A persuasive speech outline for English language presentation. Title: Importance of Getting Adequate Sleep
an outline example of a persuasive speech
Speech OutlineFull description
persuasive speech outline
n,b k
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Speech on sleep
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Informative speech on Nigeria
public speaking
Topic: Topic: Stop Multitasking, Start Monotasking General purpose: To Persuade Specific purpose: To encourage the audience to start start Monotasking Thesis: Monotasking is more effective than Multitasking . INTRODUCTION
Today Today I am here to talk to you about the benefits of start Monotasking your activities. Attention-Getter:
How many times a day are you focused on doing just one thing? It makes sense that multitasking sounds so appealing. Many people feel like they dont have enough hours in the day to meet all the demands placed on them! and multitasking can seem like the most obvious and effective way to get more done. Bond: Lin-to Audience:
"ometime ago!#Multi$tasking# was the bu%% of the day. If you couldnt write that long report! tidy your desk! do the household chores! judge your emails! receive the phone calls and eat a sandwich all at the same moment! you were just not working effectively. Destination ! O"#ecti$e Sentence:
I have decided to talk to you all about Multitasking vs Monotasking because I want to make you aware of the dangers of being a multitasking person. My goal in this speech is to help prevent accidents in life! for e&le accidents caused by using the phone while you are driving. 'ecause research has shown that our brains are not capable of focusing on multiple tasks at once. b. Today I want to make you reali%e that multitasking is not the best practice. (ou (ou may feel like youre being more productive when youre multitasking! but monotasking will actually help you get more done with less stress. %Credentials% of Speaer &Credi"ilit'(:
I have done much research on this topic before I had a lot of problems with me and my coworkers about this situation. )re$ie* of +ain ideas: Today Today I plan to talk about) *. ,h' is onotasin. Better Than ultitasin./ +. ,hen ono-tasin. is effecti$e
,. 0fficienc' Of ono-Tasin.: BOD1 of 'our Speech “Tell them”
23 ain )oint 42 a3 -irst to define elderly abuse and its different forms. *. Physical buse +. /motional buse ,. "e&ual buse 0. 1eglect 2. -inancial /&ploitation 3. Health care fraud Transition:
Next I want to discuss wit !ou te in"o#$ation %ate#ed "o# te !ea# &''()
ain )oint 45 "ome of the frightening statistics behind nursing home abuse or neglect are)
a. +.3 million people live in either short term nursing homes or longer term assisted living facilities. b. 00 percent of nursing home residents have suffered from some type of abuse. c. 04 percent reported having been treated or handled roughly. d. ,4 percent reported having witnessed the abuse of others. e. 4* percent report having seen some form of verbal! physical! or other form of abuse last year f. 33 percent of nursing home residents suffer from l%heimers disease or other cognitive problems which limits their ability be aware that abuse is occu rring. g. 425 of the staff of these nursing homes blame the abuse on insufficient staff and staff shortages. h. 6nly appro&imately +75 of all cases of abuse are reported. The reasons they are not reported are either because those being abused are too cognitively impaired to remember enough to report it! or they are afraid of further abuse and not being believed. Transition:
Next I want to sa! ow nu#sin% o$es and assisted *i+in% "aci*ities a#e notin% $o#e tan an
indust#!) ain )oint 46
*. 8hat I mean when I say the these places are an industry is they are around to make money granted there are some places that do care about the well being of their residence. +.They care for our elderly! my grandparents and possibly your loved ones at the lowest cost possible. Meaning) a. Minimal 9ualifications b. Inade9uate staff c. :ow wages
ain )oint 47
/nsure that state survey agencies immediately notify local law enforcement agencies or M-; distributing its new poster with clearly displayed complaint telephone numbers and =+> re9uiring state survey agencies to ensure that these numbers are prominently listed in local telephone directories. I believe all nursing homes should have heightened security! possibly non invasive cameras in individual rooms! or an easily accessible panic button in each room as well as throughout the facility directing the tenants to the emergency services as well as nurses in the facility. CONCLUSION Restate main ideas:
fter I have discussed with you) 8hat /lderly buse is! • The "tatistics behind 1ursing Home buse • How 1ursing Homes are an Industry • 8hat needs to be done • •
Restate thesis statement:
I hope I have opened your eyes to just how serious the problem of 1ursing home abuse and neglect is. To care for those who once cared for us is one o f the highest honors.# @ Tia 8alker ! Te Ins,i#ed Ca#e%i+e#: Findin% -o! .i*e Ca#in% "o# Tose /ou Lo+e