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LIFE PROCESSES INTRODUCTION Various Various functions are going to inside our body and inside the body of all organisms. These functions are necessary to maintain the living beings. The maintenance functions of living organisms must go on even they are not doing anything particular even when we are just sitting in front of computer or just asleep. This maintenance job has to go on .the processes which together perform this maintenance job are life processes. DEFINITIN T!E "#$I% &'%E$$E$ #ND F(N%TIN )!I%! T*ET!E' +EE& T!E ,IVIN* '*#NI$ #,IVE #ND #ND &E'F'- T!E " " F -#INTEN%E I$ %#,,ED %#,,ED ,IFE &'%E$$E$ -$T I-&'T#NT ,IFE &'%E$$E$ IN !(-#N "D/ 01 N(T N(T'IT 'ITIN IN Nutrition is the process of getting energy from outside sources. Ne2t process of nutrition is to brea3 down these sources to release energy .process of getting nutrition can vary from organism and is affected by the e2ternal environment -ET#",I$-ET#",I$- 44 is the sum of all the chemical processes that occur in the body one phase of metabolism is catabolism the brea3down of comple2 chemical substance into simpler 5components 1 the other phase of metabolism is i s anabolism . the building up of comple2 chemical substances from smaller 6simpler components e.g digestive processes catabolism protein in food into amino acids .these amino acids are then then used to anaboli7e new protein that ma3e up body structure such as muscles m uscles and bones 81 'E$& 'E$&I' I'# #TIN IN "rea3ing down of nutrients to release energy is called respiration .the way coo3ing gas is burnt to produce energy for 3itchen the living organism burns food to release energy .a comple2 series of o2idation 9reduction goes inside the cell to burn food to carry out different activities inside a living organism 2ygen is re:uired for o2idation of glucose during cellular respiration. In larger organisms comple2 system is needed to carry out transportation of o2ygen inside the body .this process is called e2ternal respiration and is different from cellular respiration. ;1 -VE -VE-ENT ENT It includes motion of the whole body. body. Individual organs6 single cells for e2ample the co4 ordinated action of leg muscles moves your whole body fr om one place to another after you eat a meal that contains fats gallbladder contracts and s:uirts bile into the gastrointestinal tract to aid in the digestion of fats. )hen the body tissue damaged or infected6 certain white blood cells move from the blood into the affected tissue to help clean up and repair the area. Inside the cell. Various parts move from one position to another to carry out their functions <1 *')T! *rowth is an increase in body si7e that results from an increase in the si7e of e2isting cells 6an increase in the number of cells or both .in addition a tissue sometimes increase in
si7e because the amount of material between cells increases in a growing bone to grow in length and width =1 E>%'ETIN #s burning petrol or diesel cause release of obno2ious fumes out of car6 our body also produces such obno2ious substances. They are harmful and need to be e2pelled out of our body. E2pulsion of harmful substances which byproducts of life processes is called e2cretion .in human body many organs help in e2creting harmful substances out of the body .e.g. lungs e2pel carbon dio2ide s3in e2pels some waste product through sweating. -outh e2pels some waste through spit and rectum e 2pel waste through faeces .but the main e2cretory organ in the human body is 3idney. 3idney filters harmful substances from blood and e2pels them through urine .after all the metabolic activities6 blood collects byproducts from different parts of the body and passes through 3idney to filter out harmful products 6 then only it goes to the heart for o2ygenation . This is the reason a malfunctioning 3idney is a life threatening condition. &eople with bad 3idney need to undergo dialysis. in this process blood is filtered using artificial 3idneys or dialysis machine ?1 'E&'D(%TIN 'efers either to the formation of new cells for tissue growth. 'epair or replacement or to the production of a new individual in human . The former process occurs continuously throughout life which contains from one generation to the ne2t through the latter process6 the fertili7ation of an ovum by a sperm cell. )hen the life processes cease to occur properly the result is death of cells and tissue which may lead to death of the organism clinically called loss of the heart beat. #bsence of spontaneous breathing and loss of brain functions indicate death in the human body
!-E$T#$I$ -E%!#NI$It is define by %laude "ernard and later )alter %annon in 0@8? is the property of a system6 either open or closed6 that regulates its internal environment and ends to maintain a stable6 constant condition. -ultiple dynamic e:uilibrium adjustment and regulation mechanisms ma3e homeostasis possible DEFINITIN !omeostasis is the condition of e:uilibrium in the bodyAs internal environment due to the constant interaction of the bodyAs many regulatory processes # homeostatic system consists of the basic components 01 DETE%T'$ B4 detectors are sensory organs that monitor variables in the e2ternal and internal environment .e.g photoreceptors in the retina 6 bororeceptors monitoring blood pressure in the great vessels and chemoreceptor which continual information about levels of carbon dio2ide in the plasma 81 EFFE%T'$ B4 effectors are the organs that bring about the changes necessary to restore homeostasis muscles bring about movement glands secrete chemicals and many other organs including the heart and 3idneys can be regarded as effectors because they are capable of responding to environmental changes ; %4'DIN#TIN* -E%!#NI$-$ Detector and effectors communicate with one another via4co4 ordinating mechanisms which generally ta3e the form of nervous impulses or hormones %NT', -E%!#NI$-
)hen the receptors senses a stimulus .it sends information to a control centre 6the components that sets the range at which a variable is maintained .the control centre determines an appropriate response to the stimulus. In most homeostatic mechanisms the control centre is the brain . the control centre then send signals to an effectors which can be muscles6 organs or other structures that receives signals from the control centre6 after receiving the signal .a change occurs to correct the deviation by either enhancing it with positive feedbac3 or depressing it with negative feedbac3. &$ITIVE FEED"#%+ &ositive feedbac3 mechanisms are designed to accelerate or enhance the output created by a stimulus that has already been activated. It perpetuates the chain of events set in motion by the original disturbance instead of compensating for it .as the system becomes more unbalanced6 disorder and disintegration occurs e.g. events in the body is blood platelet accumulation 6which in turn causes blood clotting in response to a brea3 or tear in the lining of the blood vessels e.g normal child birth provides a good e2ample . the first contraction of labour push part of the fetus into the cervi2 6the lowest part of the uterus which opens into the vagina . Nerve cells monitor the amount of stretching of the cervi2 .as stretching increases they send more nerve impulses to the brain which turn releases the hormone o2ytocin into the blood causes contraction of muscles and push the fetus down the uterus. NE*#TIVE FEED"#%+ Negative feedbac3 mechanism consist of reducing the output or activity of any organ or system bac3 to the normal range of functioning E6g regulating blood pressure ".&. is the force e2erted by blood as it presses against the walls of blood vessels when the heart beats faster or harder ".&. increases. If some internal or e2ternal stimulus causes blood pressure to rise the following se:uence of events occurs bororeptors pressure sensitive nerve cells located in the wall of certain blood vessels 6 detect the higher pressure. The bororeceptors send nerve impulses to the brain which interprets the impulses and respond by sending nerve impulses to the heart and blood vessels heart rate decreases and blood vessels dilate which cause ".&. to decrease . this se:uence of events :uic3ly returns the controlled condition blood pressure to normal and homeostasis is restored .notice that the activity of the effectors causes ".&. to drop a result that negates the original stimulus . this is why it is called a negative feedbac3 system !-E$T#TI% I-"#,#N%E -any diseases are a result of disturbances of homeostasis a condition 3nown as homeostatic imbalance .as it agesC every organism will lose efficiency in its control system. The inefficiencies gradually results in an unstable internal environment that increases the ris3 for illness .in addition homeostatic imbalance is also responsible for the physical changes associated with ageing. !eart failure has been seen where nominal negative feedbac3 mechanisms become overwhelmed and destructive position mechanisms become overwhelmed and destructive position mechanisms ta3e over
Pathways That Alter Homeostasis # variety of homeostatic mechanisms maintain the internal environment within tolerable limits. Either homeostasis is maintained through a series of control mechanisms6 or the body suffers various illnesses or disease. )hen the cells in the body begin to malfunction6 the homeostatic balance becomes disrupted. Eventually this leads to disease or cell malfunction. Disease and cellular malfunction can be caused in two basic waysB either6 deficiency or toxicity . )hen homeostasis is interrupted in your cells6 there are pathways to correct or worsen the problem. In addition to the internal control mechanisms6 there are e2ternal influences based primarily on lifestyle choices and environmental e2posures that influence our bodys ability to maintain cellular health. •
Nutrition: If diet is lac3ing in a specific vitamin or mineral cells will function poorly6 possibly resulting in a
disease condition. For e2ample6 a menstruating woman with inade:uate dietary inta3e of iron will become anemic. ,ac3 of hemoglobin6 a molecule that re:uires iron6 will result in reduced o2ygen4carrying capacity. In mild cases symptoms may be vague 5e.g. fatigue16 but if the anemia 5"ritish EnglishB anaemia1 is severe the body will try to compensate by increasing cardiac output6 leading to palpitations and sweatiness6 and possibly to heart failure. •
Toxins: #ny substance that interferes with cellular function6 causing cellular malfunction. This is done through a variety of waysC chemical6 plant6 insecticides6 andor bites. # commonly seen e2ample of this is drug overdoses. )hen a person ta3es too much of a drug their vital signs begin to waverC either increasing or decreasing6 these vital signs can cause problems including coma6 brain damage and even death.
Psychological: physical health and mental health are inseparable. ur thoughts and emotions cause chemical changes to ta3e place either for better as with meditation6 or worse as with stress.
Physical: &hysical maintenance is essential for our cells and bodies. #de:uate rest6 sunlight6 and e2ercise are e2amples of physical mechanisms for influencing h omeostasis. ,ac3 of sleep is related to a number of ailments such as irregular cardiac rhythms6 fatigue6 an2iety and headaches.
Genetic/Reproductive: Inheriting strengths and wea3nesses is part of our genetic ma3eup. *enes are sometimes turned off or on due to e2ternal factors which can have some control over6 but at other times little can be done to correct or improve genetic diseases. "eginning at the cellular level a variety of diseases comes from mutated genes. For e2ample6 cancer can be genetically inherited or can be caused due to a mutation from an e2ternal source such as radiation or genes altered in a fetus when the mother uses drugs.
Medical: "ecause of genetic differences some bodies need help in gaining or maintaining homeostasis. Through modern medicine our bodies can be given different aids6 from anti4bodies to help fight infections6 or chemotherapy to 3ill harmful cancer cells. Traditional and alternative medical practices have many benefits6 but li3e any medical practice the potential for harmful effects is present. )hether by nosocomial infections6 or wrong dosage of medication6 homeostasis can be altered by that which is trying to fi2 it. Trial and error with medications can cause potential harmful reactions and possibly death if not caught soon enough.
%N%,($IN The immune response provides a good e2ample of the manner in which the body conserves its resources at a time when a particular function is not re:uired antibodies are not produced unless there is a specific need for them as a defence against pathogens. -aintenance of a stable internal environment through homeostatic mechanisms is the cornerstone of healthy integrated function .if homeostasis is disrupted disease results. $(--#'/ In this seminar consist of introduction of life processes and homeostatic mechanism. )hich gives meaning of life processes and homeostatic mechanism also included the most important life processes of the human body. In a homeostatic mechanism consists of the basic components that are detectors effectors. %o4ordinating mechanisms and integrating centre control of homeostasis and feedbac3 system. In feedbac3 systems include the homeostasis involve in the body systems .homeostatic imbalance and disorders of homeostatic imbalance "I",*'#&!/ 01 $hebeer p. "asheer s. /aseen 3han 6#dvanced Nursing &ractice 0st Edition 808 E--E$$ -edical publishers page no 0@<40@G nt er net 81 I wi k i bo ok s . o r g / wi k i / Human _Ph y s i o l o gy / Homeo s t a si sCached ;1 en.