A abandon anforlætan; forlætan; ofgiefan (5) abbess abbudisse, f. abbot abbod, m. abduct forwgan abide anbidian ability cræft; mæð able, be magan about abutan; be (+dat) above onuppan accept onfon accomplish forðian; fremman according to (prep) æfter (+dat) accost nægan acknowledge oncnawan acquaint (s.o. with s.t.) acythan acquire begietan (sv 5) act gefaran active (adj) from; hwæt active, be onettan adder nædre address næfan admonish
manian adorn bywan; fægrian; frætwan; ge-frætwan; glengan gyrwan advance faran (6) advanced gelyfed advantage duguð adversary andsaca, m advice ræd, m advise læran; ge-læran; rædan advisor rædbora affectionately luflice afflict bysigian; gedrefan affliction myrðu; niþ, m afraid forht afraid, be ondrædan after æfter; ofer afterwards (adv) æfter; eft again eft; ongean against on; ongean age (n) ealdor, n age (v) forealdian agreeable leof air lyft, f ale
ealu alien ellorgæst; elþeodig alight lihtan alive cwic all (adj) eall all (adv) eall allow alyfan allowed be allowed to: motan almighty ælmihtig alongside onemn also eac; eac swa; eac swelce (swa); swelce eac always, adv. a; awa; æfre amid mid amidst onmiddan among betweox, betwux; ongemang ancestor (paternal) rihtfæderencyn ancestors ieldran ancient eald; gamol and ac; and; ond; eac; ge angel engel; gast angry hatheart animal deor announce
abeodan, sv 2; beodan; another elra; oðer answer (vb) answarian; andwyrdan (+dat); oncweðan answer (noun) answaru, f anxious nearo any ænig anything awiht, n.; owiht anywhere ahwær appear ætywan appearance onsyn, f apply befæstan apply oneself befeolan approach gretan archer sceotan arise arisan (sv 1) aristocratic indryhten arm earm, m armour herepad army fyrd; here; prass, m around abutan arouse aweccan arrange endebyrdan; gefadian; ge-logian arrangement
fadung arrest gehætan arrive gelendan arrogance byldu; ofermod; ricceter arrow flan; onga art list, f artifice searoþonc ascend astigan ash æsc, m. ask ascian; acsian; biddan; frignan (3) asleep fall asleep: onslepan ass assa, m assembly mæðd, n; meðelstede astonished, be ofwundrian at æt at last ænextan attain geferan attention pay attention to: onmunan attitude gebæro, n. audacious frecne authority onweald, m autumn hærfæst await
abidan (sv 1); bidan; gebidan awaken aweccan; onwæcan away (adv) from; onweg awe egesa, m awesome egeslic awl awel, m. B bachelor hagostealdmon back bæc, n; hrycg back (adv) eft; ongean bag fætels, m bait æs, n. bake (vb) abacan; bacan baker bæcere, m band heap bane bana banner fana baptism fulwiht baptismal rite fulluhtþeaw bath bæð, n.; gecamp bathhouse burnsele bathe baþian batter cnyssan
battle beadu, n.; fæhðo, f; feoht; gefeoht; folcgewin; garræs guð; hild; orlege, m be beon, wesan (irregular) beacon beacen, n. beam beam, m. bear beran (sv 6) beast nieten beat beatan beautiful ænlic; fæger; freolic beautify fægrian beauty fægernis become beautiful fægrian become gloomy drysmian bed bedd, n.; leger befall alimpan; gesælan befit gedafenian before (adv) ær, æror, ærest before (prep) ætforan beforehand foran to beg for giernan begin beginnan (sv 3); onginnan (3) beginning anginn, n.; fruma, m.; or, n beguile lytegian
behind (prep) beæftan (+dat) behold behealdan; sceawian belief ge-leafa believe geliefan belligerent aglæca bellows bielg, m belly hrif, n belonging to gelong beloved deore; leof belt belt, m bemoan begnornian; mænan bench benc, f. bend gebigean; bugan; hyldan; lutan; onbugan; onhnigan bend down: onlutan benefit (v) dugan; fremman benefit (n) duguð fiorm, f.; fremsumnes; nyttnes, f benefit from brucan bequeathe læfan beset besettan besides eac; eac þon bestower brytta best betst; cyst (n); selest better
betera between (prep) betweonan (+dat); betweox bewail cwiðan beyond (prep) begeondan (+dat) bid biddan bin binn bind bindan; gebindan; sælan binder bindere, m. bird bridd; fugol, m birdlime lim, m bishop biscop bite (v) bitan bite (n) bite, m bitter biter; heard black blæc blacksmith isensmiþ bladder bielg, m. blame (v) lean (6) bless bletsian; segnian; ge-segnian blessed eadig; ge-sælig; ge-sæliglic; ge-sælice blessedness eadignes blessing bletsung, f blind (vb)
ablendan, wv 1 blink bryhtm, m bliss bletsung, f.; eadignes; hyht blood blod; heolfor bloody blodig bloom blowan blossom blostma blow blawan blow (n) dynt blow upon bewawan; biwawan bluff næss boar bar, m; eofor board (naut) bord, n. boast beot, n.; gylpword boastful beotlic boasting gylp boat bat; naca, m; sæbat bodily lichomlic body bodig, n.; feorgbold, n; feorhhus, n.; flæschama; lic; lichama boil brædan bold (adj) bald; caf; deor; gedyrstig; frecne boldly baldlice; caflice; cene; modiglice boldness
byldu bond bend bone ban book boc border mearc, f bosom bearm, m.; bosm, m. both ægðer; begen; butu in both respects: gehwæðeres both ... and (correl conj) ægðer ... ge; (ægðer) ge ... ge bottle flasce, m boundary mearc, f bow boga, m. bow (v) hyldan; onlutan bow down: hnigan; onhnigan boy cnapa; cniht braid bregdan brandish acweccan brass mæstling brave caf; cene; collenferð; deor; heard; heardhicgende; heaþodeor heaþorof; hildedeor; modig; secgrof bravely caflice; cene; modiglice bread hlaf break brecan breast breost; ferðloca; hreðerloca
bridge bricg bridgeguard bricgweard bridlepath horsweg brief medmicel brier brer bright beorht bring beran (sv6); brengan; bringan; gebringan; lædan bring forth acennan; asprytan; forþbringan bring in inlædan bristle byrst, f broad brad broth broþ brother broðor buddy gefera build betimbran build around bewyrcan building edor; foldbold, n; hof, n; reced buildings scurbeorg burden hefigan burdensome hefigtyme burial place byrgen burn byrnan; forbærnan; ontendan
burn down: forbeornan (3) burn up: forbærnan burning bærnett, n.; brond, n.; bryne burst berstan (sv 3) bury bebyrgan; bedelfan; burgan busy bysig but a; butan, buton; hwæðere; nefne butter butere, f buy bycgan; gebycgan; ceapian; geceapian buy off forgyldan by fram (+dat) by means of: mid C call ceallian; clipian, clypian; hatan; nemnan call out clipian, clypian can cunnan; magan canon canon cape hoh, m capital heahburg captive hæft, m capture læccan care reccan care about gyman; reccan care for (v) freoþian; gyman
care bisgu; cearo, f.; heord, f careless recceleas carry beran (sv 6); ferian carry away; oðberan carry out forðian; ge-læstan carve ceorfan (sv 3) catch betræppan; fon (7); gefon (7); gehæftan; læccan cathedral mynster cattle neat, n; nieten; orf, n cause intinga causeway bricg cave eorðscræf; hlæw cellar cleofa certain cuðlic certainly hura chamber bur, m champion cempa chance gesælan change awendan; hwierfan; onhweorfan (3); onwendan chapel gebedhus chase bedrifan; ehtan cheerful bliðe cheerfully
rotlice cheese ciese, m. chest breost; hreðerloca chest (i.e. container): scryn chew the cud eodorcan chicken cicen child bearn, n.; cild; lytling childbearing geacnung chill ciele, n chipped sceard choose ceosan church cirice, circe; mynster circuit begong citizens ceasterware; leod, m city burgsteall; burgstede; burgtun; eard city building burgræced city dweller ceasterbuend clash hnitan clasp beclyppan claw grap, f clean (ad) clæne clean (vb) feormian cleanliness clænnis cleanse
fæsian cleanser feormynd clear geryman clearly andgitfullice cliff clif, n. close (adj) nearo close (v) betynan clothe scrydan clothing scrud coal gled coast særima coffer scryn cold (ad) cald; cold (n) cald; ciele, n. collapse gedreosan colour bleo, n. combatitive aglæca come becuman; cuman; come after æfterfylgan come to pass alimpan comfort (n) eðnis comfort (v) frefran comfortable
sefteadig coming cume command (v) bebeodan; beodan; hatan command (n) hæs; onweald, m commander heretoga commend bebeodan (be) committed to (s.t.) cnodan community geferscipe, m. companion gefera; heorðgeneat; ge-selda company gedræg; heap compell abædan complete (adj) full complete (v) geendian completely clæne; eall; ful comrade eaxlgestealle; gefera; geneat conceal behydan; deagan; gehydan; miþan concern bisgu concerning be (+dat) conclude betynan conclusion ende confess andettan confidant gehola, m; runwita confirm
befæstan conflict guðplega, m confront nægan conscience ingehygd, f consecrate halgian consolation frofor console frefran consult run consume gefeormian contain belucan contempt forhognis contend lacan; genæstan contest (n) geflit contest (v) flitan continue ge-læstan control ge-reccan convenient hyþelic cook coc cool (v) colian copper ar, n corpse hræw correct (v) gerihtan correctly
rihte corrupt geblandan costly deorwierþe cottage bur, m coulter culter, m council gemot counsel (n) larcwida counsel (v) rædan counsellor runwita country eard; folclond; land, lond; londstede courage ellen, n; hige; mod course drohtoð; for, f. courageous heaþorof; heaþodeor; modig cover (v) besettan; bewreon; bihreosan cover (v) helm, m cover with liquid begeotan (sv 2) cowardly earh crab crabba, m craft cræft create scieppan; ge-scieppan creation frumsceaft; ge-sceaft, f; ge-sceap, f creator meotod; scieppend creature
ge-sceaft, f crime fyren; man; mandrinc; morð; mor;thorn;or cross oneself segnian; ge-segnian cross gealgu; gealgtreo; rod sign of the cross: rodetacn cross-beam eaxlgespann cruel reþe crust rind cry cyrm, m; hleoðor cuckoo geac cudgel sagol cunning list, f cup bune; druncfæt curse awiergan custody heord, f cut (n) bite, m. cut (ad) sceard cut the hair efsian cut down aheawan (sv 7); forheawan (7); fyllan; heawan cut off beheawan cut through forslean (6) D damage (n) hearm
damn (vb) awiergan danger frecennis; pleoh, m dangerous frecne; pleolic dare durran daring gedyrstig; frecne dark deorc; fealu darken nipan, genipan darkness heolstor, m; ge-nip; sceadu dart onga dejected hean demon scynscaþa desirable lustbære desire geornfulnes; lust, m; neodlaðu desiring gelysted desolate feasceaftig despair forðencan despondent ormod despoil forhergian determined higeþigtig determinedly eornoste dash cnossian; (against) cnyssan daughter dohtor
dawn dægræd day dæg; dogor (poet) day, number of dægrim, n. day's work dægweorc, n. days gone by geardagas days of life ealdordagas daybreak ærdæg, m. dead dead deadly ættryne dear deore; leof death cwalu, f; deaþ ealdorgedæl; forðfor; forðweg; fyl, m. guðdeað, m; lifgedæl decay afeallan; brosnian deceitful geap deceive bepæcan; beswican; lytegian decide ge-rædan declare gecyðan decline dreosan; oðfæstan decorated fah; ge-regnad deed dæd deep deop deeply deoplic deer heorot
defence gebeorg, n. defend beorgan, gebeorgan; ealgian defile afylan delight dream deliver (a message) abeodan (sv 2) deliver (s.t.) betæcan densely nearolice depart afaran, sv 6; geleoran departure forðweg; fromsiþ deprive bedæan (+dat); beniman; bidreosan; biniman; bistelan; deprived befeallen deride ahliehhan (sv 7) descent æþelo, np deserve geearnian despise forseon despoil behlyþan destroy bereofan; fordon; forleosan; ofslean deviate from ahyldan devil helsceaða devour ge-etan (5); forswelgan; fretan die gefaran; forðferan dig (v) delfan
digging (n) gedelf diligently neodlice diminish lytlian dire ealfelo direct (v) gedihtan; gerihtan directions, in all æghweder dirt greot discard aweorpan disclose iewan; onwreon discover geascian; onfindan disease adl, f disengage geæmetigan disgrace bysmor; edwit disgraceful scand dish disc dishonourable (adj) arleas dismount lihtan dispense with forþolian dispose endebyrdan dispute geflit dispute (v) flitan distant fierlen
distort aweorpan distress hreðerbealo; nearones; oncyðð disturb drefan disturbance myrðu, f dive dufan divine godcund divinely godcundlice divinity godcundnes do don; gefremman do without: forþolian doctrine lar donor goldgiefa door duru, f down dun; ofdune drag bregdan dragon draca; wyrm drape with (s.t.) behon draw ateon draw near nealecan draw (a sword) bregdan dreadful atelic; egeslic dream gemætan drench
begeotan (sv 2); besteman; beswillan dress (v) gyrwan dress (n) hrægl drink (v) drincan drink (n) drynce drive bedrifan (sv 1); cnossian; drifan drive out adræfan (sv 1) drown besencan dumb dumb during on dust dust; greot dwell buan dwelling byht; eardgeard E each ægðer; ælc; gehwa; gehwelc eager eallgearo; fus (+gen); georn; geornful eagerly georne; geornlice eagle earn, n ear eare earlier æror early morning ærnemergen earn geearnian earnestly
eornoste earth eormengrund; eorð folde; grund, m; hruse, f; molde, f ease eðnis easily eaðe east eastfrom the east: eastan eat brucan; etan (5); ge-etan (5); forswelgan eat up gefeormian; fretan ebb-tide ebba edge ecg edit endebyrdan eel æl, m. eight eahte either gehwæðer elders ieldran eleventh endlyfta else elles ember gled embrace (v) beclyppan; clyppan embrace (n) fæðm emperor casere employment notu, f empty (adj) æmettig empty (vb)
geæmetigan enclose befon (sv 7); lucan enclosure burg, byrig; geard; hege; loc, n encounter (n) gemot encounter (v) metan encourage byldan end ende end (v> geendian endow ge-godian enemy andsaca, m.; feond, m.; feondsceaþa, m; fynd, feond England Angelcynn English, the Engle English (adj) Englisc English language Engliscgereorde enjoy brucan; notian enmity fæhðo, f; feondræden, f. enough genog enrage gebelgan; gremian enraged bolgenmod ensnare beswican; besyrwan entertainment gomen entice atyhtan entire
full entirely clæne; eall; fullice entrap besyrwan; betræppan entreat giernan entrust betæcan entry ingong, m. envelop bewindan (sv 3) equip gescyrpan error gedwol; gedwyld escape ætberstan; losian especially huru essential niedbeðearf establish arædan; astellan; (a truce) fæstnian; onstellan esteem eahtian eternal ece eternally ece eucharist husl even efne; furþum evening æfen; æfentid, f. evening speech æfenspræc,f event gelimp eventually ænextan ever
æfre everlasting ece every ælc every one (pro) æghwa; gehwa everything æghwa everywhere æghweder; gehær exalt onhebban examine beseon; geondsceawian examination sceawung example gebisnung; bysen, f excellence fægernis excellent ærgod; betlic except butan, buton except (con) nefne; nemne; nymþe exemplar bysen, f exhort manian; gemanian exile adræfan experience gebidan experienced frod extend astreccan; ryman explain reccan exult ahliehhan (sv 6) eye
eage, n. F fable leasung face andwlita, m.; onsyn, f fade searian fail abreoðan faith ge-leafa faithful ge-leafful fall fyl, m.; hryre, m false leas fall befeallan; crincgan (sv 3); feallan; gefeallan; hreosan fall apart berstan (sv 3) fall off afeallan fame hlisa, m; mærðu, f familiar cuð family cynn famine hungor famous mære far (adj) feor far (adv) feor as far as: oð fare feran farmer ierþling
farming eorþtilþ fast (adj) fæst fast (n) fæsten fast (adv) fæste fast (v) fæstan fasten besmiþian; fæstnian; gefæstnian; sælan fat fæt fatal ættryne fated fæge father fæder favour ar, f; geearnung; milts fear (n) ege, m; fyrhtu fear (v) forhtian fearful egeslic feast gebeorscipe; fyllo, f feather feðer feed afedan; fedan feel gefelan fell (v) fyllan fellowship geferscipe, m fence hege festivity mondream
fetch gefecgan; fetian fetter clomm, clamm, n.; feter, f. feud fæhðo, f few feawe; hwon; lyt fiction leasung field æcer, m; feld, m. fierce biter; gram; grim; heard; reþe fiercely grimme; heardlice fifty fifteg fig fic fight (v) feohtan (3); gefeohtan (3); lacan fight (n) feohte, f figleaf ficleaf file (n) feole file (v) feolian fill (v) fyllan; ge-fyllan fill (n) fyllo, f fill up filled (adj) full find findan; gemetan find fault with: lean (6) find out: cunnian; gefrignan (3) finger finger, m. fingernail
nægl fire brond, n.; bryne; lig firm (adj) fæst firmly (adv) fæstlice first (adj) ærest; fyrmest first (adv) ærest; forma firstborn frum-bearn, n. fish (n) fisc, m fish (v) fiscian fisherman, fiscere, m fitness mæð, f fitting gedefe; riht; gerisenlic fittingly gerisenlice five fif fixed fæst flame lig flammable libgysig flask flasce, m flee fleon (2); forbugan (2); sceacan fleet sciphere flight fleam, m; flyht fling bregdan float
fleotan flood (n) flod, m floor flet; flor, m flow (v) flowan (2); flow (n) gang, m flow around beflowan fly fleogan (2) fly away ætfleogan fodder fodor follow æfterfylgan; folgian; fylgan; læstan folly dysignese food bileofa; fodor; mete foolish dol; dysig foolishness dysignes foot fot, m footstep fotstapol for, in place of fore (+dat) forbid forbeodan (2) force cræft; mæenþise ford ford, m foreign elþeodig foremost fyrmest forest
holt; holtwudu forever, adv. a; awa; æfre forgive forgiefan forgiveness forgifenes form (n) hiw formerly geo fornication forliger forsake forlætan forsee foresceawian forth forð fortress fæsten forward forð foul ful four feower fourteen feowertyne fowler fuglere free (vb) geæmetigan free (adj) freo; freolic frequent gelome frequently geneahhe freight hlast friend freond; heorðgeneat; gehola, m friendless
freondleas friendship freod, f friendly bliðe; bliðemod; hold friendship freondscipe from æt; fram (+dat); of (+dat) from afar feorran from here heonon from near nean from the north norðan from within innan frost forst, n.; hrim, m frosty hrinde frozen freorig fulfilment gefillednys full (adj) full fully fullice furious reþe further furþur G gain begietan (sv 5) gallop ærnan; hleapan (7) gallows gealgu; gealgtreo game
gomen; huntoþ gannet ganet garden neorxenawang garment hrægl; reaf gate geat, n gather ge-gaðerian gathering gaze behealdan (sv 7) gem gimm, m; searogim generous cystig gentle liþe; monðwære get begietan (sv 5); gegongan (7) gesture gebære get up astandan ghost gast giant ent; eoten gift giefu, f gird gyrdan give forgiefan; giefan (5) give birth acennan give thought hogian give up alecgan give way abugan; onirnan (3)
given gifeðe giver brytta gladly bliðelice; lustfullice glas glæs gleeming scir glide sriþan glorious mære glory blæd; mærðu, f go faran (6); feran; gan; gongan (7); hweorfan go mad awedan goad gad, f goat gat goathair gatehær goblet bune god god, n. godson godsunu gold gold, n. goldsmith goldsmiþ good god good deed fremu, f goodness god goods god
gore helofor gospel godspel grace ar gracious glæd hold grain corn granted by fate gifeðe grapple genæstan grasp grap, f; gripe grave byrgen; eorðscræf; græf; moldern, n great mæst; micel; rice greatest mæst greatly miclum greedy gifre; grædig green grene greet gretan; halettan grey græg; har grey-haired feaxhar; gomelfeax; har grief hearm; oncyðð grim biter grimly grimme grind grindan grip clomm, n; clamm, n; grap, f.; gripe
ground folde; grunde grove bearu grow, grow up aweaxan (sv 7) grow dark nipan, genipan grow old forealdian grow over beweaxan grow pale blacian grow desolate dreorgian grow old ealdian guard bewitan guardian hyrde guardianship hyrdræden, f guilty fah; scyldig H hail (v) halettan hail hægl hailstorm hæglfaru half healf hall dryhtsele; gifheall; goldsele, m; heall, f; reced; sæ, n; sele hand folme; hand, f handgrip mundgripe hang hangian; hon
hanged, be hon happen alimpan; befeallan; limpan; ge-limpan; ge-sælan happily ge-sælice happiness bliss, f; sæl, m/f happy fægen; gesæliglic hard forheard; heard hardship gedeorf; earfoð hardship, time of earfoðhwil harm (n) bealo, n.; frecennis; hearm harm (v) derian harness gerædu harp gleobeam; hearpe hasp hæpse haste hreading, f hasten efstan; onettan hasten away: sceacan hateful atol; lað hatred niþ, m have agan; habban have to: sculan hawk hafoc head hafela; heafod headland næss
headless heafodleas heal halian; hælan healthy halwende hear hieran; gehieran hearing gehyrnes, f hearsay gefræge heart breostcofa; breosthord; ferðloca; heorte, f; hige; hordcofa, m hreþer, n; modsefa; sefa, m heat hat, n heathen hæþen heaven heofon, m; rodor heavenly heofonlic heavy hefig hedgehog igl heed onmunan heel hoh, m heirloom laf, f hell hell, f helmet helm, m help (v) fultumian; ge-fultumian; fylstan (+dat); helpan help (n) fultum; geoc; help, f hence heonon herder
hyrde here (adv) her hereafter heræfter heresy gedwol; gedwyld heretic gedwolmann hero hæeþ, m; hererinc, m herring hæring hew heawan hidden deogollice hiding place heolstor, m high heah hide (n) hyd hide (v) behydan; deagan; hydan hill beorg, m.; dun himself, herself self hinder ge-lettan hither hider hoard (n) hord, m hoard (v) hydan hoarfrost hrim, m. hoarse has hoary har hold
habban; heabban; gehealdan hold fast gebindan holly holen holly holen holy halig home (adj) ham home (n) ham homeland eard; eþel homewards ham honourable arweorðe; gerisenlic honourably (adv) arlice hook angel, m horn horn, m horrible atelic horror fyrhtu horse eoh; hengest; hors, n; mearh horseguard renweard host husl hostage gisl hostile bealohydig; gram hostility anda hot hat how
hu however hwæðere house hus; sele human beings firas humble eadmod; eaðmod humble (v) hnæan humbly eadmolice; eaðmodlice humiliating heanlic hundred hund hunger hungor hunt (n) hunta; huntoþ hunting huntoþ huntsman hunta I I, me, my ic, me, min icecold hrimceald; isceald icicle hrimgicel idle idel if gif ignorant dysig; læwede illustrious mære image anlicness, f; onlicnes, f imagine
asmeagan imitate geæfenlæcan immediate hrædlice immigration ingong, m. imminent neah impel afysan (wv 1) improve gebetan impulsive hatheort in (adv) in in (prep) binnan; in (+dat); on in addition to eac in advance foran to in front of ætforan; biforan (+ dat) incarnation menniscnis incite hwettan incline onhyldan; onlutan increase (n) eaca indicate gebicnian infantry feða infect geblandan inform cyðan ingenuity hwætred; searoþnc inhabit
buan inhabitants landbuend inheritance laf, f injure hynan; sceðan injury bealo, n. innocent bilewit inquire frignan (3) inside (adv) in; inne insolently orhlice inspiration inbryrdnes inspire onbærnan institute (v) onstellan intact gehal intelligence andgit; orþonc intelligently andgitfullice intend hogian; myntan intention gehygd; ingehygd, f intersection eaxlgespann interval tæc into on invite laðian iron isen island
ealond; eglond ivory elpendban J javelin gafeluc jewel eorcanstan; gimstan jewelry eorcanstan join lucan joint banloca joke gleowian journey for, f joy bletsung, f; dream; hyht; liss; sæl, m/f joyfully glædlice; gliwstafum joyous gloædmod judge (v) deman judgment dom, m. judgment day domdæg; domesdæg jurisdiction onweald, m justice riht
keel ceol keen cene keep healdan keeper hyrde kidnap
forwegan kill acwellan; cwellan; gefyllan; heawan; hynan; ofslean killer bana kin cynn; cyþþ kind gecynd; cynn kind (adj) glæd; liþe; milde; monðwære kindness liss kindle onæan; onbærnan; ontendan king cyning kingdom cyneric; rice kiss cyssan knee cneo, n knit bregdan know, know how to cunnan knowledge ongytenes, f L ladder hlæder lament begnornian; cwiðan lake mere land (n) land, n land gelendan language -geþiode lap bearm, m.
large micel larger: mara Latin læen laugh hliehhan laugh at: ahliehhan laughter hleahtor law æ, f lawful gecynde lay (n) læwede lay (v) lecgan lay down alecgan lay hold of begietan (sv 5) lay waste awestan lead lædan; ge-lædan leader ealdor, m.; folctoga; heafodman; heretoga; leodfruma leap hleapan leap upon: gehleapan (7) leap up: ahleapan (sv 7) learn learnian; ge-leornian learn (by asking) geascian; gefrignan (3) learning liornung least læsst leather bag bielg, m. leave afaran, sv 6; læfan; geleoran leave unfulfilled aleogan leggings leþerhose lent lencten
less læs; læssa lest þy læs þe let lætan let go forlætan letter ærendgewrit liberate onlysan lichen ræg lie licgan; restan life ealdor, n.; feorh, n.; lif; lifdagas life-sustaining frþfriðende lift lædan lift up ahebban (sv 7); hebban; ræran light leoht; scima like gelic; gelice likewise eac swa limb lim, n; liþ limited mæte linen linen listen hieran; hlystan; gehlystan literature boccræft little fea; hwon; lyt; lytel live libban livestock orf, n lo (inter) hwæt load hlast
lobster loppestre lock belucan; lucan lock (n) hæpse log beam, m. long (adj) lang, long long ago ealdes; geara longing langoþ look beseon look at: sceawian lord drihten; frea, m; freadryhten; goldgiefa; goldwine; heorra; hlaford lordly dryhtlic loss demm, m lost (be, get) losian loud hlud loud (adv hlude loudly hlude love (n) frendscipe; lufu love (v) freogan; lufian loved felaleof lover freond lovingly freondlice lower onhyldan loyal hold luck hælo, f lumber healwudu lurk
lutian lust lust, m lying leasung
M magnificence onmedla magnificent dryhtlic maiden fæmne; mægð maintain gehealdan make don; macian make beautiful gef&elig;rian make famous mæran make glad gef&elig;nian make known acythan; cyðan; gecyðan make use of neotan make wet besteman male mann malice anda; niþ, m man beorn, m.; esne, m; guma; mann; hæle, m; leod, m; mann, m; mæcg; reordberend; rinc; scealc, m; secg manger binn mankind feorhcynn, n.; foldbuend; mancynn many fela; manig many a: manig maple
hlin mare myre, f marsh fen; fenhlið; mor marvel ofwundrian master frea; hlaford masterless hlafordless may motan mead medodrinc; meodo meadhall meodoheall meaning andgit, n. measure gemet meat flæscmete meditate geondþencean mediation run meet findan; metan; gemetan meet with geferan meeting gemot meetingplace meðelstede melt gemeltan memory gemynd men ælde, mp merchant ciepemann merciful
milde; mildheort mercy ar, f; mildheortnes; milts message ærende, n.; ærendgewrit messenger ar, m.; ærendraca; boda metre gemet mew mæw midday middæg middle midd in the middle of: onmiddan midnight middeneaht, f might miht mighty mihtig milestone milgemearc milk melcan mind ferð; hige; mod; gemynd mindful gemyndig mingle gemengan misdeed misdæd, f miserable earmlic; earmsceapen miserably earmlice misery iermðu misfortune demm, m; gelimp misleading gedwolsum
missile flan; scotung mist ge-nip mock bysmerian; gebysmerian moderate medmicel moderately, mid gemete; gemetlice monastery mynster monastic orders munuchad monasticism munuchad money feoh; sceatt monk munuc monster sceadugenga month monað moor mor more ma; mara any more than: þon ma þe moreover eac swelce (swa); swelce eac; eac þon morning morgen r most mæst mostly mæste moth moð&eht;e, f mother modor mound hlæw mount gehleapan (7)
mountain beorg, m.; dun; munt mountainside beorghliþ, n mountain slope beorghliþ, n mountain stream fyrgenstream mountainwood fyrgenholt mourn gnornian; murnan mouth muð move astyrian; onhreran much miccle; micel must, be obliged sculan much (n) micel, n mudcrust lamrind multiply gemanigfealdan multitude dryht; menigu murder morþor mutilate sceard my, mine min N nail, fingernail nægl naked nacod name (n) nama, m name (v) hatan; nemnan
narrative ge-recednis narrow nearo nation folc, n; leodscipe; mægð natural gecynde nature cynd navy flothere; sciphere near (adj) neah; nean near (adv) neah near to gehende (+dat) nearby gehende necessary niedbehefe; niedbeðearf neck hals, m need beþurfan needle nædl neglect forlætan negligent recceleas neighbourhood neawest neither naþer; nohwæðer neither ... nor ne .... ne; nohwæðer ... ne nephew nefa net nett, n never na; næfre
nevertheless hwæðere; noht þon læs new niwe newly niwan next oðer night niht, f; nihthelm nightcrawler sceadugenga nightshift nihtweorc, n nightwatch nihtwaco nightwork nihtweorc, n ninety hundnigontig no na; nic nobility eorlscipe; indrhyto, f noble æðele; cynelic; freolic; hærlic; indryhten noble kinsman: freomæg nobleman ealdorman; eorl nobly manlice noise breahtm none nænig noon middæg nor even ne eac nor ne ... ne northwards norð nostril
nosþyrl not ne; nic; noht not at all; by no means na; nateshwon; næs; nealles; noht nothing nanwuht; nawiht notorious mære now nu now that: nu O oak tree actreo, m oar ar, f oath að obedience gehiersumnes obey hieran; hiersumian; ge-hiersumian obliged, be sculan observe healdan observer sceawere, m obtain begietan (sv 5); gegongan occasion mæl; sæl occupation (=worry) bisgu occupy bysigian occurrence gelimp ocean geofon, m/n; gelagu; mereflod ocean current sæstream
ocean path, route brimlad offer beodan; gebeodan; offrian; ge-offrian offer up: ge-offrian offering lac; offrung office had offspring eafore; ofspring; sæd often geneahhe; oft oil ele, m old eald; frod; gamol on (adv) on on on (+d,a) on this side of (prep) behionan one an one (indef pro) man only (conj) butan, buton only (adv) efne onto on onward (adv) on open (adj) open open (v) openian; geryman openly (adv) openlice opponent andsaca, m opportunity
byre oppose ongeanstandan oppressive hefig or hwæþer þe; oþþe oratory gebedhus ordain hadian; ge-scrifan order (n) endebyrdnes, f; fadung; had (=religious order); hæs order hatan origin æþelo, np; ; gecynd original bysen, f ornament fæt; frætwe (pl); hyrst, f ornament (v) frætwan ornamented fæted; ge-regnad orthodox rihtgeleaffull other oðer otherwise elcor; elles ought to sculan outcast (adj) fah outcry gebære, n. over ofer (+dat/acc) overcome ofercuman overconfidence ofermod overhang
oferhelmian overrun gegongan (7); ofergan overshadow oferhelmian overtake beridan own (adj) agen own agan ox oxa, m oxherd (a useful word in modern English) oxanhierde, m P pain sar; sarnes painful sar; sarlic pantry cleofa; hedærn paradise neorxenawang, n pardon arian (wv 2) part dæl part (v) sceadan party gebeorscipe past (n) geardagas pastime gomen pasture læs, f path foldweg; pæð, m pay gieldan payment
sceatt peace freod, f; frið peasant ceorl penetrate feolan penitence dædbot, f penance dædbot, f people firas; folc, n.; leode perceive oncnawan; ongietan (5) perform began (anom); dreogan; ge-læstan perish gecringan, gedreosan; forweosan; losian permanence fæstnung permit alyfan; lætan person mann pertain belimpan pervade geondhweorfan (3) phrase (v) gefadian pike hacod piety arfæstnis, f; æfæstness, f; pious æfæst pit seaþ piteable earmlic pitiably earmlice pity
mildheortnes place lecgan; ge-logian plan hicgan plated fæted pleasant fæger; leof; lustbære; lustbære pleasantly fægere please lician plenty fyllo, f plough erian ploughman ierþling ploughshare scear plunder herehuð, f plunder (v) rypan plural menifealdlice poem leoð; leoðsong poet scop poetics leoðcræft poetry leoð; leoðsong; scopgereord point ord, m poisonous ættryne polish bywan polisher feormynd pomp onmedla
ponder geondþencean pool hringmere (circular); mere poor earm pope papa, m population burhwaru portent beacen, n.; niðwundor possess agan possessions æht, f pouch fætels, m pound (n) pund, n pound (vb) beatan pour geotan power mægen; miht; onweald, m powerful mihtig; rice practise began (anom) praise (v) eahtian; herigean pray gebiddan prayer gebed, n. preach bodian precede foregangan (7) precious deore precious stone eorcanstan
preordain foresceawian prepare bywan; gearcian; gearwian; ge-gearwian; gyrwan prepared gearo present (adj; as in "the present day") andweard; ondweard preserve gehealdan press out oðspringan presume medan prevent ge-lettan previously ært1anðe, ært1æmt1e pride gylp; ofermod priest mæssepreost; preost, m prince æþeling; ealdor, m.; leod, m prison carcern; clustor proceed astigan; gefaran; feran proclaim mærsian produce acennan; atyhtan; forþbringan profound deop profoundly deoplic promise (vb) behatan (sv 7); gehatan promise (n) gehat, n proper gecynde; gerisenlic properly rihte
property æht prosperity ar, f prostrate (adj) neowol protect beorgan, gebeorgan; bewerian; freoþian; ge-nerian protection helm, m; hleo; mundbyrd protective clothing hleosceorp protector hleo proud gilphladen provide foresceawian; ge-fremman provisions metsung, f public folclic pugnacious aglæca pull bregdan pure clæne; hluttor purge fælsian purity clænnis purpose inwitþanc (hostile); modgeþanc pursue æfterfylgan; ehtan push scufan put ge-logian put to flight aflyman Q
queen cwen, f quick caf; hraðe; hwæt quickly (adv) arodlice; færlice; hrædlice; ofstlice; recene R race cynn rage grymetian rain rinan raise ahebban; ræran raise up, raise aloft hafenian; hebban; onhebban ram ramm, m rancour inca, m ransom lysan rare selcuþn ravage awestan; bereofan; forhergian; hergian ravaging hergung raven hremm ravenous gifre raw grene; hreaw reach geræcan reach out: ræcan read arædan; rædan readily geare; georne; geornlice ready
fus (+gen); gearo realize onfindan rebuilder betend, m. receive ge-geopan; onfon recently niwes recite gieddian reckless recceleas recognize oncnawan recommend bebeodan; befeolan; red read red-stained: readfah redeem lysan; onlysan regal cynelic regally cynelic region mearc, f; sceat, m regret besargian regular regollic reign (n) rice reign (v) ricsian reject forseon rejoice gægnian; gefeon rejoicing fægen relate mænan; reccan
relative magan; mæg release alysan; lysan relics haligdom religion æfæstness, f; halignes religious godcund relinquish alecgan remain restan remain behind belifan remain standing ofstondan remedy (v) gebetan remedy (n) bote, f remember gemunan; gemyndgian remind gemanian remnant laf, f remove afierran, aferran (wv 1); astyrian; aswipan; forniman rend scieran render areccean; gieldan (3) renew niwian render useless aidligan renounce anforlætan repay leanian repel abaedan
repent behreowsian replenish gefyllan reproach ætwitan; edwit reputation hlisa, m; lastword rescue ahreddan; hreddan resolute (adj) anræd; heard; hygerof resound dynnan; hlimman; hlynsian rest (n) rest, f rest (v) restan; ge-restan restore niwian restorer betend, m. restrain abædan resurrection ærist retainer dryhtguma; selesecg return gecierran return (n) eftsið reveal cyðan; onwreon revelry breahtm; mondream revile bysmerian reward (v) leanian rich fæt riddle giedd
ride ridan ride up to beridan right riht righteous rihtwis righteousness rind rind ring beag, m.; hring rise up hlifian risk (n) pleoh rivalry geflit river ea, f; lagustream riverbank easteð; ofer roar grymetian; hlimman roast (v) brædan rob bereofan; forstelan robber feondsceaþa, m roebuck ra rolling gelac rood rod roof hrof row (v) rowan rowing rewett, n ruin (n)
hryre, m ruinous hreorig rule rædan ruler anwealda, m; ealdorman; heretema run ærnan; irnan rush ræsan S sack abrecan sacrifice (n) lac; offrung sacrifice (v) geoffrian sad dreorig; geocor; geomor; geomormod; hygegeomor; ormod; sarlic sadfaced dreorighleor sadhearted hygegeomor sadness geomerung safe hal sailor brimliðend; brimmann; flota, m; flotman; lidmann; s&aelida; sæmann; særinc saint halga; sanct salmon leax salt sealt salt-maker sealtere, m salutary halwende same ilca; self
sanctuary herig sand sandceosol satisfy fyllan save ahreddan; beorgan; gebeorgan; hælan; hreddan; ge-nerian say cweðan; gecweðan; secgan; ge-secgan saying cwide scholar bocere; leornere scorn forhicgan sculpt ceorfan sea brim; flot, n; geofon, m/n; holm; holm; hwælweg; sæ seabird brimfugol; fleotend seagull mæw sealane brimlad; lagulad, f sea voyage sæfor sea water lagu seamonster nicor, m seaman flota, m. search secan search for: secan secret deogol; dyrne see sceawian seek secan; ge-secan seed
sæd seize begietan; cepan; fon (7); ge-niman; oferfon seldom seldon self self self-employed hlafordleas sell ciepan send asendan; onsendan send forth fysan; onsendan sense andgit, n separate (v) gedælan sepulchre moldern, n sequence endebyrnes, f serious geomormod serpent nædre servant cnapa; cniht service manræden set (vb) asettan; oðfæstan set an example: bisnian, gebisnian set in motion: hreran set out on a journey: siþ asettan; feran; fundian set up: asettan severely miclum shade scead; sceadu shadow sceadu shaft
sceaft, m shake asceacan; acweccan; bifian shame scand; scomu, f shameful bysmorful; heanlic shamefully huxlice shape hiw share dælan sharpen grindan (3) shatter gebrecan sheath sceð, f shed scipen, n sheep sceap, n sheepfold loc, n shellfish sciellfisc shelter (n) hleo; scurbeorg shepherd sceaphierde, m shield bord, n; scield shine scinan shining beorht; goldbeorht ship ceol; flota, m; scip;; merehengest; naca, m; sæbat shipwreck forlidennes, f shoe sco shoes
gescy, n.p. shoemaker scowyrhta shoot fysan; ofsceotan; sceotan shore ofer shoulder eaxle shout ceallian; clipian, clypian shouting clypung; hream shove scufan show ætywan; gecyðan; iewan shower scur shrine scryn shrink scrincan sibling geboren sick healf, f sickness adl, f. sign (n) beacen, n. signify gebicnian similar gelic simple (adj) anfeald sin fyren; leahtor sinner manshliht sing asingan; singan; galan; gieddian single (adj)
anlepe sink (cause to) besencan sir leof size micelnes, f skilful ge-rad skill cræft; list, f; orþonc; searoþonc skin fell, n; hyd; rind skulk lutian sky lyft, f; rodor slaughter (v) ofsniðan slay ofslean; sægan slayer bana small mæte smaller læssa smash gebrecan snake nædre snare grin snow hrið snowswept hryðig soak beswillan solace frofor soldier beorn, m.; cempa; fyrdrinc; guðrinc, m; hererinc, m; hildemecg, m; hilderinc, m; hiredmann; hyse, m.; lindwigend; rinc; scealc, m; sceotan; secg
solitary ænlic someone hwa something hwa; hwæhwugu somewhere forhwega son bearn, n; eafora song leoð; leoðsong soon hraðe sore sar sorely sare sorrow cearo; hearm; inwidsorH sorrowful hreocearig; sarig soul gast; sawol sound (n) ansund; hleoðor sound (v) galan space of a foot fotmæl spacious brad; geap spare arian (wv 2) speak gecweðan; hleoðrian; maðelian; mælan; gemælan speak of mænan spear franca; gafeluc; gar; ord species gecynd spectral gæstlic
speech giedd; gereord speech, make a maðelian; spirit ferð; gast; mod; modsefa spirited modwlonc spiritual gastlic spiritually gastlice splendid betlic splendour gleomu sport (n) gomen sport (v) gelac spread brædan spring (n) lencten spring (v) spring apart: onspringan spring open: onirnan (3) sprout asprytan stab ofstician; ofstingan staff sagol; sceaft, m stag hæstapa; heorot stain (vb) afylan stained fah; -fah stake (a claim) mærsian stand alongside bestandan stand fixed
ætstandan stand up astandan stalk bestealcian start beginnan (sv 3) statement cwide steadfastly fæstlice steadily fæstlice steal forstelan step forth ætsteppan still (adv) giet stir hreran (cf. Du "roeren); onhreran stir up drefan stoop lutan stop ætstandan storekeeper ciepemann storeroom hedærn storm (v) abrecan storm (n) scur story ge-recednis straighten gerihtan stranger gyst, m stream flod, m strength
ellen, n; mægen stretch out astreccan strife orlege, m strike hnitan strip behlyþan; ongyrwan strike down gefyllan strong forstrang; from stronghold burg, byrig; fæsten student leornere study leornian submit bugan; gebugan succeed fon to rice succession endebyrnes, f sudden færlic suddenly færlice suffer dreogan suitable gehæp; gelimplice; gemæc; gerisenlic summon bonnan; clipian, clypian; laðian supplies metsung, f supply onstal, n support (n) fultum support (v) fultumian surface
sceat, m surround began (anom); bewyrcan survey geondsceawian survive belifan; gedygan swallow gegeopan sweep away aswipan swift from swiftly hrædlice swimmer fleotend swimming pool burnsele swing open onbregdan sword bill, n.; ecg; guðbill, n; iren; mece symbol beacen, n. T table beod, m.; bord, n. tailor seamere taint geblandan take don; niman; geniman take away forniman take heed geman take out ateon take up onfon taste
byrigan; onbyrigan teach læran; ge-læran teacher lareow; magister, m teaching lar tear (v) scieran tell asecgan; reccan; secgan temple herig temporary læne terrible atol terrified anforht terrifying gæstlic territory eþel terror broga, m; ege, m; egesa, m test fandian the, that se, seo, þæt Note: See chart for forms therefore forðy they (indef pro) man think hicgan; hogian; myntan thought hige; gehygd threat beot, n.; feorhbealo, . threatening beotlic throne cynestol; giefstol
through geond throughout geond throw sceaotan throw away: aweorpan thrust sceotan tide flod, m; mereflod tilling eorþtilþ time first, m.; hwil; -hwil; mæl; sæl for a long time: lange; langlice timid forhtmod tired meðe together ætgædere; ætsomne; endemes; geader; samod toil gedeorf too toss cnossian totally clæne touch æthrinan; gretan; hrepian; hreppan; hrinan; ge-ræcan tower (v) hlifian town burg, burig; burgtun; burgsteall; ceaster track feorhlast, m; last trade cræft translate areccean; awendan trap betræppan trapping
hyrst, f trappings gerædu travel faran (6) treasure beahhord, n.; goldhord, m; hord, n.; maðm treasurer-giver maþþumgyfa tree beam, m. tremble bifian tribute gafol, n; manræden troop heap trouble (v) bysigian; gedrefan trouble (n) cearo, f; myrðu; niþ, m troubled earmcearig; hreoh; hreocearig troublesome hefigtyme trout sceota, m truce grið trust geliefan try cunnan tub byden tumult gedræg; gelac turn hweorfan; hwierfan; gehwierfan; oncierran turn around: onhwyrfan turn away: bugan U uncle
eam unclothe ongyrwan uncooked grene understand asmeagan; gecnawan; forstandan; ongietan (5) undress ongyrwan unfortunate heardlice unhappy heardselig unhurt hal unimportant leohlic unique ænlic unite geanlæcan unity annis, f unless nymþe until hwænne; oð unyoke ongeocian up up to: oð upon on upright rihtwis uproar cyrm, m urge manian; gemanian use (v) befæstan; brucan; neotan; notian use (n) fiorm, f; nytt, f useful, be
dugan useful usefulness nyttnes, f utensil fæt utility nytt, f utter acweðan (sv 5); gecwðan utterance cwidegiedd utterly clæne; eallunga V vain idel valley denu, f valuable deorwierþe various manigfeald; mislic; missenlic vat fæt vein æder, f venom attor, m. venture ge-neþan vernacular folclic verse fers, n. very (adv) ful; geneahhe very much ealfela vice leahtor viewing sceawung
vigorous c; hwætaf vile fracod; ful violence ecghete; mæenþise violent hæste virgin mægð voice hleoðor; reord; gereord vow (n) beot, n vow (v) beotian; gehatan W wage (war) ahebban wait anbidian walk gan; gongan (7) wander scriþan war guð, f; orlege, m ward off abaedan warband duguð warrior beadurinc, m.; beorn, m.; cempa; dreng, m.; dryhtguma; folcwiga; fyrdrinc; garbuend; guðrinc, m; hæle, m hæeþ, m hildemecg, m; hilderinc, m; hiredmann; hyse, m.; lindwigend magorinc; rinc; scealc, m; sceotan; secg wasteland mor water brim; lagustream; wæter water, body of flod, m wave (v) hwearfian
wave (n) saltyþ way foldweg way of life drohtoð wealth blæd; ead, n. weary meðe weave bregdan weave together gebregdan weep greotan; reotan weigh down hefigan well fægere well-known cuð whale hwæl whaling hwæhuntoþ what hwa; hwelc what kind of: hwelc when mid þam þe mid þy þe whence hwanon where hwær; hwider whet hwettan whether which hwelc while hwil whistle hwistlian
whistling hwistlung whither hwider white horse blanca who hwa whole ansund; gehal wicked fracod wickedly manlice wickedness fyren wide brad; geap wield ge-reccan willingly gelustfullice; lustfullice wind around bewerian window eagðyrl, n wise frod; gleaw with mid with longing for æfter (+acc) wither searian within (adv) beinnan; binnan; inne within (prep) innan (+dat) without butan, buton; -leas withstand forstandan; ongeanstandan woman cwen, f; cwene, f; fæmne; ides; mægð
womb hrif, n wood holt word giedd work gedeorf worker ceorl world middangeard worry bisgu worship bigong, m. worthless idel wound (vb) amyrran; forwundian; ge-ræcan wound (n) benn, f.; dolg, n.; inwidhlemm; licsar; sar wounded feohseoc, adj wretched earm; earmcearig; earmsceapen; feasceafig; hean wretchedlly earmlice write awritan Y yard geard year gear year-by-year: gearmælum yearning langung yield abugan; bugan; gebugan yes giese yesterday
giestrandæg; gystran yet gen; giet; hwæðere yew iw, m yoke (v) geocian you ge (np), eow (ap) your eower young geong young people >dd> giogoð youth (n) cniht; geoguð; hyse, m.; mago, m Z zeal ellenwodnis zealously georne; geornlice