New Avatar Power Ritual (Point A) a) In the same chair, same spot, same time - fall into trance. Go into deep relaxation mode like you’ve practiced. Take heavy breathes, in and out. b) Quietly read the following words aloud, listening to what you’re saying. Pause and focus and vibrate sacred names and words of power. You should also try to visualize. i. “ I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual. I call on the Inner Planes to witness. I state my purpose thus: ANKAR YOD HAY VAW HAY.” ii. “I begin to wind down, to let go and be rid of all the tensions of my body. To let my muscles relax, unwind and let go. The tensions are beginning to drain from my body. Soon, a gradual heaviness will start to weight down my thighs, my arms, my hands, my feet, my legs, my body. My muscles unwind and let go. All my muscles are relaxing, unwinding and relaxing.” iii. “Very soon, I shall feel the unwinding, the letting go. Unwinding and letting go. Unwinding, letting go. Unwinding. Letting go. Deeper and deeper.....letting go....unwinding and letting go. The tensions drain from my muscles and they will soon become loose, letting go, relaxing and unwinding. Noises round about me will drift into the background. I shall feel the relaxing, the letting go, the unwinding.” iv. “Breathing easily and deeply. Easily and deeply. Unwinding and letting go....drifting into the peace and serenity of complete relaxation. And as my body unwinds and relaxes, so I enter the peace and quiet, where only these words have meaning, and nothing else disturbs me.” v. “Letting go...unwinding....letting go....unwinding....relax....relax...relax....let go...let go....let go...relax....relax....relax...let go...let go...let go.” vi. “ I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel (ARE-ZALE) who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all of my ventures. I know now that my New Avatar Power is flooding to the surface.” (3X) I now close my eyes gently.” c) Sit quietly for about two minutes and let your mind wander. I personally, still try to visualize as well as remain relaxed yet focused. From this point on, you’ll always begin here when performing magical workings. II. Uncrossing Ritual to Banish Evil Influences From Any Source (DO THIS FIRST OR SECOND STEP) a) Stand up with your feet together. Close your eyes. With your left hand at your side, raise your right hand above your head, pointing to the ceiling with your first and second fingers. Keep those two fingers together and curl your thumb and your third and fourth fingers into the palm of your hand. b) Say the word of Power: AH-TAY. Without altering the posture of your fingers, bring your right hand and arm straight down in front of your body and point at the floor between your feet. c) Say the word of Power: MALL-COOT. Lift your right arm, bending it at the elbow and point your two fingers at your right shoulder. d) Say: YAY-GAY-VOO-RAH. Move your right hand across your body and point at your left shoulder. e) Say: VAY-GAY-DOO-LAH. Clasp both hands infront of your chest. f) Say: LAY-OH-LAHM-AMEN g) Then in firm voice: “ In the Name that is above every other Name, I banish from this place all seeds of evil, I bind them as with chains and cast them into the Outer Darkness where they shall trouble not the Seekers of Truth.” h) Now repeat the gestures and Words of Power just given (3x). Sit down and continue with your magical business.
III. Titanic New Avatar Power Rituals (Central Pillar Ritual) a) Ritual For Opening New Avatar Power Gates (Control Pillar Ritual?) i. You can either sit down in your comfortable chair or actually lay down this time around. After you reach Point A, start to open the Spirit Gate which is above your head. ii. Pretend that a sparkling white balloon is hovering just above your scalp. I’d like to visualize it similar to the light Sookie uses on True Blood, only with spirit elements. Crackling electricity and mist coming from the sphere. As you think about the ball, pretend a light has opened inside. Say the First word of Power - EH-HEH-YEH (3 times) visualizing the ball of light grow into your mind and expand. iii. Now, a round white shaft of light about 3 inches thick moves out from the ball into your skull until it reaches your throat, the Air Gate. Pretend a globe of light with air elements is growing in your throat, spreading out of your neck until it expands from neck, eyes and jaw and then your head. Say the Second word of power “YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-HEEM. 3X iv. Now the light shaft enters the Fire Gate in the chest. Picture a brilliant white orb of light (I’ll visualize it with fire elements) expanding from your chest, and extending from the back. Third Word of Power: “ YEH-HOVO-EL-OH-VE-DAH-AS” (Ve rhymes with pay, dah rhymes with far (british accent) and as rhymes with pass) 3x v. The shaft of light is now thrusting down to the Water Gate located in the genitals. Picture a globe of light with watery elements expanding through the body as you say the Fourth Arcane Word of Power: “SHAD-AIEL-KAI” (Shai rhymes with had, Ai is Eye, El is L and Kai rhymes with high) 3x vi. Complete the ritual as the shaft of light thrusts between your legs, towards the feet where the last ball of light, the Earth Gate expands. Say the Fifth Arcane Word of Power: “AH-DOH-NAI-HA-AH-RETZ” (Doh is like “doe” a dear, Nai rhymes with Sky, Retz rhyme with Bets) 3x b) New Avatar Power Circulation Ritual i. As you lie or sit, fully charged with NAP, send your NAP streaming out to do your bidding. ii. Bring your attention to the Spirit Gate, the globe of white light atop your head. Pretend that light turns to a liquid stream and begins to flow down the left side of your body, painting your entire left side (shoulder, arm, hip, leg and foot) with white brilliance. As you imagine this down flow, breathe out at your normal, relaxed speed. iii. When the stream reaches the ball of light corresponding to Earth Gate, begin to breathe in slowly and pretend the stream of light is running up the right side of your body, now painting your entire right side (leg, hip, arm and shoulder) with sparkling brilliance, back to the Spirit Gate. iv. Perform this imaginary circulation, down on the left and up on the right as you take FIVE more deep and easy breathes. v. Now, add a second flow. In time, with an outgoing breath, pretend the light from the Spirit Gate is flowing down the front of your body, bathing your face, chest, stomach, thighs, legs and feet in brilliance. vi. As it reaches the Earth Gate, inhale and imagine the flow sweeping under your foot and up the back of your body, calves, buttocks, back and shoulders and neck, bathing in brilliant light. vii. Repeat this FIVE more times, breathing in rhythm with the down and up motion of this imaginary waterfall of light. This is the circulation stream of NAP. c) New Avatar Power Fountain Ritual i. After taking 12 breathes in all and imagining the circulation of your NAP,
think about the Earth Gate ball of light at you feet. Recall the shaft of light that was thrusted down the other gates. ii. Imagine the Spirit Gate has turned into a powerful suction which is sucking the white light from the Earth Gate, up the center shaft. Inhale as the light rises up. iii. Then pretend the light bursts out of the top of the Spirit Gate like a brilliant fountain. Exhale and visualize light showering all over you from the Spirit Gate. iv. Take 5 more deep breathes, sucking the light up the shaft and then imagining it cascading down your body like a waterfall, only to be reabsorbed by the ball of light at your feet. v. You’ll feel a great calmness as your NAP makes itself known. It’s also now the moment to heal any part of your body that needs mending. If a physical disorder has been troubling you, think about the part of your body that is sick. If your normal mental patterns aren’t focused, direct attention inside your head. Think about the point between your brow. d) Invoke Bornless One i. This invocation is to strengthen the fountain of your new avatar power. 1. “ Thee I invoke, The Bornless One. Thou art Man made perfect, whom no man has seen at any time. This is He whom the winds fear. Hear me, and make all subject unto me, so that every spell and scourge of the Vast One shall be made obedient to me.” 2. “ I am He, the Bornless Spirit, strong of immortal fire. I am He, the Truth, that lighteneth and thundereth. I am He, whose mouth ever flameth. I am He the begetter and manifester unto the Light.” (I’m going to repeat this 3x) ii. These words have a mystic power of their own. They are a true Invocation to Hidden Spiritual Beings, and they have been used by powerful adepts for centuries. By saying the words, you are attuning yourself with the power of those adepts, and the still greater power of the Beings. iii. Now you can proceed to miracle-working or spells. IV. Incantations/Central Pillar Rituals a) Glance through the list of incantations or planetary subjects, searching for what you desire. Write your desire in a few words, then make note of the name of the appropriate planet and color you’re going to use. Lastly, write the Name of the Mystic Being who controls that planet. b) Or do the Incantation spells at the beginning of the book word for word. Both processes should include relaxation, visualization, and will. V. Shattering New Avatar Power Attracting and Banishing Ritual a) Perform the whole of the Central Pillar Ritual. In your imagination, you’re bathed in white light. Now pretend that the white light is changing to the planetary color that you have selected for your miracle. At the same time, repeat the Name of the Mystic Being three times aloud (vibrate the name also). b) You are now focusing the Powers of the Universe to bring your desire which you have written down into startling reality. Decide on when to perform this ritual and perform it every day or night at that time. c) On average, your miracles will occur within seven days of the starting Ritual. Some, however, will occur almost instantaneously while others may take longer. VI. Dee-Hay-Thooth Evocation a) This evocation puts the seal of total success on all your New Avatar Power Endeavors. Anything you feel like putting a triumphant emphasis on a ritual
or you wish to make absolutely certain a piece of NAP work is totally successful, perform this break Evocation. It’s designed to connect you and your NAP directly to the most awesome power in the Universe and it will add that final fillip of force and direction to your efforts. You can perform this anywhere when you’re alone, at any time. b) Stand up with your feet together and your hands hanging limply at your side. Close your eyes. c) Raise the hand you use for writing with the fingers you held in the Uncrossing Ritual to Banish Evil influences (first two fingers out, the rest tucked into your palm) d) Reach up and forward with your arm straight as if you were trying to touch a book on the highest book shelf. e) Bring your hand vertically downward until your arm is level, then horizontally sweep across your body until your hand is opposite your other shoulder. f) As you make that gesture, down and along, breathe out and say “DEEHAY” g) Now swing your hand diagonally upward so that it’s back up at the high point you began. As you make this upward slant gesture, breathe in. From what it describes and from what the picture shows, you just made a right 90 degree triangle. h) Now pretend someone is standing infront of you, facing you, atleast a foot taller. Swing your arm across your body until you are pointing at his right ear. i) Make a U shaped gesture in the air, as if you were moving your hand and fingers from the ear of that person who is facing you, down around the jaw line, under his chin and back to his left ear. j) As you make the U shape, breathe out, saying “THOO” (rhymes with Sue, with bad lisp) k) Now, move your fingers across until they point between your visitor’s eyes. Swing your hand right down to waist level, still breathing out and prolonging the “OO” sound of THOO. l) The whole drawn out word as you make the full gesture is: (breathing out) “DEE-HAY” (breathe in)(breathe out) “THOO-OOOOO-OOOOTH” m) Return your hand to your side and feel your NAP tingling in your legs and hands, warming your stomach inside. n) After you practice this a few times, and found the swing of it, you will find it equally effective if you merely imagine you are making the gestures, while you say the Word aloud. o) I need a fucking picture VII. Come Back a) Return from the ritual slowly and peacefully. b) In your mind say “Coming back....I am coming back, slowly and peacefully. As I count slowly from one to five, I shall return to the real world, feeling well, happy and alert, fully awake and recalling everything that has gone on.” c) Then count slowly from 1 to 5 and feel yourself drift back to the reality of your room.