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Knowing About Evil Jinn Prepared by: Ziad Cassim
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Number of pages: 10
Date: 10 pril !01"
%&il '(isperi$gs a$d )yp$osis 1. *(e Scie$ce of '(isperi$gs !. *(e Nature of t(e %&il '(isperer
! ! "
*(e +all of #blees , *(e -eader of t(e De&ils
*(e oder$ Deceit of ei$car$atio$
*(e 2rga$isatio$ of %&il 3i$$ as reported by Prop(et u(ammad 1. *(e perso$al 5i$$ !. *(e attac6 o$ Prop(et u(ammad ". *(e t(ro$e of #blees a$d (is e&il court . *(e 5i$$ t(at spread out i$ t(e twilig(t . *(e 5i$$ t(at occupy peoples9 (omes . *(e 5i$$ t(at attac6 w(ile sleepi$g 4. *(e protectio$ &ia yat,al,;ursi 7. *(e 5i$$ t(at flees t(e call to prayer 8. *(e 5i$$ t(at are c(ai$ed i$ amada$
4 4 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 10
+urt(er eadi$g
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Introduction: a$y sc(olars (a&e writte$ boo6s o$ 5i$$ a$d particularly o$ t(e w(isperi$gs a$d ot(er doi$gs of t(e e&il 5i$$. *(e most ofte$ read &erses from t(e
Evil Whisperings and Hypnosis: *(ere are ma$y uslim sc(olars t(at (a&e writte$ about e&il w(isperi$gs but w(at is $ot sufficie$tly addressed is t(e scie$ce of t(ese e&il w(isperi$gs. *(e tas6 faced by uslims is to e$umerate= categorise a$d scie$tifically classify t(ese w(isperi$gs. *o begi$ t(is tas6 we must start wit( two importa$t topics:
! "he #cienc #ciencee o$ Whispe Whisperin rings: gs: ost people t(i$6 of (yp$otism as a form of sleep. #t9s actually $ot. #t9s a$ altered state of co$scious$ess but i$ a se$se it9s also a$ isolated state of mi$d. a$y people (a&e o$ly see$ (yp$otism o$ *> or duri$g a li&e performa$ce w(ere a e$tertai$i$g (yp$otists does (is/(er craft o$ a &olu$teer from t(e audie$ce for t(e amuseme$t of e&eryo$e else a$d w(e$ you see it t(is way you assume t(at (yp$otism is somet(i$g &ery comple?. '(at you= as t(e audie$ce also sees= is t(at t(e participa$ts fall u$der (yp$otism by t(e s$ap of t(e fi$gers a$d t(e$ bac6 to $ormal agai$ at t(e s$ap of t(e fi$gers. #t9s li6e switc(i$g o$ t(e lig(ts o$ a room. ll you do is press a butto$. Some people t(i$6 of (yp$otism as a me$tal switc(i$g o$ a$d off of somet(i$g you $eed to (a&e special 6$owledge about a$d be properly trai$ed i$. *(is is t(e great misco$ceptio$. Scie$tists a$d medical researc(ers resear c(ers tell us t(at (yp$osis is rooted i$ suggestio$. C(ec6 i$ a good e$cyclopaedia= li6e @rita$$ica or 'i6ipedia= etc a$d you will see t(at (yp$otism is suggestio$. '(e$ a salesperso$ says to you: A I A I suggest to you that the ine red !i#stik i!! aentuate your #resene at the #arty- , #arty- , t(e$ t(at suggestio$ is t(e fu$dame$tal buildi$g bloc6 of (yp$otism. (yp$otism. )yp$osis is t(e power of suggestio$. *o scream a suggestio$ to someo$e is to say t(e suggestio$ loudly. *o ma6e suggestio$ to someo$e i$ a lowered &oice is to w(isper it. #t is my belief t(at t(e e&il w(isperi$gs into the )reasts/ of of ma$6i$d is bot( $ormal w(isperi$g a$d (yp$otic suggestio$. Sata$ ca$ a$d does (yp$otise people a$d (e (as bee$ doi$g it for mille$$ia.
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+or furt(er i$formatio$ about (yp$osis please read my essay $ #$troductio$ to )yp$osis a$d *ra$ce w(ic( ca$ be read a$d dow$loaded freely at: (ttp://"1!/@1,$,#$trductio$,to,)yp$osis,a$d,*ra$ce.. (ttp://"1!/@1,$,#$trductio$,to,)yp$osis,a$d,*ra$ce
%! "he Natur Naturee o$ the the Evil Evil Whispe Whisperer rer:: *(e e&il w(isperer is t(e i$&isible de&il a$d t(e de&il is i$&isible because (e/s(e is $ot a (uma$ bei$g. #$&isible de&ils belo$g to a$ot(er i$tellige$t creatio$ of Bod called 5i$$. Sometimes t(e spelli$g of 5i$$ is D5i$$ but t(e most popular spelli$g 5i$$ is ge$ie from t(e well 6$ow$ rabia$ story of ladi$ a$d t(e magic lamp. #$ t(e ladi$ story t(e ge$ie w(o ca$ gra$t wis(es emerges from a small lamp. *(e story (as bee$ popularised i$ ma$y films a$d &ery ofte$ t(e filmma6ers s(ow smo6e risi$g from t(e lamp a$d t(e$ i$ a flas( t(e ge$ie emerges from t(e smo6e. #f a ge$ie ca$ fit i$ a small lamp t(e$ (e must (a&e a completely differe$t p(ysiology t(at is alie$ to our prese$t u$dersta$di$g of life. #$ t(e boo6 *(e 3i$$ a$d )uma$ Sic6$ess Dr. bul,u$d(ir ;(aleel ib$ #braa(eem mee$= a$ %gyptia$ sc(olar a$d aut(or= states i$ c(apter 1 o$ page "1: The ord 0inn in ra)i refers to something that is onea!ed and hidden. hidden . +urt(er o$ i$ t(is boo6 page "! (e Euotes S(ai6 al #slam= #b$ *aymiya(= as follows: !! nations )e!ieve in the +inn, and they have many many stories hih ou!d take too !ong to te!!. o one denies the eistene of the +inn ee#t a fe sma!! grou#s of ignorant ignorant #hi!oso#hers and dotors and their i!k. s for the e!ite of the #eo#!e, it is narrated that they either )e!ieved in the +inn or no o#inion as narrated from them onerning the matter '5a+moo ! ataaa )y I)n Taymiyah, Taymiyah, 16732(. *(e
2$ t(is last poi$t= t(oug( it is $ot me$tio$ed directly i$ t(is part of t(e erses ,10 of t(e "4 t( sura( it is re&ealed t(at t(e 5i$$ spyi$g is directed to obtai$i$g i$formatio$ about future e&e$ts of peoples9 li&es t(at are predesti$ed a$d are discussed by assemblies of a$gels. *(e e&il 5i$$ fly up i$to t(e (ea&e$s a$d spiy o$ t(e assemblies of t(e a$gels a$d may s$atc( a word or two before a flami$g roc6 is (urled at
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t(em. (adit( report from t(e collectio$ of #mam @u6(ari Sa(i(,al,@u6(ari= &olume = boo6 0= (adit( "!. "!. i$forms (ow t(e spyi$g 5i$$ arra$ge t(emsel&es. *(ey form a c(ai$ of spies imagi$ed &ertically= o$e a(ead or abo&e t(e ot(er. '(e$ t(e first (ears from t(e assembly of t(e a$gels= discussi$g t(e $ew comma$dme$ts a$d 6$owledge from Bod= (e does $ot bolt bac6 to eart( wit( it but Euic6ly tra$smits t(e i$formatio$ to t(e seco$d spy= lower i$ t(e c(ai$= a$d i$ tur$ t(e seco$d spy tra$smits t(e i$formatio$ to t(e t(ird spy. *(us t(e i$formatio$ desce$ds dow$ t(e spy c(ai$ u$til it reac(es t(e last spy w(o recei&es t(e i$formatio$ a$d (urries bac6 to eart( to w(isper it to t(e ear of oracle= addi$g a (u$dred lies to it= to create disi$formatio$ for t(e purpose of decei&i$g a$d misleadi$g ma$6i$d o$ eart(. *(is met(od of spyi$g e&ol&ed because t(e a$gels t(row a flami$g roc6 at t(e upper most spy= so it was better if (e/s(e Euic6ly tra$smitted t(e i$formatio$ t(a$ ru$$i$g wit( it alo$e a$d ris6i$g deat( a$d complete failure of t(e spy missio$. Sometimes t(e a$gels are Euic6er a$d t(e 5i$$ spy is 6illed before (e tra$smits t(e i$formatio$ a$d at ot(er times t(e spyi$g 5i$$ is Euic6er a$d tra$smits t(e i$formatio$ a$d it reac(es t(e oracles o$ t(e eart(. @esides usi$g t(e spied i$formatio$ to mislead oracles a$d ma$6i$d by mi?i$g t(e trut( wit( lies t(e 5i$$ will also be$efit from 6$owi$g t(e future a$d ca$ use t(e i$formatio$ to pla$ a$d strategise (ow t(ey orga$ise t(emsel&es to decei&e a$d mislead ma$6i$d. *(e de&ils (a&e a leader= ra$6 a$d (ierarc(y.
"he &all o$ Iblees ' "he (eader o$ the )evils: 'e 6$ow from t(e erses !7 to ! from t(e 1 t( sura( of t(e ou reated out of !ay from an a!tered )!ak mud." 1%:34 ' !!ah ( said, "Then get out of it, for indeed, you are e#e!!ed. 1%:3% nd indeed, u#on you is the urse unti! the ?ay of @eom#ense." 1%:3* =e said,"5y Lord, then re#rieve me unti! the ?ay they are resurreted." 1%:3A ' !!ah ( said, "So indeed, you are of those re#rieved 1%:38 Bnti! the ?ay of the time e!!$knon." 1%:36 'I)!ees( said, "5y Lord, )eause >ou have #ut me in error, I i!! sure!y make 'diso)ediene( attrative to them on earth, and I i!! mis!ead them a!! 1%:4 ;e#t, among them, >our hosen servants." 1%:41 ' !!ah ( said, "This is a #ath 'of return( to 5e 'that is( straight. 1%:42 Indeed, 5y servants $ no authority i!! you have over them, ee#t those ho fo!!o you of the deviators.
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#$ t(is $arratio$ we ca$ see t(at #blees was amo$gst t(e a$gels i$ t(e upper (ea&e$s. )ow (e got t(ere t(e
"he *odern )eceit o$ +eincarnation: *(e belief i$ rei$car$atio$ is $ot $ew. )i$dus for e?ample (a&e belie&ed i$ rei$car$atio$ for t(ousa$ds of years a$d sceptics i$ our moder$ scie$tific age (a&e dismissed t(ese claims of rei$car$atio$ as false because t(e )i$dus do$9t (a&e scie$tific proof of rei$car$atio$. *(us scie$tific ad&a$ceme$t= w(ic( is based o$ ratio$alism a$d proof from obser&atio$ a$d e?perime$tatio$= is (elpi$g to discredit some of Sata$9s lies. )owe&er= Sata$ wo$9t gi&e up so easily a$d (as i$&e$ted a $ew way of spreadi$g t(e deceit of rei$car$atio$ i$ t(e moder$ scie$tific age. # (a&e a$alysed t(e &aluable wor6 of Dr. @ria$ -. 'eiss= recorded i$ (is boo6 a$y -i&es= a$y asters. # (a&e studied t(is boo6 a$d to assist ot(er readers/researc(ers # (a&e
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prepared a summary of t(e 6ey poi$ts of t(e boo6. boo6. *(is summary is freely a&ailable at: (ttp://"171/@,Summary,of,a$y,-i&es,a$y,asters.. (ttp://"171/@,Summary,of,a$y,-i&es,a$y,asters Dr. 'eiss9 boo6 is about (is e$cou$ter wit( female patie$t= called Cat(eri$e= w(o (ad come to (im for treatme$t of p(obias a$d stress. Dr. 'eiss is a Eualified psyc(iatrist= w(o prior to meeti$g Cat(eri$e= (ad already disti$guis(ed (imself i$ t(e medical professio$. )e graduated mag$a cum -aude from Columbia G$i&ersity i$ New Hor6 i$ 18= i$ter$ed at Hale u$i&ersity= became associate professor at iami u$i&ersity a$d by t(e time (e publis(ed t(is boo6 i$ 1877 (e (e (ad already writte$ "4 scie$tific papers i$ (is field. Duri$g (is co$sultatio$s wit( Cat(eri$e (e tried (yp$osis o$ (er. G$der (yp$osis Cat(eri$e spo6e of (er early c(ild(ood a$d t(e alleged abuses s(e suffered i$ (er fat(er9s (ome. Surprisi$gly= duri$g o$e of t(ose (yp$otic sessio$s Cat(eri$e bega$ spea6i$g of memories t(at belo$ged to someo$e else w(o li&ed i$ %gypt o&er "700 years ago a$d wit( t(is past life memory came t(e &oice of t(e spirit masters w(o spo6e t(roug( Cat(eri$e w(ile u$der (yp$osis. Comi$g from co$ser&ati&e 3ewis( family Dr. 'eiss was asto$is(ed wit( t(ese re&elatio$s a$d bega$ tape recordi$g t(e (yp$otic (yp$otic sessio$s i$ (is co$sultatio$ room. Dr. 'eiss does $ot state a$yw(ere i$ (is boo6 t(at t(e spirit masters are de&ils decei&i$g (is clie$t a$d (im but but it is my i$terpretatio$ t(at t(e spirit masters are de&ils. #t is my belief t(at Cat(eri$e9s mi$d is possibly co$trolled by de&ils t(at spea6 t(roug( (er u$der (yp$osis a$d t(at t(ey e&e$ claim t(e ability to put t(oug(ts i$ (er mi$d a$d to se$sor a$d edit (er t(oug(ts. Some of t(e peculiar t(i$gs t(at were re&ealed duri$g t(e (yp$otic sessio$s= w(ic( # belie&e to refute rei$car$atio$= a$d support my belief t(at Cat(eri$e was decei&ed by de&ils= are as follows:
2$ page "0 par. ! , Cat(eri$e seems to (a&e t(e ability to ce$sor i$formatio$ w(ile u$der (yp$osis. # fi$d t(is stra$ge. # suspect t(at t(e w(ile u$der (yp$osis it is t(e de&ils co$trolli$g (er mi$d t(at are ce$sori$g i$formatio$. '(e$ Cat(eri$e remembers t(e past li&es s(e ofte$ remembers t(e deat( e&e$t of t(at life a$d t(e$ s(e spea6s of a$ i$,betwee$ state w(e$ (er soul lea&es t(e dead body a$d goes to a$ i$&isible spiritual plai$. S(e remai$s suspe$ded i$ t(is i$,betwee$ state u$til (er soul is placed i$ a$ot(er body t(at is bor$ i$to t(e world. 2$ page par. " , Cat(eri$e is tested o$ (er memory of t(e i$,betwee$ states a$d t(e spirit masters a$d it appears t(at Cat(eri$e (as gaps i$ (er memory or t(at (er memory is selecti&e of t(e past li&es a$d bla$6 w(e$ it comes to t(e i$,betwee$ states. 2$ page 11 Dr 'eiss as6s Cat(eri$e w(y t(e 6$owledge s(e possesses o$ tra$ce is $ot a&ailable to (er i$ wa6eful$ess a$d Cat(eri$e re&eals *)* *)%H *)% SP##* S*%S PG* #* *)%%. +urt(er o$= o$ t(e last paragrap( of page 1 goi$g i$to page 1 Dr 'eiss as6ed if t(e spirit masters put t(oug(ts i$ (er mi$d a$d s(e says H%S a$d t(e$ (e as6s if t(e spirit masters mo$itor (er a$d w(at s(e remembers a$d Cat(eri$e says H%S. '(e$e&er Cat(eri$e spea6s of a past life it9s (er ow$ soft &oice. S(e would remember ma$y aspects of t(at past life leadi$g up to t(e time a$d place of deat( of t(e past life. S(e remembers deat( a$d tra&elli$g after deat( to a$ i$&isible spiritual pla$e. *(e$ t(e to$e of (er &oice c(a$ges c(a$ges to (us6y a$d loud See page = par. par. a$d . S(e co$ti$ues to spea6 but claims t(at it is $ot (er spea6i$g. #$ t(is after deat( state s(e c(a$$els t(e message of a$ot(er bei$g w(o is referred to by Dr. 'eiss as t(e
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spirit masters= but for our purposes (ere is most li6ely a de&il. #$ t(e c(a$$elli$g state Cat(eri$e9s co$scious$ess is e$(a$ced. S(e appears to (a&e greater wisdom. S(e spea6s li6e a sage. 2$ page 14 ! $d last par. Dr. 'eiss records a stra$ge tra$sitio$ from past life to super,co$scious t(at supports t(e idea t(at a tra$sitio$ betwee$ past life a$d super,co$scious is superficial because it appears t(at t(e decepti&e e&il 5i$$ are spea6i$g t(roug( bot( states.
"he ,rganisation o$ Evil Jinn as reported by Prophet *uha--ad: *(is is $ot a$ e?(austi&e list of all t(e differe$t 6i$ds of e&il 5i$$. #$ t(is sectio$ you will fi$d a few stateme$ts a$d discussio$s co$cer$i$g t(e differe$t 6i$ds of e&il 5i$$. +rom t(e sayi$gs of Prop(et u(ammad we (a&e bee$ gi&e$ 6$owledge of t(e e&il 5i$$. careful i$&estigatio$ of t(ese reports re&eals some 6$owledge of t(e orga$isatio$ of e&il 5i$$. *(e follows (adit( reports are set out to s(ow t(e i$tellect= cu$$i$g= deceit a$d fears of e&il 5i$$:
! "he personal .inn: #$ Sa(i( uslim= boo6 "8= (adit( 48 is(a tells t(e story of a $ig(t s(e came out of (er apartme$t feeli$g 5ealous. )er (usba$d= Prop(et u(ammad= came to (er a$d upo$ seei$g (er u$(appi$ess as6ed if s(e was 5ealous a$d s(e said: =o said: =o an it )e Cthat a oman oman !ike meD shou!d not fee! +ea!ous in regard to a hus)and hus)and !ike you. Gpo$ you. Gpo$ (eari$g t(is u(ammad a$d said t(at it was (er de&il t(at approac(ed (er a$d w(ic( made (er 5ealous. Curiously s(e as6ed: is there a!ong ith me a devi!< $d devi!< $d (e said yes. *(e$ s(e as6ed if de&ils are attac(ed to e&eryo$e a$d u(ammad said yes. #$ (er t(ird Euestio$ s(e as6ed if a de&il was attac(ed to (im Prop(et u(ammad too a$d (e replied yes addi$g t(e words: )ut my Lord has he!#ed me against him and as suh I am a)so!ute!y safe from his mishief. $ot(er report Sa(i( uslim @oo6 "8= )adit( 44 e$ds wit( t(e words: I )ut !!ah he!#s me against him and so I am safe s afe from his hand and he does not ommand me )ut for good. #s it possible t(at i$ t(e prop(et9s case (e co$&erted (is ow$ perso$al 5i$$ to become a uslimJ *(ese (adit( are importa$t if we are to appreciate t(e orga$isatio$ of 5i$$. ece$tly i$ 2ctober/No&ember of !011 t(e 4 billio$t( c(ild was bor$ i$to t(is world. pply t(is statistic to t(is report a$d we ca$ see t(at at a$y gi&e$ mome$t t(ere are at least 4 billio$ e&il 5i$$ o$ t(is eart(. Do you t(i$6 t(at 4 billio$ 5i$$ are aimlessly ru$$i$g after eac( (uma$ bei$g totally obli&ious to t(eir fellow 5i$$J # t(i$6 it is better to t(eorise t(at t(ese perso$al 5i$$ will $etwor6 wit( o$e a$ot(er a$d s(are i$formatio$ 5ust as (ow %gyptia$ protestors used faceboo6 a$d twitter to bri$g about t(e political re&olutio$ i$ %gypt i$ t(e rab Spri$g of !011. #magi$e w(at co$trol #blees (as o&er a$6i$d a$d t(e$ t(i$6 of your precious #ma$ belief/fait( a$d (ow t(roug( all t(ese 4 billio$ 5i$$ a$d possibly millio$s more t(at # will me$tio$ below= t(e mercy of Bod desce$ds o$ us t(at we may (a&e #ma$ a$d t(i$6 (ow grateful we are to (a&e t(is #ma$ a$d (ow muc( we ta6e it for gra$ted. *(e perso$al 5i$$ ca$ be t(oug(t of as a$ e&il coac(. )e/s(e is co$sta$tly watc(i$g you a$d proddi$g you you toward e&il a$d agai$st good. e$tors a$d coac(es suc( as N-P practitio$ers practitio$ers or e&e$ sports coac(es ca$ i$corporate t(e 6$owledge of t(e perso$al 5i$$ i$to t(eir coac(i$g
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met(ods. *(oug( most sports coac(es will ma6e a good case for ig$ori$g e&il 5i$$ because of t(e comple?ity i$&ol&ed= N-P practitio$ers must ma6e great efforts to researc( a$d docume$t e&il 5i$$ acti&ity if t(ey are be effecti&e coac(es. fter all t(ey are t(e o$es t(at ma6e a li&i$g from applyi$g co&ert %ri6so$ia$ (yp$osis o$ t(eir clie$ts/patie$ts.
%! "he attac/ on Prophet *uha--ad: Prop(et u(ammad is reported to (a&e bee$ attac6ed by a 5i$$ i$ edi$a. *(e followi$g (adit( Sa(i( uslim= boo6 = (adit( 110 $arrates t(e e&e$t: )u ?ardaE re#orted: !!ahEs messenger Cmay #eae )e u#on u#on himD stood u# Cto #rayD and and e heard him say: "I seek refuge in !!ah from thee." Then said: "urse thee ith !!ahEs urse" three times, then he strethed out his hand as though he as taking ho!d of something. &hen he finished the #rayer, e said: messenger of !!ah, e heard you say something during the #rayer hih e have not heard you say )efore, )efore, and e sa you streth out your hand. hand. =e re#!ied: !!ahEs enemy I)!is differe$t spelli$g of #blees ame #blees ame ith a f!ame of fire to #ut it in my fae, so I said three times: "I seek refuge in !!ah from thee." Then I said three times: "I urse thee ith !!ahEs fu!! urse." Fut he did not retreat Con any one of theseD three oasions. Thereafter I meant to seie him. I sear )y !!ah that had it not )een for the su##!iation of my )rother Su!aiman Su!aiman 3ewis( ;i$g Solomo$ he Solomo$ he ou!d have )een )ound, and made an o)+et of s#ort for the hi!dren of 5edina. Si? t(i$gs are $otewort(y i$ t(is (adit(: 1. *(e attac6 was carried out o$ a prop(et of Bod. !. *(e prop(et (ad wud(u ritual ablutio$ wit( water. ". *(e prop(et was i$ Sala( formal uslim prayer. . *(e prop(et was probably i$ t(e clea$est place i$ edi$a= t(e osEue. . *(e prop(et supplicated a$d/or i$&o6ed Bod9s (elp. . *(e prop(et cursed t(e e&il 5i$$. a )is status of bei$g a rasool messe$ger a$d Nabi prop(et of Bod did $ot repel t(e 5i$$. b 'ud(u did $ot repel t(e 5i$$. c Sala( did $ot repel t(e 5i$$. d *(e osEue did $ot repel t(e 5i$$. e *(e supplicatio$/i$&ocatio$ of t(e prop(et did $ot repel t(e 5i$$. f *(e curse of t(e prop(et did $ot repel t(e 5i$$. #f t(e Prop(et (ad to e$dure suc( a dari$g attac6 from a$ e&il 5i$$ w(at are your a$d my c(a$ces of bei$g protected from e&il 5i$$ i$ our ow$ li&es more t(a$ 1"70 years after t(e time of t(e prop(et a$d wit( our ow$ s(ortcomi$gsJ
0! "he throne o$ Iblees and his evil court: #$ Sa(i( uslim boo6 "8= (adit( 4 3abir reports prop(et u(ammad as (a&i$g said t(at #blees9 t(ro$e is o&er t(e water a$d from t(ere (e se$ds out co$ti$ge$ts of de&ils to create misc(ief i$ t(e world. *(e $earest to #blees i$ ra$6 are t(ose t(at are most notorious in reating dissension. dissension. #blees9 is especially pleased w(e$ a de&il retur$s to (im say t(at (e/s(e (as pla$ted t(e seed of discord betwee$ (usba$d a$d wife= so muc( so t(at (e embraces t(e de&il w(o accomplis(es t(is.
1! "he .inn that spread out in the twilight:
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#$ Sa(i( al,@u6(ari= &olume = boo6 = (adit( !" 3abir bi$ bdulla( reports prop(et u(ammad to (a&i$g ad&ised t(e people w(e$ $ig(t falls= t(at is duri$g e&e$i$g twilig(t= to 6eep t(eir c(ildre$ close by because t(e de&ils spread out at t(at time. fter a$ (our of t(e $ig(t (as elapsed it is safe to let t(em free agai$. )e t(e$ ad&ised to close t(e doors of t(e (ouses a$d me$tio$ t(e $ame of lla( Bod because Sata$ does $ot ope$ a closed door. #$ %uropea$ myt(ology &ires ca$$ot li&e i$ su$lig(t a$d t(ey wait for $ig(tfall to emerge from t(eir places of (idi$g. *wilig(t begi$s at a locatio$ o$ t(e eart( w(e$ t(e su$ (as set below t(e (orizo$. *(us &ires &ires wait for su$set a$d t(e$ emerge i$ t(e twilig(t 5ust as t(e de&ils spread out. #$ t(i$6 t(at t(e myt( of &ires is based o$ t(e real de&il 5i$$ t(at emerge at twilig(t. #$ fact a &ery popular )ollywood film saga about &ires= w(ic( bega$ i$ !007= is $amed Ti!ight .
2! "he .inn that occupy peoples3 ho-es: #$ Sa(i( uslim= boo6 !"= (adit( 00 3abir @i$ bdulla( reports to (a&i$g said t(at #f a perso$ e$ters a (ome sayi$g t(e $ame of lla( at t(e time of e$teri$g it a$d w(e$ w(e$ (e is eati$g food t(e$ t(e i$&isible de&il says to itself: >ou have no #!ae to s#end the night and no evening mea! but but if t(e perso$ does $ot ta6e t(e $ame of lla( w(e$ e$teri$g t(e (ome a$d w(e$ eati$g t(e$ t(e de&il says: >ou have found a #!ae to s#end the night and evening mea! . mea! .
4! "he .inn that attac/ while sleeping: #$ Sa(i( uslim boo6 = (adit( 140! bu )uraira reports u(ammad to (a&i$g said t(at w(e$ a uslim goes to sleep t(e de&il ties t(ree 6$ots at t(e bac6 of t(e $ec6 seali$g e&ery 6$ot wit( t(e words: ">ou have a !ong night, so s!ee#." #f #f t(e perso$ awa6es a$d me$tio$s t(e $ame of lla( a 6$ot is loose$ed. #f (e performs ablutio$ wud(u t(e seco$d 6$ot is loose$ed a$d w(e$ (e sta$ds for prayer t(e t(ird 6$ot is loose$ed a$d by mor$i$g (e will be acti&e a$d i$ good spirits ot(erwise t(e perso$ will be i$ bad spirits a$d let(argic.
5! "he protection via Ayat'al'Kursi: #$ Sa(i(,al,@u6(ari= &olume = boo6 1= (adit( "0 bu )uraira tells t(e story of catc(i$g a de&il steali$g. Prop(et u(ammad put bu )uraira i$ c(arge of t(e amada$ Za6at= w(ic( were foods collected i$ amada$. ll of a sudde$ someo$e came a$d started scoopi$g some of t(e foods wit( bot( (a$ds. '(e$ bu )uraira saw t(is (e immediately appre(e$ded (im a$d said t(at (e would ta6e (im t(e t(ief to t(e prop(et. *(e t(ief respo$ded: H!ease donEt take me to !!ahEs #ost!e and I i!! te!! you a fe ords )y hih !!ah i!! )enefit you. )e t(e$ told bu )uraira to recite yat,al,;ursi &erse ! i$ t(e ! $d sura( of t(e
6! "he .inn that $lees the call to prayer: +rom Sa(i( uslim= boo6 = (adit( 41= 4 a$d 111 Prop(et u(ammad is reported to (a&i$g said t(at w(e$ t(e ad(a$ call to prayer is gi&e$ t(at t(e de&il ru$s away t(e dista$ce li6e t(at of au(a. )adit( 41 states t(at au(a is a dista$ce of t(irty,si? miles from edi$a. *(e de&il ru$s away so as $ot to (ear t(e ad(a$. '(e$ t(e ad(a$ is o&er t(e de&il comes bac6 to t(e place of sala( prayer a$d begi$s distracti$g t(e people i$ sala( by remi$di$g t(em of ot(er t(i$gs i$ t(eir life. *(us w(e$ t(e mi$d of t(e perso$ prayi$g dwells o$ ot(er t(i$gs i$ (is life (e forgets (ow muc( (e prayed a$d is pro$e to ma6e mista6es i$ t(e sala( prayer.
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*(e$ w(e$ t(e #Eama seco$d call to t(e mai$ compulsory prayer is gi&e$ t(e de&il agai$ ru$s away to $ot (ear t(e #Eama a$d w(e$ t(e #Eama is fi$is(ed (e comes bac6 to t(e place of prayer a$d resumes distracti$g t(e people w(ile i$ sala( prayer.
7! "he .inn that are chained in +a-adan: #$ Sa(i( al,@u6(ari= &olume "= boo6 "1= )adit( 1!" bu )uraira reports Prop(et u(ammad to (a&i$g said t(at: "&hen the month of @amadan starts, the gates of the heaven are o#ened and the gates of =e!! are !osed and the devi!s are hained." Note: amada$ is t(e 8t( mo$t( of t(e uslim lu$ar cale$dar a$d duri$g t(is mo$t( all able bodied uslims are compelled to fast from daw$ till su$set a$d ca$$ot eat or dri$6 a$y a$y food or (a&e se?ual relatio$s w(ile fasti$g. *(e uslim lu$ar year (as 1! mo$t(s a$d eac( mo$t( is eit(er !8 or "0 days.
*(us far i$ all of my researc( of 5i$$ # (a&e $ot bee$ able to figure out if all e&il 5i$$ are c(ai$ed i$ amada$ or if all of o$ly a particular class of e&il 5i$$ are c(ai$ed i$ amada$. +rom ot(er (adit( t(at # am familiar wit( # (a&e $oticed from t(e prop(et9s ma$$er of spea6i$g t(at sometimes a!! is is $ot $ecessarily absolutely all. y perso$al i$trospectio$ tells me t(at it9s $ot absolutely all but all of a particular class of 5i$$. # may be wro$g but to my se$ses it9s t(e e&e$i$g twilig(t 5i$$ t(at are c(ai$ed a$d t(e perso$al 5i$$ remai$ u$c(ai$ed i$ amada$. Bod 6$ows best.
"ranslation notes: 8uran: ll tra$slatio$s of t(e
&urther +eading: *(is essay is t(e t( docume$t i$ Collectio$ @: Hypnosis9 N(P "herapy And Evil Jinn . *(e first docume$ts i$ t(is collectio$ ca$ be read freely at:$s..$s *(e titles are: @1: $ #$troductio$ *o )yp$otism $d *ra$ce @!: N-P $d Co&ert )yp$osis @": )yp$osis= Past -i&es $d N-P @: Summary of a$y li&es= a$y asters
Document History: 10 April 2013 (First uploaded to Scribd) 16 April 2013 (Added the Further eadin! section) " #o$ember 201% (&han!ed 'itle edited introduction)