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D. Leg. 1373Descripción completa
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LEGISLATION AND REGULATION – CHECKLIST What authority did Congress deegate to the agen!y" #ORGANIC STATUTE$ %& 0&
Does Does it sati satis' s'y y the the non-delegation doctrine " is there an (inteigi)e *rin!i*e+,!ear ter-s on .hi!h the agen!y !an o*erate # Hampton/ Whitman$ #not a strong argument $ Doe Does the the sta statute tute specify the procedure the agen!y shoud use to *ro-ugate standards" 1 I2 NO .e turn to the A3A 'or de'aut rues o' agen!y *ro!edure#4556$ 1 I2 7ES does the statute i-it agen!y o*tions" #Ste* 9: Mead $ Has Congress gi;en the agen!y * to *ro-ugate rues or orders w/ the force of law"
Was the a!tion *ro!eduray a**ro*riate" #A3A
What What ty*e ty*e o' resu resut t"" 1 I2 state state-en -entt o' genera genera or *arti! *arti!ua uarr a**i!a a**i!a)ii )iity ty and and 'uture 'uture e''e e''e!t !t = Rule #455%>?@$ o #4558>)@>!@>e@$ Informal rulemaking *ro!edure is a**ro*riate #4558>)@>!@>e@$ UNLESS statute says (on the re!ord a'ter o**ortunit y 'or an agen!y hearing+ THEN *ro!edure o -ust )e formal rulemaking # Fl. Fl. E. Coast Coast Ry. Ry.$ #455B 455$ o I2 not su)e!t to noti!e < !o--ent THEN publication rulemaking 1 I2 'ina 'ina dis*os dis*ositio ition n o' an agen! agen!y y in a -atter -atter other other than than rue-a rue-aing ingFi! Fi!ens ensing ing = Order #455%>@$ Formal adjudication usuay reuired )y statute – )inding on *arties #455?B 455$ o o Informal adjudication – dont no. -u!h a)out – EEOC 3ro! 3ro!ed edur ura a Cha Chae eng nges es:: 1 Informal Rulemaking: 4558 ays out reuire-ents that an agen!y -ust !o-*y .F 'or N)@ – noti!e reuire-ents in the N3R Is the N3R *u)ished on the t he 2edera Register" Does the N3R in!ude a state-ent o' the ti-eB *a!eB and nature o' the rue-aing *ro!eedings" Does the N3R re'er to the ega authority under .hi!h the rue is *ro*osed" Does the N3R state the ter-s or su)stan!e o' the *ro*osed rue or a des!ri*tion o' the su)e!ts and issues in;o;ed" ust dis!ose e;iden!e that agen!y reies on > Nova Scotia@ This goes to .hether the interested i nterested *arties .ere gi;en a real and meaningful opportunity to !o--ent on -ethodsFdata used )y agen!ies #4558>!@$ Fl. E. Coast Coast Ry. Ry.$ Note: agen!ies are ao.ed to ado*t additiona *ro!edures i' they .ish # Fl. 4558>!@ – o**ortunity to *arti!i*ate reuire-ents >!o--ent *eriod@ o Does N3R ao. 'or su)-ission o' .ritten dataB ;ie.sB or argu-ents" Did it aert interested *arties" #thin Cho!& i – goes to noti!e$ 4558>!@ – !on!ise genera state-ent o' )asis and *ur*ose – final rule o Did it 'ai to res*ond to !on!erns raised in N3R" # Nova Nova Scotia$ Did it not address (;ita issues+ raised in !o--ent *eriod" # Nova Nova Scotia$ Was Was it >aong .ith the 'ina rue@ *u)ished in the C2R" OIRA Co-*ian!e: .as it a (signi'i!ant reguatory a!tion+ – i&e& o;er J%99 !ost -ention o that .oud ha;e to )e su)e!t to OIRA re;ie. and the ()ene'its -ust usti 'y the !osts+ – uaitati;e 1 Formal Adjudications: 455? and 455 !o;er the *ro!edura reuire-ents o' adudi!ations Did the agen!y rey on its authority deegated )y statute in !o--en!ing the a!tion" #Chenery$ o Did the agen!y *resent a *ost1ho! usti'i!ation 'or a de!ision -ade" # do this – Chenery$ o ight there )e reian!e !on!erns" # Bell erospace erospace – ne;er usedB )ut 'our 'a!tors$ o 1 Publication Rulemaking: 4558>)@/ 4550>a@ I' des!ri*tion o' *ros*e!ti;e inter;ention = general statement of policy o o I' ad;ising *u)i! o' the agen!ys !onstru!tion o' statutesFrues = interpretie rule 4558>)@: states that N < C reuire-ents a**y to these # Hudson Hudson v. v. F F – GSo3$ o o 4550>a@: reuires that they )e *u)ished i n 2edera Register .hen they are o' (genera a**i!a)iit y+ UT as .hether shoud ha;e )een su)e!t to N < C: # merican eMa-*e$ merican Mining Mining test$ # Hoctor Hoctor eMa-*e$ o Does it 'i a egisati;e ga*" Was it *u)ished in the C2R" Does the agen!y in;oe statutory authority"
• •
LEGISLATION AND REGULATION – CHECKLIST Does it in;o;e a signi'i!ant a-end-ent" 1 Court may not i-*ose additiona *ro!edura reuire-ents 'or agen!y a!tion # !ere" $ 1 Court does not e;auate .isdo- o' agen!y !hoi!e o' *ro!edure #i&e& rue-aing ;& adudi!ation$ #Chenery$ Note the ega authority o' the udi!iary to re;ie. agen!y a!tion& #Constitution < A3A 49$
Does the agen!ys inter*retation #o' its authority$ get !heron deference" STE3 9: # Mead $ did Congress gi;e agen!y * to *ro-ugate ruesForders .F 'or!e o' a. organi! statute < a!tion itse' I2 7ES STE3 % I2 NO S#idmore Res*e!t #.a through anaysis )eo.$ Note: ty*i!ay noti!e and !o--entB 'or-a adudi!ationB *us ('or!e o' a.+ go to STE3 %
STE3 %: #Chevron$ has Congress spoken to the *re!ise uestion at issue" >aa is the statute a-)iguous"@ Use -ethods o' inter*retation: %& Statutory teMt 0& Stru!ture o' statute 8& 3ur*ose ?& 3re1ena!t-ent egisati;e history 5& Canons o' !onstru!tion & 3ost1ena!t-ent egisati;e history 1 EM: MC$ v. %&% >S!aia -aority@ – teMtuaist,de'inition o' (-odi'y+ a-)iguous 1 EM: F' v. Bro(n & Williamson >OConnor -aority@ – egisati;e history *us the *oiti!a and e!ono-i! signi'i!an!e indi!ates that Congress has s*oen I2 Congress has not s*oen dire!ty STE3 0 I2 Congress has s*oen dire!ty no de'eren!e to agen!y inter*retation
STE3 0: #Chevron$ is the agen!ys inter*retation permissible" 1 EM: MC$ v. %&% >Ste;ens dissent@ – i' there are -uti*e -eanings o' (-odi'y+ then that -eans its a-)iguous STE3 0: *ur*ose o' tari'' re*orting .as to ensure -aor !arriers .ere not o''ering di''erent *ri!ingB so it is *er-issi;e under this *ur*ose 'or the 2CC to re-o;e the reuire-ent 'or non1-aor !arriers 1 EM: F' v. Bro(n & Williamson – sort o' goes to ste* 0B )ut ind o' )ends ste* % and 0 #"$
I2 permissible de'eren!e to agen!y inter*retation I2 not *er-issi)e no de'eren!e to agen!y inter*retation
Was the agen!ys a!tion arbitrary and capricious under 49>0@>A@" %&
Was there a rational !onne!tion )Ft the facts found and the choice made" #State Farm$ 1 .hether the agen!y reied on 'a!tors not intended )y Congress 1 .hether the agen!y entirey 'aied to !onsider an i-*ortant as*e!t 1 .hether the agen!y o''ers an eM*anation that is !ounter to the e;iden!e 1 .hether eM*anation is so i-*ausi)e that it )e attri)uted to di''eren!e in ;ie.s or agen!y eM*ertise Note I2 a-end-ent to rues #FCC v. Fo) $ 1 Agen!y does not need to sho. .hy reasons 'or ne. *oi!y are *etter than the od 1 UT the agen!y !annot disregard *rior !ontrary !on!usions or retroa!ti;ity reian!e Note I2 'aiure o' agen!y to a!t # Massachusetts v. E!$ 1 2aiure to initiate rue-aing IS su)e!t to re;ie. Reason 'or ina!tion must conform to the authori"ing statute o o Cannot )e )ased on o;era**ing agen!y o)igations #.hat OIRAFO are there 'or$ 1 UT 'aiure to initiate an en'or!e-ent a!tion su)e!t to udi!ia re;ie. #.Fin agen!y dis!retion$
"#I$%OR& A'A()"I"* #to get S#idmore res*e!t$ %& Ty*es o' agen!y a!tion su)e!t to S#idmore anaysis: inter*reti;e ruesB *oi!y state-entsB in'or-a adudi!ationsB and other agen!y a!tions that do not (hod the 'or!e o' a.+ 0& +eight o' su!h a udg-ent .i de*end on: 1 Thoroughness e;ident in its !onsideration
aidity o' its reasoning Consisten!y .F earierFater *ronoun!e-ents A those 'a!tors .hi!h gi;e in the (* to *ersuade+
, "tatutory te.t 1 3ain -eaning #%+ v. Hill / ,riffin $ 1 Di!tionary use #%aniguchi$ 1 Ordinary usage # Ni) v. Heddon >(to-ato+@B -S v. Costello >(har)oring+@$ "tructure of the statute 1 Whoe a!t rue: inter*retation o' ea!h se!tion in the !onteMt o' the .hoe ena!t-ent 1 Criti!a assu-*tion is !oheren!e – is it internay !onsistent" 1 Rue Against Sur*usage – e;ery .ordF*hrase adds so-ething #W. + Hospitals v. CaseyB ates$ 1 3resu-*tion o' Consistent Usage # Marshall $ 1 Tites – not usuay used as e;iden!e o' statutory -eaning #UT ates *uraity$ 1 Whoe !ode rue: rarey usedB oos to !onsistent usage throughout USC #W. + Hospitals v. Casey $ 1 Lo!ation o' statute in !ode #ates$ 0 Purpose 1 is!hie' Congress -eant to !ure # Holy %rinityB generay /ing v. Bur(ell $ 1 3ur*ose state-ents – gi;en no greater .eight than other *arts o' statute 1 3osners reais- – .hat .as the egisature trying to do #Marshall dissent$ 1 Pre-enactment legislatie history 1 Co--ittee re*orts: gi;en the -ost .eight #Blanchard v. Bergeron$ 1 State-ents )y egisatorsB 'oor de)ates #N. Haven Bd. of Educ. v. Bell $ 2 !anons of construction >in!ude .F statutory teMtB )ut note that not dis*ositi;e@ Se-anti! Canons: 1 Noscitur a sociis: (it is no.n 'ro- its asso!iates+ – ight shed on -eaning o' an a-)iguous .ord )y re'eren!e to the .ords asso!iated .F it # liB ates$ 1 E0usdem generis: (o' the sa-e indB !assB or nature+ – >in enu-erated ist s@ – genera .ords are !onstrued to e-)ra!e ony those o)e!ts si-iar in nature >!hara!teristi!@ to those s*e!i'i! o)e!ts enu-erated or isted # liB ates >di''erent !hara!teristi! in *uraityFdissent@$ 1 E)pressio unius: # li Kennedy dissent$ 3u)i! La. Nor-s: 1 7ied a)surd resuts" # !u*lic Citi"enB Holy %rinity$ 1 e against *u)i! *oi!y" # Bo* 1ones$ Su)stanti;e Canons: 1 Constitutiona a;oidan!e # N2RB v. Catholic Bishop$ 1 Rue o' enity – usuay a tie)reaer #Marshall dissent$ 1 re*ea )y i-*i!ation #%+ v. Hill $ 3 Post-enactment legislatie history # Montana Wilderness$ !ommon Forms of (egislatie 4istory* >'ro- -ost ;aua)e to east@ • Co--ittee Re*orts: -ost reia)eB )ut !ritiued )e!ause it is ony .ritten )y a !ou*e o' egisatorsB not the entire senateFhouseB )ut thought to )e -ost re*resentati;e o' the .hoe • S*onsors State-ents: -ay o''er a .e in'or-ed ;ie. o' the 'a!tuaB ega or *oi!y !onteMt in .hi!h the )i .as dra'ted • 2oor State-ents: !an sho. that 'oor -e-)ers had di''erent ;ie.s& O!!asionay treated as use'u e;iden!e o' egisati;e intent& Can )e used to !orro)orate other e;iden!e o' -eaning or de-onstrate a .i des*read sense o' egisators o)e!ti;es& • State-ents -ade during Hearings: Court is sus*i!ious o' the *ro)ati;e ;aue o' state-ents -ade during hearings that did not -ae it into the o''i!ia !o--ittee re*orts& ay )e said to dis!ose the 'a!tua !ir!u-stan!es and ega assu-*tions that .itnesses )rought to the attention o' the dra'ters& • Su!!essi;e ;ersions o' a Statute: argue that !hanges to dra't )is during the egisati;e *ro!ess as .e as ree!tions o' *ro*osed !hanges shoud !arry essentiay no .eight& ut so-e argue that i' a )i is !hanged in a signi'i!ant .ay it -ay )e in'uentia to see&
Su)seuent Legisati;e A!tion >or Ina!tion@: ost !o--on 'or- is egisati;e a!uies!en!e in a udi!ia or ad-inistrati;e !onstru!tion o' a statutory *ro;ision& So-e argue that i' Congress 'ais to o;erturn an ad-inistrati;e or udi!ia inter*retationB it i-*i!ity agrees .ith it&
Ho. to uestion %: %& A**y ead a Does it a**ear Congress deegated authority to the agen!y generally to -ae rues !arrying the 'or!e o' a.B and b Is the agen!y inter*retation *ursuant to a !ongressiona deegation o' authority to issue ordersFrues ha;ing the 'or!e o' a." i A**y A-eri!an ining Congress Here %& Does it 'i a egisati;e ga*" 0& Was it *u)ished in the C2R" 8& Does the agen!y in;oe statutory authority" ?& Does it in;o;e a signi'i!ant a-end-ent" !& I' the to both o' these uestions is 7ES Go to Ste* 0B I' the to either is NO Go to Ste* 8& 0& A**y Che;ron a Has Congress dire!ty s*oen on the *re!ise uestion #s*e!i'i! intent$" >I&E& Is the statute a-)iguous"@ i Either try to su**ort or i the reguation in this ste*& , A good dea o' teMtua anaysis goes here& So-e ie S!aia ony use statutory inter*retation& ost .i use in !onun!tion .ith egisati;e history& b I' the statute is a-)iguousB the ony uestion 'or the !ourt is .hether the agen!ys is )ased on a *er-issi)e !onstru!tion o' the statute& i& The Court has ony 'ound inter*retation to ;ioate ste* 0 t.i!eB uestion is not .hether inter*retation is rightB )ut .hether its reasona)e& y the ti-e you get to this ste*B you;e .on or ost& 8& A**y Sid-ore a& The .eight o' the agen!y de*ends on: i& The thoroughness o' the e;iden!e in its !onsideration ii& The ;aidity o' its reasoning iii& Consisten!y .ith earier and ater *ronoun!e-ents #,E v. ,il*ert B dont ie 'i* 'o**ing$ i;& And a those 'a!tors .hi!h gi;e it * to *ersuadeB i' a!ing * to !ontro #so other 'a!tors$ %& Is it a !onte-*oraneous inter*retation/ did a ot o' ti-e ea*se )F. statute and agen!ys inter*retationF*osition"