Manuals of Government Accounting in the Philippines Old Government Accounting System (Government Accounting and Auditing Manual, as per COA Circular No. 91-!", dated #ecem$er 19, 1991
Manual accounting system, comple% and is &ar di'erent &rom commercial accounting not in con&ormity )it* t*e international standards in accounting
Ne) Government Accounting System, as per COA Circular +1- (NGAs and +1-/ (0Gs, date Octo$er , +1
Accounts are c*anged, similar in commercial commercial accounting and ena$les to produce relevant 2nancial in&ormation to monitor per&ormance e'ectively. Aut*ori5ing Aut*ori5ing t*e use o& t*e old accounting &orms6reports6records $eing revised under COA Circular Nos. +1- and / $ot* dated Octo$er, , +1 until consumed $ut not later t*an 7une , ++ NGAS MANA0 8*e NGAS Manual includes includes - :olum olume e ; < Acc Accou ount ntin ing g =ol =olic icie ies s - :olum olume e ;; ;; < Ac Acco coun unti ting ng >oo? >oo?s, s, @ecords, 3orms and @eports :olume ;;; < C*art o& Accounts @evised C*art o& Accounts nder NGAS =art o& t*e continuing e'ort to simpli&y government government accounting and implement computeri5ed NGAS. =rescri$ing t*e C*art o& Accounts under NGAS &or Government-O)ned and Controlled Corporations. pdating t*e description o& accounts presented in :olume ;;; o& t*e NGAS Manuals &or NGAs and 0Gs @evocation o& COA Circular +-". Adoption o& t*e @evised C*art o& Accounts &or NGAs using t*e =*ilippine =u$lic Sector Accounting Standards (==SAS in *armony )it* t*e ;nternational =u$lic Sector Accounting Standards (;=SAS, to en*ance t*e accounta$ility and transparency o& t*e reports and ensure compara$ility o& 2nancial in&ormation. Account code structure consists o& " mandatory digits. %ample Cash-Collecting Cash-Collecting Ofcer COA Circular +-" - Code 1+ COA Circular +1-+ - Code 1 1 1 1 ni2ed Accouns Code Structure (ACSa government-)ide coding &rame)or?, to provide a *armoni5ed $udgetary and accounting code classi2cation t*at )ill &acilitate t*e eBcient and accurate 2nancial reporting o& actual revenue collections and e%penditures compared )it* programmed revenues and e%penditures, starting +1 Conversion &rom =*ilippine Government C*art o& Accounts under NGAS per COA Circular Circular +-" dated Septem$er +, +, as amended, to t*e @evised C*art o& Accounts &or NGAs under COA Circular +1-+ dated 7anuary , +1, additional accounts6revised description6title o& accounts and relevant accounting policies and guidelines in t*e
COA Circular ++-1, ++-1 , dated 3e$ruary 3e$ruary 4, ++
COA Circular ++-+ (NGAs and ++ (0Gs dated 7une 1", ++ and 7une +, ++, respectively respectively
COA Circular +-1, dated 7une 14, +
COA Circular +-+, dated April +9, + COA Circular +-", dated Septem$er , + COA Circular +1-+, dated 7anuary , +1
ni2ed Accounts Code Structure (ACS as per 7oint Circular No. +1-1 (COA#>M-#o3->8r, dated August !, +1
COA Circular +1-, dated April 1/, +1
COA Circular +1/-+, dated Marc* 9, +1/
implementation t*ereo&. Supplementary guidelines in t*e preparation o& 2nancial statements and ot*er 2nancial reports, t*e transitional provisions on t*e implementation o& ==SAS.