hilippine Litera
Spanish Colonial Period
Spanish occupied Philippines in early 15th century. The First Filipino alphabet is Alibata – when Spanish colonized Philippines they changed alibatas into o!an alphabet. Spanish banned the use o" Alibata because they belie#ed that it is a wor$ o" e#il. So Spanish "ully introduced the
The %uropean %uropean literature was brought by the Spaniards and are assi!ilated in Filipino songs and indigenous the!es. The early printing press in the Philippine is run and !onopolized by the Spaniards "riars.
&uring Spanish colonization Filipinos "elt that they being harassed by the Spaniards. Then the 'irth o" the Propaganda !o#e!ent and (a Solidaridad. Then Filipino Filipino "ought and introduce introduced d Tagalog T agalog to be the language o" re#o re#olution lution
literature ()T%AT*% under under
Spanish Colonial Period Spanish Colonial Period
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SONGS A song is a compositio c omposition n for voice or voices, performed by singing. A choral or vocal song may be accompanied by musical instruments, or it may be unaccompanied, as in the case of a cappella songs. he lyrics !"ords# of songs are typically of a poetic,
SONGS L&'ON L&'ON S$NA his song depicts humbleness. $t%s the story of a man "ho tries to sho" "hat he got to "in the heart of his beloved one.
SONGS SA'/+ANG G$ a (undiman "hich means )one night* or )one evening* in +icol. A undiman is a -ilipino love song traditionally sung by a man "ooing the "oman of his dreams.
%())+*S &A,A he religious drama, as setting forth events recorded in the +ible or moral lessons to be dra"n from religious teaching, is distinctively medieval in character, and in origin is closely connected "ith the services of the 0hurch.
%())+*S &A,A Panunuluyan !agal !agalog og for 1asing 1asing for lodgings1# is a Philippine 0hristmas dramatic ritual narrating the 2oly -amily%s search for a place to stay in +ethlehem for 3esus 0hrist%s birth through song.
'A/A &ra!a is the speci/c !ode o" o " /ction repres ented in per"or!ance. The enact!ent o" dra!a in theatre0 per"or!ed by actors on a stage be"ore an audience0 presupposes collaborati#e !odes o" production and a collecti#e "or! o" recepti reception. on.
'A/A +ait +abae ang Naghuhugas ng Pinggan
2hy 2o!en 2ash the &ishes3 is a play that depicts a betting ga!e between couple who! either one would not li$e to wash the dishes. The play is /lled with hu!or and anti4ues.
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PO&'6 Poetry is an i!aginati#e awareness o" e7perience e7pressed through !eaning0 sound0 and rhyth!ic language choices so as to e#o$e an e!otional response. Poetry has been $nown to e!ploy !eter and rhy!e0 but this is by no !eans necessary. The #ery nature o" poetry as an authentic and indi#idual !ode o" e7pression !a$es it nearly i!possible to
F(+A-T% AT (A*A The story is about the the lo#e and deter!ination o" the &u$e Florante and the Princess (aura o" Albania while being pursued by the usurper Count Adol"o.
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is a y y r o t s t t r o h s A brie " wor$ itera ture0 o " l t ten it t ly wr t usual y e s o r p e # # i t a r r in na . A classic ition o " a de /n t ha t t s i y y r o t s t t r o sh e one should b in t t i d a e r o t e l ab ting it t one s t
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y y r o t s t t r o h s e Th nd u o r a s e # # l o # e r one thing – re o ! r + . ! o d Free s to $ e e s t t i 0 y y l r a e cl s de /ne wha t i "r "reedo!0 and it wha t sense t se o h t o t s e $ a ! 8 e e r " t o n e r a who d "or the
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3OS& '$9AL
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/A'0&LO 4&L P$LA'
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3OS& '$9AL e is considered one o" the national heroes o" the Philippines. Studying in %urope0 %urope0 he was the !ost pro!inent ad#ocate "or re"or! in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial era. e was wrongly w rongly i!plicated as the leader o" the :atipunan e#olution0 e#olution0 and that led to his e7ecution on &ece!ber ;<0 1=>?0 now celebrated as izal &ay0 a national holiday in the
S%(%CT%& 2+:S +F
/$ L$/O A4$OS A poe! written by Philippine national hero &r @os izal on the e#e o" his e7ecution on ;< &ece!ber 1=>?. This poe! was one o" the last notes he wrote be"ore his death8 another that he had written was "ound in his shoe but because the te7t was illegible0 its contents re!ains a
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/A'0&LO 2. 4&L P$LA'
2e "as a celebrated :gure in the Philippine 'evolution and a leading propagandist propagandist for reforms in the Philippines. Popularly no"n as Plaridel, he "as the editor and co;publisher of La Solidaridad !he Solidarity#.
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4ASALAN A O0SO2AN his is a satire on the friars% hypocrisy, licentiousness and greed, "hich consists of parodies of the Sign of the 0ross, the Act of 0ontrition, the Lord%s Prayer, the 2ail /ary, and the catechism. 'i
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AN D R E S B O N I F AC I O He was a founder and later Supremo of the Katipunan movement which sought the independence of the Philippines from Spanish f o colonial rule and started r e h h t e a n i F “ p the lip i i l h P e " " , h h t n o o i i Philippine t u u l o v Revolution. R e
4 & 0 & L S& O S ( 5O'
AN D R E S B O N I F AC I O This poem which was rst pu!lished in the "iariong Tagalog. #s the title indicates, the theme is direc to the Filipinos in order to arou their spirit of # S % % ' &' & & $ % % nationalism P # ( # ' ) ) ( ( T & and # * ) P self$dependence.
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Philippine literary production during the A!erican Period in the Philippines was spurred by two signi/cant de#elop!ents in education and culture. +ne is the introduction o" "ree public instruction "or all children o" school age and two0 the use o" %nglish as !ediu! o" instruction in all le#els o" education in public schools.
Free public education !ade $nowledge and in"or!ation accessible to a greater nu!ber o" Filipinos. Those who a#ailed o" this education through college were able to i!pro#e i!pro #e their social status and Boined a good nu!ber o" educated !asses who beca!e part o" the
The use o" %nglish as !ediu! o" instruction introduced Filipinos to AngloDA!erican !odes o" thought0 culture and li"e ways that would be e!bedded not only in the literature produced but also in the psyche o" the countrys educated class. )t was this educated class that would be the wellspring
Philippine literature in %nglish0 as a direc directt result res ult o" A!erican colonization o" the country0 could not escape being i!itati#e o" A!erican !odels o" writing especially during its period o" apprenticeship.
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Tagalog Tagalog -o#el
o!antic Poetry
Short Stories
'eginning o" Phil (it in %nglish
A novel is a long prose narra tive that describes :ctional characters and events in the form of a se>uential story, usually. A agalog novel is a novel "ritten in, of course,
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'anaag at Si$at is one o" the /rst literary no#els written by Filipino author (op e :. Santos in the Tagalog language in 1>. As a boo$ that was considered as the 'ible o" wor$ing class Filipinos0 the pages o" the no#el re#ol#es around the li"e o" &el/n0 his lo#e "or a daughter o" a
TA T AA( A(+ + -+E%(
omantic Poetry f o e m e h t t n na i m e o h d t e ? y h r t e n o o i p t c o i t m n e a l m a r o u ' t a n i n f d o n i g m n a ter in m : l t u h e h t h g , u t o r r a h t e t s a s e r e c n e o r t a r " e a d r n o a h t t i " d d e e l t p a u e co cr y t t i i l a u d e . h s t s e o f c o r p a h c b y s u
omantic Poetry e 4 n o < ra o 0 e s o 3 o e s u s , "a s 3 e s B s e e 3 d e n < a r o 0 @ s o o t 3 o t e o y p r t o e n n p o ip i l p i g o r o f o o l e a a - i l r r g i a s e d d % e s s o u n n ip i p i l l i " h o e t h s g s n n i e r r u p d = f e e o c n n e o o i d t n pa u c c o n d e p e r i c i n n a c e t o C , E s D t h e A m i e C n i n p o m p p r r i f l l i d h e P t s a l t h e t a h t d o o i r e e h t a p g n n i e b r o o . f " n C D F o n t s o n g s
G G $ + + $ $ ; G A P
is a y y r o t s t r ho s A h k r brief wo k u ure, t a r e t i l f o ten t i r w y y l l a u s u u e s o r p e v v i t in narra c . A classi a f o n o i t i n efi d is y y r o t s t r o h sh b be d l u u o h h s e h hat on t in t i d a e r o b ble t a one sittin
re A s o n i p p i l i &e ' k kers ) )rin ild ( h short h T is is a y y b n e t t i r w y y stor ces o R o r d n a ! le A an " " sh e h r f s i h n u d ri #ona i r A n i r a ye . He y y t i s r e v v i n State $ for n w w o n k l l was we ories t s s u u o r o " " u u his h tin. i r w n i t i w h wh and s are o n i p p i l i ' & %&e s* is r e k k n i r ) ) d il ( the to h k k c a b b d e t a d +-s.
'eginning o" Philippine (iterature in %nglish
Philippine literature in &nglish +y CDEC, public education "as institutionali
'eginning o" Philippine (iterature in %nglish
12o" /y +rother Leon +rought 2ome a 5ife1 A story about an occasion that "ould be a big day in the life of any family, the day one of the sons of the family brings hope the "oman he intends to marry.. he stor marry story y