Global warming is increasing on our earth due to major increase in the pollution. Air pollution is very serious on our earth. So it is required to solve these problems by taking various serious attempts. Hence to reduce these pollutants from Exhaust
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Date : 10.10.02 MESDAN AQUA Splicer 4923A Mesdan aqua splicer splicer 4923A is used to splice plied!asse plied!assed"erc d"ercerised erised #i!# t$isted cotton % elastic cotton &arn. '#e ne$ aqua splicer 4923 A is endo$ed $it# a series o( ne$ ne$ solu soluti tion ons s $#ic $#ic# # #elp #elp to incr increa ease se t#e t#e &arn &arn ends ends o)er o)erla lap p redu reduce ces s t#e t#e "aintenance pro)ide *etter control o)er tail $it#dra$al % len!t# i"pro)ed $ater do+in! etc. '#is is an e((icient % ori!inal ends preparation s&ste" (ollo$in! *& a spli splici cin! n! *las *lastt $#er $#ere e $ater $ater % air air are are co"* co"*in ined ed in pre,d pre,det eter" er"in ined ed prop propor orti tion ons s produces )er& stron! % i"percepti*le -oints on #&!roscope &arns suc# as linen or cotton. Utilisin! a co""on $ater suppl& t#e -oinin! area o( t#e de)ice is co"pletel& sealed (ro" ot#er parts o( t#e unit ensurin! cleanliness % reducin! "aintenance to an a*solute "ini"u". A(ter t#e introduction o( t#e &arn ends t#e pressure o( a tri!!er tri!!er *& t#e operato operatorr acti) acti)ates ates t#e Actuator ctuator /ode /ode 390 390 $#ic# $#ic# auto"a auto"atic ticall all& & per(or" per(or"s s t#e entire entire c&cle c&cle produc producin! in! t#e opti"u opti"u" " results results $it#ou $it#outt an& partic particula ular r operator operator sill co"*ined co"*ined $it# t#e A.'. .'.S. s&ste" s&ste" Aquasplicer quasplicer 4923A can *e attac#ed attac#ed to traditional $indin! % t$istin! "ac#ines $it# speci(ic (ittin! caterin! (or )ertical "o)e"ent $#en applied to $arpin! creels (or top to tail trans(er.
oinin! capacit& o( t#e Aquasplicer 4923A co)ers a ran!e (ro" Ne 30 to Ne 90
Mesdan Aqua Splicer 925
'#e aqua splicer 92 5 is desi!ned to -oin 6inen or cotton in a ran!e o( counts (ro" Ne 7 to Ne 80 5& appl&in! appropriate "in!lin! c#a"*ers in accordance $it# particular &arn c#aracteristics suc# as de!ree o( t$ist rate direction o( t$ist len!t# o( staple end t&pe o( (i*re.
'#e coarsest count is onl& indicati)e % is a((ected *& t#e sti((ness o( t#e &arn. /urrent list o( c#a"*ers $it# indication o( application is !i)en *elo$.
Ne 20 to Ne 37
Ne 20 to Ne 37
Ne 10 to Ne 28
Ne 10 to Ne 28
Ne 30 to Ne 80
Ne 30 to Ne 80
Ne 7 to Ne 10
Ne 7 to Ne 10
Min!lin! c#a"*er is t#e -ointair aquasplicer co"ponent (itted into t#e $ater enclosure $#ere t#e (i*res o( opposin! &arn ends are "in!led to!et#er *& a controlled -et o( co"pressed air. '#e c#a"*er enclosure surroundin! t#e "in!lin! c#a"*er e"*odies an eclusi)e $ater disc#ar!e s&ste" $#ic# pre)ents surplus $ater (ro" t#e -unction a((ectin! ot#er areas o( t#e splicer.
Sequence o( operations. ;ntroduction :, '#e &arn s#ould *e positioned at t#e *ase o( t#e introduction !uide slots % outside t#e "in!lin! c#a"*er /rossin! < /uttin! :, '#e crossers place t#e &arn *et$een t#e c#a"*er enclosure % its co)er *ein! #eld in place *& t#e cla"pin! le)ers points. '#e scissors $ill t#en cut t#e surplus ends. Ends =etraction:, '#e ends are retracted t#rou!# t#e c#a"*er enclosure % "in!lin! c#a"*er under t#e control o( inde point. unction :, >it# t#e c#a"*er co)er co"pletel& closed t#e co"*ined *last o( co"pressed air % $ater a((ects t#e -unction o( t#e &arns in t#e "in!lin! c#a"*er. ?penin! o( t#e c#a"*er co)er e-ection o( t#e co"pleted splice % return o( t#e "ec#anis" to t#e neutral position deter"ines t#e end o( t#e c&cle. '#e actuator is code 390 is a pneu"atic de)ice $#ic# (acilitates t#e use o( auto"atic -ointairs on A.'.S. '#e actuator is connected to t#e -ointair and is po$ered *& co"pressed air (ro" t#e "ain suppl& s&ste". 5& si"pl& pressin! a *utton on t#e actuator it $ill co""and t#e -ointair to co"plete a 380 de!ree rotation c&cle in a present line.