PROJECT : FILE PA PATH: TH: 'file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/377299572.xls'#$2-Pile
Concrete,teel 30 600 mm Pile ia hp% 600 Pe&estal im a,% Spacing factor of piles !" pacin) et*een centers of piles l% #6$0 mm #%00 mm +hicness of pile cap h% i&th of pile cap &$0 mm %$00 mm en)th of pile cap Tensile forces to 'e resiste( ') reinforce*ent %+0 ton oa& on colmn 0% 1ffective &epth of pile cap &% 25 mm 25 mm ,eglecting Col-*n Si.e
+ensile steel reire& . 4n% +ensile steel reire& .cm% Reinforce*ent 1 02#$ of Pile cap area
5.97 #618 #3$0200
#618 8 .!( 9AL;E<
5ESI=, FOR SHEAR One>a) S?ear =ne-a> shear ? !.5& &istance from face of pe&estal hear ;orce Percenta)e of teel,Pt
hear strenth of concrete,+c
(!! mm (!! mm
// ton
Taing si.e of col-*n into consi(eration
4ar 5ia ,-*'er Of 4ars Re-ire( ,-*'er Of 4ars Pro7i(e( Ast Pro7i(e(
5!! 0/mm2
5(2.5 mm 5(2.5 mm !! 0 !! 0
+ P 1 1 . 4
!.52 < !.52 < !.3! 0/mm2
hear stress,+v !.( 0/mm2 s 5(75 0 5(75 0 #0 mm Consi&er (-le))e& ars of &ia hear spacin),v 2.32 mm 2.32 mm pacin) Provi&e& #$0 mm Provi&e ! mm &ia ars at a spacin) of 5! mm c/c T>o@a) S?ear pnchin) shear ?&/2 &ist aron& the pe&estal face hear force !! 0 !! 0 Pnchin) shear section o 25! mm 25! mm shear stress +v !.5( 0/mm2 6llo*ale shear stress,+ stress,+c .37 0/mm2
SafeB pro7i(e no*inal s?ear rein
16+ : 6+1 :
25!! PLA, !.5&
98@%$ (ia A/
(!! B
PROJECT : FILE PATH: 'file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/377299572.xls'#$3-Pile
5esign for 3@Pile =ro-p Concrete ;c,teel ;> Pile ia hp% Colmn im a,% pacin) factor of piles % pacin) et*een centers of piles l% +hicness of pile cap h% i&th of pile cap en)th of Pile Cap
Tensile forces to 'e resiste( ') reinforce*ent oa& on colmn 0% 1ffective &epth of pile cap &% ,eglecting Col-*n Si.e ,l8(" Taing si.e of col-*n into consi(eration Parallel to D-D Parallel to E-E
30 600 mm 600 %2&$ #6$0 mm #3$0 mm %6$0 mm %+30 mm
$00 0/mm2 600 mm
360 +on 275 mm $#2&6 +/23+ +/23+
+ensile steel reire& . 4n% .29 +ensile steel reire& .cm% 25. Feinforcement ? !.5< of Pile cap area D-D plan 5!(.3 mm2 Feinforcement ? !.5< of Pile cap area E-E plan (7.3 mm2
Pro7i(e reinforce*ent in D@5irection 4ar 5ia ,-*'er Of 4ars Re-ire( ,-*'er Of 4ars Pro7i(e( Ast Pro7i(e(
%$ mm
!.3 2 59!.( SAFE
Pro7i(e reinforce*ent in @5irection %$ mm
4ar 5ia ,-*'er Of 4ars Re-ire( ,-*'er Of 4ars Pro7i(e(
2. 2 SAFE
One>a) S?ear ia)onal tension ? !.5& &istance from face of pe&estal hear ;orce,
Percenta)e of teel,Pt
!! 0 !.7 <
hear strenth of concrete,+c hear stress,+v
(37.5 mm
!.2 0/mm2 !.53 0/mm2
h t p e e l i
esi)n hear,s Aar &ia pacin) of tirrps,v
!9!(3 0 !
239.557 mm sa> provi&e stirrps (l)&-!B ? 2!! mm c/c
p hear forc Pnchin) s 0ominal sh 6llo*ale SafeB pro7
16+ : 6+1 :
(5! a D
E 2(5!> PLA,
c c o
#2-25B A/
c c o
(!! B
?ear e&estal face
!! 0 hear section o ear stress +v hear stress,+c i(e no*inal s?ear rein
35! mm !.5 0/mm2 .37 0/mm2
PROJECT : FILE PATH: 'file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/377299572.xls'#$-Pile
5esign for +@Pile =ro-p S-are gro-p" Concrete ;c,teel ;> Pile ia hp% Colmn im a,% pacin) factor of piles % pacin) et*een centers of piles l% +hicness of pile cap h% i&th of pile cap en)th of Pile Cap
30 600 mm &$0 %2&$ #6$0 mm #3$0 mm %$$0 mm %$$0 mm
Tensile forces to 'e resiste( ') reinforce*ent oa& on colmn 0% 1ffective &epth of pile cap &%
+/0 +on 275 mm
,eglecting Col-*n Si.e ,l/(" +ensile for to e resiste& > reinforcement
Taing si.e of col-*n into consi(eration Parallel to D-D Parallel to E-E
&%230 &%230
+ensile steel reire& . 4n% +ensile steel reire& .4n% Feinforcement ? !.5< of Pile cap area D-D plane Feinforcement ? !.5< of Pile cap area E-E plane
(. (. 7(. mm2 7(. mm2
Pro7i(e reinforce*ent in D@5irection 4ar 5ia ,-*'er Of 4ars Re-ire( ,-*'er Of 4ars Pro7i(e( Ast Pro7i(e(
%0 mm
5.5 7 533 SAFE
Pro7i(e reinforce*ent in @5irection 4ar 5ia ,-*'er Of 4ars Re-ire( ,-*'er Of 4ars Pro7i(e(
%0 mm
T>o >a) S?ear ia)onal tension ? !.5& &istance from face of pe&estal
5.5 7 SAFE
(37.5 mm
$00 0/mm2 &$0 mm
hear ;orce,
72! 0
Percenta)e of teel,Pt
!. <
hear strenth of concrete,+c
hear stress,+v
SafeB pro7i(e no*inal s?ear reinf esi)n hear,s Aar &ia pacin) of tirrps,v sa> provi&e stirrps (l)&-!B ? 2!! mm c/c
!.33 0/mm2 !.9 0/mm2 -5225! 0 ! -.79 mm
16+ : 6+1 : (5!
255! PLA,
9#&@%0 (ia A/
@ + P 1 # 1 . 4 P
PROJECT : FILE PATH: 'file:///conversion/tmp/scratch/377299572.xls'#$5-Pile
5esign for $@Pile =ro-p S-are gro-p" Concrete ;c,teel ;> Pile ia hp% Colmn im a,% pacin) factor of piles % pacin) et*een centers of piles l% +hicness of pile cap h% i&th of pile cap en)th of Pile Cap
30 600 mm 600 %2&$ 2333 mm #3$0 mm 3%33 mm 3%33 mm
Tensile forces to 'e resiste( ') reinforce*ent oa& on colmn 0% 1ffective &epth of pile cap &%
360 +on 275 mm
,eglecting Col-*n Si.e ,l#0(" +ensile for to e resiste& > reinforcement
Taing si.e of col-*n into consi(eration Parallel to D-D Parallel to E-E
6+2+3 6+2+3
+ensile steel reire& . 4n% +ensile steel reire& .cm% Feinforcement ? !.5< of Pile cap area D-D plane Feinforcement ? !.5< of Pile cap area E-E plane Pro7i(e reinforce*ent in D@5irection 4ar 5ia ,-*'er Of 4ars Re-ire( ,-*'er Of 4ars Pro7i(e( Ast Pro7i(e(
Pro7i(e reinforce*ent in @5irection 4ar 5ia ,-*'er Of 4ars Re-ire( ,-*'er Of 4ars Pro7i(e(
One>a) S?ear ia)onal tension ? !.5& &istance from face of pe&estal hear ;orce,
Percenta)e of teel,Pt
5.7 5.7 (3.9 mm2 (3.9 mm2
%0 mm
9.7 2! (2! SAFE
%$ mm
2!.! 25 SAFE
(37.5 mm !! 0 !.!! <
$00 0/mm2 600 mm
hear strenth of concrete,+c hear stress,+v
!.2 0/mm2 !. 0/mm2
esi)n hear,s Aar &ia pacin) of tirrps,v sa> provi&e stirrps (l)&-!B ? 2!! mm c/c
9323. 0 ! 279.(5 mm
16+ : 6+1 :
3233 PLA,
#2!-2! &ia A/ @ + P 1 # 1 . 4 P