Phonics How to read English Fluently Created by: Mieder van Loggerenberg Telephone: 0867999908 | 0897460866 | E-mail:
[email protected] SAT TESOL - ESL - TEFL - TEYL - TOEFL - TOEIC - IELTS –
Index Short Vowel Phonics
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Short a
Short e
Short a and e Short i
Short a, e and i Short o
Short a, e, i, o Short u
Short a, e, i, o, u
Short vowels - mixed Short vowel story
Long Vowel Phonics
Long a
Short and Long a
Short a, Long a and Short e Long a - Reading Practice Long e
Short and Long e
Long e vs. Short i
Long e - Reading Practice Long i
Short and Long i
Short i, Short e and Long e Long i - Reading Practice Long o
Index Short and Long o
Reading Practice "sh" and "ch"
Digraphs - th
Long o - Reading Practice Long u
Short and Long u
Long u - Reading Practice Short and Long Vowels Reading Practice Consonant
Blends bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl
Blends br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr .. Blends sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, squ, st, sw Blends scr, spl, spr, str
Blends - thr and fr Digraphs - sh
Digraphs - ch / tch
Digraphs - wh
Special Sounds
ang / ing / ong / ung
ank / ink / onk / unk
or / oar
er / ir / ur aw / au
Index alk / ock
wa / all / al oi / oy
ow / ou
air/ are / arr ear
old / olt / oll / ole / ild / ind war / wor
aught / ought / ough tion / sion
Short Vowel Phonics
Short Vowel Phonics Short a Short a – Word List 1. man 2. rat 3. wag 4. cab 5. ham 6. tax 7. yam 8. sap
can fan sack cat ax jam has lad
bat bag an pan lap back pad mass
Jack van sat nap quack at Dan fad
Short a - Rhyming Words Rhyming words have the same ending sound. sound. Words that rhyme with cat cat are: bat at,, f at, at, hat hat,, mat mat,, pat pat,, rat rat,, sat sat Read these rhyming words: ban sad fan bad Jan dad tan mad man pad ran fad can had
map sap cap zap gap rap lap
lack rack tack sack Jack quack Zack
Short e Short e – Word List 1. men 2. red 3. wet 4. fell 5. hem 6. keg 7. yell 8. beg
Ken neck pen mess bell well net Meg
bet beg hex rest den yes pep mess
deck vet Jed ten led end Deb Ned
Short Vowel Phonics
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Ken bet Meg ten pens. The red bag fell on the men. The sack has a wet hem. Deb can hex the fat vet.
Short e - Rhyming Words Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Words that rhyme with beg beg are: keg eg,, leg leg,, Meg Meg,, peg peg Read these rhyming words: den med pen led Jen fed Ben red hen bed bed yen Ed Ken zed
vet bet wet set net met get
well sell bell tell dell fell quell
Short a and Short e Short a and Short e Read the pairs of words below. Listen for the difference between a and e. bad – bad – bed Bal – Bal – bell sat – sat – set fad – fad – fed pan – pan – pen nack – nack – neck pal – pal – pell pat – pat – pet man – man – men mat – mat – met
peck – peck – pack beg – bag beg – hem – ham hem – Ted – tad Ted – Ken – can Ken – mess – mass mess – Meg – mag Meg – ten – tan ten – led – lad led – end – and end –
Short Vowel Phonics
rad – rad – red Jan – Jan – Jen yap – yap – yep
pep – pep – pap den – Dan den – bet - bat
Short i Short i – Word List 1. hit 2. rid 3. win 4. bid 5. hiss 6. kiss 7. in 8. big ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
kit Nick pin miss Bill wig nip gig
bit big him rip dim if pill it
lick fin Jim tin lid Vin fizz Jill
Vin bit Nick and Jill. Jim will kiss the big pill. Ned has a big bed. Yes, the big bat is in the red bag.
Short i - Rhyming Words Rhyming words have the same ending sound. sound. Words that rhyme with bit bit are: f it, it, hit hit,, kit kit,, lit lit,, mitt mitt,, pit pit,, quit quit,, sit sit Read these rhyming words: will him Bill rim sill Tim kill dim mill Kim fill sim quill Jim
did hid lid quid quid bid rid kid
win tin kin fin sin pin bin
Short Vowel Phonics
Short a - Short e – Short i Read the groups of words below. Listen for the differences between a, e, and i. bad bed bid pick peck pack Bal bell bill big beg bag sat set sit him hem ham fad fed fid bit bet bat pan pen pin kin Ken can nack neck Nick miss mess mass pal pell pill mig Meg mag pat pet pit tin ten tan tax tex tix lid led lad mat met mitt in end and rad red rid pip pep pap yap yep yip din den Dan
Short o Short o – Word List 1. hot 2. rod 3. bod 4. mock 5. hog 6. odd 7. mom 8. nod ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
cot sock pod sod on lost nob rob
bot bog hop Ron dock god pog sob
lock fog job top lot Jon lob got
Mom got an odd job. Jon lost his hog. Jen can lob the big hat in the dim fog. Ron and Ned will bet a lot on the fat hog.
Short o - Rhyming Words Rhyming words have the same ending sound. sound.
Short Vowel Phonics
Words that rhyme with top top are: cop op,, hop hop,, mop mop,, pop pop,, sop sop Read these rhyming words: dot lock cot rock lot sock not jock got dock pot mock hot pock
rob lob Bob mob cob sob job
nod god cod sod rod pod Todd
Short a - Short e – Short i – Short o Read the groups of words below. Listen for the differences between a, e, i, and o. bad bed bid bod pock pick peck pack gat get git got bog big beg bag sat set sit sot Tom Tim tem tam fad fed fid fod bot bit bet bat pan pen pin pon con kin Ken can nack neck Nick nock moss miss mess mass sap sep sip sop mog mig Meg mag pat pet pit pot pop pip pep pap tax tex tix tox lod lid led lad mat met mitt mot on in end and rad red rid rod Don din den Dan
Short u Short u – Word List 1. hut
2. run
3. bud
4. much
Short Vowel Phonics
5. hug
6. bun
7. mum
8. fuss
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Jud cut his mum. The tub is much fun. Jen and Jud kiss mom in bed. Bill can run, but he cannot lug a keg.
Short u - Rhyming Words Rhyming words have the same ending sound. sound. Words that rhyme with but but are: cut ut,, gut gut,, hut hut,, mutt mutt,, nut nut,, rut rut Read these rhyming words: pun bug fun rug bun dug gun hug hun jug nun lug run mug
duck buck suck yuck puck luck tuck
rub sub tub nub hub cub pub
Short a - Short e – Short i – Short o – Short u Read the groups of words below. Listen for the differences between a, e, i, o, and u. bad bed bid bod bud puck pock pick peck pack gat get git got gut bug bog big beg bag sat set sit sot sut tum Tom Tim tem tam fad fed fid fod fud but bot bit bet bat pan pen pin pon pun cun con kin Ken can nack neck Nick nock nuck muss moss miss mess mass
Short Vowel Phonics
sap sep sip sop sup rad red rid rod rud tax tex tix tox tux mat met mitt mot mutt
mug mog mig Meg mag pup pop pip pep pap lud lod lid led lad un on in end and
Short vowels Mixed Short vowels (a (a e i o u) u) 1. tan 2. hen 3. mud 4. box 5. sin 6. keg 7. lick 8. tax 9. pug 10. get
bit jam pin yes van cop set loss Matt hop
cup kid vet rap puff yam dot wig fig sack
got luck wag nut quit fun sun wet Tess puck
Short vowels (a (a e i o u) u) ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Ken cut his hand and fell in a well. He has bad luck. Meg will win ten pens. That is a lot of pens. The hot sun is bad, so the cat went in a box. Jon will beg his mom for a red bag. We got a lot of bugs in the big sack. Set the jug in the sun and get a cup of jam. The cat bit the rat in the neck but the rat will run fast. The man will rest in the hot sun with his cat. “Rub the cat on the tum,” said mom. Meg has a cat. Nick hit the cat, and Meg was mad. Meg and Nick had a spat. Mom and Dad said, “Stop!”
Short Vowel Phonics
Phonics – Short Vowel Story Jan and Ted had a pet cat. The cat is big and it cannot swim. Ted and the cat went to swim, but the cat ran back to Jan. Jan was mad, so she hit Ted. “Don’t hit me,” said Ted. Jan did not let the cat swim. Jan and Ted had a rat in the yard. “Get rid of it!” said Jan. “The cat will kill the rat,” said Ted, and he let the cat get the big rat. But the cat did not kill the rat. It bit the rat and hit the cat, but then it quit. “The cat will not kill the rat,” said Ted. “I bet the cat will rest. We will get a new cat.” Jan got sick, so she took a lot of pills. “I am not well,” she said, and she went to bed. Ted had the cat, so he let her pet the cat. “Thank you,” she said. Jan was sick, but now she can get well, with the cat’s help. Mom got a job at a pet shop. The shop had pups, cats, birds, frogs, and fish. A lot of kids like to run to the shop after class and look at the pets. One day, Jan and Ted went with them. “Look!” said Ted. “Look at that pup. It is so cute.” They went home to ask mom for the pup. “Will you help us get a pup?” said Ted. “The cat will not like the pup,” said mom. “But the pup is so cute and nice,” said Jan. “Well,” said mom, “I have a new job, new job, so I can help you get the pup.” Jan and Ted felt so glad. On the next Monday, mom went to the pet shop. She paid for the pup and she came home with a new pup. Jan and Ted felt glad when the pup ran in the house. The pup got Ted’s sock. “Will the pup lick the sock?” Jan asked. The pup did not lick the sock, but the pup ran and ran, and the sock got lost. Ted ran to the pup. “Where is my sock?” he said. “Don’t yell, Ted,” said mom. “It is just is just a pup. The pup pup is glad, so the pup will not rest.”
Long Vowel Phonics
Long Vowel Phonics
Long a (ai , ay , a_e,) 1. hail 2. make 3. Jane 4. ray 5. hate 6. Gail 7. maze 8. play ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
same say main made mate tame nail cane
day grate may bait gain gate Fay make
ate rain fake mail cake way stake fail
short Dan fat sack pad ran pan can Jan
long Dane fate sake paid rain pain cane Jane
Fay and Jane play on the same day. Gail made a fake cake. It may rain cats and dogs today. Jed cut the cake and ate the cake.
Short a and Long a short 1. hat 2. bat 3. lack 4. sat 5. tack 6. gab 7. ban 8. tap
long hate bait lake sate take Gabe bane tape
Short a, Long a and Short e These sounds can be very hard to tell apart. Practice reading across, and try to hear the different sounds.
Long Vowel Phonics
Short a man fad tax bad pal sat fat van Jan pan Matt
Long a mane fade takes bade pale sate fate vane Jane pain mate
Short e men fed tex bed pell set fet ven Jen pen met
Long a – Reading 1 Fay and Jane like to play at the lake. One day, they made a maze in the hay. On the same day, they had rain and hail, so Fay and Jane ran back to play games. “I will win, and you will fail,” said Jane. “You are vain,” said Fay. “I may not play.” “Wait, wait!” said Jane. I will bake a cake. Will you stay? “I will stay if you bake a cake, but if you are vain, I don’t want to play,” said Fay. “Yay! Yay!” said Jane. Jane and Fay will play and bake a cake. It rained, but today is a good day. *”said” is a sight word. (It sounds like “sed.”)
Long a – Reading 2 Max and Jay sat at the lake by the bay. Max went away, and then came back. Jay had Max’s bag. “Don’t make me mad!” said Max “If you take my bag, I will make you late. I will throw your hat in the lake!” “It’s okay!” said Jay. “I want to play with your maze! May I play?” Max gave Jay the maze, and they sat by the lake and played and played. “The day is gray, and maybe it will rain,” said Max. “We cannot stay and play. Let’s go back. We can talk on the way.” 12
Long Vowel Phonics
Long e (ee , ea , e_e , ey , ie , e) 1. feed 2. thief 3. monkey 4. he 5. these 6. beam 7. brief 8. pea ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
meat seek jeep bean bee keep ween seed
Pete team read see heal leap fee eat
key meme veal need Eve we deal Steve
short pet Ben fell Jed men red Ted yell
long Pete bean feel keep mean read team eat
We feed three monkeys. We need to see the team. Steve and Pete will not eat red meat. A thief will steal these Jeeps.
Short and Long e short 1. bet 2. set 3. dell 4. hell 5. let 6. Ned 7. tell 8. wet
long beat seat deal heal lean need teal weak
Long e vs. Short i Long e is similar to short i. Practice saying the pairs of words below, and try to hear the difference. bit – bit – beat sin – sin – seen dill – dill – deal
bean – bean – bin ream – rim ream – seat – sit seat –
Long Vowel Phonics
pet – pet – Pete rid – rid – read mitt – mitt – meat lick – lick – leak riff – – reef pick – pick – peek lick – lick – leak Tim – Tim – team fit – fit – feet this – this – these pill -- peel
seem – seem – sim keep – Kip keep – lean – Lin lean – peat – pit peat – deep – dip deep – reek – Rick reek – seep – sip seep – seek – sick seek – beef – – Biff meek – Mick meek – wean -- win
Long e – Reading 1 Steve had his pet monkey, Eve, in his jeep. He went to the bay to take a brief jog. He gave Eve a piece of beef and books to read (Eve is keen on books). “I need to jog,” to jog,” said Steve. “Stay here, Eve. My jog My jog will wil l be brief.” Eve gazed at Steve, and Steve ran by the bay. Eve ate the beef. “I cannot read,” said Eve. “I will lick the book.” If Eve licks the book, the paint will peel, but Eve is a monkey, monkey, so Eve licks books. Steve came back and leaped in his jeep. “Eve! You need to read, not lick,” yelled Steve. “You are an odd monkey!” Eve just looked at Steve. “You are an odd man,” said Eve.
Long e – Reading 2 Zeke came back from class and saw his brother, Rick. Rick had a big grin. “Why the big grin, Rick?” “These seeds!” said Rick. “If I put them deep, and if I see the sun, we will get peas!” “That is good!” said Zeke. “We need peas. Peas can feed mom and pop, and peas can feed you and I.” “These peas will get big and make seeds,” said Rick. “Then we can eat and eat and eat!” “If we eat peas with beef, we can get big and run fast and play on the team!” said Zeke. 14
Long Vowel Phonics
Long I (i-e , ie , igh) 1. time 2. might 3. tile 4. tie 5. hive 6. side 7. fine 8. light ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
mine lie fight vine vie tide five nice
night bite dime right mile die hide line
hike nine fine size ripe sight bile file
short sin kit Bill mitt hid pip rid Tim
long sine kite bile mine hide pipe ride time
We can hike a mile at night. That nice dog might bite. The dime is mine but the tie is not mine. Pete and Jay got five mice and a pup.
Short i and Long i short 1. bit 2. fin 3. rip 4. sit 5. dim 6. lit 7. quit 8. sin
long bite fine ripe site dime lite quite size
Short i, Short e and Long e Practice saying the groups of words below. bit - bet - beat pin - pen - peen dill - dell - deal rid - red - read
bean - Ben - bin read - red - rid seat - set - sit seek - seck - sick
Long Vowel Phonics
pit - pet - Pete mitt - met - meat lick - leck - leak riff - ref - reef pick - peck - peek fid - fed - feed liss - lass - lease
peek - peck - pick need - Ned - nid peat - pet - pit beef - beff - Biff reed - red - rid weed - wed - wid peel – peel – pell - pill
Long i – Reading 1 Mick and Mike will fight at five. Mike is not big, so Mike’s pal wants Mike to quit. It is not quite five, and Mike’s pal runs to Mike. “Quick, Mike! Go hide! You do not want to fight! You might get hit and cry!” “You are right,” said Mike. “I don’t want to fight. Mick wants to fight. He is a vile tike.” Mike and his pal will hide at the side of the dike. They will run a mile and go back and play. Mick might not fight at five. “Mike, did you lie?” asked his pal. “No, I did not lie,” said Mike. “I did not want to fight. I want to play!”
Long i – Reading 2 Jim likes to ride his bike and hide by the lake. Today, he rides his bike five miles and stops to rest. He eats beef by a tree. “This is not beef,” says Jim. “This is veal! That’s okay. I like veal.” Jim sees a hive in the tree. Bees like to go in the hive. Jim wants to see a bee, so he hits the hive five times. Six bees fly and see Jim. “Oh, no!” says Jim. He runs to his bike, but he can not quite get away. The bees are quite mad. Jim yells and cries and hides. Jim will not hit the hive five times next time. He will just ride his bike and go away.
Long Vowel Phonics
Long o (o-e , oa , ow , o) 1. hope 2. moan 3. soak 4. go 5. coal 6. Joan 7. vote 8. moan ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
boat mope load bow quote toe low coat
note tow lone nope roam so bone bowl
foam toad no pole Rome tone bile home
I hope the boat floats. Joan votes in Rome. We run home at night and sleep. He can make a bowl with coal and foam.
Short o and Long o short 1. bot 2. dot 3. got 4. jock 5. mop 6. pot 7. rod 8. rot ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
long boat doze goat joke mope poke road rote
short cod sop hop lob nod pod Todd sock
long code soap hope lobe node quote toad soak
The cod will soak in the pot. Ross will poke Dom with a mop. The cop can cope with the road. I know Todd’s joke by rote.
Long Vowel Phonics
Long o – Reading 1 Ross is a jock with hope for a gal named Joan. Ross the jock will joke with Joan, but Joan will not dote on Ross the jock. Ross the jock has a joke, but Joan is not glad. “Woe is me,” moans Ross the jock. “I have no hope. I will be alone, with no Joan.” Hope is not lost. Joan has a note for Ross the jock. The jock reads the note. It says, “I like your joke, jock. joke, jock. Let’s take a date on a boat.” Ross the jock hops and nods. He will go on a date with Joan, so he will not mope. Joan gave him a note, so he has a bit of hope.
Long o – Reading 2 Rose and Dom rode goats on a road. They like to chat and joke on the way home. Dom’s goat walks slowly. “This goat has a big load,” l oad,” said Dom. “We can stop and rest by the road.” “Nope!” said Rose. “You want to go slow. You don’t want to go home. You just want to dote on me and tell me jokes.” me jokes.” “My jokes “My jokes are so good!” said Dom. Dom. “You can quote them! But my goat cannot go on. I will rest by the road.” “I will rest with you,” said Rose. “But I hope you know, this is not a date.” “I know, I know,” said Dom. “Don’t moan so much!”
Long Vowel Phonics
Long u (u-e , oo, ew) 1. cube 2. lude 3. cue 4. cute 5. knew 6. toot 7. rude 8. goose ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
moon dune toon soon clue stew blue food
new cool noon June too Sue pool tune
tube boot blue zoo rule flew dew lewd
short lug sun rub tub duck mud nut fuss
long lude suit rude tune nuke mule tune fuse
The new zoo is too cool. The blue goose flew to the moon. Jon and Rick knew a cute cat. Meg is cute but she is too rude.
Short u and Long u short 1. cub 2. dun 3. cut 4. Jud 5. mutt 6. luck 7. run 8. fun ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
long cube dune cute June mute Luke rune fume
Jude is in a fun mood. The ruse is not cute, Russ. My mutt is mute, but it is cute. The newt will run to the rune.
Long Vowel Phonics
Long u – Reading 1 Luke is in a bad mood. His cute mutt has his boot on the roof. Soon the sun will set, and Luke cannot run without his boot, so Luke will fuss at the mutt. “Bad mutt!” yells Luke. “Come off the roof soon!” “Ruff, ruff,” yells the mutt. “Mutt, you are a fool!” yells Luke. “If you don’t come off the roof, I will not feed you food!” But the cute mutt will not come off the roof. The boot is good, and the mutt did not want food. Russ will run without his boot. His foot will look bad, but Russ is cool, so he will not be in a bad mood.
Long u – Reading 2 Jud has a juke box in his room. Luke likes to play with the juke box, but he will not pay. Jud is not rude, but he is a bit mad. “My juke “My juke box is not free,” he says. “If you want tunes, you must pay.” “But I am your bud,” says Luke. “Must I pay to play a tune?” “Yes, you must,” says Jud. “My tunes are that good. If you want cool tunes, you must pay first.” “Well,” says Luke. “I want cool tunes, but I don’t want such a rude bud. My home has cool tunes, too. I don’t need your juke your juke box.” “Wait, wait!” says Jud. “You can stay! The tunes are free! I don’t mean to be rude. I am just am just poor!”
Short and Long Vowels ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
He can make a hat with coal and foam. Steve and Pete will not eat red meat. The dime is mine but the tie is not mine. Jed cut the cake and ate a big bite. Meg is cute but she is very rude. I hope the boat will float. Can you make three cakes and then eat them?
Long Vowel Phonics
Reading Practice “Gabe and Jude” Gabe and Jude will hike a peak this weekend. Gabe wants to hike, and Jude wants to camp and have a fire, so they will hike to the peak in the day, then camp and have a fire at night. That day, they rode their bikes to the peak at noon, and they hiked all day. The path was not wide, so Gabe and Jude walked slowly. Then, Jude fell. “Ow!” he yelled. Jude went to him. “Are you okay?” he asked. “My leg, my leg! The pain, the pain! Call for help!” “Oh no,” said Gabe. “Can you walk?” Jude did not say. He just cried and cried and cried. “I did not want to hike,” cried Jude. “I just want to camp. Why did you make me hike?” “Don’t be mad,” said Gabe. “Just rest. We can camp here. Do you want to stay here for the night?” “Okay,” said Jude, and he did not cry. Gabe made a fire and set up the tent. Soon, Jude ate and smiled. He had less pain in his leg. “Is your leg okay?” asked Gabe. “Yes, it is,” said Jude. “You were in a very bad mood. What a fuss! You did not want to hike, you just wanted to cry and cry.” “Well, we can hike tomorrow. My leg will not hurt tomorrow. Then we can hike to the peak, or hike back back to our bikes.” Then, the rain came. “Quick, get in the tent,” said Gabe. “It will rain very hard, I think.” Jude and Gabe sat in the tent and had a good time. They went to sleep and waited for the next day. Jude hurt his leg and the rain came, but all in all, it was a good day.
Consonant Blends and Digraphs
Consonant Blends
Consonant Blends bl cl fl gl pl sl 1. black 2. plain 3. slap 4. block 5. slip 6. glut 7. bled 8. glow ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
slow clue clip flip flock Blake slum fled
flat flew play glide clean plant flow click
clap sleep float plane glib class blew slay
drum train frill break prize croak trick Grace
free Brian green crude friend drive brave prune
Blake will sleep in class. Bob will slip and glide on a wet sled. We can plant a rose and play in back. The big plane flew slowly at night.
Consonant Blends br cr dr fr gr pr tr 1. broke 2. gram 3. creek 4. press 5. drool 6. track 7. frost 8. creep ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
crab pray drop trap grass brand groan drove
Grace broke the green drum. Brian will take the free train home. I pray in bed at night. Frogs croak at the creek from morning to night.
Consonant Blends
Consonant Blends sc sk sl sm sn sp squ st sw 1. scam 2. snack 3. skim 4. stack 5. speed 6. school 7. sneak 8. spoon ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
skate squeak spell sweet Smith skim Stan smite
spit swim smell slack snow sped swill snail
smoke scab snake skate sleep smack Swiss stand
Steve eats Swiss cheese. We sneak to the school and swim at night. The quick snake ate my snack. Please spell the word “spoon,” Smith.
Consonant Blends scr spl spr str thr 1. scratch 2. split 3. thrive 4. scrub 5. threw 6. scrap 7. strip 8. scram ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
splash strap splint spry spleen throw spree spring
stretch three strip scram stray strive split strive
throw sprint thrill splice thrill splay thrive scream
Scrub this strip and splice the spring. We strive to stretch the three scraps. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Scrub the truck, Fred, but don’t scratch the paint.
Consonant Blends
Consonant Blends – thr vs. fr *The sounds thr and fr sound very similar. Practice saying each sound, and listen for the different sounds. 1. throw 2. Fred 3. thrive 4. thrill 5. frog 6. thrice 7. fry 8. thresh ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
free frail thrum frat thrust fret thrift throes
three thrown frame frost throng fries threw frock
thrash freed Frank throne fresh frisk frock throat
Throw the frame to Fred. Frank got a fright thrice. The frog will thrill the freak. Throngs of fresh fruit are on the throne.
Consonant Digraphs
Consonant Digraphs (sh) 1. ship 2. fish 3. dash 4. shock 5. shoot 6. shush 7. bash 8. cash ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
shake mash wash dish shave flush gosh hash
shop shag shun blush plush Shane show posh
wish shin shore shot flash clash shoe shack
We wash the wet fish. Shane has cash in his shop. If you shake the shack you might break a dish. They eat hash and fish then wash and sleep.
Consonant Digraphs (ch, tch) 1. chip 2. chair 3. chap 4. chase 5. catch 6. stretch 7. stitch 8. hitch ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
such much cheese chime hatch latch witch itch
chick choose chum teach fetch Thatcher scratch Mitch
lunch Chad chill teacher watch notch kitchen pitch
Chad will choose much cheese. “Don’t scratch that itch,” said Mitch. Hot dogs make such a great lunch. Mitch will teach the children math.
Consonant Digraphs
Reading Review “Chad and Shane” Chad is quite rich. His mom and dad have a lot of cash, and each week they give a check to Chad. But Chad is such a nice boy and he does not show off because his best friend, Shane, is not as rich. Shane’s family does not have much. They live in a shack and have things that are very cheap. Shane lives with his two sisters, his father, and his mother. Every day they eat lunch together. Shane and his family do not have much, but they are happy because they have each other. Chad and Shane play together every day after school. They like to race their bikes in the city; Chad will chase Shane, then Shane will chase Chad. Sometimes, they go to the gym and play catch. At night, they will rush home and chat on the internet. Chad and Shane are very different, but they are glad to know each other.
Consonant Digraphs (th) 1. this 2. these 3. mother 4. smooth 5. thick 6. faith 7. Thor 8. bath ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
they there father seethe tooth thin goth cloth
that them brother gather think math thing teeth
those the breathe rather thought thunder think path
That cloth is thin. Father has smooth teeth. He will take a bath and do his math. They gather the trash on the path.
Consonant Digraphs
Consonant Digraphs - wh wh can sound like “hw” or like “h” 1. what 2. wheel 3. whack 4. whoa 5. whiff 6. whom* whom* 7. whets 8. whines
whale whet whole* whole* wheat whine Whig wheels who* who*
when where while which whose* whose* whisk whales whiz
why who* who* whiz white whip whacks whisker whole* whole*
*wh sounds like “h.” ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Where is the white whale? Who will the whiz kid whack? I whiff while I whine. “Whoa,” said the white whale. Who eats whole wheat? Whose whip is white?
Special Sounds
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – ang / ing / ong / ung 1. sing 2. rung 3. sung 4. wing 5. stung 6. rang 7. gong 8. bring ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
ping song lung sang bang wrong dong sling
long strung pang fang ding king strong fling
hung sting yang string gang hang thing ring
honk chunk rank shrink honking ankle wink blink
trunk thank pink bunk dunk dinky Tonka honks
Ling sang a long song. The king is never wrong. A bee stung the lark’s wing. Hang the gang by the thin string. “Ding“Ding-dong” rang the bell.
Special Sounds – ank / ink / onk / unk 1. tank 2. stink 3. donkey 4. junk 5. spank 6. slinky 7. stunk 8. punk ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
think wonk spunk bank twinkle clunk Hank crank
Hank can honk the tank. The pink donkey stinks. Carl is honking at the horse. Thank the punk for the pink drink. Will Hank flunk the art class?
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – ar 1. car 2. part 3. dart 4. Garth 5. mart 6. carp 7. arm 8. par ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
spar scarf tarp hark bar farther yarn bark
start farm sparse jar lark park darn art
far yard cart ark harm Bart Mars Carl
store torn morning board north score cork chore
oar force sort tort born Nora fork snore
Mark has a car in the yard. Carl and Bart will spar in the park. The dog barks at the lark. Don’t harm the cart, Garth. Pardon Carl; he is tardy. The park is farther than the farm.
Special Sounds – or / oar 1. bored 2. more 3. Thor 4. wore 5. coarse 6. shore 7. sore 8. forlorn ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
for boar horde vortex pork hoarse storm port
The Norse horde is on the ark. Nora is hoarse this morning. Do you have more coarse cork? The lark was born to soar far. Thor has torn the form.
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – er / ir / ur 1. fern 2. serf 3. surf 4. sir 5. her 6. stern 7. Bert 8. were ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
birth jerk mother lesser lurch urn skirt turn
fur girth turf taller nerd perk Vern Perth
dirt fir murky first purge further curd nurse
Paul straw paws cause shawl vault crawl gawk
astronaut auto awful law sauce aunt draw rickshaw
The fir grows taller in the dirt. Don’t be a jerk, Vern. Burn the dirty jersey first. She got a fur skirt in Perth. Her sisters were shorter than her. Don’t surf on the serf’s turf, Kurt.
Special Sounds – aw / au 1. pause 2. brawn 3. launch 4. bawl 5. laud 6. saw 7. autumn 8. thaw ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
fault audio daub maul raw claw flaw fraud
Don’t gawk at the tall author. The astronaut’s launch was flawed. Thaw the hawk and eat it raw. Paul’s aunt wears a shawl in the autumn. We saw a hawk’s claw on the lawn.
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – alk / ock 1. walk 2. balk 3. stock 4. dock 5. sock 6. chalk 7. block 8. rock ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Brock beanstalk jock flock talked mock chalkboard smock
stalk pock talk jaywalk Rocky chock tock sleepwalk
lock clock cakewalk crock cocky crosswalk shock hockey
watch walk Wanda swath swallow
Walter wall swan waltz swab
The cocky jock stalks Brock. The flock of hawks walks on the chalk. Don’t jaywalk; use the crosswalk! Rocky sleepwalks in socks.
Special Sounds – wa 1. water 2. wand 3. watt 4. wallow 5. wad
want wasp wash swap swat
Special Sounds – all / al 1. ball 2. salt 3. mall 4. taller 5. alter
malt pall gall hall salty
tall Walt halt waltz thrall
fall wall paltry stall baseball
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – wa / al / all ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Will Wanda swallow the malt? Walt has the gall to waltz in the hall. I want to wash with water in the mall. The swan watched the tall wall. These malt balls are too salty. The witch’s wand can alter the swan. Quick, Walter! Swat the wasp on the wall! Halt the waltz in the alter, Wanda! The watts can halt the tall swan. The mall is taller than the watchtower.
Special Sounds – oi / oy 1. toy 2. coin 3. steroid 4. ploy 5. choice 6. employ 7. doily 8. destroy ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
boil spoil joy Troy enjoy avoid droid exploit
soy Roy foil coil join loyal annoy royal
loin boy coy noise decoy broil toil hoist
Roy is a coy boy. The noise is a ploy to destroy the droid. Troy will join the envoy. Avoid the poison in the oil. Roy points to his loyal choice.
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – ou / ow 1. shout 2. chow 3. south 4.thou 5. now 6. bout 7. fowl 8. ouch ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
pow out flower vow vouch mount stout cow
round loud bound spout how howl frown louse
wow bow couch trout mount clown foul mouse
bare bear pair parrot stairs scare dairy carrot
tear barren sparrow fare Darren blare bears mare
Ouch! The fowl hit my brow! Count the couches in the house. The loud noise makes the clown frown. The stout cow is bound to chow. The fowl are bound for the south.
Special Sounds – air / arr / are / ear 1. hair 2. fair 3. stare 4. dare 5. wear 6. air 7. care 8. lair ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
carry share pear chair hare Larry barrel wearing
The hairy parrot is on the stairs. The fare is unfair, Darren. If you tear the form, you must repair it. Don’t stare at the barren bear, Claire. Larry is wearing a rare scarf.
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – ear *ear can have 3 different sounds: /ear/ /ear/,, /air/ and/er/ and/er/ 1. fear 2. wear 3. earth 4. tear 5. wearing 6. rehearse 7. ear 8. swear ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
bear yearn near bears search year bear hearse
earn dear tear learn shear tearing Earl clear
sear pear heard rear pears research spear pear
Earl’s girl wears pearl earrings. The bears heard Earl rehearse. Each year we spear a deer. Earl searched the earth to earn a pearl. Dear Claire, I swear to stay near. His bleary eyes leak tears. There’s a dearth of earnings this year.
Special Sounds – old / olt / oll / ole 1. fold 2. stroll 3. pole 4. old 5. sole
jolt colt cold Holt bold
toll stole mole whole pole
mold roll enroll hold sold
rind wind binder finder
hind bind grind childish
Special Sounds – ild / ind 1. mild 2. find 3. mind 4. child
kind wild blind milder
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – old / olt / oll / ole / ild / ind ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Cole is bolder than Holt, but Holt is kind. The blind troll will find the gold pole. We took a stroll in the mild atoll. I sold the bolts to a kind child. The old dolt sold the moldy rind. The binder will roll and roll. The old Poles boldly revolt. The molten gold is not cold. Help me find the blind child. The wild colt enjoys rolling in the hay.
Special Sounds – war / wor 1. war 2. work 3. warp 4. worthy 5. warn 6. swarm 7. worms 8. worldly ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
worm ward warden worst worry works working wars
warm world worse dwarf forward backward thwart worries
worth wharf Warren wart worsen words warming Ward
caught daughter ought haughty
bought thought naughty thoughts
The warm scarf is worth a lot. Warren can thwart the world war. The warden worries about worms. The wharf has worthy work. Wards worms swarm backwards.
Special Sounds – aught / ought 1. taught 2. fraught 3. sought 4. naught
fought brought distraught wrought
Special Sounds
Special Sounds – ough There are many ways to pronounce “ough.” “oug h.” Here are 4 of the most common: “uff” tough rough enough
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
“off” cough trough
“oa” though dough doughnut borough
“oo” through throughout slough
Paul brought his daughter to class. cl ass. I don’t have enough dough dough.. His daughter is fraught with distraught thoughts. We bought bikes to ride through the park. I’m not distraught, even though I cough. I sought the tough task for naught. She coughs throughout the class. I thought you bought a doughnut doughnut,, Paul! We caught a boar and bought a trough trough.. I ought not to have thought such naughty thoughts.
Special Sounds - tion / sion (Suffixes) 1. motion 2. session 3. decision 4. fiction 5. tension 6. section 7. fusion 8. suction ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
mission admission auction lotion portion profession vacation medication
nation passion confusion conclusion vision station option collision
ration action caution question creation division illusion potion
My mission is division of the nation. We need a decision in this session. His profession is in admissions. Is it an illusion, or is it my vision? My conclusion will cause confusion.