Module 3
3 132 433
THAT’S ENGLISH! Autor Richard Stacey
Edición Marta Cabanillas Resino; Patricia Chappell; Cristina Aparecida Duarte; Mariane Kato Amaral; Verónica Matilla Julián; Rubén Muñoz Muñoz
Grabación Tom Dick and Debbie Limited
Corrección y traducción Molly Bechert para Bakun S.L.; Tim Cater; Departamento de corrección de SM Ilustración Archivo SM; Chema García; David Pintor Noguerol; Ángel Sánchez Trigo; Escletxa; Mar Hernández Fotografía Archivo SM; Fidel Puerta, Sergio Cuesta/Archivo SM; Olimpia Torres; Almudena Esteban; Javier Pierini, David Buffington, Ryan McVay, Beil Beer, Mitch Hrdlicka, Glenn Allison, Don Farrall, Andrew Wakeford/ PHOTODISC; Raychel Deppe/iSTOCKPHOTO.COM; Andrés Rodríguez/DREAMSTIME; KEYSTONE; CONTACTO; EFE; CMCD; DIGITAL VISION; SPAINSTOCK; PHOVOIR; JUPITER IMAGES;
Edición gráfica Sergio Cuesta Caminero; Fidel Puerta Flores Diseño de cubierta e interiores Estudio SM Maquetación Diego García Tirado; Irene Marcos Ruiz Coordinación técnica y de diseño Mario Dequel Losa Coordinación editorial Karen Spiller; Jaime Marco Frontelo Asesor pedagógico SM Ramón Palencia Dirección del proyecto Pilar García García
Diseño curricular y seguimiento técnico del proceso de elaboración de los materiales didácticos de Inglés a Distancia desde el CIDEAD realizado por: Nuria Cambronero Sicilia Rafael Fernández Alonso Ana María García Romero Karen Ludlow Cleo Merino de Diego Ángel Nieto Serrano Marta Puras Tellaeche Francisco Javier Sainz de Robles María Jesús Sierra Delgado Elena Terán Herranz
Este material se ha elaborado en papel reciclado (50% fibras recicladas postconsumo y proceso de blanqueado de su pasta totalmente libre de cloro TCF), siguiendo lo estipulado en la Orden PRE/116/2008, de 21 de enero.
MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, CULTURA Y DEPORTE SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL Centro para la Innovación y Desarrollo de la Educación a Distancia (CIDEAD) Director del CIDEAD: José Luis Gómez Sierra Edita: © SECRETARÍA GENERAL TÉCNICA Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones Catálogo de publicaciones del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte: http://www.educacion.es Catálogo general de publicaciones oficiales: www.060.es Fecha de edición: Julio 2012
© Ediciones SM
Unit 1
Your life today Unit 2 (Good) Memories
Unit 3 Learning languages
Unit 4 Health
Unit 5 Travelling
Unit 6 Fashion: shopping for clothes
Unit 7 Neighbours
Unit 8 Plans and resolutions
Unit 9 Lifetime achievements
Unit 10 Looking for a job
Unit 11 Revision
Answer key
List of phonetic symbols
List of irregular verbs
Contents UNIT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your life today (Good) Memories Learning languages
Travelling Fashion: shopping for clothes
Neighbours Plans and resolutions Lifetime achievements Looking for a job
• Ask and give information about oneself • Describe what one is doing
• Revision of present simple • Revision of present continuous
• Narrating past experiences • Expressing duration
• Past simple • for + time periods • Time clauses (past): before, after, when
• Asking for, giving and refusing permission • Giving advice • Expressing necessity
• can, may • should, shouldn’t • need to
• Expressing obligation • Making an appointment • Showing interest & concern
• must, have to • Can I make an appointment? • What’s the matter? How are you? I’m worried about…
• Describing a journey • Asking for information
• Revision of questions • Frequency and time adverbs
• Expressing admiration • Describing clothes • Making comparisons
•What a … How… • The definite article • Comparative and superlative adjectives • Degree adverbs: too, enough
• Making comparisons • Showing interest • Showing sympathy
• as ... as • less…than, not as / so … as • Really? • Oh, no! / I’m sorry to hear that. / I feel sorry for her / him.
• Talking about future intentions • Talking about immediate plans and arrangements
• Present continuous • be going to + verb • stop + -ing, give up + -ing
• Narrating experiences
• Present perfect simple with ever / never • Contrast past simple / present perfect simple
• Narrating experiences • Expressing duration • Expressing disappointment
• Verbs followed by -ing / to infinitive • Present perfect with for / since / just / yet / already • What a shame! What a pity!
• /s/ /z/ /ɪz/ • Sentence stress
• Habits, daily routines and actions
• Lifestyles in Englishspeaking countries
• Using images
• Pronunciation of –ed ending • Word stress
• Adjectives to describe feelings • Lifetime events
• Life at university in English-speaking countries
• Applying patterns • Taking notes
• Consonant clusters • Linking /r/
• Word classes • Language skills • Learning materials • Classroom language
• Learning English in the UK
• Using a dictionary • Becoming aware of learning strategies
• /b/ /v/ • Sounding interested and concerned
• Parts of the body • Illnesses and injuries
• Primary health services in the UK
• Using gestures
• /dʒ/ /j/ • Intonation in questions
• Travelling by train and plane
• Globalisation and travelling habits
• Using background info
• /s/ /ʃ/ /tʃ/ • Emphatic sentence stress and intonation to express enthusiasm, surprise and admiration
• Clothes and accesories • Adjectives to describe clothes
• Fashion styles
• Guessing meaning from context • Personalising
• /ə/ • Sentence stress
• Adjectives for personality • Personal information • Vocabulary related to neighbours
• Neighbours’ relationships in English-speaking countries
• Using selective attention • Making inferences
• /æ/ /ʌ/ /ɑː/ • Linking /w/
• Traditional New Year’s resolutions • Bad habits
• New Year’s Eve celebrations in English-speaking countries
• Cooperating
• /w/ /g/ • Sentence stress
• Lifetime turning points • Unusual experiences
• Importants events in life
• Cooperating • Personalising
• /ʊ/ /juː/ • Intonation to express disappointment
• Job skills • Working conditions
• Use of abbreviations in job adverts • The working world in English-speaking countries
• Making meaningful associations • Guessing meaning from context • Personalising
Introduction Bienvenido al tercer libro del curso That’s English!
papel y lápiz a mano, pues puede haber palabras o
explicaciones de los presentadores que te interese
sugerencias para seguir cómodamente y con éxito los
anotar. En cualquier caso, observarás que la segunda
módulos de That’s English! Los números de página que
vez que veas el programa entenderás mucho más que la
aparecen a continuación se refieren al orden dentro de
primera. Y si lo ves una tercera vez, aún mejor.
cada unidad.
Nada más terminar el programa, conviene que hagas
la sección After you watch. Con estas actividades, se
Primer programa de vídeo (1ª página)
intenta medir si has comprendido lo fundamental
Todos los materiales de cada unidad giran en torno
del programa. Si te resultara muy difícil realizar las
a un tema diferente. Antes de ver el programa
actividades de esta sección, deberías volver a ver el
correspondiente a una unidad, te ayudará consultar la
programa e intentar hacerlas de nuevo.
tabla de contenidos al principio del libro donde verás
En la sección Now you! se te pide que relaciones el tema
recogidas las funciones, estructuras, vocabulario, etc.,
del programa con tus propias vivencias y opiniones.
que la configuran.
También conviene que hagas esta actividad nada más
Después, echa un vistazo a la primera página de la sesión A. En ella podrás ver los Objetivos que se espera que hayas conseguido al finalizar el estudio de la unidad. Puedes volver a ellos en ese momento y comprobar si los has conseguido. Los encabezamientos Before you watch, While you watch y After you watch (antes, mientras y después de ver el programa) te indican qué actividades debes hacer en cada momento. Before you watch presenta el vocabulario y las frases clave del programa. Debes, por tanto, leerlas atentamente y buscar en el diccionario cualquier palabra que desconozcas. While you watch contiene las preguntas que los presentadores hacen al comienzo del programa; sirven para que te hagas una idea del contenido del episodio correspondiente de la serie Park Hotel y centres tu atención en sus aspectos esenciales. Los presentadores te darán las respuestas al final del mismo. Este apartado debes prepararlo cuidadosamente antes de ver el programa, pues te servirá para su mejor comprensión y aprovechamiento. Mientras ves el programa, intenta responder a las preguntas hechas por los presentadores, pero recuerda
ver el programa, pues está muy relacionada con él y es una forma de repasarlo e interiorizarlo.
Reading (2ª y 6ª páginas) Así como la primera página se centra en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva, las páginas 2ª y 6ª de cada unidad están dedicadas al desarrollo de la capacidad lectora, fundamental, junto con aquella, para el aprendizaje y dominio de una lengua. Bajo el encabezamiento Reading, se encuentra un texto que desarrolla diversos aspectos del tema de la unidad. Léelo dos veces con detenimiento y vuelve a él siempre que sea necesario para realizar las actividades relacionadas con él. La única diferencia entre las dos páginas es que en la sexta, el texto suele ser más auténtico y menos graduado y, por lo tanto, puede resultar más difícil. Pero lo importante en la comprensión, tanto auditiva como lectora, no es la comprensión de todas y cada una de las palabras, sino de lo esencial del texto, ya sea hablado o escrito.
Language Study (3ª, 4ª y 7ª páginas) Estas páginas están dedicadas al desarrollo de los siguientes aspectos:
que lo más importante es seguir el hilo general de la
trama, y que no debes preocuparte si hay algunas
Los ejercicios de pronunciación se centran en los
diversos aspectos de la fonética: sonidos, acento,
probablemente las tendrás en cualquiera de los demás
ritmo y entonación, tratados desde el punto de vista
materiales de la unidad. Es conveniente que tengas
de las dificultades que presentan habitualmente para el
hablante español. Estos ejercicios son fundamentales
conoces a alguien que también esté estudiando inglés,
para mejorar tu pronunciación. Para hacerlos, deberás
sería muy útil que pudieras hacer estas actividades con
usar el CD de audio. Conviene que grabes tu propia voz
esta persona. Siempre tienes, por supuesto, la sesión
y la compares con el modelo del CD. Para conseguir una
de tutoría donde podrás realizar estas actividades con
pronunciación aceptable, necesitarás repetir muchas
tus compañeros de clase. Un consejo: no seas tímido.
veces, pero el esfuerzo merece la pena.
Lánzate a hablar. No te preocupes de los errores que
Listening Estas actividades sirven no solo para desarrollar la
puedas cometer. No hay nada más que una forma de aprender a hablar y es... hablando.
importantísima destreza de comprender la palabra
hablada, sino también para reforzar el vocabulario, las
Para muchos de los ejercicios de expresión escrita
estructuras y funciones estudiadas. Para ello, escucha
de estas páginas no hay una solución correcta única.
el CD de audio con atención: no escribas nada. Vuelve
Esto no debe preocuparte. No es necesario que todo
a escuchar el CD e intenta completar los ejercicios
lo que escribas sea absolutamente correcto. Escribe
cuantas veces sea necesario. Finalmente, escucha el CD
sin miedo, echa mano de tus fuentes de consulta:
de nuevo, siguiendo el texto y comprueba que todas las
diccionarios, gramáticas, amigos, internet; de nuevo,
respuestas son correctas.
no tengas miedo de cometer errores, y piensa que es
Grammar La gramática juega un papel importante, pero no esencial en el aprendizaje de una lengua. El conocimiento de
a base de práctica como se aprende a escribir.
Segundo programa de vídeo (5ª página)
las reglas no lleva automáticamente a aplicarlas bien
La sesión B del libro, que se corresponde con el
a la hora de hablar o escribir; por tanto, no debes
segundo programa de vídeo, tiene por objeto ampliar
obsesionarte con la gramática. Es más importante ser
la lengua presentada en la sesión anterior de forma
capaz de participar en una conversación, leer un libro
menos controlada y más natural. El segundo programa
o escribir un correo que saber todas las reglas de la
está compuesto por diversos elementos que abordan el
lengua. Conviene buscar un equilibrio.
tema general introducido en la sesión anterior, desde
El conocimiento de las reglas gramaticales te ayudará a
muy distintos puntos de vista:
entender ciertas estructuras complejas o simplemente
• Documentary: donde podrás ver una especie de
distintas a las españolas; también te permitirá corregir
documental sobre algún aspecto relacionado con el
tus propias producciones, probablemente a posteriori, y
tema de la unidad.
te dará una cierta sensación de confianza; pero recuerda
• Same language, different lives: en esta sección tendrás
que se pueden saber todas las reglas de una lengua y ser
oportunidad de ver a varias personas de diferentes
incapaz de expresarse en la misma, así como también
países de habla inglesa respondiendo a preguntas
es posible expresarse con toda fluidez y corrección sin
relacionadas con el tema de la unidad. De esta manera,
conocer las reglas.
además de oír diferentes formas de hablar inglés,
Así pues, conviene que estudies los recuadros de
podrás aprender cómo es la vida en estos países y
explicaciones gramaticales, que comprendas bien los
contrastarla con la tuya.
ejemplos y que hagas los ejercicios correspondientes. Speaking Hay dos clases de actividades de speaking: de producción y de interacción. Las actividades de producción las puedes hacer solo. Sin embargo, para las actividades de interacción necesitas a alguien con quien interactuar. Si
• The Street: esta es una sección nueva donde se describen a distintos personajes que viven en una calle típica de Londres. En cada episodio aparecen nuevos personajes dando así forma al vecindario. Se hace hincapié no solo en características lingüísticas sino también en la cultura británica. Cada personaje tiene una personalidad diferenciada y por tanto se abordan
temas diversos en relación a sus preocupaciones y
ser importante, pero mucho más importante es el uso y
situación social. Aporta un valor didáctico pues pone
la práctica de la lengua con o sin errores. No obstante,
de relieve los conocimientos vistos a lo largo de la
la tutoría presencial puede ser un buen momento para
unidad, en ejemplos prácticos de la vida cotidiana.
preguntar tus dudas y practicar las actividades orales de
• Ben & Beth: también es una sección nueva, en la que se muestra, con un toque de humor, el día a día de una pareja. Sus situaciones cotidianas tienen por objeto
esta sección con tus compañeros.
Self Test (10ª página)
reforzar los elementos del lenguaje vistos a lo largo de
Esta última página de cada unidad te da la oportunidad
la unidad, repasando el vocabulario y la pronunciación.
de que te autoevalúes y ayudarte a preparar el examen
Pues bien, antes de ver el segundo programa, es muy
de fin de módulo. Cada página constará de una actividad
conveniente que leas todas las actividades que debes
de comprensión auditiva o lectora, así como de una
hacer antes y después, porque, entre las dos secciones
actividad de expresión oral o escrita y de algún ejercicio
de esta página, encontrarás toda la lengua básica del
sobre el uso de la lengua.
programa y, si las lees cuidadosamente, buscando en
No debes realizar estos ejercicios hasta después de
el diccionario las palabras desconocidas, te resultará
haber completado las otras tres partes de la unidad y
mucho más motivador y fácil ver y comprender todos
después de haber visto los programas A y B de vídeo.
sus elementos.
Si te resultan muy difíciles, vuelve a hacer las partes
Realiza las actividades de la sección Before you watch
relevantes de la unidad, vuelve a ver los programas de
antes de ver el programa de TV: muchas de ellas están
televisión, repasa, si es necesario, toda la unidad y,
encaminadas a familiarizarte con el lenguaje que se va a
sobre todo, no te desesperes.
usar y, en ocasiones, a predecirlo.
Al final de la página, aparece un pequeño consejo,
Realiza las actividades de la sección After you watch
Learning tip, cuyo objetivo es facilitarte el aprendizaje
después de ver el programa. Éstas tienen por misión
de los distintos aspectos de la lengua. Finalmente,
medir tu comprensión de los diversos elementos.
aparecen dos llamadas al libro 2 de Vocabulary and
Un consejo que deberías tener muy en cuenta: no
Grammar, que se ofrece como material complementario
te preocupes si no entiendes todas y cada una de las
para ayudarte a practicar tanto la gramática como el
palabras que oigas o leas. Lo importante es entender lo
vocabulario que se trabajan en cada unidad.
esencial de cada uno de sus elementos.
Por último, un consejo muy importante para que puedas
Consolidation (8ª y 9ª páginas) En esta parte del libro se repasan y amplían los
tener éxito con el curso That’s English!: asiste a las sesiones de tutoría con regularidad. Son fundamentales para el desarrollo de la expresión oral.
contenidos de las dos primeras sesiones, A y B. Cada una de las actividades integra varias destrezas, bien sea la comprensión auditiva con la expresión escrita u oral, o la comprensión lectora con la expresión escrita u oral, etc. Algunas de estas actividades pueden ser más abiertas y menos controladas que las de las sesiones A y B. No debes preocuparte si no sabes si has resuelto bien la actividad o no. El mismo hecho de realizarla te ha servido para mucho. Como muchas otras cosas de la vida, una lengua se aprende practicándola y cometiendo errores. La corrección de los errores puede
Your life today OBJETIVOS
Do you enjoy working here?
¿Qué sueles hacer todos los días?
make calls 2
· Intercambiar información personal · Describir hábitos en presente · Describir lo que está sucediendo en el momento de hablar
do crosswords
1 What does Rob say about his job? a He likes his colleagues. b It’s boring and not well-paid. c He starts work at 7 a.m.
2 What are they doing in the hotel? a They are having a holiday. b They are visiting Jackie. c They are working.
meet friends
¿Qué crees que están haciendo estas personas? a
Responde a las preguntas.
f 6
¿Quién va a trabajar en tren? a
Responde a las preguntas. c
1 Who discovers the 2 How many stars do the job of the two new inspectors finally give guests? the Park Hotel?
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. Mrs Bowler is in room 6. Jackie often works at night. Mr Norton usually drinks orange juice. The chef starts work at eight o´clock with his breakfast. 5 Hannah likes loud music. 1 2 3 4
Describe cómo es un día normal de tu vida. wake up have a shower have breakfast go to work have lunch finish work have dinner watch television go to bed I usually wake up at 7 o’clock.
Your life today
Señala qué actividades haces frecuentemente y añade dos más. work do exercise
meet friends watch TV
eat out surf the Internet
Lee el texto rápidamente y elige el título más apropiado.
a Find more time for your family
b Relationships: what’s important to you?
... ...
c Evaluate your lifestyle
1 Is your work important to you? very important 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 not imp ortant 2 How often do you relax? every day 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / never 3 How often do you do exercise? every day 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 never 4 Are friends important to you? very important 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 not imp ortant 5 How often do you feel stressed? always 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 never 6 Do you talk about problems in you r life? always 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 never 7 Is money important to you? very important 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 not imp ortant 8 Is your diet ... very healthy 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 very unh ealthy 9 Are relationships important to you ? very important 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 not imp ortant 10 Are you happy with your lifestyle ? never 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 all the time
T oday, we’ve all got busy lives. We work a lot and we haven’t got a lot of free time. But some people have the time to work, rest and play. What’s the secret? Professor Gabriel Hinds is a sociologist and he’s studying the effect of lifestyle on health. ‘Nowadays, many people feel unhappy. Their lives are boring or they feel stressed. They do the same things every day but they don’t know how to change. I want to find out how people can make changes to have a better life and be relaxed.’ Professor Hinds uses a questionnaire to find out about people’s lifestyles. Why don’t you try it?
10–14 You have to make some changes now. You are unhappy at work and your health is bad. Think about your work-life balance: you can’t spend 90% of your time working!
25–39 Your life is good but you can make small changes. Look at what you eat and how often you exercise. Remember to meet your friends and build relationships.
15–24 You work a lot but you haven’t got time for friends and relationships. Don’t worry about work and housework: find a new hobby.
40–50 You have got a great work-life balance. However, be careful. Lifestyles can change!
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Some people can have a busy life but they have time to relax too. 2 Gabriel Hinds is a doctor. 3 He thinks a lot of people don’t have time to relax. 4 He thinks people can change their lifestyle.
Lee el cuestionario y respóndelo. ¿Estás o no de acuerdo con los resultados?
Completa las frases con estas palabras. busy
free healthy boring positive stressed
1 When you have got a lot of things to do, you are … . 2 When you eat good food, you are … . 3 When people are happy with their life, they are usually ... . 4 When you work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., it’s a … day. 5 When you do the same work every day, it´s sometimes ... . 6 When you can’t relax, you are often ... . 7 When you don’t work, you have ... time.
Escucha cómo se pronuncia la s en estas palabras.
Relaciona las actividades con las imágenes. catch the bus text a friend go to the gym get home have a shower commute have a coffee break start work wash my hair watch the news
/s/ › work - works / stop - stops /z/ › arrive - arrives / read - reads /ɪz/ › finish - finishes / watch - watches
La ‘s’ de la 3ª persona del singular del present simple se pronuncia... /s/ después de consonantes sordas: /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/ stops, wants, works, laughs /z/ después de vocales y consonantes sonoras: /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ plays, does, robs, reads, jogs, arrives, travels, climbs, listens, sings /ɪz/ después de /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/ kisses, sneezes, finishes, watches, changes Presta atención: ‘x’ = /ks/ relaxes Recuerda: cuando añadimos /ɪz/ el verbo tiene una sílaba más que en el infinitivo. 4 2 Escucha y repite estas palabras. Completa la tabla. 3
drive not get up relax finish watch not have breakfast eat not catch start go have get home get up
enjoys goes has likes makes meets relaxes starts washes /s/
Tim is a postman. He usually (1) … at four o’clock in the morning, but at Christmas, he (2) … at four o’clock, but at half past three! He (3) … at home. He often (4) … a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea in the canteen at work. ‘I always (5) ... to work – I (6) … the bus because it’s very early! I (7) ... work at five a.m. and I (8) ... lunch at about twelve o’clock.’ Tim (9) ... work at three o’clock in the afternoon and he (10) … at four. ‘In the evening, I (11) … the news and I (12) … with my family. I usually (13) ... to bed at nine o’clock. It’s a long day.’
Present simple (revisión) Usamos el present simple para hablar de hábitos o rutinas. Every day I cycle to work. She meets friends at the weekend. He finishes work at 5 o’clock. I don’t read books. He doesn’t commute to work. What time do you get up? Does she work on Saturdays?
Completa el texto con los verbos del recuadro en present simple.
¿Es similar tu día a día al de Tim?
I don’t get up at four o’clock. I get up at seven o’clock.
Your life today 6 4
Maisy: Yes, I’m fine, thanks. I (4) ... in first class and I (5) ... at some documents on my laptop. Sam: Great. Are you ready to meet Lewis? Maisy: I (6) ... my presentation now. (7) ... you … ? Sam: Yes, I (8) ... my emails. There are about 300 in my inbox. Maisy: Can you email me a document? Have you got time? Sam: Of course. What do you want me to do? Maisy: I can’t find the design file for Lewis’s project. I (9) ... for it at the moment. Sam: No problem. Yes, here it is. I (10) ... it to you now. Maisy: Thanks, Sam, you’re a star!
Escucha a tres personas hablando sobre lo que hacen. Relaciona las personas con las imágenes. a Eva Bishop, CSI officer b Sienna Hobbs, actress c Jason Michael, busker 1
Escucha de nuevo y responde a las preguntas.
1 Does Sienna usually work in the theatre or onTV? 2 What time does Sienna start to practise for the play? 3 What time does her play finish? 4 Where does Jason work? 5 Does he sometimes make a lot of money? 6 Who does Eva work for? 7 Does Eva start work at the same time every day? 8 How does Eva describe her job?
Present continuous (revisión) Para hablar de lo que está sucediendo en este mismo momento (now). I’m watching TV now. Sorry, he’s not at his desk. He’s having a coffee break. Are you doing your homework? Para hablar de algo que sucede en el presente, de manera temporal (these days).
9 6
Escucha la conversación y completa las frases. Señala si corresponden a S (Stuart) o a D (Diane). 1 I’m writing a report for my manager. S 2 Are you having … with it? 3 Are you feeling …? 4 … are you asking? 5 At the moment, you’re going to work at … 6 I’m working very … . 7 No, I’m not playing tennis or doing … . 8 I’m … doing much at the moment.
10 Un tweet es un mensaje breve de hasta 140
caracteres. Lee estos tweets y relaciónalos con las imágenes. 1
What are they doing at the present time? They´re working on a project in Peru. John isn’t enjoying his job these days because he’s travelling a lot. I’m living with a friend until I find a new flat.
8 5
Completa la conversación con los verbos del recuadro, luego escucha y comprueba. read
feel sit send look prepare travel work search do
Sam: Hello, Nectar Design, Sam Wells speaking. Maisy: Hi, Sam, it’s Maisy Walton. Sam: Hi, Maisy, how are you? What (1) ... you ... ? Maisy: I’m on a train. I (2) ... to London for a meeting with Lewis. Sam: Oh, OK. (3) … you ... OK today? You looked tired last week.
a Hi guys. Here’s my morning – 6:30 a.m. I’m getting up early (bad) and making breakfast (good)! Toast and strong coffee (very good)! b 2:00 p.m. I’m sitting in a meeting with my boss. She’s talking but I don’t understand. I’m thinking about my holidays. Is that bad?! c 10 p.m. I’m commuting home from work. I’m texting my friends and I’m reading a book: Your Work-Life Balance. There are some good ideas. I’m thinking about changing my life! 11 Escribe tres tweets. Explica qué haces durante
tres momentos diferentes del día.
It’s time to get up
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
about his show.
night in his flat.
c Nick goes to a lot of expensive
shows. 3
The Street
The Street
Responde a las preguntas. 1
1 How many minutes does Geoff need to get dressed?
2 What time does Geoff´s mum bring him his mug of tea?
3 What time does Geoff get home from work every day?
1 Get up. … minutes. 2 Eat breakfast. … minutes. 3 Go to work. … minutes. 4 Get home from work. … minutes.
Ben & Beth 3
Describe qué está pasando en cada imagen e imagina la historia. a
Ben & Beth 6
Observa las imágenes de la actividad 2. ¿Has acertado con la historia?
Responde a las preguntas. 1 What’s the name of the restaurant? 2 What are the names of their friends? 3 What is Ben looking for? 4 Where are the keys?
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 4
a Nick is sharing his flat with six other people. b Nick is staying in a large house. c Nick is studying at university.
1 Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. 2 Every year, Edinburgh is home to the Edinburgh festival. 3 They’re playing the bagpipes. 4 He’s performing in the street.
¿Cuánto tiempo actividades?
a Nick is giving out information b Nick performs a show every
Relaciona las imágenes con las frases. a
Elige las opciones correctas sobre el Festival de Edinburgh. 1
a Millions of events take place during the Edinburgh Festival every year. b Hundreds of actors and dancers perform in the Edinburgh Festival every year. c Thousands of visitors come to the Edinburgh Festival every year.
Completa el texto sobre un festival de tu Comunidad Autónoma. … [name of a village or town] is in … [name of your autonomous community]. Every year, there is a festival. The name of the festival is … [name of festival]. People … [What do people do?]. I … [Do you like the festival?] the festival because … [Give reasons.].
Your life today
Responde a las preguntas.
1 Do you ever read books, blogs or articles about travelling to other countries?
Lee el blog rápidamente y relaciona los párrafos con las imágenes. a
2 What do you think people usually write in a travel blog? d
3 Why do people write travel blogs?
Blog Linda’s Australian factfile Town / City: Alice Springs Accommodation: Red Centre Hostel Things to see and do: MacDonnell National Park walking tour; local Aboriginal artists; wildlife Food: barbecues (seafood, meat, salads) Local people: lots of tourists, Aboriginal people
Week 4 1 Only two weeks of our adventure to go. This week we’re travelling through Australia’s ‘Red Centre’. We’re visiting the town of Alice Springs, or as the local people call it, ‘The Alice’. Right now, as I’m writing, I’m looking out of the window at a family of kangaroos. I think they are searching for food. 2 David is visiting one of the local tourist attractions, the MacDonnell National Park. Right now, I think he’s sitting under a tree and drinking traditional Australian ‘billy tea’. 3 The other people at the hostel are from all over the world. Right now, some of them are eating lunch but I can’t eat at lunchtime ... it’s too hot! I eat in the evening when it’s cool. The chef does a good barbecue. I think barbecue is their national dish! 4 There are a lot of Aboriginal families in and around ‘The Alice’. They make money in different ways. Today, one guy is telling stories to travellers and he’s painting amazing pictures of birds and animals.
Climate: hot; 45 degrees Celsius in the afternoon; dry and sunny
5 The landscape is unique. I can only see red desert but plants and animals grow and live here in the heat. Today, as usual, the sun is shining and here in ‘The Red Centre Hostel’ the air-conditioning is working all the time. The temperature is 45 degrees Celsius so I’m staying indoors and drinking cold water!
Advice to travellers: stay inside during the day
Linda, Red Centre Hostel, Alice Springs, Australia, Dec 20th
1 Linda and David are professional hotel inspectors, working in Australia. 2 Linda and David are taking a long holiday in Australia. 3 Linda is a travel writer. She’s writing a book about Australia. 4 David is working in a café at the MacDonnell National Park. 4
Responde a las preguntas. 1 What does Linda think the kangaroos are doing? They are searching for food. 2 What is David visiting?
3 What are the other hotel guests doing while Linda is writing? 4 Where are Linda and David staying in ‘The Alice’? 5 What’s the weather like in Alice Springs? 6 Why is Linda staying inside?
¿Cuál de estas frases describe mejor a Linda y David?
Busca las palabras o las frases del blog que corresponden a estos significados. 1 trying to find or looking for 2 places for tourists to visit 3 a basic hotel 4 typical food from a country 5 very special – the only one 6 a machine for cooling rooms or cars
En inglés, se enfatizan, acentuándose, las palabras que aportan información. Presta atención a las palabras en rojo.
4 10
1 We’re visiting the town of Alice Springs. 2 His name is David. 3 They’re from Australia. 4 I usually go to work at nine o’clock. 2 9
Lee y pronuncia estas frases. Subraya las palabras acentuadas en cada frase. Luego, escucha y comprueba. 1 It’s hot! 2 I love barbecues. 3 What are you doing now? 4 We’re staying in a hostel. 5 The National Park is amazing. 6 They aren’t sitting in the sun.
Escucha y completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Subraya las expresiones correctas. 1 I ... (sit) on a train (at the moment / often). 2 What ... (you / do)? 3 I … (drink) a coffee and I … (text) my friends well, and now I … (talk) to you. 4 (Right now / Always), I ... (eat) a sandwich. 5 I (often / sometimes) ... (have dinner) at the Café Rouge. 6 I (always / now) … (stay) in the same hotel. 7 I (at the moment / usually) … (visit) the university. Escucha de nuevo y comprueba tus respuestas.
Usos de present simple y present continuous
Eres un personaje famoso. Tus compañeros adivinan quien eres a partir de tus respuestas. Where do you live?
What is your job?
What do you usually do at weekdays?
What do you do at weekends?
Present simple Para hablar de hábitos y rutinas. Se suele usar con adverbios y expresiones de frecuencia. She always has three weeks holiday in the summer. They don’t go abroad every year. Do you sometimes have a day off work and go shopping?
Present continuous
What are you doing at the moment? 6
Escribe entradas en una red social simulando ser el personaje que has elegido en la actividad anterior. Observa el siguiente ejemplo.
Para hablar de lo que estamos haciendo ahora. Se suele usar con estas expresiones de tiempo: now, at the moment, right now. ‘Where are you now?’ ‘I’m sitting on the train.’ At the moment I’m not working, I’m visiting friends in Dublin. Are they meeting right now?
8:00 a.m. Today I’m having a day off. I usually wake up at 7 a.m. and I go to the gym but today I’m lying in bed and reading a book. Midday. I’m eating a burger and fries with my family. I’m often very busy so I eat a sandwich at my desk.
3 10
Escucha la conversación entre Mimi y Rod. Responde a las preguntas. 1 Where is Rod? 2 What is he doing? 3 Where is Mimi? 4 What is Mimi doing? 5 What does Mimi usually do there? 6 What’s the name of Rod’s friend?
9:00 p.m. In the evening, I usually talk to my advisors and plan the next day but tonight I’m watching a movie with my kids. This is the best way to spend the evening.
8:00 a.m. Today ...
Your life today
Lee la entrevista y responde a las preguntas. 1 Where does Tabitha live and work? She lives and works in Cornwall, in south-west England. 2 What does Tabitha usually do when she is not in Cornwall? 3 What does Tabitha do in the evening? 4 What are Tabitha’s favourite things? 5 How does Tabitha give information about travel? 6 According to Tabitha, how do people book holidays now?
What are you doing at the moment?
or six months of the year, Tabitha Poole lives and works at home. For the rest of the year, she’s ‘on the road’, travelling to look for information and material for her new books. Tabitha, can you tell us a little about yourself? Well, I’m a travel writer and I live and work in Cornwall, in south-west England. I’m from London, but I love living in Cornwall. What’s your routine at home? I always get up around seven o’clock and I take my dog, Bones, for a run on the beach. After that, I write for about four hours: I have to write 2,000 words every day. Then I have lunch and go for another walk with Bones. I usually go out and visit friends in the evening or go to the local pub.
I usually live in the UK for six months. Then I travel abroad to meet different people and find out about their lives. But I’m writing a new book at the moment. The idea for my new book is to combine my favourite things: I like walking with Bones and writing travel books. So, now every month, I go walking with Bones in a different part of the UK and then I write about it. My book is called Around Britain with a Dog. What do you say to people who want to be travel writers? Write! I’m writing a book but I often tweet or update my blog. I sometimes use social networking sites, such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Online publishing is very important. At the moment, people book tickets or organise holidays online. They don’t visit travel agents in the High Street. With travel blogs, customers can read about what people are doing and where they’re travelling. Then they book their own holiday.
¿Qué estás haciendo ahora? ¿Qué haces normalmente en vacaciones? Escribe cuatro frases. At the moment I’m working on a new project. On holiday, I usually travel abroad.
Escucha las descripciones sobre estas personas. Completa la tabla.
What job(s) are you doing?
Name & country
What time does What are you doing your working day in your leisure time? start?
What time does your day end?
Fabio (1) …
I’m a student and I work in a (2) … .
(3) …
No free time.
(4) …
Kala Canada
I work in a (5) … .
(6) …
I’m doing a (7) … course.
(8) …
Dale Jamaica
I’m a (9) ... , a (10)… guard and a fisherman.
(11) …
I’m very busy.
(12) …
Señala si estas frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas.
1 Fabio lives with his friends. 2 Fabio’s father is a doctor. 3 Kala lives in Vancouver, Canada.
Piensa en tus actividades cotidianas. Habla con tus compañeros y encuentra a alguien que comparta cinco actividades contigo. Right now, I’m studying for an exam.
At the moment, I’m working very hard.
4 Kala is saving money. 5 Dale usually works in a hotel.
I never text my friends from work.
Lee los mensajes de móvil de Jean y Malcolm. ¿Qué frases corresponden a cada uno de ellos? 1 … is retired. 2 … is working today. 3 … is 60 this week.
4 … was 60 last week. 5 … has got two children. 6 … plays sport every day.
Happy 60th birthday, Malcolm!
Hello Jean! I’m fine. The children are
How are you? I’m in the garden at
working hard. Jacqueline is teaching
the moment. I’m cutting the grass.
in London and Peter is studying for
Barney is cooking dinner. We’re both
his exams. I’m busy. I’m having a
retired but we’re very busy. Barney is learning to
coffee break now but today is a working day. Mrs
play the piano and I meet the girls at the tennis
Sanders is waiting for me: I have to cut her hair!
club every morning.
Talk soon, Malcolm xx
Love, Jean xx
PS Happy 60th birthday for last week! Send
I usually have a coffee break at 11 o’clock.
Imagina que tienes treinta años más. Manda un mensaje a un amigo describiendo cómo es tu vida.
Hi ...! How are you? I’m fine ...
Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los verbos del recuadro. catch the bus commute finish work get home go to the bathroom start work leave the house 1 She doesn’t drive to work, she … . 2 I’m catching the train at nine this morning, so I have to ... at eight. 3 He lives in Oxford but he works in Reading so he … for an hour every day. 4 I work nightshifts. I … at 8:00 p.m. and I … at 8:00 a.m. 5 I have got two sisters. I always get up at seven so I can … and have a shower first! 6 After work, I usually … at about six. Then I relax and spend time with my family.
4 12
Hi Whitney! It (1) ... (snow) here in Chicago at the moment. How is Brussels? Hx Send
Lee lo que Cristina hace a diario. Hi, my name is Cristina and this is my typical Monday.
8:35 a.m. – I (1) … (check) emails and Dan (2) … (drive) the children to school. 11:15 a.m. – I (3) … (sit) in a café. I (4) … (wait) for Dan. He (5) … (be) late, as usual! I (6) … (drink) cappuccino this morning. 1:00 p.m. – Lunch (7) … (be) always boring. I (8) … (eat) salad – again! I (9) … (never / make) sandwiches. 4:30 p.m. – I (10) … (stand) by the school football field. It (11) … (rain)! I (12) … (be) cold and bored but the children (13) … (have) a great time. 8:05 p.m. – Dan (14) … (put) the children to bed and I (15) … (watch) TV. Lovely!
Whitney está trabajando en un banco en Bruselas. Hakim le manda un mensaje. Completa los textos con la forma apropiada de present simple o present continuous de los verbos entre paréntesis.
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas.
8:30 a.m. – Dan drives the children to school and I arrive at my desk and check emails. 11:00 a.m. – I sometimes meet Dan for coffee. He’s usually late. I often have latte, but I sometimes have cappuccino! 1:00 p.m. – I eat lunch in my office. Always a salad! 4:15 p.m. – I usually watch the children play football at school. 8:00 p.m. – The children go to bed. Ahora completa la información de Cristina para este lunes.
Elige la opción correcta.
Hi Hakim Brussels is good. It (2) … (not snow) here! I (3) … (have) a great time and I (4) … (learn) a lot about the banking business. Work (5) … (start) at 8.00 a.m. every day. We (6) … (have) a team meeting and then we (7) … (go) to our offices. The colleagues in my team (8) … (be) friendly. We (9) … (have) lunch together right now. We (10) … (sit) in a bar in the centre of Brussels. I (11) … (eat) the Belgian national dish, chips, and I (12) … (write) this email. My colleagues (13) … (talk) in French. I (14) … (not speak) French very well. See you soon, Whitney
Escucha la conversación telefónica entre Naomi y Edwin. ¿Cual es su relación?
1 Edwin is sitting in front of his home computer. 2 Naomi is driving home from work. 3 Naomi is meeting her sister at the book club. 4 The book club never finishes at midnight. 5 Naomi doesn’t go to work early on Fridays. 6 Naomi finishes the call because her phone is broken. 7 Edwin is drinking a cup of tea.
1 Parisians live / are living in Paris. 2 We usually catch / are catching the bus to work but today it rains / is raining and we drive / are driving. 3 I never drink / I’m never drinking coffee. 4 A: What does he do / is he doing? B: He writes / He’s writing his travel blog right now. 5 A: Is it time for a break? B: Almost. Paddy makes / is making coffee. Do you want a cup? 3
Escribe dos entradas en tu muro de Facebook describiendo lo que haces en distintos momentos del día.
Learning tip Una imagen te puede ayudar a comprender y recordar nuevas palabras y expresiones. Cuando escribas vocabulario intenta hacer un dibujo junto a la palabra. More practice: Vocabulary: Habits and lifestyles (page 6) Grammar: Present simple vs Present continuous (page 46)
(Good) Memories OBJETIVOS
I remember when you were born
· Describir experiencias en el pasado · Expresar estados de ánimo y sentimientos
1 Grandpa Stiles visited the Park Hotel last year. He stayed … . a for a week b for a day c for a weekend 2 Oliver passed his exams. He worked hard … . a for six days b for six weeks c for six months 3 Chris was at school in England. He went to boarding school … . a for three years b for ten years c for eight years
¿Recuerdas lo que hacías hace 5 años?
1 Did you have a job? 2 What did your family do? 3 How old were you and your family? 4 Did any special events take place? 5 Were your hobbies the same five years ago? 6 Where did you go on holiday?
Responde a las preguntas.
Elige la respuesta correcta.
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Grandpa lived in Italy for twenty years. 2 Grandpa met his wife in Kenya. 3 Chris and Sophie were at school together. 4 On their first date, Chris and Sophie got lost. 5 Last year, the family went on holiday to a hotel. 6 Sophie helped Chris to read the map.
1 What languages 2 Where did Chris did Grandma speak? and Sophie meet?
Responde a las preguntas.
Piensa en momentos de tu vida que te hicieron sentir... happy
1 Why are the family having a reunion?
2 What 3 Who is the happened to woman in the family the picture? the last time they went on holiday?
I watched a movie last night. I was so bored! I felt very happy when my daughter was born.
(Good) Memories
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Where were you born? 2 What is your first memory?
2 13
3 Have you still got friends from school? 4 Do you go on holiday to the places you went as a child?
Lee rápidamente las entradas de esta página web. Responde a las preguntas. 1 Who is looking for information? 2 Who is trying to find an old friend? 3 Who is trying to identify people?
Friends Reunited Are you a student from St James’s School, Manchester, 1980s? I’m organising a school reunion! Do you remember me? I’m Paul ‘Scotty’ Scott and I went to St James’s School from 1981–1986. Were you in my class? Our teacher was Mrs King. I talked a lot and I didn’t do any work, so I didn’t pass my exams. (1) … I am looking for people from my class, and I really want to find Harry Kelly. We met on the first day of school but he moved to London. Come to the reunion, Harry!
Were you in the County Hospital, Cambridge, 18 years ago? 18 years ago, I had my first baby, a beautiful daughter, Octavia. She was born in the County Hospital, Cambridge. I didn’t sleep a lot and for 10 days the nurses and doctors looked after Octavia. They were very kind, but I can’t remember their names. (2) … Octavia had her 18th birthday last week and I want to say ‘Thank you!’ Did you work in the Railway Hotel, Oxford, between 1920 and 1970?
My name is Pauline Thomas and I’m writing a history of the Railway Hotel in Oxford. My father died in 1956, when I was very young. I first visited the hotel with my mother in 1957. She went there with my father in 1932. I went to Oxford last year, to walk around the city. It was very romantic. I want to find stories about the hotel for my book. (3) … Thank you for your help.
Completa cada hueco 1 - 3 con una de estas opciones. a For example, famous escapologist Harry Houdini once stayed in my favourite room. He lost his key and he didn’t leave his room for twelve hours. The porter had to let him out! b One day I brought my pet mouse to school in my bag. They sent me home and my mum was very angry! c I remember that I often asked for a cup of tea in the middle of the night and talked to the nurses. My husband visited every day but I was usually too tired to talk!
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Paul ‘Scotty’ Scott studied a lot at school. 2 He lived in Manchester and then he moved to London. 3 Leslie didn’t talk much to her husband. 4 The doctors and nurses were not very friendly when she was in hospital. 5 Mrs P Thomas visited the Railway Hotel a year after her father died. 6 A famous escapologist worked as a porter at the Railway Hotel.
Responde a las preguntas. 1 How many years was Paul Scott at St James’s School? 2 When did he meet Harry Kelly? 3 How long was Leslie Smith in hospital? 4 How old is her daughter now? 5 What is Pauline Thomas writing about? 6 How long did the escapologist stay in his room?
Utiliza los emoticonos para describir cómo se sintieron las diferentes personas mencionadas en los textos.
I think ... felt ...
I think he/she felt ... .
Relaciona las expresiones con las imágenes. have a child buy or rent a house / flat fall in love start your own business go to university leave school move to a different city find a job retire meet a famous person a
4 14
Escucha de nuevo y utiliza los relatos como modelo para contar a un compañero alguna de tus experiencias y cómo te sentiste. I left school and went to university when I was 18. I had a great time. I was happy. Past simple
Para hablar de experiencias y acontecimientos en el pasado, se usa past simple. I lived in Australia for ten years. I didn’t go to university. When did you leave home? c
d 5 15
Name: Maria Papas Nationality: (1) … Place of birth: (2) … Started school: (3) … Favourite teacher: (4) … First business experience: Sold (5) … to girls at school. 6 15
7 2
Clasifica las experiencias de la actividad 1. family & home
Escucha a Maria Papas hablando sobre su vida. Completa su perfil.
have a child
Escucha de nuevo. Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Maria Papas’s mother was English. 2 Maria Papas went to school in England when she was eleven. 3 She went to her father’s school in England. 4 Mrs Fletcher taught Maria for five years. 5 Maria earned some money at school. Lee y completa con estos verbos el texto sobre Maria Papas. Un verbo se puede usar dos veces meet buy die go start finish leave become
education relationships work 3 14
Escucha y relaciona a estas personas con los recuerdos que relatan y di cómo se sentían. a work
b university
c relationships 3
d family
‘I (1) left school in 1991 and I (2) ... to Australia on a business trip with my dad. I was very interested in business, even then. I (3) ... to university in London in 1992. I (4) ... university in 1995 but my father (5) ... that year. My mother gave me some money and after a year, I (6) ... my first business. I worked very hard for about ten years and in 2006, I (7) ... my 100th property and (8) ... a millionaire. In 1998, I … (9) Harrison Ford, the famous actor, at a party. I was very shy and very excited but he was wonderful!’
(Good) Memories 8 16
Escucha y repite estas palabras. Fíjate en la pronunciación de las terminaciones del pasado: /t/, /d/ y /ɪd/.
11 Observa el curriculum vitae de Plácido Domingo
y completa las frases. Curriculum Vitae Plácido Domingo
/t/ › finished, stopped, watched, worked /d / › played, snowed, travelled, loved, answered /ɪd/ › decided, added, started, visited
1941: born in Madrid 1949: moves to Mexico 1959: works with Mexico National Opera 1962: moves to Israel / sings with Hebrew National Opera 1965: leaves Hebrew National Opera after two and a half years 1990–2002: performs with the ‘Three Tenors’ 1996-2011: directs Washington National Opera
La terminación ‘-ed ’ de past simple se pronuncia ... /t/ después de consonantes sordas: /tʃ/, /f/, /k/, /s/, /ʃ/, /p/ watched, laughed, worked, dressed, finished, stopped /d/ después de vocales y consonantes sonoras: /b/, /dʒ/, /g/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /v/, /ð/, /z/, /r/ played, agreed, snowed robbed, managed, jogged, travelled, dreamed, cleaned, hanged, loved, breathed, realized, shared
1 Plácido Domingo … in Madrid … . (live / eight years) Plácido Domingo lived in Madrid for eight years. 2 He … with the Mexico National Opera … . (work / three years) 3 He … in Mexico … . (live / thirteen years) 4 He … with the Hebrew National Opera … . (sing / two and a half years) 5 Plácido Domingo … with the ‘Three Tenors’ … . (perform / 12 years). 6 He … the Washington National Opera … . (direct / 15 years)
/ɪd/ después de /d/ o /t/ decided, added, started, wanted
9 17
Escucha y repite estas palabras. Clasifícalas en la tabla. changed died ended hated helped killed listened lived looked moved needed passed retired stayed talked visited waited washed wanted /t/
/ɪd/ 12 Escucha un programa de radio sobre Edurne
Ahora escucha y comprueba.
10 Habla con un compañero sobre tus experiencias
personales más importantes.
The first time I went to school ... I remember a trip with my friends ... Once I went to a concert ... for + periodos de tiempo Se usa for seguido de un periodo de tiempo para hablar de la duración de una actividad. I stayed in Málaga for three weeks. They visited their friends for two nights. Did he live in Australia for five years or six years? Se usa How long …? para preguntar por la duración de una actividad. How long did you travel around South America?
Pasabán y completa las frases. 1 Edurne Pasabán was born in … on 1st August … . 2 She was … years old when she climbed the last ‘eightthousander’ mountain. 3 When she was sixteen she went on holiday with her … to the Alps. 4 In 2001 she climbed … . 5 Edurne lived for some years in … . 6 When she returned to the Basque Country she … a bed and breakfast and a restaurant.
13 En parejas, haz preguntas sobre Edurne Pasabán
y contéstalas.
When did she start climbing mountains?
She started climbing when she was very young.
Life is not always easy
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Same language, different lives 5
¿Quién fue su primer amor?
Responde a estas preguntas. a Did you go to university? b Did you do any of these activities? Play sports Read a lot of books Live away from home Study for a degree Do a part-time job
Meet new friends Learn to cook Visit other countries Meet your partner
The Street 6
¿Qué le preocupa a Mr Patel? Marca las frases correctas.
The Street 2
¿Qué preocupaciones tienes? family relationships money work house politics friends health I never worry! 1 Bread and milk 2 The closed sign 3 Locking the door 4 Switching on the burglar alarm 5 Switching off the lights 6 The newspapers
Ben & Beth 3
Responde a estas preguntas. a Do you sometimes argue with people? b Tick the things you usually argue about: family colleagues money work housework politics friends I never argue!
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 4
Ben & Beth 7
Señala las frases verdaderas. 1 Ben loved the film but Beth hated it. 2 Beth thinks Mike loved the film but Ben disagrees. 3 Ben hates Thai food and he didn’t eat any in the restaurant. 4 Ben was annoyed because the meal was expensive.
Elige las opciones correctas.
NOW YOU! 1 How did Georgina feel when she first arrived at university? a She missed her friends and family. b She was excited. c She was very happy. 2 Where did Georgina live in her first year at university? a At home. b In a hotel. c In a hall of residence. 3 What problems did Georgina have for the first time? a She didn’t sleep well. b Cooking was difficult. c She didn’t have any money.
Fíjate en las siguientes situaciones y expresa tu desacuerdo. It’s your turn to do the washing up. But I did it yesterday! I’m too tired to do any housework. I always do all the cleaning. I did the hoovering last week. You never do any jobs around the house.
(Good) Memories
¿Alguna vez has querido cambiar tu vida? Escribe cinco cosas que podrían mejorar tu calidad de vida.
Lee rápidamente este artículo de una web. ¿Mencionan Sue y Nigel algún punto de tu lista anterior?
Nigel & Sue ‘I remember that Sue and I argued a lot. Sometimes we argued for days. It was always about the same things: money, work, time. She felt depressed and was often angry and I was bored. (A) … .’ These are the words of Nigel Haven. Nigel worked in the City of London, in a large bank, for 15 years. He met his wife, Sue, there. ‘We were very unhappy. (B) … . I wanted a big house but Nigel thought our house was big. I wanted new furniture or new clothes. Nigel and I worked for about fourteen hours a day. I never saw him.’ Nigel explains what they decided to do. ‘We went on holiday for a couple of days. We went for a long walk and we talked about what was important to us. I think we both felt a bit foolish at first but (C) … and really started to say how we felt.’ Sue takes up the story. ‘(D) … but when we got back to our hotel, we felt great. You know, excited and happy. After dinner, we sat down for twenty minutes and each of us wrote a list of the things we wanted from our lives.’ Nigel laughs and continues. ‘We realised that we had money, a big house, good jobs and all those things but (E) … we didn’t do the things we enjoyed doing.’ Sue’s turn. ‘I went on a house-buying website and found a house on an island in the north-west of Scotland. We jumped into our car, drove for five hours, took one look at the house and Nigel decided to buy it. (F) … Nigel again. ‘We gave up our busy London lives and this is where we live now. We walk every day. I grow vegetables and Sue cooks and bakes. We never did those things in London. Sue’s writing a book and I run a website for people like us who want to change their lives. (G) … ’
Lee estas frases y completa los espacios (A-G) del texto con ellas. 1 we were still very unhappy because 2 I never felt relaxed. We weren’t happy. 3 I was really surprised. 4 I felt worried about money and our house.
5 Before the walk, we were bored and tired. 6 after a few minutes we got more comfortable 7 We’re happy and we feel great.
Lee el texto otra vez y responde a las preguntas.
1 What did Sue and Nigel argue about? 2 Why did Sue and Nigel never see each other? 3 When did they write their lists? 4 After they wrote their lists, what did they realise? 5 What do they do differently in their new life?
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Nigel and Sue didn’t argue for a long time. 2 They worked very long hours. 3 Nigel wanted to buy a new house and new furniture. 4 They walked for twenty minutes and then they wrote their lists. 5 Sue and Nigel often cooked in London.
2 22
Escucha y fíjate en la sílaba acentuada de cada palabra. Escucha de nuevo y repite. unhappy argument website vegetables remember relax friendly
5 23
Clasifica las siguientes palabras según donde recae la sílaba acentuada angry annoyed bored comfortable confident confused depressed excited foolish happy interested moody nervous relaxed sad surprised tired worried 1
Completa las frases con el adjetivo apropiado. 1 I arranged to meet my husband at 6:00 p.m. I waited for an hour and then he arrived. I felt very ... . (angry / interested / comfortable)
- I felt very nervous and confused on my first day at school. - Oh, yes. And a teacher shouted at me. I felt very foolish, I wasn´t confident.
2 Last year was difficult. My mother died, my father was very ill and I lost my job. I became quite ... but then I went to see a psychologist and she helped me a lot. (worried / annoyed / depressed)
Oraciones temporales Usamos oraciones temporales con before, after y when en pasado para indicar cuándo sucedió una acción en relación con otra anterior, posterior o simultánea. When I was a child, I lived in Australia for ten years. Before I met Pam, I didn’t want to buy a flat. What did you do after you finished university?
3 When we were planning our holidays, Rick first said he wanted to go to Italy, then he said he wanted to go to Austria and finally that he preferred to stay in England. I was totally …….! (surprised / confused / sad) 4 When I was a child, I remember I was always really ... on Christmas morning! (foolish / excited / confident)
6 When we were children, my brother was always so ... . One day he was happy, then he was sad, then angry. I never knew what to expect. (uncomfortable / surprised / moody)
Albert, Lisa y David describen sus experiencias más memorables. ¿Qué adjetivos utilizan? Albert 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... Lisa 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... David 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
Completa con when, before o after. I still remember the first time a teacher was really angry with me. One morning, (1) ... our teacher, Mr Wilcox, arrived in the class, I hid under his desk. (2) ... he got to the classroom, he looked around and asked about me. The other children said I was ill. He started the lesson and (3) ... a few minutes, I started taking things from his desk. (4) ... he went to his desk to look at his notes or to pick up a pen, they were gone. (5) ... the lesson, his desk was clear and all the children thought it was very funny. Unfortunately, (6) ... Mr Wilcox found me, he was very angry. (7) ... that day, I had a ‘difficult’ relationship with Mr Wilcox!
5 At the end of my first job interview, I stood up, thanked the interviewer and then walked through a door. Only, it wasn’t the exit, it was a door to a cleaning cupboard. I felt very ... ! (moody / foolish / tired)
Completa estas frases según tu propia experiencia. Usa adjetivos que describan cómo te sentías. Compara con tu compañero. 1 I remember my first day at school. I felt ... and ... . 2 I remember my first date. I felt ... and ... but also ... . 3 I remember the first time a teacher shouted at me. I felt ... and ... . 4 I remember my 18th birthday. I felt ... and ... .
angry 3
Escucha de nuevo y elige la opción correcta. 1 The football match was between England and Brazil / Argentina. 2 Albert met a famous footballer / tennis player. 3 Lisa was on a school trip to Germany / France. 4 She was twelve / twenty. 5 When he danced, David felt happy / uncomfortable. 6 David’s relationship with Sarah lasted a short / long time.
Escribe una historia que empiece con I still remember the first / last time ... .
(Good) Memories
Lee estas historias y complétalas con los siguientes finales (a-c). a One of them said ‘Sit on the chair, please.’ I was very surprised. It was an art class. They thought I was the model! b That afternoon, we went shopping. Did you know you can go shopping there next to Italian canals?! c My girlfriend’s mum opened the door and she looked really angry. Then she saw my face and said ‘Oh, you poor boy!’ After that, we had a great evening!
I remember my first holiday with my boyfriend. We were on holiday in the USA. After two weeks, we arrived in Las Vegas. Roger wanted to play roulette. He loves ‘James Bond’ movies and, although I felt foolish, we dressed up as James Bond and Pussy Galore and went to the ‘Golden Nugget’ casino. When he got there, he was very excited and, before I could stop him, he put all our money on his lucky number 7. I was really annoyed but then the croupier shouted ‘Number 7!’ Eva
When I was young, I had lots of accidents. I remember the first time my girlfriend’s parents invited me for dinner. That evening, before I went to Jane’s parents’ house, I played in a university rugby match. Just before the end of the match, I broke my nose so after that, I went to hospital and then drove to my girlfriend’s house. I felt very uncomfortable. My clothes were at the rugby club so when I arrived for dinner, I was in my dirty rugby kit and two hours late. Martin
My first job interview was to be a teacher in a college and it was a disaster. When I arrived at the interview, I went for a coffee because I was very nervous. The secretary told me to go and change my clothes. I was confused but I went into a room and put on a robe. They called ‘Nia Long’ and I walked into the room. There were ten people in there and a chair in the middle of the room. Nia
Responde a las preguntas. 1 What game did Roger want to play? 2 How did Eva feel when she was dressed as Pussy Galore? 3 What did Roger and Eva do after they left the casino? 4 What game did Martin play before the dinner with his girlfriend’s parents? 5 How did Martin feel before his girlfriend’s mum opened the door? 6 How did Nia feel before she arrived at her job interview? 7 How many people were there in the room?
UNIT 3 24
Escucha a Louise hablar sobre su primera entrevista de trabajo. Completa la tabla con lo que salió bien y lo que salió mal en la entrevista. right
before the interview
looked for …
didn’t look at …
during the interview
… correctly
felt very … said …
after the interview
… another interview got …
Lee y completa el blog de viaje de Martin.
Martin´s travel blog Hey travel fans! We’re inThailand.The weather is hot and sunny. Jane is on a beautiful island beach and I’m writing my blog from my hospital bed. Yes, another accident! Here’s the story. We (1) ... (arrive) in Bangkok and we (2) ... (go) to the coast. We (3) ... (want) to go to the island of Koh Samui so the tour guide (4) ... (organise) a boat trip. But before we (5) ... (get) on the boat, we (6) ... (drive) through the jungle for four hours. Jane (7) ... (read) her book but I (8) ... (be) car-sick. After the car journey, we (9) ... (take) the boat to the island. On the island, we (10) ... (have) dinner. Jane (11) ... (eat) some fish and was OK but back at our hotel room, I fell and (12) … (break) my arm. So I (13) … (return) to Bangkok and now I’m in the hospital. Jane (14) ... (call) me yesterday – she’s having a great time without me!
Escribe una entrada en un blog sobre algunas de tus vacaciones menos afortunadas.
My holidays
Two years ago, I went with some friends to ...
Completa las frases con los siguientes adjetivos. Hay tres que no son necesarios. angry bored confident moody sad surprised uncomfortable
5 25
6 25
1 Jenny took Ray on a romantic holiday last week. They … (visit / pass / fall) Venice for the first time! 7
pass / fall) in love at first sight! 3 Chris is his own boss! He … (start / meet / leave) his own business last week. 4 We saw Richard today. The twins are happy. They … (visit / go / have) to a new school in
… (visit / meet / leave) him last year and he’s
Vuelve a escribir estas frases con los verbos entre paréntesis en past simple. 1 We (have) a pizza and then I (take) the bus home. Before ... . 2 We (visit) Morocco and we (go) to the market. When ... . 3 I (swim) in the sea and then (eat) breakfast every day on holiday. Every day on holiday, before ... . 4 I (go) to Hollywood and I (meet) Angelina Jolie. I was so excited! When ... was so excited. 5 I (leave) home. Two years later, my mum (buy) a new house. Two years after ... . 6 I (go) to my best friend’s wedding and I (meet) my husband at the wedding reception! After ... .
5 Find Jim a girlfriend. I didn’t know but his wife depressed.
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. Luego, escucha de nuevo y comprueba.
Piensa en respuestas para estas preguntas. 1 How old were you when you left school? 2 Did you pass all your exams? 3 How did you feel? 4 Did you go to university or start work? 5 Did you take a holiday the summer after you left school? (If ‘Yes’ Where did you go? Who did you go with? How long were you on holiday?)
the first time 3 months ago and she … (have /
Escucha a Thomas y escribe los tres acontecimientos importantes que menciona.
1 Thomas met Helen at a Christmas party. 2 Helen was annoyed when Thomas fell over and his drink went all over her. 3 Thomas invited Helen to go out for lunch. 4 When Thomas tried to find the chocolates, he hit his head on a restaurant table. 5 Helen’s dad worked in the restaurant and he took Thomas to hospital.
Completa estos tweets con el verbo más adecuado en past simple.
2 Romantic news! Alice saw Spanish Ramón for
Escribe frases sobre Mick. Usa for y una expresión de tiempo. 1 Mick was born in 1966. He left home in 1986, when he went to university. Before he went to university, Mick lived at home … . 2 Mick became a teacher in September 1990. He didn’t like it. He left teaching in July 1991. Mick was a teacher ... . 3 Mick bought his first car in 1990 and he sold it in 1998. Mick owned his first car ... .
foolish tired
1 I spent the whole day in a meeting. The boss just talked and talked. I was very ... . 2 I came out of the theatre and found a parking ticket on my car. No way! I felt really ... . 3 After I swam for an hour, I ran home. Then I cycled for another hour. I was very ... . 4 We were in a boat on a very windy day. It was cold and wet. I felt very ... . 5 I prepared for the interview and I had a great CV. I felt very ... . 6 Madeleine, Mark´s girlfriend, phoned and invited me to dinner at her house. I was really ... . 2
Ahora escucha las preguntas anteriores y respóndelas. Escribe sobre uno de estos acontecimientos. 1 The first holiday you went on. 2 The first time you visited another country. 3 The day you fell in love. 4 The day you started your first job.
Learning tip Cuando escuches o leas en inglés, toma nota para ayudarte a recordar las ideas principales. Escribe las ideas o palabras más destacadas. Puedes utilizar estos apuntes como ayuda para hablar o escribir. More practice: Vocabulary: Feelings and turning points (page 8) Grammar: Past simple, Past time clauses with when, after, before, How long…? and for + time periods (page 48)
Learning languages OBJETIVOS
How can I improve my English?
· Tomar conciencia de nuestras estrategias de aprendizaje · Dar consejos · Utilizar el diccionario con eficacia
1 Maria wants to go to the park. 2 Maria can’t see a bus timetable because Ron hasn’t got one. 3 Stanley helps Maria with the pronunciation of ‘birthday’. 4 Maria doesn’t want to do her homework. 5 Stavros didn’t sleep because his air conditioning was broken.
¿Cuántos idiomas hablas y qué nivel tienes? Completa la tabla. /s/
a little
Spanish English
Responde a las preguntas 1 What is Stavros’s room number?
2 How does Alex describe Stavros when he is polite? a A good student. b A nice guy. c A polite Englishman.
2 What is she practising?
3 The students think English people use certain expressions all the time. What are they? a Please and thank you. b Sorry, please and thank you. c Excuse me, please and sorry.
4 Where does Ron think Stavros comes from? a Italy b Spain c Greece
¿Quién dice qué? Identifica la expresión que no se utiliza en el episodio. /s/ Well done! Good job! That´s great!
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Where does the class take place? a In the classroom. b Outside. c In the pub.
Señala las frases verdaderas.
Haz una lista de palabras en inglés que te parezcan difíciles de pronunciar. ¿Por qué te cuesta pronunciarlas?
Congratulations! Keep going!
Learning languages
Señala cómo prefieres aprender un idioma.
Piensa en cuando aprendiste algún idioma en el colegio. Contesta a las preguntas. 1 In class, did you like reading, listening, writing or speaking? 2 Who spent more time speaking, the students or the teacher? 3 Did you use the language outside the classroom? When? 4 When you finished school, were you good at speaking, writing or reading the language?
Lee rápidamente el cuestionario. Elige el mejor título.
a Are you learning English?
b Do you like learning languages?
1 When you learn a new language, do you … a buy a book and study the grammar? b buy a DVD and watch it on TV? c visit the country and learn the language there?
c What type of learner are you?
2 What is important to you when you learn a language? a I want to write letters and read newspapers. b I want to watch TV and understand songs. c I want to visit the country and talk to the local people.
3 Which of these sentences describes how you feel? a I don’t like making mistakes. I want to be correct. b I want to talk to people and it’s OK to make mistakes. c I like going to places, seeing and doing things, so I learn the language to do that.
ANSWERS & ADVICE Majority of ‘a’ answers?
You should try to use correct grammar and vocabulary
You are a traditional learner. You prefer learning
when it is important. Perhaps you should
in a classroom, studying grammar and doing exams.
the new language.
You like being correct.
Majority of ‘c’ answers?
You shouldn’t worry about being correct all the time.You
You are a sociable learner!You aren’t interested in books
should speak more and be adventurous.
or grammar. You like doing practical things, going out
Majority of ‘b’ answers?
and meeting people and having real conversations.
You are an adventurous learner. You love listening and
Speaking is good, but it can sometimes help to think
speaking. You enjoy conversations with your classmates
about the language. It’s important to know some
or your teacher, and you don’t worry a lot about mistakes.
Completa el cuestionario. Luego, lee las respuestas y consejos. ¿Qué tipo de alumno eres?
Vuelve a leer las respuestas y consejos y responde a las preguntas. 1 Do traditional learners like making mistakes? 2 What should they do? 3 What do adventurous learners prefer doing? 4 Do they worry a lot about using correct grammar? 5 How do sociable learners like learning languages? 6 What should they do?
Lee las frases y relaciónalas con los materiales didácticos (a-f). 1 I don’t understand this word. I need to find a definition. 2 Where can I write new vocabulary? 3 I want to listen to some English. 4 Where can I find the grammar rules? 5 I need to do some more exercises. 6 Can I watch an English film? a a CD b a textbook c a dictionary
d a DVD e a notebook f a workbook
1 ...
4 ...
2 ...
3 ...
5 ...
6 ...
2 29
Escucha y repite estas palabras. Fíjate en cómo se pronuncian las letras en rojo. brown conjunction films grammar next please shouldn’t street tests
Relaciona las preguntas (1-8) con las respuestas (a-h). 1 Can we play five more minutes, Miss, please? 2 Can I eat my lunch in class, please?
Ordena estas frases. Luego, escucha, comprueba y repite.
3 Can we smoke outside?
1 class / speak / in / shouldn’t / students 2 grammar / Spanish / practises / Claire 3 street / the / children / in / play / can’t 4 at / lots / school / have / we / of / tests 5 films / prefer / I / English / watching
5 Can she look at your homework, please?
Lee el texto y decide a qué categoría gramatical pertenecen las palabras subrayadas. Clasifícalas en la tabla.
a No, she can’t. It took me three hours to do that.
4 May I borrow your laptop, please? 6 May we listen to music while we’re working? 7 Can I answer my mobile phone, please? 8 May I answer this question?
b Yes, you may, but listen first, please. c No, you can’t. You have to come to class now. d No, you can’t. We don’t use mobiles in class.
Traditional language learner A traditional language learner likes using textbooks. He or she enjoys writing on paper and in notebooks. They usually pass exams but they don’t like speaking. They are sometimes adventurous but not often. 1 noun
paper, ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
2 adjective
..., ...
3 pronoun
..., ..., ...
4 verb
..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
5 adverb
..., ..., ...
6 preposition
..., ...
7 conjunction
..., ..., ...
Vuelve a leer y completa la tabla con más ejemplos del texto.
e Yes, you can, but not inside. f Yes, you can but please make sure it’s quiet. g No, I’m sorry, you can’t. We don’t allow food or drink in class. h Yes, you may but only for five minutes. I want to use the internet. 1 ... 5
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
6 ...
7 ...
8 ...
Completa la conversación con can, can´t y may y las palabras entre paréntesis. Student: It’s a really hot day. (1) ... (we / go) outside for the lesson, please? Teacher: No, sorry, you (2) ... . Maybe you should open a window. Student: OK. (3) … (I / get) a drink of water? Teacher: Oh dear, do you see that sign?
can y may Para pedir y dar permiso utilizamos can y may (más formal). ‘Can I ask a question, please?’ ‘Yes, you can.’ ‘May I leave class at 3 o’clock, please?’ ‘Yes, you may.’ / ‘Yes, you can.’ Para denegar permiso, usamos can´t o may not. ‘Can I use your pencil, please?’ ‘No, you can’t.’ ‘Can he borrow your book, please?’ ‘No, he can’t.’ ‘May I sit next to you, please?’ ‘No, you may not.’ / ‘No, you can’t.’
Student: No food or drink in the classroom. OK. (4) ... (I / sit) next to Anna? It’s not sunny over there. Teacher: Yes, you (5) ... . Anna, (6) ... (Paul / share) your table, please? Anna:
No, sorry, he (7) ... . I’m waiting for Ella, she always sits next to me.
Learning languages should y shouldn´t Para dar consejos utilizamos should y shouldn´t. Do you want to improve your pronunciation? You should watch British TV. He should come to my class, the teacher’s great! I shouldn’t speak any Spanish in my English class. They shouldn’t study grammar, only speaking and listening are important.
6 30
Escucha a tres expertos hablando sobre el aprendizaje de un idioma. Relaciónalos con las imágenes. 1
2 You should continue to read and write and learn new words. 3 You shouldn’t study for exams. 4 You should speak English every day. 5 You shouldn’t ask questions in class. 6 You should meet English people. 10 En parejas, pregunta y da consejos a tu
compañero sobre cómo aprender un idioma.
1 Do you prefer reading, writing or speaking English? 2 Do you worry about making mistakes? 3 Do you study every day? 4 Do you read English books and newspapers? 5 How do you remember new words? Do you prefer reading, writing or speaking English?
Madeleine Wrighton a
Trevor Oldcastle b
I prefer reading.
Olivia Booth c
You should practise writing and speaking, too. 11 Lee las preguntas de un foro de estudiantes de
idiomas y relaciónalas con los consejos. 7 30
8 31
Vuelve a escuchar y da consejos con should y shouldn´t. Prof. Wrighton: Language learners ... 1 speak all the time / 2 use books / 3 learn in a traditional way Prof. Oldcastle: Language learners ... 4 use a dictionary / 5 take exams / 6 worry about culture Prof. Booth: Language learners ... 7 use textbooks / 8 buy the newspaper / 9 live in their own country Completa el diálogo con estas palabras. Luego escucha y comprueba. advice grammar please prefer reading speaking shy Robert: What do you (1) … doing in English? Michelle: (2) ... and writing. I like (3) ..., spelling and exams. Robert: Why don’t you like (4) …? Michelle: I feel very (5) … . Robert: May I give you some (6) …? Michelle: Yes, (7) … .
9 31
Vuelve a escuchar y señala los consejos que Robert le da a Michelle. 1 You should be confident.
Learning languages forum 1 Shyboy@swipcom - Please can you give me some advice? I’m shy and I don’t like speaking because I make mistakes. 2 Businessman@mexorg - Help! Should I do a computer distance-learning course or go to a language school? 3 Nervousdoc@italiamed - I’m a doctor and I know a lot of ‘doctors’ English’ but I can’t order a meal in a restaurant. My husband wants to go to London next week and I’m very nervous. What should I do? a
[email protected] - You shouldn’t worry. You can’t be correct all the time. Relax, make a few mistakes and have fun. That’s what you should do! b IspeakgoodUK.com - You should go online. Watch some UK TV or video clips in cafés and restaurants.
programmes! You
often can
out and
in TV practise!
Good luck! c
[email protected] - They are both good choices. Do you like learning at home without a teacher or do you prefer speaking to real people? 12 Vuelve a leer las preguntas del foro. Escribe
dos preguntas más y las respuestas.
Can you understand me?
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
The Street 5
Lee las frases. ¿Aprendes tú inglés así? 1 I learn English in a classroom. 2 There are people from lots of different countries in my class. 3 I use books, CDs and the Internet when I learn English.
Mr Patel
speak(s) the Queen´s English
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Do your friends or family have an accent when they speak Spanish? 2 Can you tell where people are from by the way they speak? 3 Do you use colloquial language or dialect words? 4 Do people of different generations speak Spanish differently?
Escucha a Mrs Higgins y marca las casillas correctas. Mrs Higgins
The Street 2
have / has an accent use(s) American English
Ben & Beth 6
Elige la respuesta correcta.
Ben & Beth 3
¿Por qué estás aprendiendo inglés? 1 For your work. 2 To use on your holidays 3 Because you like learning languages. 4 To watch TV or films in English. 5 Other reasons. What are they?
1 Ben thinks Beth ... a has got great ears. b has got a great Spanish accent. c is having a great holiday. 2 Why can’t Ben watch TV? a Beth is watching her favourite programme. b It doesn’t work. c Beth needs to finish her lesson. 3 What is Beth explaining? a The way to the chemist’s. b The way to the hotel. c How to speak Spanish.
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 4
Responde a las preguntas.
Señala las estrategias y los recursos que utilizas para aprender inglés. /s/
1 When did Borja arrive in Brighton? 2 Why does Borja need to speak English to his English host family all the time? 3 How many English friends does Borja have? 4 At the school, how many students are there in each class? 5 What sort of book is there in every classroom at Borja’s school?
every day
usually sometimes
books computer CDs / DVDs talking to people newspapers / magazines visiting the UK
Learning languages
Relaciona las palabras con las imágenes. definition a
2 32
distance-learning b
grammar rules
Miguel Tamar
Likes: (1) ... Dislikes: (2) ...
Likes: (3) ... Dislikes: (4) ...
revise g
writing h
TV Review Tonight’s TV: ‘The Language Question’ The programme interviews two ‘experts’ on language learning. The experts use methods and techniques with two classes of learners for six weeks. Then, they compare their results. These are some of the experts’ ideas.
Miguel Tamar ‘You need to learn the grammar and then practise listening and speaking. My learners need to watch my DVD. They listen and make notes in the language they are learning; they shouldn’t translate new words. Then they practise speaking! We all need to pronounce words correctly.’
Miguel Tamar ‘I am a businessman and my business is communication. I can speak 12 languages and my method is simple. Learning languages is easy and natural. Learners need to relax and enjoy learning.’
Naomi Champney I use textbooks, grammar books and a dictionary. We sometimes use computers but I prefer using notebooks because learners often need to write words on paper and then they remember the words. You need to use all four skills. We practise reading, writing, listening and speaking. We revise language every lesson.’
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas.
Contesta a las preguntas. 1 How long did Miguel and Naomi teach their English classes before comparing results? 2 How many languages can Miguel speak? 3 What does Naomi say learners need to learn and study? 4 What do Miguel’s learners need to watch? 5 Naomi mentions ‘the four skills’. What are they?
Naomi Champney
1 Miguel Tamar and Naomi Champney are learning English. 2 Miguel thinks feeling comfortable is an important part of learning. 3 Naomi thinks that learning languages is always interesting. 4 Miguel concentrates on listening and speaking. 5 Naomi and her students never use computers. They always use notebooks and pens. 4
Lee una reseña de un programa de televisión y completa los perfiles de Naomi y Miguel con las siguientes palabras. modern methods communication translation vocabulary notebooks
Naomi Champney ‘Learning languages is natural: we do it when we are babies. But when you learn a language as an adult, it is complicated and sometimes boring. You need to learn vocabulary and study grammar.’ 3
And guess which group of learners made the most progress ... Sorry, you need to watch the programme: 9:00 p.m. BTV4. 5
Relaciona las palabras destacadas del texto con sus definiciones. 1 Speaking to other people. 2 You look at your work again. 3 You write in these. 4 Do things lots of times and improve. 5 How you say a word. 6 The rules of a language.
En 30 segundos, dile a un compañero a cuál de los dos profesores prefieres y por qué. I prefer Miguel’s class. He’s interesting and his students need to talk. I like talking.
I like Naomi. She’s traditional. I think that’s good.
Lauren y Peter están hablando sobre cómo aprenden un idioma. Completa estas oraciones, y después escucha y comprueba.
4 36
make mistakes get by I can’t understand Could you speak up a bit Could you speak more slowly Could you say that again I’m good 1 I’m lucky. … at languages. I understand words quickly and I can learn pronunciation easily. 2 I don’t know a lot of Spanish grammar and vocabulary but I can … . 3 I ... but it’s not a problem! 4 In class, my teacher is a quiet speaker. I often say ‘…, please?’ 5 I often don’t understand people. I just say ‘Sorry, … .’ 6 My teacher often speaks fast. I say ‘… ?’ or ‘… ?’ 2 34
En las palabras acabadas en -r, ésta siempre se pronuncia ante una palabra que comienza en vocal. Escucha y repite. /s/
-r = /-/ * four months for Peter
four hours for Anne
our teacher
our exam
more slowly
more exercises
Marca los casos en los que -r se pronuncia a final de palabra. Luego, escucha y repite. 1 Here are some examples. 2 The answer is wrong. 3 Where is your class? 4 We’re doing a grammar exercise. 5 Who’s your English teacher? 6 There are four mistakes in this exercise. need to Para expresar necesidad, usamos need to + infinitive. You need to learn vocabulary and study grammar. He needs to practise listening and speaking. My learners need to watch my DVD.
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 When do you study? 2 How long do you usually study each day? 3 How often do you use a dictionary? 4 Do you prefer using books, CDs, DVDs or the TV to learn? 5 Where do you study? 6 How do you practise? 7 Do you prefer reading, writing, listening or speaking?
*British English
A Like this? Do I need to write the new word in a sentence as an example? B OK. How do I do that? C Excuse me, what does this word mean? D I see. And I find the one that is the same or similar to what’s in this magazine. E OK, you mean is it a noun, verb, adjective and so on? a Exactly. Good job! b You need to look up new words in a dictionary. c First, you look up the headword and then you need to find the right form. d That’s correct. Then write the new word in your notebook. e Exactly. Then you need to find the correct definition for the context. So, you look at the examples. A ... B ... C b D ... E ...
-r = /r/
four for
Ordena esta conversación sobre el uso del diccionario. Luego, escucha y comprueba.
Ahora pregunta a tus compañeros. Encuentra a otras personas que utilicen tus mismas estrategias para aprender inglés.
Usa la información de la actividad 5 para debatir sobre las características de un buen estudiante de idiomas. I think a good language learner practises all four skills.
I think a good language learner needs to study one hour every day.
Para hacer preguntas con need to, usamos el verbo auxiliar do /does. Do I need to learn this word? Does she need to practise her reading?
Learning languages
Lee rápidamente las consultas de tres estudiantes de una academia de inglés online. Elige la mejor descripción para cada uno. 1
[email protected] 3
[email protected] a He needs to know how to use a dictionary. a He is shy and doesn’t like speaking English. b He needs help to remember new words. b He doesn’t learn French with other people. 2
[email protected] a She loves studying but can’t learn English. b She studies at work.
[email protected] Hi, David. I’m not making any progress in English. I love studying and I have got a lot of resources – books, DVDs, dictionaries, etc. but it’s difficult. Maybe I’m not very good at languages! Hi, Grammargirl. Do you study every day? When you study, how long do you work for? What’s your favourite way to learn?
[email protected] I don’t study every day. I sometimes work for three or four hours, but some days I don’t do any work. I like reading books and doing exercises.
Teacher online: David Prentiss
[email protected] Hello, David. I can’t remember new words. I listen to CDs and I watch the TV but it’s impossible. What do I need to do? Hello, Eric. When you see or hear a new word, what do you do?
[email protected] When I read a text, I always stop and look up every new word in my dictionary.
[email protected] Dear David, I am studying English but I have a lot of problems. I worry about making mistakes and I don’t like speaking. I never understand English people. Dear Mr Lesforges, how often do you speak to English people? Do you learn English at home or in class?
[email protected] I am not in a class. My friend studies with me but she is also very shy. We usually speak French.
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Eric never watches English TV. 2 Grammargirl thinks she’s bad at languages. 3 Mr Lesforges isn’t worried about making mistakes but he doesn´t like speaking. 4 Grammargirl has a regular study timetable. 5 Eric doesn’t use a dictionary very often. 6 Mr Lesforges learns English at home with a friend.
3 Lee las respuestas finales del profesor y
relaciónalas con cada alumno. 1 I think you need to practise speaking. You need to be confident so don’t worry about making mistakes. You and your friend should find an English teacher for some conversation practice. 2 OK, try this. When you read a new word, look at the context and try to guess what it means. You should write down difficult words in a notebook and then look them up in your dictionary. 3 You need to be organised. You should make a timetable and study every day. Do 30 minutes of speaking or listening before you go to work (for example, while you eat breakfast or on the bus). Then in the evening do some reading, writing and grammar practice for about an hour and another 30 minutes of speaking or listening.
Escribe E para Eric, G para Grammargirl o L para Mr Lesforges. 1 ... should speak English often with an English person. 2 ... needs to make a study timetable. 3 ... shouldn’t worry about making mistakes. 4 ... needs to guess what words mean. 5 ... shouldn’t work only in the evening. 6 ... needs to make notes and check words later.
Adivina de dónde es cada una de estas personas y relaciónalas con el mapa de su país. 1
c LA
N orth S ea
7 37
Escucha y completa los consejos que proporcionan estas personas para aprender idiomas. 1 To learn languages, you need ... . 2 When you learn a language, you should ... . 3 You ... worry about making mistakes. Escucha de nuevo y relaciona a cada hablante con su consejo final. 1 Bruce
2 Kiki
3 Chad
4 Maggie
a Buy a dictionary. b Go to a language school. c Visit different countries and live in them. d Study a lot and make notes. e Learn a lot of vocabulary. f Study through distance learning and watchingTV. 8
10 ¿Cuál de estos estudiantes de español no
1 Do you prefer learning on your own or in a group? 2 Do you think people should concentrate on speaking, listening, reading or writing? 3 Do you have time to study? 4 What is the benefit of having a teacher? 5 What methods do you find useful?
Bruce: (Wednesday) Today, we studied giving advice. The grammar was very difficult but I made notes and I looked at them after the class. Also, we studied lots of new vocabulary. Our teacher gave us a list of new words. I used them in conversations with the group.
d EA
En grupos, hablad durante un minuto sobre cómo aprendéis inglés y si os da resultado o no. Utilizad las siguientes frases como ayuda.
menciona ninguna experiencia de aprendizaje positiva?
En parejas, comentad si estáis de acuerdo o no con los consejos de la actividad 7. I think Chad is right. Distance learning is a good way to learn languages. Because you can study in your own time. You don´t need to go to class.
I don´t agree. I like classes. You should practise with other people.
Kiki: (Friday) What a busy week! I went shopping this afternoon and I spoke only Spanish. I made a lot of mistakes but I stayed positive. I didn’t understand what some people said. I said ‘Could you say that again?’ in Spanish. A woman in the supermarket taught me ‘Sorry, I can’t understand’ and ‘Could you speak more slowly?’ in Spanish.
Chad: (Sunday) It’s Sunday evening and I’m watching my DVD. I’m tired and bored and I need to concentrate. I didn’t do any Spanish this week because I was busy. That was a bad idea! I need to be more organised and I shouldn’t wait until the weekend to study.
Maggie: (Saturday) I had a great morning. I met my Spanish friends in a café and we spoke in Spanish for an hour. I tried to remember the new vocabulary but I didn’t have my notebook. I should always take it with me. 11 Escribe sobre lo que hiciste la semana pasada
para aprender inglés y qué estrategias te funcionaron bien. Last week ...
Elige las palabras correctas.
1 Some English words are difficult and I can’t pronounce / concentrate on / speak them. 2 OK, this is a new word so you should write it in your notebook / dictionary / textbook. 3 ‘Big’, ‘small’, ‘long’, ‘short’, ‘red’ and ‘black’ are nouns / verbs / adjectives. 4 Take out your dictionary and find the headword. Now, what’s the grammar / rule / definition? 5 It’s not a problem. I always say you shouldn’t worry / make / read about mistakes. 6 They’ve got an exam tomorrow. They need to pronounce / revise / speak. 2
Ordena las frases. 1 I don’t know what this word means. borrow / can / dictionary / your / I / ? 2 Sorry, it’s raining outside. have / in the garden / can’t / the class / we / . 3 I didn’t write that word down. can / again / say / you / it / ? 4 I’m really thirsty. I / drink of water / may / get / a / ? 5 No! the / can’t / she / exam / take / !
Lee el correo electrónico y haz una lista de los problemas que menciona para aprender inglés. Send to: Help! I’m in a meeting in London. The people here are from different countries but we all speak English. I’m really worried – my English is OK and I can usually get by but some of the people are bilingual! I don’t want to make a lot of mistakes. Also, my accent is terrible. The woman next to me has got a perfect English accent. Finally, I feel tired. I stayed up last night and I watched a movie in my hotel. Then, at midnight, I remembered that I needed to read a document for today’s meeting. It was very complicated. I looked up about 50 words in the dictionary and then I stopped and I went to bed.
2 It’s OK, you ... (not / worry about) making mistakes!
Now I’ve got another three documents to read for tomorrow. In the meeting, the English people always speak too quickly or too quietly. This meeting is turning into a disaster! What should I do?
3 People often speak very fast. You ... (ask / them / to speak ) more slowly. 4 Students ... (not / concentrate) only on grammar. 5 Is she studying English? She ... (not / study) when she’s tired.
Learning tip
Completa con need to o don´t need to.
1 When you find new words, you ... worry. 2 Before you look up a word in a dictionary, you … guess what it means: look at the context. 3 Sometimes you ... look them up in a dictionary. 4 First, you ... look up the headword. 5 Then, you … find the right definition for the context. 6 After that, you ... find the correct example. 7 Finally, you ... write it down in your notebook.
Escribe consejos utilizando should y shouldn´t y las palabras entre paréntesis. 1 You ... (use / a dictionary) when you want to find the definition of a word.
6 Good job! You ... (always / try) to guess new words from their context.
His English is OK, but he’s worried about making mistakes. 6
Responde al correo electrónico. Dale consejos sobre estrategias de aprendizaje para la próxima reunión. Usa need to y should.
Usar un diccionario puede ser muy práctico. Lee estos consejos. • No busques todas las palabras nuevas. Intenta deducir el significado por el contexto. • Limita el número de palabras para buscar en el diccionario. Después de leer un texto, elige solo cinco palabras para consultar. • Si una palabra tiene más de un significado, elige la definición que tenga más sentido en el contexto. More practice: Vocabulary: Learning languages (page 10) Grammar: Permission with can, can’t, may, may not, Advice with should, shouldn’t (page 50)
What’s the matter?
· Hablar sobre enfermedades comunes · Entender un texto sobre hábitos saludables · Concertar una cita con el médico
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Why is Mr Doolan visiting the doctor? a He has got a sore throat. b He wants to stop smoking. c He wants some vitamins. 2 What good news does Dr Young give Chris Stiles? a He hasn’t got a temperature. b He hasn’t got flu. c He has got a temperature.
Elige la respuesta correcta.
Reflexiona y contesta. 1 How often do you visit the doctor? 2 Is your doctor a man or a woman? 3 Do you take any medicines?
Responde a las preguntas.
1 What was the accident?
2 What should Mr Doolan do? 6
1 The doctor’s surgery is called the Rose Hill / the Daisy Hill Surgery. 2 The receptionist thinks the 9:30 appointment is for Mr Stiles / Mr Park. 3 Rosie fell off her bike and broke her arm / her leg. 4 Chris stopped smoking 10 years ago / last year. 5 When Rosie stopped smoking, she went to hospital / tried alternative therapies. Relaciona a las personas con las preguntas. a
Relaciona estos síntomas con las personas. Chris Stiles
a cough a temperature a sore throat a headache a broken arm a twisted ankle a cut head a cold
Mrs Weston
1 What’s your name, please? 2 What’s the matter? What happened to you? 3 Oh, dear, what’s the matter? Are you feeling OK? 4 What’s the time?
Contesta a estas preguntas. Why do you go to the doctor? Do you think that people visit the doctor too often? Do you like your doctor? Why? Why not? I go to the doctor when I´m ill. Two or three times a year. My doctor is great. She´s very kind and sympathetic.
Clasifica estas actividades según sean saludables o no. healthy
do exercise drink alcohol drink water drive to work eat fruit and vegetables relax smoke work a lot of hours 2
Lee el artículo. ¿Dónde puedes leer algo de este estilo?
a a blog
b an exercise website
c a health magazine
d a newspaper
A Healthy Life
1 What do you choose for breakfast? a Bacon, eggs, bread and butter, black coffee with sugar. b Toast, butter and jam, orange juice, coffee. c Low-fat cereal, fruit, orange juice, tea.
Hi, I´m Dr Millar. This month, we’re looking at lifestyle and health. Health surveys say that many people are unhealthy. So, it’s time to think about your health. Just complete our questionnaire (be honest!) and then read the advice from our health experts.
5 How much do you smoke? a 20+ cigarettes a week. b 0–20 cigarettes a week. c I don’t smoke.
2 How often do you drink alcohol? a Every day. b Two or three times a week. c I don’t drink alcohol.
6 How often do you use alternative medicines or therapies: yoga, acupuncture, hypnosis ...? a Never. b Sometimes. c Often.
3 What exercise do you take? a I don’t exercise. b I sometimes walk or cycle to work. c I often go the gym, run or play sports.
Now, add up your score (a = 5 points
b = 3 points
4 How often do you feel stressed or pressured because of your work / life? a Often. b Sometimes. c Hardly ever.
c = 1 point).
YOUR SCORES 24+ You must change your life! You often get a cough or a throat infection. Do some exercise and eat healthy food. Give up your unhealthy habits: no tobacco, alcohol or caffeine. If you are stressed, try some alternative therapies. Yoga, acupuncture or hypnosis can help you relax. 11–23 You are healthy in some ways but not in others. Think about your health and diet. You must
Lee los resultados del cuestionario y responde a las preguntas. 1 Your score is 24+. What things do you have to do? 2 What sort of therapies are yoga, acupuncture and hypnosis? 3 Your score is 11–23 points. Why shouldn’t you drink coffee? 4 What should you drink? 5 If your score is 0–10 points, what is Dr Millar’s advice?
do more exercise and eat healthy food. Coffee can give you a headache – try water! You also have to reduce your working hours. 0–10 Well done! You have a healthy lifestyle, so you don’t need to change the way you live. You probably feel well and when you get ill, you are probably not ill for a long time.
survey: encuesta give up: dejar de
Completa las frases con las palabras resaltadas del texto. 1 I ... cigarettes, but I know I have to stop. 2 Sheila works a lot. She often feels … . 3 That’s a bad … . It sounds terrible! 4 I’ve got a throat … . I feel terrible! 5 I drank three cups of coffee this morning and now I’ve got a bad … .
Escucha la pronunciación de la “b” y de la “v” y repite las palabras.
5 42
1 Pascal has got a bad headache / stomach ache. 2 Trevor makes an appointment at 9:15 / 10:30. 3 Suranne wants an appointment in the morning / in the afternoon. 4 Olive needs a prescription / some vitamins.
/b/ › back about bread Bob /v/ › visit never vitamin drive 2
Escucha y repite las frases.
1 Bob drives a bus in Vancouver. 2 Vicky gave me advice about vitamins. 3 You have to visit that website every day. 4 I never watch TV in the evening. 5 I’ve got a bad back. 6 Olive’s voice is very quiet.
Relaciona las enfermedades y las lesiones con las imágenes. 6 a stomach ache 1 a cough 7 a twisted ankle 2 a headache 8 insomnia 3 a sore throat 9 constipation 4 a temperature 5 a broken leg a
Escucha a cuatro personas pidiendo cita con el médico y subraya la opción correcta.
Lee la conversación y túrnate con un compañero para pedir una cita con el médico. Utiliza la agenda como ayuda. Receptionist: Good morning. How can I help you? You: Hello. Can I make an appointment to see Dr Watkins, please? Receptionist: Yes, Dr Watkins is free at 9:15 and 9:30. You: 9:30, please. Receptionist: What’s your name? You: My name’s Elena Terán. Receptionist: OK. Ms Terán, 9:30 then. You: Thanks a lot. Goodbye.
Dr Watkins 09:00
Mrs Kahn
Ms Valentine
Mr Lowry
09:45 g
Dr Garrido
Mr Henderson
Usos de must y have to + infinitivo Para indicar obligación. 4 41
Escucha a tres personas hablando con el médico. Relaciónalas con las enfermedades y lesiones del recuadro. 1
I have to take my medicine at the same time every day. We have to drink more water. She must stay in bed and rest. You must go to hospital. Para expresar consejos importantes. You must watch that film. It’s great. You have to see Chagall’s exhibition. It will only last three more days.
back pain high temperature insomnia a sore throat stress twisted ankle vomiting flu constipation
Health 7
Completa los diálogos con must o have to y los verbos del recuadro. do
1 A: I don’t feel well. B: Yes, you look terrible! I think you … an appointment with the doctor. (have to) 2 A: Is that prescription for Mr Harrow? B: Yes, he … his medicine four times a day. (must) 3 A: We should see the doctor today. B: Well, you … to the receptionist before you see the doctor. (have to) 4 A: What’s the matter with you, Tom? B: I’m ill. I … in bed for two or three days. (must) 5 A: I’m always tired. B: You’re very unhealthy.You … more exercise. (have to)
9 43
Escucha a un médico dando consejos para dejar de fumar. Señala los consejos que da. 1
You must choose a date for stopping.
You have to tell your friends and family that you don’t smoke.
You must throw away things connected to smoking.
You have to give up tea and coffee.
You must go and talk to your doctor and get help. 8
You have to try for a long time.
8 Relaciona las frases con los consejos.
1 I’ve got a sore throat. 2 I feel very hot. 3 I’ve got a headache. 4 I’m vomiting. 5 I fell over and I hurt my knee. 6 I can’t sleep. a
You have a throat infection. You must take some antibiotics.
You must put this antiseptic cream on it.
Take your temperature. It should be 36.5˚C.
Don’t eat any food, and drink only bottled water.
Have a hot glass of milk before you go to bed.
1 ...
You have to take a painkiller.
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
You must You have buy medicines to be careful and take them about the when you feel food you eat. ill.
You have to try alternative medicine, acupuncture or hypnosis.
10 Escribe consejos para estas personas.
1 I’ve got a cough. 2 I fell off my bike yesterday and I twisted my ankle. 3 I feel sick. 4 I think I’m catching a cold. 5 I think I’m constipated. You have to … You must …
6 ...
Fit and healthy
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Responde a las preguntas. 1 When you visit the doctor’s or hospital, do you have to pay? How much? 2 When you visit the doctor’s or hospital, do you always see the same doctor? 3 How long do people in Spain usually have to wait for a hospital appointment? 4 Do you like the health system in Spain?
The Street 2
Responde a las preguntas. 1 How often do you feel sick? 2 List the illnesses you usually have.
a broken arm
Señala la respuesta correcta. 1 Mandy has got a bad back and: a a cold b a sore throat c a stomach ache 2 Mandy buys ... for her headaches. a aspirin b antibiotics c ointment 3 Henry has got a cough. Mandy is anxious because she doesn’t want to get: a flu b a headache c an infection 4 When Mandy sees the boy eating chocolate, she thinks about: a toothache b stress c a high temperature
¿Por qué enfermedades pides normalmente un día libre en el trabajo?
a cough
Relaciona cada definición con el término correcto. 1 an expert hospital doctor 2 medicine or help from a doctor 3 the UK’s main health system 4 a car or van that takes ill people to hospital 5 before you see your doctor, you need one of these a the NHS (National Health System) b a specialist c an ambulance d an appointment e a treatment 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ...
The Street
Ben & Beth 3
a sore throat
Ben & Beth 7
a headache
1 a twisted ankle 2 a temperature 3 flu
a stomach ache
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (�) o falsas (�). 1 The NHS (National Health System) isn´t free in the UK. 2 After visiting her doctor (GP: General Practitioner), Deborah sees a specialist. 3 Deborah has to have a serious operation at hospital. 4 She has to take medicine for her problem. 5 You can always see the same doctor in hospital in the UK. 6 Generally, Deborah doesn´t think the NHS is very good.
Señala los síntomas de Ben. 4 a cough 5 a sore throat 6 a stomach ache
Relaciona los comentarios de Beth con los síntomas de Ben. ¿Cree ella que Ben está enfermo? a You were fine last night when you went out with your friends. b No, you don’t feel hot. c Don’t be so pathetic!
¿Qué haces normalmente cuando estás enfermo? When I have a cold or I feel sick, I have a day off work and ...
Responde a las preguntas. 1 How often do you eat organic food? 2 Where do you get your exercise?
3 Do you ever use alternative medicine?
Lee las descripciones de dos personas con diferentes estilos de vida y responde a las preguntas. a What are their names?
b What do they eat?
Maria Paschalidis is 76. She lives and works on the island of Crete. She owns a small bed and breakfast hotel and in the summer, she welcomes tourists M ed iterranean from the UK, Germany S ea and other countries to her home. She has also CRETE got a small farm and she grows almost all her own food. Maria never goes to the doctor and she says she is never ill. ‘I went to the doctor once when I was a child. I twisted my ankle. My mother thought I had a broken leg.’ She laughs. ‘I sometimes catch a cold but I just eat some good soup and I stay in bed.’ So what’s her secret? ‘I exercise outside every day on my farm, I eat fresh, healthy food, I make my own organic wine and I do yoga. Oh, and I don’t smoke. Simple!’
c Where do they live?
Ahnah is also 76. She is a member of an Inuit Tribe and she lives in the Arctic area of Alaska. The Arctic has long cold winters and short summers. As a young girl, Ahnah never ate fruit or vegetables. ‘I ate Alaska (U.S.A.) some seaweed but I normally ate meat, fish or eggs from wild B e r i n g S e a Gulf of birds.’ Depression is a problem Alaska in the Arctic because in winter the sun never shines. But Ahnah is a very healthy and active woman. She often hunts or goes fishing. This means she walks or sometimes runs for many hours in the snow. Ahnah explains. ‘Doctors say we need vitamins and vegetables but we are Inuit people. We find our food and get exercise. We eat raw fish and meat from the sea.’ The Inuit get lots of vitamins and minerals from eating meat, fish and eggs. Ahnah says, ‘I can’t remember the last time I saw a doctor or a dentist.’ seaweed: algas hunt: cazar raw: crudo
Relaciona las fotos con las dos mujeres. a
4 Ahnah’s food comes from the sea. 5 Maria and Ahnah get a lot of exercise. 6 The two women never visit the doctor because there aren’t any doctors where they live. 5
Completa las frases con las palabras del recuadro. catches dentist depression healthy twisted vitamins
Maria ... 4
Ahnah ...
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (�) o falsas (�). 1 Maria Paschalidis has a farm in Crete and a bed and breakfast in Germany. 2 Maria grows her own food. 3 Ahnah doesn’t often eat fruit or vegetables.
1 Maria eats a ‘Mediterranean‘ diet, which keeps her … . 2 Maria once visited the doctor because she … her ankle. 3 Maria sometimes … a cold but she never goes to the doctor. 4 Ahnah gets all her … from eating meat and fish. 5 Ahnah never visits the doctor or the … . 6 People in the Arctic sometimes suffer from … because there isn´t much sun in winter.
Escribe las partes del cuerpo.
ankle arm back chest ear elbow finger hand head knee leg neck shoulder stomach toe
Escucha la conversación y marca los síntomas que oigas. broken toe pain in shoulder back ache
1 …..
2 …..
twisted neck temperature
3 …..
ear infection
4 ….. 6 …..
5 ….. 7 …..
1 What parts of his body did Mr Nicholas hurt playing tennis? 2 What medicine did Mr Nicholas take this morning? 3 What advice does the doctor give Mr Nicholas? 4 What prescription does the doctor give Mr Nicholas?
11 …..
8 …..
9 …..
13 …..
10 …..
12 …..
6 47
15 …..
Coloca las palabras de la actividad 1 en la columna correcta. hurt
Escucha cómo el médico se muestra interesado y preocupado. Luego, repite. Practicad la siguiente conversación en parejas. Mostraos interesados y preocupados. Luego, escuchad y comparad. Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor:
14 …..
Responde a las preguntas.
Good morning. How are you? I’m not feeling very well, doctor. I see. What’s the matter? I’ve got a headache and I think I’ve got flu. You should stay in bed for two days and take some painkillers.
En parejas, haced de médico y paciente. El médico pregunta por los síntomas y da un tratamiento. Good morning. How are you feeling? I’m worried about my throat. What’s the matter? It’s very sore and I’ve got a cough. OK. Take a few days off work. You have to go to bed and rest. Drink lots of water. I can write you a prescription for some antibiotics.
Mostrar interés y preocupación Cuando mostramos interés y preocupación, utilizamos determinadas frases y expresiones. What’s the matter? How are you? I’m worried about ...
Ahora escribe una nota sobre los consejos que diste en la actividad 7. My advice for your sore throat is: 1 You must … work. 2 You have to … bed and rest. 3 You must … water.
4 I can … for some antibiotics.
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Do you think you are healthy? 2 Are you a happy person? 3 What do people have to do to be healthy and happy?
Lee el artículo. ¿Cómo contestó el autor a la pregunta 3 de la actividad 1?
Are you healthy? In our world, people want to be healthy and they want to be happy. But what do we think makes us feel good? We did a survey of 3,000 UK citizens and asked them about their health and happiness. Here are the results: Exercise: 80% of the people in the survey thought that we have to do exercise to be healthy. However, only 55% of those people do exercise regularly. A lot of people don’t walk or cycle to work (70%) and some people said they never do any exercise at all. Diet: The majority of people (64%) thought we must take control of our diet and the food we eat. 90% of people answered that they feel healthy and happy because they eat healthy food and don’t drink a lot of alcohol. But when we looked at the statistics, we found that only 46% of people buy and eat healthy food. Many people (57%) told us they drink alcohol every day and often eat fast food. Smoking: All the people in the survey told us that smoking was bad. But 23% of the people smoke. A lot of those people want to give up but find it difficult. They say it’s a habit and a big lifestyle change. Health: Many of the people in our survey don’t go to their doctor regularly (64%) but some people go very often. (One man went to his doctor 100 times last year for problems like a sore throat or a broken toe.) The majority of people said that visiting the doctor helped them to feel better. General: It seems an obvious thing to say, but to be happy and healthy, you must take control of your life. You have to eat well and you must do some exercise. You can feel unhealthy and unhappy when you have stress at work or family problems.
Lee el artículo de nuevo. Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (�) o falsas (�). Corrige las falsas. 1 The people who think exercise is healthy cycle to work. 2 Some people in the survey don’t do any exercise. 3 50% – 60% of the people in the survey drink alcohol every day. 4 100% of the people in the survey think that smoking isn’t healthy. 5 One man with a sore throat went to see his doctor 100 times. 6 People with a lot of work can’t be healthy or happy.
Ordena las siguientes frases que resumen el artículo. a It’s a good idea to go to the doctor when you don’t feel well. b You have to think about how you live your life. c Exercise is very important for a healthy and happy life. d People must be careful about stress and family problems. e People think it isn’t easy to stop smoking. f You have to eat good, healthy food and not drink too much alcohol. 1b ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
6 ...
Contesta a las preguntas. 1 Do you think exercise is important? How much exercise do you do? 2 Do you buy healthy food? How often do you drink alcohol? 3 Do you smoke? 4 Are you ever stressed at work or school? What do you do about it?
Con un compañero, comentad vuestras respuestas utilizando must y have to. I think exercise is important but I don´t have any free time.
7 48
You have to find some time for exercise. You should walk or cycle to work or school. Why don´t you go for a run at lunch time?
Lydia Prescott está preocupada por su salud y tiene cita con el médico. Escucha la conversación y marca los síntomas de Lydia. Lydia’s symptoms headache insomnia sore throat
8 48
throat infection back pain depression
temperature cough flu
Escucha de nuevo y subraya la respuesta correcta. 1 Lydia has got flu / is always sneezing. 2 Lydia smokes 10 cigarettes every evening / every day. 3 Lydia’s job / family life is very stressful. 4 The doctor thinks Lydia has got an infection / is feeling depressed. 5 The doctor offers Lydia painkillers for her temperature / headache. 6 Lydia should / shouldn’t go to work this week. Lee el artículo del blog e identifica los aspectos saludables y poco saludables del estilo de vida de la autora.
My New Healthy Life
Hello readers. Well, good news – I bought a new bike last weekend! On Monday and Tuesday, I was a bit tired so I drove to work. It rained on Wednesday so I got a taxi. On Thursday I had a lot of papers with me so I drove again, but yesterday I cycled to work for the first time. I felt great, so to celebrate, I had a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee with sugar for energy. I know I shouldn’t smoke, but it isn’t easy. Alison came to my house on Wednesday evening and we had a bottle of wine. Lovely! I played golf this morning and that was good. I ate an apple and drank a bottle of water. Then I had lunch in the bar: fish and chips. A good week! I feel great and my new healthy lifestyle is going well.
She cycled to work on Friday. ... 10 ¿Piensas que llevas una vida saludable o no? Escribe tu propio blog. Intenta incluir los aspectos saludables
y no saludables de tu estilo de vida. Hello readers ...
Lee las pistas 1–10 y completa el crucigrama para encontrar la enfermedad escondida. 1 When you sneeze, you have got a … . 2 A lot of noise or alcohol can give you one of these. 3 You feel this when a part of your body hurts. 4 Very bad. 5 Not healthy. 6 Take one when you have a temperature. 7 I’m not well, I feel … . 8 The doctor writes this for her / his patient. 9 When you eat something bad, you have this. 10 When you fall over, you can have a twisted … .
Ordena la siguiente conversación. a Patient: Do I have to take any medicine? b Doctor: You should go home and rest. c Doctor: Tell me, Mr Franklin, what’s the matter? d Patient: I’m not very well. I’ve got a temperature. e Doctor: Yes, take some aspirin and drink lots of water. f Patient: Thank you, doctor. g Doctor: Mmm … I think you’ve got flu. h Patient: What should I do?
2 3
1 I feel really sick at the moment and I vomited three times this morning. 2 I’ve got a high temperature and a headache. 3 My back hurts and I can’t sleep. 4 I can’t go to the toilet and I’ve got a stomach ache.
4 5 6 7 8
a I think you’ve got flu. You must go to bed, drink lots of water and take aspirin. b What did you eat last night? You have to go home. Don’t eat any food and only drink water. c You should try alternative medicine. Acupuncture and hypnosis are good for backache and insomnia. d Oh, dear, you’ve got terrible constipation. You have to take this medicine, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and drink water.
9 10
The hidden illness is: … 2 49
Escucha la entrevista con el médico y ordena las imágenes 1–8 en el orden en que las oigas. a
Relaciona a los pacientes con los consejos dados por el médico.
1… chest pain
a temperature
broken arm
sore throat
f 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 1…
Eres médico y das consejos de salud en un foro on line. Escribe consejos para los siguientes pacientes. 1 Dear Doctor, I don’t know what to do. I eat a lot of fast food because I love it. I never do any exercise, I smoke and I drink a lot. Last week I got a bad pain in my chest. What can I do? 2 Dear Doctor, I’m not feeling very well. I can’t sleep and I worry about work and money a lot. Before, I was happy all the time but I never smile these days. I work all the time and I hate my job. Please give me some advice.
Learning tip Utiliza movimientos o gestos para reforzar el significado de lo que estás diciendo. Por ejemplo, si estás hablando de enfermedades, te puedes tocar la garganta o el estómago para indicar que te duelen. More practice: Vocabulary: The body, Illnesses and treatments (page 12) Grammar: Obligation with must and have to, Necessity with need to (page 52)
Travelling OBJETIVOS
Where do you want to go?
· Describir una escapada de fin de semana · Organizar un viaje · Reservar billetes de avión y tren
Responde a estas preguntas relacionadas con los viajes.
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 How many cities and countries did Andy, Carol, Betty and David mention when they booked their holiday? 2 Write the list of the places they mentioned.
1 David doesn’t like French food. 2 Betty thinks Sweden is very expensive. 3 Carol doesn’t like travelling by bus. 4 Andy doesn’t like travelling by train. 5 Betty hates travelling second class. 6 Carol thinks Scotland is always cold and wet. 7 David hates airports and flying. 8 Andy only likes hotels with swimming pools.
1 How often do you travel abroad? 2 Why do you travel to different countries? 3 How long do you usually stay? 4 Where do you stay when you go abroad? 5
Responde a las preguntas.
Selecciona el precio final por persona. a £1900
Señala los problemas que tienen con las diferentes opciones.
b £990
c £900
Imagina que vas a reservar unas vacaciones. 1 Elige tres sitios que quieres visitar. I want to visit Italy, France and the USA.
1 Who hates flying?
2 ¿Cómo quieres viajar? I want to take the train to Italy. But I think I want to fly to France and the USA. 3 ¿Cuánto quieres pagar?
2 What holiday did they book?
My budget is Ð1500.
Relaciona las palabras con las imágenes. a
1 book a train ticket 2 baggage 2
3 take-off 4 carriage
5 platform 6 seat belt
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Where did you go on holiday last year? 2 Do you usually travel by train, by plane or by car? 3 Why do you like travelling like this?
Lee el texto e indica dónde podrías encontrarlo. a A travel book
b A train company website
c A golf magazine
Top Travel Tips! Family travel Think before you make a holiday reservation. Do you really want to take your three-year-old child on a plane? Airports are often very busy and very boring. You can spend a lot of time sitting in the departure lounge, especially when your plane is late. On the plane your children often have to sit in their seat with their seat belt fastened for the entire journey. On a train there is usually more space and you can walk around the carriage.
Booking A travel agency can give you good advice and help you book your tickets. But you can book your tickets and accommodation online and save money.
A holiday abroad or at home? Sometimes holidays at home can be very exciting. You can take a trip to the coast or go on a city break. The journey is quick and people speak your language!
• For short trips, take hand luggage only; then you don’t have to wait for your baggage when you arrive at your destination.
Accommodation If you have children, self-catering accommodation is probably a good idea. You can cook your own food, and you don’t have to worry about making noise.
Relaciona las palabras destacadas del texto con las definiciones. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The place you stay in, for example, a hotel. A shop where you can book holidays. A holiday in another country. A place where you wait before you get on a plane. A short holiday – two or three nights – in a city. Distance travelled from one place to another. Crowded with a lot of people. Seat on a plane away from the window. Small suitcase or bag. Visitors buy and cook their own food.
TOP TIPS When you fly ... • Have your passport ready before you get to passport control.
• Ask for an aisle seat; there is more space and you can move around. When you travel by train ... • Go to the end of the platform; the train is usually quite empty at the end.
Responde a las preguntas. 1 What is the problem with airports for small children? 2 Why are trains good for children? 3 What are the advantages of a holiday at home? 4 Why is self-catering accommodation a good idea? 5 Why is it a good idea to book your tickets online? 6 What sort of luggage should you take on a plane? Why? 7 Why should you sit in an aisle seat? 8 Where on the platform should you wait for the train?
Relaciona los términos con las imágenes.
1 aeroplane 2 airport 3 baggage 4 hand baggage 5 baggage claim 6 board the plane a
Present simple and present continuous Wh-word
Preguntas con pronombres interrogativos
Preguntas con pronombres interrogativos
Airport FAQs 1 Where do I pick up my ticket? Nowadays, most people check in online. It’s quick and easy. You can do it the day before you travel. 2 Why do I have to pay for my baggage? These days, many airlines charge for all baggage because some tickets are very cheap. Why don’t you try taking just hand luggage? 3 What can I do in the airport when I’m waiting for my flight? You can look around the shops and cafes and then go to the departure lounge. 4 I feel anxious when I fly. What should I do? Just fasten your seat belt and relax. Flying is a very safe way to travel.
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
taking hand luggage?
check in online?
What time
the train
Preguntas que se responden con sí o no
Lee el texto. Relaciona las preguntas y respuestas con las imágenes de la actividad 2.
verb travel by train? have a ticket?
leave? boarding the plane?
Observa que con los verbos be y have got no se utiliza el auxiliar do / does para hacer preguntas.
Be and have got
Escucha y ordena las imágenes. a
Preguntas que se responden con sí o no
Cómo hacer preguntas
7 boarding pass 8 check-in desk 9 departures lounge 10 passport control 11 gate 12 seat belt
the plane
you he ?
What time
it ?
from England? late? got the tickets?
got in her baggage?
Completa esta entrevista de una revista de viajes, InFlight, con los verbos entre paréntesis en present simple o present continuous. Gabrielle Schroeder is a business traveller. She flies all over the world every year. We spoke to her on board flight XL130. IF: Where (1) ... (you / go) now? G: At the moment, I’m travelling to Valencia for a meeting. I have to change flights in Madrid. IF: (2) ... (you / enjoy) flying? G: Very much. I have to! IF: For short journeys, how (3) ... (you / travel)? (4) ... (you / ever / go / by car)? G: Yes, sometimes. But I prefer to take the train. IF: You have got a laptop. (5) ... (you / work)? G: Not exactly. I’m looking at a travel website. I’m planning my next holiday. I always go to Scotland! IF: Great! (6) ... usually ... (you / usually / go) by plane? Or (7) ... (you / usually / take ) the train? G: I often go by train! It’s very romantic. IF: What (8) ... (you / do) when you are in Scotland? G: I visit my uncle. He owns a flying school. I’m learning to be a pilot!
Travelling 53
Escucha esta conversación en una agencia de viajes. Completa el cuestionario.
7 54
Departure Airport: London Heathrow
Destination: (1) ... .
Flight departure time: (2) ... . Check-in time: Online or at airport from (3) ... . Flight duration: (4) ... hours Baggage allowance: Up to (5) ... kg ((6) £ ... per bag)
8 55
Cost: £185 (7) ... . Confirm flights: Out / Return
Cómo hacer preguntas (past simple) Wh-word
have a good time in Rome?
travel by plane?
in Scotland last summer?
late for the train?
travel last year?
Preguntas que se responden con sí o no
Preguntas con pronombres interrogativos
arrive book do fly have leave
Kim: Tam: Kim: Tam:
Ahora escucha y repite las preguntas. Decide cuándo usar entonación ascendente o descendente al final de cada pregunta. 1 Do you usually go by train? 2 When are they leaving? 3 What time did they arrive? 4 Are you enjoying your flight? 5 Does she like driving? 6 Why did you want to fly? 7 Have you got any baggage? 8 Can I take my laptop? Organiza una escapada de fin de semana. Decide dónde vas a ir y qué vas a hacer. Destination city: Berlin / London / Paris Leave: Friday / Saturday (morning / afternoon) Return: Saturday / Monday (morning / afternoon) Transport: by car / by train / by plane Things to do: sightseeing / shopping / eating out
10 Usa las repuestas de la actividad 9 y decide con
un compañero dónde os gustaría viajar y por qué.
Completa el diálogo. Escribe preguntas en past simple con los verbos del recuadro.
Kim: Tam: Kim: Tam: Kim: Tam: Kim: Tam: Kim: Tam:
Escucha y fíjate en la entonación de las preguntas. Are you travelling to Paris? Do you have a ticket? When does the train arrive? How much was the ticket?
catch stay
Hi, Tam! What time (1) ... home last night? At about ten o’clock. OK. (2) ... the train? No, we didn´t. We went by plane. Really? Where (3) ... from? We went from Heathrow to Edinburgh. (4) ... a good time? Oh, yes, it was lovely. What (5) ... ? David had a meeting and then we did some sightseeing. Where (6) ...? In a hotel in the city centre. (7) ... it on the Internet? No, one of David’s work colleagues booked it for us.
Where would you like to go?
I’d like to go to Berlin. There are some great shops.
11 Completa el correo electrónico con las formas
correctas de los verbos entre paréntesis y otros datos relevantes. Hi (1) ... ! I’m emailing you about our weekend away. I want to go to (2) ... but where (3) ... (want) to go? We visited (4) ... last year so I don’t want to go there again. I know you went to (5) ... last month. (6) ... (have) a good trip? Do you want to go there again? I think (7) ... is the best. I want to leave on (8) ... , in the (9) ... . Is that OK? We can return on (10) ... , in the (11) ... . (12) ... (want) to go by train or by plane? I don’t like driving. Finally, I want to go shopping and sightseeing. And what about eating out? (13) ... (know) any good restaurants? Let me know. Love, (14) .... Send
12 Con la información de las actividades 10 y 11,
escribe a un amigo contándole tus planes de viaje para el fin de semana. Hi ... Send
5 B Have you got your boarding pass? UNIT
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Same language, different lives 5
1 To visit friends or family 2 To the beach 3 For a long walk 4 To a big city
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 How do you get to work every day? 2 How long does it take you to get to work?
The Street 2
¿Dónde van si tienen un fin de semana libre?
Responde a estas preguntas.
1 Where do you usually go on holidays? 2 Do you usually book your holidays online, by telephone or at a travel agency? 1 ...
Ben & Beth 3
¿Qué sueles llevar contigo normalmente cuando viajas? a
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Nigel works in London but he travels 90 miles from Lewes. 2 Nigel cycles from his house to the railway station. 3 Nigel’s journey time is about 2 hours. 4 Nigel often works or sleeps on the train. 5 Nigel usually stays in London with friends. 6 Nigel wants to buy a house in London.
Responde a estas preguntas.
Ben & Beth ¿Qué olvida coger Ben para sus vacaciones? Señálalo. 1 boarding passes 2 swimming suit 3 phone charger 4 passport 5 toothbrushes 6 wallet
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 4
4 ...
1 What time does Chandra’s flight leave? 2 Does she want a Business Class or a First Class ticket? 3 Where does she want to sit? 4 What time is check-in?
3 ...
The Street
2 ...
Describe alguna mala experiencia que hayas tenido en un viaje. ¿Qué y por qué salió mal? I wanted to fly to New York but I forgot my passport and I missed my flight. I booked a hotel in Paris but it was noisy and dirty. The food was terrible and I was ill. My train home was 6 hours late!
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 Do you usually book train tickets online or at a train station? 2 What are the advantages of booking online? 3 Do you have problems when you book tickets online?
Fíjate en la página web y responde.
1 Where do all the trains leave from? 2 Can you travel to El Paso every day?
3 When can you travel to Guadalajara? 4 Who usually travels on the ‘Tequila Express’?
MEXTRAN Trains from Mexico City to Yucatán Days / Times: Monday–Friday 07:00 / 08:00 / 09:00 / 10:00 / 11:00 / 12:00 Saturday 11:00 / 17:00 Sunday 10:00 / 17:00 Tickets: One way and return Seats: Window / Aisle Trains from Mexico City to El Paso (USA) Days / Times: Monday–Friday 09:00 / 14:00 Saturday 13:00 Tickets: One way only Seats: Window / Aisle Trains from Mexico City to Guadalajara (Tequila Express) Days / Times: Wednesday 09:00 Tickets: Return only Seats: Window / Aisle
Monday 9th January 10:16 a.m. FAQs Q: How much baggage can I take on the train from Mexico City to El Paso? A: There isn’t a baggage limit but the train is usually very busy, so a lot of luggage can be a problem. Q: Where can I buy a ticket from Mexico City to Guadalajara? A: You can buy tickets for the ‘Tequila Express’ at any Mexican ticket office, at the railway station or online. But remember this is a special train for tourists and you can only buy a return ticket. Q: Can you reserve tickets or do you have to book and pay for them immediately? A: For journeys from Mexico City to Yucatán, you can reserve tickets online and pay when you confirm your booking. For example, you can book a ticket online for a train this morning and pay for it at the station this afternoon.
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 There’s a train from Mexico City to Yucatán at 9 a.m. every day. 2 The train to El Paso leaves twice a day from Monday to Friday. 3 There aren’t any trains to El Paso on Sundays. 4 There aren’t any window seats on the El Paso train. 5 The ‘Tequila Express’ leaves once a week, on Fridays. 6 There isn’t a baggage limit on the El Paso train. 7 There aren’t usually many people on the El Paso train. 8 You can buy tickets for the “Tequila Express” at the train station only. 9 You can only buy a return ticket for the “Tequila Express”. 10 You can reserve a train ticket in the morning and confirm it in the afternoon.
Completa las frases con las palabras del recuadro. baggage
one-way reserve an aisle seat ticket office window
1 A ... ticket goes to a destination but it doesn’t return. 2 Your ... allowance is the number of suitcases you can take on the train. 3 You don’t have to pay for your ticket this morning. You can ... it now and pay for it this afternoon. 4 You can see the landscape when you sit in a ... seat. 5 I always book ... because it’s easy to get up and walk around. 6 You can pay for your train journey online or at the ... .
2 58
Escucha la diferencia entre los sonidos /dʒ/ y /j/ en las siguientes palabras y repite.
/dʒ/ › journey baggage job luggage Germany Japan /j/ › year you yet yesterday young usually
1 A: the / does / leave / train / morning / this / ? B: a train / yes / there’s / hour / every 2 A: often / do / how / go / Paris / to / trains / ? B: twice / they / a / leave / day 3 A: was / direct / when / train / to / the / Oxford / ? B: an / once / direct / hour / leaves / train / the 4 A: today / to / Liverpool / there / is / train / a / ? B: there / every / yes, / hours / one / two / is 5 A: flights / Seville / there / how / to / were / often / ? B: week / were / twice / flights / a / there 6 A: travel / tonight / want / you / do / to ? B: morning / the / prefer / in / no, / travel / to / I
Ahora escucha y repite las frases. 1 Did you take the job in Germany? 2 They lost their luggage yesterday. 3 Do you usually take hand baggage? 4 The journey to Yucatán is 4 hours.
Elige la expresión correcta para cada imagen.
3 5
a ticket / a timetable 4
a platform / a ticket office 5
an aisle seat / a window seat
a sleeping car / a direct train
Expresiones de tiempo y frecuencia Se usan para hablar sobre cuándo y con qué frecuencia hacemos algo. I go to my tennis class twice a week. She travelled to London once a week. They visited the doctor this morning. We take the bus to work every day. Does the train leave for Paris tonight? Se usan para dar información sobre horarios de medios de transporte. There are four trains to Manchester this afternoon. There were trains from London to Edinburgh every hour. There are flights to Calcutta three times a week. Se colocan normalmente al final de la frase.
Lee y responde al correo que te envía una compañera con la que vas a París en viaje de trabajo.
a carriage / a station
4 a suitcase / a travel card
Ordena las palabras para formar preguntas y respuestas.
Hi! I wanted to ask you about our trip to Paris. What time does our train leave? Did you remember that I want to be back in London on Sunday night? Did you book a single or a return journey? What time does the train get back? Tina PS How much do the tickets cost? Are the trains direct or do we have to change? Did you reserve me an aisle seat or a window seat – I prefer a window seat.
To: Tina Douglas Hello. Thanks for your email. Let me answer your first question. Our train leaves at ... I remembered that you want to be back in London on Sunday night so ... Send
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 What is a ‘webquest’? a A game. b A type of quiz. c A system for finding out information, using the Internet. 2 What do you know about Sweden?
Un profesor ha preparado una webquest para sus alumnos. Lee el texto y decide si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 You have got four days for your holiday. 2 You have to arrive in Sweden on Saturday. 3 You and your friends have £500 in total to spend on your holiday. 4 You have to book flights, hotels, sightseeing trips and restaurants before you leave.
WEBQUEST Introduction You are planning a short holiday break in Stockholm, Sweden, with some friends. You have got four days for your holiday but two of the days have to be Saturday and Sunday. Your budget is £500 per person. Task You have to book your travel and buy tickets. You have to make hotel reservations. You should look for good places to eat and drink. Finally, decide what you want to do with your time in Stockholm. Process 1 What do you know about Stockholm? 2 What do you want to find out? a Transport (key words: travel / plan / flights / Sweden / Stockholm) b Accommodation (hotels / Stockholm / Sweden / reservation) c Sightseeing (Sweden / Stockholm / tourist / sightseeing) d Eating out (Sweden / Stockholm / eating out / restaurants / prices) Conclusion With the information you discover, book your holiday.
Busca información para responder a estas preguntas en las siguientes páginas web. 1 2 3 4 5 6
How many flights are there on Monday-Friday from London to Stockholm? How many flights cost between £50 and £100? How much is a double room at the Crown Hotel? Which hotel doesn’t provide meals? How often are the English tours of the open-air museum? Where can you eat for £30–£50 per person?
UNIT www.euronet.com
Flights to Stockholm from London Heathrow
Hotels in Stockholm
London Heathrow – Stockholm - London Heathrow Mon–Fri dep arr dep arr 07:00 08:30 £120 one-way 09:20 12:20 £120 one-way 14:35 16:05 £199 one-way 16:20 19:20 £159 one-way 18:15 19:45 £169 one-way 19:00 22:30 £99 one-way Sat & Sun 09:00 10:30 £ 89 one-way 10:55 15:55 £109 one-way 15:30 17:00 £59 one-way 21:00 00:45 £19 one-way
4-star Hotel Lux (includes all meals) double room £150 / night single room £120 / night 3-star Hotel Crown (includes breakfast) double room £90 / night single room £75 / night 2-star Hotel Inter double room £50 / night single room £35 / night
Sightseeing in Stockholm
Eating out
Top three places to see in Stockholm
Eating out in Sweden is expensive but the food
Gamla Stan The old town centre of Stockholm. Visit the
is usually very good.
shops and cafes.
The Södermalm district is a cool place to eat. Lots
Skansen An open-air museum of Swedish life and culture.
of cafes and bars (£10–£20 per person)
Tours in English twice a day 10.00 and 14.00.
Old town. Try the restaurants on Stortorget Street.
Archipelago Take a boat trip around the islands. Boats
4 59
5 59
(£30–£50 per person)
leave every hour. Tours in English every
Luxury. Try one of our Michelin-starred restaurants.
(£100+ per person)
Escucha una conversación telefónica entre dos amigos sobre un viaje a Estocolmo y responde a estas preguntas. 1 What time does Rich call Jen? 2 Why didn’t Jen read Rich’s email? 3 Where does Rich plan to eat breakfast? 4 What type of rooms did Rich book for the weekend away?
Lee el diario de Rich. ¿Cuántas cosas hizo el domingo? Dear Diary, Sunday was great. We ate breakfast in the hotel and then went to the open-air museum in the morning. Lunch was amazing. We ate in a 5 star restaurant. They have a special fish menu every Sunday. It was delicious! In the afternoon, we
Escucha de nuevo y completa los detalles de este correo electrónico.
went shopping and now I’m sitting in my hotel room. What a day!
From: Rich Winter (
[email protected]) To: Katie Palmer (
[email protected]) Cc: Jen Heath (
[email protected])
What do I know about Stockholm? Food and
Hi guys! I’m booking our trip to Stockholm. The flights leave London (1) ... hour on Monday to Friday so we can leave on Friday.
on Sundays.
I really want to go on a (2) ... trip around the archipelago. There’s an English-speaking tour (3) ... times a week, and I am also making a (4) ... for that. There are lots of places to eat but I know Jen likes good food, so I can (5) ... a 5-star restaurant for Sunday (6) ... . Finally, I don’t know what sort of rooms to book. Do we want to reserve a (7) ... room and a (8) ... room or three single rooms? Let me know. Rich
drinks are expensive. What did I learn today? Some shops are closed What do I want to find out for tomorrow? I need good places to buy presents.
Piensa en un viaje a una ciudad que te gustaría conocer y escribe una entrada en tu diario. Incluye la siguiente información. How did you get there? Where are you staying? Where did you eat? Dear Diary, I arrived in … today.
6 It leaves at 10:00 a.m. when / the next flight / go / to Madrid / ? 7 No, I made a reservation but I didn’t confirm it. you / confirm / your booking / ?
Completa las siguientes instrucciones para un viaje en avión. baggage baggage claim gate check-in desk departure lounge seat belt boarding pass take-off ticket travel agency
direct journey platform booked return sightseeing timetable window
You can check the online (6) ... . The (7) ... from London to Edinburgh is about three and a half hours, so bring a book! We can go (8) ... in the morning. Lots of love, Erica 3
Escribe las preguntas para estas respuestas. 1 I prefer flying. you / prefer / flying / or travelling by train / ? 2 They went to Greece. where / they / go / on holiday / last year / ? 3 He took the train. how / he / travel / there / ? 4 They go twice every hour. how / often / trains / leave / for / London / ? 5 No, I went to a travel agent. you / book / the tickets / online / ?
go to the cinema
twice / week
go out for dinner
once / month
watch TV
every evening
go on holiday
every / summer
go away for the weekend
three or four times / month
buy new clothes every / weekend
Mark and Pat
Completa este correo electrónico con las siguientes palabras.
Hi Reg, I (1) ... the train to Edinburgh this morning. I got (2) ... tickets and you have got a (3) ... seat. The train leaves from King’s Cross station, (4) ... 16 at 19:00 so don’t be late! It’s a (5) ... train, and there are no changes! We can return any time. Trains from Edinburgh leave every hour.
Fíjate en la tabla y escribe frases. Añade información extra (dónde, con quién…). people
1 Book your ... online or at a ... . 2 When you arrive at the airport, go to the ... and leave your ... . 3 Then go to the ... . 4 Next, go to the ... and show your .... 5 On the plane, fasten your ... , and be ready for ... . 6 When you leave the plane, go to the ... . 2
Louis goes to the cinema with his sister twice a week. 5
Cambia la información de frecuencia en la actividad anterior y escribe frases verdaderas sobre ti. I go to the cinema once or twice a year.
Escucha el mensaje y completa la nota.
Wendy wants to book a (1) … trip to Barcelona. We can fly or take the (2) … . There are flights (3) … . Trains leave (4) … a day. Trains go overnight so she wants to (5) … a sleeper car. Train tickets cost (6) £ … . Flights cost (7) £ … . Baggage costs (8) £ … / bag. How often is the Ramblas market open? (9) … day or (10) … a week ? She wants to make a (11) … tonight. Call her this (12) … .
Learning tip Antes de escuchar o leer un texto, observa el título o las fotografías y reflexiona sobre lo que ya sabes de ese tema. Esto te puede ayudar a entender más fácilmente el texto. More practice: Vocabulary: Travelling by plane and by train (page 14) Grammar: Questions, Time expressions (page 54)
Fashion: shopping for clothes
What a lovely necklace!
· Opinar sobre la ropa adecuada para cada ocasión · Aceptar o rechazar consejos y sugerencias
Responde a estas preguntas.
Responde a las preguntas.
1 Where do you usually buy your clothes? 2 Match the pictures to the types of shops. 1 a secondhand shop 4 a clothes catalogue
2 a stylish boutique 5 a market stall
3 a department store 6 the Internet
1 What problem do Caesar and Geneva have?
2 How do Caesar and Geneva thank Ron and Anna?
a ... 2
b ...
c ...
d ...
e ...
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Caesar and Geneva’s flight came from Italy to London. Where are their clothes? 2 Why do Caesar and Geneva need new clothes? 3 Why doesn’t Geneva like the first dress? 4 What clothes do Caesar and Geneva finally buy?
f ...
¿Cuál de estos estilos prefieres? ¿Por qué?
very modern d
old-fashioned e
¿Qué tipo de ropa llevarías en las siguientes ocasiones? a For a celebrity dinner b For a job interview c For a birthday party
For a celebrity dinner, a long dress and high-heeled shoes.
punk / goth
Fashion: shopping for clothes
Relaciona las palabras del recuadro con las imágenes. bra a
high-heeled shoe
Lee la entrevista con Scott Gasper y responde a estas preguntas. 1 What does he do?
2 Does he like his job? Why? / Why not?
Why don’t men like shopping for clothes? Most men hate the idea of shopping for clothes, especially on Saturday afternoons when there’s sport on TV! But one man loves shopping. He’s Scott Gasper, personal shopper. Shopping is his job! He goes shopping every day and he loves it. We spoke to Scott about his passion for shopping. My most important client is Ryan Norris. He’s a top businessman and he’s too busy to go shopping. He’s married and has two daughters. He has to wear formal clothes for work, so I buy him a lot of dark suits. His daughters like classic designs with high-heeled shoes. I usually buy them casual, fashionable dresses and his daughters look great. I have also got a very interesting client called Chuck Jackson. He’s a doctor and he works a lot. He hates shopping so I choose all his clothes. He always wears a suit and a waistcoat. He’s a tall, slim guy and so he always looks amazing in a suit and a classic raincoat. Another interesting client is called Peter Scotland, a film director. He’s small but he usually buys medium or large shirts and they’re too big for him! He often goes to celebrity events but he prefers casual clothes. He never knows what size or colours to buy. I usually buy him a variety of clothes, for example blue, green or pink shirts, and he chooses the ones he likes. He looks good in different colours. Clarke Adams is one of my favourite clients. He’s a lawyer and he can’t find clothes to fit (he’s an extra small). I buy a lot of his clothes online. He always asks me to buy presents for his girlfriend, as he hates going into women’s clothes shops. I buy all her underwear: bras, knickers and even slippers! 3
Lee el texto de nuevo. Relaciona las frases con los clientes de Scott.
Relaciona los opuestos. Luego, completa las frases con un adjetivo.
1 ‘I don´t know what size or colour clothes to buy.’ 2 ‘I haven´t got time to go shopping.’ 3 ‘I like wearing smart and classic-style clothes.’ 4 ‘I don’t like shopping for women’s clothes.’
1 tight 2 fashionable
3 casual 4 large
5 long 6 classic
a small b short
c loose d modern
e old-fashioned f smart
1 ...
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Scott goes shopping every weekend. 2 Ryan´s daughters like very modern clothes. 3 Chuck likes informal clothes. 4 Peter usually buys clothes in very small size. 5 Scott usually buys grey or black shirts for Peter. 6 Scott buys most of Clarke’s clothes on the Internet.
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
6 ...
1 John’s clothes are always too small. They’re often very … . 2 Sara is a top director so she usually wears … suits to work. 3 Dave often wears jeans, T-shirts and … clothes to the office. 4 Liz is going to a formal celebrity dinner. She has to wear a … dress. 5 Jenny is a fashion editor for a magazine, so she has to wear … clothes. 6 My brother is six foot seven and he takes size extra … .
Presta atención a las siguientes palabras.
/s/ › /ʃ/ › /tʃ/ ›
sit suit sock shop English shoe change chair cheap
Escucha de nuevo y repite. 2 Escucha y coloca las siguientes palabras en la columna correspondiente. 63 size shoe cheap dress Spanish shirt catch cashier sure match lots /s/
Escucha de nuevo a Scott. ¿Qué prendas compra para Erica y qué prendas compra para Matilda? Hay dos prendas de más.
Erica: ...
Completa las frases con las siguientes palabras.
I bought a blouse and a pair of boots yesterday. The blouse is cotton and the boots are leather. (Sabemos de qué blusa y qué botas estamos hablando.)
- cuando hablamos de algo específico. Why don’t you wear the leather jacket? It’s cold today. (Hablamos de una chaqueta específica.)
Elige la respuesta correcta. Do you like this T-shirt, Luis? Yes, why don’t you try / fit it on? OK. I will … What do you think? Does it look OK? Yes, the colour suits / fits you. Really? Does it wear / fit OK? Well, perhaps you need a smaller size. It looks a bit too big. Here’s a smaller size. J: Thanks. L: That fits / suits perfectly. Escucha a Scott Gasper y a su ayudante comprando ropa para dos de sus clientas. ¿En qué orden compran las siguientes prendas de ropa? brown boots cotton shirt
Matilda: ...
- cuando hablamos de algo o alguien ya mencionado.
J: L: J: L: J: L:
Se usa el artículo definido the :
Gerry Logan is wearing a (1) … jacket and (2) … jeans. His (3) … are red and white. Under his jacket he’s wearing a (4) … shirt. Joanne is wearing pink (5) … and a (6) … cardigan. She’s wearing long (7) … , and a gold (8) … around her neck. Her (9) … is the same colour as her shorts. She’s wearing a purple (10) … over her shorts.
El artículo definido the
handbag earrings shoes cotton coat leather necklace shorts woollen denim
Vuelve a escuchar y comprueba. 3
leather jacket green jeans
long coat 1 woollen dress
No se usa cuando hablamos de algo en sentido general. He doesn’t like tight clothes. I love smart boots with high heels.
Completa las conversaciones. Usa el artículo definido the cuando sea necesario. 1 A: I’m going to … clothes shop now. I want to buy some new trousers. B: You mean … clothes shop next to … bank in Russell Street? A: Yes, that’s right. B: I’ll come with you. 2 C: D: C: D:
Do you ever wear … boots? Sometimes. But only with … skirts. I like … blue boots over there. Oh, I don’t. I don’t like blue, but I like … brown boots next to … blue boots.
3 E: Where’s my blue T-shirt? F: Which one? You’ve got lots of … blue T-shirts. E: Well I’m talking about … T-shirt with the long sleeves. F: Oh, that one. On … floor in your bedroom!
Fashion: shopping for clothes Formas comparativas de los adjetivos Cuando queremos comparar dos cosas, usamos la forma comparativa del adjetivo. Usamos than delante del segundo elemento de la comparación. My dress is longer than your dress. Are these shorts bigger than those shorts?
Formación del comparativo Adjetivos de una sílaba Se añade -er al adjetivo. cheap › cheaper
small › smaller
Los adjetivos que acaban en vocal + consonante duplican la consonante. big › bigger
nice › nicer
Adjetivos acabados en -y Se cambia y por -i y se añade -er. happy › happier
early › earlier
Adjetivos de dos sílabas o más Se usa more delante del adjetivo. modern › more modern beautiful › more beautiful Adjetivos irregulares Cambia la forma del adjetivo. good › better
9 65
bad › worse
Completa las frases con la forma comparativa de los adjetivos entre paréntesis. 1 This dress is … (small) than the other one. 2 Do you have a suit with … (long) arms? 3 We love these shirts but do you have any shirts that are … (casual)? 4 This is a great skirt but I want a … (dark) colour. 5 Is this sweater … (tight) than that one? 6 I didn’t buy the jeans because they were … (expensive) than the shorts.
Usamos too seguido de un adjetivo para indicar “más de lo necesario o de lo apropiado”. This hat is too big for me. Are they too expensive? Usamos un adjetivo delante de enough para indicar “suficiente”. That top is big enough. The trousers aren’t long enough. 11 Vuelve a escribir las frases subrayadas con too
o enough y las palabras entre paréntesis. 1 This shirt is big. Can I have a smaller size, please? (not / small) This shirt isn’t small enough. 2 These trousers are short. I need some longer trousers, please. (not / long) 3 The shoes are very small. My feet hurt. (tight) 4 Are you sure that T-shirt is the right size? It looks very small to me. (not / big) 5 I can’t buy this suit. It’s very expensive. (not / cheap) 6 I love this handbag. But it isn’t cheap. (expensive) 7 I think that coat is the right size for you. (big) 12 Lee el perfil de Bethany en una red social y
responde a las preguntas. Bethany is online Status: Liz is buying me some new clothes for my birthday party! Here are my clothes preferences. I always wear: jeans, sweatshirts (never black), trainers and a jumper. Oh, and socks and underwear, obviously! I never wear: skirts or shorts or tights (they feel strange!) I sometimes buy: new jeans or sandals. My friends give me: T-shirts and tops.
Escucha a dos amigos hablando. Señala las prendas que eligen para su amiga Bethany. jeans a sweatshirt shorts a waistcoat
tights knickers a shirt a bra
I never buy: boots – very boring! Or shirts – they are more formal than T-shirts.
boots sandals
10 Vuelve a escuchar y elige las respuestas 65
Adverbios de grado
fat › fatter
Los adjetivos terminados en -e añaden -r. large › larger
4 The shorts are more casual / more fashionable than the waistcoat. 5 The boots are cheaper / more expensive than the sandals.
1 The jeans are cheaper / more expensive than the sweatshirt. 2 The jeans are tighter / looser than the shorts. 3 The black tights are longer / better than the red tights.
My look is casual and relaxed. I don’t like formal clothes. I like trainers or comfortable shoes.
1 2 3 4 5
What does she always wear on her feet? What clothes does she never wear? What does she buy once or twice a year? Why doesn’t she buy shirts? What two words describe Bethany’s look?
13 Ahora escribe tu propio mensaje en una red
social sobre la ropa que usas y compras. I always wear: ...
I like to look my best
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Same language, different lives 5
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 What sort of people do you think use personal shoppers? 2 Do you think being a personal shopper is a good job? Why? Why not?
¿Dónde compran la ropa estas personas? 1
The Street 2
Responde a las preguntas. 1 How do you decide what to wear? 2 How long does it take you to get dressed?
a Shopping mall b High Street shops c Boutiques or small shops d Internet e Market
Ben & Beth 3
¿Qué haces normalmente con tu ropa usada? Relaciona las frases con las ilustraciones. 1 Put them in the rubbish bin.
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
6 ...
The Street 6
Responde a las preguntas. 1 What is Mr Brummel wearing?
2 Take them to a clothes recycling point.
2 Where is Mr Brummel going?
Ben & Beth 3 Take them to a charity shop.
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 4
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Why do people use personal shoppers? 2 What skills do personal shoppers need? 3 Why does Flora like being a personal shopper?
Responde a esta pregunta. When did Beth give Ben this shirt?
¿Qué ropa te pones según el tiempo que hace? 7º rainy
35º hot
In the rain, I usually wear a coat and shoes or boots. I like to wear shorts and a T-shirt in sunny weather.
Fashion: shopping for clothes
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Where do you usually buy your clothes? 2 How much money do you spend on clothes every month? 3 Do you buy designer clothes?
Lee el texto y relaciona las calles 1-5 con las ciudades a-e. a Tokyo b London c New York d Los Angeles e Copenhagen
A Shopper’s Guide to the World’s Greatest Shopping Streets Are you an international shopper? These five shopping streets offer you the most expensive, the most fashionable, the cheapest and the craziest shopping experiences. 1
Rodeo Drive, Beverley Hills, is in Los Angeles. Only the richest and most famous people in the world can shop here. Movie stars and celebrities buy their designer clothes in Rodeo Drive. They even buy designer clothes for their dogs! 2
Strøget is Europe’s longest pedestrian shopping street. There are designer boutiques, department stores, cafes and restaurants. And there are no cars! It’s a mix of more expensive shops and cheaper places where you can look for clothes at reduced prices. Strøget is famous for its shoe shops. It also has the largest fitting room in Denmark. 1 ... 3
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
Tokyo, fashion victims’ go to Ginza. This is home to some of the most original and modern styles on the planet. Don’t look for reduced prices here; Ginza is always expensive! 4
Oxford Street in London is also a great place to find shoes, accessories and other things to wear. It’s one of London’s busiest streets and it’s always full of people. There are many great shops to buy sports clothes and trainers. 5
When you’re in New York, go to Fifth Avenue. Children and adults can find their perfect clothes. The Disney Store, Abercrombie and Fitch, JC Penny and many other department stores are all there. There’s often a bargain and clothes are sometimes cheaper here than in the shopping centres. w
5 ...
Vuelve a leer el texto y responde. Where can you buy the following clothes and items? a
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Which street has the most unusual fashions? 2 Which street is great for all the family? 3 Which street is the busiest street in London? 4 Where can you see famous people? 5 Which is the longest shopping street in Europe?
Completa las definiciones con las siguientes palabras del texto.
1 Rodeo Drive 2 Strøget 3 Ginza 4 Oxford Street 5 Fifth Avenue 1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
fitting room
1 A person who wears elegant and fashionable clothes is … 2 A … street is a street with no cars. 3 A … is a place to try on different clothes. 4 A … is something cheaper than normal.
2 68
Formas superlativas de los adjetivos Cuando queremos comparar algo o alguien con otras cosas o personas de un grupo, usamos la forma superlativa del adjetivo, normalmente con el artículo the.
Para expresar entusiasmo, sorpresa o admiración, se acentúan los adjetivos. Escucha y repite. 1 2 3 4
What a wonderful dress! You look just amazing! What interesting trousers! How nice!
It’s the most expensive jacket in the shop. It’s the tallest building in the world.
Formación del superlativo Adjetivos de una sílaba
Escucha y subraya las palabras acentuadas. Luego, escucha de nuevo y repite. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Se añade -est al adjetivo. cheap › the cheapest
What a brilliant T-shirt! How lovely! You look lovely in that dress. What fashionable shoes! That’s a great top! What an amazing dress! What a smart suit! Those jeans are very tight!
small › the smallest
Los adjetivos que acaban en vocal + consonante duplican la consonante. big › the biggest
fat › the fattest
Los adjetivos terminados en -e añaden -st. large › the largest
nice › the nicest
Adjetivos acabados en –y Se cambia y por -i y se añade -est. happy › the happiest
early › the earliest
Adjetivos de dos sílabas o más Se usa most delante del adjetivo.
Expresar admiración
modern › the most modern beautiful › the most beautiful
What a/an (+ adjective) + singular noun What a lovely dress!
Adjetivos irregulares Cambia la forma del adjetivo.
What (+ adjective) + plural noun What superb trousers!
good › the best
That’s a/an + adjective + noun
bad › the worst
That’s an interesting waistcoat! 5
How + adjective How wonderful!
3 69
4 69
A: What a changing room! I think it was the (1) … (small) changing room in the world. B: I know. I tried to find a jumper for Dad. He needs a large size but the (2) … (big) jumper was a medium size. A: And I didn’t buy that leather coat. It was the (3) … (expensive) coat in the shop. Ð500! B: Yes, but it was the (4) … (beautiful). A: Yes. Anyway, they couldn’t find my size. The (5) … (long) one was very short for me.
Escucha y completa la conversación con los siguientes adjetivos. amazing cool great lovely nice wonderful M: Hi David! You look (1) … ! D: Thanks Martha, that’s very kind. Of course, you always look (2) … too. M: Thank you, David. What a (3) … shirt. Where did you buy it? D: I bought it in Milan. The clothes there are (4) … ! M: How (5) … ! Yes, the shops there are fantastic. D: Well, Martha, your dress is very (6) ... . M: Thank you. I love it. I bought it in NewYork.
I bought it in London.
Elige la opción correcta. 1 Do you think short skirts are more fashionable / most fashionable than long skirts? 2 I think boots are more practical / most practical than shoes. 3 This is the cheapest / cheaper suit in the shop. 4 Your shirt is longer / longest than your jacket! 5 Buy the red shoes. They’re cooler / the coolest than the black ones.
Escucha de nuevo. Luego, habla con tu compañero sobre lo que llevas puesto. Expresa entusiasmo, admiración y sorpresa. What a lovely dress!
Completa el diálogo con el superlativo de los adjetivos entre paréntesis.
Habla sobre un famoso. Comenta qué ropa lleva normalmente y por qué le sienta bien.
Fashion: shopping for clothes
Responde a las preguntas. 1 What clothes do you like wearing? 2 Do you think they suit you? Why? 3 How often do you go shopping and do you enjoy it?
Lee el siguiente artículo. ¿Cómo contesta el autor a las preguntas de la actividad 1? My name’s Hilary Day and I’m a fashion journalist. I love my job; it’s the best job in the world because I am interested in clothes and I like wearing the latest fashions. I look good in them. When I was a little child, I loved clothes. I had the biggest collection of shoes in my family. I studied fashion at university. Then I worked for a design company. They designed some of the most stylish clothes in the world. But that wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to write about fashion and share my ideas with a larger audience. Obviously, I always choose the most stylish clothes but I make sure they suit me. Good colours, the right size and designer clothes are all important to me. Believe it or not, I don’t really like shopping, especially not in high streets shops. I don’t go shopping very often, but when I go, I like to spend a lot of time when I choose clothes. Also, the styles in the high street shops often aren’t fashionable enough or they don’t have my size. I prefer designer clothes. When I go to a designer boutique, they can usually find the most perfect clothes for me and they fit well.
Lee de nuevo el artículo. Elige la respuesta correcta. b she wanted to tell more people about her ideas. c she makes her own clothes.
1 Hilary enjoys her job because ... a she is interested in children’s shoes. b she enjoys writing. c she loves clothes. 2 Before she became a fashion journalist, Hilary … a did a fashion course. b worked for a local newspaper. c worked in a shoe shop. 3 Hilary became a fashion journalist because … a she liked writing about clothes.
4 She doesn´t like high street shops because … a the shops close early. b the clothes sometimes don’t fit her. c the shop assistants are rude. 5 She visits designer boutiques because … a they make cheaper clothes. b the clothes are normally the right size. c she doesn’t often have time to shop.
Observa las imágenes y lee las preguntas. Luego, comenta tus respuestas con un compañero. 1 Which clothes do you prefer? 2 Who looks the best in their clothes? 3 Which style don’t you like? 4 What makes them look good / bad?
I like the guy in the suit. He´s the most stylish and he looks great!
I like the young woman. Her hair´s really cool and I like the shirt she´s wearing.
UNIT 5 70
Escucha a Steve y a Linda hablar sobre lo que han comprado. ¿Qué ropa compra cada uno? Sobran cuatro imágenes. 1
Steve ...
Linda ...
Escucha de nuevo. Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas.
1 Steve and Linda are buying clothes for Hope’s party. 2 Steve tried a blue sweatshirt but it wasn’t big enough. 3 Steve bought shoes because he likes more formal clothes. 4 Linda’s earrings were very expensive. 5 Steve bought a casual T-shirt.
Lee esta carta a una revista de moda de novias y responde a las preguntas. Dear Wedding Fashion, You asked readers to write in about clothes and special occasions. I am writing to tell you about my wedding. I know that weddings are usually formal events but I wanted mine to be more informal. My husband, Declan, agreed and so we told our guests to wear their favourite clothes. Some of our friends arrived in jeans and a T-shirt and some wore dresses or suits and ties. I think Declan and I were the most informal people at our wedding. He wore his favourite shorts and pink shirt, with trainers. I choose my most comfortable dress and my coolest shoes. I bought a scarf and earrings (they were more expensive than all the rest of my clothes!). We had a great day and our guests loved wearing their favourite clothes. Yours, Christie McMahon 1 Why was Christie’s wedding unusual? 2 What is Declan’s favourite outfit? 3 What did Christie buy to wear at her wedding?
Escribe una carta a una revista de moda describiendo la ropa que llevaste en un día especial de tu vida.
Dear Fashion Monthly, Let me tell you about the clothes I wore when …
Adivina las siguientes prendas de ropa. 1 These are casual trousers. 2 Women wear these, men don’t! 3 You can wear this over a shirt. 4 Informal shoes or shoes for sport. 5 A jumper with buttons. 6 You wear this when it’s cold. 7 Short trousers. 1_____ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _S 3__C___ 4____N___
Vuelve a escribir las frases con too o enough y los adjetivos entre paréntesis. 1 It’s too big. (small) It´s not small enough. 2 It’s too expensive. (cheap) 3 It isn’t long enough. (short) 4 It isn’t formal enough. (casual) 5 They’re too tight. (loose) 6 They’re not modern enough. (old-fashioned)
Escucha a dos amigos, Chris y Danny, decidiendo la ropa que llevarán a una fiesta. Responde a las preguntas.
Completa la conversación con el artículo the donde sea necesario. A: Hello, would you like to buy a suit? B: I’m not sure, how much is (1) … black suit over there? A: It’s £350. Do you often wear (2) … suits? B: No, but I have got a new job. Do you sell (3) … shirts? A: Of course. Do you want a white shirt? B: Oh, (4) … blue shirt next to (5) … pink shirt is very nice. A: Yes, it’s great. Would you like to try it on? B: Yes, please. And I also need some shoes. I like (6) … formal shoes in the window.
Elige la opción correcta. 1 This is the bigger / biggest shop in the USA. 2 Are these shoes more casual / most casual than the boots? 3 This shirt is too big. I need a smaller / smallest size. 4 The trousers were cheaper / more cheap than the suit. 5 People say that London is the most fashionable / more fashionable city in the world. 6 Boutiques are usually more expensive / most expensive than High Street shops. 7 Do you like more formal / most formal clothes?
5 _ _ _ D_ _ _ _ 6C___ 7_____S
Escribe qué ves en cada imagen. 1
1 What kind of party is Danny talking about? 2 Who is he going with? 3 Does Danny want to wear more formal or more informal clothes? 4 What items of clothing does Chris recommend? 7
Un amigo va a ir a una fiesta. Piensa qué preguntas le harías y aconséjale sobre la ropa que debería llevar. 1 Where is he / she going? 2 Is it formal or informal? 3 What kind of clothes does he / she like? I think it´s a good idea to wear ... because ...
Learning tip Una buena manera de recordar vocabulario nuevo es relacionarlo con experiencias propias. Trata de hacer lo siguiente en inglés: lee etiquetas y aprenderás muchas palabras nuevas sin esfuerzo; escribe sobre la ropa que les gusta a tus familiares y amigos; habla de tu trabajo o tus estudios; sigue programas sobre moda en la radio o la televisión. More practice: Vocabulary: Clothes and accessories (page 16) Grammar: What a…! How…!, Use and omission of the definite article (page 56)
Neighbours OBJETIVOS
They are as friendly as us
· Expresar opiniones sobre los vecinos · Expresar empatía · Hacer comparaciones
Fíjate en las imágenes y responde a las preguntas. 1 Where do you live?
detached house
¿Quién dice lo siguiente sobre sus vecinos? Anota 1 para Mr y Mrs Wilson, 2 para Tom y Wendy o 3 para los dos. 1 They have wild parties. (...) 2 They never go out. (...) 3 They play loud music. (...) 4 They've got a big, noisy car. (...) 5 They're rude and unfriendly. (...) 6 They're unsociable. (...) 7 They are monster neighbours! (...)
terraced house 4
Responde a la pregunta. What do Tom and Mr Wilson have in common?
semi-detached house
2 Who lives next door to you? 1 A single parent with … children / a child.
Piensa en tus vecinos y responde a las preguntas. 1 How often do you see your neighbours?
2 A young / middle-aged / old couple. 3 A single person. 4 A group of friends / students. 5 A typical family with … children.
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Why can’t Tom play the piano?
I usually see my neighbours every day. We leave home at the same time every morning. 2 Do you ever visit their house and do they ever come to your house? 3 Do you ever help each other? What do you do? 4 How often do you talk to your neighbours and what do you talk about?
2 Why does Mr Wilson like Frank Sinatra?
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Who are your neighbours? What are they like?
2 What qualities does a good neighbour have?
Lee el primer párrafo y elige la afirmación más exacta.
Neighbours are important because a they are your friends. b you can go to their parties.
c they can watch your house when you go on holiday. d they can make your life better or worse.
ARE YOU THE PERFECT NEIGHBOUR? Neighbours are important! Why? You live next door and you see them every day. You hear their arguments and their dogs. They keep you awake with wild parties. You watch their kids grow up. They can make your life easier or more difficult! So, are you a good neighbour or a neighbour from hell? 1 Do you know the names of the people who live on your street / in your apartment block? a All of them. b More than 50%. c Less than 50%. d None. I’m not interested.
5 You’re planning a wild party. What do you do? a My neighbours always come to my parties. b I invite them to come. c I mention the party to them on the morning of the party. d I don’t tell them.
2 How often do you say hello to your neighbours? a Every time I see them. b When I’m not too busy. c Sometimes. d Never.
6 What do you think of the people next door? a They’re friends. I can ask them for help at any time. b I know them well. They’re always very friendly. c I see them sometimes. We don’t talk much but we’re polite. d I don’t really see them. I’m not interested in them.
3 Do you ever help your neighbours? (Babysitting, gardening, etc.) a Always. b Often. c Sometimes. d Never. 4 How often do you socialise with your neighbours? a Every week. b Once a month. c Twice a year. d Never.
7 An ideal neighbour should … a be sociable and friendly. b be helpful and kind. c be polite and have good manners. d be quiet and reserved.
Ahora, responde tú el cuestionario y anota tus respuestas.
¿Tienes mayoría de a, b, c o d? Lee los resultados. ¿Qué tipo de vecino eres? Mostly a: Mostly b: Mostly c: Mostly d:
You are a great neighbour. You are friendly and helpful. You are a good neighbour and you are polite but you don’t want to be their friend. You live next door but you have your own life. You don’t like neighbours. You should live on a farm in the countryside!
Lee lo que dicen estos vecinos. ¿Qué tipo de vecinos crees que son: a, b, c o d? 1 Lovely day! Let’s call the Joneses and invite them to a barbecue. 2 Good morning, Mr Smith. How are you today? 3 Is that the neighbour mowing the lawn again? I want some peace and quiet! 4 Last time I saw Mr Carey was at the pub, two weeks ago. Do you think they are on holiday?
Relaciona las palabras con su significado. a reserved b arguments c advice d socialise e wild f awake a ...
b ...
c ...
1 crazy or out of control 2 disagreements 3 get together 4 cold, distant 5 not asleep 6 guidance d ... e ... f ...
Escucha el sonido /ə/ en las siguientes palabras.
/ə/ › pensioner sociable parent manners inspector annoyed preposition
Escucha a algunas personas hablar de sus vecinos. Indica cuál es la casa de cada vecino. I play with my kids.
I love my car!
Escucha y rodea la vocal de la sílaba acentuada de cada palabra.
Escucha y repite. ¿El sonido /ə/ está en una sílaba acentuada o no acentuada? 2
Pronuncia estas palabras. computer information
about camera
nervous mother
director polite
Rod Ellis
Escucha y comprueba. Presta atención al sonido /ə/ y al contraste entre sílabas acentuadas y sin acentuar.
Bill Evans
I´m a nurse.
I´ve got 8 cats.
Lee lo que dicen estas personas y señala en la tabla las palabras que las describen.
1 I love loud music and I don’t care what other people think. I never speak to my neighbours.
Sally Cookson
Elsie Trotter
2 I often babysit for my neighbours. I always say hello to all the people in my street. I read a lot. 3
I don’t know all my neighbours, but often cut the grass or help the lady next door. She’s 80. I think it’s important for people to say ‘Please and thank you’.
1 have good manners sociable rude helpful noisy kind quiet
a ...
5 75
b ...
c ...
d ...
Escucha y escribe el nombre del vecino al que se refiere cada frase. 1 This neighbour is rude and unfriendly. (...) 2 This neighbour has got a daughter and she’s quiet. (...) 3 This neighbour has got two sons. (...) 4 This neighbour is polite and kind. (...) 5 This neighbour has wild parties and plays loud music. (...) 6 This neighbour thinks their next-door neighbour has got good manners. (...)
friendly have bad manners polite
Neighbours 8
Mostrar interés y empatía
1 Your neighbours have got a very noisy dog. It bit you yesterday.
Para mostrar interés en una conversación y en lo que está diciendo nuestro interlocutor utilizamos Really?
My neighbours have got a really noisy dog.
My neighbours often have wild parties. Really? Para mostrar empatía utilizamos diferentes expresiones.
Yes, it’s dangerous. It bit me yesterday.
My wife died three years ago. I’m sorry to hear that. Sarah lost her job yesterday. Oh, no!
7 77
Bill Rod Elsie Rod
Ordena las conversaciones. Luego, escucha y comprueba tus respuestas.
1 Joel: Joel: Keith: Keith: Keith: Joel: 2 Darrell: Darrell: Sophie: Sophie: Sophie: Darrell: 3 Andrea: Andrea: Richard: Richard: Richard: Andrea: Andrea:
Rod Elsie Sally Sally
5 a.m. I saw them this morning and they didn’t apologise. The people in the flat upstairs are really noisy. 1 Oh, no! That’s so rude! Really? What time did it finish? Yes, they had a party last night. I’m sorry to hear that. Really? Why do you like him? My neighbour is lovely. 1 Well, he always cuts my grass. But he’s not very well at the moment. Because he’s always really helpful. Really? What does he do? I’m not unsociable. I just work a lot. My neighbours think I’m unsociable. 1 Really? I’m sorry to hear that. So you don’t have much time. Well, don’t worry. You’re not a bad neighbour. You’re not rude or noisy. No, I suppose not. No, that’s right.
Oh, no! I’m sorry to hear that!
3 The family opposite my house always leave their rubbish on the street.
Escucha estas conversaciones y señala (3) quién expresa interés. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4
2 The neighbours upstairs have a baby and it cries all the time. I often hear them arguing.
My son’s neighbour broke his arm last week. I feel sorry for him. 6
Practica estos diálogos con un compañero expresando interés y empatía.
4 The kids next door always have wild parties. They’re noisy and they play loud music. 9
Te acabas de mudar. Contesta al correo que te envía Joel preguntándote por tus nuevos vecinos. Utiliza la información del recuadro para escribir tu respuesta. Mr Bink: pensioner / owns a noisy dog / coughs all the time / unfriendly / lives upstairs Aaron and Brittany Shaw: married couple / 1-year-old baby / argue a lot / very sociable / live next door Jess Watts: single / good manners / always says hello / very quiet / doctor / works a lot / lives downstairs
Hi! How are you? Did you move last week? I hope you are happy in your new apartment. Are your neighbours friendly? Good neighbours are so important... Let me know all your news. All the best, Joel x Dear Joel, Yes, I moved last week. The apartment is great and I like one of the neighbours, but I’m not sure about the others. They aren’t as nice as her. Let me tell you all about it … 10 Hay un nuevo vecino en tu edificio. Dale
información sobre los demás vecinos. Are the neighbours nice? Tell me about the man in the apartment upstairs.
I feel sorry for you. He’s really noisy! He coughs all the time.
Can you understand me?
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Same language, different lives 5
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Do any of your family live next door to you? 2 How important is it for family to live near you or in the same city / town?
a ‘We’re like family.’ b ‘I never really see them.’ c ‘We often visit each other.’ d ‘I have a very close relationship with my neighbours.’
Responde a la pregunta. Sybil is the main character in today´s episode. What sort of person do you think Sybil is? 1 She is always interested in her neighbours. She’s very nosy. 2 She likes her neighbours and often talks to them. She’s friendly. 3 She’s helpful. 4 She’s a gossip. She loves talking to other people about her neighbours’ problems. 5 She’s vain. She worries about her image.
¿Qué dicen de sus vecinos? Relaciona cada frase con la persona que la dice. 1
The Street 2
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
The Street 6
¿Qué piensa Sybil de sus vecinos? 2
Ben & Beth 3
Imagina que tienes nuevos vecinos, como Ben y Beth. Responde a las preguntas. 1 How did you feel before your new neighbours moved in? a anxious b excited c nervous d interested 2 Did you speak to them as soon as they arrived? 3 Are first impressions important?
a b c d
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
Ben & Beth 7
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 4
Nice but vain. Single and never goes out. Quiet and shy but nice. Always talking about her health and illness.
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Beth and Ben’s new neighbours moved in yesterday. 2 At the beginning, Ben doesn’t like them very much. 3 They are both musicians. 4 Ben visited them and sat on their floor.
Responde a las preguntas.
NOW YOU! 1 Carola and Nicky are neighbours. What other relationship do they have? 2 What is different about their houses? 3 How do the neighbours in the area help each other? 4 What qualities does Carola think are important to be a good neighbour?
¿Eres un buen vecino? Haz una lista de tus buenos y malos hábitos. Good neighbour habits: I always talk to my neighbours. Bad neighbour habits: I sometimes play loud music.
¿De qué hablas con tus vecinos? Señala los temas que creas apropiados.
Lovely day, isn´t it?
Yes, it´s lovely!
a recent divorce the weather television programme family your last holiday politics
your local football team your health problems the latest films religion money
Lee rápidamente el primer párrafo. ¿Cuál es la opinión del autor sobre ‘small talk’?
a Small talk helps you communicate with your neighbours. b Small talk is a waste of time.
c Making small talk is always difficult. d Small talk is boring and repetitive.
The Art of Small Talk ‘Small talk’ or the ability to ‘talk about nothing’ is particularly important when we want to get on with our neighbours. ‘Small talk’ helps us to be friendly to our neighbours, but at the same time to ‘keep our distance’. We want to keep our lives private, and we don’t want to be rude. Small talk is talking about unimportant general topics, not personal things. But sometimes that’s not easy! Some people are natural ‘small talkers’. They find it easy to talk about ‘nothing’. Other people find it more difficult. So what topics can we discuss with our neighbours? One of the most popular topics of conversation is probably the weather. ‘Beautiful day today, isn’t it?‘ ‘Yes, it is. Better than yesterday.’ The news is also a very common topic. Men, in particular, like to talk about sports news, especially if it is about a 3
In England people don’t normally talk about their salaries, or personal topics like divorce or their age. One of the easiest ways to start a conversation is to pay someone a compliment on their hair or their clothes. ‘What a beautiful coat, Mrs Jones.’ ‘Oh, thank you. Do you like it? It’s new.’ This is always a good way to make your neighbour feel happy and cheerful! So, small talk is definitely useful to live in harmony with our neighbours!
Según el artículo, ¿qué temas son adecuados para una conversación entre vecinos? weather
local team or player. ‘Did you see the football on TV last night?’ ‘Yes, great match, wasn’t it?‘ It’s also OK to talk about local news that affects you and your neighbours. ‘Did you hear about the train strike?’ ‘Yes, isn’t it terrible? I can’t get to work today.’ Some topics to be careful about are religion and politics; you don’t want to offend your neighbours.
paying compliments
Lee de nuevo el texto y señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Small talk helps you to communicate better with your neighbours. 2 People think that small talk is easy. 3 The weather is a very common topic of conversation. 4 Men are not really interested in small talk. 5 People don’t normally talk about religion or politics because neighbours can have different opinions. 6 Saying something nice usually makes your neighbour feel good.
Busca palabras o expresiones en el texto que signifiquen lo mismo que las siguientes. Paragraph 1: a Have a good relationship. Paragraph 2: c Talk about. Paragraph 3: e The money people earn at work.
b Not polite. d Be upset. f Say something nice to someone.
3 Mr Pipstock is … quiet … a mouse. 4 Dawn’s new neighbours are … noisy … the old neighbours. 5 Dawn was … helpful … possible. 6 Dawn is … tolerant … Milo.
Escucha las palabras acentuadas en estas frases. Ten en cuenta que, en inglés, no se acentúan todas las palabras de la frase. The house is as pretty as a picture. My daughter is as quiet as a mouse. He’s less interesting than his wife. They’re less noisy than us.
Ahora escucha otra vez y repite. 2
Escucha y subraya las palabras acentuadas.
1 2 3 4
interesting busy noisy difficult sociable
Escucha de nuevo y repite.
Completa las reglas (1-6) de este edificio de apartamentos con las palabras del recuadro. noise loud quiet complain neighbours sociable parties
Para comparar dos personas o cosas indicando que son similares en algún aspecto, usamos: as + adjective + as + noun Their car was as big as a bus! My cat is as noisy as your dog!
1 Please respect your … at all times so that they can respect you.
Para comparar dos personas o cosas indicando que una es inferior en algún aspecto a la otra, usamos:
2 Don’t make … !
- less + adjective + than + noun
3 … must end before midnight. Please tell other residents before you invite groups of people into the building.
The steak was less delicious than the fish. The neighbours at number 3 are less sociable than the people at number 5.
4 Keep your pets … ! Some residents ... they are too noisy.
- not as / so + adjective + noun She isn’t as clever as her brother. My flat wasn’t so expensive as their flat.
5 Please be … and friendly. Come along to our weekly residents’ meetings. They’re fun!
as / than
6 Please don’t play … music, and keep down the volume on your TVs and radios.
As o than pueden ir seguidos de un pronombre objeto (me, her, him, it, us, you, them) o de una oración (sujeto + verbo). My mother is as pretty as me. You aren’t as polite as her. My brother is less hardworking than I am. He is as quiet as we are.
1 dogs / cats Cats are less noisy than dogs. Cats are not as noisy as dogs. 2 gardening / listening to classical music 3 the countryside / the town 4 collecting stamps / going to parties 5 golf / yoga 6 Indian food / Spanish food
They’re as old as us. He’s less stylish than her. Their dog isn’t as friendly as our dog. They’re less sociable than us.
Formas comparativas de los adjetivos: igualdad e inferioridad
Haz comparaciones con as … as o less … than y los adjetivos siguientes. Hay varias posibilidades.
Añade cuatro reglas más. Usa estas palabras. kind polite / rude helpful good / bad manners Be kind to your neighbours. People like to have kind neighbours!
3 81
Escucha a Milo y a Dawn hablar sobre sus vecinos y completa las frases con (not) as … as o less … than. 1 Dawn´s neighbours are … rude … Mr Pipstock. 2 Milo is … friendly … he can be.
Con tus compañeros, comentad qué reglas son buenas y cuáles no. I don’t want to go to a residents’ meeting every week. That’s crazy! I’m too busy!
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 Do you ever complain about your neighbours? 2 Do your neighbours ever complain about you? 3 What do you do about rude or noisy neighbours?
Lee el orden del día de la reunión de una junta de vecinos. ¿Qué tres asuntos no están en el orden del día? a Christmas party
b lift
c entrance hall
d Wi-Fi
e garden
f pets
g noise
HAPPY HOUSE APARTMENTS RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION MEETING AGENDA 1 Discuss complaints about the Arnold Family. A) Wild parties three or four times a month B) Rude and unsociable when talking to other neighbours C) Noisy pets D) Children have bad manners E) Son often plays loud music F) Parents argue with children all the time 2 Plan for residents’ Christmas party. 3 Plan for keeping entrance hall clean and tidy. 4 Any other business.
Imagina que vives en los apartamentos Happy House. Ordena las quejas a-f en orden de importancia para ti y escribe un correo electrónico sobre las tres más importantes. Utiliza este correo como ejemplo.
Dear Residents’ Association Committee, I am writing to complain about the people in Apartment 4. Last week they had a wild party on Wednesday night. The party started at 8 p.m. and finished at 4 a.m. I work hard and I need to sleep. Please speak to them about this as soon as possible. Also …
Eres un vecino de los apartamentos Happy House y tu compañero, el representante de la asociación de vecinos. Por turnos, hablad de uno de los vecinos y mostrad empatía o preocupación por su comportamiento.
The family in number 4 are really unsociable. They always play loud music, and the son is very rude.
Oh, no! I’m really sorry to hear that. It’s bad when some residents are not as polite as others. What can I do to help?
Escucha a los vecinos y señala los adjetivos que se usan para describir a la familia Arnold.
polite horrible rude
shy dangerous lazy
friendly patient unkind
unsociable sociable
unfriendly noisy
Escucha otra vez. Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7).
a b c d e f
Imagina que eres Simon Peterson. Toma notas sobre lo que quieres decirle a la familia Arnold de su comportamiento y lo que tienen que cambiar.
The Arnold family have a lot of parties. The Arnolds’ daughter hasn’t got any friends. Fran likes Jolene’s music. Mr Arnold works in a supermarket. Josh is less rude than the rest of his family. The Arnold family don’t have any pets.
BEHAVIOUR 1 You make a lot of noise. Other people can’t sleep. 2 We have rules about parties and noise. Please respect them. 3 4 CHANGES 1 Please try to be less noisy than you are at the moment. 2 Please be more polite. 3 4
En parejas, turnaos para ser Simon Peterson y Mr Arnold. Comentad el comportamiento de la familia Arnold y lo que tienen que cambiar. Hello, Mr Arnold, I’m Simon Peterson from the Residents’ Association. We need to talk about your family’s behaviour.
What’s the problem? We’re always polite and helpful. I know Jolene and Josh are sometimes noisy, but they are kids.
Well, some of the residents think you’re very noisy and less polite than them.
Completa las frases con estos adjetivos. rude
sociable helpful
polite wild
Relaciona las imágenes con las palabras. a
1 detached 4 flat 1 ... 3
2 ...
2 terraced house 3 bungalow 5 semi-detached house 3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
Completa con (not) as … as o less … than y los adjetivos entre paréntesis. 1 My baby brother is … a mouse. (quiet) 2 He is … he looks. In fact, he’s younger than me. (old) 3 It is … yesterday. (cold) It’s much hotter today. 4 My new boss is usually very rude. Today he is even … usual. (polite) 5 They’re … than us. They don’t know any of the neighbours. We know everyone! (sociable) 6 This food is … the food you cooked for us last Sunday. (delicious)
Learning tip
Completa esta conversación con las palabras del recuadro. sorry argue feel no really hear argument noisy
1 She’s as … as my own daughter. She always does jobs for me like shopping and gardening. 2 They’re less … than us. We like to meet people but they usually stay at home and watch TV. 3 Please excuse my husband, he isn’t as … as me. He never waits for other people to sit down before he starts eating. 4 Their car is enormous and it’s as … as a racing car. It wakes me up every morning. 5 The neighbours upstairs always have ... parties. 6 The husband is less … than the wife. She never smiles and she shouted at me last week. 2
Jane: I didn’t sleep last night. My neighbours were really (1) … . Sue: Oh, (2) … ! That’s terrible. Jane: Yes, they (3) … a lot and last night was the worst ever! Sue: I’m (4) … to (5) … that. Jane: I spoke to them this morning and we had a big (6) … . Sue: (7) … ? Jane: Actually, I (8) … sorry for the parents. Their kids are awful! 5 83
Escucha la conversación y numera los adjetivos en el orden en que los oigas. helpful noisy
wild polite
bad rude
sociable friendly
Lee el correo electrónico. Luego, responde a Annika con la siguiente información. Mr Johnson: Apartment 5 - Pensioner - 2 noisy dogs - unfriendly - widower The Trapp family: Apartment 4 - 6 children under 12 years old - loud music - parents argue a lot Mrs Winter: Apartment 7 - single mum - 17-year-old daughter - quiet and friendly - always polite and helpful Hi Jim, As you know, I want to find a new apartment. Well I just heard that there’s a free apartment in your block. It’s number 6. Is it a nice place? Tell me about the neighbours. Good neighbours are really important to me. Please, email soon and let me know because I haven’t got a place to live at the moment. Annika.
Cuando respondes a preguntas de verdadero o falso, no necesitas saber todas las palabras de un texto. Primero, lee las frases y subraya las palabras clave. Luego, lee el texto rápidamente para hacerte una idea general. Después, lee otra vez las frases e intenta encontrar la parte del texto con la información relevante. Por último, decide si la frase es verdadera o falsa. More practice: Vocabulary: Personal details, Personality, Behaviour (page 18) Grammar: Adjectives: comparative and superlative forms, (Not) as…as / less…than, Too… / Not… enough (page 58)
Plans and resolutions OBJETIVOS
What are your NewYear’s resolutions?
· Escribir una lista de propósitos de Año Nuevo · Hablar de planes de futuro · Quedar con alguien
Responde a las preguntas.
1 Are there any things in your life you want to change?
¿Cuáles son los planes de estas personas para Nochevieja? Tom
watch a DVD go to the pub
arguing with other using public transport people all the time to go to work
visit Trafalgar Square go on a date go to bed early do some work 4
smoking cigarettes
being late meetings
learn Spanish do some exercise lose some weight stop biting nails get a new job
2 Do you make resolutions on New Year’s Eve or at different times of the year?
¿Qué propósitos quieren realizar el próximo año?
start a new hobby go on holiday get married stop wasting money buy a pet Ian
2 Responde a las preguntas.
1 What is Guy doing later? 2 What is Guy’s New Year’s resolution?
¿Qué propósitos de Año Nuevo hicieron tus amigos y tu familia el año pasado? ¿Cuáles cumplieron? Explica por qué. name
successful / unsuccessful
my sister
go to the gym
unsuccessful didn’t have time
Plans and resolutions
Responde a la pregunta. Do you or anyone in your family play the lottery? Do you ever win?
Lee este artículo sobre personas a las que les ha tocado la lotería. Elige el mejor título para cada apartado.
a Everything’s going to change!
b We’re happy as we are.
More Wonderful Winners at LuckyWinners.com Lottery! Do you want to change your life? Then why not play LuckyWinners.com Lottery today?! Read about two of our most recent winners. Join them at LuckyWinners.com! 1 [...] Raymond and Martha Shelley are a retired couple living in Derby. Last week they won 2 million euros. Martha told us ‘On Friday we’re taking our family to London for the weekend. We’re going out for dinner and then on Saturday we’re all seeing The Lion King. On Sunday, we’re taking a ride on the London Eye and touring the city in a limo!’. ‘Apart from that, we’re not making any plans. We’re both retired and we don’t want to change the way we live. We own our house, we like our neighbours and we’ve got a nice car’, added Raymond. ‘Now our family can stop worrying about money. Our son, Alan, wants to give up his job and he’s going to start a new business with his wife, Paula. Thank you, LuckyWinners.com!’ 2 [...] Joanna and David Cornish got married last year. They live in a rented house in South London. They want to start a family. ‘I can’t believe it!’, said Joanna. ‘We’re planning to leave work and travel the world. We’re going to book the trip tomorrow. 4.5 million euros is a lot of money. My husband is going out on Saturday to buy a sports car! We’re going to move to a bigger flat or maybe even a house. We’re also changing our looks. Dave is growing a beard, and I’m getting a new haircut! In the next few days, I’m going to throw away all our old clothes and buy new ones. We’re having a party next weekend for all our friends and family. It’s fantastic! Thank you, LuckyWinners.com Lottery!’ 3
Lee el texto de nuevo y responde a las preguntas. 1 Which couple are sharing most of their money? 2 Who is buying a new car? 3 What are Martha and Raymond doing at the weekend?
4 What are Alan and Paula planning to do? 5 How are Joanna and David changing their look? 6 Who is coming to Joanna and David’s party?
Completa los mensajes de la página web LuckyWinners.com con las palabras del recuadro. throw away
give up
Message board John in Newcastle writes: Congratulations, Joanna and David. (1) … a trip around the world and enjoy yourselves. But don’t (2) … those old clothes. Take them to a charity shop. Some of us are not lottery winners! Well done, Martha and Raymond. What a great story! You understand that money can’t (3) … you happiness. You already have it. Good for you! Rosie B says: Joanna and David, if you want to (4) … a family, (5) … some money for your children. You’re going to need it! Annabel’s mum writes: Great job, Martha and Raymond! What great parents! Lucky David. He can (6) … his job! But don’t forget to spend some money on you and enjoy it a little!
Escucha estas tres palabras y fíjate en la diferente pronunciación de las vocales. /ʌ/ › cut /ɑː/ › cart /æ/ › cat Ahora escucha y repite las palabras. car plan family but study relax party
2 86
Observa la agenda de Pilar y escribe frases con los siguientes verbos. fly go go swimming have coffee meet play (not) do Sunday – Evan 8 p.m. Gino’s Italian restaurant
Monday 11 a.m. – Dan Tuesday 7 a.m. – Ginny
Escucha de nuevo y coloca las palabras en la columna correcta. /æ /
Wednesday 8:30 p.m. with Simon Thursday – free Friday 8 p.m. – Simon Saturday 11:30 – Rome
On Sunday at 8 o’clock, Pilar is meeting Evan at Gino’s Italian restaurant. On Monday at 11 o’clock … Present continuous para expresar futuro Se usa para hablar de actividades futuras organizadas y programadas de antemano.
5 87
- What is he doing tonight? - He’s watching TV and going to bed early.
Monday 9 a.m. - (1) … Madrid Monday (2) ... p.m. - lunch with Ben James
- Where are you going this afternoon? - I’m visiting the dentist.
Tuesday 7 a.m. - (3) … with Charlie Farmer / (4) … p.m. talk to Business TV
- What’s happening this weekend? - We’re all having dinner at Dave’s house.
Wednesday 3 p.m. (5) … - with Simon.
- Are you coming to the cinema on Friday? - No, I’m not. / Yes, I am.
Friday evening - (8) … train to (9) …
Thursday (6) … - (7) … with Theresa
6 3
Escucha al secretario de Ricardo recordándole su agenda para la semana.
Completa los diálogos con present continuous. 1 A: Why are you wearing that black suit? B: I (1) ... (go) to an important job interview later. 2 A: Those are lovely flowers. B: Yes. My mum’s in hospital. We (2) ... (visit) her this evening. 3 A: I didn’t know you rode a bike! B: Oh yes. I (3) ... (compete) in a bike race on Saturday. 4 A: What time (4) ... (we / meet) on Friday evening? B: We (5)... (catch) the 8 p.m. train and we (6) ... (have) drinks with Steve at 8:30. 5 A: How (7) ... (you / spend) next New Year’s Eve? B: I (8) ... (stay) at home and I (9) ... (watch) TV. 6 A: Why are they nervous? B: He (10) ... (take) his driving test later and she (11) ... (sit) an English exam tomorrow.
Escucha de nuevo y responde a las preguntas. 1 Why is Ricardo calling Madrid? a He’s discussing a new contract. b He’s buying a house. c He’s organising a meeting. 2 Why is Ben James meeting Ricardo for lunch? a He’s offering Ricardo a new job. b He’s showing Ricardo some new software. c He’s Ricardo’s friend. 3 What is Charlie Farmer doing next week? a He’s playing in a golf tournament. b He’s running a marathon. c He’s going on holiday. 4 What is Simon Lock organising? a A meeting with some Chinese businessmen. b A TV interview. c A trip to Paris. 5 What is Business TV interviewing Ricardo about? a A business trip to Paris. b His new computer software. c A business plan for Brazil.
Plans and resolutions 7
Observa las imágenes y completa el diálogo entre Beatrice y su amiga Manuela con los siguientes verbos. have dinner go to the pub buy a car play tennis go to the gym
Present simple y present continuous: usos Recuerda que usamos present simple para hablar de hábitos y rutinas. Compara estos ejemplos: I meet Jane every Friday after work. I’m meeting Jane this Friday after work. Recuerda que usamos present continuous para hablar de lo que está ocurriendo en el momento de hablar. Compara estos ejemplos: Peter is studying now. He can’t go out. Peter is meeting Julie at the library this evening. They have to study for Friday’s exam. Present continuous se usa también para hablar de lo que ocurre temporalmente. Compara estos ejemplos: I’m working on the company’s project until Friday. l’m flying to London to talk about the project next week.
10 Completa el diálogo con present continuous o
present simple. Annie:
M: Hi, Beatrice! What are you doing this weekend? B: Well, I (1) ... on Saturday morning and in the afternoon Luke and I (2) ... ! M: Would you like to come out for a drink tomorrow night? B: Sorry. It’s our wedding anniversary. We’re (3) ... M: How about Sunday? B: Well, in the morning (4) ... and then we (5) ... We can meet there. M: Fine. Sounds great!
En parejas, planificad una escapada de fin de semana. Decidid lo siguiente:
Where are you going and when are you leaving? Who’s travelling with you? How are you travelling? What are you doing each day? Where are you eating?
Escribe un correo electrónico a tu amigo recordándole lo acordado para la escapada de fin de semana.
Annie: Marcus: Annie:
Marcus: Annie: Marcus: Annie:
Hi, Marcus! Why (1) … (you / walk) so fast? Oh, hi, Annie. Sorry. I (2) … (be) late. I (3) … (meet) Jess in town in half an hour. Look, I (4) … (drive) to town now. (5) (you / want)… a lift? Oh, yes, please. Why (6) … (you / go) into town now? I (7) … (pick up) my brother at 5:15 p.m. He always (8) … (finish) work at 5, and then we usually (9) … (visit) my mum. She (10) (be / not)… very well. She (11) … (spend) a few days in hospital. I’m sorry to hear that. What (12) … (you / do) later? Pete and I (13) … (go) to Terry’s birthday party. Great. I (14) … (go) too! That new band (15) … (play). Wow! What time does it start? 10 p.m. We (16) … (have) drinks at 9 p.m. in the pub. Great! I can’t wait!
Hi Paula, I’m emailing to remind you about the arrangements for this weekend. Don’t forget we’re meeting …
8 B What are you doing this weekend? UNIT
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Same language, different lives 4
Responde a las preguntas.
¿Quién quiere dejar de fumar? 1
1 How do you usually celebrate New Year’s Eve? 2 Is there a traditional way of celebrating in your town, city or country?
Ben & Beth 2
The Street
Responde a las preguntas.
1 Relaciona las imágenes con las palabras que correspondan.
¿Qué propósitos se ha planteado Bob para Año Nuevo? No more video games Keep bedroom tidy Don’t argue with parents Get a haircut Get a new girlfriend
wall calendar mobile phone calendar social networking site diary Microsoft office planner 1
Ben & Beth 6
¿Qué motivos no menciona Ben para no visitar a los padres de Beth? 1 2 3 4 5 6
Going to the gym / a judo class Working late Going to the cinema Meeting friends for a drink Going on holiday Celebrating a wedding anniversary
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ...
2 ¿Dónde sueles anotar tus citas?
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary Elige las respuestas correctas. 1 What happens in the centre of Edinburgh on New Year’s Eve? a People go skating. b There is a public street party. c People visit strangers’ houses. 2 Why do people go ‘first footing’? a To bring good luck to the house. b To deliver messages. c To make friends.
Don’t watch TV Spend less time in bed Get up early Stop eating sweets Stop smoking
¿Te parece difícil hacer planes? Piensa en por qué no puedes realizar estos planes que te proponen. You have to wash the car on Saturday afternoon. I can’t because I’m visiting a friend. We should visit the new shoe shop in town this evening. How about watching the football on TV this Sunday morning? Why don’t we all go out for a nice long walk later?
Plans and resolutions
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 Are you making any New Year’s resolutions this year? Are they on the Top Ten list below? 2 Put the resolutions on the Top Ten list in the order you think are the most important for you. 3 Do you want to add any resolutions to the list?
Lee el artículo sobre las personas que trabajan en una revista de moda. ¿Qué propósitos hacen cada uno de ellos?
TOP TEN S RESOLUTION oney Spend less m e with family Spend more tim and friends s and exercise Do more fitnes Lose weight Stop smoking e Enjoy life mor ng ki in Stop dr ng new Learn somethi Help others Get organised
CHOICES In with the new, out with the old It’s nearly New Year’s Eve and right now, all over the country, people are making resolutions. They want to give up smoking. They want to stop biting their fingernails. They are planning to do more exercise. The problem with so many New Year’s resolutions is that we make them, but a few days later we forget all about them. The best advice we can give is to choose resolutions that are important to you, and not impossible to keep! So, to inspire you, here are some resolutions the people in the Choices office are making this year.
Suzanne Barnes, our fashion editor: ‘I’m going to save money. I spend too much on clothes and eating out. I’m going to stay at home more and only buy clothes when I need them! Then maybe one day I can buy my own house.’ Meanwhile, John Botten, our production manager, says he is going to do more housework. ‘My wife usually does most of housework, but now we have a new baby. I’m going to do all the hoovering and cleaning, and at the weekends I’m going to do the washing and the ironing.’ Our art editor, Rachel Short, is going to get fit. ‘I’m going to join a health club, and I’m going to walk to work.’ Finally, Simon Harper, designer, says, ‘I’m going to learn a new language, and spend less time watching TV. I’m going to do more exercise and give up fast food.’ Well, good luck with your New Year’s resolutions!
Lee el artículo y responde a las preguntas. 1 According to the author of the article, do people usually keep their resolutions? 2 What two pieces of advice does the magazine give on choosing resolutions? 3 What does Suzanne spend a lot of money on? 4 Why does Suzanne want to save money? 5 Why is John going to do more housework? 6 What is he going to do at the weekends? 7 What is Simon going to stop eating?
Relaciona las palabras (a-i) con los verbos (1-9). En algunos casos hay más de una posibilidad. Comprueba con el texto. a money d weight g a baby 1 have 2 spend 3 do
b advice c the housework e time f a language h a resolution i exercise 4 learn 5 give 6 make
7 waste 8 do 9 lose
a ... b ... c ... d ... e ... f ... g ... h ... i ...
no linking /w/
linking /w/
how few
how did a few days
how are a few hours
now stop
now eat
know know the time 2
Z: Yes, but I need to get fitter. (3) ... (I / do) more exercise. J: (4) ... (you / join) a gym? Good luck! Well, (5) ... (I / not / stop) drinking alcohol, but Dale and I (6) ... (give up) smoking. Z: What (7) ... (you / do) tomorrow? J: (8) ... (I / meet) Holly for coffee at 11 a.m. and (9) ... (we / walk) over to Henry’s flat about 1 p.m. for lunch.
Si una palabra termina en /w/ y la siguiente comienza por vocal, se unen. Escucha y repite.
know a café
Señala los casos en los que se da esta unión. Luego, escucha y repite. 1 We flew over to Paris last weekend. 2 Now is the time to decide. 3 I want a few ideas. 4 How easy is it to stop smoking? 5 Do you know the way to the library? 6 Blow on your cup of tea; it’s hot. be going to + verb Usos
stop / give up stop / give up + verb –ing se usa para hablar de hábitos que se quieren dejar de hacer. Next year I’m going to stop biting my nails. They’re going to give up smoking in the NewYear. Are you going to stop wasting money? She’s not going to give up drinking alcohol. 5 91
Para hablar de planes futuros e intenciones. I’m going to improve my English.
Completa los propósitos que tienen estas personas para Año Nuevo. Luego, escucha y comprueba. 1
Formas Afirmativa: am / is / are + going to + verb She is going to lose weight. Negativa: am not / isn’t / aren’t + going to + verb They are not going to play tennis this weekend. Interrogativa: Am / Is / Are + sbj + going to + verb ? Are you going to join the gym? Fíjate en la diferencia entre present continuous y be going to.
1 Gill: I’m going to stop … when I’m nervous. 2 Ryan: This year I’m going to give up … . I have to do it because it’s good for my health. I always have a cough and I can’t run without getting out of breath. 3 Maurice: I love hamburgers, but I´m putting on weight. This year I’m going to stop ... . 4 Jimmy: My friends always tell me I’m very unsociable. They say I have to stop ... . 5 Gemma: I’m going to give up … because I waste so much on clothes. 6 Tess: I don’t feel good. I’m always ill. I’m going to give up … .
Next year, I’m going to Italy on holidays. I’m going to travel by plane. (Una intención o plan) I’m flying to Rome this evening. (Ya está todo acordado. Ya tienes los billetes de avión.) 3
Construye las frases. 1 We aren’t very healthy. (we / start / a diet) We are going to start a diet. 2 They’re not hungry. (they / not eat / lunch) 3 You’re bored at work. (you / change / your job?) 4 I’m 65 next year. (I / travel / around the world) 5 She’s lonely. (she / look for / a boyfriend?) 6 He’s tired. (he / not stay up / late)
Completa con present continuous o be going to. Z: Happy New Year, Jackie! J: The same to you, Zach. Do you want a drink? Z: Yes, please. But after tonight, (1) ... (I / give up) drinking alcohol. J: (2) ... (that / be) difficult!
En grupos, hablad de vuestros propósitos de Año Nuevo. Señalad al menos tres hábitos que queréis cambiar. What are your NewYear´s resolutions going to be? I´m going to stop wasting so much time at work.
Plans and resolutions
Lee los comentarios de esta página web y contesta a las preguntas. 1 Who loves bacon sandwiches? 2 Who is going to the Bootleg Bar at 9.45 p.m.?
3 Who is having dinner with Ricky and Olive? 4 Who is a vegetarian?
Anna Cipolini Hey you guys! What are you doing on New Year’s Eve? I’m meeting Seb and Rowena for a drink around 8 p.m. in the Swan pub and then we’re going to Trafalgar Square for midnight. Who’s going to join us? Desmond Weston Hey, Anna. Great idea. I’m having dinner with Ricky and Olive but then we’re coming down to Trafalgar Square at about 9 p.m. We’re having cocktails with Xavier and Maria in the Bootleg Bar. Ricky Whyte Who’s coming to the pub on New Year’s Eve? I’m only going to drink Coke. I’m going to give up drinking alcohol for January and February. That’s my New Year´s resolution. The Bootleg’s a great bar. I’m going to be there at about 9:30 p.m. Xavier Villa You’re never going to do it, Ricky. Are you going to stop smoking too? I don’t think so! I’m coming to the Bootleg Bar at about 9:45 p.m. Olive Thoms What are we having for dinner? Remember, I don’t eat meat. Come on you guys, how about a New Year’s resolution for me? Who’s going to give up eating meat for a year? Maria Marquez Oh, dear. I’m going to give up eating chocolate and I’m going to stop using my mobile phone all the time but I love bacon sandwiches! I’m coming on New Year’s Eve. Seb & Rowena Wilks Don’t worry Olive, we’re going to give up eating meat and fish. We’re only going to eat vegetables. And we’re stopping eating fast foods so no butter! New Year’s Eve sounds great. Anna Cipolini OK, so I think we’re all meeting at the Bootleg Bar between 9 and 10 p.m. on New Year’s Eve and then we’re going to walk to Trafalgar Square. Great!
Lee los comentarios de nuevo y señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Anna is meeting all her friends in the Swan pub on New Year’s Eve. 2 Xavier and Maria are having dinner with Desmond on New Year’s Eve. 3 Ricky is going to give up drinking alcohol for 2 months. 4 Xavier doesn’t believe Ricky is going to give up drinking alcohol or stop smoking. 5 Maria uses her mobile phone a lot. 6 Seb and Rowena are only going to eat vegetables after New Year’s Eve.
Escribe cuatro propósitos de Año Nuevo y justifica su elección.
Hi there! What are you doing for New Year’s Eve this year? The reason I ask is that we’re having a party. It’s starting at about 8 p.m. and we’re going to finish at about 1 p.m. (We don’t want to upset the neighbours.) Let me know if you can come! Ron
Escucha los mensajes telefónicos de una agencia de viajes sobre algunos preparativos y elige la información correcta.
Dear Ron, …
Message 1 Depart: Manchester / London By: plane / train At: 4 p.m. / 6 p.m.
Message 2 Arrive: Brussels / Paris Travel to: Brussels / Paris
Message 3 Stay: Welcome Hotel / Continental Hotel Move to: United Hotel / Continental Hotel Fly back: Sunday / Monday At: 2:30 p.m. / 2 p.m.
5 93
Escucha a Natalie, Chris y Andy haciendo planes para una fiesta. Responde a las preguntas. Where is Blake going next week? Who is he taking with him? When is Chris cooking dinner? When are Jean and Mick organising their work party? 5 What is Chris going to do at his Mum’s house? 1 2 3 4
Vas a preparar una fiesta de Nochevieja con tus amigos. Decidid lo siguiente: Where is the party going to be? Who are you going to invite? What are you going to eat and drink? What time is the party going to start and finish? 5 Is your party going to have a theme? 1 2 3 4
Lee este correo electrónico y respóndelo.
From: Ron Coates
Resolution: I’m going to stop using bad language at home. Reason: I have got young children and I don’t want them to learn bad habits.
En parejas, imaginad que estáis en una fiesta de Nochevieja. Comentad vuestros planes para el próximo año. What are you doing next year? Are you making any New Year’s resolutions? Yes, I’m going to stop eating chocolate and I’m going to eat more fruit and vegetables. What about you?
I’m visiting my parents next week. They live in Scotland. And I’m giving up driving to work. I’m going to walk or take the bus. That’s a great idea. I’m going to do more exercise next year as well.
Identifica las imágenes con las expresiones del recuadro.
Escribe los propósitos de Año Nuevo de las personas de la actividad 1. a Peter and Pat ... b Mary ... c Robert ... d Sheila ...
e Noemi ... f Tom ... g Jack ...
Completa con la forma de present continuous o be going to de los verbos entre paréntesis. 1 Cigarettes are bad for my health. I … (stop) smoking. 2 I can’t meet you this morning. I … (go) to the dentist. 3 … (you / go) to the party tonight? 4 He can only speak English. Next year he … (learn) another language. 5 I know she bites her nails but she … (not / give up). 6 I never do any work. Next year I … (stop) wasting time on my computer.
Lee el correo electrónico y elige las opciones correctas. Hello there! I’m writing to tell you about my plans for the next few days and for next year. (1) I work / ‘m working tomorrow and Thursday but (2) I’m taking / I take the day off on Friday. I (3)‘m meeting / meet Josie on Friday afternoon and we (4) ’re flying / fly to Barcelona for the weekend. We’re staying near the Ramblas. Next year I’m going to (5) make / making a few changes to my life. I (6) give up / ‘m going to give up smoking on New Year’s Day. I’m also going to stop (7) bite / biting my nails. Let me know what you (8) do / ‘re doing next week because I (9)‘m going to visit/ visit my mum on Wednesday and she lives very near your house. Ernesto
a ... b ... c ... d ... e ... f ... g ... 2
Completa el diálogo con present simple o present continuous. A: Hello. What (1) … (you / do) this afternoon? B: I (2) … (go) to the dentist. A: I see. What about this evening? (3) … (you / go) to the cinema? B: No, Helen and I (4) … (have) dinner with John and Ellen. What film (5) ... (you / watch)? A: I (6) … (not / know). It (7) … (be) in French. B: Sorry, but my appointment (8) … (be) at 4 p.m. Goodbye.
1 lose weight 2 waste time 3 bite your fingernails 4 start a hobby 5 learn a language 6 get fit 7 buy a pet a
Vas a ir de vacaciones a Edimburgo. Mira el itinerario y escribe un correo electrónico a Ernesto sobre lo que vas a hacer allí. Transport: Train leaves Friday London Kings Cross 10 a.m., arrives Edinburgh 1:30 p.m. Returns Monday. 8 a.m. from Edinburgh, arrives London Kings Cross 11:20 a.m. Accommodation: Stay in Hotel Caledonia 2 nights. Activities: Visit Edinburgh Zoo Saturday afternoon. Play golf at Gleneagles Sunday. Hi Ernesto, I’m writing to tell you about my plans for my next holiday in Edinburgh. I’m leaving on Friday at 10 a.m. ...
Learning tip Todo el mundo necesita amigos, y ellos pueden ayudarte también con tu inglés. Practica inglés con ellos siempre que puedas. ¡Considéralo un nuevo propósito a partir de ahora! More practice: Vocabulary: Bad habits, Plans and resolutions (page 20) Grammar: Be going to, Present continuous for future arrangements, Verb patterns: verbs + -ing / to + infinitive (page 60)
Lifetime achievements
I've done it my way
· Hablar sobre experiencias y logros · Comprender textos biográficos
1 Sharon drinks … . a red wine b champagne c beer 2 Who has never used a cooker? a Roland b Charles c Erin 3 Last year’s reunion was at … . a Roland’s house b Sharon’s house c Charles’ house 4 Erin has started a business selling … . a cardboard boxes b things for mums and babies c things for teenagers 5 Sharon’s first husband was … . a her best friend b her boss c her neighbour 6 Sharon's first two husbands … . a died b left her c got married again 7 The four ‘friends’ have known each other for … . a twenty years b twenty-five years c twenty-four years
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 What are the five most important events in your life?
a graduation
a new job
2 Why are / were those events important? 3 Do those important events include other people?
Responde a estas preguntas.
1 Where does Erin go on holiday?
2 How many times has Sharon been married?
Relaciona los personajes con sus experiencias. 1 Roland Race ... 2 Erin Nichols ...
3 Charles Burt ... 4 Sharon Peters ...
a earned 5 million b got divorced c bought a Greek island d got married e started a new business f visited Berlin g bought a house by the beach
Elige la respuesta correcta.
Vas a encontrarte con antiguos compañeros del colegio. Responde a las preguntas. 1 Which three people do you want to meet? Why? I want to meet Sonia. She was my best friend in 4th grade. I also want to meet ... 2 Which three people don’t you want to meet? Why? 3 What do you want to talk about? 4 What don’t you want to talk about?
Lifetime achievements
Responde a estas preguntas. Have you ever ... 1 climbed a mountain?
2 run a marathon?
3 won a medal?
Lee el texto y completa las frases con los nombres correspondientes.
a … has worked as a chef in the army. b … has worked with Mother Teresa.
4 written a book?
c … has been to the top of Mount Everest. d … has made a CD for charity.
‘Have You Ever ...?’ – The Home of Amazing Facts! Some people have done amazing things in their lives. Do you know these famous people and what they have achieved in their careers? Here you can learn about some things they are not so famous for. 1 We love this man’s food, of course, but he hasn’t always been a chef. He’s had a job as a dishwasher, for example. More recently, he’s taught at Harvard University in the USA and he’s written many books. He’s also been a cook in the Spanish army.
F. Adrià
2 Ranulph Fiennes, one of the world’s greatest adventurers, has also been in the army. He worked in the British army for eight years. As an adventurer, he’s walked across the Antarctica, he’s run seven marathons in seven days on seven continents, and he’s been to the top of Mount Everest. He’s written many books about his expeditions.
R. Fiennes
3 Oscar Pistorius has never competed in the Olympics, but he has run in the Paralympics and he has won many gold medals in his career. What you probably don’t know is that he has also played rugby, water polo, tennis and he’s taken part in wrestling matches. It’s also surprising that he has made a CD with two songs about him on it, called Olympic Dream and Run Boy Run. He made it for charity.
O. Pistorius
4 You’ve probably seen Penélope Cruz in many great films, but did you know that she has done a lot of work for charity? One amazing thing she has done is to work for Mother Teresa in India. Another interesting thing about Penélope is that she has appeared in a music video. It was for the pop group Mecano! 3
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas. 1 Ranulph Fiennes has walked across the Arctic. 2 Ferran Adrià has always been a chef.
P. Cruz
3 Oscar Pistorius has never played water polo. 4 P. Cruz has worked with a Spanish pop group.
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 What different jobs has Ferran Adrià had? 2 Write two amazing things Ranulph Fiennes has done. 3 What do Penélope Cruz and Oscar Pistorius have in common?
Busca los sinónimos de estas palabras en el texto. 1 profession ...
2 got with effort ...
4 organisation that helps people...
Relaciona los verbos del recuadro con las expresiones (1-8). Diferentes combinaciones son posibles. Después, comprueba las que se utilizan en el texto. a run
b make
1 a music video ... 2 a medal ...
3 incredible ...
c appear in
d take part in
3 a CD ... 4 a marathon ...
e win
f compete
g do
5 a wrestling match ... 6 a film ...
7 work for charity ... 8 the Olympics ...
2 96
Escucha las palabras y presta atención a los sonidos en rojo. /w/
worried when twice sweatshirt waste white always once wonderful
get degree angry grammar leg cigarette luggage handbag guest
1 He‘s never worried about studying grammar. 2 Where did you get your degree? 3 They’ve got a divorce. She’s very angry. 4 I’ve lost my luggage and my handbag. Present perfect simple
sujeto + have / has + participio Participio de los verbos: regulares: infinitivo + -ed irregulares: distintas formas.
Afirmativa Negativa
have / has + sujeto + participio?
sujeto + haven’t / hasn’t + participio
meet – met write - written
sujeto + have(‘ve) / has(‘s) + participio Sue’s (has) seen Star wars ten times. They’ve (have) worked in many countries.
Se usa para hablar de experiencias que hemos tenido o de cosas que hemos hecho. I have lived in many different countries We haven´t travelled abroad.
Time Expressions
Se usa ever cuando preguntamos por experiencias.
We’ve never seen an elephant. She’s never eaten sushi. Cuando go tiene el significado visit, el participio es been, no gone. He’s (has) been to Paris. (= He has visited Paris.) He’s (has) gone to the haidresser’s. (= He isn’t at home. He has gone out)
be married
1 A: Do you know Jan’s husband? B: No, I don’t. I (1) … him. 2 A: Do you speak Spanish? B: Yes, of course. I (2) … in Argentina and Chile. 3 A: Have you seen the Statue of Liberty? B: No, I (3) … never (4) … to New York. 4 A: Is she Pete’s first wife? B: No, he (5) … twice before. 5 A: Are you afraid of flying? B: No, I (6) … lots of times. 6 A: Do you know Italy very well? B: Yes, I (7) … a lot of holidays there.
‘Have you met a famous film star?’ ‘No, I haven’t.’ ‘Has John been to India?’ ‘Yes, he has.’
Se usa never para hablar de cosas que no hemos hecho. En ese caso no se usa not con el verbo.
Completa las respuestas con la forma correcta de los verbos en present perfect. be
Joshua hasn’t read Brave New World. My parents haven’t travelled by boat.
‘Have they ever flown on an aeroplane?’ ‘No, they haven’t.’ ‘Have you ever played in a band?’ ‘Yes, I have.’
compete do have be (x2) live write work meet
1 Stella speaks five languages. She’s … in many different countries. 2 Have you ever … a member of the Royal family? 3 I haven’t … anything exciting in my life. It’s time for a change! 4 Donna has … married four times! 5 Have you ever … on a farm? It’s good fun. 6 I’m not a very lucky person. I’ve never … a prize for anything. 7 Jorge has never … abroad. 8 Dave is not a very good driver. He’s … four accidents with his car. 9 Oscar Pistorius hasn’t … in the Olympics. 10 Ranulph Fiennes has … over 19 books.
Lee estas frases en voz alta. Después, escucha y comprueba tu pronunciación.
be – been see – seen read – read win – won
Completa con el participio de los verbos del recuadro.
5 97
Escucha a Martin Royle hablando sobre su vida y responde a estas preguntas. 1 Has Martin ever been married? 2 Has he got any children? 3 Has he been to university? 4 What vehicle has he driven? 5 How many books has he written? 6 How many books has he sold?
Lifetime achievements 6
Prepara estas preguntas para hacerle a un compañero. 1 (You / ever / go) to India? 2 (You / ever / eat) hot curry? 3 (You / ever / make) friends on a social networking site? 4 (You / ever / fall) in love at first sight? 5 (You / ever / swim) with dolphins? 6 (You / ever / make) your dreams come true?
Ahora practica compañero.
Have you ever been to India? 8
Lee el perfil de Mel en My HeadSpace. Quiere saber si podéis ser amigos. Crea tu propio perfil y súbelo a su página.
Hi there! My name’s Mel Eriksen. I’m from Ireland but I moved to London last month and I haven’t found any friends! One of my favourite things is travelling and I´ve been to a lot of different places all around the world. So, why don’t you complete my ‘Do You Want To Be My Friend Quiz’? My HeadSpace
Hi! My name is … Escucha a Mark pidiendo información sobre Messi a su amiga Claire y completa el perfil del futbolista. Lionel Messi Titles La Liga: (1) … times. Champions League: (2) … times La Liga Player of the Year: 2009 / 2010 / (3) … Money In 2010: Messi earned more than (4) … million. Football teams He’s played for (5) … football teams. Personal life Born 24th June 1987. Single. Born in (6) … . Moved to (7) … in 2000. Started a Facebook page in April 2010 (December 2010: 28 million followers)
MICHELLE OBAMA Born: 17th January 1964, Chicago, USA. Education: Princeton University Harvard Law School
Yes, I have.
‘Do You Want To Be My Friend Quiz’ Page
preguntas sobre ella utilizando la información de los recuadros.
My HeadSpace
10 Lee el perfil de Michelle Obama. Prepara
Family: Husband: Barack Children: Malia and Sasha Employment: Sidley Austin (law firm) University of Chicago Home: Washington, Chicago and Princeton, New Jersey Other information: 2009: Appeared in Vogue magazine. 2009: Met Queen Elizabeth II. 2010: Visited Spain on holiday with her daughter Sasha. Met King Juan Carlos in Majorca.
Go / university have How many children / pear in Which magazine / ap Work / university Study / law Meet / the King of Sp ain Which towns / live in Visit / Spain
11 Ahora
practica compañero.
Has Michelle Obama been to university?
Yes, she has. Now, my turn. Has she studied at law school?
Did your dreams come true?
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Same language, different lives 4
Responde a estas preguntas.
a dived with sharks (...) b graduated from university (...) c travelled to Japan (...) d had a flying lesson in a small plane (...) e climbed a mountain (...)
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Have you or a person you know ever won a sports competition?
The Street 5
The Street
2 What kind of competition?
¿Qué es lo más emocionante que han hecho en su vida? 1
1 What is your ‘dream job’? Why? 2 Are you interested in doing new and different things? a Cooking new recipes b Visiting new holiday destinations c Making new friends d Listening to new music e Other
Elige las opciones correctas sobre Henry. 1 He’s a weightlifter / footballer. 2 He swims / runs every day. 3 He’s won a lot of medals / competitions. 4 He’s going to the newsagent’s / gym.
a foot race
Ben & Beth weightlifting
a cooking (...) b watching TV (...) c sitting at home (...) d his job (...) e listening to music (...) f reading the newspaper (...)
3 What prize did you get?
a trophy
a medal
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 3
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Sherelle started playing football when she was five years old. 2 She studied music at university. 3 Sherelle is a professional footballer. 4 Her ambition is to start her own business. 5 She has started a choir at her football club. 6 Sherelle’s greatest passion is football.
Señala qué cosas le aburren a Ben.
Piensa en las cosas más emocionantes, interesantes o peligrosas que te han sucedido. I’ve seen Jude Law in a restaurant. That was the most exciting experience I’ve had! The most boring thing I’ve done … well, I’ve travelled by car from Madrid to the French Alps. That was really boring.
Lifetime achievements
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 When did you start your working life? 2 Do you enjoy your job?
3 Have you ever won a prize or an award at work?
Lee los perfiles de estas personas y relaciona la información (a-f) con las categorías (1-6). JOCELYN BELL BURNELL She is a famous scientist. Here is some information about her.
KATHRYN BIGELOW She is a famous film director and screenwriter. Here is some information about her.
1 Childhood 2 Education 3 Career and awards
4 Childhood and education 5 Personal life 6 Films and awards
a She has worked and studied at many famous universities. She studied Astrophysics at Cambridge and she built a radio telescope with Professor Antony Hewish. Her professor won a Nobel Prize in 1974. She has worked with NASA. b In 1989, she married film director James Cameron but they divorced in 1991. In 2010, her film The Hurt Locker beat her ex-husband’s film Avatar at the Oscars. c One of her famous movies is Point Break. It made more than $100 million and starred Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves. In 2010, she was the first woman to win Oscars for Best Film and Best Director. d She didn´t pass her exams at primary school, so her parents sent her to a girls boarding school in York. Here she met a physics teacher called Mr Tillot. He inspired her to study physics. e She was born in San Carlos, California, in November, 1951. In the 1970s, she studied to be an artist and then went to film school at Columbia University. Columbia University has produced many famous artists, such as Alicia Keys, Anna Paquin and Maggie Gyllenhaal. f She was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in July 1943. a ... 3
b ...
c ...
d ...
e ...
f ...
Elige la opción correcta.
1 What did Kathryn Bigelow win in 2010? a An Oscar for Point Break b An Oscar for The Hurt Locker c An Oscar for Avatar 2 What has Jocelyn Bell Burnell studied? a Architecture b Astrophysics c Film 3 Who was in Kathryn Bigelow’s film ‘Point Break’? a Anna Paquin b Maggie Gyllenhaal c Keanu Reeves 4 What did Mr Tillot teach Jocelyn Bell Burnell? a Physics b Astronomy c Mathematics 5
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Kathryn Bigelow was married to film director James Cameron. 2 Jocelyn Bell Burnell was a very good student at primary school. 3 Jocelyn Bell Burnell won a Nobel Prize in 1974. 4 Anna Paquin, Alicia Keys and Patrick Swayze all went to Columbia University. 5 Kathryn Bigelow was the first woman to win an Oscar for Best Director.
Completa las palabras con sufijos. Después, comprueba con el texto. a scient...
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
b profess...
c film direc...
d screenwrit...
e teach...
f art...
3 My sister got divorced / has got divorced two years ago. 4 When did you get / have you got married? 5 I went / have gone to live in New York when I was 22. 6 He went / has been to London twice.
Escucha estas frases y presta atención a las palabras acentuadas. 1 Have you ever been to China? 2 I’ve never played basketball. 3 Has she ever been fishing? 4 He’s never cooked pasta. Lee estas frases. Fíjate en las palabras acentuadas y en las contracciones. 1 Have they ever been on an aeroplane? 2 She’s never started her own business. 3 Has he ever been married? 4 They’ve never had children. 5 You’ve never been to Majorca. 6 We’ve never stayed in an apartment by the beach.
2 A: … (you / ever / go) to Japan? B: Yes, I… (go) there in 2011. 3 A: I … (never / meet) a famous person. B: Well, I … (meet) Carlos Moya last summer in the airport in Palma.
Ahora escucha y comprueba tu pronunciación.
Present perfect simple
4 A: … (you / visit) the Kremlin? B: No, I … (never / go) to Moscow. A: I … (go) there in 2009. It’s impressive.
Para hablar de acciones que han sucedido. No especificamos cuando.
5 A: When … (Carlos / retire)? B: Last year, and he … (go) to live in Morocco.
Usos de present perfect simple y past simple
I've written two novels. (No sabemos exactamente cuándo.) We've lived in lots of different countries. Have you ever been to Thailand?
Para hablar de acciones que sucedieron en un momento determinado del pasado. I got married in 2010. She didn´t go to university when she left school. Se suele usar con estas expresiones de tiempo: ago, yesterday, in 2001, last decade / month / year / week, dates. Did they go on holiday last month? They met at a party two weeks ago. We celebrated our anniversary on 12th July. Did you come to work early yesterday? Fíjate en la diferencia entre present perfect simple y past simple Have you ever lived in New York? Yes, I have. (No se indica cuándo) When did you live there? I lived there two years ago. (Se indica el momento concreto)
Elige la opción correcta. 1 How many countries have you visited / did you visit? 2 They ‘ve travelled / travelled in Europe many times.
Escribe preguntas y respuestas con la siguiente información. 1 (you / ever / go / to) ... a the USA? b a motor race? c a tropical island? When did you go? - Have you ever been to the USA? - No, I haven’t. - Have you ever been to a motor race? - Yes, I have. I went to the Brazilian Grand Prix in 2011. 2 (you / ever / drink) ... a French wine? b a cocktail? c English beer? When and where did you drink it? 3 (you / ever / cook) ... a a curry? b Japanese food? c an omelette? When and where did you cook it?
Past simple
Completa con present perfect o past simple de los verbos entre paréntesis. 1 A: When … (you / get married)? B: In 2005. And I … (get divorced) in 2010.
Ahora escribe preguntas utilizando los siguientes verbos y practícalas con un compañero. grow write win sleep read see buy meet Have you ever slept on a beach? Yes, last year on holiday I slept on a beach and I watched the sunrise.
Lifetime achievements
Lee el siguiente artículo y responde a estas preguntas. 1 Who has never had children? 2 Who has never started a business?
3 Who has never been in the army?
This month, three of our readers look back on their lives and experiences ‘I finished school and got my first job working in a bank. In the evenings, I studied to be an accountant and when I passed my exams, I started my own business. I was 23. In the 1990s I opened a shop and started selling mobile phones and computers. I planned to retire when I was 45 but I didn't. I’ve started 15 new businesses in the past 35 years. Nowadays, I spend my money on travelling. This year I’ve visited the Pyramids, Machu Picchu and Mount Everest. I’ve never wanted to get married, I’ve always been too busy but, I’ve got a gorgeous daughter!’ Elizabeth Silvine ‘My life has been very simple, really. I finished school and then went to Oxford University and got a university degree. After that, I joined the army and saw the world and then I came back to England and worked for my father. Our family have always owned hotels and restaurants. I’ve been married three times and divorced twice. I’ve had six children and three of them now run the family business. I retired seven years ago. Michel Hilary ‘I’ve always been a teacher. I finished school and went to university. Then, I started teaching. I’ve never been interested in other things, starting a business for example. My husband is also a teacher. We’ve never had children, but we’ve always worked with children and that has been wonderful. I have got promoted several times, so I’m a head teacher now. Twenty-five years ago, we bought a beautiful little cottage by the beach in north-west Scotland and we spend all our holidays there.’ Anna Maiden
Completa las frases con las palabras y expresiones destacadas en el texto. 1 When I’m 65, I’m going to ... and get my pension. 2 I ... after university, when I was 25. I always wanted to be my own boss. 3 “What do you do?” “I ... . We own a chain of supermarkets.” 4 “Why are you so happy?” “I’ve ... . I am now Assistant Manager.” 5 Mark ... when he was 18. He’s a sergeant now. 6 I know a lot about art. My mother has ... several galleries.
Vuelve a leer el artículo. Responde a estas preguntas. Elizabeth 1 Has she ever been to university or started her own business? No, she's never been to university but she's started more than 15 businesses. 2 Has she ever visited any exciting or unusual places? 3 Has she ever got married?
Michel 4 What jobs has he done in his life? 5 Has he ever got married or had a family? 6 Is he still working or has he retired? Anna 7 Has she ever started her own business? 8 What’s the most important thing she's ever bought?
Escucha a Elizabeth Silvine hablando sobre otros aspectos de su vida. Responde a las preguntas.
1 What’s the most memorable thing she’s ever done? a 20 years ago she started her first business. b She had her daughter 20 years ago. c She made her first million 20 years ago. 2 Has she ever visited any unusual places? a Tierra Del Fuego and Everest 20 years ago. b The Amazon and Easter Island in 2003. c The Arctic Circle and Easter Island in 2006. 3 Has she ever eaten any unusual foods? a In 2003, she ate a toad in the Amazon. b She ate some strange rice on Mount Everest in 1998. c Two years ago, she ate an omelette in Machu Picchu.
Entrevista a un compañero sobre sus experiencias. Utiliza las siguientes preguntas y añade otras.
Have you ever visited any unusual places? What places have you visited?
Have you ever eaten any unusual food? What have you eaten?
What is the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
Have you ever ...?
When did you visit them?
When did you eat it?
When did you do it?
When did ...?
Escribe frases completas con las respuestas de la actividad 5.
Completa los siguientes datos sobre tu vida y tus experiencias. Name:
• Yes, I have visited the Pyramids. I went there in 2011.
Age: Home Town / City:
Unusual travel experience:
• • •
Date: Most memorable experience: Date: Where: Unusual food experience: Date: Where: Unusual experience: Date: Where:
Completa las frases con la forma correcta de las expresiones del recuadro.
1 They are very happy because they are going to ... next year. 2 She wants to ... . She's unhappy with her husband. 3 I need to ... . I don't have any money. 4 Most people want to ... their objectives in life. 5 Ron is training to … in the Olympics. 6 Mark has lost his job and he has decided to ... . Completa las preguntas con los verbos del recuadro. Después, relaciónalas con las respuestas. leave
1 2 3 4 5 6
Have you ever … sushi? Have they … their driving test? Has she … her own business? Has he … school? Have you … to a bigger house? Has she … a million pounds?
a b c d e f
No, they're still taking lessons. Yes. He started university in September. No, I’ve never tried it. I don’t like fish. Yes. She’s bought an island in the Seychelles! Yes, she’s opened a hat shop. Yes, we have. We needed more space for the children and the dogs.
1 ... 3
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
Conversation 2: A: Look! Casablanca is on at the Odeon. They say it’s very good, but I … (not see) it yet. B: Yes, it’s very good, but I … (see) it many times. A: When was the last time you … (see) it? B: About a year ago, I think. 5 103
1 This is the first time I … (eat) Thai food. It’s delicious. 2 Ewan … never … (win) a prize before. He’s so happy! 3 … Gayle … (meet) Steve? He’s a really nice guy. 4 I … (not / do) this before. It’s good fun! 5 … you ever … (take) part in a tennis tournament? 6 My friends … (not travel) to London before. It’s their first time. 7 … you ever … (read) this book before? You know the story! 8 … Grant … (stay) on an island?
Escucha a algunas personas hablando de sus experiencias y señala las frases verdaderas. 1 a I’ve never been to Rome. b I’ve been to Paris twice. 2 a I’ve seen Maria Sharapova three times. b I saw Maria Sharapova once at the Australian Open. 3 a I went to a new sushi bar last week. b I’ve never been to a sushi bar. 4 a Our friends have cooked curry for us many times. b They cooked French food for us last weekend. Escribe cinco cosas que has hecho y que creas que tu compañero no ha hecho. Utiliza los verbos del recuadro. go
6 ...
Completa las frases con el present perfect de los verbos entre paréntesis.
Completa con la forma correcta de past simple o present perfect de los verbos entre paréntesis. Conversation 1: A: … (eat) in the new Indian restaurant in town? B: Yes, I have. We … (go) there twice I think. In fact, we … (eat) there last weekend. A: What … (think) of it? B: It was good. Nice food.
get divorced start his own business get a job get married achieve take part
I have been to the United States. 7
Compara tus respuestas anteriores con tu compañero. I’ve been to the United States. And you? I’ve never been there. / I’ve also been to the United States.
Learning tip Si te escribes con alguien que quiere mejorar su español, hazlo en español, pero pídele que te conteste en inglés. Así, tú practicas la lectura en inglés y tu amigo en español. More practice: Vocabulary: Personal biography (page 22) Grammar: Present perfect with ever and never, Present perfect vs past simple (page 62)
Looking for a job OBJETIVOS
How long have you worked in a bar?
· Hablar sobre tu experiencia laboral · Dar información sobre condiciones laborales · Elaborar un CV
Responde a estas preguntas sobre el trabajo.
1 Hannah started working in hotels when she was 18. 2 Nigel’s mother is French. 3 Nigel and Elizabeth’s job interview takes about an hour. 4 Charles can’t remember Guy’s name. 5 Guy works as a manager for a design company. 6 Elizabeth and Nigel are the best candidates for the job.
1 Have you ever been to a job interview? Were you nervous? 2 What questions did the interviewer ask?
Responde a las preguntas.
1 When did Nigel learn to ski?
2 Has Guy ever worked in a bar?
Elige la opción correcta para completar este anuncio de trabajo.
Completa las frases. 1 Guy speaks ... . 2 According to Guy, a good hotel needs comfortable rooms, a good atmosphere and ... . 3 Hannah says her customers come to her for a drink, a chat, and ... . 4 Hannah and Guy could go ... and watch ... .
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). Corrige las falsas.
Clasifica en orden de importancia los requisitos necesarios para este trabajo.
Have you ever dreamed of working in the (1) Swiss / French Alps? Do you think you can help our guests to have a better (2) work / holiday experience? Are you between (3) 20 / 25 and (4) 35 / 40 years old? Can you speak (5) French / German or another (6) foreign / European language? Have you ever worked in a (7) shop / bar or (8) hotel / ski resort? Do you have experience as a hotel (9) manager / receptionist? Apply now for (10) summer / winter jobs to Ski Travel Extra. We welcome applications from (11) couples / single people.
The successful candidate must … • have experience in the same or similar work. • speak one or two other languages. • have a university degree. • have a friendly personality.
• have computer skills. 7
Ahora piensa qué preguntas harías a los candidatos a ese trabajo. Have you worked in a hotel before?
Looking for a job
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 Do you work? What do you do? 2 Have you ever worked from home? Write two good things and two bad things about working from home.
Lee el primer párrafo. Según el autor, ¿cuál de las siguientes frases es verdadera? 1 Teleworking is the answer to people’s problems. 2 Teleworking has advantages for both businesses and workers. 3 Teleworking is bad for both businesses and employees.
Teleworking: the end of the nine-to-five working day? Teleworking, or working from home via the internet and phone, has become more and more popular in recent years. It saves employees time (they don’t have to commute) and it saves businesses money. However, there are some disadvantages. Here are the opinions of some ‘teleworkers’. ‘I think I worked better in an office. At home, I chat with my neighbours, I walk the dog or do the crossword. These things distract me and I don't always finish my work. Some days you don't see a person for hours so I miss my workmates at the office’. Phillip Shaw
‘I work at home and my lifestyle is more relaxed. I've got 2 children and I plan my work so I can take them and meet them from school. Holidays are also easier to organise because I prefer to work hard for several weeks and then take some time to be with my family when I want. Teleworking is great!’ Martha Milan
‘My employees are all teleworkers so there’s no central head office. The costs are low. Working hours are flexible: we all work when we want. In fact, I think my staff have all worked harder as teleworkers. They are very motivated and productive and we also have a better relationship. I'm still the boss but I trust them. They usually finish their work on time.’ Ed Meek 3
Vuelve a leer el artículo y responde a estas preguntas.
1 Who prefers working at home because he / she finds travelling difficult? 2 Who misses their work colleagues? 3 Who would prefer to work in an office? 4 Who has enjoyed more flexibility? 5 Does Ed think his employees work more or less hours at home? 6 Who has experienced problems concentrating on their work? 4 Relaciona las palabras y expresiones destacadas del texto con su significado. 1 ‘Normal’ UK working day. ... 2 The group of people who work for a company. ... 3 I’m sad because I don’t see my friends from work. ... 4 People who are paid to work for other people. ... 5 Person in charge of a department or company. ... 6 Have confidence in. ... 7 Took the opportunity. ... 8 Travel between work and home. ... 9 Work using a lot of effort. ...
‘I accepted the chance to telework because I am disabled. For me, travelling to work in a wheelchair is a nightmare. Also it's very difficult to find an office which is adapted to wheelchair users. I can work at home with no problems. It's perfect for me.’ Samantha Shenton
Piensa si las siguientes características del tele trabajo son ventajas o desventajas y da tu opinión. • Low cost for businesses / companies • Staff are more productive • Less time spent travelling to work • Staff are more motivated • More flexibility for staff • Good for the environment • People are distracted at home • You miss your workmates I think having flexible hours is a good idea. You can work early in the morning or late in the evening. I think it's better to work in an office with a team. You miss your workmates at home.
4 Andrea … (own) this hotel … her father died. 5 Lena and Paul … (be) married … 25 years. 6 They … (live) here … they moved to London. 7 She (play) … the piano … she was four. 8 They (study) … English … many years.
Escucha estas palabras y fíjate en los sonidos destacados. you interview during /ju:/ communication pneumonia music funeral confused vocabulary /ʊ/
put pudding full-time could notebook shouldn’t good look
How long have you known your colleagues? How long has Ruth had her driving licence?
Lee estas frases en voz alta. 1 She’s got pneumonia so she couldn’t go to the interview. 2 You’ve confused me. 3 You shouldn’t talk during a funeral. 4 His communication skills aren’t very good. 5 They work full-time in the music business. 6 May I look at your vocabulary notebook?
Verb patterns: -ing / to + infinitive Algunos verbos van seguidos de la forma –ing o del infinitivo, sin cambio de significado: begin, start, prefer, continue. She began working / to work at the bank in 2010. When did they start studying / to study a computer course? They prefer travelling / to travel abroad in the summer.
Ahora escucha y comprueba. Present perfect simple con for y since Se usa para hablar de acciones o estados que empezaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente.
Expresiones temporales: for, since, how long…? For para indicar el tiempo transcurrido desde que se inició la acción: one year, six months, many weeks, ages (a long time)… I've been here for two hours.
7 107
I've been here since five o'clock. How long…? para preguntar por la duración de una actividad o de una situación. How long have you been the office manager?’ ‘Since last January.’ ‘How long has she worked at home?’ ‘For six months.’
Utiliza for o since con las siguientes expresiones. 1999 ages Christmas I left school 10 minutes 9:15 I was 18 a thousand years
Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis y for o since. 1 I (know) have known my colleagues for 3 years. 2 Ruth … (have) her driving licence … a long time. 3 He … (be) a travel agent … he left school.
Completa con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis. 1 Tom started studying / to study (study) for a degree last year. 2 Sheila continues ... (work) at the factory. 3 Sue’s baby began ... (speak) when she was one year old. 4 I prefer... (go) on holiday in winter. 5 Jo started ... (take) tennis lessons when he was 5. 6 My mother began ... (work) when I started school.
I work in this office. I've worked here for ten years. She lives in Manchester. She's lived in Manchester since 2009.
Since para indicar el momento concreto en que la acción empezó en el pasado: 1992, last year, May, I was a child…
Escribe siete preguntas con How long para las respuestas de la actividad anterior.
Escucha y responde a las preguntas sobre la experiencia laboral de Julia y Victor. 1 How long has Victor worked with children? He’s worked with children for 9 years / since he was 16. 2 How long has Victor lived in London? 3 When did Victor start training in a school? 4 When did he begin studying for a teaching degree? 5 How long has he been a university student? 6 How long has Julia liked cooking? 7 How long has Julia lived in London? 8 When did Julia start to train as a chef? 9 How long has she had a part-time job? 10 When did Julia start applying for jobs? Con un compañero, intercambiad preguntas sobre vuestro trabajo. What do you do?
I work in a hospital.
How long have you worked there?
Looking for a job 9
Completa la carta de solicitud de empleo con las palabras del recuadro. reference salary apply for part-time interview experience candidate
Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to (1) apply for the street cleaning job. I have wide (2) ... because I have worked as a cleaner in a school for five years. The school's head teacher has written a (3) ... and I think that I am a strong (4) ... Please see my CV (enclosed). I would like to know whether the job is full-time or (5) ... and what the (6) ... is. I would be available for an (7) ... at any time that is convenient to you. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Nick Scrubbs 10 Lee el siguiente CV y escribe el título del
apartado correspondiente (1-6). • Personal Information • Education and Qualifications • Interests • Work Experience • Languages • Other Information
(1) ... Name: Kim Yee Foon Nationality: Scottish Date and place of birth: 1982, Hong Kong Address: 30 Southmoor Road, Manchester, M13 4TU Telephone: (0161) 435 608 Email:
[email protected] (2) ... : Degree in Film Studies, Manchester University (2000-2003) (3) ... : 2012 – present TV producer for children’s programme, BBC 2008 – 2011 researcher 2006 – 2008 TV production manager 2005 – 2006 production assistant BBC Scotland (4) ... : Spanish (fluent), German (basic) and Chinese (beginner) (5) ... : Full driving licence (6) ... : Cookery, photography and Zumba fitness
11 Escucha a Kim Yee Foon, una productora de 108
televisión, y corrige los errores de su CV. 1 She’s British. 2 ... 3 ...
7 ... 8 ... 9 ...
4 ... 5 ... 6 ...
12 Responde a las siguientes preguntas sobre Kim.
1 What languages does Kim speak? 2 Where did she go to university? 3 What did she study? 4 What was her first job? 5 Why did she stop working? 6 What are her hobbies? 13 Redacta un breve CV con tus datos.
Name: .............................................................. Nationality: ...................................................... Date and place of birth: .................................. Address: ........................................................... Education and Qualifications: ....................... Work Experience: ............................................ Other Information: .......................................... Interests: .......................................................... 14 Utiliza la información de tu CV y habla durante
un minuto sobre tu formación y experiencia laboral. Education: - school in London; passed all exams - hairdresser: 2009 Work experience: - office at 17 (3 years: 2005-2008) - training as a hairdresser: 2008 - hairdresser in a salon: 2009 - own salon: two years ago
I went to school in London and passed all my school exams. I began working in an office when I was 17. I left that job 3 years later and started to train as a hairdresser in 2008. I qualified as a hairdresser and began to work in a salon in 2009. I started my own business two years ago.
I've worked here since 2010
BEFORE YOU WATCH Documentary 1
Same language, different lives 4
Responde a las preguntas. 1 Is it easy for young people to find a job in your country? 2 Where would you look for a new job?
Here are some of the different jobs I looked at: Job: Lollipop lady Reason: You have to be (1) … years old. Job: Street (2) … Reason: You have to work (3) … time. Job: (4) … minder Reason: You have to (5) … . Job: Paper (6) … Reason: 16+ / (7) … time / reliable
Ben & Beth 6
6 Where has she looked for work? a In newspapers b Online c In a shop 7 Have any of Tammy’s friends found work? a No, they haven’t. b Some of them. c All of them.
Señala si las frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Ben is feeling nervous about his job interview. 2 Beth plays the role of Ben’s boss in an interview. 3 Ben has worked in his present job for 20 years. 4 Ben wants to work for a dynamic, innovative, new company. 5 Ben’s greatest achievement has been working in a market. 6 Beth doesn’t offer Ben the job.
3 Has she had any interviews yet? a No, she hasn’t. b She’s had a couple. c She’s had more than 10.
5 What sort of job is Tammy looking for? a Teaching. b Medicine. c Media.
Completa el blog de Jade.
I’ve found a job!
1 When did Tammy start looking for a job? a 6 months ago. b When she was at university. c She’s not looking for a job.
4 What is one good way to improve your CV? a Doing work experience. b Using a computer. c Using the Internet.
Hey there, bloggers!
Elige la respuesta correcta.
2 Why hasn’t she found work? a She doesn’t want to work. b She hasn’t made any applications. c There aren’t enough jobs for the number of applicants.
The Street
AFTER YOU WATCH Documentary 3
a ‘Visit your employer.’ b ‘Go to a recruitment agency.’ c ‘Search on the Internet.’ d ‘Send out a résume.’
Responde a las preguntas. 1 What kind of jobs do students do when they are still studying? 2 Have you ever worked part-time? What job did you do?
¿Qué consejos dan estas personas para encontrar trabajo? Relacionalas con los consejos. 1
The Street 2
Prepara una breve presentación sobre tu trabajo, tus cualidades y tu experiencia laboral. 1 What’s your job? 2 What tasks do you have to do? 3 What qualifications and skills do you need? 4 What have been your main achievements at work? I work in a department store. I have worked here since I left school. I have to interact with customers. I think I’m good with people. One year, at Christmas, I sold 80 cameras in a day!
Looking for a job
Relaciona las abreviaturas con las siguientes frases. 1 MSc
2 CV
3 Rep
4 Cert.
a General Certificate of Secondary Education ... b Advanced Level ... c Business & Technology Education Council ... d Bachelor of Arts ... 2
Lee y relaciona los anuncios con los trabajos.
a Shop assistant 1
b Doctor’s receptionist
7 BA
e Certificate ... f Curriculum Vitae ... g Master of Science ... h Representative ...
c Travel agent
Job search
We are looking for a new team member. Do you have a minimum of 1 year’s customer service experience and a BTEC Level 3 qualification or equivalent qualification in Travel & Tourism? We use FastTrav and World Matrix software in our office so good computer skills are essential. Salary £18,000 (full-time). Send your CV to
[email protected] 3
Relaciona las palabras destacadas del texto con su definición.
2 Rosie Popps (age 40) Mary Magdalene Academy: 4 A Levels (History / English / Geography / Italian) Bristol University: Degree in Travel and Tourism Work experience: Customer service, Tomson Travel Agency; English teacher, Portugal, (18 months)
3 Mandy Barr (age 30) My main work experience has been in telephone sales. I have also worked as an assistant manager in a busy High Street shoe shop. I can only work evenings and weekends as I have small children.
Lee los CV y selecciona al mejor candidato para los trabajos anunciados.
a Shop assistant ... b Doctor’s receptionist ... c Travel agent ...
1 Alun Jobes (age 21) Education: St Edward’s RC School (GCSE Maths, English, French, Science, History and Geography) Brighton Rd College (BTEC Level 3 Fashion Design / A-level Art) Work Experience:Top Shop (SalesTrainee*, Ladies’ clothes 3 years)
* trainee: a person who is learning a particular job.
Are you over 16 and looking for a career in the fashion industry? Do you look smart and are you good with people? Are you polite and reliable? Can you work weekends (8–6 p.m.) and one evening per week? Apply now! £6.80 / hour. (Part time 18–24 hours / week)
Must be over 18, healthy and no criminal record. We are looking for a polite, professional person with a good telephone voice. You must be able to multi-task: talk to patients and answer phone calls at the same time. Good maths and English skills are essential. We welcome staff who are punctual, reliable and efficient. We require a reference. Pay £12 / hour. Part-time (Evenings 5–7 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
1 The right certificates or degrees for a job. 2 Every day, from nine a.m. to five p.m. 3 The jobs that you do during your working life, especially in a specific area. 4 A person you can trust. 5 Letter from a person you have worked for. 6 Ability to do an activity well because you have practised it. 7 Department giving help to customers. 4
8 A-level
Vuelve a leer los CV y responde a las preguntas. 1 Who can’t work full-time? Why? 2 Who speaks foreign languages? Which ones? 3 Who has worked in the travel industry? What kind of experience has he/she had? 4 Who has experience in the fashion industry? What experience?
1 A: I lost my job last week. B: What a shame! 2 A: He hasn’t got the job. B: What a pity! 3 A: You didn't get the job. How do you feel? B: I’m unhappy. 2
Lee en voz alta las frases en cursiva. 1 My home Internet doesn’t work. What a shame! What are you going to do? 2 One of my colleagues is awful. She hates me! What a pity! Speak to your boss. 3 How do you feel about working longer hours? I’m unhappy. I need more money.
Ahora, escucha, comprueba y repite.
Se usa para hablar de hechos recientes que afectan al presente. Our boss has arrived for the meeting. (She is waiting in reception.) Have you finished the work? (I’m waiting for the results.) Expresiones temporales: just, already, yet. Just
6 112
Para hablar de acciones que acaban de ocurrir. We've just finished the meeting. (It finished at 11 and now it's 11.05.) I've just had breakfast. (I finished at 8.15 and it’s 8.20 now.)
Already Para hablar de acciones que han ocurrido antes de lo esperado. -“I've already answered all the emails.” -“Really? That was very fast!”
- Para hablar de acciones que no han ocurrido todavía.
- Para hacer preguntas.
Nota: Fíjate que just y already se colocan entre have / has y el participio y que yet se coloca al final de la oración negativa o de la pregunta.
1 Martyn ... 2 Carol ... 3 Chris ... 4 Amanda ...
a Cleaner b Motorbike courier c Telesales worker d Industrial designer
Escucha de nuevo y responde a estas preguntas. 1 How long has Martyn worked from home? a Since he left university. b For a few days c For 2 months 2 How many places has Chris visited today? a 10 b 3 c 9 3 Which country hasn’t Carol visited yet? a Scotland b France c Spain 4 When does Amanda usually work? a 9–5 b In the evenings c In the morning Completa con las palabras del recuadro. reliable but most yet already degree
My name is Sally Power and I am 28 years old. I have (1) … worked for four companies, but I haven’t (2) ... my ideal job (3) … . I’m a university graduate, with a (4) … in Computing. I want a flexible (5) … and I enjoy travelling. I am motivated, punctual and (6) … . Money isn’t the (7) … important thing to me, (8) … a good group of colleagues and an interesting job are!
She hasn't found a job yet. (She hopes to find one soon.) They haven't arrived yet. (We are waiting for them.) Have they finished the meeting yet? Yes, they have. You can talk to them now.
Escucha e indica qué trabajos hacen estas personas.
The train has already left. (I have to wait for the next train.) Yet
Escribe frases usando present perfect con just, yet y already. 1 Don’t print that CV. (I / not finish) Don’t print that CV. I haven’t finished it yet. 2 You don’t have to finish the report (I / do) 3 I’m home. I’ve got the shopping (I / do). 4 He’s waiting to hear about the job. (He / not hear). 5 Suzanne spoke to the travel agent this morning. (She / speak)
Present perfect simple con just, yet y already
Las siguientes frases son incorrectas. Corrígelas. 1 Have you yet heard about the job? Have you heard about the job yet? 2 I’ve had an interview just. 3 She only left university in September and she’s found already a job. 4 I haven’t finished yet my CV.
Escucha a estas personas expresar decepción. ¿La entonación en las palabras en rojo es ascendente o descendente ?
Escribe tu perfil con esta información. Fíjate en la actividad 7. What is your ideal job? What hours do you want to work? What salary do you want to get? Where do you want to work?
Looking for a job
Completa estos anuncios de trabajo. Relaciona las partes a-e con las partes 1-5. a Hotel inspector
b Pilot
c Comedy club manager
d Primary school teacher
This is an exciting opportunity for people with experience in the hotel industry.
We are looking for qualified and experienced pilots for our airline. Can you fly a commercial aeroplane? Have you flown to exotic places like Hawaii yet?
Have you already had experience of managing a bar or club?
We need a qualified teacher for a class of 6and 7-year-olds.
e Finance manager (Language Centre)
1 This is an opportunity to be part of one of the most successful entertainment centres in the area. Comedians from all over the world come here. Our customers want to have a good time. We need a person, aged 21+, who can work late nights and weekends.
2 Are you a graduate with experience working with young children? Have you already worked in a school or nursery? This is a temporary post for 6 months.
3 You must have at least 10 years experience in the business. We can offer extra training to the successful candidate. Responsibilities include visiting hotels and writing reports. This job involves a lot of travel and has flexible hours but it is interesting.
4 Have you ever worked in a language school? This is a job for an experienced and reliable person with a qualification in business administration. You need to be organised and be able to work in a team. 4 days a week in school and 1 day from home. a ... 2
b ...
c ...
d ...
5 We need professionals to take our customers to different countries. You can help us make our business the best in the world. We offer free travel worldwide for employees and their families.
e ...
Responde a estas preguntas. 1 Which jobs need university graduates? 2 Which jobs have a specific age limit? 3 Which jobs are not nine-to-five? 4 Which jobs require travelling? 5 Which job requires a lot of experience? 6 Which job offers free travel?
UNIT 3 113
Escucha dos entrevistas de trabajo. Completa las notas sobre las cualidades, experiencia y formación de los candidatos. Candidate 1 • Name: Edward Kenway • Hours of work: Weekdays
• Qualifications: (1) … degree + courses in (2) … programming and training. • Experience: He has worked in computing helping people with problems for (3) … years. Has he ever worked in a telesales company? Yes / No • Personal information: Good people skills. • Other information: He has already had a job offer from another company for £ (4) … / year
Candidate 2 • Name: Maura Ledesma • Hours of work: Weekdays
• Qualifications: (5) … degree • Experience: She has worked in computing support (6) … she left school 10 years ago. Has she ever worked in a telesales company? Yes / No. She ‘s (7) … worked with our software. • Personal information: Energetic and (8) … + likes working with (9) … • Other information: Current salary £ (10) …
Relaciona el principio y el final de estas preguntas extraídas de la entrevista. 1 Have you worked 2 Have you ever worked for 3 What other skills can you 4 Do you have 5 Please tell us about 6 May I ask you what 7 What other skills and 8 Can you 1 ...
2 ...
3 ...
4 ...
5 ...
a your current salary is? b any questions? c work evenings and weekends? d a telesales company? e experience do you have? f in a big office like this before? g your qualifications and experience. h offer us as a computing manager? 6 ...
7 ...
8 ...
En parejas, practicad una entrevista de trabajo para Telemarket.com. Utiliza la información de tu CV. What qualifications do you have?
I did a Computing degree at university and I’ve done a lot of other courses. I’m studying for another degree in Mathematics at the moment.
5 Some of Dean’s taxi drivers earn £3000 per month. 6 You can’t do another job and work for Dean’s Taxis.
Completa las frases con las palabras del recuadro. reference part-time qualifications apply for degree career salary teleworking interview advert 1 I saw the job ... on the internet last week and I applied for it. I haven’t heard from them yet. 2 She didn’t have the correct ... for the job. 3 Jerry asked his boss for a ... . He’s worked at that company for 10 years! 4 I’ve had a job offer with a … of £35,000 a year. 5 When did you start ...? Do you enjoy working at home? 6 How was the …? Did you get the job? 7 This job looks amazing. I’m going to … it. 8 He’s got a … in History. 9 She’s had a very successful … . She’s the head of a multinational company. 10 So you can’t do the job ... . They only want nine-to-five workers. What a pity!
3 114
Escucha y señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 Only people over 21 can work for Dean’s Taxis. 2 Dean’s Taxis are only looking for people with experience. 3 People who have had a driving licence for 18 months can work for Dean’s Taxis. 4 Dean’s taxi drivers have to work some evenings and every weekend.
Escucha de nuevo y corrige las falsas. Lee el anuncio de trabajo y el CV y responde a estas preguntas. Trainers wanted! Have you been in your job for more than 1 year? Are you over 18? We are looking for candidates with the skills and enthusiasm to teach other people to do their jobs. Email us a brief CV now with your details. Trainers&Teachers.co.uk
CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Lucinda Dunmore Education & Qualifications: 1996-99 Economics Degree, Oxford University
Completa con for, since, just, yet o already. 1 I’ve been interested in teleworking ... we moved to the coast. 2 Don’t send those emails. I’ve ... talked to all our offices this morning. 3 Look! I’ve … received a letter from that company. I got the job!‘ ‘Congratulations!’ 4 He’s been in the interview ... 2 hours! 5 Have you contacted Pat about the reference ...? 6 They haven’t done the report ... . They’re really busy. 7 It’s only November but she has ... booked her summer holiday! 8 He’s been unemployed ... a long time. 9 I’ve applied for 12 jobs ... I left university and I haven’t had an interview ...! 10 I’ve …. had an interview. I was so nervous.
Work Experience: Dates
1999 – 2001
English teacher in Istanbul, Turkey
2001 – 2005
Accountant, Ritz Hotel, Paris
2006 - 2007
Waitress, Lake Bar, Geneva
2008 - present
Economics teacher, International School, Brussels
Other Information: I started writing an Economics textbook in 2012.
1 Which job did Lucinda do for three years? 2 How long was she at Oxford University? 3 How long has she been a teacher in Brussels? 4 Has she finished writing her textbook yet? 5 Has she ever worked in France? 6 When did Lucinda leave university? 5
Fíjate en el CV anterior y escribe tu propio CV para mandar a Trainers&Teachers.co.uk.
Learning tip Recuerda que en inglés, cuando se expresan pensamientos negativos o decepción, la entonación suele ser descendente. More practice: Vocabulary: Job hunting (page 24) Grammar: Present perfect with for, since, just, already, yet (page 64)
· Repasar lo aprendido en el módulo · Preparar la prueba de fin de módulo
Elige la respuesta correcta. 1 His job is … than mine. He works alone. a more sociable b less sociable c as sociable 2 Do you remember … we stayed at the Park Hotel? a when b for c since 3 Excuse me, … I see a bus timetable, please? a may b should c have 4 … ! You’re doing a great job! a What a pity b How are you c Congratulations 5 I think you … take the train. Dan hates flying. a may b should c need 6 I’m not sure, but he’s the … person I know. a more difficult b most difficult c very difficult 7 Their dog is enormous. It’s … a horse! a smaller than b as big as c less big than 8 We can’t buy that flat. It’s … expensive. a too b less c enough 9 I go to the doctor … a year. a one b once c one time
Pru, Christine y Gordon están hablando en un pub. Completa su conversación. G: (1) … (What’s the matter / What a shame / Really), Pru? I’m worried about you. P: (2) … (I had / I’ve had / I have) a bad time at work recently. G: (3) … (I’m really sorry to hear that! / Keep going! / How are you?) What happened? P: One day last month, one of my colleagues (4) … (has been / is / was) really rude and unhelpful. C: You (5) … (are going to / should / shouldn’t) speak to your boss. G: Christine’s right, Pru, you (6) … (have to / mustn’t / can) talk to Cathy. It’s really important! P: I (7) … (tell / have told / told) her three weeks ago.
C: What (8) … (is she going to / does she / is she) do about it? P: I’m not sure, but I (9) … (want / don't want / can't) to work with him. G: Well, let’s have a drink. What (10) … (are you drinking / do you drink / have you drunk), Pru? P: I’d like a glass of white wine, please. C: Good idea! I’m going to (11) … (give up drinking / give up drink / give up drinks) alcohol for the New Year! What about you, Gordon? G: (12) … (I’m never making / I never make / I never made) New Year’s resolutions! 3
Usa la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis para completar este anuncio de trabajo. http://www.worldresorthotels.com
(1) … (you / need) to change your life? (2) … (you / already / think) about getting a new job? (3) … (you / ever / work) in the hotel and catering industry? Since 1989, we (4) … (take) more than two million UK holidaymakers to destinations all over the world. We (5) … (look) for new employees now. We (6) … (interview) candidates next month and we (7) … (think) you should apply! Our employees (8) … (work) every year in places like Australia and the Cayman Islands and next year we (9) … (open) twenty new hotels in the Maldives, Florida and many more destinations! Why don’t you apply now and (10) ... (get) the job? Email your letter of application to Jack Waltzer today!
Dear Mr Waltzer, I (1) … (write) to you to apply for a job with World Resort Hotels. I (2) … (work) in the hotel industry since 2005. At the moment I (3) … (do) a degree in Hotel Management. I (4) … (start / study) two years ago and (5) … (already / gain) a lot of experience. I (6) … (be born) in the USA but I (7) … (move) to the UK when I (8) … (be) five years old so the possibility of a job in Florida (9) … (sound) very exciting! Yours sincerely, Theresa Bradford
Lee estos mensajes de una página web. Sustituye las palabras destacadas en los textos por su contrario del recuadro. En cada recuadro sobran dos adjetivos. noisy
1 I’m feeling wonderful!
I’ve been to the doctor and she says I’m really well. The woman next to me in the waiting room, had three really quiet children. The receptionist was polite and kind. Thank goodness for Dr Flynn; she’s always just amazing! downstairs 2
Guess who’s going shopping today!? ME! I need a loose sweatshirt, a short raincoat, a light cardigan, a small denim jacket and finally, I’m going to buy myself some cheap high-heeled shoes! Come and meet me in the cafe upstairs at Selfridges at 11 a.m.
Elige la palabra adecuada en cada tweet.
I’m at college. We’re (1) … (studying / pronouncing / concentrating) grammar! I always (2) … (do / make / say) mistakes. My (3) … (phonetics / revise / vocabulary) isn’t very good – I don’t know many words! Oh no! Our flight is (4) … (abroad / cancelled / reservation). We’re already at the (5) … (train station / platform / airport). Mike is (6) … (booking / taking off / sightseeing) a(n) (7) … (aisle seat / suitcase / platform) on the overnight train to London. Of course the (8) … (ticket office / direct train / business class) is closed now so he’s making a (9) … (journey / single / reservation) on his iPad. I want a new job! I’ve written my (10) … (skills / CV / applicant). I don’t want to work (11) … (9–5 / telework / experience), I want to be (12) … (working hours / part-time / full-time). My old boss has given me a great (13) … (employment / reference / pay). I’m ready for a change! 3
Elige la palabra adecuada. 1 The plane was late. We sat in the … for 5 hours. a check-in desk b luggage c departure lounge 2 The suit didn’t fit him. The trousers were too a casual b short c cheap 3 The doctor wrote me a … and I took it to the chemist. a treatment b prescription c vitamins 4 The dentist looked in my … because I had a toothache. a mouth b throat c head 5 I’ve got a chest … so I’m taking antibiotics. a sore b temperature c infection 6 Can I have … please? I like to see where I’m going! a a window seat b an aisle seat c an economy 7 It was the usual story. We were in Japan but our … was in Australia! a landing b ticket c luggage 8 They’re both …; they’ve just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. a pensioners b single c teenagers
9 She’s been … for about a year – since she lost her job in the factory. a a couple b unemployed c a widow
Escucha y agrupa las palabras que oigas según la pronunciación de la terminación. hits /s/
2 116
plays washes dated chilled picked /z/ /ɪz/ /ɪd/ /d/ /t/
Escucha las siguientes frases y subraya la sílaba acentuada de las palabras en negrita. 1 That jacket is very unfashionable. 2 Was the television programme interesting? 3 Please remember to buy some milk. 4 He’s having an argument with his neighbour again. 5 I don’t like this sofa. It’s very uncomfortable. 6 Which vegetables would you like for dinner?
Lee las distintas experiencias de entrevistas de trabajo y relacionalas con la imagen adecuada. 1 Jeff I remember my first job interview. It was terrible. I was very nervous and the interview was in Spanish. They asked me a question about my work experience and I started to answer in French. I felt very confused. I didn’t get the job! 2 Rob Last year my wife went for an interview with a teleworking company. It was at the boss’ house. They sat and drank tea, took the dog for a walk and chatted about families and life experiences. My wife said it was the most relaxed interview she’s ever had. They offered her the job and she took it! She loves having an office in the garden. 3 Kate I had an interview for a job as a manager in a hospital. On the way to the interview room, I fell down some stairs and broke my leg. Luckily, I didn’t have to go very far to find a doctor. I didn’t get the job but I’ve been married to the doctor for five years!
Next resolution. I joined a diet club. I was the only man in my group! After two weeks, they checked my weight and I was two kilos lighter! I started running in February and I ran a marathon in June and another one in October!
My third resolution has been the most difficult. I tried all sorts of therapies and alternative treatments like hypnosis and some have worked better than others. (3) […] She’s a pensioner and a widow. Her husband died when he was 45. He was a smoker. The result is that I haven’t smoked a cigarette for two months. So, I’ve kept all of my four resolutions. (4) […]
a First, I was bored and unhappy at work so I decided to find a new job. b In the end, I spoke to one of my neighbours. c Now all I have to do is go shopping! d My new employers pay well and they let me telework sometimes – great!
Señala si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7). 1 At the interview, they asked Jeff questions in French. 2 Jeff can speak French. 3 Rob’s wife takes her boss’ dog for walks. 4 Rob’s wife now works at her boss’ house. 5 Kate broke her leg when she went for an interview. 6 Kate works in the same hospital as her husband.
I’ve also started writing a book!
Lee el texto y completa los párrafos con las frases a–d. My name’s Colin Boden and last year I made a few New Year’s resolutions. (1) […] Second, I wanted to lose some weight and get fitter. Third, I felt sad and anxious about my smoking habit so I thought I needed to give up smoking. Finally, I realised I looked terrible. So, my plan this year has been to keep my first three resolutions and then buy some new clothes!
Lee el artículo de nuevo y elige la opción correcta. 1 Why did Colin want to change his job? a He wasn’t interested in his old job. b He wanted more money. c He wanted to write a book. 2 How did Colin feel about his smoking habit? a He felt happy. b He felt depressed. c He felt angry. 3 How does Colin describe his new job? a Badly paid but fun. b Five days in the office but well-paid. c Good salary and flexible. 4 How did Colin lose weight? a He tried hypnosis. b He followed a diet. c He ran a marathon. 5 What made Colin finally decide to stop smoking? a He wanted to buy some new clothes. b Hypnosis. c Talking to the old lady next door.
So, have I kept my resolutions? Well, right now, I’m writing this article and I’m working for a new magazine. (2) […]
Escucha a estas personas hablando sobre cómo aprenden un idioma y escribe su nombre en la columna correspondiente.
buy a racing car (...) get married (...) get his driving licence (...) get divorced (...) get a new job (...) move to a new flat (...) open a shop (...) start his own business (...) find a girlfriend (...) go on a diet (...) buy a house by the beach (...) 4
name: ...
name: ...
name: ...
speaking and reading 2 117
grammar and writing
vocabulary and listening
Escucha de nuevo y elige la opción correcta. 1 What languages does Saskia speak? a English, Finnish and French. b Finnish, French and Russian. c English, Russian and Finnish.
1 Tabby has just seen Harvey. 2 Tabby has changed his job. 3 Tabby's working in an airport. 4 Harvey and Marianne weren’t married for very long. 5 Marianne and Harvey still get on very well. 6 Harvey has been very unhappy since he got divorced.
Un amigo en Londres te ha enviado un e-mail hablando de sus vecinos. Contéstale hablando de los tuyos con un máximo de 80 palabras. Hi! I have to tell you about my neighbours. Upstairs there’s a young couple. They have wild parties every night and play loud music. When they don’t have a noisy party, they argue! My next-door neighbour is a pensioner. He has bad manners and is very rude to the young couple. Downstairs there’s a single parent with three young children. They cry all the time. Every time I see the mother, she says sorry. It isn’t her fault, but I haven’t slept well for three months! Jake
3 How does Francesco describe himself? a Noisy and friendly. b Shy and not very sociable. c Unfriendly and confused. 4 What has Francesco done recently? a He’s opened a travel agency. b He’s been to a lot of pubs and clubs. c He’s started a travel blog.
6 What’s Christine doing on Sunday? a Talking to her friends on the phone. b Going out for dinner. c Having breakfast, reading and chatting.
Vuelve a escuchar y señala si las frases son verdaderas (3) o falsas (7).
2 Where does Saskia like to go and learn new words? a Cafes and art galleries. b A conversation class. c Her flat.
5 What does Christine think of British newspapers? a They’re very long. b They’re interesting. c She feels angry when she reads them.
Señala (3) lo que le ha pasado a Harvey desde la última vez que vio a Tabby.
Hi! Thanks for your mail ...
Escribe a unos amigos contándoles los preparativos para una escapada de fin de semana. En un máximo de 80 palabras, incluye la información siguiente. your destination - how you’re travelling - price of tickets - where and how you have booked your tickets - things you take - things to do there
I'm planning to travel to ... 112
Habla durante 90 segundos sobre la ropa que llevas. Usa como guía las siguientes preguntas. • What are you wearing now? • Do you wear different clothes at work and in your free time? • Do you prefer smart or casual clothes? • What styles suit you? • Do you like tight or loose, long or short clothes? • What colours do you enjoy wearing? • What do you look for when you buy clothes? Price? Colour? Style? Designer labels? Fit? • Do you enjoy shopping? What are your favourite shops?
Elige A o B y haz la actividad con un compañero. A: Vas al médico. No te encuentras bien y crees que debería recetarte antibióticos. También necesitas ayuda para dejar de fumar y superar tus problemas de estrés en el trabajo. En los últimos días: • You have had a terrible headache. You have taken aspirin but you don’t feel any better. • You have pains in your neck and back. You work in an office and sit at a desk all day. You don’t do a lot of exercise. • You have had a cough and you started sneezing yesterday. • You have tried to stop smoking but it’s very difficult. • You have felt stressed at work.
B: Eres médico. Este paciente acude a menudo a la consulta con distintos problemas de salud. A veces dice que tiene pulmonía. Tú sabes que es un simple resfriado y crees que debería dejar de fumar porque le perjudica. Necesitas hablar sobre los siguientes puntos dando consejos a tu paciente para que se sienta mejor: • Ask him / her how she is feeling at the moment. • Tell him / her what habits he / she should change. • Give him / her a prescription and advice to get better.
Useful words and phrases:
What’s the matter? I’m worried about … What should I do about ...? Painkiller
May I … ? I think you should … You have to … You must …
Treatment Prescription Can I … ?
Answer key UNIT 1. YOUR LIFE TODAY Do you enjoy working here? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 a She's reading a magazine. b He's cooking. c She's doing a crossword. d She's talking on the phone. e They are working. / They are talking. f She's eating cakes. Activity 3 1 Anna 2 Four stars Activity 4 1✓ 2 ✗ Jackie never works at night. 3 ✗ Norton usually drinks tea with his breakfast. 4 ✗ The chef starts work at seven o'clock. 5✓ Activity 5 1b 2c Activity 6 c Activity 7 Student's own answers.
reADIng Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 c Evaluate your lifestyle Activity 3 1 ✗ We work a lot and we haven't got a lot of free time. 2 ✗ Gabriel Hinds is a sociologist. 3✓ 4✓ Activity 4 Student's own answers. Activity 5 1 busy 2 healthy 3 positive 4 long 5 boring 6 stressed 7 free
LAngUAge STUDY Activity 1 2 [/s/] work works stop stops [/z/] arrive arrives read reads [/ɪz/] finish finishes watch watches
Activity 2 /s/ likes makes meets starts
/z/ enjoys has goes
3 enjoys goes has starts washes
/ɪz/ relaxes washes
Activity 3 a have a shower b catch the bus c start work e commute f watch the news g wash my hair gym i have a coffee break j text a friend
d get home h go to the
Activity 4 1 gets up 2 doesn't get up 3 doesn't have breakfast 4 has 5 drive 6 don't catch 7 start 8 eat 9 finishes 10 gets home 11 watch 12 relax 13 go Activity 5 Student's own answers. Activity 6 1b 2c
4 1 Hi, my name's Sienna Hobbs and I'm an actress. I usually work in the theatre but I sometimes work on TV. When we rehearse, that's when we practise the play before we perform in the theatre. We usually start work at about ten o'clock in the morning and we finish at six. At the moment, I'm actually in the theatre. The play starts at half past seven, but I always arrive at half past six. The play finishes at ten o'clock so I usually get home about eleven. 2 I'm a busker. What's a busker? Well, a busker plays music in public for money. I work in the London Underground, at Leicester Square. People give me money when I play. I always start at about 10 p.m. I haven't got regular hours of work. I stop for a break at about 11:30. When do I finish? That depends. On a good night, I make a lot of money so I stay until one or two o'clock in the morning. 3 I work for the police. I'm an investigator. You know, CSI Miami! I don't work regular hours – I sometimes start work at nine o'clock in the morning and I sometimes finish after midnight. Do I get bored at work? Not really. Every day is different and interesting. Activity 7 1 She usually works in the theatre. 2 She starts to practise at ten o'clock. 3 Her play finishes at ten o'clock. 4 Jason works in the London Underground. 5 On a good night he makes a lot of money. 6 She works for the police. 7 She doesn't work regular hours. 8 Her job is different and interesting.
Activity 8 1 are, doing 2 'm / am travelling 3 Are, feeling 4 'm / am sitting 5 'm / am looking 6 'm / am preparing 7 Are, working 8 'm / am reading 9 'm / am searching 10 'm / am sending 5 Sam: Hello, Nectar Design, Sam Wells speaking. Maisy: Hi, Sam, it's Maisy Walton. Sam: Hi, Maisy, how are you? What are you doing? Maisy: I'm on a train. I'm travelling to London for a meeting with Lewis. Sam: Oh, OK. Are you feeling OK today? You looked tired last week. Maisy: Yes. I'm fine thanks. I'm sitting in first class and I'm looking at some documents on my laptop. Sam: Great. Are you ready to meet Lewis? Maisy: Yes. I'm preparing my presentation now. Are you working? Sam: Yes, I'm reading my emails. There are about 300 in my inbox. Maisy: Can you email me a document? Have you got time? Sam: Of course. What do you want me to do? Maisy: I can't find the design file for Lewis's project. I'm searching for it at the moment. Sam: No problem. Yes, here it is. I'm sending it to you now. Maisy: Thanks, Sam, you're a star! Activity 9 2 problems, Diane 3 OK, Diane 4 Why, Stuart 5 7:00 a.m., Diane 6 hard, Stuart 7 exercise, Stuart 8 not, Diane 6 Diane: Hello, Stuart. What are you doing? Stuart: Oh, hello Diane. I'm writing a report for my manager. Diane: OK. Are you having problems with it? Stuart: Well, it's just a long report, that's all. Diane: Oh, OK. Are you feeling OK? Stuart: Yes, I'm fine. Why are you asking? Diane: I'm worried about you. At the moment, you're going to work at 7:00 a.m. and you aren't getting home until 10:00 p.m. Stuart: I know. I've got a lot of projects. I'm working very hard. Diane: Well, yes. Are you finding time to relax? Are you playing tennis these days, or going to the gym? Stuart: No, I'm not playing tennis or doing exercise. In fact, I'm working and eating and sleeping. Diane: How's Isabel? Stuart: She's OK, I think. She's spending a lot of time at work as well. She isn't having a very good time. Diane: Look. I'm not doing much at the moment. Why don't I look at that report? Stuart: Oh, thanks, Diane. Activity 10 1b 2a 3c Activity 11 Student's own answers.
It's time to get up Activity 1 1b 2c
Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 Student's own answers. Activity 4 1c 2a
Activity 5 1 Thirteen minutes.
2 At 8:02 a.m.
3 At 17:55.
Activity 6 Student's own answers. Activity 7 1 Green Door 2 Mike and Mary car keys. 4 Beth has got the keys.
3 Ben is looking for the
Activity 8 Student's own answers.
reading Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1d 2c
Activity 3 2 Activity 4 2 David is visiting the MacDonnell National Park. 3 They are eating lunch. 4 They are staying at the Red Centre Hostel. 5 It is very hot and sunny. 6 Because it is very hot outside. Activity 5 1 searching 2 attractions 3 hostel 5 unique 6 air-conditioning
4 national dish
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 8 1 We're visiting the town of Alice Springs. 2 His name is David. 3 They're from Australia. 4 I usually go to work at nine o'clock. Activity 2 1 It's hot!
Answer key 2 I love barbecues. 3 What are you doing now? 4 We're staying in a hostel. 5 The National Park is amazing. 6 They aren't sitting in the sun. 9 1 It's hot! 2 I love barbecues. 3 What are you doing now? 4 We're staying in a hostel. 5 The National Park is amazing. 6 They aren't sitting in the sun. Activity 3 1 Rod is sitting on a train. 2 He is going home (from work). 3 Mimi is at a hotel in Cambridge. 4 Mimi is drinking a coffee and texting her friends. 5 Mimi usually visits the university and goes shopping. 6 Her name is Helena. 10 Mimi: Hi Rod, it's Mimi, where are you? rod: I'm sitting on a train at the moment. I'm going home from work. What are you doing? Mimi: I'm drinking a coffee and I'm texting my friends. Well, and now I'm talking to you. rod: OK, well, right now, I'm eating a sandwich. It isn't a good sandwich! By the way, where are you? Mimi: At the moment, I'm staying in a hotel in Cambridge. rod: Cambridge? What's the weather like today? Is the sun shining? Mimi: No, it's raining! Do you like Cambridge? rod: Yes, I love Cambridge. I often have dinner at the Café Rouge on Kings Street. Do you eat there? Mimi: Yes, sometimes. rod: Right. What do you usually do in Cambridge? Mimi: I always stay in the same hotel. It's called the Western Hotel and it's in the centre of town. I usually visit the university and I always go shopping. What are you doing? rod: Right now, I'm emailing my friend Helena in Cambridge. Do you want to meet her for a coffee? Mimi: Thanks, Rod! That's great. Activity 4 1 I'm sitting, at the moment 2 are you doing 3 I'm drinking, I'm texting, I'm talking 4 Right now, I'm eating 5 often, have dinner 6 always, stay 7 usually, visit Activity 5 Student's own answers. Activity 6 Student's own answers.
COnSOLIDATIOn Activity 1 2 She travels and looks for information and material for her new books. 3 She usually goes out and visits her friends or goes to the local pubs. 4 She likes walking with her dog and writing travel books. 5 She writes tweets and updates her blog. 6 People book their holidays online (on the internet). Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 1 Italy 2 a bakery 3 5:00 a.m. 4 at midnight 5 bookshop 6 10:00 a.m. 7 Spanish 8 eleven o'clock 9 taxi driver 10 security 11 six o'clock 12 ten o'clock 11 Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man:
Man: Woman: Kala:
Man: Woman: Man: Dale:
Hello and welcome to One World Radio. Today's programme is called 'One world, different lives'. Fabio, Kala, and Dale are all from different countries. Fabio lives in Rome. He's 20 and, like lots of young Italian men, he lives with his parents. At the moment, he's studying to be a doctor but he's also working in his father's bakery. Fabio, tell us about your day. My day is very long. I don't get a lot of sleep. I wake up at five o'clock and make bread. I work all day at university as well. I go to bed at midnight. I don't really have a social life. Thank you, Fabio. Next, Kala. Kala is Canadian. She's 60, a retired nurse and she lives in Vancouver. She's retired from nursing but right now, she's working in a bookshop. I'm saving money for a holiday to Argentina. I sometimes work four hours a day; I start at ten o'clock in the morning. At the moment, I'm doing a Spanish course in my free time so I often work until about eleven o'clock in the evening. I enjoy my life. And finally, Dale. Dale is Jamaican, from Montego Bay. He usually works about 360 days of the year. He works long hours to earn money. What are you doing at the moment, Dale? At the moment, there are a lot of tourists here so I'm working as a taxi driver during the day and I'm doing nightshifts: some nights I work as a security guard for a local hotel. I often get up at six o'clock and go fishing two or three times a week. Right now, I'm driving to the market to sell my fish. I usually go to bed around ten o'clock when I don't have to work at the hotel. I have got a busy life but a good life.
Activity 4 1 ✗ He lives with his parents. 2 ✗ He is a baker. / He has a bakery. 3✓ 4✓ 5✓
Activity 5 Student's own answers. Activity 6 1 Jean 2 Malcolm
3 Malcolm
4 Jean
5 Malcolm
6 Jean
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
SELF TEST Activity 1 1 catches the bus 2 leave the house 3 commutes 4 start work, finish work 5 go to the bathroom 6 get home Activity 2 1 live 2 catch, is raining, are driving doing, He's writing 5 is making
3 I never drink
4 is he
Activity 3 1 is snowing 2 isn't / is not snowing 3 'm / am having 4 'm / am learning 5 starts 6 have 7 go 8 are 9 are having 10 are sitting 11 'm / am eating 12 'm / am writing 13 talk / are talking 14 don't speak Activity 4 They are friends. 12 Naomi: Hello, Naomi Clough. Edwin: Hello, it's me! Naomi: Hello, Ed. How are you? Edwin: I'm OK. I'm sitting in front of my computer. Where are you? Naomi: I'm sitting on the train. Are you at home? Edwin: Yes. Are you coming home? Naomi: No, sorry, it's Thursday night. I always go to my book club on Thursdays. Edwin: Oh, your book club! But I'm cooking dinner at the moment. It's chicken and I know you love chicken. Naomi: I'm sorry, but Saba's usually at book club and I want to talk to her. She's having a difficult time at work. Edwin: I see. OK, no problem. Saba's a good friend. See you later. What time? Naomi: Book club never finishes late. Edwin: You usually talk until midnight! OK, remember tomorrow's Friday and you usually go to work early on Fridays. Naomi: I know! Oh, I can't talk any more, the train's stopping. See you later. What's that noise? Edwin: I'm opening a bottle of wine! See you later. Activity 5 1✓ 2 ✗ She is sitting on the train. 3 ✗ Naomi is meeting a good friend. 4 ✗ The book club never finishes late. 5 ✗ She usually goes to work early on Fridays. 6 ✗ Naomi finishes the call because the train is stopping. 7 ✗ He is drinking some wine.
Activity 6 1 'm / am checking 2 is driving 3 'm / am sitting 4 'm / am waiting 5 is 6 'm / am drinking 7 is 8 'm / am eating 9 never make 10 'm / am standing 11 is raining 12 'm / am 13 are having 14 is putting 15 'm / am watching
I remember when you were born Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 Grandma spoke Spanish, French and Italian. 2 They met at university. Activity 3 1 Because it's Grandpa Stiles's birthday. 2 They got lost. 3 It's Grandma. / It's their grandmother. Activity 4 1a 2b
Activity 5 1 ✗ Grandpa was in the civil service for 20 years. 2✓ 3 ✗ Chris and Sophie were at university together. 4✓ 5 ✗ Last year, the family went camping / went to a campsite on holiday. 6✓ Activity 6 Student's own answers.
READING Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 Pauline
2 Scotty
Activity 3 a3 b1
3 Leslie
Activity 4 1 ✗ Paul 'Scotty' Scott talked a lot at school. 2 ✗ His friend Harry lived in Manchester and moved to London. 3✓ 4 ✗ The doctors and nurses were very friendly and kind when she was in hospital. 5✓ 6 ✗ A famous escapologist stayed in a room at the Railway Hotel.
Answer key Activity 5 1 Paul Scott was at school for five years. 2 He met Harry Kelly on the first day of school. 3 Leslie Smith was in hospital for ten days. 4 She's 18 years old. 5 She's writing about a history of the Railway Hotel in Oxford. 6 The escapologist stayed in his room for twelve hours.
Activity 4 Student's own answers. Activity 5 1 Greek 2 Athens 15 ed:
Activity 6 Student's own answers.
LAngUAge STUDY Activity 1 a start your own business b have a child c find a job d leave school e go to university f fall in love g meet a famous person h buy or rent a house / flat i move to a different city j retire Activity 2 family & home
buy or rent a house / flat, move to a different city, retire
go to university, leave school
fall in love, meet a famous person
start your own business, find a job
Activity 3 1 work: Ian – nervous, tired 2 university: Bart – surprised, happy 3 relationships: Valentina – happy 4 family: Leslie – excited, happy 14 1 Hello. My name is Valentina. I remember when I left home. I lived in Russia and I went to study in Paris. I met a very nice French student there and I fell in love for the first time. I remember I felt happy every day. It was a wonderful time in my life. 2 I'm Ian. I started my own business when I was 18. It was an on-line games site. I was very nervous. My office was my bedroom. I worked for 14 hours every day and I often felt tired. I didn't make a lot of money but it was a good experience. 3 When I was a child, life was great. My parents were kind and my brother was wonderful. My dad was in the army so my family often moved to different cities but I always felt excited to live in a new place and I had lots of friends. Dad was away a lot but he was always home at Christmas. 4 I was the first person in my family to go to university. My brother opened the envelope. He said 'Well done, Bart. You passed your exams.' I felt really surprised! So I went to university and I studied medicine. I loved it and I was very happy there.
ed: Maria:
ed: Hilda: Maria: ed: Hilda: Maria: ed: Maria:
3 three
4 English teacher
5 chocolate
Hi and welcome to 'Look Back At Your Life' with me, Ed Hanson. My guest today is from the popular TV series Who wants to make a million? Ladies and gentleman, businesswoman Maria Papas. Now, Maria, let's look back at your life! Maria, you're Greek, and you were born in Athens. That's right. I was born in Athens and I lived there for ten years. When I was three I went to a British school in Athens and then, when I was 11 I went to school in England. Why did you go to school in England? My father was Greek but my mother was English. So I went to my mother's school in England. It was a great school and my English teacher for the first three years was fantastic. Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Mrs Hilda Fletcher. Hello, Maria. Mrs Fletcher, it's great to see you. Hilda, tell us about the first time you met Maria. I remember, it was her first day at school. She was a very small girl and that day she was really nervous. Yes, I was. But we talked for about 30 minutes about Greece. And after that I loved school. Thank you! Thank you, Mrs Fletcher. And Maria, you were a businesswoman at school. Is that right? Yes, my dad sent me chocolate from Greece but I didn't eat it. I sold it to the other girls. I made a big profit! Well, you made a good start at school, Maria, and …
Activity 6 1✓ 2✓ 3 ✗ She went to her mother's school in England. 4 ✗ Mrs Fletcher taught Maria for three years. 5✓ Activity 7 2 went 3 started 8 became 9 met
4 finished
5 died
6 did
7 bought
Activity 8 16 [/t/] finished stopped watched worked [/d/] played snowed travelled loved answered [/ɪd/] decided added started visited
Life is not always easy
Activity 9
helped looked passed talked washed
changed died killed listened lived moved retired stayed
ended hated needed visited waited wanted
Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 Student's own answers.
17 changed died ended hated helped killed listened lived looked moved needed passed retired stayed talked visited waited washed wanted 18 [/t/] helped looked passed talked washed [/d/] changed died killed listened lived moved retired stayed [/ɪd/] ended hated needed visited waited wanted Activity 10 Student's own answers.
3 family
4 Mount Everest
19 Hi, I'm Ed Hanson and today I'm talking about Edurne Pasabán. She was born in Tolosa in the Basque Country on 1 August 1973. Edurne climbs mountains – tall mountains! There are fourteen very tall mountains in the world – they are more than 8,000 metres. This group of mountains has a special name – 'eightthousanders'. When Edurne was 36, she became the 21st person and the first woman in history to climb all of the fourteen eightthousander mountains in the world. She started climbing mountains when she was very young. When she was at school she went on holiday with her family to the Alps and climbed Mount Blanc. She was only sixteen. After that, she climbed more tall mountains in the Andes. In 2001 she climbed her first very tall mountain, her first eight-thousander. This mountain was Mount Everest. Edurne is also an intelligent woman. She did a university degree in engineering. Her family have an engineering company in the Basque Country, but she doesn't work in this company. Edurne lived for some years in Barcelona, but then she returned to the Basque Country and opened a bed and breakfast and a restaurant. What next for Edurne? Activity 13 Student's own answers.
Activity 5 Her first love was her best friend's cousin. Activity 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Activity 7 2, 4 Activity 8 Student's own answers.
Activity 11 2 worked, for three years 3 lived, for thirteen years 4 sang, for two and a half years 5 performed, for 12 years 6 directed, for 15 years Activity 12 1 Tolosa, 1973 2 36 5 Barcelona 6 opened
Activity 4 1a 2c
READING Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 1E 2A
Activity 4 1 Sue and Nigel argued about the same things: money, work, time. 2 Because they worked for about 14 hours a day. 3 They wrote their lists when they went on holiday. 4 They realised that they didn't do the things they enjoyed doing. 5 They walk every day, Nigel grows vegetables and Sue cooks and bakes. Activity 5 1 ✗ Nigel and Sue argued a lot. 2✓ 3 ✗ Sue wanted to buy a new house and new furniture. 4 ✗ They sat down for twenty minutes and then they wrote their lists. 5 ✗ Nigel and Sue never cooked in London.
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 21 unhappy argument relax friendly
Answer key 6 when
Activity 2 1
bored foolish happy moody nervous sad tired worried
comfortable confident interested
annoyed confused depressed excited relaxed surprised
Activity 8 Student's own answers.
COnSOLIDATIOn Activity 1 1b 2c
22 angry annoyed bored comfortable confident confused depressed excited foolish happy interested moody nervous relaxed sad surprised tired worried Activity 3 1 angry 2 depressed 3 confused 4 excited 5 foolish 6 moody Activity 4 Albert 1 annoyed Lisa 1 confused David 1 uncomfortable
2 nervous 2 cool 2 surprised
3 France
3 relaxed 3 foolish 3 angry
4 twelve
5 uncomfortable
Activity 6 Student's own answers. Activity 7 1 before 2 After / When
Activity 2 1 He wanted to play roulette. 2 Eva felt foolish. 3 They went shopping. 4 He played in a university rugby match. 5 He felt very uncomfortable. 6 She felt very nervous. 7 There were ten people in the room. Activity 3 right
23 Albert: I remember, I went with my dad to watch an international football match between England and Brazil. England lost so I felt quite annoyed. After the match, we met this guy. We talked for a while and then I realised it was Pelé, the most famous footballer in the world! I felt nervous at first but he was very polite and friendly and after a few minutes he made me feel really relaxed. He was a star but also a person, like me and my dad. Lisa: I remember May 2nd, 1997. I was on a school trip to France. We stopped on the motorway to eat lunch. One of the boys in my class, Andrew Bell, offered me a cigarette. I was only 12! I felt confused. I didn't want a cigarette but I wanted to be cool, like Andrew. So, anyway, I took a cigarette and smoked it and then I was sick on the bus. I felt really foolish! David: I remember that I went to a school disco. There was a girl there. Her name was Sarah. One of her friends asked me if I liked her. I said I did but I didn't really. We danced together and I felt really uncomfortable. I didn't like her and I didn't want to dance with her. And then she just kissed me! I was so surprised I didn't know what to do, I just stood there, like a tree! She was really angry. It wasn't a long relationship! Activity 5 1 Brazil 2 footballer 6 short
7 After
3 after
4 When
5 After
before the looked for information interview about the company
didn't look at people's names
during the answered some interview questions correctly
felt very nervous and said foolish things
after the interview
got another interview for a job in another company and got the job
24 Martin: Hello and welcome to The World of Work here on UK Radio South. On the line is Louise Samson. She's got a story for us. Hello, Louise. Louise: Hello, yes, thank you Martin. My story is about my first job interview. Martin: I see. Louise: Before the interview, I looked for information about the company. Martin: Good. Louise: Yes, but I wasn't very careful when I read the information about the company. Martin: In what way? Louise: I didn't look at the names of the people in the company. Particularly the people who did the job interviews. One of them was called Alan White. Anyway, when I arrived I was very confident and then I walked into the room and saw him. Martin: Him? Louise: Alan White. Before I moved to Birmingham, I lived in Glasgow and I had a boyfriend. His name was Alan White. Martin: Ah. How did you feel? Louise: Very uncomfortable. He recognised me but I thought he was very unfriendly. I started to talk very fast. The other interviewers thought I didn't know about the job. I answered some questions correctly but when Alan looked at me or asked a question, I felt nervous and said foolish things. Martin: And after the interview?
Louise: Alan rang me and told me I didn't get the job. He said he was surprised when I walked into the room and he wanted me to get the job. But the other interviewers thought I was nervous, uncomfortable and unfriendly. We talked and he told me about a job in another company. I was very well-prepared for that interview and I got the job. Activity 4 1 arrived 2 went 3 wanted 4 organised 5 got 6 drove 7 read 8 was 9 took 10 had 11 ate 12 broke 13 returned 14 called Activity 5 Student's own answers.
SELF TEST Activity 1 1 bored 2 angry 6 surprised Activity 2 1 visited 2 fell
3 tired
4 uncomfortable
5 confident
2 ✗ Helen wasn't annoyed with Thomas. 3✓ 4✓ 5 ✗ Helen's dad worked in a hospital. Activity 7 Student's own answers. Activity 8 Student's own answers. 26 1 How old were you when you left school? 2 Did you pass all your exams? 3 How did you feel? 4 Did you go to university or start work? 5 Did you take a holiday the summer after you left school? (If 'Yes' Where did you go? Who did you go with? How long were you on holiday?) Activity 9 Student's own answers.
3 started
4 went
5 left
Activity 3 1 Before I took the bus, we had a pizza. 2 When we visited Morocco, we went to the market. 3 Every day, before I ate breakfast, I swan in the sea. 4 When I went to Hollywood, I met Angelina Jolie and I was so excited. 5 Two years after I left home, my mum bought a new house. 6 After I went to my best friend's wedding, I met my husband at the wedding reception.
UNIT 3. LEARNING LANGUAGES How can I improve my English? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 Stavros's room number is 9. 2 She is practising vocabulary and pronunciation. Activity 3
Activity 4 1 Before he went to university, Mick lived at home for twenty years. 2 Mick was a teacher for ten months. 3 Mick owned his first car for eight years.
Well done!
Good job! That´s great!
Congratulations! Activity 5 First meeting between Thomas and his wife. The invitation to Helen in a restaurant. Thomas's accountant. 25 I met my wife, Helen, at a Christmas party. I offered to buy her a drink and she accepted. I got her the drink but then I fell over and the drink went all over her. I thought she was quite annoyed but actually she just laughed. I knew then that she was a very special girl and I invited her to a restaurant. I bought some flowers and some chocolates and we went out for dinner. When we arrived at the restaurant, I gave her the flowers but the chocolates fell to the floor, under the table. When I looked for the chocolates, I hit my head on the table. Helen took me to hospital and I met her dad for the first time. He's a hospital doctor. He checked my head and told Helen to take me home. Activity 6 1✓
Keep going!
✓ ✓
Activity 4 1 ✗ She wants to go to Stone Street. 2✓ 3 ✗ Stanley helps Maria with the pronunciation of 'January'. 4 ✗ Maria wants to do her homework. 5✓ Activity 5 1a 2c
Activity 6 Student's own answers.
reading Activity 1 Student's own answers.
Answer key Activity 5 1 May / Can we go 2 can't / may not 3 May / Can I get 4 May / Can I sit 5 may / can 6 may / can Paul share 7 can't / may not
Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 c Activity 4 Student's own answers. Activity 5 1 No, they don't. They like being correct. 2 They should speak more and be adventurous. 3 They love listening and speaking. 4 No, they don't worry a lot about mistakes. 5 They like doing practical things. 6 They should think about the language and learn some grammar. Activity 6 1c 2e
LAngUAge STUDY Activity 1 28 brown please
conjunction films grammar shouldn't street tests
Activity 2 1 Students shouldn't speak in class. 2 Claire practices Spanish grammar. 3 Children can't play in the street. 4 We have lots of tests at school. 5 I prefer watching English films. 29 1 Students shouldn't speak in class. 2 Claire practices Spanish grammar. 3 Children can't play in the street. 4 We have lots of tests at school. 5 I prefer watching English films. Activity 3 1 noun
language, learner, textbooks, notebooks, exams
2 adjective
traditional, adventurous
3 pronoun
he, she, they
4 verb
enjoys, likes, using, writing, pass, speaking, are
5 adverb
usually, sometimes, often
6 preposition
on, in
7 conjunction
and, or, but
Activity 4 1c 2g
Activity 6 1c 2a
30 Peter:
Good evening and welcome to Language Today. I'm Peter Chatterton. We're very lucky to have with us in the studio this evening our three guests, Professor Madeleine Wrighton ... Madeleine: Hi! Peter: Professor Trevor Oldcastle ... Trevor Good evening. Peter: And Professor Olivia Booth ... Olivia: Hello viewers. Peter: Let me start by asking you for your advice to people who want to learn a language. Professor Wrighton? Madeleine: You can call me Madeleine, Peter. Well, my advice to language learners is this. You should speak, speak and speak. That's it. No books, no grammar, no writing, just talking. Simple. Peter: Thank you Prof... sorry, Madeleine. Professor Oldcastle, or may I call you Trevor? Trevor: No, you can't call me Trevor, thank you. I don't agree with Professor Wrighton. I think that people who are serious about languages should use books. For example, you should read the dictionary to learn new words.You shouldn't have it in the bookcase and never look at it. Look for new words and write them down. Peter: Thank you. Finally, Professor Booth. Olivia: I'm sorry to say that your other 'experts' are both wrong. I believe that learners should 'live' the language they want to learn. For example, English. You should buy an English newspaper or magazine, such as The Times newspaper, and read it every day. You should go on holiday to England or the USA, listen to English music, drink English beer and eat a full English breakfast. Peter: OK ... Olivia: Oh yes, but what about finding an English husband or wife? You should move house, to England, change your name to Smith ... Peter: OK, Professor Booth, thank you. Trevor: I'm sorry but this isn't correct. Language learners should take exams and study grammar rules. Madeleine: Really, Trevor, that is a very traditional approach. The future is self-study, distance-learning material and the Internet. Learners should think about communication. Speaking, talking, chatting, not books and dictionaries. Olivia: No, no, culture, culture, culture that's what people should have.
Peter: Yes, thank you, Professor Booth. Now, if I could just move on to ...
Activity 11 1a 2c 3b
Activity 7 1 should speak all time. 2 shouldn't use books. 3 shouldn't learn in a traditional way. 4 should use a dictionary. 5 should take exams. 6 shouldn't worry about culture. 7 shouldn't use textbooks. 8 should buy the newspaper. 9 shouldn't live in their own country.
Activity 12 Student's own answers.
Activity 8 1 prefer 2 Reading 6 advice 7 please
3 grammar
Can you understand me? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 Student's own answers. 4 speaking
5 shy
31 Robert: Hello Michelle and welcome to the Robin School of English. I'm Robert, I'm the director of the school. Michelle: Hello. Robert: Can I ask you a few questions about your English? Michelle: Of course. Robert: Thank you. OK, first, what do you prefer doing in English? Michelle: Oh, reading and writing. I like grammar, spelling and exams. Robert: Good. Why don't you like speaking? Michelle: I feel very shy. Robert: I see. Is this your first visit to England? Michelle: Yes. Robert: At school in France, is your teacher French or English? Michelle: She is French. Robert: And does your teacher usually speak to you in English or in French? Michelle: In French. Robert: OK, Michelle, I think that you are not very confident. Michelle: Yes. Robert: May I give you some advice? Michelle: Yes, please. Robert: You are in England now. You should read and write and learn new words. That's very good. But, you shouldn't only do those things. You should talk to English people every day. The teachers here are all English. You should ask them questions and talk in class. You should make English friends. Finally, you shouldn't feel shy and you shouldn't worry about mistakes when you are speaking. Activity 9 1, 2, 4, 6 Activity 10 Student's own answers.
Activity 4 1 Borja arrived five weeks ago. 2 Because his host family doesn't speak Spanish (so he needs to speak English to have breakfast and dinner with them). 3 Borja has two English friends. 4 There are ten. 5 In every class there is a dictionary. Activity 5 Mrs Higgins speak(s) the Queen´s English
Mr Patel
have / has an accent use(s) American English Activity 6 1b 2c
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
reading Activity 1 a wrong b revise c writing d notebook e distance-learning f grammar rules g definition h textbook Activity 2
1 vocabulary notebooks 2 modern methods 3 communication 4 translation Activity 3 1 ✗ They are experts on learning languages. 2✓ 3 ✗ It is not always interesting: when you are an adult, it is complicated and sometimes boring. 4✓ 5 ✗ They sometimes use computers but they usually use notebooks.
Answer key Activity 4 1 Six weeks. 2 He can speak 12 languages. 3 Learn vocabulary and study grammar. 4 His DVD. 5 Reading, writing, listening and speaking. Activity 5 1 communication 2 revise 5 pronounce 6 grammar
3 notebooks
35 1 Here are some examples. 2 The answer is wrong. 3 Where is your class? 4 We're doing a grammar exercise. 5 Who's your English teacher? 6 There are four mistakes in this exercise. 4 practise
Activity 6 Student's own answers.
LAngUAge STUDY Activity 1 1 I'm good 2 get by 3 make mistakes 4 Could you speak up a bit 5 I can't understand 6 Could you speak more slowly?, Could you say that again? 33 Peter:
I'm lucky. I'm good at languages. I understand words quickly and I can learn pronunciation easily but I always have my dictionary with me. I find examples of words and how to use them. Lauren: I love learning Spanish. I don't know a lot of Spanish grammar and vocabulary but I can get by. I make mistakes but it's not a problem. I try to read Spanish books and magazines. Peter: In class, my teacher is a quiet speaker. I often say 'Could you speak up a bit, please?' Lauren: I'm not worried about making mistakes. I often don't understand people. I just say 'Sorry, I can't understand.' It's easy. It's never a problem. Peter: My teachers often speak and I don't understand. But I don't worry. I say 'Could you say that again, please?' I sometimes write new words and phrases in my notebook. Lauren: I carry an iPad. I have a list of new words. I write them down in a sentence as an example and then write the definition next to them. My teacher often speaks fast. I say 'Could you speak more slowly?' or 'Could you say that again?'. Activity 2 34 four for our more
four months for Peter our teacher more slowly
four hours for Anne our exam more exercises
Activity 3 1 Here are some examples. 2 The answer is wrong. 3 Where is your class? 4 We're doing a grammar exercise. 5 Who's your English teacher? 6 There are four mistakes in this exercise.
Activity 4 Aa Bc Cb
36 Student: Excuse me, what does this word mean? Teacher: When you're looking at Spanish newspapers or magazines, you need to look up new words in a dictionary. Student: OK. How do I do that? Teacher: First, you look up the headword and then you need to find the right form. Student: OK. Do you mean is it a noun, verb, adjective and so on? Teacher: Exactly. Then you need to find the correct definition for the context. So, you look at the examples. Student: I see. And I find the one that is the same or similar to what's in this magazine. Teacher: That's correct. Then write the new word in your notebook. Student: Like this? Do I need to write the new word in a sentence as an example? Teacher: Exactly. Good job! Activity 5 Student's own answers. Activity 6 Student's own answers.
COnSOLIDATIOn Activity 1 1b 2a
Activity 2 1✗ 2✓
Activity 3 1 Mr Lesforges
2 Eric
Activity 4 1L 2G
Activity 5 1c 2a
3 Grammargirl
Activity 6 1 to travel 2 speak to people making mistakes
3 shouldn't worry about
37 1 Bruce: Hello, my name's Bruce. I can speak English, some Spanish and a little French. To learn languages, I think you need to travel. When you learn a language, you should speak to people. You shouldn't worry about making mistakes. Finally, I think you need to learn a lot of vocabulary. 2 Kiki: Hello, my name's Kiki. I can speak English, some Spanish and a little French. To learn languages, I think you need to travel. When you learn a language, you should speak to people. You shouldn't worry about making mistakes. Finally, people should visit different countries and live in them. 3 Chad: Hello, my name's Chad. I can speak English, some Spanish and a little French. To learn languages, I think you need to travel. When you learn a language, you should speak to people, you shouldn't worry about making mistakes. Finally, you can learn languages through distance learning and watching TV. You should try them. 4 Maggie: Hello, my name's Maggie. I can speak English, some Spanish and a little French. To learn languages, I think you need to travel. When you learn a language, you should speak to people. You shouldn't worry about making mistakes. Finally, you need to study a lot. I make a lot of notes. Activity 7 1e 2c
5 She shouldn't study when she's tired. 6 You should always try to guess new words from their context. Activity 4 1 don't need to 2 need to 3 don't need to 5 need to 6 need to 7 need to
Activity 5 His accent is terrible. His feels tired. He had to read a complicated document. He needs to read three documents for tomorrow. He looks up lots of words in the dictionary. People speak too quickly or too quietly. Activity 6 Student's own answers.
UNIT 4. HEALTH What's the matter? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 She fell off the bike. 2 He should do sport and eat some fruit. Activity 3
Activity 8 Student's own answers.
Chris Stiles
Activity 9 Student's own answers.
a cough
a temperature
a sore throat
Activity 10 Chad
a headache
a broken arm
Activity 11 Student's own answers.
a twisted ankle
a cut head
a cold
SELF TEST Activity 1 1 pronounce 2 notebook 5 worry 6 revise
3 adjectives
4 definition
Mrs Weston
Activity 4 1b 2b
Activity 2 1 Can I borrow your dictionary? 2 We can't have the class in the garden. 3 Can you say it again? 4 May I get a drink of water? 5 No! She can't take the exam!
Activity 5 1 Daisy Hill Surgery 2 Mr Park 3 her arm 4 10 years ago 5 tried alternative therapies
Activity 3 1 You should use a dictionary. 2 It's OK, you shouldn't worry about making mistakes. 3 You should ask them to speak more slowly. 4 Students shouldn't concentrate only on grammar.
Activity 6 1d 2c
4 need to
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Answer key reADIng Activity 1 healthy
do exercise, drink water, eat fruit and vegetables, relax
drink alcohol, drive to work, smoke, work a lot of hours
Activity 2 c Activity 3 1 You have to do some exercise and eat healthy food. 2 They're alternative therapies. 3 Because coffee can give you a headache. 4 You should drink water. 5 You don't need to change the way you live. Activity 4 1 smoke 2 stressed
3 cough
4 infection
5 headache
LAngUAge STUDY Activity 1 39 [/b/] back [/v/] visit
about never
bread Bob vitamin drive
Activity 2 40 1 Bob drives a bus in Vancouver. 2 Vicky gave me advice about vitamins. 3 You have to visit that website every day. 4 I never watch TV in the evening. 5 I've got a bad back. 6 Olive's voice is very quiet. Activity 3 1b 2g
Activity 4 1 high temperature, a sore throat, vomiting, flu 2 back pain, twisted ankle, constipation 3 insomnia, stress 41 Doctor: So what's the matter, Mark? Mark: I don't feel well at all. My head is hot and this morning, I can't speak. Doctor: I see. Did you take any medicine? Mark: Well, I had a cup of tea and I feel a bit better. But you can hear, my voice is very quiet. Doctor: Yes. Do you have any other problems? Mark: Yes, I felt sick yesterday and I vomited. Doctor: Oh dear, I think you've got flu. Doctor: Now, Anne, what's the matter? Anne: It's my ankle. I can't walk because it hurts. I am very uncomfortable.
Doctor: Mmm, is that all? Anne: No. My back … I'm OK when I lie down but when I walk or sit, it hurts. Doctor: I see. What about going to the bathroom? Anne: It's not very good. Doctor: OK, you may have constipation because you're not doing exercise. Frank: Good morning, doctor. Doctor: Good morning, Frank. What can I do for you? What's the matter? Frank: I'm not feeling very well. I'm working a lot of hours at the moment and my job is very difficult. Doctor: You are stressed at work. Frank: I don't enjoy work and my boss isn't very nice. And last night, I didn't sleep. I'm very worried, doctor. What should I do? Activity 5 1 stomach ache
2 10:30
3 in the afternoon
4 a prescription
42 1 receptionist: Good morning, Port Road Surgery, how can I help you? Pascal: Good morning. My name's Pascal. Can I make an appointment to see Dr Watkins, please? receptionist: Of course. Is 10 o'clock OK? Pascal: That's fine. Thank you. receptionist: And what's the matter? Have you got a cough? Pascal: Oh, yes but that's not the problem. Actually, I've got a very bad stomach ache. 2 receptionist: Good morning, Port Road Surgery, how can I help you? Trevor: Hello. Can I make an appointment to see Dr Watkins, please? receptionist: No problem. We've got appointments at 8:45, 9:15 or 10:30. Trevor: Half past ten, please. receptionist: And what's your name, please? Trevor: Hill, Trevor Hill. 3 receptionist: Good morning, Port Road Surgery, how can I help you? Suranne: Hi, can I make an appointment to see a doctor, please? receptionist: Yes. Dr Watkins has got appointments at 8:45 or 9:15. Suranne: Oh, dear, has he got any appointments this afternoon? receptionist: No, but Dr Garrido has got appointments at 4 o'clock or half past four. Suranne: Great. Can I make an appointment to see Dr Garrido at 4 o'clock? My name's Suranne Evans. 4 receptionist: Good morning, Port Road Surgery, how can I help you? Olive: Can I make an appointment to see Dr Garrido at 4 p.m.?
Receptionist: No, sorry, but Dr Garrido is free at half past four. Olive: OK. It's just for a prescription. My name's Olive Cummings.
Activity 8 a flu b a temperature c a sore throat No, Beth doesn't think Ben is ill.
Activity 6 Student's own answers. Activity 7 1 have to make 5 have to do Activity 8 1b 2d
Activity 7 2, 3, 5
2 must take
3 have to speak
4 must stay
Activity 9 Student's own answers.
reading 4e
Activity 9 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 43 Good afternoon. So, you want to give up smoking? Good. Now, here are some instructions to help you. You have to decide to stop. Write a list of the reasons why you want to stop. When you want a cigarette, look at your list. You must stop completely. Choose a date for stopping and stop. You must throw away things that make you think about smoking. When people give up tobacco, you often feel ill so you have to prepare for this. Common problems are headaches, coughs, a sore throat, depression and sometimes insomnia. You must think about what you eat. When people give up smoking, they often eat more food. You should eat fruit and vegetables and not burgers and coke. Don't worry: it isn't easy. People try many times before they actually give up. And don't forget alternative medicine. Acupuncture and hypnosis are all good ways to help you to stop but you choose what you want to try.
Activity 1 Student's own answers.
Activity 6 1b 2a
Activity 4 1 ✗ Maria Paschalidis has got a farm and a small bed and breakfast hotel in Crete. 2✓ 3 ✗ Ahnah never eats fruit and vegetables. She only has seaweed. 4✓ 5✓ 6 ✗ The two women never visit the doctor because they're never ill. Activity 5 1 healthy 2 twisted 6 depression
hurt shoulder chest elbow back
Activity 3 Student's own answers.
Activity 5 1b 2e
Ahnah a, c, e, f
3 catches
4 vitamins
5 dentist
Activity 2
Activity 2 Student's own answers.
Activity 3 Maria b, d
Activity 1 1 head 2 ear 3 neck 4 shoulder 5 arm 6 chest 7 back 8 elbow 9 hand 10 finger 11 stomach 12 leg 13 knee 14 ankle 15 toe
Fit and healthy
Activity 2 1 Their names are Maria and Ahnah. 2 Maria eats vegetables and fruit. Ahnah eats meat and fish. 3 Maria lives in Crete. Ahnah lives in Alaska.
Activity 10 Student's own answers.
Activity 4 1✗ 2✓
Activity 1 Student's own answers.
ache head ear back stomach
finger toe
neck ankle knee elbow
arm finger leg toe elbow hand knee
Answer key Activity 3 broken toe pain in shoulder
back ache
Doctor: I see. What's the matter? Patient: I've got a headache and I think I've got flu. Doctor: You should stay in bed for two days and take some painkillers. Activity 7 Student's own answers.
twisted neck temperature
ear infection
Activity 8 1 take a few days off
2 go to
3 drink
4 write a prescription
COnSOLIDATIOn 45 Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor: Patient: Doctor:
Hello. Now, tell me, how are you? Well, I'm not feeling very well, Doctor. OK. What's the matter? I play a lot of tennis and I'm having problems. With your elbow? No, it's my shoulder. I can't move it. I've got a terrible pain. OK. And my back. What's the matter with your back? It hurts. I see. Is that all? I can't hear in my left ear. Right. OK. Any more problems? Have you got a temperature? Yes, I have, but I took some aspirin this morning. I see. What can I do? First, don't play tennis for some time. Secondly, I know you eat well and you do exercise and that's great but I think you have to relax for a couple of weeks. I'm giving you a prescription for some painkillers and vitamins.
Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 People have to take control of their lives. They have to eat well and they must do some exercise. Activity 3 1 ✗ The people who think exercise is healthy don't cycle to work. 2✓ 3✓ 4✓ 5✓ 6✓ Activity 4 1b 2c
Activity 6 Student's own answers. Activity 7 headache, back pain, temperature, insomnia, depression 48 Lydia: Doctor: Lydia: Doctor: Lydia:
Activity 5 Student's own answers.
Doctor: Lydia: Doctor: Lydia:
Doctor: Activity 6 Student's own answers.
47 Doctor: Good morning. How are you? Patient: I'm not feeling very well, Doctor.
Doctor: Lydia: Doctor:
Activity 5 Student's own answers.
Activity 4 1 Mr Nichols hurt his shoulder and his back. 2 He took some aspirin. 3 He can't play tennis and he must relax for a couple of weeks. 4 He prescribes him some painkillers and vitamins. /Painkillers and vitamins.
46 Doctor: Hello. Now, tell me, how are you? Patient: Well, I'm not feeling very well, Doctor. Doctor: OK. What's the matter? Patient: I play a lot of tennis and I'm having problems.
Hello, Doctor North. Hello, Mrs Prescott. Please, come in and sit down. Thank you. Now, what's the matter? I just don't feel very well. I have a headache all the time. I'm always sneezing. Have you got any other symptoms? Sore throat? Neck or back pain? My back hurts sometimes. And I often have a high temperature. I'm worried, doctor. Well, do you smoke and do you drink alcohol? Yes, I smoke about ten cigarettes a day. I'm trying to stop but I can't. And I usually have one or two glasses of wine in the evenings. How do you feel about your life, Mrs Prescott? You know, your job, family and so on. My family are great but my job's very stressful at the moment. Do you sleep well? No, not really. I often can't sleep. What should I do? First, no cigarettes. I think you should try alternative medicine, you know, like hypnosis. Also, you shouldn't
drink alcohol during the week. Only drink one or two glasses of wine at the weekend. Your job is stressful and I think you are feeling depressed. I can give you some painkillers for your headache but you should take a week off work. I also think you must get more exercise. Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables … ? Activity 8 1 is always sneezing 2 every day depressed 5 headache 6 shouldn't
3 job
4 is feeling
Activity 9 Healthy: She played golf on Saturday. She ate an apple and she drank a bottle of water. Unhealthy: She drove to work on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. She got a taxi and a bottle of wine on Wednesday. She had a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee with sugar on Thursday. Today she had lunch in the bar: fish and chips. Activity 10 Student's own answers.
SELF TEST Activity 1 1 cold 2 headache 3 pain 4 terrible 5 unhealthy 6 aspirin 7 sick 8 prescription 9 stomachache 10 ankle The hidden illness is: DEPRESSION. Activity 2 1f 2b 3d
49 A: You're a doctor. What sort of illnesses do you see? B: That depends. A lot of people come to see me with common problems like a sore throat. A: Is that serious? B: Sometimes. When you have a sore throat and a temperature. A: I see. B: Yes, then I usually have to write a prescription. A: What for? Painkillers? B: No, antibiotics. A: When should people go directly to hospital? B: When your problem is serious, for example, a pain in your chest or a broken arm, for example. A: What about problems like insomnia? Activity 3 1c 2d
Activity 4 1b 2a
Activity 5 Example answer: 1 You should give up smoking, you have to do exercise and you should eat healthy food. 2 You have to give up tea and coffee. You must take a hot glass of milk before you go to bed. You have to try alternative medicine, acupuncture or hypnosis.
UNIT 5. TRAVELLING Where do you want to go? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 David 2 They booked a holiday around Europe. Activity 3 Istanbul, Sweden, Scotland, Greece and Edinburgh. Activity 4 1✓ 2 ✗ Betty thinks Istambul is very expensive. 3✓ 4✓ 5✓ 6✓ 7✓ 8✓ Activity 5 c Activity 6 Student's own answers.
reading Activity 1 1e 2f 3d
Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 a Activity 4 1 accommodation 2 travel agency 3 abroad 4 departure lounge 5 city break 6 journey 7 busy 8 aisle seat 9 hand luggage 10 self-catering Activity 5 1 Airports are often very busy and very boring. 2 Trains are good for children because there is usually more space and you can walk around the carriage. 3 Holidays at home can be very exciting. 4 Because you can cook your own food, and you don't have to worry about making noise. 5 Because you can save money. 6 Take hand luggage only for short trips, then you don't have to wait for your baggage when you arrive at your destination. 7 Because there is more space and you can move around. 8 You should wait for the train at the end of the platform; the train is usually quite empty at the end.
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 1d 2j 3e
10 f
11 c
12 g
Answer key In that case, only one suitcase. Can I take my laptop? Travel agent: No problem. OK, so, that's the 6:00 a.m. flight to Rome from London Heathrow, tomorrow. Traveller: How much is the ticket? Travel agent: It's £185 one way. Do you want me to confirm the booking now, sir? Traveller: Yes, please. What time are the return flights, please … ? Traveller:
54 Are you travelling to Paris? Do you have a ticket? When does the train arrive? How much was the ticket?
Activity 5 1 Rome 2 6:00 a.m. 3 3:30 a.m. 5 20 6 15 7 one way 53 Travel agent: Traveller: Travel agent: Traveller: Travel agent:
Traveller: Travel agent: Traveller: Travel agent:
Traveller: Travel agent: Traveller: Travel agent:
4 Two and a half hours
Good morning sir, how can I help you? Hello. I need to go to Rome tomorrow. OK, no problem. What time do you want to go? I have to be in Rome at midday. OK, twelve o'clock midday. Do you want to go by train from St Pancras? You have to change in Brussels. The train leaves at 17:00 p.m. and arrives in Rome at 08:00 a.m. No, that's a very long journey. I have to go by plane. OK. There's a flight from London Heathrow to Rome at 6:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m.?! What time do I have to check in? You can check-in online or at the check-in desk from 3:30 a.m. You have to check-in two hours before the flight leaves. OK. How long is the flight? The flight is two and a half hours. Are you travelling with any baggage, sir? Yes, of course. Baggage allowance is 20kg but there is a charge of £15 per bag.
Activity 8 2 3 1
Activity 4 1 are you going 2 Do you enjoy 3 do you travel 4 Do you ever go by car? 5 Are you working 6 do you usually go 7 do you usually take 8 do you do
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 3 1d 2e
Activity 6 1 did you arrive 2 did you catch 3 did you fly 4 Did you have 5 did you do 6 did you stay 7 Did you book
52 Yes, I often fly. What do I do when I get to the airport? Well, nowadays, I check-in online before I go, so I don't need to do this when I get there. I confirm my seat and print my boarding pass. I usually do this the day before I travel. Then, when I get to the airport, I always go directly to the checkin desk and I check-in my baggage. These days you have to pay for baggage so I travel light – I only take a small bag because it costs more money if you take two bags. Often I just take hand luggage, so I don't have to check-in. It's great! What do I do after check-in? Er … I usually buy a coffee and a newspaper and go to the departure lounge. I wait there until it's time to board the plane. And when I'm on the plane, I sit down, fasten my seatbelt and sleep.
Activity 2 d, e, b, a, c
51 aeroplane, airport, baggage, hand baggage, baggage claim, board the plane, boarding pass, check-in desk, departures lounge, passport control, gate, seat belt.
55 1 Do you usually go by train? 2 When are they leaving? 3 What time did they arrive? 4 Are you enjoying your flight? 5 Does she like driving? 6 Why did you want to fly? 7 Have you got any baggage? 8 Can I take my laptop? Activity 9 Student's own answers. Activity 10 Student's own answers. Activity 11 1 Student's own answers. 2 Student's own answers. 3 do you want 4 Student's own answers. 5 Student's own answers. 6 Did you have 7 Student's own answers. 8 Student's own answers. 9 Student's own answers. 10 Student's own answers. 11 Student's own answers. 12 Do you want 13 Do you know 14 Student's own answers. Activity 12 Student's own answers.
Have you got your boarding pass? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 Student's own answers.
Activity 3 Student's own answers. Activity 4 1✗ 2✓ 3✓ Activity 5 1d 2c 3d
58 1 Did you take the job in Germany? 2 They lost their luggage yesterday. 3 Do you usually take hand baggage? 4 The journey to Yucatán is 4 hours.
Activity 3 1 a timetable 2 a platform 3 a carriage 5 an aisle seat 6 a direct train
Activity 6 1 It leaves at 23:45. 2 She wants a First Class ticket. 3 She wants a window seat. 4 The check-in is at 21:45.
Activity 4 1 A Does the train leave this morning? B Yes, there is a train every hour. 2 A How often do trains go to Paris? B They leave twice a day. 3 A When was the direct train to Oxford? B The direct train leaves once an hour. 4 A Is there a train to Liverpool today? B Yes, there is one every two hours. 5 A How often were there flights to Seville? B There were flights to Seville twice a week. 6 A Do you want to travel tonight? B No, I prefer to travel in the morning.
Activity 7 4 Activity 8 Student's own answers.
reading Activity 1 Student's own answers.
Activity 5
Student's own answers.
Activity 2 1 All trains leave from Mexico City. 2 Not everyday, there are no trains on Sunday. 3 On Wednesday. 4 Tourists.
CONSOLIDATION Activity 1 1 c 2 Student's own answers.
Activity 3 1 ✗ Only from Monday to Friday. 2✓ 3✓ 4 ✗ There are window and aisle seats. 5 ✗ On Wednesday. 6✓ 7 ✗ The train is always very busy. 8 ✗ You can buy it at any Mexican ticket office, at the railway station or online. 9 ✓ 10 ✓ Activity 4 1 one-way 2 baggage 6 ticket office
3 reserve
4 window
5 an aisle seat
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 Student's own answers. 57 [/dj/] journey baggage job luggage Germany Japan [/j/] year you yet yesterday young usually Activity 2 Student's own answers.
4 a travel card
Activity 2 1✓ 2 ✗ On Thursday or Friday. 3 ✗ The budget is £500 per person. 4✓ Activity 3 1 There are three flights. 2 Flights on Saturday and Sunday. 3 A double room cost £90. 4 The Hotel Inter. 5 Twice a day at 10:00 and 14:00. 6 In the Old Town. There are restaurants on Stortorget Street. Activity 4 1 At three o'clock. 2 Because she was in bed at the moment. 3 He plans to eat breakfast at the hotel. 4 He booked a double room for Jen and Katie and a single room for him. 59 Rich: Hi Jen! Jen: What time is it? Rich: It's three o'clock. Did you read my email? Jen: Oh, no, sorry. I'm in bed at the moment. I'm not usually
Answer key on my computer in the middle of the night. rich: No problem. I'm organising our trip to Stockholm. Jen: OK. rich: Look, flights to Stockholm go every hour on Monday to Friday so we can go any day. How about Friday? Jen: OK, yes, that's great. rich: How do you feel about a boat trip around the archipelago? It sounds really interesting. Jen: But we don't speak Swedish. rich: That's OK, there's an English tour three times a week, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays so I can make a reservation for Saturday evening. Jen: Do we eat in the hotel or go out? rich: Don't worry, Jen. We can eat breakfast at the hotel. There are lots of great places to eat so we can book a five star restaurant for Sunday lunch. Jen: Thanks Rich. What about hotel rooms? rich: I can book a double room for you and Katie and a single room for me. Is that OK? Jen: That's great. See you this afternoon. Goodnight! rich: OK, I'm reserving the flights now. Activity 5 1 every 2 boat 3 three book 6 lunch 7 double
4 book / reservation 8 single
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 1 1 ticket, travel agency 2 check-in desk, baggage 3 gate 4 departure lounge, boarding pass 5 seatbelt, take off 6 baggage claim
Activity 4 Student's own answers. Activity 5 Student's own answers.
UNIT 6. FASHION: SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES What a lovely necklace! Activity 1 1 Student's own answers. 2a6 b4 c3 d2 e5
Activity 2 Student's own answers.
Activity 3 1 Do you prefer flying or travelling by train? 2 Where did they go on holiday last year? 3 How did he travel there? 4 How often do trains leave for London? 5 Did you book the tickets online? 6 When does the next flight go to Madrid? 7 Did you confirm your booking?
60 Hi, Brenda, it's me, Wendy. Listen, I want to organise a weekend trip to Barcelona but I'm not sure what to do. We can fly or take the train. There are lots of flights. There's a flight every hour I think.The trains don't go very often.They leave once a day. The train takes eight hours and you go overnight. I love trains though. Can I book a sleeper car? Tell me what you think. Train tickets are £150. Flight tickets are cheap, £100, but you don't have a baggage allowance. You have to pay £20 per bag. My computer isn't working. Can you go online and find out about things to do in Barcelona? I know there's a market in the Ramblas. Is it open every day or is it just twice a week? Are there any good restaurants? Is there an English tour of the city? How often does it go? I want to make a reservation tonight. Can you call me in the afternoon? I'm very excited! Talk soon! Bye!
5 reserve /
Activity 6 They ate breakfast in the hotel and then went to the open-air museum in the morning. They had lunch in a 5 star restaurant. In the afternoon, they went shopping.
Activity 2 1 booked 2 return 3 window 4 platform 6 timetable 7 journey 8 sightseeing
Activity 6 1 weekend 2 train 3 every hour 4 once 5 book 6 150 7 100 8 20 9 every 10 twice 11 reservation 12 afternoon
5 direct
Activity 3 1 They don't have any clothes. They lost their suitcase. 2 They want to get them out for dinner. Activity 4 1 In a flight to Australia. 2 For a celebrity dinner. / Because they are going to have a celebrity dinner. 3 Because it's red. 4 She bought an old-fashioned dress and he bought a classic dinner suit. Activity 5 Student's own answers.
reADIng Activity 1 a suit b high-heeled shoe c dress f bra g knickers h slippers
d waistcoat
e shirt
Activity 2 1 Scott Gasper is a personal shopper. 2 Yes, he loves his job because he goes shopping every day.
Activity 3 1 Peter Scotland Adams Activity 4 1✗ 2 ✗ 3 ✗
2 Ryan Norris
Activity 5 1c 2e 3f 4a 5b 1 tight 2 smart 3 casual
3 Chuck Jackson
4 Clarke
6d 4 long
5 fashionable
6 large
lANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 62 [/s/] sit [/ʃɒ/] shop [/tʃ/] change
Have they got a medium pair? Scott: OK. Now, boots for Erica and a shirt for Matilda. I like those brown boots. They're very fashionable. They're leather too. Petra: Great! Scott: Finally, a shirt for Matilda. I like the pink, cotton one but it's very loose. It's extra large, so no to the pink shirt. Right, this shirt is perfect. It's white and it's cotton and I'm buying it right now! Activity 6 Erica: a, b, h Activity 7 1 the , the, the
suit English chair
sock shoe cheap
size dress lots
shoe shirt Spanish cashier sure
cheap catch match
6 woollen
Activity 4 try, suits, fit, fits Activity 5 2 leather jacket 3 woollen dress boots 6 cotton shirt
3 more casual
3 - , the, the
4 darker
5 tighter
Activity 9 Shorts, tights, a shirt, boots
Activity 3 1 leather 2 denim 3 shoes 4 cotton 5 shorts 7 earrings 8 necklace 9 handbag 10 coat
4 green jeans
5 brown
64 Scott: OK, here I am in Macy's with my assistant Petra. This is a great store for lots of different clothes. Petra: What are we shopping for today, Scott? Scott : Today we're shopping for two clients. Matilda Swanson is a singer and she wants some jeans, a shirt and a new coat. Erica Jones works in marketing and she needs a jacket, a dress and boots. Easy! Petra: I'm looking at coats and jackets now. Look at these. Here's a long coat for Matilda and a beautiful jacket for Erica. The jacket is leather. Scott: They're great. Now, what about a dress for Erica? There's a blue dress and a white dress. The white dress is size medium so perhaps it's too long. I'll buy the blue dress, it's woollen and the size is right - small. Petra: Just a minute, Scott, those are great jeans. They're green – Matilda's favourite colour. Let's buy those!
2 - , - , the, the, the
Activity 8 1 smaller 2 longer 6 more expensive
Activity 2
63 size shoe cheap dress sure match lots
Matilda: c, e, f
65 Paul: Oh, look at these jeans. Let's buy these for Bethany! Liz: Paul, they're too expensive! What do you think of this sweatshirt? Paul: It's quite tight! But she likes that. Also, it's a great colour and it's cheaper than the jeans. Liz: OK, let's get the sweatshirt. Paul: No, just a minute, what about these shorts? They're tighter than the jeans! Are they OK? Liz: They're brilliant! OK, no to the jeans and the sweatshirt, let's buy the shorts. Paul: Wait a minute. Do you like that waistcoat? And what about the red tights? Liz: I love the waistcoat but it's a bit formal. The sweatshirt's more fashionable. Paul: You're right. Liz: The red tights are lovely … but red doesn't suit her. Trust me Paul, black tights are better. Buy the black tights! Paul: Do you like the black bra and knickers over there? Liz: Yes, they're lovely but the white underwear's prettier. Let's not buy them. Oooh, I like this shirt. I know Bethany doesn't usually wear shirts but this one's quite loose and the shorts are tight. That's a great look! Paul: Boots? Or sandals? Liz: The black boots are just amazing. But boots are always expensive. Paul: No, these are cheaper than the sandals because they're on sale. 40% off! Cool! Activity 10 1 more expensive 2 looser 3 better 4 more casual 5 cheaper Activity 11 2 These trousers aren't long enough. 3 The shoes are too tight. 4 It's not big enough.
Answer key 5 It's not cheap enough. 6 It's too expensive. 7 It's big enough.
Activity 4 1 Ginza 2 Fifth Avenue 3 Oxford Street 4 Rodeo Drive 5 Strøget
Activity 12 1 She always wears trainers. 2 She never wears skirts or shorts or tights. 3 She buys new jeans or sandals once or twice a year. 4 Because they are more formal than T-shirts. 5 Casual and relaxed.
Activity 5 1 stylish 2 pedestrian
I like to look my best
Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 Student's own answers. 1b 2c 3a Activity 4 1 Because they're too busy or they're too famous or sometimes they don't have the confidence to go shopping and pick out the things they really want. 2 You need to have people skills. You need to know what clients want. You need to know what are in the shops and what's going to make clients happy. 3 Because she can go shopping every day.
Activity 6 1 He's wearing a suit, a blue shirt, a tie, a waistcoat, shoes and a hat. 2 He's going to the shop. Activity 7 At Christmas. Activity 8 Student's own answers.
reADIng Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1d 2e
Activity 3 1b 2c
Activity 1
2 You look just amazing! 4 How nice!
Activity 2 1 What a brilliant T-shirt! 2 How lovely! 3 You look lovely in that dress. 4 What fashionable shoes! 5 That's a great top! 6 What an amazing dress 7 What a smart suit! 8 Those jeans are very tight!
Activity 1 Student's own answers.
4 bargain
67 1 What a wonderful dress! 3 What interesting trousers!
Activity 13 Student's own answers.
Activity 5 1b 2e
3 fitting room
68 1 What a brilliant T-shirt! 3 You look lovely in that dress. 5 That's a great top! 7 What a smart suit! Activity 3 1 great 2 lovely
3 cool
2 How lovely! 4 What fashionable shoes! 6 What an amazing dress! 8 Those jeans are very tight!
4 amazing
5 wonderful
6 nice
69 Martha: Hi David! You look great! David: Thanks Martha, that's very kind. Of course, you always look lovely too! Martha: Thank you, David. What a cool shirt. Where did you buy it? David: I bought it in Milan. The clothes there are amazing! Martha: How wonderful! Yes, the shops there are fantastic. David: Well, Martha, your dress is very nice. Martha: Thank you. I love it. I bought it in New York. Activity 4 Student's own answers. Activity 5 1 smallest 2 biggest 3 most expensive 4 most beautiful 5 longest Activity 6 1 more fashionable 2 more practical 3 cheapest 4 longest 5 cooler Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 1 Student's own answers.
Activity 1 1 jeans 2 knickers 3 jacket 4 trainers 5 cardigan 6 coat 7 shorts
Activity 2 1 She likes wearing the latest fashion. 2 Yes, because she looks good in them. 3 She doesn't go shopping very often.
Activity 2 1 high-heeled shoes 2 necklace 5 waistcoat 6 tights
Activity 3 1c 2a
Activity 3 1 the 2 -
Activity 4 Student's own answers. Activity 5 Steve: 3, 4, 5
Linda: 7, 9
70 Steve: Hi Linda. What's in your bag? Linda: Hi Steve. I bought lots of clothes for Hope's party. What did you buy? Steve: I bought clothes for the party and some other things. Let's have a look. Linda: OK. There's this. Steve: Oh, that's a nice red sweatshirt. I like red. It's a better colour than mine. Linda: Yes. I looked at a blue sweatshirt but it was too small. This one's bigger. Steve: I tried a suit but it wasn't big enough so I bought a jacket and trousers. Linda: Did you buy shoes? Steve: Well, no, I got these. They're more informal. Do you like them? Linda: Oh, they're brilliant! I love sandals. Steve: Thanks. Is that a new handbag? Linda: No, but these earrings are new. They were cheaper than any of the others so I bought them. Steve: They're lovely. Do you always wear earrings? Linda: Yes, and they're lighter than my old ones. Did you buy that shirt? Steve: Yes, it's more formal than a T-shirt but I like it. Linda: How lovely. It's really great … Activity 6 1✓ 2✓ 3 ✗ Steve bought sandals because he likes more informal clothes. 4 ✗ Linda's earrings were very cheap. 5 ✗ Steve bought a formal shirt. Activity 7 1 Because the guests could wear their favourite clothes. 2 It was his favourite shorts and pink shirt, with trainers. 3 She bought a scarf and earrings.
4 the
5 the
3 earrings
4 bra
6 the
Activity 4 1 biggest 2 more casual 3 smaller 4 cheaper fashionable 6 more expensive 7 more formal
5 most
Activity 5 2 It's not cheap enough. 3 It's too short. 4 It's too casual 5 They're not loose enough. 6 They're too old-fashioned. Activity 6 1 Danny is talking about a dinner party. 2 He's going with his boss and the company director. 3 He wants to wear more formal clothes. 4 Jeans, shirt, waistcoat and shoes. 71 Chris: OK, Danny, you need clothes for a dinner party, right? Danny: Well, yes but it's a dinner party with my boss and the company director. Chris: So, it's formal. Do you want to wear a suit – trousers and a jacket? Danny: I'm not sure. My boss is more informal. He usually wears jeans and a jacket. Chris: No problem. What about these jeans? They're a designer label and they fit. Danny: Nice! They are the best jeans in the shop. What about a sweatshirt? Chris: Oh, no! You need a shirt. Jeans are more informal so a good shirt makes you look smarter and just a bit more formal. Danny: I see. Jeans, shirt … Chris: Yes, and a waistcoat. What about this one? Danny: What a great waistcoat! I love it. And shoes. Or what about boots? Chris: Let me see. Shoes are better than boots because they're more formal. Look these are lovely. Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 8 Student's own answers.
Answer key Activity 3
3 ✓
They are as friendly as us
have good manners
Activity 1 1 Student's own answers. 2 Student's own answers.
Activity 2 1 Because his neighbour is cutting the grass. It's too noisy. 2 Because Frank Sinatra is the best singer for him.
Activity 3 11 22
have bad manners
Activity 4 They both like Frank Sinatra.
Activity 4 a3 b1
Activity 5 Student's own answers.
75 rod ellis:
Activity 2
The girl at number 4 is a nurse and she works full time. She's a gentle person. She's quiet but she's very nice and so is her daughter. The kid can be a bit noisy sometimes, but I just turn my music up loud and play video games. I hardly ever talk to the neighbours. They're less interesting than my friends or my car. Bill evans: The lady at number 2 is a widow. She's a very kind, polite lady. However, she does have a lot of cats and they're as messy as … well, as a lot of cats. I play cricket in the garden with my two sons and we often have to clean up the garden. She also plays the piano very badly. The kids love her and I think she teaches them some good manners … sometimes! Sally Cookson: I'm a single parent. My husband left 4 years ago and we're divorced. My daughter Maisy is 10 and she's almost as tall as me! I work full time as a nurse so it's impossible to meet new people. I don't see my next door neighbour very often. He's single. He's quite rude and not very friendly. He often plays loud music ... He's always having parties and making a noise. elsie Trotter: I like my neighbours at number one. Their children are nice and polite, although they once broke my back window with a cricket ball. Their dog, Bones, is lovely but he isn't very friendly with my cats. The man at number 3 is single and he drives a very big sports car. He often plays loud music and has noisy parties with his friends. He's less friendly than Bill and his family.
74 computer about mother polite
Activity 5 1 Rod Ellis 5 Rod Ellis
Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 d Activity 3 Student's own answers. Activity 4 Student's own answers. Activity 5 1a 2b
Activity 6 a4 b2
LAngUAge STUDY Activity 1 pensioner sociable parent Manners inspector annoyed preposition El sonido está en una sílaba no acentuada. 73 pensioner sociable parent manners inspector annoyed preposition
Activity 6 1✓ 2✗
2 Sally Cookson 6 Bill Evans
3 Bill Evans
4 Elsie Trotter
4 ✗, ✓
76 Conversation 1 Rod: Bill, have you seen my new car? It's very fast. It's a sports car you know! Bill: Really? I love cars. Conversation 2 Elsie: One of my cats isn't eating properly at the moment, Rod. Rod: Really? Well, I can't really help you, I'm afraid. I don't know much about cats. Conversation 3 Sally: Elsie, guess what? I met a lovely man last night at work. Elsie: Really? That's nice. Sally: Yes. His name's Russell. Conversation 4 Sally: Is this yours, Rod? I found it in the street. Rod: Really? What is it? Sally: It's a wallet. It's got £100 in it. Rod: Really? Can I have a look at it? Activity 7 1 5, 1, 6, 2, 4, 3 2 6, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 3 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 5 77 1 Joel: The people in the flat upstairs are really noisy. Keith: Really? Joel: Yes, they had a party last night. Keith: What time did it finish? Joel: 5 a.m. I saw them this morning and they didn't apologise. Keith: Oh, no! That's so rude! 2 Sophie: My neighbour is lovely. Darrell: Really? Why do you like him? Sophie: Because he's always really helpful. Darrell: Really? What does he do? Sophie: Well, he always cuts my grass. But he's not very well at the moment. Darrell: I'm sorry to hear that. 3 Andrea: My neighbours think I'm unsociable. Richard: Really? I'm sorry to hear that. Andrea: I'm not unsociable. I just work a lot. Richard: So you don't have much time. Andrea: No, that's right. Richard: Well, don't worry. You're not a bad neighbour. You're not rude or noisy. Andrea: No, I suppose not. Activity 8 Student's own answers. Activity 9 Example answer:
Mr Binks is a pensioner. He owns a noisy dog. Mr Binks coughs all the time. He's unfriendly. He lives in the apartment upstairs. Aaron and Brittany Shaw are a married couple and they've got a one-year-old baby. They argue a lot, but they are very sociable. They live next door. Jess Watts is single and has good manners – she always says hello. She's quiet. She's a doctor and works a lot. She lives in the apartment downstairs. Let me know your news soon. All the best, Activity 10 Student's own answers.
Can you understand me? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 Activity 3 Student's own answers. Activity 4 1 They are sisters. 2 The have a garden to connect each house. They built a corridor to link the houses. 3 They look after each other's house when people go away for holidays. 4 Carola thinks it's important to be sensitive and communicative to be a good neighbour. Activity 5 1a 2d
Activity 6 1c 2b
Activity 7 1 ✗ They moved in this afternoon. 2 ✗ Ben thinks they are cool and funny. 3 ✗ Samantha works as a publicist. 4✓ Activity 8 Student's own answers.
reading Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 a Activity 3 Adecuados: weather, paying compliments, news, sport No adecuados: religion, salaries
Answer key Activity 4 1✓ 2 ✗ Some people are natural small talkers. Other people find it more difficult. 3✓ 4 ✗ Men like to talk about sports news. 5✓ 6✓
2 Gardening is less interesting than listening to classical music. 3 The countryside isn't / is not as busy as the town. 4 Collecting stamps isn't / is not as sociable as going to parties. 5 Golf isn't / is not as difficult as yoga. 6 Spanish food isn't / is not as hot as Indian food. Activity 5 1 neighbours 2 noise 3 Parties 4 quiet 5 sociable 6 loud
Activity 5 Paragraph 1 a Get on with b Rude Paragraph 2 a Discuss b Be offended Paragraph 3 a Salaries b Pay a compliment
Activity 6 Student's own answers.
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 1
79 The house is as pretty as a picture. My daughter is as quiet as a mouse. He's less interesting than his wife. They're less noisy than us.
Activity 1 Student's own answers.
Activity 2 1 They're as old as us. 2 He's less stylish than her. 3 Their dog isn't as friendly as our dog. 4 They're less sociable than us.
Activity 3 Student's own answers.
80 1 They're as old as us. 2 He's less stylish than her. 3 Their dog isn't as friendly as our dog. 4 They're less sociable than us.
Activity 5 unsociable
Activity 3 1 as rude as 2 as friendly as 3 as quiet as 5 as helpful as 6 not as tolerant as
Activity 2 b, d, e
Activity 4 Student's own answers.
4 not as noisy as
81 Milo: Hi Dawn! How are you? Dawn: Oh, hi, Milo. Not bad, but I'm really fed up with my new neighbours. They're as rude as your neighbour, Mr Pipstock! Milo: Oh, dear. Well we all know about him. I'm always as friendly as I can be to him, but he's so moody! Dawn: I know. But at least he isn't noisy. Milo: No, that's true. He's as quiet as a mouse. Are your new neighbours noisy then? Dawn: Well, they're less noisy than the old neighbours, but they're not exactly quiet! Milo: Did you help them move in? Dawn: Yes. I was as helpful as possible, and they were still rude. Milo: Well, try to be patient. Maybe they are just shy. Dawn: I do try, but I'm less tolerant than you. Activity 4 Example answers:
82 Simon: OK, good evening and welcome to the Happy House Residents' Association meeting. Sorry, John, do you want to say a few words? John: Yes, I do. I always try to be polite but the Arnolds are terrible. They are less sociable than any of the other people in this apartment block. Kate: I agree with John. They have wild parties every week and they're noisy … Fran: And the kids are rude all the time. In fact, the parents are as rude as the kids and they never smile. John: That's right, Fran. And their daughter, Jolene, always invites her friends to the apartment. Kate: Yes. Sometimes they're as noisy as elephants. Fran: Their music is really bad. John: The wife is very moody. She never speaks to me. I'm as friendly as I can be. I always say hello and she doesn't reply. Simon: Really? Fran: Mrs Arnold works in a supermarket. She never smiles. She's rude, unsociable and unfriendly! Simon: Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear that. But I do feel a bit sorry for her. She has to live with her husband and those horrible children. We don't! John: That's true. Actually their son, Josh, isn't as rude as the rest of the family. He sometimes smiles! Kate: Sometimes, but he's less sociable than us. And he's got that terrible dog. You have to talk to them, Simon.
Simon: Well, I wrote them a letter last week. Let's see … John: Yes, you did and I heard them arguing about it. They threw it in the rubbish bin. They aren't good neighbours. Simon: OK, why don't I speak to them as soon as possible ….
Activity 6 a✓ b ✗ Jolene always invites her friends to the apartment. c ✗ Their music is really bad. d ✗ Mrs Arnold works in a supermarket. e✓ f ✗ John got a terrible dog.
What are your New Year's resolutions? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 He is going to a pub (The Woodman) tonight. 2 He is going to change jobs. He is very bored of work. He's going to do some exercise and try to lose weight. He wants to get some time off and he wants to travel.
Activity 7 Student's own answers. Activity 8 Student's own answers.
Activity 3
SELF TEST Activity 1 1 helpful 2 sociable Activity 2 1e 2c
parents argue a lot. Mrs Winter lives in apartment 7. She's a single mum and has got a 17-year-old daughter. She is quiet and friendly and is always polite and helpful. Jim
Tom 3 polite
4 noisy
5 moody
6 rude
Activity 3 1 as quiet as 2 not as old as 3 not as cold as than 5 less sociable 6 as delicious as Activity 4 1 noisy 2 no 3 argue 7 Really 8 feel
5 hear
6 argument
83 A: Did you hear the wild party at number 10 last night? B: Yes, but it wasn't as noisy as last week. A: No, that's true. Those people have got really bad manners. B: Well, the daughter is quite polite. A: Well, I suppose she's less rude than her brother. B: And her mum's always friendly. A:The dad isn't. He's less sociable than a bear with a toothache! He never does any work in the house. B: He works long hours. It's not always easy to be helpful. A: I suppose you're right. Maybe they're OK ... Activity 6 Example answer: Hi Annika, Mr Johnson lives in apartment 5. He's a pensioner and has got two noisy dogs. He is unfriendly and is a widower. The Trapp family live in apartment 5. They've got six children under 12 years old. They / The children play loud music and the
Hannah Guy ✓
go to the pub
visit Trafalgar Square
go on a date 4 less polite
Activity 5 1 wild, 2 noisy, 3 bad, 4 polite, 5 rude, 6 friendly, 7 sociable, 8 helpful
watch a DVD
go to bed early do some work
4 sorry
Activity 4 learn Spanish: Ian start a new hobby (photography): Wendy, Guy do some exercise: Guy go on holiday: Wendy, Ian lose some weight: Guy get married: Guy stop biting nails: Hannah stop wasting money: Hannah get a new job: Guy buy a pet: nobody Activity 5 Student's own answers.
READING Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1b 2a Activity 3 1 Raymond and Martha. 2 David.
Answer key 3 They are taking their family to London for the weekend. 4 They are going to start a new business together. 5 Dave is growing a beard and Joanna is getting a new haircut. 6 All their friends and family
Activity 4 1 Book 2 throw away
Chandler: 3 buy
4 start
5 save
Chandler: ricardo:
6 give up ricardo: Chandler:
LAngUAge STUDY Activity 1 85 cat
ricardo: Chandler: cut
86 car plan party
Activity 2 /æ /
cat, plan, family, bad, relax
love, but, study
father, party, car
Activity 3 1 am going 2 are visiting 3 am competing 4 are we meeting 5 are catching 6 are having 7 are you spending 8 am staying 9 am watching 10 is taking 11 is sitting Activity 4 1 On Monday at 11 o'clock, Pilar is playing tennis. 2 On Tuesday at 7 a.m., Pilar is having coffee with Ginny. 3 On Wednesday at 8:30 p.m., Pilar is going swimming. 4 On Thursday, Pilar is not doing anything. 5 On Friday at 8 p.m., Pilar is going to the theatre with Simon. 6 On Saturday at 11:30 p.m., Pilar is flying to Rome. Activity 5 1 Conference call to 2 1 3 Running 4 4 5 Meeting 6 8 p.m. 7 Going out to dinner 8 7 p.m. 9 Paris 87 ricardo: Chandler: ricardo: Chandler: ricardo: Chandler:
ricardo: Chandler: ricardo: Chandler:
Good morning, Chandler. Monday's here again! What's happening this week? Hello, Ricardo. Why don't I start with the most important things first? Good idea. I know I'm going out to dinner with Teresa on Thursday evening. That's correct. At 8 p.m. It's your wedding anniversary. Now, what am I doing today? Well, it's 8 a.m. now and you're making a conference call to Madrid at 9 a.m. to discuss the new contract. Then you're having lunch with Ben James at 1 p.m. OK. He's showing me some new computer software. Anymore? No, that's it for Monday. On Tuesday you're running with Charlie Farmer. That's at 7 a.m. 7 a.m.?! OK. Is that too early?
No, 7 a.m. is good. Charlie's running a marathon next week. When am I meeting with Simon Lock? That's on Wednesday, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 3 p.m. Wednesday. Good. Thanks. He's organising a meeting with some Chinese businessmen. On Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. you're talking to Business TV about your new business plan for Brazil. No problem. Is that all? That's it. You're not working on Friday, remember? You're travelling to Paris with your family. Of course! Brilliant. What time are we leaving? You're catching the Eurostar at 7 p.m.You're meeting Teresa and the children at St Pancras station. You're staying in Paris on Friday night and then going to Disneyland at 2 p.m. on Saturday.
Activity 6 1a 2b
Activity 7 1 am going to the gym 4 we are playing tennis
2 are buying a car 3 having dinner 5 are going to the pub
Activity 8 Student's own answers. Activity 9 Student's own answers. Activity 10 1 are you walking 2 am 3 am meeting 4 am driving 5 Do you want 6 are you going 7 am picking up 8 finishes 9 visit 10 is not 11 is spending 12 are you doing 13 are going 14 am going 15 is / are playing 16 are having
What are you doing this weekend? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 diary 2 social networking site 3 mobile phone calendar 4 Microsoft office planner 5 wall calendar Activity 3 1 b 2 a, c Activity 4 3 Activity 5 No more video games, keep bedroom tidy, get up early, get a haircut, get a new girlfriend, stop smoking. Activity 6 3, 5, 6 Activity 7 Student's own answers.
READING Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 Suzanne: save money, stay at home, buy a house. John: do more housework, do the hoovering and cleaning, do the washing and the ironing. Rachel: get fit, join a health club, walk to work. Simon: learn a new language, spend less time watching TV, do more exercise, give up fast food. Activity 3 1 Not always. 2 To choose important resolutions that are not impossible to keep. 3 Buying clothes. 4 She wants to buy a house one day. 5 Because he has a baby and he wants to help his wife. 6 He is going to do the washing and the ironing. 7 Fast food. Activity 4 a7 b5
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 89 How Few Now Know
How did you find me? How are you, Pete? A few days ago. A few hours ago. Now stop talking. Now eat your lunch. Do you know the time? Do you know a café near hear?
Activity 2 1 We flew over to Paris last weekend. 2 Now is the time to decide. 3 I want a few ideas. 4 How easy is it to stop smoking? 5 Do you know the way to the library? 6 Blow on your cup of tea; it's hot. 90 1 We flew over to Paris last weekend. 2 Now is the time to decide. 3 I want a few ideas. 4 How easy is it to stop smoking? 5 Do you know the way to the library? 6 Blow on your cup of tea; it's hot. Activity 3 2 They're / They are not going to eat lunch. 3 Are you going to change jobs? 4 I'm / I am going to travel around the world. 5 Is she going to look for a boyfriend? 6 He's / He is not going to stay up late. Activity 4 1 I'm / I am going to give up
2 That's / That is going to be 3 I'm / I am going to do 4 Are you going to join 5 I'm / I am not going to stop 6 going to give up 7 are you doing 8 I'm meeting 9 we're walking Activity 5 1 biting my nails 2 smoking 3 eating fast food 4 spending so much time watching TV 5 shopping 6 drinking alcohol 91 1 Gill: I'm going to stop biting my nails when I'm nervous. 2 Ryan: This year I'm going to give up smoking. I have to do it because it's good for my health. I always have a cough and I can't run without getting out of breath. 3 Maurice: I love hamburgers, but I'm putting on weight. This year I'm going to stop eating fast food. 4 Jimmy: My friends always tell me I'm very unsociable. They say I have to stop spending so much time watching TV. 5 Gemma: I'm going to give up shopping because I waste so much on clothes. 6 Tess: I don't feel good. I'm always ill. I'm going to give up drinking alcohol. Activity 6 Student's own answers.
CONSOLIDATION Activity 1 1 Maria 2 Xavier Activity 2 1✗ 2✗
3 Desmond
4 Olive
Activity 3 Student's own answers. Activity 4 Message 1 London, train, 4 p.m. Message 2 Brussels, Paris Message 3 Welcome Hotel, United Hotel, Monday, 2 p.m. 92 Message 1 Hello there, this is Sandra from TopFlight Travel on High Street. I'm calling about your travel arrangements for this weekend. You wanted tickets for the 5 p.m. flight from Manchester. I'm sorry to say my colleague made a mistake. You're now leaving by train from London at 4 p.m. I hope that's OK. Thanks, goodbye. Message 2 Oh, hello again. Sorry, I forgot to tell you, you're arriving in Brussels at 8 p.m. and then you're travelling to Paris. Bye! Message 3 Hello, it's me, Sandra, from TopFlight Travel. I know you wanted us to book the Continental Hotel but it's full. So, you're staying
Answer key at the Welcome Hotel on Friday night and then you're moving to the United Hotel for 2 nights, Saturday and Sunday. Then you're flying back on Monday at 2 p.m. Thanks again.
Activity 4 1 are you doing 2 am going 3 Are you going 5 are you watching 6 don't know 7 is 8 is
Activity 5 1 Rome. 2 His girlfriend. 3 On Thursday night. 4 Christmas time. 5 Chris is going to go for a walk and to think about when to have a party.
Activity 5 1 'm working 2 I'm taking 3 'm meeting 4 're flying 5 make 6 'm going to give up 7 biting 8 're doing 9 'm going to visit
93 natalie: So, when are we going to have a party? Andy: I don't know. It's going to be Blake's birthday next month. Is he going to have a party? Chris: No. He's visiting Rome for the weekend. natalie: Really? Who's he going with? Chris: He's taking his girlfriend. Andy: Oh. So when are we going to have a party? natalie: What about having a dinner party on Friday night? Chris: No. I'm cooking dinner on Thursday night for Anna so I'm not making dinner again on Friday. Andy: Jean and Mick are going to organise a Christmas party at work. natalie: Yes but that's at work. I want a party with friends. Andy: What about having one this weekend? Chris: I can't. I'm going to go to my mum's place this weekend. We're going walking. natalie: And he's going to think about when to have a party. Andy: Exactly!
4 are having
Activity 6 Student's own answers.
UNIT 9. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENTS I've done it my way Activity 1 Student's own answers Activity 2 1 Erin goes on holiday to Cornwall. 2 Sharon has been married 3 times. Activity 3 1 a, e 2 e, g Activity 4 1b 2b
3 f, d, g
4 a, b, c, d
Activity 5 Student's own answers.
reADIng Activity 6 Student's own answers.
Activity 1 Student's own answers.
Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 2 a F. Adrià
Activity 8 Student's own answers.
Activity 3 1 ✗ He's walked across Antarctica. 2 ✗ He's had a job as a dishwasher. 3 ✗ Oscar Pistorius has played water polo. 4✓
SeLF TeST Activity 1 1b 2f 3e
c R. Fiennes
d O. Pistorius
Activity 2 a are going to buy a pet. b is going to lose weight. c is going to start a hobby. d is going to get fit. e is going to stop biting her fingernails. f is going to stop wasting time. g is going to learn a language. Activity 3 1 am going to stop 2 am going 3 Are you going 4 is going to learn 5 is not going to give it up 6 am going to stop
b P. Cruz
Activity 4 1 He's worked as a chef, dishwasher, writer and a cook in the Spanish army. 2 He's walked across Antarctica, he's run seven marathons in seven days on seven continents, and he's been to the top of Mount Everest. 3 They've both done work for charity. Activity 5 1 careers 2 have achieved Activity 6 1c 2e
3 amazing
4 charity
6 Have you ever made your dreams come true?
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 95 [/w/] worried when twice sweatshirt always once wonderful [/g/] get degree angry grammar luggage handbag guest
Activity 7 Student's own answers. waste leg
white cigarette
Activity 9 1 five 2 three 7 Spain
Activity 2 96 1 He's never worried about studying grammar. 2 Where did you get your degree? 3 They've got a divorce. She's very angry. 4 I've lost my luggage and my handbag. Activity 3 1 lived 2 met 3 done 7 worked / been 8 had Activity 4 1 haven't met 6 have flown
Activity 8 Student's own answers.
4 been 5 been / worked 9 competed 10 written
2 've lived 3 've 4 been 7 have spent
6 won
5 has been married
Activity 5 1 Yes, he was married once. 2 Martin hasn't got any children, but Kelly has got a son from her first marriage. 3 Yes, he has been to university. 4 A bus. 5 Martin has written 4 books. 6 He has sold 8,000 books. 97 Hi, my name's Martin Boyle. I'm going to tell you a little bit about my life. I was married once, but I got divorced in 2003. Now I've got a new partner. We met on holiday in Ibiza in 2006. I haven't got any children, but Kelly has got a son from her first marriage. I left university in 1997 with a degree in sociology. I couldn't find a job so I learned to drive a bus. I got my bus driving licence in 2000. I started to work as a bus driver the same year. I also like writing. I began my first book in 2002 and finished it in 2007. The book sold 1,000 copies in 2007-8. I wrote three more books between 2008 and 2011. All three books have sold 8,000 copies. I started collecting stamps when I was 10. I still collect them. Kelly thinks I'm mad but she likes salsa dancing and I think that's crazy! I have never been to the USA and I've never won a prize in my life. My dream is to be a famous writer and write a best-seller. Activity 6 1 Have you ever been to India? 2 Have you ever eaten hot curry? 3 Have you ever made friends on a social networking site? 4 Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? 5 Have you ever swum with dolphins?
3 2011
4 twenty-nine
5 four
6 Argentina
98 Mark: Ok, Claire, let's see. How many times has he won La Liga, four or five times? Claire: Let's see. He's won it five times, and the Champions League three times. Mark: And how many times has he been La Liga Player of the year? Claire: Lots of times. Let me check. Until now he's been Liga Player of the year in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Mark: How much money has he earned? Has he earned more than 20 million euros? Claire: Well in this football magazine in 2010 it says he earned more than 29 millions. Mark: How many football teams has he played for? Is it three? Claire: No, including Argentina he's played for four teams. Mark: Which countries has he lived in? Claire: Well he was born in Argentina but he moved to Spain in 2000. Mark: Great, thanks, Claire. Activity 10 Has she been to university? How many children has she got? Which magazine has she appeared in? Has she worked after university? Has she studied Law? Has she met the King of Spain? Which towns has she lived in? Has she visited Spain?
Did your dreams come true? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 Student's own answers. Activity 3 1✓ 2✗
Activity 4 1c 2d
Activity 5 1 weightlifter
2 runs every day
3 competitions
4 gym
Answer key Activity 6 b, c, e He's bored with watchingTV, sitting at home and listening to music. Activity 7 Student's own answers.
Activity 5 2 Have you ever drunk French wine / a cocktail / an English beer? 3 Have you ever cooked a curry / Japanese food / an omelette? Student's own answers.
Activity 6 Student's own answers.
Activity 1 Student's own answers.
Activity 2 a3 b5
Activity 1 1 Anna Maiden 2 Anna Maiden and Michel Hilary 3 Elizabeth Silvine and Anna Maiden
Activity 3 1b 2b
Activity 4 1✓ 2✓ 3 ✗ Her professor won a Nobel Prize in 1974. 4 ✗ Anna Paquin, Alicia Keys and Maggie Gyllenhaal all went to Columbia University. 5✓ Activity 5 a scientist b professor e teacher f artist
c film director
d screenwritter
Activity 2 1 retire 2 started my own business 3 run the family business 4 got promoted 5 joined the army 6 owned Activity 3 2 Yes, she has visited the pyramids, Machu Picchu and Mount Everest. 3 No, she's never been married. 4 He has worked in the army and for his father. 5 Yes, he's been married three times. He's had six children. 6 He's retired. 7 No, she's never started her own business. 8 The most important thing she's ever bought is a beautiful cottage in north-west Scotland.
Activity 1 Activity 4 1b 2c
100 1 Have you ever been to China? 2 I've never played basketball. 3 Has she ever been fishing? 4 He's never cooked pasta. Activity 2 101 1 Have they ever been on an aeroplane? 2 She's never started her own business. 3 Has he ever been married? 4 They've never had children. 5 You've never been to Majorca. 6 We've never stayed in an apartment by the beach. Activity 3 1 have you visited 2 've travelled you get 5 went 6 has been Activity 4 1 A did you get B got divorced 2 A Have you ever been B went 3 A have never met B met 4 A Have you ever visited the Kremlin? A went 5 A did Carlos retire B went
3 got divorced
4 did
102 Interviewer: Elizabeth, you've had an interesting life. What's the most memorable thing you've ever done? elizabeth: I've started several businesses, I'm a millionaire and I've travelled the world but the best thing I've ever done is to have my daughter. Rosie was born 20 years ago and she's wonderful! Interviewer: You've travelled a lot. What unusual places have you visited? Apart from Mount Everest and Machu Picchu, of course. elizabeth: Those were unusual, and amazing places! Let me see. I've been to the Artic Circle. And I went to Easter Island the same year, 2006. They were both very unusual places. Interviewer: Final question. On your travels, have you ever eaten any strange or unusual foods? elizabeth: Oh yes! I visited the Amazon forest in 2003. A plate of food arrived and when I looked, I saw that it was a toad with some strange rice and a kind of omelette. It was the worst thing I've ever put in my mouth. Activity 5 Student's own answers.
B have never been
Activity 6 Student's own answers.
SELF TEST Activity 1 1 get married 2 get divorced 3 get a job 5 take part 6 start his own business Activity 2 1 eaten 2 taken 3 started 4 left 1c 2a 3e 4b 5f 6d
4 bring up
5 moved
6 won
Activity 3 1 I've eaten 2 has, won 3 Has, met 4 haven't done 5 Have, gone 6 haven't travelled 7 Have, read 8 Has, stayed Activity 4 Conversation 1: Have you eaten, 've been, ate, did you think Conversation 2: haven't seen, have seen, saw Activity 5 1a✗b✗
103 1 A: Have you been to Europe? B: I went to Paris in 2008, but I've never been back there. Last year we went to Rome on holiday. 2 A: Have you ever been to a tennis tournament? B: I went to the Australian Open for the first time this year. We saw Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova. I've seen Maria Sharapova before at Roland Garros and also at Wimbledon. 3 A: Have you been to the new Sushi bar? B: No, I haven't. A: I really want to try it. I've never eaten sushi before. 4 A:What did you do last weekend? B: We went to our friends' house. They cooked us a lovely curry. They usually cook French food so we were surprised. Activity 6 Student's own answers. Activity 7 Student's own answers.
UNIT 10. LOOKING FOR A JOB How long have you worked in a bar? Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 1 When he was 3 years old.
2 No, he hasn't.
Activity 3 1 French 2 holiday 3 25 4 35 5 French 6 European 7 bar 8 hotel 9 manager 10 winter 11 couples Activity 4 1 ✗ Hannah started working in hotels when she was 21. 2 ✗ Elizabeth's mother is French.
3✓ 4✓ 5 ✗ Guy worked as a manager for a design company for three years. 6 ✗ Guy and Hannah are the best candidates for the job. Activity 5 1 French and Italian 2 hot water and hot food 4 to the cinema, the new James Bond movie
3 smiling face
Activity 6 Student's own answers. Activity 7 Student's own answers.
READING Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 2 Activity 3 1 Samantha Shenton 2 Phillip Shaw 3 Phillip Shaw 4 Ed Meek and Martha Milan 5 Ed thinks that his employees work what they want. They work harder as teleworkers. They finish their work on time. 6 Phillip Shaw Activity 4 1 nine-to-five working day 2 staff 3 I miss my workmates 4 employees 5 boss 6 trust 7 accepted the chance 8 commute 9 work hard Activity 5 Ventajas: Low cost for businesses / companies, Staff are more productive, Less time spent travelling to work, Staff are more motivated, More flexibility for staff, Good for the environment Desventajas: People are distracted at home, You miss your workmates
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 105 [/ju:/] you interview during communication pneumonia music funeral confused vocabulary [/ʊ/] put pudding full-time could notebook shouldn't good look Activity 2 106 1 She's got pneumonia so she couldn't go to the interview. 2 You've confused me. 3 You shouldn't talk during a funeral. 4 His communication skills aren't very good.
Answer key 5 They work full-time in the music business. 6 May I look at your vocabulary notebook? Activity 3 since 1999, for ages, since Christmas, since I left school for 10 minutes, since 9:15, since I was 18, for a thousand years Activity 4 2 has had, for 3 has been, since 4 has owned, since 5 have been, for 6 have lived, since 7 has played, since 8 have studied, for Activity 5 2 How long has Ruth had her driving licence? 3 How long has he been a travel agent? 4 How long has Andrea owned this hotel? 5 How long have Lena and Paul been married? 6 How long have they lived in this house? 7 How long has she played the piano? 8 How long have they studied English? Activity 6 2 working / to work 3 speaking / to speak 5 taking / to take 6 working / to work
4 going / to go
Activity 7 2 He has lived in London for five years. 3 When he moved to London. 4 Victor began studying for a teaching degree three years ago. 5 He has been a university student for three years. 6 Julia has liked cooking since she was eight. 7 Julia has lived in London for three years. 8 One year after she moved to London. 9 She has had a part-time job since January. 10 A month ago. 107 1 My name's Victor Fleary, I'm 25 years old and I'm applying for a job as a primary school teacher. I started working with children when I was 16. I was a summer camp monitor and I took younger children on trips and visits. I moved to London 5 years ago. That's when I began to train as a teacher in schools. I've never wanted to do another job. I started studying for my teaching degree at university 3 years ago and I finish this summer. 2 I'm Julia Stanley and I want to work in a restaurant kitchen as a Chef. I began cooking when I was about 8 years old. I've always loved it! I moved to London 3 years ago, and I started to train as a chef one year later. I got a part-time job as a chef in a hotel kitchen in January. I've also done a degree in Hotel and Catering Management, so I've had a lot of experience. I began applying for jobs a month ago but this is the best job I've seen. Activity 8 Student's own answers. Activity 9 2 experience 3 reference 6 salary 7 interview
Activity 10 1 Personal Information 2 Education and Qualifications 3 Work Experience 4 Languages 5 Other Information 6 Interests Activity 11 2 She was born in 1982. 3 She lives in London. 4 She has started studying in 2003. 5 She left university in 2006. 6 She started working for BBC Scotland in 2008. 7 She worked as a Researcher for two years and then he became a Production Manager. 8 She doesn't speak German, he speaks French. 9 Cookery is not one of his interests, but salsa dancing. 108 My name's Kim Yee Foon and I work as a Producer for a TV company. My Mum's from Edinburgh and my Dad's from Hong Kong. I'm British but I was born in Hong Kong in 1982. My family went to live near Edinburgh in 1991 but I've recently moved to London. I was at school in Edinburgh and then I started studying for a degree in Film Studies at Manchester University in 2003. I left university in 2006. I started working for BBC Scotland in 2008. I was a production assistant. I did that for one year and then I began working as a researcher. I worked as a researcher for 2 years and then I became a production manager. I had that job for 3 years and then I took time off work to travel around the world and learn languages. Now I speak Spanish, French and Chinese. I can drive – my dad has a farm so I started to drive a car when I was about 10 years old but I passed my test when I was 17! My interests are photography and salsa dancing. I also began doing Zumba fitness classes last month. Activity 12 1 She has lived in Hong Kong and the UK. 2 She went to Manchester University. 3 She studied a degree in Film Studies. 4 Her first job was as a production assistant for BBC Scotland. 5 Because she took time off work to travel around the world and learn languages. 6 Her hobbies are photography and salsa dancing. Activity 13 Student's own answers. Activity 14 Student's own answers.
I've worked here since 2010 Activity 1 Student's own answers. Activity 2 Student's own answers.
4 candidate
5 part-time
Activity 3 1a 2c Activity 4 1b 2a
Activity 2 3b
Activity 5 1 more than 21 2 cleaner 3 full 4 child 5 be 18 6 girl 7 partActivity 6 1 ✗ Ben is feeling fine. 2✓ 3 ✗ Ben has worked in his present job for two years. 4✓ 5 ✗ Ben's greatest achievement has been working for a market doing TV adverts. 6✓ Activity 7 Student's own answers.
111 1 My home Internet doesn't work. What a shame! What are you going to do? 2 One of my colleagues is awful. She hates me! What a pity! Speak to your boss. 3 How do you feel about working longer hours? I'm unhappy. I need more money. Activity 3 2 I've just had an interview. 3 She's already found a job. 4 I haven't finished my CV yet. Activity 4 2 You don't have to finish the report. I've just / already done it. 3 I'm home. I've just / already done the shopping. 4 He's waiting to hear about the job. He hasn't heard about it. 5 Suzanne spoke to the travel agent this morning. She's already spoken to the travel agent.
READING Activity 1 1g 2f 3h Activity 2 1 Travel agent
2 Shop assistant
Activity 5 1 d, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c
3 Doctor's receptionist
Activity 3 1 qualification 2 full-time 3 career 6 skills 7 customer service
4 reliable
5 reference
Activity 4 a 3, b 1, c 2 Activity 5 1 Mandy can't work full-time because she has small children. 2 Rosie speaks Italian. Also Alun speaks French. 3 Rosie has worked at a travel agency and she has worked as a travel representative. 4 Alun has experience in the fashion industry and has worked as a sales trainee.
LANGUAGE STUDY Activity 1 La entonación es descendente. 110 1 A: I lost my job last week. B: What a shame! 2 A: He hasn't got the job. B: What a pity! 3 A: You didn't get the job. How do you feel? B: I'm unhappy.
112 1 Martyn: I've only had this job for a couple of months and I've already decided that working from home is brilliant! I've got four people working for me and I can be flexible with my hours. I've worked in big offices since I got my degree in Industrial Design and I wanted a change. I love it! 2 Carol: Every day is different in my job. I've already been in three different places today and I haven't finished work yet. I'm my own boss and I've got a van for all the cleaning equipment. 3 Chris: I love my job and I love riding my motorbike to different places. This week I've already visited France, Scotland and London. I've worked for this company for 18 months. Since I left school, actually. I haven't been to Spain yet but a client from Saragossa called yesterday so I'm going to ask the boss about that job! 4 Amanda: I'm 23 and I work about 9 hours a day but I usually work in the evenings and at night. I'm still learning about the job so I haven't earned much money yet, but I think I'm good on the telephone. I enjoy talking to people. Activity 6 1c 2b
Activity 7 1 already 2 found 7 most 8 but
3 yet
4 degree
5 job
6 reliable
Activity 8 Student's own answers.
Answer key COnSOLIDATIOn Activity 1 a3 b5
Maura: e4
Activity 2 1 Primary school teacher and finance manager 2 Comedy club manager 3 Comedy club manager, hotel inspector, finance manager and pilot 4 Hotel inspector and pilot 5 Hotel inspector 6 Pilot Activity 3 Candidate 1 weekdays / weekend / evenings, (1) Mathematics, (2) computer, (3) 6, No, (4) 24,000 Candidate 2 weekdays / weekends, (5) Computing, (6) since, Yes, (7) already, (8) dynamic, (9) people, (10) 22,000 113 Interview 1 Interviewer: eddie:
Interviewer: eddie:
Interviewer: eddie:
Interviewer: eddie: Interviewer: eddie: Interview 2 Interviewer: Maura:
Maura: Interviewer:
Thank you for coming in, Mr Kenway. Now, have you worked in a big office like this before? Yes, I've already had some office experience. I've worked in computing for about six years. I worked for UKHousebuyer.com for six years and I've worked for a few different companies since then. Have you ever worked for a telesales company? Not yet! I've been interested in computers for a long time. I know you want a Computing graduate and I did a Mathematics degree, but I've done a number of computer courses since I left university. So, what other skills can you offer us as a computing manager? I'm good with people; I'm flexible about my working hours. I don't mind working weekends and evenings. Well, that's good. Do you have any questions? Err, well yes … what is the salary? Oh, haven't we told you that yet? Sorry, it's £24,000 per year. What a shame. This is a great job but another company have already offered me £28,000 a year. Mrs Ledesma, please tell us about your qualifications and experience. Well, as you can see from my CV, I've worked with computers since I left school ten years ago, and for the last two years I've worked as a computing manager. I did my Computing degree when I worked for a design company and I've already worked with the software you use here at Telemarket. May I ask you what your current salary is? And also, what other skills and experience do you have? My salary is £22,000. I think I'm energetic and dynamic and I like working with people. Can you work evenings and weekends?
Activity 4 1f 2d 3h
I can work some weekends but evenings are difficult for me. I've got two young children. That's a pity. We really need someone to work evenings and weekends.
Activity 5 Student's own answers.
SeLF TeST Activity 1 1 advert 2 qualifications 3 reference 4 salary 5 teleworking 6 interview 7 apply for 8 degree 9 career 10 part-time Activity 2 1 since 2 already 8 for 9 since / yet
3 just 4 for 10 just
5 yet
6 yet
7 already
Activity 3 1✓ 2✗ 3✗ 4✗ 5✗ 6✗ 2 Dean's Taxis are also looking for people with a driving license or people that have worked as a delivery driver. 3 They need people that have a driving licence for more than 2 years. 4 They offer flexible working hours but some evenings and weekends are essential. 5 One of the Dean's drivers has already earned over £3,000 since she started. 6 You can do another job while you are working for Dean's Taxis. 114 Are you aged over 21 and good with people? Dean's Taxis are looking for careful drivers. Have you already driven a taxi or worked as a delivery driver? Dean's Taxis want you! Have you had a driving licence for more than 2 years? Call Dean's Taxis and ask about our exciting job opportunities. We offer flexible working hours but some evenings and weekends are essential. Don't worry if you're a nervous driver, Dean's Taxis offer full driver training! 'I was a nervous driver and then I started driving for Dean's Taxis 3 months ago. I've already earned over £3,000.' 'I've driven a Dean's taxi since last year. I work in a restaurant during the day and earn extra money in the evenings.' Call Dean's Taxis now and start to earn more money! Activity 4 1 English teacher in Istanbul. 2 For three years. 3 Since 2008. 4 No, she has not finished the textbook yet. 5 Yes, for four years. 6 In 1999 Activity 5 Student's own answers.
hits /s/
GRAMMAR Activity 1 1b 2a
Activity 2 1 What's the matter 2 I've had 3 I'm really sorry to hear that! 4 was 5 should 6 have to 7 told 8 is she going to 9 don't want 10 do you drink 11 give up drinking 12 I never make
finishes relaxes apologises
hated twisted needed
picked /t/
interviewed delayed surprised
depressed reduced worked
finishes tidies surprised studies delayed depressed wastes apologises
2 interesting 6 vegetables
3 remember
4 argument
Activity 2 1✗ 2✓
Activity 4 1a 2b
Activity 2 1 studying 2 make 3 vocabulary 4 cancelled 5 airport 6 booking 7 aisle seat 8 ticket office 9 reservation 10 CV 11 9-5 12 part-time 13 reference
studies tidies
chilled /d/
116 1 That jacket is very unfashionable. 2 Was the television programme interesting? 3 Please remember to buy some milk. 4 He's having an argument with his neighbour again. 5 I don't like this sofa. It's very uncomfortable. 6 Which vegetables would you like for dinner?
Activity 1 1 terrible, ill, noisy, rude, unkind 2 tight, long, dark, large, expensive, downstairs
dated /ɪd/
Activity 2 1 unfashionable 5 uncomfortable
washes /ɪz/
115 likes hated interviewed needed mistakes twisted relaxes reduced worked
Activity 3 1 Do you need 2 Have you already thought 3 Have you ever worked 4 have taken 5 are looking 6 are going to interview 7 think 8 work 9 are going to open 10 get 1 'm writing 2 have worked 3 'm doing 4 started studying 5 I've already gained 6 was born 7 moved 8 was 9 sounds
Activity 3 1c 2b
likes wastes mistakes
plays /z/
Francesco: grammar and writing Christine: speaking and reading Saskia: vocabulary and listening 117 Saskia: Hi, I'm Saskia. I'm from Finland. I'm in England studying English, but I also speak Russian and I'm going to start learning French next year. I love learning new languages because Finnish isn't a very popular language. My hobby is learning new words. I go to cafes or art galleries, you know, places full of people talking. Then I just sit and make notes of what they say and especially the words they use. I know I shouldn't do it but it's a great way to hear real people using their language and it's less expensive than conversation classes! I also buy a lot of books on CD and I always listen to the radio in my flat. Francesco: I'm Italian and my name's Francesco. I've lived in
Answer key England for about two years. People always tell me that I should speak to more English people but I'm quite shy. Italians are usually loud and friendly. They love parties. I'm less sociable than most Italians. I don't like pubs and clubs; they're very noisy. I have started to work on a travel blog. In my free time, I go to different places in the UK and then write about them. I always check my blog for mistakes. I use my dictionary and a grammar book. I think that's very important. Christine: I'm French and my name is Christine. I have made a lot of friends in England. My flat is full of English newspapers, books, magazines ... and I spend a lot of time reading them. The newspapers in the UK are very interesting. They get very angry about some topics like politics, art and sports. Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm meeting two English friends in a café. We're going to have an English breakfast, read the Sunday newspapers and chat. Perfect! Activity 2 1c 2a
LISTenIng COMPreHenSIOn II Activity 3 He got married. He got divorced. He moved to a new flat. He started his own business and he found a girlfriend.
She's single and I don't know her very well because she's quite reserved. Downstairs there is a young couple and I promise you: they're a real nightmare! They're very noisy and they have bad manners. Marianne Activity 2 Example answer: Hi Ricardo! I'm planning to travel to Madrid! It's such a beautiful place! I'm going to go by plane and it's quite cheap: 70 pounds the return ticket!! I've booked my ticket online. I'm going to take light clothes to Spain because the weather is going to be brilliant! Hot as usual! I would like to visit several places in Madrid, including the Plaza Mayor, Parque del Retiro, and I'm going to drink some sangria every day!!!
OrAL eXPreSSIOn: MOnOLOgUe Activity 1 Student's own answers.
OrAL eXPreSSIOn: InTerACTIOn Activity 2 Student's own answers.
118 Tabby: Hi, Harvey, How are you? I haven't seen you for ages! Harvey: I know! It's lovely to see you. How are you? Tabby: Very well, thanks. I've just got a new job, so I'm very busy. Harvey: That's great! What's the job? Tabby: I'm the manager of a travel agency. How about you? What's new in your life? Harvey: Well, I got married. To Marianne – a lovely woman. Tabby: Really? Congratulations! Harvey: And then I got divorced! Tabby: Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. Harvey: Yes, I think it was the shortest marriage in history. And my divorce was faster than a racing car! She was very rich. Marianne and I are still friends. Tabby: Oh, great! Harvey: Yes, she helped me start my own computer business. And we bought a new flat together and I'm still living there. And – the best of all – she found me a new girlfriend! Tabby: Wow! She's the best ex-wife in the world! Activity 4 1✗ 2✓
WrITIng I Activity 1 Example answer: Hi! Thanks for your email, I appreciate it. I have to tell you about my neighbours as well. Upstairs there is a single parent with 2 children. I'm very lucky because they're very polite and they have good manners. My next-door neighbour is a teacher.
too /tuː/
when /wen/
about /ə'baʊt/
eat /iːt/
it /ɪt/
look /lʊk/
bird /bɜːd/
sort /sɔːt/
cat /kæt/
cup /kʌp/
ʊə eə
boy /bɔɪ/
day /deɪ/
hard /hɑːd/
not /nɒt/
my /maɪ/
tourist /'tʊərɪst/
chair /tʃeə/
here /hɪə/
əʊ aʊ go /gəʊ/
now /naʊ/
pen /pen/
fall /fɔːl/
think /θɪŋk/
see /siː/
two /tuː/
shop /ʃɒp/
choose /tʃuːz/
keep /kiːp/
big /bɪg/
vain /veɪn/
then /ðen/
zoo /zuː/
day /deɪ/
pleasure /'pleʒə/
job /dʒɒb/
get /get/
meet /miːt/
no /nəʊ/
sing /sɪŋ/
house /haʊs/
right /raɪt/
long /lɒŋ/
will /wɪl/
yes /jes/
List of irregular verbs
Past simple
Past participle
Past simple
Past participle
was / were
learnt (or learned)
learnt (or learned)