How to use Meta States in a guaranteed effective and powerful way to INSURE yourself added Persuasion Power.
The topic of Meta States has amazing degrees of subtlety that can allow for ongoing exploration of greater persuasive abilities. Of course, if you're spent much time in study of these, you know the trance that can quickly develop as you attempt to scrutinize ever greater chunks of information. In fact, even hearing people talk about Meta States, can be trance inducing and confusing. When I first started thinking about meta states, I'd "snap out of it" after a half hour or so of trance, having accomplished very little. Soon I understood what why people sounded so funny when they tried to talk about Meta States and why they made little sense. Sound familiar? OK, so let me give you some concrete information on this you can use. First some definitions that will make this easier: A meta state can be thought of as a state that contains, and thus is bigger than the first state. Let's start with the word car. Transportation is Meta to car. And movement is Meta to transportation. Get it? It's really a pretty simple concept. Now when we get into abstract thoughts and emotions, this can get a little trickier. So, for example, what would be Meta to love? Or what would be Meta to being persuaded? OK, ok, come on back. While each of us could answer those questions, let me give you a better and easier way to think about this. You can really add any state to any other state. Another way to look at this is that one state can "color" another. And just how do we get states to color others. . . that is to blend together, for fun and profit? Glad you asked. All you have to do is language it that way. So we could blend being persuaded with fun and intrigue, for example. In fact, you can blend really anything together. Effective language patterns for this are:
Spatial and Awareness Patterns • • • • •
Blend together Make a part of Salt with Add in Wrap all of that in the feeling of
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Blend with Leverage into Join Enhance that thought with X On top of that Bring to bear on Combine with, on a higher level The sense of X opens onto(their frame),and necessitates.. Let’s split that thought off for now and replace it with.. X Let’s build into that the thought of.. X Your value of X beats that up(a frame you don’t like) and causes it to be replaced with X Blend into or with X Embed that thought with X On top of that Behind that thought Above all that From among From within
Example: When you salt a little curiosity into your desire to learn more about this, you feel like really studying this technique to get it, don't you. There are many others. The nice thing about this is that simply saying it, makes the person do it in their mind. And like all presuppositions, you don't get any arguments. But don't get to carried away and blend to many of them at once or you'll sound silly. For example, "You have a reason for being subscribed to this tip newsletter. Think about it for a moment. Now, as you blend in a healthy dose of additional excitement as you think about why you subscribed, you'll become aware of even more reasons to look forward to. . . Do you see how simply saying it, makes it so! Odds are, you won't have someone saying, "Well, I'm not going to add any excitement to that". And if they did say that, you could always say, "How much excitement are you not going to add?" See the power of this?!!! OK, I promised you a way to make this really easy and powerful. I've been hinting at it, but now I'll come out and tell you. Just suppose you elicit someone's criteria for something. And now imagine you take their highest criteria and add any emotional state that will make them even more inclined to do what you want them to do. Here's an example: Let's say you are an attorney and you want your client to accept a settlement the other side is offering. It's less than your client wanted, but you think it's all you can get, so you decide your client should accept it. In previous conversations with your client, you've elicited his criteria for settling and discovered that it is as follows.
Highest = righting an injustice Higher = making them realize they were wrong First = getting paid Here's how you could put it together in the form of a "pre-frame" (preframe = a statement about something to come that gives a perspective that best suits you). You say, "Look Donald, I know you want to get paid, so in getting money from them, they are realizing that they were wrong and we are righting this injustice done to you. AND, I have an offer from them just given to me today. The offer is a bit lower than we had hoped, but when we think about ultimately righting this injustice, and blending into that the desire to be done with this, it's really a rather attractive offer." See how you can take a persons criteria, and blend in emotions that would make it better and lend it to greater persuasion leverage for you! At the beginning of this, I told you that there were degrees of subtly to this information that can make a huge difference to your persuasion ability. Are you beginning to see what I mean? Here's the short version by way of review. 1. Any emotions OR CRITERIA can be blended with any other emotion to make a more powerful meta state that you can use to your advantage. 2. Of particular value is eliciting a person's criteria, and blending an emotion with the criteria to enhance it and give you more persuasion leverage/power. 3. Blending the states is as easy as saying it is so, and/or using the simple statements I gave you above to join them together. These are some of the techniques I find most useful in thinking about and using meta states. Of course there's more. I didn't have the room to cover the use of meta states with awareness/spatial presuppositions and I've saved one of my most favorite techniques for using meta states for a later article. These ideas will give you a considerable advantage and are extremely effective in persuading others to your point of view. As always, use them to enhance and benefit everyone.
Awareness Pattern Now we move on to the most powerful words in the next category: 4. Aware 5. Realize 6. Experience
This is the Awareness pattern. This is one of my personal favorites because simply saying one of these words makes the person start the mental process that you mentioned. These words are very important to your persuasion arsenal because, like the Adverb / Adjective words, everything that follows them is presupposed to be true. Also, these words force the issue of not, "Will you do..." but instead, "Are you aware of...", which is far more powerful in persuasion. By the way, as you gain skill in being able to use these words powerfully, you might think that someone may respond to the question, "Are you aware of..." by saying, "No." I assure you, when done properly, this will never happen. But if it ever did, all you need to do is say, "Not yet, huh?" How's that? Here are some examples of this pattern:
Is the awareness of the power of these patterns starting to sink in? The more you begin to construct in your mind the ways you'll be using these patterns after you finish this course, the more you'll begin realizing the explosively profitable techniques you now possess. Are you starting to experience the satisfaction of what owning this will bring as I tell you about it?
Of course, as before, the words I choose are my personal favorites. Here are some additional words in this category that you can also choose from: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Realize Aware Know Understand Think Feel Wonder Puzzle Speculate Perceive Discover Experience Accomplish Fulfill Grasp Reconsider Weigh Consider Assume
Spatial Pattern Now we move on to the most powerful words in the spatial pattern: 10. Among 11. Expand 12. Beyond Spatial words are used to create some relationship between things. These could be thoughts, ideas, products, services, etc. These words evoke powerful imagery in the mind of the listener. Here are some examples: From among the positive thoughts that you're already starting to realize you have about working with our firm will come the most obvious, yet overlooked reason to bring us on board now. (Of course, you see/hear the plethora of additional presuppositions used above, do you not?) To expand on your ever-growing ideas that contain the essence of your good feeling regarding using this information powerfully, think of the money you'll be making. That's a great observation. Let me suggest that as you start to experience the realization of what you just said, you can begin to realize that the full, positive ramifications will go beyond even your expectations. Can you imagine how much further they'll go? Some additional words in this category: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Against Along Among Apart From Around Aside From behind Below Beneath Beyond Along With Down
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
from above In Including From behind Into From under In place of Without Off On Out of Beside Short of Through Toward Under Uncover Off the top Underlying Touching close(er) Near(er) Further expanded Enlarge(ed) Proceed(ing) Withdraw(ing) Undergone Upward(ly) Separate
Criteria The key to all successful persuasion is being able to "aim" your message at the person you are persuading in a way that they can't say no. People have a naturally-developed "sales/persuasion" resistance. So, your job is to present whatever you say in a way that blows right by any resistance. In fact, it makes the person salivate to hear more and take action on what you say. The secret here is using Criteria. Without eliciting and using a person's criteria, you will never succeed in your persuasion efforts. Using this information will allow you to "customize" everything you say so that it has the maximal effect on that person -- right then! Here's how to do it. The question to ask to elicit criteria is:
What's important about [fill in the context ] for you? Example: What's important about investments to you? What's important about improving your influence skills? What's important about a piece of property to you? This information is what a person uses to decide if something is good / bad, etc. It is what drives a person to take action or to avoid it. The more closely your product or service matches the person's criteria that you're persuading, the more impact you'll have on this person. For influence purposes, the more you refer to their criteria and link it to your product, service, or proposal, the more impact you'll have. Criteria, when properly used, can eliminate any objection. However, you don't stop there. Once you get the answer to the question, above, you then ask it repeatedly to obtain a "hierarchy" of information that will absolutely stun you with its effectiveness. Fill in the blanks with your criteria for learning this information: 1. ___________________________________________ (Most important) 2. ___________________________________________ . 3. ___________________________________________ . 4. ___________________________________________ (Least important) All criteria serves to move a person towards an objective or away from a problem. This is called, for simplicity, the Towards / Away pattern. THE FUNCTION OF CRITERIA All criteria serves to make you want to move toward something or away from something. TOWARD Words like: attain, achieve, goals, include, accomplish, solutions. These are what you'll hear when a person's criteria is moving them toward something. AWAY FROM Words like: avoid, get away from, evade, exclude, escape. These are what you'll hear when a person's criteria is moving them away from something. The question to ask to determine whether they are towards or away from us: What will having (name their criteria) do for you? Example of MOVE TOWARD answers: Q. What will having a passive income do for you? A. It will enable me to buy more of what I want. Q. What will having high quality do for you? A. It makes me feel good knowing that I can afford the best. Q. What will having superior influence skills do for you?
A. It makes accomplishing all my goals easier and faster!
Example of MOVE AWAY answers. Q. What will having a passive income do for you? A. It makes sure I won't have to work when I get older. Q. What will having high quality do for you? A. It guarantees me that what I buy won't break down. Q. What will having superior influence skills do for you? A. If I have superior influence skills, I won't get told, "No" as often.