Dressed Types of stone Details Examples
Theodor Hugues Ludwig Steiger Johann Weber
Birkhäuser Edition Detail
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection Granite, granodiorite, diorite
Bauzing {Wolfenstein) granodiorite
B e r b i n g granite
B i r k e n k o p f granite
Bauzing, Hauzenberg, Lower Bavaria Georg Kusser Granitwerk GmbH medium grey fine-grained
Berbing, Hauzenberg, Lower Bavaria Georg Zankl KG light grey consistently medium-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Pedestrian precinct, Hassfurt Density 2.62 g/cm Compressive strength 166 N/mm Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant
Birkenkopf, Blankenburg, Saxony-Anhall Harz-Granit Natursteinwerke grey with red-brownish sheen medium-grained Surface treatment: see p. External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.66 g/c Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant
Thermal expan sion
Thermal expansio n
Surface treatment: External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls West wing of Messe Nürnberg Density Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
see p. 96
2.6 g/cm 206 N/mm 7.0 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
see p. 94
210 N/m 6.1 cm / 5 0 c 3
see p.
Blauenthal granite
Bobenholz (Achertal) granite
D e m i t z - T h u m i t z granodiorite
Blauenthal, Aue, Saxony Blauenthal Granitwerk yellow to shades of orange, or shades of pink medium-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.60 - 2.65 g / c m Compre ssive strength 175 - 194 N/ mm Abrasion resistan ce 7.1 7.1 - 7.3 7.3 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expa nsio n see p. 94
Kappelrodeck, Achern, Baden-Wurttemb Schùtz GmbH Natursteinwerk whitish to pale grey fine-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.60 g/cm
Demitz-Thumitz, Bischofswerda, Saxony Basalt-Actien-Gesellschaft bluish light grey to medium grey medium- to coarse-grained, no orientati
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion
196 N/mm 6 cm /50cm 3
see p. 94
Surface treatment: External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
see p.
2.66 g/c, 202 N/m 6.1 cm / 5 0 c 3
see p.
Original sampl es appr ox. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoi dab
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Granite, granodiorite, diorite
* -,
&ÊÈL Um 9L *"w Eging granite Elnzendobl, Egin g, Tittling, Lower Bavaria Bavaria Peter Neissendorfer Granitwerk Einzendobl white-grey c:oarse -A/ariable-grained -A/ariable-grained,, porphyritic •ur fac e treatment: see p. 96 I xternal: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Local goverment offices, Vilshofen Density 2.66g/cm Compressive strength 223 - 227 N/ mm Abrasion resistanc e see p. 94 Frost -resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94 3
Eitzing granite Eitzing, Hauzenberg, Lower Bavaria Georg Kusser Granitwerk GmbH light grey
Epprechtstein granite
consistently medium-grained Surfa ce treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Munich Airport Density Density 2.61 2.61 g /c m Compressive strength 152 - 159 N/ mm Abrasio n resistance 7 - 7.5 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94
Kirchenlamitz, Upper Franconia Bernhard Oppenrieder Steinmetzbetrieb yellow-grey to yellowish medium- to coarse-grained Surfac e treatm ent: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls German parliament building, Berlin Density Density 2.66 2.66 g/ cm Compressive strength strength 206 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance 5.0 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94
Fùrstenstein diorite
G e r t e l b a c h granite
Furstenstein, Lower Bavaria Georg Kusser Granitwerk GmbH dark grey medium-grained, even-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Regensburg University Density 2.82 g/cm
Buhl, Baden-Wurttemberg VSG Schwarzwald-Granit-Werke GmbH reddish coarse-grained Surface treat ment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Schlosshotel Buhler Hòhe, Baden-Baden Density 2.60-2.75 g/cm Compressive strength 1 8 4 - 1 9 0 N / m m Abrasion resistance 6 - 7 c m /50cm Frost-resistant Thermal expansion 0.80 mm/m100K
r lossenbürg granite 'ssenbürg, Weiden, Upper Franconia /iinkl, Baumann Ailioitsgemeinschaft Natursteinwerke blue to yellow in im- to coarse-gra ined •Ur fac e treatment: see p. 96 mXlemal: floors, facades '-m al: floors, walls walls m r m a n Patents Office, Munich 2.63-2.75 g/cm Density 1
pressive pressive strength ii • i' .ion .ion resistance [frost-resistant nhe rmal expans ion
151 151 - 2 1 2 N/ mm 5 - 7 . 2 cm / 5 0 c m 3
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
205 N/mm see p. 94 2
see p. 94
see p. 94
prlijinal samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Granite, granodiorite, diorite
Herrenholz granodiorite Oberreureuth, Hauzenberg, Lower Bavaria Georg Kusser Granitwerke GmbH medium grey to blue fine-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Neue Messe, Munich Density Density 2.64 g /c m Compressive Compressive strength strength 21 3N /m m Abrasion resistan ce 8.21 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94 3
Knaupsholz granite Knaupsholz, Schierke, Saxony-Anhalt Harz-Granit Natursteinwerke pink to reddish-yellow, grey-yellowish medium-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Density 2.65 g /c m Compressive Compressive strength strength 14 9- 16 1 N/m m Abrasion resistan ce 6.6 c m / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant 3
Thermal expan sion
see p. 94
K a l t r u m granite
K a m e n z granodiorite
Kaltrum, Hauzenberg, Lower Bavaria Georg Kusser Granitwerk GmbH grey consistently fine-grained Surface treatment : see p. 96 External: floors, paving, facades Internal: floors, walls Pedestrian precinct, Passau Density 2.61 - 2.65 g / c m C o m pr pr e s si si v e s t re re n gt gt h 1 1 0 - 1 5 3 N / m m Abra sion resistanc e 6.8 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94
Kamenz, Miltitz, Saxony Boral Granit light grey medium- to coarse-grained, no orientati Surface treatment: see p. External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Density 2.7 2.7 g / c m
K ö s s e i n e granite Kösseine, Schurbach, Upper Franconia Ludwig Popp Granitwerk bluish coarse-grained, porphyritic Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Munich Central Station Density Density 2.69 g / c m Compressive strength 221 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 4.7 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94
K r o n r e u t h granodiorite Wotzdorf-Hauzenberg, Lower Bavaria Georg Kusser Granitwerk GmbH medium grey to blue fine-grained, homogeneous Surf ace treatme nt: see p. 9
Compressive strength strength Abrasi on resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Rechts der Isar Hospital, Pathology Dept, Munich Density
168 N/ mm' 7.3 c m / 5 0 c n i 3
see p. 9
2.7 g/ cm
Compressive strength strength 1 7 5 - 183 N/mm Abrasi on resistance 6.6 - 7.3 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 9 3
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Granite, granodiorite, diorite
Meissen granite
M e t t e n granite
M i t t w e i d a granite
Meissen, Saxony Roter Granit Meissen GmbH Steingewinnung reddish to crimson medium- to giant-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls "eference project: Densit Density y 2.65 g / cm Compre ssive strength see p. 94 Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94
Innenstetten, Metten, Lower Bavaria Georg Bauer Granitwerk yellowish or light grey fine- to medium-grained, consistent Surfa ce treatme nt: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Plinth of German parliament building, Berlin Density Density 2.57 2.57 g /c m Compressive strength 124 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94
Mittweida, Chemnitz, Saxony Natursteinwerk Mittweida GmbH grey-red to medium red fine-grained, very consistent texture Surfa ce treatm ent: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Bus terminal, Mittweida Density 2.61 g/ cm Compre ssive strength 167 - 176 N/m m Abrasi on resistance see P- 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see P- 94
N a m m e r i n g granite
R a u m i i n z a c h granite
Reinersreuth (Waldstein) granite
Nammering, Aicha v. Wald, Lower Bavaria Alois Bauer Granitwerke KG blue-grey and pale yellow to grey-white medium-grained
Raumûnzach, Forbach, Baden-Wurttemb. Adam Schutz Granitwerk GmbH & Co. KG reddish or grey coarse-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Goethe/Schiller monument, Weimar Density Density 2.60 g / c m
Relnersreuth, Kirchenlamitz, Upper Franconia Reinersreuther Granitwerke yellowish-grey medium-grained
Surface trea tmen t: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls edestrian precinct, Hassfurt Density Density 2.60 g / c m
Compressive strength strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal Thermal expan sion
1 4 9 - 183 N/ mm 6.2 6.2 c m / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
Compressive strength strength Abrasi on resistance Frost-resistant Thermal Thermal expansion expansion
188 N/ mm 5.3 cm / 5 0 c m 3
0.7 5mm /m1 00K
Surfa ce treatme nt: External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Wittenbergplatz, Berlin Density Compre ssive strength Abrasio n resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
see P- 96
2.65 g / c m 167 N/ mm 5.8 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see P- 94 63
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Granite, granodiorite, diorite
R o g g e n s t e i n granite
T h a n s t e i n granodiorite Thanstein, Schwandorf, Upper Palatinato Alois Herrmann Granitwerk grey consistently coarse-grained Surface treatment: see p. '
R i n c h n a c h granite Grub, Rinchnach, Regen, Lower Bavaria Kubitscheck Granit- & Schotterwerke light grey fine- to finest-grained, no orientation Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls ADAC headquarters, Munich Density 2.65 - 2.67 g /c m Compressive strength 210 - 251 N/ mm Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion see p. 94
Roggenstein, Weiden, Upper Palatinate Leonhard Jakob Granitwerk grey to grey-white medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Roman Germanic Museum, Cologne Density 2.72 g / c m Compressive strength 191 N/ mm Abrasi on resistanc e see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94
Tittling (Bayerwald Rosa) granite
Z s c h o r l a u granite
Zufurt granite
Hohenberg, Tittling, Lower Bavaria Hotzendorfer Granitwerk Merckenschlager grey-pink, beige-pink to grey-yellow coarse-grained Surfac e treat ment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Fire Brigade Training School, Regensburg Density 2. 66 g/ cm Compressive strength 242 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion see p. 94
Zschortau, Aue, Saxony Gunther Süss Granitwerk reddish, grey to shades of pink coarse-grained, partly porphyritic Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.57 g / c m Compr essiv e strength 132 - 143 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expa nsion see p. 94
Zufurt, Tröstau, Wunsiedel, Upper Franconia Braun Natursteine yellowish medium-grained Surface treatment: see p. 9 Extertal: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls FAG headquarters, Erlangen Density 2.64 g/cm Compressive strength 279 N/mn Abrasion resistance 6.2 cnf750cm Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Compre ssive strength Abrasio n resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n
2.66 g / c n 202 N/mrr see p. see p. SM
Original samp les appr ox. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations In colour, texture and structure are unavoid able.
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Granite, granodiorlte, diorite
Deucha rhyolite (granite-porphyry) Roncha, Leipzig, Saxony Kles- & Natursteinbetriebe Leipzig grey, reddish or greenish Bpprphyritic structure Surface: can not be poli shed see p. 96 ftxternal: floors, facades lornal: floors, walls fcttle of Nations monument, Le ipzig nsity 2.60 g/cm 3
mpressive strength rasión resistanc e -resistant ermal expansi on
111 - 224 N /m m see p. 94
see p. 94
S n o w f l a k e lamprophyre
Sora lamprophyre
Ottendorf, Blschofswerda, Saxony Hohwald Granit GmbH black, off-white coarse-grained, light-coloured phenocrysts Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 3.10g/cm
Sorau, Bautzen, Saxony Schuhmann Hartstelnwerk GmbH black-green fine- to medium-grained Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Màdlerpassage, Leipzig Density 2.93g/cm Compressive strength 283 N/mm Abrasion resistance 6.2 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
250 N/mm see p. 94 2
see p. 94
fensteiner basalt Bnstein-Beilstein, Hesse nof Basalt-Diabas-Werk GmbH st black trained, dense lace treatment: see p. 96 Brnal: floors, paving : floors, walls "iedy-Platz, Essen My 2.98 g/cm
npresslve strength asion resistance -resistant rmal expans ion
390 N/mm 8.5 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
rial samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Hypabyssal and extrusive rocks
O b e r s c h e l d diabase
Hirzenhain picrite (diabase)
Löbejün rhyolite
Oberscheid, Dillenburg, Hesse Herhof Basalt-Diabas-Werk GmbH light to dark greenish fine-grained, dense Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, paving Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.85g/cm
Hirzenhain, Dillenburg, Hesse Horst Pitzer Natursteinwerk black-green with lighter patches dense, variegated, cloudy, patchy Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 3.10 g/cm Compressive strength see p. 94 Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94
Löbejün, Halle, Saxony-Anhalt SH Natursteine GmbH & Co. KG shades of orange to reddish porphyritic structure with phenocrysts Surface treatment: see p.
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion
189 N/mm 7.22 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Kaiser Wilhelm monument, Naumburg Density 2.55 g/c Compre ssive strength N/mm Abrasi on resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n
176.6 - 11
see p. see p.
R e i m e r a t h trachyte
Selters trachyte
W e i d e n h a h n trachyte
Reimerath, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate
Selters, Limburg, Rhineland-Palatinate Bell GmbH Natursteinwerk light bluish/light grey porphyritic structure with phenocrysts Surface: no high-g loss polish see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Stadtsparkasse bank, Lüdenscheid Density 2.42 g / c m
Selters, Limburg, Rhineland-Palatinate Bell GmbH Natursteinwerk shades of yellowish-beige porphyritic structure with phenocrysts Surface: cannot be polishe d see p. External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Deutsche Bank, Mönchengladbach Density 2.45 N/ m
Compressive strength Abrasio n resistanc e Frost-resistant Thermal expa nsion
Compressive strength 8 2 - 9 3 N/m Abrasion resistance 1 3 - 1 4 c m /50c Frost-resistant
greenish to yellowish dense matrix with phenocrysts Surface: cannot be polish ed see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.41 g / c m Compressive strength 90 - 95 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion see p. 94 3
114 N/ mm 13.5 c m / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
Thermal expansi on
see p. 94
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidab
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Hypabyssal and extrusive rocks
Wurdinghauser dacite Klrchhundem, Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia igon Behrle GmbH brown, re d-brown, also brown-grey null-grained, porphyritic structure Burface treatment: see p. 96 pxternal: solid construction, floors Internal: floors •Hgrims' Church, Kohlhagen 2.6 g/cm Density Compressive strength • b r a s i o n resistance Prost -resistant Thermal expans ion
see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94
Mnyener basaltic lava ' 1 . 1 n, Rhineland-Palatinate ko Natursteinwerke GmbH & Co.KG l ilue, black-viol et i is, partly vitreous ' i« :e: can not be poli shed see p. 96 li rnal: floors, facades, sculptures inal: floors, walls 11nan National Library, Frankfurt 2.3 g/cm Density 1
mpressive strength 8 5 . 6 - 112 N/ mm i .ion resi stanc e 2.1 c m / 5 0 c m i resistant 3
H t w m a l expans ion
see p. 94
H o h e n f e l s tephritic lava Hohenfels, Gerolstein, Rhineland-Palatinate Hans Schlink KG dark grey consistently fine to medium pores Surface: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: walls Postbank, Essen Density Compressive strength Abras ion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on
2.81 g /c m 89.6 N/ mm see p. 94 3
L o n d o r f e r basaltic lava Rabenau, Glessen, Hesse Zeidler & Wimmel bluish grey/black fine pores, with denser streaks Surface: cannot be polish ed see p. 96 External: floors, facades, Bildhauerei Internal: floors, walls Restoration of Cologne Cathedral Density 2.2 g / c m Compressi ve strength 135 N/ mm Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94 3
see p. 94
M e n d i n g e r basaltic lava Mendig, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate Adorf Natursteinwerk GmbH & Co. KG dark grey-anthracite dense-grained, fine pores, phenocrysts Surface : cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Tram stops, Hannover Density 2.87 g /c m Compr essiv e strength see p. 94 Abra sion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on see p. 94 3
Plaidt basaltic lava Plaidt, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate P. Engels Natursteinwerk dark grey-anthracite porous, with dark phenocrysts Surface: cannot be polish ed see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 3.09 g/ cm 3
Compres sive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on
jlnal samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Volcanic tuff
K "
Ettringer tuff
M i c h e l n a u e r tuff (scoria agglomerate)
Riedener tuff
Ettringen, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate Villmar Natursteinwerk GmbH yellowish/grey/brown porous to pitted, with phenocrysts Surface: cann ot be polis hed see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Olivandenhof, Cologne Density 1.64 g/cm
Michelnau, Nidda, Hesse SHS Naturstein GmbH purple varying coarse pores Surface : canno t be polished see p. 96 External: facade s, sculptures Internal: walls Reference project: Density 1.75-1.95 g/cm
Rieden, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate Werner Kalenborn Natursteinwerk shades of light beige fine pores, indistinct bedding Surface: cannot be polished see p. External: facades, sculptures Internal: walls Reference project: Density 1.6-2.0 !
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant
23.1 N/mm see p. 94 2
2.0m m/m1 00K
Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion
21.4 N/mm see p. 94 2
see p. 94
Thermal expansion
20 N/i see p, see p,
Rochlitzer rhyolitic tuff
R o m a n tuff
W e i b e r n e r tuff
Rochlitz, Chemnitz, Saxony Vereinigte Porphyrbruche GmbH Rochlitz reddish, brownish small pores Surface: cannot be polishe d see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Old City Hall, Leipzig Density 1.8 g/cm
Kruft, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate Luxem Natursteine ochre-brown with darker particles rather porous, very lightweight, little strength Surface: canno t be polish ed see p. 96 External: facades, masonry Internal: walls Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Leverkusen Density 1.4-1.85 g/ cm Compressive strength 35 N/mm Abras ion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94
Weibern, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate Josef Porz Natursteinwerk beige-yellowish fine-grained, porous, with phenocrysts Surface: cannot be polishe d see p. External: facades, sculptures Internal: walls City Hall, Cologne
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expa nsion
34-48 N/mm 11.8 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
Densit y Compre ssive strength Abrasion resistance
Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n
1.6-1.8 g/cn 16.5 -19 N/mn see p.
see p. '
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Conglomerate, sandstone
mi Iti.mnenburger nagelfluh Brannenburg, Rosenheim, Upper Bavaria Mknton Huber Nagelfluh-Stelnbruch fcoloured constituents and binders •trying porosity BVface: can be polished to a certain < ni see p. 96 Alternai: facades Intanai: floors, walls (with limitations) ^lliilh to Church of Our Lady, Munich [ttaisity 2.25-2.40 g/cm [Compressive strength 35.3 N/mm i ision resistance see p. 94 Prosl-resistant Hhwrmal expansion see p. 94 !
• niiieimer sandstone Hm l Hontheim, Gronau . Lower Saxony Monser Natursteinwerk GmbH BTllte to greyish-orange, pale red Wfm to medium-grained •j rl ac e : cannot be polished see p. 96 • t t a n a l : floors, facades, sculptures
' mal: floors, walls Botirts bullding, Osnabrück Önnuty !
•Onipre ssive strength • b f u s l o n resistance POBt -resistant Rtermal expansi on
2.12 g/cm
78 N/mm 16.4 cm //50 cm 3
see p. 94
A n r ö c h t e r green sandstone
B a u m b e r g e r sandstone
Anröchte, Lippstadt, North Rhine-Westphalia Albert Killing Natursteinbetrieb GmbH yellowish-green to dark blue-green dense, fine-grained Surface: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Church, Anröchte Density 2.48-2.74 g/c m Compressive strength 85-1 77 N/mm Abras ion resist. 13.4-2 5.8 cm /50 cm Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94
Billerbeck, Munster, North Rhlne-Westphalia Bernd Dirks Natursteinbetrieb yellowish grey-beige fine- to medium-grained Surface: cannot be polis hed see p. 96 External: facades Internal: floors, walls Mùnster Cathedral Density 2.18 g/ cm Compre ssive strength see p. 94 Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94
B u r g p r e p p a c h e r sandstone
C o t t a sandstone
Ebern, Bamberg, Lower Franconia Hermann Graser Bamberger Naturst. ochre-grey to yellowish-grey fine-grained, cloudy
Cotta, Pirna, Saxony Sächsische Sandsteinwerke GmbH grey-white to yellowish, variations fine-grained, delicate, darker, wavy lines Surface: cannot be polis hed see p. 96 External: facades, sculptu res Internal: walls
Surface: cannot be polish ed see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Cathedral and Palace, Bamberg Density 2.10-2.60 g/ cm 3
Compre ssive strength Abrasi on resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n
see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94
Semper Opera House, Dresden Density 2.0 g/ cm Compressive strength 33.5-37.4 N/mm Abrasio n resistance 32.7 cm //50 cm Frost-resistant 3
Thermal expansi on
jlnal samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations In colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
see p. 94
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Sandstone
Dorfprozelten sandstone
Eichenbuhlen sandstone
Friedewalder sandstone
Dorf prozelten, Miltenber g, Lower Franconia Winterhelt Naturstein pale red to brilliant red with white bands fine-grained Surface: cann ot be polishe d see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Town Hall, Aschaffenburg Density 2.27 - 2.34 g / c m Compressive strength 66 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 24 cm /50 cm Frost-resistant Thermal expa nsion see p. 94
Eichenbuhl, Miltenberg, Lower Franconia Franz Zeller Natursteinwerke re d fine-grained Surfa ce: cannot be polishe d see p. 96 External: floors, facade s Internal: floors, walls Museum of Prehistory and Ancient History, Frankfurt Density 2.25 g / c m Compressi ve strength 107 N/ mm Abra sion resistan ce see p. 94 Frost-resistant Ther mal expa nsio n see p. 94
Bad Hersfeld, Fulda, Hesse Friedewalder Quarzsandstein GmbH very diverse light grey-variegated medium-grained, fine pores Surface: cannot be polished External: facade s Internal: floors, walls "Wasserschloss" Friedewald Density 2. 20 -2 .2 5 g/C
Griintenstein sandstone
Haardter (Neustadt) sandstone
Heilbrunner sandstone
Kranzegg, Sonthofen, Swabia Grüntensteinwerk Pelz & Halblaub blue-green-grey very fine-grained Surface: hardly polishable see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Military barracks, Sonthofen Density 2.72 g/cm
Neustadt a.d. Weinstr., Rhineland-Palatinate Leonhard Hanbuch & Söhne GmbH yellowish, brown-yellow, reddish fine-grained, bands, wavy Surf ace: cann ot be polishe d see p. 96 External: floors, facades , sculptures Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.21 g / c m Compress ive strength 75 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 21 - 27 cm /50 cm Frost-resistant Ther mal expan sion see p. 94
Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg Harald Holz Natursteinwerk pale brownish-grey fine-grained, fine pores Surface : cannot be poli shed see p. External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Station and Kilian Church, Heilbronn Density 2.18 - 2.34 g/c fl
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expa nsio n
228 N/mm 10.4 cm /50 cm 3
see p. 94
Compressive strength 6 6 - 1 0 1 N/n Abras ion resist. 10.3 - 11.4 cm 3 /50c Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on see p,
Compressive strength Abra sion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
97.2 N/m m' see p. 94 see p. 941
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Sandstone
Heigelsdorf sandstone 'eilgersdorf, Coburg, Upper Franconia • tier Steinindusti le Gmb H ~le olive green, buff "rse-grained slightly porous, wavy rface: cannot be polished see p. 96 .Iternal: facades Internal: walls |x>cal authority complex, Frankfurt Density 2.05 g/cm • "iiipressi ve strength i b r a s i o n resist ance frost -resistant \ermal expansio n
43 N/ mm see p. 94
see p. 94
Blntadter sandstone i i n . i . ni l , Bad Durkheim, ^hlnnlnnd-Palatinate fcnhard Hanbuch & Sohne GmbH le s of light beige to yellowish to medium-grained , delicate streaks §ce: cannot be polishe d see p. 96 nal: floors, facades, sculptures niil: floors, walls I Opera House, Berlin
won resistance resistant al expansion
External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Cathedral and town hall, Osnabrück Density 2.44 g / c m Compressive strength 120.7 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94 3
Lindlarer greywacke
inly pressive strength
I b b e n b ü r e n e r sandstone Ibbenbüren, Osnabrück, North RhineWestphalia Schwabe Natursteinbetriebe light grey, yellowish, brownish fine-grained, delicate bands Surface: cannot be polished see p. 96
2.19 g/cm 66-75 N/mm 20.9 cm-750cm
see p. 94
Lindlar, Gummersbach, North Rhine-Westphalia Otto Schiffarth Steinbruch GmbH dark red-grey fine-grained, dense, some fossils Surf ace : polish - internally only see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Rhine Promenade, Gürzenich, Cologne Density 2.57 g / c m 3
Compre ssive strength Abras ion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
135 - 180 N/ mm see p. 94 2
Ihrler green sandstone Kelheim, Regensburg, Lower Bavaria Kelheimer Naturstein GmbH Essing light grey to light olive green-grey, khaki fine-grained, light-coloured waves, fossils Surface: cannot be polish ed see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: walls Neue Pinakothek Art Gallery, Munich; Regensburg Cathedral Density 2.35 - 2.62 g / c m Compressive strength Abrasio n resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
45.6 N/m m 32.3 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
M a u l b r o n n e r sandstone Maulbronn, Pforzheim, Baden-Wurttemb. Lauster Steinbau GmbH red variegated, yellow, variations fine-grained, streaky, cloudy Surface: cannot be polis hed see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Monastery, Maulbronn; Karlsruhe station Density 2.08 g/ cm Compressive strength Abrasio n resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
83 N/ mm 35.2 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
see p. 94
nl samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Sandstone
O b e r n k i r c h e n e r sandstone
Pfaffenhofener sandstone
Palatinate sandstone
Obernkirchen, Lower Saxony Obernkirchener Sandsteinbruche light grey, ivory fine-grained, delicate bands Surface: canno t be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls City Hall, Bremen; Buckeburg Palace Density 2.11 -2 .2 6 g /c m Compressive strength 94 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance 26.2 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expa nsion see p. 94
Pfaffenhofen, Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg
Eselsführt, Kaiserslautern, Rhinelan Palatinate Carl Picard Natursteinwerk GmbH reddish to red or yellowish fine-grained Surface: cannot be polished son I External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Bode Museum, Berlin Density 2.\:>
yellow-brown with distinct brown pattern fine-grained and fine pores Surface : canno t be polish ed see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls "Figuren Schloss", Ludwigsburg Density 2.04 g /c m Comp ressi ve strength see p. 94 Abras ion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on see p. 94 3
wmmËËÊÊËËmËËÊÊÈ Pfrondorfer sandstone Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg Natursteinwerk Nagel pale yellow to brownish fine-grained, quartz binder Surface: easily poli shed see p. 96 External: facades, floors, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Riverbank protection along the Neckar, Stuttgart Density 2.28 g/ cm Compressive strength 135 N/ mm Abrasi on resistan ce 11.7 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant 2
Thermal expa nsion 72
see p. 94
Pliezhausen sandstone Pliezhausen, Reutlingen, Baden-Württem berg Rolf Fauser Natursteinbetrieb white to light grey-yellow medium- to coarse-grained, consistent Surface: canno t be polished see p. 96 External: facades , sculptures Internal: floors, walls Church, Sindelfingen Density 2.16 g / c m Compressive strength 47 N/ mm Abras ion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion see p. 94 3
Ruhr sandstone Herdecke, Dortmund, North Rhine-WoiJ phalia Hermann Rauen Natursteinwerk grey to bluish-grey, also rust brown fine-to medium-grained, bedding Surface: can be polish ed see External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Essen Cathedral Density 2.51-2.6 Compr essive strength 106 - 163 N/ Abr asi on resist. 7.8 - 11.6 c m / 5 " Frost-resistant 3
Thermal expansio n
see p.
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoida
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Sandstone
Miilhen sandstone Bthen, Warstein, North Rhine-Westphalia Rüthener Sandsteinwerke Wght yellow-grey to light green-grey •ne to medium-grained see p. 96 H i r f e c e : cannot be polished p x t H r n a l : facades, sculptures k t o r n a l : walls j f o w n halls in Warstein and Brilon 2.08 g/cm Density Compressive strength 59.2 N/ mm Bbmsion resistan ce see p. 94 j ^fost- resistant Bhermal expan sion see p. 94 3
ftohdnbrunner sandstone fchonbrunn, Bamberg, Upper Franconia • O n t h e r Gleussner Natursteinwerk light colour with reddish sheen l|H> to medium-grained Hrtace: cannot be polished see p. 96 Hdernal: facades, sculptures Me t rial: floors
Blthedral, Bamberg; German parliament Building, Berlin
2.3 g / c m •Compressive strength 39 - 5 9 N/m m Ht ra sl on resistance 19.1-20.9 cm / 5 0 c m MOitl resistant H e r n i a l expans ion see p. 94 3
Sander sandstone
Schleerieht sandstone
Sand, Hassfurt, Lower Franconia Hermann Graser Bamberger Naturstein brown to olive green fine- to medium-grained Surface: cannot be polishe d see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Palace and Ursuline Monastery, Würzburg Density 2.13 g /c m Compressive strength 82 N/ mm Abras ion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94
Schleerleht, Schweinfurt, Lower Franconia Kirchheimer Kalkstelnwerke olive green-grey, greenish yellow-grey fine-grained, fine pores, consistent Surface: cannot be polishe d see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Palaces at Wurzburg and Werneck Density 2.29 g /c m Compre ssive strength see p. 94 Abrasi on resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion see p. 94
S c h w e i n s t h a l e r sandstone
S e e b e r g e r sandstone
Queidersbach, Schopp, Rhlneland-Palatlnate Konrad Müller Natursteinwerk GmbH pale red to light reddish brown-red medium- to coarse-grained Surface: cannot be polishe d see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Trippstadt Palace Density 2.0 - 2.65 g / c m Compressive strength 40 - 60 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 1 0 - 1 4 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant
Seebergen, Gotha, Erfurt, Thuringia SBS Thüringer Natursteinverarbeitung white to yellow fine- to finest-grained, clou dy Surface: cannot be poli shed see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Wartburg Castle, Erfurt Cathedral Density 2.24 g /c m Compressive strength 83 N/ mm Abrasio n resistance 9.4 cm / 5 0 c m
Thermal expansion
Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion
see p. 94
0.2 - 0.8 mm/ m1 00 K
jlnal samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Sandstone
S t e i g e r w a l d sandstone
U d e l f a n g e r sandstone
Velpker sandstone
Obersteinbach, Ebrach, Lower Franconia Hermann Graser Bamberger Naturstein white to pale yellowish, reddish fine- to coarse-grained Surface: canno t be polishe d see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Ebrach Palace Density 2.27 g/cm
Kersch, Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate Hermann Graser Bamberger Naturstein light olive green-grey, light khaki fine-grained Surface: canno t be polished see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Porta Nigra city gate and St Mary's Church, Trier D en si ty 2.0 -2. 1 g/ cm Compressive strength 60 - 80 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 1 5 - 2 5 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant
Velpke, Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony C. Kbrner Natursteinwerk GmbH light grey-brownish to yellowish fine- to medium-grained, delicate banc Surface: cannot be polis hed see p External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Town hall and church, Helmstedt Density 2.29 g /crrt
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
73.5 N/mm see p. 94 2
see p. 94
Thermal expans ion
see p. 94
W e s e r sandstone
W o r z e l d o r f e r sandstone
Stadtoldendorf, Holzminden, Lower Sax ony Carl Linnenberg Natursteinwerk GmbH dark red-brown or grey fine-grained, fine pores Surface: canno t be polished see p. 96 External: floors, paving, facades Internal: floors, walls Cathedrals in Braunschweig and Minden
Worzeldorf, Nürnberg, Middle Franconia grey-red to grey-beige medium-grained, distinct bedding Surface: canno t be polish ed see p. 96 External: floors, facades, Bildhauerei Internal: floors, walls Nürnberg Castle
Density Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion 74
2.42 g/cm 135 N/mm 12.3 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
Density Compressive strength Abras ion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
2.14 g / c m 16 0- 17 0 N/ mm see p. 94 3
see p. 94
60-118 N/mm see p see f).
Wiistenzeller sandstone Wüstenzell, Würzburg, Lower Franconia Hofmann GmbH & Co. KG pale red to red fine-grained, fine pores Surface: cannot be polishe d see p. 9É External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Mannheim Palace; Pfalz Theatre, Kaisers lautern Density Compre ssive strength Abrasio n resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
2.38 g/crrt l see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidably
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Clayey shale
Fredeburger slate Bdeburg, Schmallenberg, North Rhine-
Harzer slate
H o l z m a d e n e r oil shale
Steinberg, Goslar, Lower Saxony
Holzmaden, Kirchheim, Baden-Württemberg Paul Kirschmann GmbH black, dark grey shell remains fine pores, homogeneous Surfa ce: split or cleft see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.04 g /c m Compre ssive strength see p. 94 Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Not frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94
Ifestphalia d,n)og Schiefergruben GmbH urk blue-grey nest-grained, foliated urface: split or cleft
see p. 96
[ternal: roofs, floors, facades Brnal: floors, walls iirlsruhe University ISity 2.7 7-2 .85 g/ cm ipre ssiv e strength orasion resi stan ce st-resistant lal expans ion
see p. 94 see p. 94
dark grey, fine sparkle finest-grained and dense Surface: split or cleft External: roofs, facades Internal: Roofs and facades, Goslar Density Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
see p. 96
2.78 g/cm see p. 94 see p. 94
see p. 94
see p. 94
l e s t e n e r slate urzbach, Thuringia ill ligte Thur. Schiefergruben GmbH 3k IBt-grained, dense fa ce : split or cleft see p. 96 irnal: roofs, floors, facades irnal: floors, walls Iference project: msity 2.71 - 2.78 g / c m mpressive stren gth see p. 94 r .ion resi stan ce see p. 94 st-resistant armal exp ans ion see p. 94 3
M a y e n e r slate
Moselle slate
Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate Weber Natursteine blue-grey to anthracite fine-grained, shelly fracture planes Surf ace: split or cleft see p. 96 External: roofs, floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.77 g / c m Compr essiv e strength see p. 94 Abrasi on resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on see p. 94
Katzenberg, Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate Rathscheck Schiefer KG grey finest-grained, dense Surfa ce: split or cleft see p. 96 External: roofs, floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Hotel Petersberg, Bad Godesberg Density 2.78 g / c m Compre ssive strength see p. 94 Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94
llnal samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Limestone, Dolomite
A a c h e n e r bluestone, limestone
E lm calcite
Jura limestone
Hahn, Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia Gier Aachener Blausteinwerk dark grey with brownish sheen finest-grained, many fossils Surface: polished only for internal use see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Cathedral, churches and station, Aachen Density 2.70 g /c m Compressive strength 80 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 30 cm / 5 0 c m Limited frost resistance Thermal expan sion see p. 94
Königslutter, Lower Saxony Jürgen Metzner GmbH shades of beige to light brownish-grey fine to coarse pores, with fossils Surface: canno t be polished see p. 96 External: facades , sculptures Internal: walls Central State Bank, Braunschweig Density 1.9- 2.1 g/ cm Compressiv e strength 90 N/ mm Abra sion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Therma l expan sion see p. 94
Altmuhl region, Franconia and Bavaria, Fachabt. Juramarmor, Solnhofer yellow, cream, red-brown, grey-blui' dense, partly porous, some fossils Surface: polish - internally only se e p, External: facades Internal: floors, walls Glyptothek Museum of Sculpture and National Theatre, Munich Density 2.6 g/ofl
Compre ssive strength Abrasion resistance Limited frost resistance Thermal expansion
163 N/r 13.1 cm ' /i
se e p,
Kehlheim er Aue limestone
S a a l b u r g e r limestone
S a l z h e m m e n d o r f e r dolomite
Kelheim, Regensburg, Lower Bavaria Kiefer-Reul-Teich Naturstein GmbH shades of ivory to shades of cream dense, with fossil inclusions Surfa ce: poli sh - internally only see p. 96 External: facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls
Tegau , Schleiz, Thuringia Saalburger Marmorwerke GmbH & Co. dark red with white calcite veins brecciated texture Surface: polished only for internal use see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Old Stock Exchange, Leipzig Density 2.72 g /c m Compressive strength 123 N/ mm Abra sion resistance 18.2 c m / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Therma l expa nsion see p. 94
Hameln, Lower Saxony Stichweh & Söhne GmbH light brownish-grey fine pores, homogeneous Surface treatment: see p. External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density see p.ii Compre ssive strength see P- 6 Abrasi on resistance see p. Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see
Walhalla Temple, Regen sburg; Propyläen Gate, Munich Density 2.58 - 2.62 g / c m Compressive strength 95.2 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 16.9 cm / 5 0 c m Limited frost resistance Thermal expan sion see p. 94 3
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidabl
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Platy calcite, limestone, shelly limestone
Solnhofener platy calcite Allmuhl region, Franconia and Bavaria Bachabt. Juramarmor, Solnhofer shades of cream, pale ochre yellow extremely dense m lace: split or cleft, ground, polished External: Internal: floors, walls Church of the Holy Cross and Palace, Munich
Density Compressive strength AI H asion resi stanc e Not frost-resistant Thermal expans ion
2.55 g/cm 215 N/ mm 14.8 c m / 5 0 c m 3
Koliön & Hippelein GmbH & Co. Mflht grey, blue-grey to brownish Wanse, fine pores, shell remains Burface: polish - internally only see p. 96
1 1 1 '' i
mal expansion
Ziller limestone
Density Compressive strength Abrasi on resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
Density Compressi ve strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
2.15 g /c m 11 6N /m m see p. 94 3
see p. 94
Berchtesgaden, Upper Bavaria August Wolf Steinmetzbetrieb yellow-white-red brecciated structure Surface treat ment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94
0.6 mm /m1 00 K
Crailsheimer shelly limestone Butteldorf, Crailsheim, Baden-Württem'
T h ü s t e r limestone Thüste, Salzhemmendorf, Lower Saxony Stfchweh & Söhne GmbH brownish-grey, greenish-grey medium-grained, fine pores, rich in pores Surface: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Church, Wallensen
see p. 94
E i b e l s t a d t e r shelly limestone Eibelstadt, Wurzburg, Lower Franconia C. Winterhelt GmbH & Co. dark brown with gold-brown accumulations spherical and band-like accumulations Surface: polished only for internal use see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Kreissparkasse bank, Russelsheim Density 2.52 g / c m Compressive strength Abrasi on resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
66 N/ mm 23.7 c m / 5 0 c m 3
F r e y b u r g e r aphrite Naumburg, Saxony-Anhalt Blank Bau Freyburg GmbH shades of belge fine pores Surface: cannot be polish ed see p. 96 External: facades Internal: walls Naumburg Cathedral Density 2.0 - 2.07 g /c m Compressi ve strength 24 - 25 N/ mm Abrasio n resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94 3
see p. 94
!• inlal samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Shelly limestone
Jena shelly limestone
K i r c h h e i m e r shelly limestone (Kernstein)
K i r c h h e i m e r shelly limestone (Blaub.ini
Lichtenhain, Jena, Saxony Otto Kramer Muschelkalk-Steinbruch light beige to beige-yellow dense, with shell remains Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.66 g/cnT
Kirchheim, Lower Franconia Kelheimer Naturstein GmbH Essing grey-brown
Kirchheim, Lower Franconia Kirchheimer Kalksteinwerke GmbH grey-bluish dense, shell debris, vivid texture Surface treatment: see p. ' External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.6-2.7g /cn Compressive strength 110-180 N/im Abrasion resistance 21-24 cnfVcil Not frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p.
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
30-57 N/mm see p. 94
see p. 94
dense, shell remains aligned Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Congress Centre, Weimar; River Isar bridges, Munich Density 2.64 g/c nT Comp ressi ve strength 110 - 180 N/ mm Abra sion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94 2
¡4 K i r c h h e i m e r shelly limestone (Goldbank)
K l e i n r i n d e r f e l d e r shelly limestone
K r e n s h e i m e r shelly limestone
Kirchheim, Lower Franconia Albert Wirths GmbH & Co. KG yellow to brown
Kirchheim, Lower Franconia Dürr Steinwerk grey-brown
dense, shell debris, vivid texture Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.6-2.7g/cm Compre ssive strengt h 110 - 180 N/ mm Abrasi on resistance 21 - 24 cm / 5 0 c m Not frost-resistant Thermal expa nsion see p. 94
dense, with shell remains Surface treatment: External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density
Tauberbischofsheim, Baden-Wurttembe Kirchheimer Kalksteinwerke GmbH light grey dense, with shell remains Surface treatment: see p. External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Olympic Stadium and Moritz Church, Berlin Density 2.4 g/ cr m Compre ssive strength 65 N / m m 1 Abras ion resistance 35.6 cm /50cn Frost-resistant Thermal expansion 0.70m m/m/1 00K'
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion
see p. 96
2.64 g/cm 70 N/mm 22.7 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidably
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Shelly limestone, travertine, tuffaceous limestone
•V ,
V 'If
*J,>U * . .-J «
aerdorla shelly limestone
C a n n s t a t t e r travertine
rtiihlhausen, Thuringia 3ACO Deutsche Travertinwerke GmbH jht grey-brown, grey-yellow artly porous, bands
jrface treatment: see p. Kternal: facade s, sculptures Iternal: floors, walls 3a gardens, Heiligenstadt Jensity 2 . 2 - 2.25 g /c m 3
umpressive strength 20.6 - 30.5 N/mm Drasion resi stan ce 30.8 c m / 5 0 c m st-resistant hermal exp ans ion see p. 94 2
Ehringsdorfer travertine
Bad Cannstatt, Stuttgart, Baden-Württem berg Lauster Steinbau GmbH brilliant yellow, grey-white or red-brown 96rich in contrasting bands, wavy, porous Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls New State Art Gallery, Stuttgart D en si ty 2. 2- 2. 4 g/ cm Comp ressi ve strength see p. 94 Abras ion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansion see p. 94 3
Ehringsdorf, Weimar, Thuringia TRACO Deutsche Travertinwerke GmbH yellowish, ochre yellow to brownish porous, delicate bands, chains of pores Surface treatment: External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
see p. 96
see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94 see p. 94
4#éjps/ ••V-
I \ ¡3
i o -
nuinger, Riedlingen travertine
Langensalzaer travertine
lnuingen, Riedlingen, Baden-Württemrg
jster, Zeidler & WImmel GmbH ge-brown ise, with plant remains see p. 96 jrface treatment : arnal: floors, facades, sculptures rnal: floors, walls nfalten Cathedral insit y 2.3-2.4 g/cm npressive strength 54-55 N/mm amsion resistance see p. 94 st-resistant rmal expansion see p. 94 3
Bad Langensalza, Gotha, Thuringia TRACO Deutsche Travertinwerke GmbH yellowish, ochre yellow to brownish porous, delicate bands, chains of pores Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Bahlsen Museum, Hannover Density 2.45 g /c m Compressive strength 51.5 N/ mm Abrasio n resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on see p. 94 3
Bärenthal tuffaceous limestone Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg Wilhelm Beck Tuffsteinbetrieb almost white, also shades of cream to light brown large pores Surface: cannot be polished External: facades Internal: walls Church, Balingen Density 1. Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansi on
llnal samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable.
see p. 96
2.2 g/cm 50 N/mm see p. 94
see p. 94 79
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Tuffaceous limestone, dolomite
a .*t ..»V - s i 1,1 Gönninger tuffaceous limestone
Huglfinge r (Pollinger) tuffaceous limestone
Goldberg dolomite
Gönningen, Reutlingen, Baden-Württem berg
Polling, Weilheim, Upper Bavaria Frank Lindner Tuffsteinwerk shades of cream, white to ivory very porous and no orientation Surfac e: canno t be polished see p. 96 External: solid construction, sculptures Internal: walls Botanic Gardens, Munich Density 2.11 g/cm
Ettenhausen, Regensburg, Upper Palall nate Franken-Schotter GmbH & Co. grey-yellow-brown, grey-blue-yellow similar to a tectonic breccia Surf ace: poli sh - internally only see p, External: limited suitability Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density
whitish to pale brown extremely porous, no bedding Surface treatment: see p. 96 External: solid construction, sculptures Internal: walls Amandus Church, Bad Urach Density 1.7 g /c m Compre ssive strength see p. 94 Abrasion resistance see p. 94 Limited frost resistance Thermal expan sion see p. 94 3
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansion
27 N/mm see p. 94 2
see p. 94
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Limited frost-resistant Thermal expansion
Harzer (Niixeier) dolomite
Kleinziegenfelder dolomite
W a c h e n z e l l e r dolomite
Nüxei, Bad Sachsa, Lower Saxony W. Georges Natursteinwerk light brownish-grey fine-grained, dense, weak bands Surface treat ment: see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Nordhausen Cathedral, Harz Mountains Density 2.7 g / c m Compressive strength 215 N/ mm Abrasion resistance 19.2 cm / 5 0 c m Frost-resistant Thermal expan sion see p. 94
Burgkunstadt, Kulmbach, Franconia Horst Diroll Natursteinwerk GmbH beige to grey-brown, dark clouds dense
Eichstätt, Upper Bavaria Kelheimer Naturstein GmbH Essing greyish-brown to brown dense to porous, evidence of bedding Surface: polishing possibl e see p.!)() External: floors, facades Internal: floors walls Dahlem Museum, Berlin Density 2.65 - 2.85 g/ cm Compre ssive strength 137 N/ mm ' Abrasi on resistance 15 - 40 cm /50cm-' Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 941
Surface : polish ing possible see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Entrance to Technical University and Karlstor Gate, Munich Density 2.47-2.53 g/cm 3
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expans ion
115-141 N/mm 20.4 cm / 5 0 c m 3
see p. 94
Original samples approx. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuations in colour, texture and structure are unavoidable
Dressed stone sources in Germany (selection) Metamorphic rocks
Theumaer spotted slate I lauen, Saxony Watursteinwerk Theuma AG dark grey to black •trip-like inclusions Surface: no high -glo ss polish see p. 96 internal: floors, walls i dernal: floors, facades [Railway station, Alexanderplatz, Berlin Density 2.74 g / c m 3
Compressive strength 19 5N /m m Ibn ision resistance 40 - 80 cm / 5 0 c m •rost-resistant 3
! in'i mal expan sion
se ep . 94
löblitz garnet-serpentinite Mnrienberg, Görlitz, Saxony ' < i'ibirgische Bergbauagentur dark green to dark red-brown ' iii ix characterised by red garnet • u r f a c e treat ment: see p. 96 eternal: floors, facades intern al: floors, walls Cnthedral choir, Freiburg teensi ty 2.65 g/ cm 1
'•••Imal expa nsi on
O d e n w a l d orthogneiss
Lautertal, Bensheim, Hesse Naturstein Donderer yellowish, red fine- to coarse-grained Sur face : split or cleft see p. 96 External: floors, facades, sculptures Internal: floors, walls Reference project: D en si ty 2. 4- 2. 5 g/ cm Compr essiv e strength see p. 94 Abras ion resistance see p. 94 Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n see p. 94
Affhöllerbach, Heppenheim, Hesse Gerhard Röhrig Granitwerk e.K. re d some orientation Surface: split or cleft see p. 96 External: paving, masonry Internal: floors Reference project: Density 2.63 g/cm
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance Frost-resistant Thermal expansio n
253 N/rmm see p. 94 2
see p. 94
135 N/m msee p. 94
Trade name Quarry, location, federal state Stoneworks Colour Structure Surface treatment, with reference to table of types of stone and remarks concerning any special features Internal and external uses Reference project
see p. 94
Technical data, sometimes with reference to table of types of stone
Compressive strength Abrasion resistance prost-resistant
O d e n w a l d quartz
)rl()inal sample s appro x. 190 x 190 mm; fluctuation s in colour, texture and structure are unavo idabl e.
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Granite
Balmoral granite Turku, Vehma-Taivassalo, Finland Palin Granit Oy, 20101 Turku, Finland intensive red with black-brown phenocrysts medium- to coarse-grained Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.62 - 2.71 kg /d m Compre ssive strength 184 - 261 N/mm Frost-resistant 3
Baltik Brown granite Lappeenranta, Finland Palin Granit Oy, 20101 Turku, Finland coarse- to large-grained brown with green-black interstices Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.68 kg /d m Comp ress ive strength 170 N/mm Frost-resistant
mmMÊ. i
Bianco Cristal granite Caduleo de los Vidrios, Spain no delivery records fine-grained white with light grey Surface treatment: can be polished se e p. M External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Kerry Center, Shanghai, China Density 2.54 - 2.69 kg/dflJ Compressive strength 1 4 2 - 183 N/iniir Frost-resistant
Bohus granite
Clair du Tarn granite
G e b h a r d t ' s granite
Skarstad, Goteborg, Sweden Lundgrens Granit AB, Bohuslan, Sweden fine- to coarse-grained grey-white to grey Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Ludwig Museum, Cologne, Germany Density 2.64 kg /d m Compres sive strength 155 - 158 N/mm Frost-resistant
Castres, Toulouse, France no delivery records fine- to coarse-grained (pure) grey to bright red Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facad es Internal: floors, walls Terminal 2, Frankfurt Airport, Germany Density 2.7 kg /d m Com pres sive strength 171 N/mm Frost-resistant
Schrems, Lower Austria Poschacher Natursteinwerke, 4222 St Georgen bei Linz, Austria fine-grained light grey to black Surface treatment: can be polished se e p. 9fl| External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Debis head office, Berlin, Germany Densi ty 2.79 kg/dm»
Compr essiv e strength Frost-resistant
210 N/mm'
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Granite
ivVtt" */
'.v ;X
jio Sardo granite 'uso, Sardinia, Italy slivery records "rse-grained grey with dark flakes ace treatment: can be polished see p. 96 rnal: floors, facades nal: floors, walls Plaza Hotel, Kornhill, Hong Kong 2.59 kg/dm
pressive strength t-resistant
158 - 160 N/mm
• iv 'v
K '... , - / - r
'.K '
Kuril Grey granite Kuru, Finland Palin Granit Oy, 20101 Turku, Finland fine-grained medium grey Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.7 kg /d m Compressive strength 297 N/mm Frost-resistant
Lanhelin granite Lanhelin, Brittany, France no delivery records medium-grained dark grey to blue-grey Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls DG Bank, Mainzer Landstr., Frankfurt am Main, Germany Density 2.67 kg /d m Compr essive strength 188 N/mm Frost-resistant
Rosa Porrino granite
Silvestre granite
Vigo, Spain no delivery records medium-grained pink with grey Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Station square, Salzburg, Austria Density 2.58 - 2.65 kg /d m Comp ressi ve strength 112 - 188 N/mm Frost-resistant
Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain no delivery records fine- to medium-grained light beige with grey and black Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Galician Centre for Contemporary Art, Santiago de Compostela, Spain Density 2.75 - 2.84 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 162 N/mm Frost-resistant
H \¿f
'.-'ri .
hauser granite Austria hacher Natursteinwerke, St Georgen bei Linz, Austria o medium-grained grey with dark phenocrysts e treatment: can be polished see p. 96 al: floors, facades I: floors, walls finishes in pedestrian precinct, irchen, Austria ty 2.65 kg /d m
ressive strength resistant
142 N/mm
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Other igneous rocks
Basaltina tephrite volcanic rock Bagnoreggio, Viterbo, Italy no delivery records fine-grained medium grey
Blue Pearl syenite Porsgrunn-Larvik, Oslo, Norway no delivery records coarse-grained grey-blue to silvery blue
Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Staircases, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Mannheimer Insurance offices, Mannheim, Germany
Density Compressive streng th Frost-resistant
Compre ssi ve stre ngth Frost-resistant
2.23 kg /d m 82 - 88 N/mm
2.68 - 2.73 kg /d m
143 - 196 N/ mm
Cincento Grey foyaite Porto, Portugal no delivery records fine-grained uniform medium grey Surface treatment: can be polished see p External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Compressive strength
2.73 kg/dn 195N/I T
S p e k t r o l i t e anorthosite
T r i e n t i n e r P o r p h y r y rhyolite
Wolga Blue anorthosite
Ylamaa, Kuopio, Finland no delivery records large-grained dark blue-grey
Trento Province, Italy no delivery records Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96
Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: -
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Station square, Trento, Italy Density 2.54 - 2.55 kg /d m
Chernlachov, Zhytomyr, Ukraine no delivery records very coarse-grained dark grey-blue Surface treatment: can be polished
Density Compressive streng th Frost-resistant
2.78 kg /d m 215 N/mm
Compressiv e strength Frost-resistant
see p, 3
274 - 280 N/mm
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2. 75 -2 .8 4 kg/ Compres siv e str ength Frost-resistant
162 N/m
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Limestone
i n e t e r limestone alzburg, Austria Marmor-Industrie Kiefer, H1 Oberalm, Austria line-grained dark red to rust brown •m lace treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: solid construction "iternal: floors, walls Liechtenstein Palace Density yompressive strength .Imited frost-resistant
see p. 94 see p. 94
Belgian Red limestone
Belgisch Granite limestone
Vodecee, Rochefontaine, Belgium no delivery records fine-grained pink-red
Soignes, Hainaut, Belgium no delivery records fine-grained black with white-grey patches Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density: 2.68 kg/dm
Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference projects: historical buildings in Belgium Density 2.69 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 90 - 150 N/mm Limited frost resistance
Compressive strength: Limited frost resistance
129 N/mm
lotticino limestone
C o m b l a n c h i e n limestone
Nero Portoro limestone
rescia, Lombardy, Italy i delivery records le-grained hades of cream to grey-beige lurface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 ;ternal: mal: floors, walls ttlerence project: insity 2.68- 2.71 kg/dm npressive stre ngth 115 -212 N/mm lited frost-resistant
Comblanchien, Dijon, Burgundy, France no delivery records very fine-grained shades of cream to pink-brownish Surface treatment: cannot be polished
La Spezia, Palmerla, Italy no delivery records fine-grained black with yellow veins Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Grand Plaza Hotel, Kornhlll, Hong Kong Density 2.71 kg /d m Compr essive strength 156 - 182 N/mm Not frost-resistant
see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Floor finishes In "Im Wasserturm" Hotel, Cologne, Germany Density 2.66 - 2.67 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 203 N/mm Limited frost resistance
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Limestone, travertine
Rojo Alicante limestone
Rosso Verona limestone
Savonnieres limestone
Monovar, Alicante, Spain no delivery records very fine-grained ochre yellow-red to brick red Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.70 - 2.71 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 84 - 94 N/m m Not frost-resistant
San Ambrogio di Valpolicella, Trentino, Italy no delivery records fine-grained bright ochre yellow-red Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Banca Populare, Verona, Italy Density 2.69 - 2.72 kg /d m Comp ressi ve strength 150 - 160 N/mm Not frost-resistant
Savonnieres-en-Perthois, France no delivery records fine-grained grey-yellow Surface treatment: cannot be polished
Trani limestone Trani, Bari, Apulia, Italy no delivery records fine-grained beige to cream-pink Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls San Giovanni Rotondo, Puglia, Italy Density 2.7 kg /d m Compr essive strength 130 - 145 N/m m Limited frost resistance
Untersberger Marble limestone
Travertino Romano travertine Tivoli, Bagni di Tivoli, Italy no delivery records fine-grained light brown with delicate bands Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Getty Center, Los Angeles, USA Density 2.44 - 2.45 kg/dnV
Fürstenbrunn, Salzburg, Austria Marmor-Industrie Kiefer, 5411 Oberalm, Austria fine-grained light beige with variegated patches Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Ringstrassengalerie (shopping arcade), Vienna, Austria Density Comp ressi ve strength Limited frost resistance
2.7 kg /d m 127 - 166 N/m m
se e External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Compr essive strength Limited frost resistance
Compre ssive strength Frost-resistant
1. 6-2 .1 kg/
6 - 27 N/
108 - 110 N/nim
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Sandstone
ateig sandstone
Bollinger sandstone
Nexò sandstone
a, Alicante, Spain l s.a., Novolda, Spain -grained lllowish to grey
Bollingen, Switzerland Gebrüder Müller A.G. Steinbruchbetrieb, 8732 Neuhaus, Switzerland fine- to medium-grained greenish-grey, grey-yellowish to bluish Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Cathedral, Lausanne, Switzerland Density 2.4 - 2.5 kg /d m Comp ressiv e strength 39 - 98 N/mm Limited frost resistance
Kroggard, Neksò, Bornholm, Denmark no delivery records dense, very hard re d Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: Internal: Reference project: Density: see p. 94 Compressive strength: see p. 94 Limited frost resistance
S i r k w i t z - R a c k w i t z e r sandstone
W a r t h a u e r sandstone
Rackwitz, Poland no delivery records medium-grained cream-yellow with dark embellishment Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls German parliament building, Berlin, Germany Density 2.62 kg /d m Comp ressi ve strength 170 N/mm Limited frost resistance
Wartowice, Poland no delivery records fine-grained yellow-brown to grey-white Surface treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls German parliament building (restoration), Berlin, Germany Density see p. 94 Compr essiv e strength 52 N/mm Limited frost resistance
urface treatment: cannot be polished see p, 96 Kternal: floors, facades ilernal: floors, walls Jlthedral district, Berlin, Germany 2.5 kg/dm insity 3
impressive strength Limited frost resistance
18 N/ mm
shacher sandstone ad-Buchen, Switzerland jeher Steinbruch & Steinhauerei AG, ' Staad, Switzerland grained -bluish/yellowish/greenish ice treatment: cannot be polished see p. 96 irnal: floors, facades irnal: floors, walls •dral, Constance, Germany Bity 2.27 - 2.67 kg /d m
npressive stren gth Hod frost resistance
113 - 136 N/m m
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Marble
Ajax marble
A r i s t o n marble
Astir marble
Drama, Macedonia, Greece Lithos Marmor GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Str. 14, 68623 Lampertheim, Germany very fine-grained pure white with light clouds Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.7 - 2.84 kg/dm
Drama, Greece Pavlidis S.A., 66100 Drama P.O.B. 99, Greece fine-grained pure white Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.8 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 92 - 98 N/mm Frost-resistant
Kavala, Greece no delivery records medium-grained grey-white with light clouds Surface treatment: can be polished
Compr. strength Not frost-resistant
96-129 N/mm
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Com pres sive stren gth Limited frost resistance
'.''"i :.
Bianco Sivec marble
Blanco Macael marble
Carrara marble
Sivec, Prilep, F.Y.R. of Macedonia F.H.L. Marmor- & Granitvertrieb GmbH, 63128 Dietzenbach, Germany very fine-grained uniform white Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic
Macael, Almeria, Andalusia, Spain no delivery records medium-grained white Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.72 kg /d m Compressive strength 80 N/mm Limited frost resistance
Carrara, Massa Carrara Province, Ital no delivery records white
Density Compr essiv e strength Limited frost resistance 90
284 kg /dm 151 N/mm
Surface treatment: can be polished so n
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls La Grande Arche, Paris, France Density son Compressive strength :: w Limited frost resistance
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Marble
l i o n y s o s marble
E s t r e m o z marble
R a u c h k r i s t a l l (smoke crystal) marble
)ioniysos, Attica, Greece 10 delivery record s Ine-grained vhite to light grey with darker streaks Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: -Iternal: floors, walls \cropolls, Athens, Greece Bnsity 2.71 kg /d m
Estremoz Borba, Portugal no delivery records fine-grained cream to pink
Treffen, Carinthia, Austria Lauster Steinbau GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart, Germany medium-grained white-grey to bluish Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: -
ipre ssiv e strength .)t frost-resistant
111 N/mm
(usita marble kisita, Rusca-Montana, Romania i delivery records • to medium-grained e to yellowish-pink irlace treatment: can be polished see p. 96
lornal: floors, facades »rnal: floors, walls Iference project: Inslty 2.70-2.75 kg/dm ipre ssive strength Bt -resistant
110 N/mm
Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.7 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 70 - 95 N/mm Not frost-resistant
Density 2.68 - 2.71 kg /d m Compr essive strength 92 - 118 N/m m Frost-resistant
Sòlk marble
T h a s s o s marble
Kleinsòlk, Austria Sòlker Marmor Ges.m.b.H., 8961 Kleinsòlk, Austria fine-grained white with green or pink bedding Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Steigenberger Hotel, Bad Waltersdorf, Germany Density 2.80 kg/ dm Compr essiv e strength 138 N/mm Frost-resistant
Thàssos Island, Greece no delivery records fine-grained pure white without streaks Surface treatment: can be polished see p 96 External: Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density 2.73 kg/dm
Compressive strength Not frost-resistant
139 N/mm
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Metamorphic rocks
Alta mica-quartzite Alta, Hammerfest, Norway Skifer & Natursteln, 9501 Alta, Norway fine-grained dark silvery green-grey Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: Louvre, Paris, France Density 2.69 kg /d m Compress ive strength 328 N/mm Frost-resistant 3
A n d e e r orthogneiss Andeer, Grisons, Switzerland A. Conrad A.G., Granltwerk, 7440 Andeer, Switzerland fine-grained green-white to grey Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Haas House, Vienna, Austria Density 2.68 kg /d m Compre ssive strength 220 N/mm Frost-resistant 3
C a l a n c a paragneiss Val Calanca, Grisons, Switzerland no delivery records fine-grained dark grey Surface treatment: can be polished se e p. External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Reference project: Density Compressive strength Frost-resistant
2.66 kg/dm», 21 0- 2 15 Nr
-jam ' r
i s
" " %
C r e s c i a n o paragneiss Cresciano, Ticino, Switzerland no delivery records fine-grained
C a s t i o n e calc-silicate rock Castione, Ticino, Switzerland Antonini S.A. Graniti e Marmi, 6705 Cresciano, Switzerland medium-grained grey-green, white Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Zurich-Kloten Airport, Switzerland Density 2.8 - 2.9 kg /d m
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Opera House, Zurich, Switzerland Density 2.65 - 2.66 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 150 N/mm
Compressi ve strength
Iragna paragneiss Iragna, Ticino, Switzerland no delivery records fine-grained light grey with darker streaks Surface treatment: can be polished
grey-white with fine clouds Surface treatment: can be polished
180 N/mm
see p. 96
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Hypobank International SA, Luxemboui ; Density see p. Qf l Compressi ve strength Frost-resistant
see p. M
Dressed stone sources in Europe (selection) Metamorphic rocks
Maggia paragneiss Dcarno, Ticino, Switzerland D delivery records fie -grained j^rk grey-white
O n s e r n o n e paragneiss Locarno, Ticino, Switzerland no delivery records fine-grained
Surface treatment: can be polished see p 96 •ternal: floors, facades jlternal: floors, walls :i'iisity 2.72 kg/dm
Compressive strength J/rost -resistant
224 N/mm
dark to medium grey with distinctive bands Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls 11-storey block, Kantdreieck, Berlin Density 2.73 - 2.78 kg /d m Compre ssive strength 214 - 234 N/mm Frost-resistant 3
Tmierngrun serpentinite llnterbichl, Austria
Verde Spluga quartzite Isolato, Splùgen Pass, Italy no delivery records fine-grained
r Steinbau GmbH, 70376 Stuttgart,
fmany -grained rk green with white veins iirface treatment: can be polished
see p. 96
arnal: floors, facades Brnal: floors, wal ls 3, Salzburg, Austria
isity 'ipressive strength
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls Europol Gaz head office, Warsaw, Poland Density 2.67 kg /d m Compressive strength 1 8 3 - 193 N/mm Frost-resistant
2.72 kg/dm 191 N/mm
External: floors, facades Internal: floors, walls West-Brabant University, Breda, Netherlands Density Compre ssive strength Frost-resistant
see p. 94 see p. 94
Verde Tinos serpentinite Panormos, Tinos Island, Greece no delivery records fine-grained olive green
light green-white with large clouds Surface treatment: can be polished
see p. 96
O t t a mica-schist Otta, Norway Skifer & Naturstein, 9501 Alta, Norway fine-grained blue-black Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96
Surface treatment: can be polished see p. 96 External: Internal: floors, walls First Residence Hotel, Giza, Egypt Density 2.8 kg /d m Compr essiv e strength 111 N/mm Not frost-resistant 3
Types of stone Properties
O) c
— CD
— g
c CD Q
T3 O
c CD
a 5
Q. C O) 'co
CD Ü C « 'co
C D ^_
'co co
E o
"co o co
CD h-
CD "a
fi o co
CO cd
c c o
"co E
Type of rock
Rhyolite (porphyry)
5- -8_
Lava stone
Volcanic tuff
9-3 5
7- 8
1.2-2.1 2.0-3.4
Dì Basalt
1 2 - 15
0.5-5 2-15
Breccia* Sandstone
8-1 8
Clayey shale
11-2 5 50-80 3-19
20-6 0
2-1 3
2- 5
Tuffaceous limest.
Solnh. platy limest.
75-24 0
3-1 9
15-4 0
E o CO
c Shelly limestone* CD
30-1 50
26 1.4
O o
n F
Chlorite schist* CL o Serpentinite b
S Marble
40 -15 0
140-25 0
50 -8 0
75-2 40
3- 19
5-2 3
* very variab le values 94
8- 18
15- 40
Types of stone Surface finishes
• 4 % jfe
Surface finishes These days, only in very special cases is •tone direct from the quarry worked in iuch a way that a flat surface is pro duced. Even though after quarrying the Surfaces of the sawn or cut blocks are worked by machine or with hand-held bower tools, a knowledge of the manual lurface treatments is useful due to the Increasing amount of work on existing buildings, refurbishment projects and the preservation of historic buildings. [the customary tools used today generally look much the same as they did in the Middle Ages. As in the past, their devel opment and use are based on the type of material, its hardness and the effects that ca n be achieved bearing in mind the •rture of the material. The choice of sur face treatment is therefore just as dependent on the character of the com ponent as it is on the type of stone selected. The right choice of surface ffeatment can enhance the expression nnd effect of a stone component.
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The surface is broken away using a ham mer and a pointed chisel (pyramidal form). The surface finish in this case is deliberately uneven, the angle and depth of cut being varied throughout. However, the whole surface must be worked. Fine pointing differs from this in that the finish is worked with regular blows, with the fin ished surfaces free from regular tracks and deeper cuts.
In this form of pointing the chisel is held almost perp endic ular to the surface. (Nor mally, the chisel is held at an angle of ab out 45°.) The degre e of surf ace finish can be varied from coarse to fine by alter ing the spacing between the tooling.
Pointed Shown here is a special form of pointing in which the hammer and chisel are used to create wide bands, following a pattern that has been drawn on the stone.
Pointed (bands in herringbone pattern)
Tooth-chiselled The chisel for this work has a flat end 2050 mm wide and usually between three and five "teeth". A wide range of surface finishes is possible by varying the chisel ling action (straight, curved, criss-cross).
Types of stone Surface finishes
*• »
•'4 '*' "
x -?
*' '-• '*H * «. sjr
Comb-chiselled (random)
Comb-chlselled (herringbone pattern)
A whole spectrum of surface finishes is possible by using chisels of different widths (80-150 mm), varying the spacing of the chiselling, chang ing the direction, using heavier or lighter blows, etc. Further variations can be achieved by altering the angle of the chisel, and also by reworking the "furrows".
This surface finish is created by varying the direction and maybe also the depth of the chiselling action.
This surface finish was created with a 30 mm wide chisel.
m Bush-hammered
Fine bush-hammered
Bush-hammered and ground
A bush-hammer creates a coarse-grained, flat surface. The spacing of the pyramidshaped teeth of the approx. 50 x 50 mm hammerhead varies from 4 to 15 mm. The hammerhead is interchangeable; it has 4 x 4 teeth for coarse finishes and 7 x 7 teeth for finer finishes.
For this finish, the spacing of the teeth on the (interchangeable) hammerhead should be 4-5 mm (corresponding to 12 x 12 teeth). This produc es a flat, regular, plain surface.
When a follow-up surface treatment is employed, the result Is usually one of dampening and refining the effect of the initial treatment.
Types of stone Surface finishes
4 - •£ •> >f .
- ; . >
•Si . a * • § ' v ••• "t
. -
5 inted and ground is is a combination of two types of surce treatment with very different characIstics. The effect of the follow-up treatnt Is to attenuate the intensity of the iniI treatment.
e-pointed and furro wed rking the coarse-pointed surface with ipecial hammer (interchangeable head !i five parallel ridges) creates a very Id texture because the rather more regr linear furrows is superimposed on the ise substrate.
Pointed, tooth-chiselled and ground Working the pointed surface with a toothed chisel tends to flatten the surface, which is then further enhanced by grind ing.
Bush-hammered, brushed and semi-ground The originally coarse surface of the stone is refined and flattened in three mechani cal operations.
Pointed, bush-hammered, axed and ground In this case four very different surface treatments are combined to create an attenuating or mutually enhancing effect. The result is a very diverse structure.
Bush -ham mere d, brushe d and wax ed The colour of the surface worked in two operations is intensified by the wax treat ment and simultaneously protected for jointing.
Types of stone Surface finishes
Diamond-tipped sawblades create accu rate and relatively fine cut surfaces due to the horizontal, pushing and pulling move ment when fitted in a frame, or in the form of circular or gang saws. The sawblades leave recognisable tracks on the surface. In some quarries a traditional method of cutting is still used: diamond-beaded steel wires - formerly steel wires in an abrasive slurry - to produce very vivid, albeit inaccurate, sawn surfaces.
Coarse and visible to microscopically fine circular marks are produced on the sur face depending on the grit of the abra sive, made from very hard silicon carbide or diamond. As with all forms of stone sur face treatment, the succession of treat ments proceeds from coarse to fine: coarse grinding (C60), semi-fine (C120), fine (C220); wet method, dry method for small areas only. Sanded surfaces, pro duced by rubbing the surface with steel shot, can be classed as a special form of ground surface.
Polishing is the final refining process i ried out on a surface that has been ground beforehand. The aim of polishlr is to create an absolutely smooth and dense surface, which can even result I glossy or reflective finish depe ndi ng i H the type of stone. Small holes or larger pores are filled with an epoxy resin or mineral substance.
The laser treatment creates ultra-fine depressions in the polished or very finely ground surface. The brilliance of the col ouring of the stone remains almost unaf fected by this treatment. (Shown here is a sample of larvikite.)
The'rule for ground surfaces is: the higher the grit number (C30 to C800), the finer the surface finish. Grinding marks are no longer visible with grits of C 220 and above. Finely ground surfaces bring out the full colour and texture of the stone.
Hard types of stone are polished with ceramic- or diamond-tipped discs. Ho' ever, this presumes a dense type of st suitable for this type of finish. A semi-gl or satin gloss finish is also possible.
Types of stone Surface finishes
16 rough, "as quarried" surface is worked (Ith a 30 mm wide flat chisel. The surface an be given a very vivid appearance by irying the direction and depth of the Hows.
iwed method is similar to bush-hammerHowever, the special hammer loyed has a striking surface with parI ridges which - positioned parallel the handle - leave behind more or s distinct marks depending on the • r i a l . A finer or coarser surface finish be achieved by varying the number furrows and their spacing. The sample ~wn here was furrowed with a head vlng fine "cutting edges".
Fine bush-hammered
The machine-applied bush-hammering (head with 2 x 2 teeth) to the granite in this example illustrates quite clearly the differences between the same surface fin ish on different types of stone.
The sawn granite surface in this example was worked with a pneumatic hammer (head with 5 x 5 teeth).
Sandblasted Steel shot or aluminium oxide abrasive is sprayed onto the rough-sawn surface to produce a coarse but even finish. Saw marks or other deep surface features remain visible after this treatment. The result is a "soft", matt and regular surface finish.
An extremely hot flame from an oxyacetylene torch briefly heats the surface of the stone to cause small particles of stone to expand and break away. This regular "spalling" creates a surface resembling a split or cleft surface in which the crystal line structure is distinct. This technique presumes a type of rock containing quartz, and a minimum thickness for the piece being worked.
Examples of stone applications Granite
imers Plads, Copenhagen jne: Fjord granite", Norway struction: ed paving, with open drained joints
Hell Hansted Holscher, snhagen lorms of materials, geometry and Itnils, the redesign of the plaza in front ffices belonging to an insurance com' expresses a close affinity with the hltecture and the materials of the exisI building. Several overlapping motifs Brn the design, giving the plaza a new ' and also adding an open-air foyer building. The paving, consisting of ; of setts laid perpendicular to the i axis of the building, surrounds a i open area with stone flags whose ul reflects the modular grid of the ling itself. The large stone flags of Norwegian granite with a coarse, 1
hammered surface finish measure 3.40 x 0.85 x 0.12 m. They were laid raised clear of the ground with open drained joints. Along the south-western edge the adjoi ning setts are at a lower level than the stone flags. Low walls separate the plaza from the road at this point; there are also low walls on the north-eastern side sepa rating the plaza from a low-level cour tyard. The horizontal top edges of the walls highlight the gentle slope (0.9%) of the plaza. These walls are clad in ground Norwegian marble obtained from the same quarry as the cladding on the facade of the building itself. At selected
points, certain granite paving flags have been replaced by raised plinths made from the same stone but with a finer ham mered finish. These plinths serve as ben ches and lend the flat plaza a degree of relief. Integrated into these plinths are special lights; further lighting elements are located along the marble walls below the granite paving and in the form of illu minated bollards within the newly planted grove of plane trees. W DETAIL 4/2000
11 1
Examples of stone applications Gabbro
Office of the Federal President, Berlin Stone: "Nero Impala" Brazil Construction: cladding
Gruber + Klelne-Kraneburg Frankfurt am Main/Berlin Martin Gruber, Helmut Kleine-Kraneburg This is the new administrative wing of Bellevue Palace, the residence of the German Federal President at Tiergarten in Berlin. The new building Is situated at a distance from the Palace, merging taste fully into this sensitive site. The elliptical plan shape unites the directional rectan gular form with the non-directional circu lar form. The major axis of the building follows the line of earlier buildings on this site, the curving form simplifies the inte gration into the surroundings. The con cept behind the plan layout Is simple: all the offices have equal status, are located on the perimeter and enjoy views over the park. The open core containing rooms for ancillary and special functions is reached via bridges from the galleries that provide access to the offices. The disciplined, introverted space between the two parts of the building is brought to life by the daylight entering through the glass roof and the ensuing changing shadows. The material of the facade - dark, polis hed stone (Nero Impala) - helps to inte grate the building into the park landscape; the reflections of the majestic deciduous trees in the polished, smooth external skin change continuously depending on the wind, time of day and time of year. CP DETAIL 6/1 999
Examples of stone applications Basalt
Museum of Modern Art, Vienna Stone: "Mendlnger basaltic lava", Germany Construction: cladding
Ortner & Ortner, Vienna Laurids and Manfred Ortner with Christian Lichtenwagner
lis museum is one of three monolithic lifices where roof surfaces and facades ave been treated in identical fashion, he colouring of the new structures and ar finishes has been reduced to the ades of colour present at this location. Ifel basalt has been used for the facai and the roof surface of the museum, i diamond-sawn stone has a porous l smooth surface which, in rain, changes i shimmering anthracite to jet black, cladding panels become larger vards the top of the building, counterthe natural perspective. This irrltai is reinforced by the corner details: at I level the corners are rounded, with radius of 300 mm, but this radius redui lowards the top of the building, termil with a sharp point at the eaves; the ade appears to overhang slightly. The ie panels on the outside are 100 mm ; and give the appearance of a solid Isonry wall. However, they are hung on Blnl fasteners In front of the structural III, with a permanently elastic sealant in i bed joints. The entr ance hall is 41 m I and is clad Internally with 50 mm thick • panels. The mitred joints at the li< >iis with the ceilings lend the basalt tie the appearance of thin "wallpaper". I0t TAIL 7/2001 113
Examples of stone applications Volcanic tuff
House in Latien, Italy Stone: Tuff, Latium, Italy Construction: ashlar masonry facing leaf
Döring Dahmen Joeressen, Düsseldorf Wolfgang Döring, Michael Dahmen, Elmar Joeressen
Embedded in the gently undulating land scape of Latium is this building with its simple geometry whose appearance is distinguished by the almost defiantlooking stone walls. The two-storey con struction forms the main living quarters for an agricultural business. In terms of its design, the architects imitated the tradi tional methods of building in this region: stone walls, shallow-pitched roofs and gables. Despite the unassuming design of the house, the interior is very varied, with a two-storey courtyard enclosed on three sides and a high-level terrace. The main access is on the valley side at the lower level. The courtyard forms an open reception area from where the office and utility rooms can be reached. The living quarters are on the upper floor, with direct access to the terrace. Designed to withstand seismic loads, the construction consists of a reinforced con crete frame with clay brick infill panels and a facing leaf of accurately cut blocks of tuff stone. The heat storage capacity of the masonry, which is interrupted only by a few carefully sized openings, prevents overheating of the interior in summer, and excessive cooling in winter. CU DETAIL 1-2/2002
Examples of stone applications Clayey slate
House near Sarzeau, France Stone: Clayey slate panels, Bretagne, France Construction: cladding
Eric Gouesnard, Nantes
Two factors led to the design concept for this house, which from a distance looks like a pair of monoliths hewn from black stone. Firstly, the traditional form with its pitched slate roof. The architect paid heed to this requirement by turning it into a feature and cladding the entire building in slate. Secondly, the site itself, a barren moor landscape at the mouth of the River Pernef, meant that house could not avoid being distinctive. The robust outer form of the house is intended to ensure that it stands out from its wild, natural surround ings, a fact that is further emphasised by placing the two monoliths in a circle of
sand - preventing possible encroach ment from those surroundings! Raised wooden walkways dictate the access to the house. A corridor of glass and preweathered steel connects the two parts of the house, both of which feature a great expanse of glass on the south side, fac ing the river. As we approach the house, the play of light on the 500 x 500 mm slates becomes visible, but from further away the slates merge together to create a uniform black surface. CP DETAIL 6/1999
Examples of stone applications Limestone
House in Eichstätt, Germany Stone: "Jurassic limestone", Germany Construction: ashlar masonry facing leaf
Theodor Hugues, Munich
The beauty of the house lies in its com pactness, its distinct lines and the use of just a few materials. The roughness of the surrounding landscape provides the con trast that results In this introverted form,
^=7i 3
with its south-facing atrium and the talli outer, "scre ening " walls. The stone ch n i ding to these walls, with its soft, sand blasted surface, emphasises the porous texture of the stone used, encourages rapid patination of the surface and, through the colouring, helps to fuse the building into the landscape. The cosl the materials was not critical in this caaa, and 80 mm thick, vein-cut panels were chosen. The varying lengths (max. approx. 800 mm) and different course heights (150-400 mm) of the masonry bond enabled optimum utilisation of the blocks.
A quarry owner had this house built next to his own quarry, just one of many lime stone quarries in this region. The blocks used for the facade were cut directly from the yellow Jurassic stone of this region, which previously had not been worked in any way - because it is too sandy and porous - but rather blasted and dumped as waste or broken up and used as bal last.
Examples of stone applications Limestone
Town restoration in Salemi, Italy Stone: "Pietra bianca di Trapani", Italy Construction: solid steps
Alvaro Siza Vieira, Porto Roberto Collova, Palermo
In 1968 an earthquake destroyed large arts of the Sicilian town of Salemi. Follow ing years of political and official opposi tion, the architects were finally able to renew the public areas of the town. The building works began at various places within the historical town centre. By creat ing new paths and new links in the form of Stairs and passages it was possible to eorganise the structure of the urban lay out. The design extended from various types of paving to new streat lamps and safety barriers. The work centred on the town's main square, on the hill alongside the ruins of the cathedral destroyed in the earthquake. The cathedral was not rebuilt but, keeping the intervention to a mini mum, was converted into an open public space. The cathedral foundations there fore became a focus for life in the town, with the walls of the apse forming the backdrop. The raised platform was given new paving and the positions of the former columns were marked with stone plinths, i DETAIL 4/2000
Examples of stone applications Shelly limestone
Wine store in Vauvert, France Stone: Shelly limestone, Gard, France Construction: masonry walls
Perraudin Architectes, Vauvert Gilles Perraudin Françoise Jourda
The sensitive handling of natural resources for the construction of build ings has been the aim of this practice for the past 20 years. This means devising economical building forms and using nat ural sources of energy for operating the facilities. The choice of material is gov erned by factors such as durability, renewability and recyclability. The pre ferred materials are, for example, timber, earth and stone. These principles were intrinsic to the design of this wine store, too. The store, which is subjected to the Mediterranean climate of the Camargue, requires a high heat storage mass in order to absorb the temperature fluctuations which can be problematic for the wine. The solid exter nal walls are made from 520 mm thick shelly limestone blocks weighing up to 2.5 tonnes obtained from quarries In the region. The walls were erected without mortar (dry walling) and in this case func tion like a "refrigeration plant", absorbing heat during the day and, through the action of the fresh sea breeze, releasing it again at night. The high cost of the stone was balanced by the simple structure of the building and the resulting short con struction time - just one month from foun datio n to roof. CP DETAIL 6/1 99 9 118
Examples of stone applications Shelly limestone
Museum in Korbach, Germany Stone: "Kirchheimer kernstein shelly limestone", Germany Construction: cladding
Penkhues Architekten Berthold H. Penkhues, Kassel The old museum in Korbach comprises a group of stone and timber-framed houses dating from the Middle Ages, some of which are covered by a preservation order. It was therefore not only high time to extend the museum, but also to carry out refurbishment work. The new exteni sion reflects the small-format structures of the old building fabric in the form of four monolith-like cubes. Glazed access corri dors, which permit numerous visual links and hence ease orientation within the museum, form the seams between the various parts of the building. Much of the light within the museum enters through rooflights, which project beyond the build ing envelope, helping to shape the struc ture as well as direct daylight into the inte rior. The main entrance to the complex is from the church square side and is turned slightly to face the portal of the Gothic St Kilian Church. Furthermore, a spacious staircase between the market square and the church square has been inserted in order to re-establish the link between these two important urban spaces. The difference in levels was exploited to limit and define the market square. The new Sections of the museum, called "cabi nets", are distinguished by their uniform shelly limestone cladding. A special fea ture here is the stone covering to the roofs. Internally, the stone was bonded to ie ground slab with adhesive, but on the itairs it was laid in a bed of trass cement nortar. Stainless steel fixings were used ! on the facade. The Kirchheimer kernstein shelly limeDne consists primarily of consolidated, nail animal shells with relatively few Dids but a high number of calcite formaDns and also fillings of calcite subances. The stone is mainly used in solid arm for sculptures, but also in architec jre for floor and wall finishes. 'DETAIL 6/1999
Examples of stone applications Travertine
Bank extension in Schönaich, Germany
Stone: "Gauinger travertine", Germany Construction: ashlar masonry facing leaf
Kaag & Schwarz, Stuttgart Werner Kaag, Rudolf Schwarz The stone-clad new extension reflects the width and orientation of the neighbouring farmhouses and, like these, is positioned directly on the edge of the footpath. Posi tioning the new extension a few metres In front of the existing building dating from the 1970s has created a distinct forecourt area which is continued by the glazed foyer. The use of a coarse bush-hammered sur face finish to the 115 mm thick Gauinger travertine masonry of the facade avoids the often unapproachable, prestige char acter of polished stone, and the vertical window slots sets the extension apart
from the horizontal bands of smooth alu minium on the existing bank building. The lintels over the topmost row of windows and the doors are each surmounted by a cambered arch to relieve the loads. The use of the same materials internally and the walkways linking the two parts of the bank lend uniformity to the Interior design. Maple was chosen for the partitions, doors and the large area of louvre-type cladding on the old building, facing the new atrium. A green stone floor finish, laid in a bed of mortar, extends from the park ing in the forecourt right through the entire ground floor and continues into the
tea kitche ns In the f o r m of the w< n I l< i the fitted cupboards. Some area:. < 1 intern al walls also m a k e use of lo< • il i< i veirfjne stone. The size of the blocks diminish es towards t h e top of the la wh ic h resulted in an ec on om i c solution because there was less waste. Th e solid stone blocks are exploiti h I i sto rin g heat and t h e r e fo r e pron u >t<• tin interior climate co n c e p t of ventilate i the windows, nig ht- tim e cooling am I ral thermals in the atrium. The fresh all sup ply is preheated v i a floor-m oui ill" i collectors. DETAIL 6/1 1
Examples of stone applications Paragneiss
Chapel of rest, Munich-Riem >tone: Gneiss Gloria", Bulgaria Construction: Icing leaf of squared rubble stone nasonry
dreas Meek, Stephan Koppel, Munich The new extension to the cemetery with its chapel of rest was integrated into the landscaped park in this suburb of Munich. A rubble stone wall encloses a distinct sequence of rooms and open spaces to form a clearly defined layout. The spatial transitions in the monastery like courtyard are not strict. The win dows employ storey-high, frameless, fixed glazing, thus making the building envelope hardly perceivable at these positions. Doors and gates of Cor-Ten weathering steel or oak provide largeformat contrasts or openings. The dif ferent ways in which the light enters
results in all areas having their own special atmosphere. The deliberate way in which the light "grazes" the walls helps to empha sise the textures of the materials used. The chapel of rest itself is not an enclosed room but instead opens out - at least in a visual sense - on to the external ponds. The surface of the water is at floor level, and the rubble stone masonry of the rear wall continues through the glass facade without interruption. All the materials are solid and untreated. Their natural ageing, the accumulation of a patina, is intended to represent the cycle of life. CP DETAIL 2/200 1
Examples of stone applications Paragneiss
Community buildings in Iragna, Switzerland
In this town in Ticino, situated in a tradi tional stone-quarrying region, three tar geted measures resulted in a new infra structure, which satisfies modern require ments and, at the same time, is also sen sitive to the existing structure of the old town. The architect designed a chapel of rest and a town hall, and also redesigned a square in the southern part of the town. Thanks to the use of a local vivid-textured stone for the walls, these solid buildings achieve close ties with the town's tradi tions. Nevertheless, their simple, clearly accentuated outlines give the new build ings a contemporary self-assuredness
Stone: "Iragna gneiss", Switzerland Construction: facing leaf of random rubble stone masonry
Raffaele Cavadini, Locarno
1 \
that enables them to stand out from lr»lf neighbours. The chapel and its ;i:/.< » ated enclosing walls mark the nor II em edge of the town. The town hall Irnn been positioned alongside a new, II sided, sloping, open area paved with local gneiss flags. A light-coloured, fac ed concrete plinth separate s II m i ing from the mas onry of the walls. 11 n edges of the floors penetrate the ma walls and divide up the stonework, arid permit experimentation with different win 1
dow formats, including a long hori. window, in the heavyweight masom U Detail 6/1999
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Examples of stone applications Quarztite
Thermal baths in Vals, Switzerland Stone: »Valser quarzite«, Switzerland Construction: facing leaf of ashlar stone masonary
Peter Zumthor, Haldenstein Currently, the essential stimuli for building with stone do not emanate from the urban centres but rather from innumerable, often small, structures in rural districts, where stone is used not merely as a clad ding material but instead to comply with local traditions or to satisfy functional requirements. One of these examples is Peter Zumthor's thermal baths in Vals. Like virtually no other stone building erected in recent years, this has attracted the attention of the whole industry. The material fulfils two functions here: the stone is local, and therefore creates a bond with the mountainous surroundings. Furthermore, the stone guarantees numerous aesthetic and physical experi ences. Zumthor's elementary design is a response to the customary health spa architecture, which lies somewhere between that of a hospital and a leisure pool with Mediterranean trappings. How ever, he has also tried to formulate an answer to the virtual world of bits and bytes of the information age. Solid walls - courses of Valser quartzite give the building the impression of being one huge monolith growing out of the mountainside. For this purpose, 60,000 slabs up to 3.20 m long were sawn with millimetre precision and then laid care fully on top of each other. As all surfaces - walls, floors, even the inside of the pools - are of stone, users experience the physical presence of the material every where. They experience the different col ouring as the light changes and can feel the stone with their hands and feet while bathing. The overall concept is one of the creation of a contemplative atmosphere. Only a few buildings of the recent past have made stone so popular; one of these is the thermal baths In Vals. How ever, only a few of those architects inspired by Peter Zumthor will ever find clients who are prepared to finance such a venture. t
Examples of stone applications Quarztite
City and regional library, Dortmund Stone: "Alvdals quartzlte", Sweden Construction: cladding
Mario Botta, Lugano
The stone-clad, elongated wing of the new library building marks and frames one edge of the old quarter of the city; at the western end it also adopts the build ing line and the level of the eaves of the adjoining buildings surrounding the square. Growing out of this block with offices and archives (plus other functions not related to the library) is the glazed, semi-circular public part of the library, extending into the public square. The "stone" block supported on set-back col umns between the display windows on the north side at ground-floor level Is ter raced on the south side - a feature that is revealed at the plain, narrow ends of the building. This is a reinforced concrete construction clad in a reddish Swedish quartzite stone, with a ventilation cavity between the two. The floors of the semi circular section are supported on rein forced concrete columns, the glazed envelope carried by a robust steel struc ture. Besides the contrast generated by the two parts of the building and their positioning within the urban space, it is primarily the interplay between the calm sequence of identical window formats and the pattern of the stone facade with its vivid texture that gives this structure its effect. CP Detail 6/199 9