Physics Lab Report on the velocity and acceleration of a toy car.
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Lastly, the tension on the strin i(es a torque to the syste", 'hich in turn creates an anular acceleration$ This is i(en by the "ass o% the hanin bloc5 "ultiplied by the linear acceleration$ T =m ( g−r ∝ )
e can then use the (alue %or the tension in the equation %or torque in order to calculate torque$ ###$ !aterials and !ethods #n the *rst part o% the e&peri"ent, 'e *rst %ound the anular acceleration$ To To do so, 'e attached 'eihts to the t'o ends o% the rod on an a&le, and 'ound a strin around *rst the larer pulley 'ith a hanin 'eiht o% 20$ +sin the pasco co"puter syste", 'e recorded an anular (elocity (s$ ti"e raph o% the 'eiht at %ree %all$ +sin the slope, 'e 'ere able to deter"ine the anular (elocity$ e repeated these steps 'ith the 'eihts at the ends o% the rod, 'ith the lare pulley %ollo'ed by the s"aller pulley, and once aain 'ith the t'o 'eihts at "idpoints on the rod$ a(in %ound the anular acceleration %ro" the (elocity (s$ ti"e raphs, 'e then used 2 'ith substituted in %or the tension to deter"ine the torque and to *nd the "o"ents o% inertia o% the rotational apparatus %or each o% the %our con*urations 'e tested$ These (alues ser(ed as the e&peri"ental e&peri"ental (alues$ (alues$ Then, usin 3 'e calculated the theoretical "o"ents o% inertia %or each con*uration in order to *nd the percent de(iations %or each$ Lastly, 'e obser(ed a yroscope spinnin at a non per%ect (ertical that %ell o(er$ e obser(ed it aain 'hile spinnin$ e deter"ined the direction o% the ra(itational torque, direction o% procession, and aain 'hile spinnin the yroscope %ro" its other end$ #$ 8esults Table Table 1$ !o"ent o% #nertia %or 'eihts 'eihts on ends o% the rod Pulley Used Experimental Theoretial Perent Moment of Moment of de!iation Inertia Inertia (kg/m^2) (kg/m^2) Lare Pulley 0$00720 0$00009 30$:"all Pulley 0$00; 0$00009 0$6 Table Table 2$ !o"ent o% #nertia %or 'eiht 'eiht at "iddle o% the rod rod Pulley Used Experimental Theoretial Perent Moment of Moment of de!iation Inertia Inertia (kg/m^2) (kg/m^2) Lare Pulley 0$0020 0$00133 3$;0-
:"all Pulley
$ , and could ha(e a>ected the calculations %or the theoretical theoretical (alues$ !ost li5ely ho'e(er, the error is due to (ariation in the distribution o% "o"ent o% inertia, or "ass around the point o% rotation$ This chanes the acceleration that the torque o% the syste" %eels$ +pon obser(in the spinnin yroscope in t'o situations, 'e 'ere able to deter"ine in%or"ation on its ra(itational torque, as 'ell as its direction o% procession$ #n the *rst case 'hen 'e spin the yroscope 'ith its red end pointin up'ard, the direction direction o% its ra(itational torque is pointin out'ard$ #t=s direction o% procession is in the countercloc5'ise countercloc5'ise direction$ #n the other case 'hen the spinnin top has it=s red end on the botto", the ra(itational torque is pointin in'ard, but really the top is de%yin ra(itational torque as it stays up'ard$ The top also spins 'ith a cloc5'ise direction o% procession$