A Study On On Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Towar Towards ds Patanjali Patanjali Skin & Haircare Haircare Products Products With With Reference Reference To To Gondia City
INTRODUCTION Customer satisfaction is a marketing term that measures how products or services suppli supplied ed by a compan company y meet meet or surpas surpasss a custom customer’s er’s expectat expectation ion.. Custom Customer er satisfaction is important because it provides marketers and business owners with a metric that they can use to manage and improve their businesses. It is the best indicator of how likely a customer will make a purchase in the future.
In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element element of business business strategy strategy.. For any company, company, customer customer satisfactio satisfaction n ratings ratings can have have powerfu powerfull effect effects. s. They They focus focus employ employees ees on the import importanc ancee of fulfil fulfillin ling g customer’s expectations. It increases customer lifetime value.
atan!ali "yu "yurveda rveda #imited is an Indian F$C% company. $anufacturing $anufacturing units and head&uarters are located in the industrial area of 'aridwar while the registered office is located at (elhi. The company manufactures mineral and herbal products. It has also manufacturing units in )epal under the trademark Nepal Gramudhyog Gramudhyog and imports ma!ority of herbs in India. It is valued at *s.+, crore and some predicts revenues of *s.-, *s.-, crores for the fiscal /-0/1.
A Study On On Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Towar Towards ds Patanjali Patanjali Skin & Haircare Haircare Products Products With With Reference Reference To To Gondia City !
*amdev baba has stated in his interview with C)) )ews/2 that profit from atan!ali roducts goes to charity.3aba charity.3aba *amdev established the atan!ali atan!ali "yurved "yurvedaa #imited in 1 along with "charya 3alkrishna with the ob!ective of establishing science of "yurved "yurvedaa in accordance and coordinating with the latest technology and ancient wisdom.
atan!ali Food and 'erbal ark was given a full0time security cover of +-0armed Central Industrial 4ecurity Force commandos. The park will be the eighth private institute in India to be guarded by CI4F paramilitary forces. 3aba *amdev is himself a 56 category protectee of central paramilitary forces.
atan! atan!ali ali "y "yurved urved sells sells throu through gh nearly nearly 7,8 7,8 retail retail outlet outletss as of $ay /1. /1. atan!ali also sells its products online and is planning to open outlets at railway stations and airports. atan!ali "yurved has tied up with ittie %roup and 9ishore 3iyani’s Future %roup, all the consumer products of atan!ali will be available for the direc directt sale sale in Future Future %roup %roup outlet outlets. s. atan! atan!ali ali "y "yurveda urveda produc products ts are also also available in modern trade stores including *eliance retail, hyper city and 4tar 3a:aar apart from online channels. ;og guru *amdev baba is targeting *s./, crore revenue in /10/8, after sales grew /- percent in the previous financial year to *s.-, crore.
A Study On On Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Towar Towards ds Patanjali Patanjali Skin & Haircare Haircare Products Products With With Reference Reference To To Gondia City "
A Study On On Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Towar Towards ds Patanjali Patanjali Skin & Haircare Haircare Products Products With With Reference Reference To To Gondia City #
A Study On On Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction Towar Towards ds Patanjali Patanjali Skin & Haircare Haircare Products Products With With Reference Reference To To Gondia City $
atan!ali "yurveda 9endra vt #td was officially inaugurated by aram u!ya ;og *ishi 4wami *amdev!i $ahara! < "yurveda 4hiromani *ishikalpa "charya 4hree 3alkrishna!i $ahara! on 8 september 1 and started its operation as an atan!ali "yurveda 9endra vt #td. "t swoyambhu, 9athmandu, )epal with the ultimate aim of providing holistic, natural and effective "yurveda treatment.
atan!ali is a sole distributor of ayurvedic product of (ivya harmacy, (ivya ;og 4adhana, (ivya rakashan < atan!ali "yurveda #td., 'aridwar, India. atan!ali "yurved produces products in the categories of personal care and food.
The company manufactures 777 products including 7- types of cosmetic products and + types of food products manufactured by atan!ali are made from "yurveda and natural components. atan!ali has also launched beauty and baby products. atan!ali "urvedic manufacturing division has over + medicines for treating a range of ailments and body conditions, from common cold to chronic paralysis.
atan!ali launched instant noodles on /- november /-. In /1, patan!ali has announced to enter the textile manufacturing centre. The company is reported to manufacture not only traditional clothes such as 9urtas pay!amas but also popular western clothes such as !eans.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City %
=n )ovember - th /1, atan!ali announced that it will set up a new manufacturing plant atan!ali 'erbal and $ega Food ark in 3alipara, "ssam by investing *s./, crore with the manufacturing capacity of /,, tonnes of goods per year. The new plant will be the largest facility of atan!ali in India and will be operated by $arch, /8. atan!ali already has around - manufacturing units across India.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City
;og guru 3aba *amdev launched a range of skincare and haircare products few year ago. Following is a list of some of the products>
/? ? +? 7? -? 1? 8?
atan!ali Te!as 3eauty Cream atan!ali 4aundarya Facewash atan!ali Crack 'eel Cream atan!ali =!us $int Tulsi 3ody Cleanser atan!ali *osewater atan!ali (ivya 9anti #ep atan!ali Te!as "nti0@rinkle Cream
/? ? +? 7? -?
atan!ali (ivya 9esh Tel atan!ali 9esh 9anti 'air Cleanser atan!ali 9esh 9anti $ilk rotein 'air Cleanser atan!ali 9esh 9anti "loevera 4hampoo atan!ali "lmond 'air =il
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City '
This cream is thick and is suitable for super dry skin. It moisturi:es well and does not cause breakouts. This cream contains aloe vera, sandal, holy basil and turmeric, all these ingredients are very good for skin.
There is no 4#4 or araben in this product. It does clean all the dirt and oil from face in a single wash. It makes face s&ueaky0clean and does not leave behind a film. "fter washing you can see a beautiful glow on your face.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City (
It rightly moisturi:ed. It doesn’t make feet feel greasy like most of the foot cream do and it gets absorbed easily into skin. $akes feet smooth and helps keep hand moisturi:ed too. It helps in repairing cracked heels.
This is mild soap and can be used daily. It re!uvenates skin and removes roughness. The fragrance is strong. " bar lasts for /-0 days if used daily. The skin remains free of dryness with the regular usage of this soap.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City )
It is very light and does not irritate skin. It has mild rose fragrance. It freshens up skin and removes dirt. The rosewater can also be used as eye0drops and can be added to face packs for glow.
It removes acne &uickly and also reduces blemishes. It has camphor fragrance. It evens out skin tone and does not make it oily or dry. It can also help in treating minor skin disorders.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City
It suits all the skin types especially combination to oily skin. It helps in tightens skin and helps in fading acne scars. It does not break out the skin. It is not very heavy and gets absorbed easily without causing greasiness.
This is for those who can do anything to protect their hair. The oil is of flowing consistency and has a dark brown colour. It has a very strong and putrid smell. It certainly checks hair0fall.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !
"fter using this product need of a conditioner reduces down because it makes hair feel &uiet smooth and soft. It claims to prevent hair fall. It thoroughly cleanses hair in a single wash.
It cleanses hair thoroughly and does not leave any dirt behind. It is milder as compare to other commercial shampoos, so it can be used +07 times a week. It has a pleasant flowery fragrance. It does not cause any irritation of scalp or dryness of hair.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "
"loevera has magical healing and nurturing properties for hair. "loevera improves hair thickness and also controls the hairfall, hair loss. It will not dry the hair nor make them greasy.
"lmonds can be wonderful for hair that is brittle, dry and for people suffering from hair fall. 4ince almonds are rich in the natural vitamin A, you will get immense moisturi:ation and nourishment. This will reduce itchiness of the scalp and also helps in the reduction of hairfall.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City %
OBJECTIVES /? To study factors which influence customer more. ? To study the impact of the atan!ali products among consumer. +? To study taste and preferences of consumers. 7? To study the needs of target customers in %ondia city.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City
-? To find out the level of satisfaction. 1? To find out the most prominent area of dissatisfaction. 8? To make company’s internal suppliers aware about the dissatisfaction part of their customers.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City '
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City (
HYPOTHESIS /? Customers are highly satisfied towards atan!ali products. ? rice factors will have influence on consumer. +? The impact of atan!ali products on consumer in %ondia region is highly positive. 7? atan!ali will cover huge market share. -? Customers have a faith on atan!ali products.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !)
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !!
SCOPE 1) The scope of study is limited to %ondia. ? Time and money constraint are there.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !"
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !#
*esearch refers to a search for knowledge. =ne can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for information on a specific topic. The purpose of research is to discover answer to &uestions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. *esearch methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. It is necessary for the researchers to know not only the research methodsBtechni&ues but also the methodology. The methodology that was adopted for the study includes both primary source of data as well as secondary source of data. The methodology of the study can be explained as follows>
(ata collection is one of the important stage in conducting a research. %enerally we collect data from two sources, primary and secondary sources.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !$
rimary data are also known as raw data and are collected for the first time. There are several methods of collecting primary data, but in this research work primary data are collected using &uestionnaire. rimary data is collected through> • • •
ersonal interview =bservation uestionnaire
4econdary data means data that are already available i.e. they refers to the data which have been already been collected and analysed by someone else. @hen the researchers utili:es secondary data, then he has to look into various sources from where he can obtain them. 4econdary data may either be published data or unpublished data. In this research work, secondary data collected through> • • • •
Internet 3ooks @ebsites Dournals
4ampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of observations are taken from a larger population. 4ampling allows us to work with a small, manageable amount of data in order to
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !%
build and run analytical models more &uickly, while still producing accurate findings. 4amples are best drawn from data sets that are as large and close to complete as possible.
4imple random sampling method is used in this pro!ect.
4ampling may be defined as the selection of some part of an aggregate on the basis of which a !udgement or inferences about the aggregate is made. For making this pro!ect I took 1 respondents.
Customers using atan!ali skin < haircare products are taken as a sampling unit to make this pro!ect.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !'
EI took 1 respondents to fill up this &uestionnaire?
'% #h()h *eau+y *ra,d you pre-er. Bra,d Name pre-ere,)e Pa+a,2al( H(malaya Lo+u0 Po,d0 O+her
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
1 o-
'3 '6 '6 '6 7
451 651 651 651 '51
% of Preference
10% 30% 20%
ANALSIS8 + respondents prefer atan!ali, respondents prefer 'imalaya, respondents prefer #otus, respondents prefer onds and / respondents prefer other brand of beauty products. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that + respondents prefer atan!ali products.
6% #h()h -a)+or o- Pa+a,2al( produ)+0 0a+(0-(e0 you. A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City !(
"a)+or0 Pr()e ;ual(+y Pa)=ag(,g All -a)+or0
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
1 o- Sa+(0-a)+(o,
69 '7 3 ''
:61 6<1 '41 '31
% of (!$(fc!$on
1-% +2%
A## fc!or(
ANALSIS8 7 respondents are satisfied with price, 8 respondents are
satisfied with &uality, /+ respondents are satisfied with packaging and /2 respondents are satisfied with all the factors of atan!ali products. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that most of the
respondents are satisfied with price.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City ")
4% Ho> d(d you ge+ +o =,o> a*ou+ Pa+a,2al( produ)+0. Sour)e0 o- a>are,e00
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
Ad?er+(0eme,+ "r(e,d0 Shop=eeper "am(ly
1 o- A>are,e00
47 7 ': :
751 '51 6:1 71
% of 5rene(( ,0 40
0 +0 30
20 10
10 0
ANALSIS8 1 respondents became aware about atan!ali products through
advertisement, / respondents through friends, 7 respondents through shopkeeper and 1 respondents through family. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that 1
respondents became aware about atan!ali products through advertisement.
:% #ha+ re0ul+0 you ge+ a-+er u0(,g Pa+a,2al( 0=(, )are produ)+0. A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
Po0(+(?e Nega+(?e
1 o- a--e)+(?(+y
9' @
- 100 -0 40 +0 20 0
391 '91
1 Ne!$e
Po($!$e % of A6ec!$$!& Po ($!$e
Ne !$e
ANALSIS8 2- respondents get positive results and /- respondents get
negative results. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that most of the
respondents get positive results.
9% #ha+ do you +h(,= a*ou+ +he pr()e0 o- Pa+a,2al( produ)+0.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "!
Pr()e $ery lo> Rea0o,a*le Epe,0(?e
No/ o- re0po,de,+0 4 9' 7
1 91 391 '51
Pr&*e E$es&'e; ()%
Very low; 5%
Reso!"le; #5%
ANALSIS8 - respondents thinks that prices of atan!ali products are very low,
2- respondents thinks prices are reasonable and / respondents thinks it is expensive. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that most of the
people thinks atan!ali products are reasonable.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City ""
7% #(ll you re)omme,d Pa+a,2al( produ)+0 +o o+her people. A,0>er0 e0 No
No/ o- re0po,de,+0 :@ ''
1 3'1 '@1
ANALSIS8 2/ respondents will recommend atan!ali products to other people
and /G respondents will not. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that 2/ people
will recommend atan!ali products to other people.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "#
<% #ha+ =(,d o- (mpro?eme,+ 0hould *e made. Impro?eme,+0
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
I, ual(+y I, pa)=ag(,g I, ua,+(+y I, pr()e
'5 6@ '7 '6
'71 431 671 651'e.e/s In 8' #$!&
In c/ $n
In 8' n!$!&
In r$ce
-+% ,#%
ANALSIS8 "ccording to /1 respondents there should be improvement in
&uality, +2 respondents said packaging should be improved, 1 respondents said &uantity should be improved and respondents said prices should be improved. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that +2 people
thinks that there should be improvement in packaging.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "$
3% I- Pa+a,2al( produ)+0 are ,o+ a?a(la*le (, your ,ear*y 0hop0 >(ll you pre-er o+her produ)+0. Pre-ere,)e
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
e0 No Depe,d0 o, urge,)y #(ll go +o o+her 0hop
9 43 @ 3
1 @1 :71 6<1 ':1
Preference +4 0 + +0 3 30 2 20 1 10 0
2, 1+
ANALSIS8 G respondents will prefer other products, 1+ respondents will not
prefer other products, /- repondents said that it is depend on urgency and /7 respondents will to go other shop. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that if atan!ali
products are not available in the nearby shop then most of the people will not prefer other products.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "%
@% #ho (0 +he +ough )ompe+(+or o- Pa+a,2al( 0hampoo0. Compe+(+or0
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
Su,0(l= Loreal Do?e No o,e
1 o- )ompe+(+(o,
@ '6 ': 69
'91 651 641 :61
% o0 *o.e/&/&o + +0
3 30 2 23
20 1
20 1
10 0
No one
ANALSIS8 /- respondents thinks 4unsilk is the tough competitor of atan!ali,
thinks #oreal, + thinks (ove and 7 respondents thinks no other company is the competitor of atan!ali. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that 7 people
thinks that there is no competitor of atan!ali.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "
'5% #hy do you pre-er Pa+a,2al( 0oap0 a,d 0hampoo0. Rea0o,0
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
Be)au0e (+ ha0 ,o 0(de e--e)+0 Be)au0e o- (+0 pr()e Be)au0e (+ (0 purely her*al
'< '3 69
1 631 451 :61
100 -0 40 +0 20 0
Re(on( 9ec'(e $! *( no ($e e6ec!(
9ec'(e of $!( r$ce
9ec'(e $! $( 're#& *er:#
ANALSIS8 2 respondents use atan!ali soaps < shampoos because it has no
side effects, + use atan!ali because of its price and 7 use atan!ali because it is purely herbal. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that most of the
people prefer atan!ali soaps < shampoos because it is purely herbal.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "'
''% Pa+a,2al( -a)e >a0h a,d )ream0 g(?(,g you *e++er re0ul+0 +ha, o+her. A,0>er0
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
9: 7
@51 '51
e0 No
100 No
-0 40 +0 Ye(
20 0
An(5er( Ye(
ANALSIS8 G respondents get better result and / respondents do not get
better result than other company after using atan!ali facewash and creams. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that G people
get better result after using atan!ali facewash and creams than any other company.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City "(
'6% #h()h ha(ro(l do you u0e. Name o- ha(ro(l
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
Da*ur Amla Ba2a2 Almo,d Drop0 Para)hu+e Pa+a,2al( ha(ro(l
1 o- u0age
@ '4 '7 66
'<1 6'1 671 471
% of '(e
1,% 34% 21%
D :'r A#
9" " A#o n Dro (
P r c*'!e
P ! n" #$
ANALSIS8 /8 respondents use (abur "mla, / respondents use 3a!a!
"lmond (rops, 1 respondents use arachute and +1 respondents use atan!ali hairoil. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that +1 people
are using atan!ali hairoil.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #)
'4% Pa+a,2al( 0oap0 ha?e a, a*(l(+y +o repla)e o+her 0oap0 (, -u+ure.
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
e0 No
47 6:
751 :51
40% Ye(
ANALSIS8 1 respondents thinks atan!ali soaps have an ability to replace
other soaps in future and 7 don’t think so. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that 1 people
thinks atan!ali soaps have an ability to replace other soaps in future.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #
':% Ho> mu)h you are 0a+(0-(ed. A,0>er0
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
'9 43 9 6
6:1 741 @1 :1
H(ghly 0a+(0-(ed Sa+(0-(ed D(00a+(0-(ed H(ghly d(00a+(0-(ed ,0 40 0 +0 30 20 10 0
An(5er( H$*#& (!$(;e
D$(( !$(;e
H$*#& $(( !$( ;e
ANALSIS8 7 respondents are highly satisfied, 1+ respondents are satisfied,
G respondents are dissatisfied and 7 respondents are highly dissatisfied. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that most of the
people are highly satisfied with atan!ali products.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #!
'9% #ha+ (0 your o?erall op(,(o, a*ou+ Pa+a,2al( 0=(, a,d ha(r)are produ)+0. Op(,(o,
No/ o- re0po,de,+0
67 '6 3 3 7
:41 651 '41 ':1 '51
$ery good Good Ne(+her good ,or *ad Bad $ery *ad
10% 1+% +3% 13% 20%
Ne $!*e r oo no r :
ANALSIS8 7+ respondents said atan!ali products are very good, said it is
good, /+ said it is neither good nor bad, /7 said it is bad and / said it is very bad. INTERPRETATION8 From the above graph it can be interpreted that most of the
people are highly satisfied with atan!ali products.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #"
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City ##
HPOTHESIS TESTING H'> It is accepted that customers are highly satisfied towards atan!ali products. H6> It is accepted that price have a greater influence on customers. H4> It is accepted that impact of atan!ali products are highly positive in %ondia
region. H:> It is accepted that atan!ali has a huge market share. H9> It is accepted that customers have a faith on products.
CONCLUSION A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #$
CONCLUSION A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #%
'/ eople are aware about atan!ali skin < haircare products and
earned good image in the eyes of the customers. 6/ The consumers of %ondia demands more of atan!ali products as they are
highly satisfied with it. 4/ atan!ali captured a huge market share in a short span.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #
23 $any people are buying atan!ali products due its non0harmfulness nature.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #'
SUGGESTIONS /? There should be improvement in packaging. ? Company and dealers are suggested to concentrate on advertising print media like 'oarding, $aga:ines, and advertising banner. 4o, it can help them to increase their sales. +? atan!ali should strengthen the distribution channel to ensure that products are available everywhere and anytime.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City #(
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $)
/? 4urvey is limited upto %ondia city. ? (ue to the lack of knowledge some people were not able to fillup the &uestionnaire. +? 4urvey is limited only upto 1 respondents only.
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $!
BIBLIO1RAPHY In order to make this pro!ect I have taken the help of the following websites and books>
www.patan! www.patan!
*esearch $ethodology E@illiam Hikmund? $arketing $anagement Ehilip 9otler? $odern $arketing E3hagwati illai?
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $"
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $#
Ae$re 1 (emographic "? )ame of respondent JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 3? lease mention your age group /20 /0 10+ +/0+ +10"bove C? %ender
$ale Female
(? lease mention your occupation rofessional 3usinessman 4tudent 'ousewife =thers
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $$
@hich beauty brand you preferK
atan!ali 'imalaya #otus onds
+ @hich factor of atan!ali product satisfies youK
rice uality ackaging "ll factors
7 'ow do you get to know about atan!ali productsK
"dvertisement Friends 4hopkeeper Family
- @hat results you get after using atan!ali skincare productsK
ositive )egative
4= @hat do you think about the prices of atan!ali productsK
Lery low *easonable Axpensive
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $%
8 @ill you recommend atan!ali products to other peopleK
;es )o 2 @hat kind of improvement should be madeK
In &uality In packaging In &uantity In price
G If atan!ali products are not available in your nearby shops, will you prefer other productsK
;es )o (epends on urgency @ill go to other
10 @ho is tough competitor of atan!ali shampoosK
4unsilk #oreal (ove )o one // @hy do you prefer atan!ali soaps and shampoosK
3ecause it has no side effects 3ecause of its price 3ecause it is purely herbal
A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards Patanjali Skin & Haircare Products With Reference To Gondia City $