Sorry about double posting this, but I left someone out unintentionally. unintentionally. Your patience is appreciated. Ed On Sun, Mar 3, 203 at !2" #M, Ed$ard % &Y#E'(I)* +mailto!edd$ -t +blan/+ edd$ edd$ $rote!
11 o $hat thou $ilt shall be the $hole of the (a$. I found this in my inbo. I remain remain s/eptical. 11Ed$ard (o4e is the (a$, (a$, (o4e under u nder 5ill. 5ill.
BREAKING NEWS: G.D. Secret Chiefs Unveil New Magic f!r A"" G!l#en Dawn $ractiti!ners% & G!l#en Dawn Internati!nal C!nclave '()* +A,r.-&)* $onderful thing about the 7olden a$n, is that you do not ha4e to belie4e belie4e in the 7..8s physical physical 6 $onderful Secret 9hiefs for 7olden a$n Magic/ to $or/. Since the 7.. is not a religion, it does not at all depend on faith. :ust li/e the Secret 9hiefs, the proof of the 7olden a$n lies in the effecti4eness of its Magic/ for spiritual gro$th and liberation; . >>1 ?i5@:A)E#i/>BSb?C:CtoI>66666666*4A>D:uD)bygo0>sF00>url13.Gpeg+ ?i5@:A)E#i/>BSb?C:CtoI>66666666*4A>D:uD)bygo0>sF00>url 13.Gpeg+ -t +blan/+ . #lease do not ta/e my $ord for this. You You really ought to eperience e perience the liberation and po$er po $er of the ne$ Magic/ for yourself 1 the $ay 6depts from 4arious orders across the 7olden a$n community did last year at the 202 International 9oncla4e of 7olden a$n 6depti. . >>1Y +http!>>>1Y1=fDM":AeB>BSmaI'1=I>66666 1=fDM":AeB>BSmaI'1=I>66666666*4E>i1 666*4E>i1 pc6("'6dJ>sF00>C.# pc6("'6dJ>sF00>C .#..Gpeg+ ..Gpeg+ -t +blan/+ 1 @.&. Crater C.#. #ortland, Oregon .
You can find complete details about the 203 International 9oncla4e of 7olden a$n Magicians &Y#E'(I)* +http!>>hermetic1golden1da$>203>0>2031international1concla4e1of1 golden.html+ -t +blan/+ here. You can register for the 9oncla4e by $riting us at &Y#E'(I)* +mailto!admingolden1da$ -t +blan/+ admingolden1da$ . o?ens of 6depts from eight countries shared a full $ee/ of great Magic/, good food, and tra4el $ith $onderful ne$ friends at the 202 9oncla4e. . 5ith Outer Order initiates, Self1Initiates, and Solitary #ractitioners also coming to the 9oncla4e this year, space is rather limited. >>1 dyBSbD=oHF:dI>66666666*$E>Dgnf6($yb?Y>sF00>college1g.Gpg+ -t +blan/+ &E'E a fe$ pics from 202. . >..>unsubscribeuser.asp+ -t +blan/+ here.
Hi Ed, 93 Let’s look at what they’re saying here…
BREAKING NEWS: G.D. Secret Chiefs Unveil New Magic f!r A"" G!l#en Dawn $ractiti!ners% & G!l#en Dawn Internati!nal C!nclave '()* +A,r.-&)* Ok…first, a breaking news flash…so, we’ve got an advertisement and like the one’s the post office delivers, it’s got a warning on the envelope “Open Immediately,” which tells you right away that the envelope is bound for the garbage can.
6 $onderful thing about the 7olden a$n, is that you do not ha4e to belie4e in the 7..8s physical Secret 9hiefs for 7olden a$n Magic/ to $or/. Since the 7.. is not a religion, it does not at all depend on faith. :ust li/e the Secret 9hiefs, the proof of the 7olden a$n lies in the effecti4eness of its Magic/ for spiritual gro$th and liberation; You don’t have to believe in the Secret Chiefs, but they believe in you…oh, and Big Brother’s watching. They’ve now decided that everyone can buy enlightenment. So they’re putting together this special weekend so that you can learn what…? Instant enlightenment (just add water).
. #lease do not ta/e my $ord for this. You really ought to eperience the liberation and po$er of the ne$ Magic/ for yourself 1 the $ay 6depts from 4arious orders across the 7olden a$n community did last year at the 202 International 9oncla4e of 7olden a$n 6depti. Don’t take my word for this…just spend money at our “conclave” and we’ll give you the big secrets that Regardie didn’t (free ice-crusher with every order!)….hurrry while supplies last! Charge it on Visa…a Golden Dawn Conclave…$295.00…the Secret Chiefs…Priceless. Now stay tuned for a word from our sponsors… Hi there, my name’s Mark Stavish…and I’d like to tell you about Alchemy Flakes…new from Kellogg’s. == So, what were you unsure about Ed? 93/93 pj
&i #:, D3 So, what were you unsure about Ed?
)o, I /no$ $hat the deal is! it8s a magical timeshare. I find the aggressi4eness and shamelessness of this sales tactic to be a little shoc/ing, but business as usual other$ise. D3 D3>D3 Ed Hi Ed, 93 So many people; when first getting into this art/science, look to find ways to make some money…there’s a glamour to Magick of which one should be wary. Men like Mark Stavish haven’t figured that out and are seduced by the seeming bounty of people like DuQuette or Zalewski, et al. So this group figures they’re going to do ‘big things’ and get other people to pay for it. They won’t make any money in the same way DuQuette, Stavish & Zalewski LLC don’t make any money. And since they’ve never studied history, they have no idea how boringly unoriginal their efforts really are…snake oil salesman have been around since man first coined money. 93/93 pj
D3 Cirst off let me first say as some of you /no$ I ha4e many years eperience $ithin the 7. So this particular concla4e is put on by a group of elitist, ego1centric magicians. 6lthough they ha4e a triune they treat there Imperator in the same manner as 9atholics do their #ope. D3 Stephen Hi Steve 93 This is a typical setup for a cult… “we have a secret knowledge that nobody else has”—such a load of bulldinkies that rolling pant legs isn’t enough; they’ll need to clean the carpet and furniture before I put them out the door. This knowledge has come by more than several into the U.S. and Europe from Islamic, Hindu and Chinese sources about 150 years ago; being first introduced by HPB and the Theosophical Society. But remember, capitalist efforts have to create the idea of scarcity in order to create value. So their motives are obvious, as we know the scarcity of the knowledge is a lie…it’s easily obtainable from plenty of sources today. This is another reason why even, the Caliphate fraud is such a scam…and why they’re a salacious cult! 93/93 pj