1Debbie Kim #1553 Topic: Benefits of Marijuana General Purpose: To convince Specific Purpose: To change my audience’s mind about the common misconceptions of marijuana and convince them that marijuana is beneficial to health and economy.
n eed to be correctly Thesis: There are many false misconceptions of marijuana that need addressed because marijuana is not addictive or harmful; rather, it is beneficial. Introduction
I. If I ere to as! any of you guys or any "heaton student hat their thoughts about eed ere, the general ge neral response I ould get is something along the lines of #it’s bad for you$, #it’s a drug$, #something that gets g ets you high$. II. %s "heaton "heaton students, many of us tend to have a negative vie of marijuana because of its association ith drugs in general. &ran!ly, &ran!ly, not many of us really !no hat it is. I’m here to tell you hy that perception should be altered. a ltered. III. "e’ll be discussing' %. The common common misconception misconceptionss of marijuana marijuana and hy they’re they’re untrue. untrue. B. The benef benefit itss mariju marijuana ana bring brings. s. (Marijuana tends to have many negative perceptions because of its association ith other drugs but those perceptions are untrue and e)aggerated.* Bod
I. The to most common beliefs beliefs about marijuana are not true. true. %. Marijuana is highly physically addictive. 1. %ccording to +sychologyTo +sycholog yToday, day, marijuana is not physically addictive unli!e other drugs such as heroin, crac!, and meth. Those drugs have severe physical ithdraal symptoms li!e the sha!es, heavy seating, and are very uncontrollable. oever, marijuana is a mental addiction, leading to subtle symptoms such as cravings and the feeling of missing it -%rcher. This can be related to being addicted to a T/ sho or any food. Mental addictions are not hard to get over, as long as illpoer e)ists. 0. +ersonally spea!ing, I used to smo!e a lot of eed in high school. I started junior year and continued con tinued to do so all the ay through senior year and even the summer before I came to "heaton. I ould have considered myself a #pothead$ bac! then.
oever after coming to "heaton, I have not smo!ed since. o I can testify to the statement that marijuana is not addictive. add ictive. B. Marijuana is harmful. 1. There are no to)ins in marijuana. T2 is the main chemical responsible for the #high$ in marijuana and it isn’t to)ic. These chemicals bind to certain nerve receptors in the brain releasing dopamine, a harmless euphoric hormone -2o). %ccording to 3r. 4lders, alcohol, heroin, and crac! can !ill you, but the only ay marijuana cannot -5alavit5. 0. In 0610, 72 an &rancisco performed a study concluding that smo!ing a single joint everyday for 06 years is benign, meaning there are no effects on pulmonary function -+letcher. 8. There are also no addictive chemicals in marijuana, leading to less consumption and usage. This is hy e)perts believe that there is such a less physical effect to eed smo!ers than cigarette smo!ers It is evident that there really is no physical damage done to the lungs of eed smo!ers -Bronstein. (9o that e’ve corrected some of the false misconceptions of marijuana, e are going to ta!e a loo! at ho marijuana can be beneficial* II. Marijuana has both health and economic benefits. %. Marijuana Marijuana has has many benefici beneficial al health health effects. effects. 1. %n e)perimen e)perimentt performed performed by by 72 an an 3iego 3iego demonstr demonstrates ates that that marijuana alleviates pain. This e)periment consisted of placing an ingredient in chili peppers underneath the individuals’ s!in and tested to see if marijuana relieves acute pains : it did -echt. 0. Marijuana Marijuana also also is related related to preventing preventing cancer cancer cells cells from from spreading. % study performed at the 7niversity of Madrid in pain shoed that T2 inhibited tumor groth in their e)perimental patients’ brains -"alia. -"alia. 8. Marijuana is also related to %l5heimer’s 3isease. %n e)periment performed by the %merican 2hemical ociety concludes that marijuana can bloc! an en5yme that progresses %l5heimer’s -4uban!s. B. In addition addition to health health benefits, benefits, marijuana marijuana has brought brought positive positive economic economic successes as ell. 1. 2olorado 2olorado as the the first first state to to sell marijua marijuana na recreational recreationally, ly, st hich started anuary 1 of this year. million that ee! ith only 0? dispensaries open. It is e)pected that ithin a year, 2olorado ill ma!e about =@6 million, all in ta) revenue. Ta) revenue is the income that is gained by the government through ta)es. The state of 2olorado plans to use
=?6 million on education and =86 million on marijuana regulation -4uban!s. This is a huge benefit economically. 0. The state state of "as "ashingt hington on also legali5e legali5ed d selling selling marijuana. marijuana. The The state of "ashington "ashington also has had great successes in ta) revenue. "hile the state of o f "ashington "ashington is ma!ing money mone y through legali5ing recreational marijuana, other states are spending money to prevent citi5ens from smo!ing eed -hane. This shos "ashington’s "ashington’s economy thriving and other states’ economies losing money. (o, hat have e learnedA* !onclusion
I. "e have have e)a e)am mined ined'' %. The to main main misconception misconceptionss of marijuana marijuana and hy they’re they’re false. false. B. The posit positive ivess marijuan marijuanaa brings. brings. II. Many 2hristians 2hristians tend to to be ignorant to to marijuana, marijuana, drugs, and everything else in that nature. oever as 2hristians, I feel that e should be more educated on on hat marijuana actually is instead of turning a blind eye and listening to hat our parents or bible school teachers say. That ay, e can help our brothers and sisters in 2hrist and have a better grasp at understanding und erstanding hat it truly is and ho it can be beneficial. III.
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