I found this document on the net. A list of useful phrases to have next to you when doing extended writing tasks. the phrases are in Spanish and with the equivalence in English.
I found this document on the net. A list of useful phrases to have next to you when doing extended writing tasks. the phrases are in Spanish and with the equivalence in English.Full description
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Creative writing phrasesFull description
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Useful phrases for writing task on English examsDescripción completa
Useful phrases for writing task on English examsFull description
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Ielts speaking writing
Descripción: edo
HYPNOTIC PHRASES for WRITING or SPEAKING Have you ever... (Is a command to go inside and remember and re-experince all vi sual, audio,and kinestetic: (images, pictures, sounds, smell, taste, and feeling s) again - Also a good way to induce states, triggers processes and influences a t all levels.) What's it like when... (Is a command for the person to go inside and recall the circumstance, state or condition.) What would it be like if... (Is a command for the person to imagine the conditio n or occurrence named or described after it.) When you... (Presupposes that the person is going to do the thing discussed or e nter the state so it's no longer open tp debate.) What would it feel like if... (Presummes condition is going to take place plus i s very non-threating as it uses "What if".) As you... (Presupposes the person will do the behavior or undergo the experience .) A person can... (By talking about a "Person's" experience it deflects any resist ance on the part of your subject since you aren't talking about them.) If you were to... (Deflects resistance while at the sametime directing the perso n to imagine experiencing the condition, feeling or behavior.) It's not necessary to... (Is a command that dissipates any resistance.) You really shouldn't... (Is a command that dissipates any resistance.) You might find (yourself)... (Implies the person is going to experience what jus t happens and dissipates resistance. Good for intensifying chain of phrases from the start.) Invite you to notice... (Implies what you describe is going to happen. Plus "Inv ite" has a polite connotations of it being voluntary and polite.) Notice what it's like... (Implies the condition or experience is going to take p lace. Very useful for moving a person's internal pictures.) To the point where... (This phrase connects one thing a person is experiencing w ith the next thing you want them to - useful both as a connector and amplifier.) As to when... (This phrase connects and presupposes the thing will happen.) As if... (Connector and amplifier.)
TRANCE WORDS (All trance words work because they imply a process that takes place outside of conscious awareness or control.)