Descripción: this book for intermediate english students
Reading ComprehensionDescripción completa
Description : Reading comprehension Mock exam
Lesson 12 A Basic Technique In Reading Comprehension
earn ng Outcomes Application of the suggested technique in reading comprehension acquired regard for reading as an art form.
Let’s learn from the eperts! •
"or a long time# reading specialists grappled $ith the pro%lem of &nding $a's in $hich the mind can e(ecti)el' $or* in +ercei)ing reading s'm%ols. In general# the' percei)ed that poor reader loafs along the reading material# compared $ith the ecellent reader $hose e'es race o)er the lines gathering meaningful ideas at each glance on a printed page. In time# eperts found that the reader should culti)ate the ha%it of reading for ideas# and not onl' read one $ord at a time thin*ing of the meaning of separate $ords. This $as descri%ed %' eperts as ,seeing the $oods for the trees.-
“ Le tt hee y emo ve me nt st a kec a r eo f t he ms e l ve s , ”t hee xpe r t sa dde dt os a y , wha t mus tbedone , t he ys ugge s t e d, i st he a dopt a t i onoft heha bi tofpi c ki ngupone c ompl e t et houghta f t e ranot he r .
"irstl'# this is the instance of a poor reader $ho ta*es in meaning $ord for $ord. •
Let’s loo* at the second instance representing the average reader using the succeeding portion of the tet.
/ust as 'ou admire the composition of a painting# a sculpture# a %uilding# or a dance# so 'ou can and should admire the composition of a painting# a sculpture# a %uilding or a dance.-
A third instance is the good reader $ho has ta*en in larger units at a time# ta*ing is an increased and longer unit of meaning. "rom the rest of the tet. •
And so 'ou can and should admire the composition of a tet0 the harmon' and shapeliness of the $hole# the $a' in $hich the parts &ts together# refer to one another# and support each other# the a)oidance of ecess# the %alance of elements.-