PIONEER pre-intermediate - American - American edition - TEST: Module 4
Test: Module 4 Vocabulary A. omplete t!e sentences "it! t!e "ords in t!e bo#. windshield
andage auth author orit itie ies s
enormous coll colla a sed sed
$. I
damage s rain rained ed
my wrist while I was playing tennis.
%. I couldn’t see anything while I was driving home ecause my
dirty. &. !ortunately !ortunate ly"" the earth#ua$e didn’t cause a lot o% &owever" lots o% houses in my neighorhood 4. Mr. 'hillips
to our house. .
his horn to ma$e the people get out o% his way. way.
'. The
are doing whatever they can to help the people.
(. I hurt my an$le" ut I don’t need to put a(n)
on it.
). *id you see the tsunami on the news+ The wave was
, score
*. !oose a, b or c .
$. Tony %ell o%% his i$e and a. led a. led b. graed b. graed %. an you a. pull a. pull &. Elisa a. spilled a. spilled
his $nee. c. urned c. urned
me up %rom the station at / o’cloc$+ b. par$ b. par$ c. pic$ c. pic$ really loudly" ut noody heard her. b. screamed b. screamed c. stepped c. stepped
4. A %ire ro$e a. out a. out '. *orothy was a. surprise a. surprise
at the stadium on o n Sunday a%ternoon. a%terno on. b. in b. in c. to c. to when she saw her old school %riend at the supermar$et. b. surprising b. surprising
c. surprised c. surprised
(. 0hen Tony saw the cat in the middle o% the street" he slammed on the a. wheels a. wheels ). I have to pay a a. %ine a. %ine
b. car b. car
c. ra$es c. ra$es
%or par$ing illegally. b. law b. law
c. license c. license
opyright 1 MM 'ulications 2
PIONEER pre-intermediate - American edition - TEST: Module 4
ommunication omplete t!e dialo,ue "it! t !e sentences a-e. T!ere is one e#tra sentence "!ic! you "ill not need to use. a. 0hat’s the matter with them+ b. It’s my own %ault. c. 0atch where you’re going, d. &ow unluc$y, e. ou should $now etter than that.
A: 3oo$ out, *: &ey, 2 A: I’m so sorry. *: That was close. ou almost hit me. A: It’s these ra$es on my i$e. *: 5 A: I thin$ they’re ro$en. I $new t hey had a prolem" ut I didn’t chec$ them e%ore I le%t. *: 6 A: I $now. 4
Maye I should go to the i$e store right now.
*: 7ood idea.
rammar A. omplete t!e sentences "it! t!e Past Simple or t!e Past Progressive o t!e /erbs in parent!eses. $. I %. &ilary
(%all) asleep in %ront o% the T8 last night. (tal$) to her %riend on the phone while I (ma$e) dinner. They
(plan) their
summer vacation. &. *an (clean) his truc$ all morning yesterday. 4. The uilding was on %ire %or hours" ut it (not collapse). '. As soon as I (see) Ted" I (cross) the street to tal$ to him. (. 3uc$ily" we
(wear) seat elts and
(not get) in9ured in the accident. score
opyright 1 MM 'ulications 5
PIONEER pre-intermediate - American edition - TEST: Module 4 *. ircle t!e correct "ords. $. I saw my gym instructor "!ile 1 as soon as I was wal$ing in the par$. %. 2!ile 1 As soon as we entered the room" the lights went out. &. ay was chec$ing his messages on his cell "!ile 1 "!en he lost control o% the car. 4. The phone rang as 1 as soon as we were watching the news ulletin. '. 2!ile 1 2!en ;elly was loo$ing out o% the window" a helicopter %lew past.
3istenin, 3isten to t!e ne"s bulletin and complete t!e sentences belo".
$. There was a %ire at
%. The ca%eteria and the &.
%loor caught %ire. people are still trapped in the uilding.
4. !ire%ighters have saved most o% the
. score
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PIONEER pre-intermediate - American edition - TEST: Module 4
Readin, Read t!e te#t and ans"er t!e uestions.
A bad ni,!t to !a/e an accident
3inda was driving ac$ %rom her %riend’s house through the countryside. It was raining" so she was driving slowly ecause she didn’t want to have an accident. Suddenly" she lost control o% the car and crashed into a tree. 3uc$ily" she wasn’t in9ured" ut she couldn’t understand what had happened. She got out o% her car to ta$e a loo$ at the damage. Immediately" she noticed that her %ront tire was %lat and reali-ed it was the cause o% the accident. She tried to call her %riend %or help" ut her cell phone had no attery. It was raining very hard" so she got in her car to wait %or it to stop. She waited and waited" ut the rain didn’t stop" so she decided to change the tire on her own. It was really hard wor$" ut a%ter hal% an hour she managed to %i= it. As soon as she %inished" the rain stopped and she %elt great. She got in the car" ut she couldn’t start the engine. So" she sat there and waited again. Then she tried again" ut nothing. As she was thin$ing aout what to do ne=t" it started raining again. In the end" she too$ an umrella %rom the trun$ and wal$ed ac$ along the road. At aout midnight" 3inda arrived at her %riend’s house. &er %riend was shoc$ed to see her. It was too late to do anything" so she stayed the night and called %or a mechanic in the morning. It was an e=perience she never wants to have again.
$. 0hy did 3inda crash her car+
%. &ow long did it ta$e her to change the tire+
&. 0hy didn’t she drive home+
4. &ow did she get to her %riend’s house+
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PIONEER pre-intermediate - American edition - TEST: Module 4
2ritin, Ima,ine t!at t!ere "as a blac5out last ni,!t and you ,ot in6ured. 2rite a para,rap! describin, "!at !appened. Mention:
> where you were > who you were with > what you were doing > what happened > how you %elt