Japan Aubrey, Caroline, Colleen, Matt, Megan
Introduction Japan is the 11th largest country based on population with around 127,103,388 people
(!he "orld
#actboo$%, 201&'
Japan is ran$ed 27 )or best countries )or business
Business – Singapore vs Japan", 2011)
Japan is a group o) islands that is located at the *aci)ic +ing o) #ire and neighbors outh -orea, .orth -orea, and China/
Map and Flag
http://upload.i!iedia.org/i!ipedia/en/th u#/$/$e/%lag&o'&Japan.svg/120p* %lag&o'&Japan.svg.png
/tatitic Population: 127 million Population: Ethnicity: 99.4% Japanee !.!"% #inu #inu Indigenou$ orean$ &hinee$ &aucaian 'anguage: Japanee ()he i*th mot po+en language in the ,orldeligion: /hinto and 0uddhim P3 4.9! trillion in 2!15 Japanee currency i the yen
http://i.telegraph.+o.u!/ultiedia/ar+hive/01$1/-apan* en&1$1$2$#.-pg
6o, to o 0uine in Japan ideo httpswww/youtube/cowatch456awn d9n:A ;
Fact Japan i a largely cah 8aed ociety$ o mot place ,ill not accept credit card. (0ouchard$ 2!1Japan conit o "$;2 iland 8ut i only a 8ig a the tate o &aliornia. ("10 %a+ts #out Japan hat 3ou an 4ever Believe o Be rue", 201)
Japan train are among the ,orld< mot punctual: their a=erage delay i >ut 1; econd. (?Japan Fact@$ 2!149;% o all adoption in Japan are o male adult o that amily 8uinee can remain in the amily (?Japan Fact@$ 2!14/leeping on the >o8 i accepta8le acc epta8le in Japan$ a long a it< =ie,ed a e*haution rom ,or+ing hard (/pacey$ 2!14)he ate )o,er 0uilding i a 1" tory 8uilding that ha a high,ay
#ppearance In Japan you al,ay ,ant to dre to impreA Men hould ,ear a dar+ uit and 8oth men and ,omen hould ,ear hoe that are eay to remo=e. Bomen hould tay a,ay rom ,earing heel in a 8uine etting and hould alo dre coner=ati=ely. coner=ati=ely. )hey hould limit themel=e to the amount o acceorie they put on and hould ne=er ,ear pant ,hile doing 8uine$ +irt and dree are more proeional. ?)he nail that tic+ out get hit ,ith the hammer.@ )hi i a aying that Japanee ay ,hen omeone i under3dreed 8ecaue they tic+ out in the cro,d. Co one ,ant to 8e
http://+'.lt!+dn.net/#usiness/iages/slide/18818*8$77r1* SeniorJapanesBi9an.-pg
0uine &ard Etiuette It i important to ha=e 2 ided 8uine card$ one ide Englih D one ide Japanee. n the card it i i important to ha=e your title$ the addre o the company$ your phone num8er$ and your company name. )he 8uine card hould 8e gi=en at the 0EICCIC o a meeting. Bhen holding the card 8e ure to recei=e and gi=e ,hile only touching the corner o the card. Bhen recei=ing and gi=ing the 8uine card it i polite to do a mall 8o,. Bhen recei=ing the card C) place in poc+et$ al,ay re=ie, card careully then place in your ,allet.
0uine &ard Etiuette ideo https://.outu#e.+o/at+hv;o'
0eha=ior Bhile Meeting and reeting it i=ing: o not ue ,hite ,rapping paper on a git 8ecaue the color c olor ,hite ym8oliGe death$ 8ut al,ay ,rap your git nicely. (Billiam$ 2!12#=oid the num8er 4 and 9 8ecaue they are unluc+y. unluc+y. 'ocal item rom your hometo,n are common c ommon git. o not gi=e git ,ith your company logo on it. )hey are conidered cheap and unthoughtul.
reeting: 0o, ,hen greeting omeone. # deeper$ longer 8o, indicate more repect$ ,herea a head h ead nod i caual and inormal. 0o, may 8e ued a a greeting$ than+ you$ or to a+ a a=or. ("Japanese
0eha=ior Bhile ining Hing choptic+ i reuired ,hen eating$ do not point ,ith them$ ,hen not in ue$ lay them ,ith the point acing the let. Bhen dining$ ne=er mi* rice ,ith other ood. Eat until e=ery lat grain o rice i gone. (?Japan 3 'anguage$ &ulture$ &utom & utom and Etiuette@$ 2!1-
0eha=ior tili9e the toilet slippers when using restroos ?o not pour your own glass o) be5erage @ou ust wait )or soeone to say -anpai% (cheers' be)ore drin$ing (!hrastardottir, 201'
0eha=ior: /itting techniue t echniue "hen in Japan, it is 5ery coon to sit straight up on the )loor/ #oral ways to sit are to $neel Casual ways to sit, en sit crossed legged while woen sit with $nees to side/ ("Japanese =reeting >ti?uette", 2017)
&ommunication :erbal and non5erbal cues are used to a5oid ha5ing soeone lose respect or lose the group harony !he Japanese use ore silence and less eye contact than >// citi9ens Japanese are suspicious o) a negotiating tea including lawyers (-at9, 2008'
Mot Intereting Fact leeping on the Bob is acceptable in Japan but only i) you are at the point o) ehaustion )ro pushing yoursel) and doing your best at your Bob/ !he worlds oldest copany operated in Japan )ro 78 A? to 200D/ !his was the -ongo Eui Construction Copany/ (Futcheson, 2007'
eerence Bou+hard, @. (2017). op 10 hings 3ou 4eed o @no Be'ore Aisiting Japan. 5etrieved %e#ruar 28, 2017, 'ro http://.goa#road.+o/arti+les/stud*a#road/top*10*things*ou*need*to*!no*#e'ore*visiting*-apan Business ulture in Japan. (201). 5etrieved %e#ruar 28, 2017, 'ro http://.orld#usiness+ulture.+o/Business*%a+ts*and*%igures*on*Japan.htl Doing Business – Singapore vs Japan. (2011). 5etrieved %e#ruar 28, 2017, 'ro http://.guideesingapore.+o/+ountr*reports/-apan/doing*#usiness*singapore*vs*-apan ut+heson, J. (200C). he >nd o' a 1,800*3ear*ld Business. 5etrieved %e#ruar 2C, 2017, 'ro http://.#loo#erg.+o/#/stories/200C*08*1/the*end*o'*a*1*800*ear*old*#usiness#usinessee!*#usiness*nes* sto+!*ar!et*and*'inan+ial*advi+e Esaa+, . (2018). 10 Entriguing Stru+tures nd heir Bi9arre istor * Fistverse. 5etrieved %e#ruar 28, 2017, 'ro http://listverse.+o/2018/11/07/10*intriguing*stru+tures*and*their*#i9arre*histor/ Japan * Fanguage, ulture, ustos and >ti?uette. (2017). 5etrieved %e#ruar 2, 2017, 'ro http://.!intessential.+o.u!/resour+es/glo#al*eti?uette/-apan*+ountr*pro'iles.htl Japan %a+ts: %a+ts: %a+ts a#out Japan ou didnGt !no HI % %Slide SlidesHII. sHII. (2018). 5etrieved 5etrieved %e#ruar %e#ruar 28, 2017, 'ro http://.'a+tslides.+o/s*Japan Japanese Business 5esour+e 6 Dress ode. (2017). 5etrieved %e#ruar 2, 2017, 'ro http://.-apanese#usinessresour+e.+o/-apaneseusiness&eti?uette/dress*+ode/ Japanese =reeting >ti?uette. (2017). 5etrieved %e#ruar 21, 2017, 'ro http://.-apan*guide.+o/e/e2000.htl @at9, F. (200). 5etrieved %e#ruar 2C, 2017, 'ro http://instru+tion2.tsa+.edu/r-agod!a/B
eerence &ontinued... hrastardottir, . (2017). 11 Japanese +ustos that are sho+!ing to 'oreign travellers. 5etrieved %e#ruar 20, 2017, 'ro http://.#usinessinsider.+o.au/-apanese*+ustos*that*are*sho+!ing*to*'oreign*travelers*2017*2 Spa+e, J. (2018). JapanGs Sleep at Lor! ulture. 5etrieved %e#ruar 28, 2017, 'ro http://.-apan*tal!.+o/-t/ne/-apans*sleep*at*or!*+ulture Lillias, D. (2012). Japan Business >ti?uette, ulture, M anners. 5etrieved %e#ruar 2, 2017, 'ro http://.+#orlin!.+o/#esite/-apan.ht http://.+#orlin!.+o/#esite/-apan.ht 10 %a+ts #out Japan hat 3o 3ou u an 4ever Believe o Be rue. (201). 5etrieved %e#ruar 28, 201 7, 'ro http://.travelien+e.+o/#log/10*'a+ts*a#out*-apan*that*ou*+an*never*#elieve*to*#e*true/