Outlook 2016 Free Quick References! Visit:
Quick Reference Card Outlook 2016 Screen
Navigation Pane Title Bar
Contains mail-related folders like your Inbox, Sent Items and Searchlders. Fo Use the Favorite Folders at the top of the pane for easy access to frequentlyused mail folders.
To-Do Bar Mail folders
Enables you to view and schedule appointments, events, and meetings. View shared calendars and compare calendars by viewing them side by side.
Use to store and keep track of addresses, numbers, and e-mail addresses.
Reading Pane Use to organize to-do lists, track task progress, and delegate tasks. Navigation Bar
Status Bar
Messages: Basic Tasks Reply to the Sender
Notes ® Notes to write down Use like electronic Post-It information.
Forward Message
Mark for Address Follow Up Book
Move to Folder
Folder List Displays a list of all your Outlook folders in the Navigation pane.
Shortcuts Add shortcuts to folders and locations in Outlook for quick access. Delete
To Access the Inbox:
Reply to All Recipients
Click the Mail button in the
Find a Contact
theDelete key.
Navigation Bar.
To Check for New Messages: Click the
Send/Receive button on the Quick Access toolbar, or pressF9.
To Delete a Message: Select the message and pressKeyboard Save
Ctrl + S
1. Click the New button or press Ctrl +N. 2. Enter the e-mail addresses To in the box, or click the
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + X
To button to use the address book.
Message Indicators :
3. Click the Cc button and select the e-mail Copy addresses for recipients to whom you want to send a Paste copy of the message. Message has high or low importance. 4. Enter the subject of the messageSubject in the box. Check Spelling To Open a Message: Click a message to preview or 5. Enter the text of your message in the text box. Check for Mail double-click to open it. 6. Click the Send button. Save, Close, To Reply to the Message Sender: Click the and Send To Attach a File: Create a new message, click the message, click the Reply button, type your reply, and Reply Att ach File button in the Include group on the Ribbon in click the Send button. the Message window, select the file you want to send, and to All Reply To Reply to Al l Message Re cipients: Click the clickInsert . Address Book message, click the Reply to All button, type your To Send a Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc): In the reply, and click the Send button. message window, clickOptions the tab on the Ribbon and Help To Forward a Message: Click the message, click the selectShow Bcc in the Fields group. Click the Bcc: button and select the e-mail addresses for recipientsSwitch to Between Forward button, enter e-mail addressesTo in the whomyou want to send aind bl copy ofthe message. Applications box, enter comments in the text box, and Send click the
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + N
Message has not been read. File is attached to the message.
To Create a New Message:
To Open an Attachment: Double-click theattachm ent
New Item
Ctrl + V F7 F9 Alt + S Ctrl + R Alt + L Ctrl + Shift + B F1 Alt + Tab
at the top of the message window.
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Message Window Features Like in Outlook 2010, the File menu and Ribbon replace the Office button and Standa rd Toolbarni Outlook 2013.
Quick Access Toolbar
Messages: Advanced Tasks
To Create a Distribution List: Click theNew Items button arrow on the Ribbon and point to More Items and select Contact Group . ClickAdd Member s in the fromthe con textual me nu, an d select a flag. r,Oclick the flag icon on the message . Members group on the Ribbon, select the location of the contacts you wish to use and Or, select the message, click the Follow Up button on the Ribbon and select a flag. select a name in the list. Click Members the button and repeat for each name to be To Clear a Flagged Message: Right-click the message, select Follow Up from the added . ClickOK, then click Save & Close in the Actions group. contextual menu, and select Clear Flag . To Flag a Message as a To-Do Item: Right-click the message, select Follow Up
To Categorize a Me ssage by Colo r: Click the Quick Click icon on the message. Or,ght-cli ri ck the messag e, select Categorize from the contextual menu, and select a color category. Or, select the message, click Categorize the button on the Ribbon, and select a flag.
Go toFile, Options and click the Mail tab. Click the To Create abutton, Signature: Signatures and create the select new signature.
To Change a Message’s Opti ons: In the message window, click Options the tab on the Ribbon and clickMore the Options Dialog B ox Launcher . Hereyoucan specify the level of importance or sensitivity of the message, add voting buttons to the
To Recall a Message: Open the Sent Items folder. Double-click the message, clickmessage, indicate where replies should be sent to, choose to receive read receipts
theAct ion s button in the Move group on the Ribbon, and Recall select This Message . and encrypt the message or delay its delivery. Choose to delete the message or replace the message with a new one in the dialog To Use the Rules Wizard: box and click OK. You can only recall a message if you are using MS Exchange Server 1. Make sure that you’re inInbox the . and the recipient has not opened it. 2. ClickFile on the menu bar, clickInfo thetab select Manage Rules and Alerts , To Resend a Message: Open the Sent Items folder. Double-click the message, and click the New Rule button. click theAct ion s button in the Move group on the Ribbon, and Resend select This 3. Select the type of rule you want to create Next. and click Message . Enter new recipients in the message windowSend 4. Click the first piece of underlined text in the Step 2 box, which may be people or To Save a Message as a Draft: Click theSave button on the Quick Access distribution lists, specific words, etc. Toolbar in the message window. The message appears in the Drafts folder. 5. Specify the cri teria—a person’s nam e, a keywo rd, etc. —and click OK. 6. Click the next piece of underlined text in the Step 2 box and specify the name of To Move an Item to a Different Folder: Select the item, click theMove to the folder where you want to move the messages or the action you want done to Folder button and se lect the destinationder. fol Or, click and drag the item to a the message. different folder in the Navigation Pane. 7. ClickFinish to complete the rule andOK. click
New Appointment
Go to Today
View Group Schedules
Share Calendar
To View Your Contacts: Click the People button in the Navigation Bar. To Create a New Cont act: Click the New Contact button on the Ribbon.
To Edit a Contact: Double-click the contact.
To Find a Contact: Type words to search for Search in the Contacts box.
To Delete a Contact: Select the contact and press Delete the key.
To Change Views: Select the desired view in the Current View section of the Contacts Navigation pane.
To View the Calendar: Click theCalendar button in the Navigation Bar.
To Change Views: Click theView tab on the menu bar and select the desired view. Or, click one of Day, the Week, orMonth view buttons.
To Schedule a n Appoi ntment: Click the New Appointment button or press
Tasks and To-Do Items
To View Your Tasks: Click theTasks button in the Navigation Bar.
To Create a New Task: Click the New button, press
Ctrl +N.
To Schedule a Re curring Appointment:
To Schedule a Meeting Request: Click the
ClickNew Items on the Ribbon and selectApp oin tment from the menu. Click Options the arrow and then Recurrence the button. Fill in the fields andOK. click New Meeting button on the Ribbon and in the To…field type the contact that you wish to include.
task in the text box at the top of the window Type or inathe new“task ” box in the ToDo Bar.
To Complete a Task: In Simple List view , checkthe task’s
To Delete a Task: Select the task and pressDelete the key.
To Create a Recurring Task: Double-click the task and click Recurrence the
Assthe ign Task button in the To Assign a Task: Double-click the task, click
To Schedule an All Day Event: ClickNew Items arrowon the Ribbon and select New All Day Event from the menu.
To Reschedule an Item: Double-click the meeting, appointment, or event, make your changes and clickSave the & Close button.
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[email protected] for organizational use.
button on the Ribbon. Manage Task group on the Ribbon, enter the person’sToname box, and in the click Send . © 2016 CustomGuide
Microsoft ® |
Access 2016 Free Quick References!
Quick Reference Card
Working with Databases and Objects
Keystroke Shortcuts
Getting Started Window
To Create a Database: Click a template category in the list and lcick the template you want to use. Create Click . Or, cli ck theBlankdesktopdatabasebutton. To Open an Existing Database: Click the O pen taband click a database in the Recentlist or click Browseand browse for it.
Access 2016 Screen Title bar
Quick Access Toolbar
Close button
Open a Database
Ctrl + O
Close a Database
Ctrl + W
Print Current View
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Z
Delete Record
Ctrl + -
Cancel Changes
Insert Date
Ctrl + ;
Shift + Ctrl + :
InsertValue fr om Sam e Fieldn i Previous Record
Ctrl + ’ (Apostrophe)
Check Spe lling
Switch Applicati ons
Alt + Tab
Navigation Objects in the Navigation Pane
Object Tabs
Status bar
Table open in Datasheet View
Next Field
Previous Field
Shift + Tab
Next Screen
Page Down
Previous Screen
Page Up
First Record
Ctrl +↑
Last Record
Ctrl +↓
Toggle Navigat ion Pane F11
Database Objects
To Create a New Object: Click theCreatetab on the Cut Ctrl + X Tablesstore related data in rows (records) and Ribbon and click a button for the object or wizard you colum ns (fields). Copy Ctrl + C want to use on the Objects bar. Queriesview, fil ter, calculate, change , sort, Ctrl + V To Modify an Object: Open the object or click its tab Paste in and examine the data stored in tables. the window, click Format the tab on the Ribbon, click Find Ctrl + F Forms are custom screens that provide an the View button in the Views group andDesign select easy way to enter and view data in a table. Replace Ctrl + H View or Layout View . Reportspresent data from a table or query in To Delete an Object: Select the object and press Select llA Ctrl + A a printed format. Delete. ClickYes. Macros automate common tasks and can be Design View To Rename an Object: Right-click the object, select run by clicking a button or pressing a shortcut Alt + Enter Renamefrom the contextual menu, enter the new Properties key. Enter. Modulesare groups of procedures written inname, and press Open object in Ctrl + Enter
Visual Basic and used to automate tasks. Page objects have been replaced by Windows ShareP oint Services. Pages in old da tabases can still be viewed—but not edited—in Internet Explorer.
To Open an Object: Double-click the object n the i Navigation Pane.
To Repair/Compress a Database: Click theDatabase Design View Toolstab and select Compact and Repair Database . Save Object To Import Data: Click theExternal Datatab on the Ribbon and click the type of file you want to import from in the Im port group.Follow the onscreen instructi ons.
Ctrl + S
To Export Data: Click theExternal Datatab on the Ribbon and click the type of file you want to export to in the Export group.Followthe onscreeninstructions.
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Working with Tables
Field Data Types
Creating Table Relationships
Data Type Linking Tables tells Access how two tables are related to each other. The Short Text fields that you use to link two tables must contain the same concept in two differenttables.Aprimary key field from one table is often used when linking two tables. Long Text 1. ClicktheDatabase Tools tab on the Ribbon and click the Number Relationshipsbutton in the Relationships group. 2. If necessary , click the Design taband then click the Show Table Date/Time button. In the Show Table window , select a tabl e you w ant to nk, li click Currency theAdd button, andrepeat for each table. Click Close.
Description Stores text, numbers, or a combination of both, up to 255 characters long. Stores long text entries—up to 64,000 characters long. Stores numbers that can be used in calculations. Stores dates, times, or both. Stores numbers and symbols that represent money.
3. Drag afield from n oe table and drop it on the relatedd fiel in the secon d AutoNumber table. (Optional) Check theEnforce Referential Integrity box. Click Yes/No Create.
Automatically fills in a unique number for each record.
Working with Table Data
Stores objects created in other programs, such as a graphic, Excel spreadsheet, or Word document.
OLE Object
Database information can be directly added and modified from tables and some queries and forms. Hyperlink To Add a Field to a Table: Enter data in the cell below Field theName column eader. h Or, in Da tasheet View , click Data a Typeoption from Lookup Wizard theFields tabunderTable Tools. Your field will be added and you can give it a name. Attachment To Add a New Record: Enter data in the bottom row of the table. Record selector
Stores clickable links to Web pages on the Internet or files on a network. A wizard that helps you create a field whose values are selected fromnothe a r table, query, orstliof values. Allows you to attach files and images to your database.
Working with Queries
Start adding a new record here
Stores only one of two values, such as Yes or No.
To Select a Record: Click the R ecord selector (grey square) to the of the record.
The queried tables appear here. You can also link tables
To add a field to the query, click and drag it from the table down to left the design grid
Select the record, clickHome the tab on the To Delete a Record: Ribbon and click Delete the buttoninthe Records group. ClickYes. To Spell Check: Click the H ome tab on the Ribbon and click the Spelling buttonin the Records group, or F7 press .
Sort Order
Design grid
Show Results Criteria rows
To Find Information: Place the cursor in the field that contains the value you want to search for, click Home the tab on the Ribbon and To Create a Select Query: Click theCreatetab on the Ribbon and click Query the click theF ind button in the Find group or Ctrl press + F. Type thevalue Wizardbutton in the Other group. Click SimpleQueryWizardand click O K. Follow you want to search for in Find theWhatbox and click Find Next. the onscreen instructions to select the fields you want to use from the desired tables and create theuery. q If you wan t to filter records,ew vi thequery in Design view and To Replace Information: Place the cursor in the field that contains the enter the criteria in the Criteria row. value you want to replace, click Home thetab on the Ribbon and click To Switch Views: Click theHome tab on the Ribbon and click View the buttonin the theReplacebutton in the Find group or Ctrl press + H. Type the value Views group. you want to search for in Find theWhat boxand the new value in the To Summarize Values: Open the Query in Datasheet View, click Homethe tab on the Replace Withbox. Click Find Nextuntil you’ve found what you’re the button in theRecordsgroup.Click the list row ar in a looking for, then click Replaceor Replace Allto replace every instance Ribbon and click Totals column in the Total row in the query and select a calculation type (Sum, Average, etc.). of the value.
To Sort Information: Place the cursor in the field that you want to sort Criteria Example by, click the Home tab and click either the Ascendingor Descending buttonin the Sort & Filter group. Or, right-click on the field and select “London” the sort button from the contextual menu. Between 1/1/00 and To Filter Information: Place the cursor in het fieldhat t contains the 12/31/00 values you ant w to filter by, click the Home tab on the Ribbon and click NOT "USA" or the Filter buttonin the So rt & Filter group. Checkthe boxes for the values you ant w to filter for. To Remove a Filter: Click the Toggle Filter button in the Sort & Filter group.
"" Like “S*”
IS NULL To Change a Field’s Data Type: Select the field you want to change, IS NOT NULL click theD atasheettab on the Ribbon, and click Data theTypelist arrow in the Data Type & Formatting group. Select a data type. 100
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Description Displays records where the field equals “London.” Displays records where the date is between 1/1/00 and 12/31/00. Displays records where the field does not contain the text "USA" and is not blank. Displays records where the field text starts with an “S.” Displays records where the field is blank. Displays records where the field is not blank. Displays records whose field value is greater than 100.
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Excel 2016 Free Quick References! Visit:
Quick Reference Card The Excel 2016 Screen Quick Access Toolbar
Keyboard Shortcuts Title bar
Formula Bar
Close button
File tab Ribbon Name box Active cell
Open a Workbook Create New Save Preview and Print Close a Workbook Help
Ctrl + Ctrl + Ctrl + Ctrl + Ctrl + F1
Run Spelling Check F7 Calculate worksheets F9 Create an absolute, F4 normal, or mixed reference
Rows Scroll bars
Navigation: Move Between Cells
Right One Cell Left One Cell Down One Cell Worksheet tabs Up One Cell View buttons Zoom slider Down One Screen The Fundamentals Up One Screen To Cell A1 TheFile tab menu and Backstage view contain commands Cell addresses: Cells are referenced by To Last Cell for working with a program’s files, such as Open, Save,addresses made from their column letter Close, New, and Print. and row number, such as cell A1, A2, Go B1,To Dialog Box B2, etc. You can find the address of a cell To Create a New Workbook: Click by looking at the Name Box under the theFile tab, selectNew, and clipboard Editing Cut double-click workbook, or Ctrl press Click a cell or use the Copy To Select a Cell: + N. keyboard arrow keys to select it. Paste To Open a Workbook: Click theFile Click and drag toUndo To Select a Cell Range: tab and select Open , or press select a range of cells. Or, press andRedo hold Ctrl + O. down the Shift key while using arrow the Find To Save a Workbook: Click the keys to move the mouse pointer to theReplace Save butto n on the Quick Access last cell of the range. Toolbar, or press Ctrl +S. Select All To Select an Entire Worksheet: Click the Edit active cell To Preview a nd Print a Workbook: Select All but ton where column andClear cell contents Click theFile tab and select Print , or row headings meet. Or press Ctrl + A. pressCtrl +P.
, , , Tab Shift + Tab Enter Shift+Enter Page Down Page Up Ctrl + Home Ctrl + End F5
Ctrl + X Ctrl + C Ctrl + V Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Y Ctrl + F Ctrl + H Ctrl + A F2 Delete
To Minimize the Ribbon: Click the To Undo: Click the Undo Formatting button on the Quick Access Toolbar, Minimize Ribbon button on the Ribbon. Bold Or, press C trl +F1. Or, right-click tab a or press Ctrl +Z. Italics and select Unpin the Ribbon from the To Redo or Repeat: Click the contextual menu. Underline Redo button on the Quick To Change Program Settings: Click the Open Format Cells Access Toolbar, or pressCtrl +Y. File tab and select Options . Dialog Box To Close a Workbook: Click the To Use Zoom: Click and drag the zoomSelect All Close button , or press Ctrl + slider to the left or right. Or, click the Select entire row W. Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons on Select entire column To Get Help: PressF1 to open the the slider. Help window. Type your question Hide selected rows To Change Views: Click aView button in and press Enter . Hide selected the status bar. Or, clickView the tab and columns select a view.
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Ctrl + B Ctrl + I Ctrl + U Ctrl + Shift + F Ctrl + A Shift +Space Ctrl + Space Ctrl + 9 Ctrl + 0
© 2016 CustomGuide
the Bar , or To Edit a Cell’s Contents: Select the cell and clickFormula double-click the cell. Edit the cell contents and press . Enter the key. To Clear a Cell’s Contents: Select the cell(s) and press Delete To Cut or Copy Data: Select cell(s) and click the Cut or button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.
To Format Text: Use the commands in the Font group on the Home tab, or click theDialog Box Launcher in the Font group to open the dialog box. To Format Values: Use the commands in the Number group on the Home tab, or click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Number group to open the Format Cells dialog box.
To Copy Formatting with the Format Painter: Select the cell(s) with the To Paste Data: Place the insertion point where you want to paste and click formatting you want to copy and clickFormat the Painter button in the the Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Clipboard group on the Home tab. Then, select the cell(s) you want to apply To Preview an Item Before Pasting : Place the insertion point where you the copied formatting to.
want to paste, click Paste the button list arrow in the Clipboard group on theTo Apply a Cell Style: Select the cell(s) you want to apply a cell style to. Home tab, and hold the mouse over the paste option to preview. Click theCell Styles button in the Styles group of the Home tab on the Ribbon and select a style from the gallery. To Paste Special: Select the destination cell(s), click Paste thebutton list arrow in the Clipboard group on the Home tab, and Pasteselect Special . To Format a Cell Range as a Table: Select the cells you want to apply table Select an option and OK click . formatting to. Click Format the as Table button in the Styles group of the tab on the Ribbon and select a table format from the gallery. of To Copy Using Auto Fill: Point to the fill handle at the bottom-right cornerHome the selected cell(s), then drag to the destination cell(s). To Apply a Document Theme: Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon,
click theThemes button in the Themes group, and select a theme from the To Complete a Se ries Using Aut oFill: Select the cells that define the series. gallery. Click and drag the fill handle to complete the series. To Move or Copy Cells Using Drag and Drop: Select the cell(s) you want toTo Apply Conditional Formatting: Select the cells to which you want to apply conditional formatting. Click the Conditional Formatting button in the move or copy, position the pointer over any border of the selected cell(s), then Styles group of the Home tab. Select the formatting scheme you wish to use, drag to the destination cells. To copy, hold Ctrl key down while dragging. then set the conditions in the dialog box. To Insert a Column or Row: Right-click to the right of the column, or below To Adjust Column Width or Row Height: Drag the right border of the the row you want to insert. Select Insert from the contextual menu, or click the column header, or the bottom border of the row header. Double-click the Insert button in the Cells group on the Home tab. border to AutoFit the column or row according to its contents. To Delete a Column or Row: Select the row or column heading(s). Rightclick and select Delete from the contextual menu, or click Delete the button Workbook Management in the Cells group on the Home tab. Click the Insert Worksheet button next to To Insert a New Worksheet: To Insert a Comment: Select the cell where you want to insert a comment the sheet tabs at the bottom of the program screen. Or,+ F11 press Shift . and click the Review tab on the Ribbon. ClickNew theComment button in the the Comments group. Type a comment and click outside the comment Tobox. Delete a Works heet: Select the sheet you want to delete, click Delete select button in the Cells group on the Home tab, and Delete Sheet . Or, right-click the sheet tab and select Delete from the contextual menu.
To Rename a Worksheet: Formulas and Functions To Total a Cell Range: Click the cell where you want to insert the total and
Double-click the sheet tab, enter a new name for the worksheet, and press Enter .
click theSum button in the Editing group on the Home tab. Verify the Right-click the sheet tab, select To Change a Worksheet’s Tab Color: Tab selected cell range and click Sum thebutton again. Color , and choose the color you want to apply. To Enter a Formula: Select the cell where you want to insert the formula. Click and drag a tab to move a worksheet. To Move or Copy a Worksheet: Type and enter the formula using values, cell references, operators, and Hold down the Ctrl key while clicking and dragging to copy the worksheet. functions. Press Enter when you’re finished. =
Click theView tab and click the To Split a Window: Split button in the To Insert a Function: Select the cell where you want to enter the function Windowgroup.Or, press Alt + WS (one at a time). and click the Insert Function button on the Formula Bar. To Freeze Panes: Place the cell pointer where you want to freeze the To Reference a Ce ll i n a Formul a: Type the cell reference (for example, B5) window, click the the Panes button in View tab on the Ribbon, clickFreeze in the formula or click the cell you want to reference. the Window group, and select an option from the list. To Create an Absolute Cell Reference: Precede the cell references with a $ Select the cell range you want to print, click Page the To Select a Print Area: sign or press F4 after selecting cell(s) to make it absolute. Layout tab on the Ribbon, clickPrint the Area button in the Page Setup Set Print Area. To Use Several Operators or Cell Ranges: Enclose the part of a formula group, and select you want to calculate first in parentheses. To Adjust Page Margins, Orientation, Size, and Breaks: Click thePage
Layout tab on the Ribbon and use the commands in the Page Setup group, or click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Page Setup group to open the Page Setup dialog box. To Create a Chart: Select the cell range that contains the data you want to To Protect or Share a Workbook: Click theReview tab on the Ribbon and chart and click the Insert tab on the Ribbon. Click a chart type button in the use the commands in the Changes group. Charts group and select the chart you want to use from the list.
To Recover Autosaved Versions: Click the File tab on the Ribbon and To Insert a Sparkline: Select the cell range that contains the data you want to selectInfo . Select an autosaved version from the Versions list. Or, click the chart and click the Insert tab on the Ribbon. Select the sparkline you want to Manage Versions button and select Recover Unsaved Workbooks . insert from the Sparkline group. Select the cell or cell range where you want to add the sparkline and OK click .
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PowerPoint 2016 Free Quick References! Visit:
Quick Reference Card The PowerPoint 2016 Screen Quick Access Toolbar
Keyboard Shortcuts General
Title bar
Close button
Slides preview pane
Open a Presentation
Ctrl + O
Create New
Ctrl + N
Save a Presentation
Ctrl + S
Print a Presentation
Ctrl + P
Close a Presentation
Ctrl + W
Insert a New Slide Help
Ctrl + M F1
Editing Slide stage
Status bar
Notes and Comments
View buttons Zoom slider
The Fundamentals
TheFile tab menu and Backstage view contain commands for working with a program’s files,
including New, Open, Save, Print and Close.
To Create a New Presentation : Click the File tab , clickNew . Or, pressCtrl +N. To Open a Presentation: Click the File tab and click Open, or press Ctrl + O. To Save a Presentation: Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press Ctrl +S.
To Insert a New Slide: Click the Home tab and click New Slide in the Slides group, or pressCtrl +M. To Change the Slide Layout: Click the Home tab, click the Layout button in the Slides group, and select a layout. To Return a Slide to its Default Settings: Click the Home tab and click the Reset button in the Slides group.
To Save a Presentation with a Different Name: Click the File tab , clickSave As, enter a new name for To View the Slide Master: Click the View tab the presentation, and Save. click on the Ribbon, clickSlide the Master button in the Master Views group, and click Slide the To Preview and Print a Master . Presentation: Click the File tab and clickPrint , or press Ctrl + P. To Insert a Header or Footer: Click the Insert To Close a Presentation: Click the tab on the Ribbon and click Header the &
Footer button in the Text group. Select the option(s) that you want andApp click ly or Apply t o Al l. To Get Help: PressF1 to open the Help window. Type your question and Home tab on the To Add a S ection: Click the pressEnter . Ribbon, click the Section button in the Slides group, and click Add Secti on . To Exit PowerPoint: Click the Close button.
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Z
Redo or Repeat
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + H
Select All
Ctrl + A
Navigation—Go To: The Next Slide
The Previous Slide Backspace
Slide Show Delivery Begin Slide Show Resume Slide Show
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F5 Shift + F5
End Slide Show
Jump to Slide
Slide #
To Apply a Document Theme: Click the Toggle Screen Black Design tab on the Ribbon, click the More button in the Themes group, and select a Toggle Screen White theme from the gallery. Pause Show
File tab Close , or press Ctrl + W.and click
Show/Hide Pointer
Change Arrow to Pen
Ctrl + P
Change Pen to Arrow Ctrl + A Erase Doodles
Formatting Bold
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + I
Align Left
Ctrl + L
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + J © 2016 CustomGuide
Formatting xX
Images, Multimedia, and Objects
To Cut or Copy Text: Select the text you want to cut or copy and click the To Insert a Picture: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click Picture the Cut or Copy button in the Clipboard group on the Homebutton in the Images group. Find the picture you want to insert and click tab. Insert . Insert a Clip Art Graphic: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click the To To Paste Text: Place the insertion point where you want to paste and click Online Pictures button in the Illustrations group. Type the name of what the Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. you’re looking for in the Clip Art fieldEnter and. press To Format Selected Text: Use the commands in the Font group on the Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click Video the To Insert a Video file: Home tab, or click theDialog Box Launcher in the Font group to open button in the Media group and Video click On My PC . Find the video you want the Font dialog box. to insert and click Insert . To Insert a Video from the Web: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, click To Copy Formatting with the Format Pa inter: Select the text with the theVideo button list arrow in the Media group, and select Online Video . formatting you want to copy and click the Format Painter Search for videos on the web, select your choice, Insert and . click button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Then, select the text you To Insert an Audio cl ip: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, clickAud theio want to apply the copied formatting to. button list arrow in the Media group, and Audselect io On My PC or Online To Change Paragraph Alignment: Select the paragraph(s) and click the Aud io . Find the audio clip that you want to insertInsert and. click
appropriate alignment buttonAli(gn L eft, Center , Ali gn Ri ght , or Justify ) in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
To Draw a Shape: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, clickShapes the button in the Illustrations group, and select the shape you want to insert. Then, click where you want to draw the shape and drag until the shape To Create a Bulleted or Numbered List: Select the paragraphs you want to reaches the desired size. Hold down Shift the key while you drag to draw a bullet or number and click theBullets or Numbering button in perfectly proportioned shape or straight line. the Paragraph group on the Home tab. To Insert Sma rtArt: Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click the Select the paragraph(s), click the SmartArt button in the Illustrations group. Select the SmartArt you want to To Change Paragraph Line Spacing: insert and click OK. Line Spacing button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab, and To Format an Object: Double-click the object and use the commands located select an option from the list. on the Format tab. Right-click the error and select a correction To Correct a Spe lling Error: To Move an Object: Click the object and drag it to a new location. Release from the contextual menu. Or,F7 press to run the Spell Checker. the mouse button when you’re finished. Views Click the object to select it, click and drag one of its To Resize an Object: sizing handles (), and release the mouse button when the object reaches Normal view: This is the default view in the desired size. Hold down Shift thekey while dragging to maintain the PowerPoint 2016. Normal view includes the object’s propo rtions while resizing t. i Slide pane and Notes pane. Select the object and press Delete the key. To Delete an Object:
Transitions and Animation Effects
Outline view: This view focuses on content. To Add a Slide Transition: Navigate to the slide you want to add a transition Transitions tab on the Ribbon, click the More button in the You can use this for adjusting text structure to. or Click the Transition to This Slide group, and select a transition effect. adding a large amount of text. To Add an Animation Effect to an Object: Select the object that you want to animate, click the Ani mati ons tab on the Ribbon. Click the More button in the Animation group, and select an animation effect. Slide Sorter view: Displays all the slides To Copy Animation Effects from One Object to Another: Select the object in the presentation on one screen. Use Slidewith the animation effect you want to copy,Ani click mati the ons tab on the Sorter view to rearrange the order of slides or Ribbon, and click Ani themati on Painter button in the Advanced Animation add transition effects between slides. group. Then, click the object you want to apply the copied animation effect to.
Slide Show Delivery Notes Page view: Displays all To Present a Slide Show: Click the Slide Show button on the status presentation slides in a print layout with yourbar, or press F5. notes beneath. To Use the Laser Pointer: In Slide Show view, press and hold down Ctrl the key while clicking and holding left mouse the button . To Use the Pen: In Slide Show view, press Ctrl +P and then draw on the screen. Press Ctrl + A to switch back to the arrow pointer. E to Press erase Reading view: Similar to Slide Show your doodles. view, it displays the presentation in a window
with simple controls, making it easy to review. To Advance to the Next Slide: PressSpacebar . Or, click the left mouse button . PressBackspace or Page Up. To Go Back to the Previous Slide: Click the Slide Show tab on the Ribbon and click the To Add Slide Timings: Slide Show view: Displays the Rehearse Timings button in the Set Up group. Navigate through the presentation as an electronic slide show. presentation, pausing on each slide for the amount of time you wish to display it Whenever you deliver a presentation in front of during your show. Click Yes to save your timings. an audience, Slide Show view is the view to use. To End a Slide Show: PressEsc.
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Word 2016
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Quick Reference Card The Word 2016 Screen Quick Access Toolbar
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Title bar
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Ribbon Ruler
Vertical scroll bar
Insertion point
Document window
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Status bar
View buttons Zoom slider
The Fundamentals
Open a Document
Ctrl + O
Create New
Ctrl + N
Save a Document
Ctrl + S
Print a Document
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Navigation: Up One Screen
Page Up
Down One Screen
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Beginning of Line
End of Line
Beginning of Document
Ctrl + Home
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Open the Go To dialog box
To Move Te xt wit h the Mouse : Highlight TheFile tab menu and Backstage view contain commands Cut for working with a program’s files, such as Open, Save,the text you want to move, drag the text Copy to a new location, and release the mouse Close, New, and Print. button. Paste To Create a New Document : Click the
Ctrl + X Ctrl + C Ctrl + V
File select New,button select a template To Replace Text : Click the Replace Undo andtab, click the Create . Or, press button in the Editing group on the Home Redo or Repeat Ctrl +N. tab. Or, press Ctrl +H.
To Open a Document : Click the File tab and select Open , or press Ctrl +O.
To Close a Document : Click the Close button , or press Ctrl +W.
Bold To Correct a Spe lling Error : Right-click To Save a Document : Click the the error and select a correction fromItalics the F7 to run the Underline Save button on the Quick Access contextual menu. Or, press Spell Checker. Toolbar, or press Ctrl +S. Align Left To Save a Document with a Different Name: Click the File tab, selectSave As and enter a new name for the document. To Preview a Document : Click the File tab and select Print , then click Preview . To Print a Document : Click the File tab and select Print , or press Ctrl +P.
Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + I Ctrl + U Ctrl + L
To Use the Thesaurus : Right-click the Center word you want to look up and select Synonyms from the contextual menu. Align Right Select a word or select Thesaurus to Justify search the Thesaurus.
To View Advanced Printing Options To Change Program Settings : Click the Click theFile tab and select Print . : A Line File tab and click the Options button . Select from the options under Settings. F1 to open the Help To Get Help : Press To Undo : Click the Undo button A Paragraph window. Type your question and press on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press Enter . Ctrl +Z. Everything
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Ctrl + R Ctrl + J
Text Selection
To Minimize the Ribbon : Click the To Select: Minimize Ribbon button on the Ribbon. Or, press Ctrl +F1. Or, double- A Word click a tab. Or, right-click a tab and select A Sentence Unpin the Ribbon from the contextual menu.
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Ctrl + E
Do This: Double-click the word Press and hold Ctrl and click anywhere in the sentence Click in the selection bar next to the line Triple-click the paragraph. Ctrl + A
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To Open the Navigation Pane :Clickthe group on the Home tab. Or, Ctrl press + F.
Editing Find button in the Editing
To Search for a Word or Phrase : Click the Search box, type the word or phrase. To Search for Graphics, Tables, Equations, or Comments : Click the Magnify butto n and select an option from the list. Click Searchthe box, enter the information you are searching for, Enter and .press
Cut or
To Preview an Item Before Pasting : Place the insertion point where you want to paste, clickPaste the button list arrow in the Clipboard group on the Home tab, and hold your mouse over the option you’d like to preview.
To Insert a Comment : Select the text where you want to insert a comment Review tab on the Ribbon. ClickNew theComment button in To View a Document’s Headings : Browse Headings in your document tab. and click the the Comments group. Type a comment, then click outside the comment text To View a Document’s Pages : BrowsePages in your document tab. box.
Copy button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.
To Paste Text : Place the insertion point where you want to paste and click thePaste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.
To View Search Results : ClickResults in the Navigation Pane.
To Cut or Copy Text : Select the text you want to cut or copy and click the
To Delete a Comment : Select the comment, click Review the tab on the Ribbon, and click Delete the Comment button in the Comments group.
and Graphics To Apply a Style : Select the text to which you want to apply the styleDrawing and select the style you want to use from the Styles Gallery in the Styles group on To Insert a Clip Art Graphic : Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click the the Home tab. Online Pictures button in the Illustrations group. Type the name of what To Apply a Document Theme : Click the Themes button in the Document you’re looking for in the Clip Art fieldEnter and. press Formatting group on the Design tab of the Ribbon and select a theme. To Insert a Picture : Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click Pictures the button in the Illustrations group. Find and select the picture you want to insert To View All Available Styles : Click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Styles group on the Home tab. and click Insert . Insert tab on the Ribbon and click the To Insert a Screenshot : Click the To Change a Styl e Set : Look through styles by clickingChange the Take a Screenshot button in the Illustrations group. Select an available Styles button in the Styles group on the Home tab and choose the Style Set. window from the list, or select Screen the Clipping option to take a screen To Create a Style : Select the text that contains the formatting of the new clip. style, right-click the text, and click Styles on. SelectCreate a Style from the Insert tab on the Ribbon. ClickShapes the contextual menu Save and Selection as a New Quick Style , enter a name To Draw a Shape : Click the button in the Illustrations group, and select the shape you want to insert. for the style, and click OK. Then, click and drag where you want the shape located. Hold Shift down the To Check Your Styles : Select the text you wish to check. Click Dialogthe key while you drag to draw a perfectly proportioned shape or straight line. Box Launcher in the Styles group on the Home tab of the Ribbon. Click the To Insert WordArt : Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, clickWordArt the Style Inspector button in the Styles task pane. button in the Text group, and select a design from the WordArt Gallery. Type your text. If necessary, click the text box and drag it to the desired position. To Insert SmartArt : Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, clickSmartArt the button in the Illustrations grou p, select a layout, and OK. click To Format Text : Use the commands in the Font group on the Home tab, or : Double-click the object, click Wrapthe Text To Adjust Text Wrapping click theDialog Box Launcher in the Font group to open the dialog box. button in the Arrange group on the Page Layout tab, and select an option To Copy Formatting with the Format Painter : Select the text with the from the list. formatting you want to copy and click the Format Painter To Resize an Object : Click the object to select it, click and drag one of its button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Then, select the text sizing you handles (), and release the mousebutton wh en theobject reaches want to apply the copied formatting to. the desired size. Hold down Shift thekey while dragging to maintain the object’s propo rtions while resizing t. i To Indent a Paragraph : Click the Increase Indent button in the
Paragraph group on the Home tab.
To Decrease an Indent : Click the Decrease Indent button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
To Format an Object : Double-click the object and use the commands located on the Format tab. To Delete an Object : Select the object and press Delete the key.
To Create a Bulleted or Numbered List: Select the paragraphs you want to Tables bullet or number and click theBullets or Numbering button in the To Insert a Table : Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon, clickTable the button Paragraph group on the Home tab. in the Tables group, and select Insert Table from the menu. To Change Page Orientation : Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, To Insert a Column or Row : Click the Layout tab under Table Tools on the click theOrientation button in the Page Setup group, and select an option Ribbon and use the commands located n the Rows i &olumns C group. from the list. To Delete a Column or Row : Select the column or row you want to delete, To Insert a Header or Footer : Click the Insert tab on thegroup. Ribbon and click click theLayout tab under Table Tools on the Ribbon, click Deletethe theHeader or Footer button in the Header & Footer button in the Rows & Columns group, and select an appropriate option from To Insert a Manual Page Break : Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and click the menu. thePage Break button in the Pages group. To Adjust Column Width or Row Height : Select the column or row you want to adjust, cli ck theLayout tab under Table Tools on the Ribbon, and use the commands located in the Cell Size group.
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