Department of Education Region III Division of Pampanga FIRST PERIODIC TEST in GRADE 7 ENGLISH I.
Listen to the passage to be read by the teacher Base Based d on the liste listenin ning g sele select ctio ion, n, hat hat is the the main main ob!e ob!ect ctiv ive e of the "ass "ass Drug #dministration in public schools nationide$ a. to con conti tinue nue the the cam campa paign ign b. to deo deorrm chil childr dren en c. to distr distribu ibute te the the drug drug d. to inf infor orm m the the pare parent nts s &hat must must be done befor before e availing availing of the free free deorm deorming ing services$ services$ a. 'he child child must must pass pass the the medica medicall e(am. e(am. b. 'he child child must must be enro enrolled lled in publi public c school school.. c. 'he D)* D)* must cond conduct uct a natio nationid nide e campaig campaign. n. d. Parents Parents must must +ll up consent consent for for the #dministrat #dministration ion of "edicine. "edicine. &hich is not not included included to the minimal minimal side e-ects e-ects after after taing taing the drug$ a. bleeding b. di// i//ine iness c. headache d. vomiti iting If those those e-ec e-ects ts e(ist, e(ist, it it is advise advised d not to a. drin drin ater ater mi(ed mi(ed ith ith sugar sugar b. rest rest in uiet uiet room room c. see see med medic ical al att attent entio ion n d. ta tae med medic icin ine e &hat is the the best ay ay to do if you you ant to no more more about about this program$ program$ a. #s #s the the comm communi unity ty peo people ple b. atte attend nd semi semina narr on deo deorm rm c. 3o to to the the near nearest est health health cent center er d. Read the the infor informat mation ion in soci social al media media ORAL LANGUAGE AND FLUENCY (OL)
#. 4pot 4pot the ord ord hich has di-erent di-erent critica criticall voel and consona consonant nt sound in the series. 5. a. it b. light c. mint d. ship 6. a. door b. food c. hood d. mood 7. a .bull b. hurt c. push d. super B. Identify Identify the right stress stress of the given heteronyms heteronyms in the parenthesi parenthesis s to complete the folloing sentences. &rite your anser on the blan. For items 9-10 Why don’t you (9) notebooks?
_____________ your scores in your (10) ____________
8. a. REc REco ord b. re9)RD c. RE9)RD d. record 1:.a. REcord b. re9)RD c. RE9)RD d. record 11.&hich statement uses the rising intonation$ a. &hat &hat destr destroys oys the the )/one )/one lay layer er most$ most$
b. Does the )/one layer a-ect our health$ c. *o can e help in recovering the o/one destruction$ d. 'he )/one layer is a thin protective layer located in the stratosphere. 1%. It is time to stop destroying the sky, isn’t it? &hat intonation pattern is appropriate in this statement$ a. ;alling intonation b. Rising intonation c. Rising
15.;ind the sentence that observes correct in sub!ect
#tin 9u Pung 4ingsing? @I have a ringA come from Pampanga. b. It tells about a young lady ho lost her ring given by her mother. c. =obody no ho composed the song or rote the lyrics. d. 4he give her heart to a man ho can +nd it. A" Choose the $d%erb th$t $ppropri$te&y substitutes the under&ined 'ordepression" 16.&hen 'ungung Langit drove #lunsina aay, she turned abruptly and left their
home. a. +nally b. hesitantly c. sloly d. suddenly 17.'he lonely 3od ent to adjacent regions of his palace to +nd his ife. a. around b. beyond c. far aay d. near 18. !$m$& Is&$nd deri%ed its n$me *rom the Is$m$&s 'ho 'ere __________ +rst inh$bit$nts. &hich of the given pronouns is appropriate to complete the sentence$ a. it b. its c. their d. they 0" Determine the ord to hich the underlined pronoun refers in the sentence$ -he be$ches o* .$%$o City $re &oc$ted $round the is&$nd $nd these h$%e numerous $nd 'onder*u& resorts"
a. Beaches b. Davao c. island d. resorts 1" 4elect the simple sub!ect and the simple predicate in this sentence$ /ong $go, our $ncestors depended on the *ood 'hich n$ture pro%ided"
a. ancestors
a. #nd they started eating the rice. b. 'he bead
a. and b. but c. for d. so %0.&hich of the folloing sentence is =)' a compound$ a. # big boar in the forest of Ibalon destroyed the crops, so it as illed by Baltog ho as one of the three heroes in the epic. b. 'he second hero as *andyong ho fought thousand of battles and he faced many dangers to defeat the monsters. c. #nother character named Bantong used his isdom before he attaced the half man and half beast 3iant. d. 'hree heroes in the myth ho succeeded in their adventures for they ere all ise and brave. IV. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT 2" &hich is the synonym of the underlined ord$ “3*ten the gre$t hindrance to success is po%erty"#
a. help
%8.&hich of these is collouial$ a. buddy b. chum c. friend d. pal :.&hich of the folloing ords is slang$ a. authority b. cop c. la ocer d. police Choose the me$ning o* the idiom$tic epression used 1.'he goddess took pity to the desperate people hose land as attaced by
famine. a. brought harm b. gave life c. felt sorry d. o-ered help
%.&ee passed and the eeds gre and became heavy ith grains. 'he people cheered up and gave thans to the goddess. a. became happy b. gave thans c. looed above d. shoed respect .&hich ord that could not associate ith >3oogle?$ a. cell b. internet c. ebsite d. yahoo 0.&hat about the ord that is not associated ith >brain? a. cerebral b. mind c. neuron d. virus 2.&hich of the folloing ords ith the pre+( super is not a compound ord$ a. superhero b. superior c. supermaret d. supermodel d. 5.Immortal, impossible and improper are ords ith the pre+( im< . Im- is a pre+( hich means a. against b. before c. not d. under V. READING COMPREHENSION &hich is =)' a proverb$ a. )ne should learn to be thrifty, and save for the future. b. &hile the blanet is short, learn to curl up. c. 'he earth has ears, nes has ings. d. If thereFs a ill, thereFs a ay. 7.&hat does the folloing proverb mean$G “ When the c$t is $'$y, the mouse 'i&& 37.
a. "ice are afraid of cats. b. If one is not around, +nd a substitute. c. En!oy playing hile mom is not looing. d. People tae advantage hen the person in charge is absent. 8.&hat trait is shon by this character$ “/$m5$ng g$%e the &$st sur%i%ing Igorot $ s&o' p$in*u& de$th by cutting his h$nds $nd his e$rs 'hen he &e$rned th$t his *$ther '$s ki&&ed"#
a. furious b. ild c. mentally ill d. possessed 60" &hich of the folloing can be inferred from the passage$ “7ing Ind$r$p$tr$ c$&&ed his brother !u&$ym$n to s$%e the &$nd o* 8ind$n$o *rom the monsters, so he 'ent on the mount$in to ki&& the terrib&e cre$tures"
a. b. c. d.
4ulayman as a good leader 4ulayman as an aggressive arrior 4ulayman as a superhero c. 4ulayman as an obedient brother
Read through the paragraph then +ll in the blans ith appropriate sub!ects or verbs to complete it. 9hoices are inside the bo( a. c!!"#" %&'"&i . Fi*i%in! c. ,i""#$
);& story is a story of dreams < dreams of a better life for oneFs family, to have oneFs on house, to give oneFs children the best education, and to ensure a comfortable life. Leaving family behind to or abroad is a bitter pill that no @01A HHHHHH ould ant to sallo given a choice. But ith the economic degradation and lac of employment opportunities in the country, @0%AHHHHHH have had to mae a choice #. +#
beteen leaving ones in e(change of greener pastures and staying ith them and enduring the pangs of poverty. 'o reali/e those lofty dreams, e @0A HHHHHHthe !oy of seeing our children gro up. )ne has to sacri+ce so many things hen one @00AHHHHHHH to go abroad in search of better opportunities. 'he @02AHHHHHH of a good life for our family does not come easy especially to );& lie us. VI.
WRITING an$ COMPOSITION For items 46-50 W'i# a -#/!/"##n "#n#nc# %a'a0'a% !1 2!&' $'#a, !' "!,#in0 a 2!& +!&*$ *i# ! aci##. O"#'# c!''#c "&4#c/#' a0'##,#n an$ # a*# ! &"# a *#a" +! (5) c!,%!&n$ "#n#nc#".
Department of Education Region III Division of Pampanga FIRST PERIODIC TEST in GRADE 7 ENGLISH
istening !election "rade # $nglish First %eriodic &est (-o be re$d by the te$cherproctor)
'he Department of *ealth @D)*A conducts a 9ombined "ass Drug #dministration in public schools nationide against soil
Main Idea Topic Sentence
Supporting Details
Observes Basic Writing Conventions
Observes correct Subject-Verb Agreement !ses Compound Sentences
Strong main idea/ topic sentence is clear, and is restated in the closing sentence.
Adequate main idea/ topic sentence is restated in the closing sentence.
#aragraph has three or more supporting detail sentences that relate to the main idea.
#aragraph has two supporting detail sentences that relate to the main idea.
Contains $ew, i$ an! punctuation, capitali%ation, and spelling errors.
Main Idea/ topic sentence is unclear and is weal! restated in the closing sentence.
Main Idea/ "opic sentence is unclear and is not restated in the closing sentence.
#aragraph has one supporting detail sentence that relates to the main idea.
#aragraph has no supporting detail sentences that relate to the main idea.
Contains se&eral errors in punctuation, spelling or grammar that do not inter$ere with meaning.
Contains man! errors in punctuation, spelling and/or grammar that inter$eres with meaning.
Contains man! errors in punctuation, spelling and/or grammar that mae the piece illegi'le.
Contains no errors in S() agreement and uses 2 or more compound sentences
Contains 1(2 errors in S() agreement and uses 1 compound sentence
Contains 3(* errors in S() agreement and no compound sentence was used.
Contains + or more errors in S() agreement and no compound sentence used.
egi'l! handwritten with no distracting errors.
egi'l! written, eas! to read with 1( 2 distracting errors.
Se&eral distracting errors that mae portions di$$icult to read.
Man! distracting errors maing it illegi'le.
'ote to the &eacher( &otal !core is )0* +se the transmutation belo, to conert the ra, score to 5 point e.uialent score* Ra+ Sc!'# 7/58 3/: 5 9/= 8/;
E6&ia*#n Sc!'# 9 ; 3 5