chapter 4: Documentation
Chapter 5: Production
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GMP Manual Contents
Chapter 6: Quality Control
Chapter 7: Contract Manufacture and Analysis
Chapter 8: Complaints and Product Recall
Chapter 9: Self Inspection
Part II Basic Requirements for Active Substances used as Starting Materials
Annex 1 Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products
Annex 2 Manufacture of Biological Medicinal Products for Human Use
Annex 3 Manufacture of Radiopharmaceuticals
Annex 4 Manufacture of Veterinary Medicinal Products other than Immunological Veterinary Medicinal Products
Annex 5 Manufacture of Immunological Veterinary Medicinal Products
Annex 6 Manufacture of Medicinal Gases
Annex 7 Manufacture of Herbal Medicinal Products
Annex 8 Sampling of Starting and Packaging Materials
Annex 9 Manufacture of Liquids, Creams and Ointments
Annex 10 Manufacture of Pressurised Metered Dose Aerosol Preparations for Inhalation
Annex 11 Computerised Systems
Annex 12 Use of Ionising Radiation in the Manufacture of Medicinal Products
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Annex 13 Investigational Medicinal Products
Annex 14 Manufacture of Medicinal Products Derived from Human Blood or Plasma
Annex 15 Qualification and Validation
Annex 16 Certification by a Qualified Person and Batch Release
Annex 17 Parametric Release
Annex 18 Good Manufacturing Practice for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Annex 19 Reference and Retention Samples
s C.6.20 t n e t C.7 n o C.8 C
Annex 20 Quality Risk Management Glossary Part III
Explanatory Notes on the preparation of a Site Master File
Note For Guidance on Quality of Water for Pharmaceutical Use
Compilation of Community Procedures on Inspections and Exchange of Information
USA: CFR and FDA Guidelines
Code of Federal Regulations
Guidance for Industry Process Validation: General Principles and Practices
Guide to Inspections of High Purity Water Systems
Guide to Inspections of Validation of Cleaning Processes
Guide to inspections of oral solid dosage forms pre/post approval issues for development and validation
Guide to Inspections of Validation Documentation
Guide to Inspections: Computerized Systems in Drug Establishments (2/83)
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GMP Manual Contents
Guide to Inspections of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories
Guidance for Industry: Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production
Guidance for Industry Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing – Current Good Manufacturing Practice
Guidance for Industry PAT – A Framework for Innovative Pharmaceutical Development, Manufacturing, and Quality Assurance
Guidance for Industry Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures – Scope and Application
21 CFR Part 820 – Quality System Regulation
Guidance for Industry Quality Systems Approach to Pharmaceutical CGMP Regulations
Guidance for Industry cGMP for Phase 1 Investigational Drugs
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)
Pre-Approval Inspections
ICH Q1A(R2): Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
ICH Q1B: Stability Testing: Photostability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
ICH Q1C: Stability Testing for New Dosage Forms
ICH Q1D: Bracketing and Matrixing Designs for Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
ICH Q1E: Evaluation of Stability Data
ICH Q2(R1): Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology
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GMP Manual Contents
ICH Q3A(R2): Impurities in New Drug Substances
ICH Q3B(R2): Impurities in New Drug Products
ICH Q3C(R5): Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents
ICH Q4: Pharmacopoeias
ICH Q4A: Pharmacopoeial Harmonisation
ICH Q4B: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions
ICH Q4B Annex 1: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Residue on Ignition/Sulphated Ash – General Chapter
s t n e t n E.4.B.2 o C
ICH Q4B Annex 2: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Test for Extractable Volume of Parenteral Preparations – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 3: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Test for Particulate Contamination: Sub-Visible Particles – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 4A: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions Microbiological Examination of Non-Sterile Products: Microbial Enumerations Tests – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 4B : Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Microbiological Examination of Non-Sterile Products: Test for Specified Micro-Organisms – General Chapter
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GMP Manual Contents
ICH Q4B Annex 4C: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Microbiological Examination of Non-Sterile Products: Acceptance Criteria For Pharmaceutical Preparations and Substances for Pharmaceutical Use – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 5: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Disintegration Test – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 6: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Uniformity of Dosage Units – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 7: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Dissolution Test – General Chapter
s t n e t n o C
ICH Q4B Annex 8: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Sterility Test – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 9: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Tablet Friability – General Chapter
ICH Q4B Annex 10: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions on Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis – General Chapter
ICH Q5A(R1): Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products Derived from Cell Lines of Human or Animal Origin
ICH Q5B: Quality of Biotechnological Products: Analysis of the Expression Construct in Cells Used for Production of R-DNA Derived Protein Products
ICH Q5C: Quality of Biotechnological Products: Stability Testing of Biotechnological/ Biological Products
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GMP Manual Contents
ICH Q5D: Derivation and Characterisation of Cell Substrates used for Production of Biotechnological/Biological Products
ICH Q5E: Comparability of Biotechnological/Biological Products Subject to Changes in their Manufacturing Process
ICH Q6A: Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances
ICH Q6B: Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
ICH Q7: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
“How to do” Document – Interpretation of the ICH Q7a Guide
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ICH Q8 (R2): Pharmaceutical Development ICH Q9: Quality Risk Management
ICH Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System
Quality Implementation Working Group on Q8, Q9 and Q10 Questions & Answers
PIC/S Guidelines
PIC/S PI 006-3: Recommendations on Validation Master Plan Installation and Operational Qualification Non-Sterile Process Validation Cleaning Validation
PIC/S PI 007-5: Recommendation on the Validation of Aseptic Processes
PIC/S PI 011-3: Good Practices for Computerised Systems in Regulated “GXP” Environments
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
GMP Manual Contents
PIC/S PI 023-2: Aide-mémoire Inspection of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories
PIC/S PE 008-4: Explanatory notes for pharmaceutical manufacturers on the preparation of a Site Master File
PIC/S PI 009-3: Aide-mémoire Inspection of Utilities
PIC/S PI 028-1: Aide-mémoire GMP Inspection Related to Packaging
PIC/S PI 032-2: Recommendation GMP Annex 1 Revision 2008, Interpretation of Most Important Changes for the Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products
GMP of other Regions This chapter is supplied on CD-ROM and online ( ) only.
WHO Guidelines
Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals
1. WHO good manufacturing practices: main principles for pharmaceutical products
2. WHO good manufacturing practices: starting materials
3. WHO good manufacturing practices: specific pharmaceutical products
4. Inspection
5. Hazard and risk analysis in pharmaceutical products
6. Sampling operations
Guide to good storage practices for pharmaceuticals
Annex 5 WHO good distribution practices for pharmaceutical products
Canada Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Guidelines – 2009 Edition (GUI-0001)
GMP Manual (Up11) © Maas & Peither AG – GMP Publishing
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