A WEB APPLICA APPL ICATIO TION N FOR MOTOR DRIVING SCHOOL SYSTEM By Shaival Mehta (CE-!" (#CE$ON%&" A'itya )i*h+a,.a) (CE-%/" (#IT$ON%&%" Shi+0ala al1e*h (CE-2" (#CE$OG%3#" A 1)45e6t *7.itte' i+ 1a)tial 8l8ill.e+t 48 the )e9i)e.e+t* 84) the 'e0)ee 48 BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY i+ COMP$TER ENGINEERING
P)48: Nai+e*h Patel Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Comp. Engg.
D): C:: Bhe+*'a'ia Head, Dept. Of Comp. Engg.
Fa6lty 48 Te6h+4l40y De1a)t.e+t 48 C4.1te) E+0i+ee)i+0 Dha).*i+h De*ai $+ive)*ity A1)il /%!
Thi* i* t4 6e)ti8y that the 1)45e6t ;4), title' MOTOR DRIVING SCHOOL SYSTEM i* the 74+a8i'e ;4), 48 Shaival Mehta (CE-!" (#CE$ON%&" A'itya )i*h+a,.a) (CE-%/" (#IT$ON%&%" Shi+0ala al1e*h (CE-2" (#CE$OG%3#" 6a))ie' 4t i+ 1a)tial 8l8ill.e+t 48 the 'e0)ee 48 Ba6hel4) 48 Te6h+4l40y i+ C4.1te) E+0i+ee)i+0 at Dha).*i+h De*ai $+ive)*ity i+ the a6a'e.i6 *e**i4+ De6e.7e) /%3 t4 A1)il /%!:
P)48: Nai+e*h Patel Associate Professor, Dept. Of Comp. Engg.
D): C:: Bhe+*'a'ia Head, Dept. Of Comp. Engg.
Fa6lty 48 Te6h+4l40y De1a)t.e+t 48 C4.1te) E+0i+ee)i+0 Dha).*i+h De*ai $+ive)*ity A1)il /%!
: I+ I+tt)4' 4' 6t 6tii4+ : P)45e6t Detail*< B)4a' S1e6i8i6ati4+* :/ Te6h+4l40y $*e'
/: S48 S48t;a t;a)e )e Re9i) Re9i)e. e.e+t e+t S1e6i8 S1e6i8i6a i6ati4 ti4+ + /: P)14*e /:/ S641e /:& Ove)all De*6)i1ti4+ /:&: P)4'6t Pe)*1e6tive /:&:/ P)4'6t F+6ti4+* /:&:& $*e) Cla**e* a+' Cha)a6te)i*ti6* /:&:# O1e)ati+0 E+vi)4+.e+t /:&:= De*i0+ a+' I.1le.e+tati4+ C4+*t)ai+t* /:&:3 A**.1ti4+* a+' De1e+'e+6ie* /:# E>te)+al I+te)8a6e Re9i)e.e+t* /:#: $*e) I+te)8a6e* /:#:/ Ha)';a)e I+te)8a6e* /:#:& S48t;a)e I+te)8a6e* /:#:# C4..+i6ati4+ I+te)8a6e*
/:= F+6ti4+al Re9i)e.e+t*
&: De*i0+ &: $*e-6a*e Dia0)a. &:/ Cla** Dia0)a. &:& Se9e+6e Dia0)a. &:# A6tivity Dia0)a. &:= State Dia0)a. &:3 E-R Dia0)a.
#: I.1le.e+tati4+ #: I.1le.e+tati4+ E+vi)4+.e+t #:/ M4'le* De*6)i1ti4+
=: Te*ti+0 =: Te*ti+0 Pla+ =:/ Te*ti+0 St)ate0y =:& Te*ti+0 Meth4'* =:# Te*t Ca*e*
3: S6)ee+-Sh4t* !: Li.itati4+* a+' Ft)e E+ha+6e.e+t* 2: C4+6l*i4+ ?: Bi7li40)a1hy
A7*t)a6t Anybody above the age of 18 who wishes to drive a for! whee"er, needs to have a proper nderstanding of the ins and ots of a for!whee"er. #or nderstanding and training prposes, schoo"ing is re$ired. A %otor Driving &choo" he"ps to accomp"ish this tas' to ma'e sre the person "earns how to drive a for!whee"er perfect"y and safe"y. (t has a short term, 1) days or *+ days, training session, where the "earners are gided and mentored by a ttor on how to drive the for!whee"er. (n todays pacey wor"d, for!whee"er vehic"es are necessary and hence the training for it is re$ired.
: I+t)4'6ti4+
: P)45e6t Detail*< B)4a' S1e6i8i6ati4+*
%otor Driving &choo" &ystem is a -eb app"ication. (t basica""y "ets the "earners or the ones who wish to get trained sign p for the motor schoo", Ea/yDrive. 0he system offers the sers different pac'ages where the ser chooses the nmber of days to get trained for and according to it, pricing is done. A ttor is a"so a""otted to the "earner for the chosen nmber of days. A "earner can a"so attempt practice tests for his "icense re$irements. :/ Te6h+4l40y $*e' F)4+t E+' < @SP CSS
As the system is a web app"ication , the need of &P and C&& is nderstood . &P is a techno"ogy sed in ava EE web app"ications.
Ba6, E+' < @ava EE
0he pro2ect is bi"t sing the ava Enterprise Edition 3EE4 stac'.
Data7a*e < MySL
%y&56 is a re"ationa" database deve"oped by Orac"e Corporation. Dia0)a. T44l < $.let
A"" the 7%6 diagrams and varios other diagrams corresponding to this pro2ect are made in 7m"et.
/: S48t;a)e Re9i)e.e+t S1e6i8i6ati4+* /: P)14*e
0his is a && docment refers to %otor Driving &choo" &ystem e"ease 9+1: version 1. (t describes the fnctiona"ity and specification of how the %otor Driving &choo" &ystem wi"" he"p in serving the cstomers in an efficient way. (t a"so specifies how it wi"" interact with the end sers. /:/ S641e
0his system is designed to manage a %otor Driving &choo" in an efficient manner where the "earners can register to get trained. &ystem provides an interface for condcting tests on"ine by providing a ser!friend"y interface. &ystem provides a mechanism for the ttors to view their sched"e a""otted. /:& Ove)all De*6)i1ti4+ /:&: P)4'6t Pe)*1e6tive
0his software is deve"oped as a part of corse wor' the sb2ect ;&ystem Design Practice<. 0he software aims to manage for!whee"er training sched"es. 0he web!app s main perspective is towards providing a ser!f"e=ib"e system.
/:&:/ P)4'6t F+6ti4+*
0he prodct offers a "ight weight 7ser (nterface to wor' with and provides a secre way to dea" with the management stff. 0he prodct a"so aims at ma'ing the
motor driving schoo" system on"ine and a"ong with the admin pane", a""ocate sched"e. /:&:& $*e) Cla**e* a+' Cha)a6te)i*ti6*
>asica""y there are two types of end sers i.e., 314 6earners?! &ystem is deve"oped for peop"e of 18 years of age and above to get for!whee"er training. 394 0tors?! 0he ones who view their sched"e and are a""ocated to a specific "earner. /:&:# O1e)ati+0 E+vi)4+.e+t
0he system is a web!app and not an Android or iO& app"ication becase deve"opment in different operating environment wi"" ta'e time and cross!p"atform deve"opment is not the base of the deve"opment team and a web!app can be sed by everyone in an efficient way.
/:&:= De*i0+ a+' I.1le.e+tati4+ C4+*t)ai+t*
0he ttors as we"" as "earners cannot re$est for "eaves. Android and iO& native apps are not avai"ab"e.
/:&:3 A**.1ti4+* a+' De1e+'e+6ie*
&ystem may not wor' if appropriate networ' is not avai"ab"e. %ain"ine networ' of system high"y needs e"ectricity to wor' on. &ystem re$ires the "earners to ma'e the payment off"ine to access the system.
/:# E>te)+al I+te)8a6e Re9i)e.e+t* /:#: $*e) I+te)8a6e*
App"ication can be accessed throgh any browser interface. 0he software wi"" be fair"y compatib"e with %icrosoft (nternet E=p"orer @ersion and above or other modern web browsers. /:#:/ Ha)';a)e I+te)8a6e* Se)ve) Si'e?
Operating &ystem? 6in=. Processor? Pentim *.+ BH/ or higher. A%? 9B> or higher. Hard!Dis'? 1++B> or more. Clie+t Si'e<
Operating &ystem? -indows :,8, 8.1,1+. Processor? Pentim *.+ BH/ or higher. A%? 9B> or higher.
/:#:& S48t;a)e I+te)8a6e* Clie+t Si'e<
H0%6 spported -eb >rowsers, -indows :,8, 8.1, 1+ ,%AC O&, 6in= 3A"" #"avors4. Se)ve) Si'e<
6in=, %y&56 Database.
/:#:# C4..+i6ati4+ I+te)8a6e*
0he %otor Driving &choo" &ystem sha"" se the H00P protoco" for commnication over the internet and for the intranet commnication wi"" be throgh 0CP(P protoco" site. /:= F+6ti4+al Re9i)e.e+t* R? &ystem provides a featre for creating an accont for "earners and ttors. I+1t ? 6earner0tor Detai"s Ot1t ? Accont Creation &tats P)46e**i+0 ? 0he detai"s added by the admin are stored into the database.
R/? &ystem re$ires the ttors and "earners to provide the detai"s for "ogging in to the system I+1t ? 6earner 0tor Credentia"s Ot1t ? Home Page. P)46e**i+0? &ystem ta'es the ser credentia"s and compares them with the database and provides appropriate otpt. R&? &ystem provides an interface for the "earners to attempt practice tests. R&:? &ystem disp"ays the "ist of $estions one by one with their options for the ongoing test.
R&:/? &ystem re$ires the "earners to se"ect their answer from the m"tip"e choices. R#? &ystem a""ows the "earner to change their sched"e. R#:? &ystem shows the crrent sched"e. I+1t ? one Ot1t ? Crrent sched"e. P)46e**i+0 ? &ystem fetches the information from the database according"y. R#:/? &ystem re$ires "earner to se"ect new start time and end time. I+1t ? &tart time and End time Ot1t ? 7pdation stats. P)46e**i+0 ? &ystem pdates the sched"e. R=? &ystem provides an admin pane" R=:? &ystem a""ows the admin to manage ttors and "earners. R=:/? &ystem a""ows the admin to a""ocate a ttor to the "earner :
R3? &ystem a""ows the ttor to view the sched"e. R3:? &ystem provides the ttor to view the a""ocated "earners.
&: De*i0+
&: $*e-Ca*e Dia0)a.
&:/ Cla** Dia0)a.
&:& Se9e+6e Dia0)a.
&:&: Atte.1t Te*t
&:&:/ Cha+0e Titi4+ H4)*
&:&:& Fill $1 Atte+'a+6e
&:&:# Re0i*te) Lea)+e)
&:&:= $*e) L40i+
&:# A6tivity Dia0)a.
&:#: Re0i*te) Lea)+e)
&:#:/ Atte.1t Te*t
&:#:& Cha+0e Titi4+ H4)*
&:#:# Fill $1 Atte+'a+6e
&:#:= $*e) L40i+
&:= State Dia0)a. Atte.1t Te*t State Dia0)a.
&:3 E-R Dia0)a.
#: I.1le.e+tati4+
#: I.1le.e+tati4+ E+vi)4+.e+t
ava EE environment in -indows 1+ %y&56 C"ient in -indows 1+
#:/ M4'le* De*6)i1ti4+
Re0i*te) L40 - I+ M4'le
(t is sed to store information of "earners and ttors who are new to the system and accessing the system for the first time and a"so athenticating the "earners and ttors. I+1t ? 7sers information or credentia"s
Ot1t ?&tored or @erified sccessf""y P)46e**i+0 ? Chec' sers credentia"s in the database whi"e "ogging in or store them in the database whi"e registering new ser. Atte.1t Te*t M4'le
0his mod"e comes into action when a "earner attempts a test. (t conts the "earners attempts and otpts the test score. I+1t? 6earners choice from m"tip"e answer options. Ot1t ? Answer stored sccessf""y and the test score once the test gets comp"eted. P)46e**i+0 ? 6earners answer is chec'ed and compared with the correct answer.
Cha+0e Lea)+e)* S6he'le M4'le
0his mod"e focses on "etting the "earner to change the sched"e pon re$irement. (t disp"ays the a"ready set sched"e. ew timings are as'ed to the "earner and then pdated to the database.
A'.i+ C4+t)4l M4'le
0his mod"e is sed by the administrator of the system in order to manage the ttors and "earners. A"so, the administrator a""ocates sched"es to the new"y registered "earners.
=: Te*ti+0 =: Te*ti+0 Pla+
0he testing is a techni$e that is going to be sed in the pro2ect is b"ac' bo= testing ,the e=pected inpts to the system are app"ied and on"y the otpts are chec'ed . =:/ Te*ti+0 St)ate0y
0he deve"opment process repeats this testing sb process a nmber of the "ines for the fo""owing phases. 7nit 0esting (ntegration 0esting 7nit 0esting tests a nit of code after coding of that nit is comp"eted. (ntegration 0esting tests whether the previos programs that ma'e p a system, interface with each other as desired. &ystem testing ensres that the system meets its stated design specifications. Acceptance testing is testing by sers to ascertain whether the system deve"oped is a correct imp"ementation of the software re$irements specification. 0esting is carried ot in sch a hierarchica" manner to that each component is correct and the assemb"ycombination of component is correct. %ere"y testing a who"e system at end wo"d most "i'e"y throw p errors in component that wo"d be very cost"y to trace and fi=. -e have performed both 7nit 0esting and &ystem 0esting to detect and fi= errors. =:& Te*ti+0 Meth4'*
-e have performed >"ac'!bo= testing for the testing prpose. A brief description is given be"ow? >"ac'!bo= testing is a method of software testing that e=amines the fnctiona"ity of an app"ication withot peering
into its interna" strctres or wor'ings. 0his method of test can be app"ied to virta""y every "eve" of software testing? nit, integration, system and acceptance. (t typica""y comprises most if not a"" higher "eve" testing, bt can a"so dominate nit testing as we"". =:# Te*t Ca*e* Te*t Ca*e ID
Te*t Te*t S6e+a)i4 Ste1*
Te*t Data
&ign 7p
7ser &tored &ccess (nformation &ccessf""y
6og (n
Attempt 0est
Change 6earners &ched"e
1. Bo to Home page 9. Provid e (nformation 1. Bo to Home page 9.Enter Crede ntia"s 1. 6ogin to 6earn er Page 2. Bo to Atte mpt 0est C"ic' 3. &tart 0est 1.Enter timing detai"s
E>1e6te' Re*lt*
A6tal Re*lt*
7ser Credentia"s
Disp"ay -e"come Page
-e"come Page disp"ayed
0est Answers
&tore and &ccess compare the answers and ca"c"ate the test score
&ched"e Detai"s
ew &ched"e 7pdated
ew >id
Prodct 0imeot
&tart &top Action
Create 0ab"es for Action
1.Bo to Acti on %ain Page 9.Provid e ew >id 1. Bo to Acti on %ain Page 9.-ait for the prod ct to get e=pir ed 1. Bo to Admi n Pane" 9.&tart Acti on 1. Bo to Admi n Pane" 9.C"ic' Creat e 0ab"e s >tto n
>id @a"e
(f "ess than &ccess crrent >id then no action e"se save >id.
Prodct 0imer
(f timer gets e=pired ,show new prodct and save the fina" bid
&ccessf ""y stored bid and sent new Prodct
Action (d
Action &tarted
Action &tarted
Action id 0ab"e and Created respective prodcts
Created &ccessf ""y
egister ew 0tor
egister ew 6earner
Disp"ay 0tor Attendanc e
1. Bo to Admi n Pane" 2. C"ic' Add ew 0tor 1. Bo to Admi n Pane" 2. C"ic' Add ew 6earn er 1. Bo to 0tor Pane" 9. C"ic' Chec' Attendance
0tor Detai"s
&ave the &aved detai"s in the &ccessf database ""y
6earner Detai"s
&ave the &aved detai"s in the sccessf" database "y
Attendance Detai"s
Disp"ay &ccess attendance according to the month
3: S6)ee+-*h4t* 3: H4.e Pa0e
3:/ L40i+
3:& A'.i+ Pa+el
3:# Re0i*te) Ne; Tt4)
3:= Re0i*te) Ne; Lea)+e)
3:3 Set S6he'le
3:! Ma+a0e Atte+'a+6e
3:2 Lea)+e) H4.e Pa0e
3:? Cha+0e S6he'le
3:% Atte.1t Te*t
3: Te*t e*ti4+
3:/ Tt4) H4.e1a0e
3:& Che6,i+0 Atte+'a+6e
!: Li.itati4+* a+' Ft)e E+ha+6e.e+t* Li.itati4+*
1. 6imited awareness of driving schoo"s. 9. 6imited practice for tests for "earners "icense. Ft)e E+ha+6e.e+t*
>etter training faci"ities and hence more re$irements.