Layout of Research Report Introduction: Rese Resear arch ch repo report rt is cons consid ider ered ed as a majo majorr comp compon onen entt of the the research study, the research task remains incomplete till the research has been presented or written. Writing of report is the last step in a research study and requires a set of skills somewhat different from those called for in respect of the earlier stages of research .This task should be accomplished by the researcher with utmost care. He may seek the assist assistan ance ce and guidel guideline ines s of expert experts s for the purpo purpose. se. Any resear research ch report is to be conveyed to end-user or recorded for future use. So, there is a standard design which is to be followed for presenting report. The format of a research report has three main divisions.
Preliminary section.
Main text.
Reference section.
P reliminary section T itle page: The first page of the report is the title page. They include,
The title of the research study,
The name of the researcher,
The name of the faculty and institution to which the report is submitted,
The degree for which the report is to be presented, and
The date of presenting it.
Acknowledgement: In the process of carrying out any research, the researcher
would have received help from different persons and organizations. So all those helps should be acknowledged under this heading. Abstract : Abstract give an overview of the research report outlining the title of
the research , objectives ,shorting comings of the existing literatures, need for further research, proposed measure of performance and research methods, result of comparison and highlights of inferences .
T able of Content s: Table of contents is the catalogue of the research report
which summarizes every aspect of the report and enables to quickly locate each section of report.
includes the chapter headings, the major
subdivisions of the chapters and sometimes the topics within the subdivisions. Li st of tables: In research report, the data and results are presented in the form
of tables for easy reference. Each and every table must be numbered. The numbering should be such that it is internal to each chapter. Li st of figures: In research report, the results are presented in the form of
figures for better understanding and comparison. Each and every figure must be numbered. The numbering should be such that it is internal to each chapter.
in text M ain The text of the report should be divided into different chapter depending on the type of research. Introduction: In the chapter introduction the nature of the problem is to be
stated and analysed. It usually includes:
Statement of the problem
Significance of the problem
Purpose of the study,
Assumptions and delimitations,
Definition of the concept,
Objective of the study
R eview
of literature: This section reviews the important literature related to the
study. Previous research studies are abstracted and significant writing of authors in the area under study is reviewed. This part of the report provides a background for the development of the present study and brings the reader up
R esearch
methodology : Research methodology aims to finalise the activities of
research design and data collection procedure which include: selection of the research approach, Design of sampling plan , Design of experiment , Design of questionnaire, Determination of sample size, and Design of sampling frame . Analy si s of data: In this section, the data collected with the help of research
methodology are analysed. , results obtained and discussed. The data has to be classified and tabulated and then treated with the scientific method to get the results. Inferences: This is the most important portion of the report. The data collected in analysed and various inferences are drawn from it.
are based on
logical as well as reasoning. The report should contain not only the generalisations or inferences but also the basis upon which the inferences have been drawn. All sorts of proofs, numerical and logical must be given in support of any theory that has advanced. Conclu sion: In this section the main findings of the research investigation are presented and broader conclusions are drawn. Conclusion summarizes research findings, contribution of the study, limitations of the study, and scope for the future
Reference section This section includes Bibliography, appendix and index. A ppendice s: appendices should be enlisted in respect of all technical data
such as questionnaires, sample information, mathematical derivations etc., Bi bliography: It is the list of the sources of materials reading used by the researcher. It is the acknowledgment of the authors and books from where the researcher has drawn materials or technique. Index : An alphabetical listing of name, places and topics along with the numbers of pages in a book or report on which they mentioned or discussed should be invariably be given at the end of the report.
ypes of report T The various types of report are Technical Popular Interim
T echnical report A technical report (also: scientific report) is a document that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. It might also include recommendations and conclusions of the research. Unlike other scientific literature, such as scientific journals and the proceedings of some academic conferences, technical reports rarely undergo comprehensive independent peer review before publication. Where there is a review process, it is often limited to within the originating organization. O utline of
technical report:
Summary of result
Nature of study
Method s employed
Presentation finding s
Conclu sion
Bi bliography
T echnical appendices
P opular report The popular report is one which gives emphasis on simplicity and attractiveness. The simplification should be sought through clear writing, minimization of technical, particularly mathematical, details and liberal use of charts and diagram. O utline
of popular report: Finding s
and implications
R ecommendation s O bj ective Method s
for action
of the study
R esult s A ppendices
O ral presentation:
Oral presentation of report is essential when t he study considered being more effective particularly in the case of policy recommendation indicated by the project research. It gives better understanding of the findings and their implications. Interim report: A report submitted before expiry of stipulated period of time for the completion of research study. It contains summary of what has been done so far and what is outcome. Summary Report: A summary report is generally prepared for the consumption of the lay audience viz the general public. It is written in non technical , simple language with a liberal use of pictorial charts. It is a short report of two or three pages. It is so limited as to suitable for publication in daily news paper.
Research abstract: This is a short summary of the technical report. It contains a brief presentation of the statement of the problem, the objective of the study , methods and techniques used and an overview of the report. Research article: This is designed for publication in professional journals
C onclusion Writing of report is the last step in a research study. The report may take different forms, including journal articles, theses and dissertations. Whatever form the reporting takes, the ³standards´ list of components are included such as title, acknowledgement, abstract, contents, introduction, literature review, methods and procedures, finding, summary and conclusion, references. So, there is a standard design which is to be followed for presenting report.
Presented by N.Mahalakshmi