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Probability Sampling Dan Non Probability Sampling
[Marek Fisz]
teknik sampling
Summative Te Test st Unit 12 Appreciating Probability Choose the letter of the correct or best answer. 1. Which best describes describes experimental experimental probabilit probability? y? I. It is is the chance of getting getting the desired desired outcom outcomee out of many trial trialss made. made. II. It is the the chance of an an event to happen happen based on on the number number of possible possible events. events. III. It is the game of guessing the number of events there are in a situation. A. I only B. II only
C. I and II . II and and III III
!. "ow do you express express in in figures figures the outcome outcome #A comes out $ times after after pic%ing pic%ing a lettercard of $ vowels in 1& attempts'? A. !(1& B. $(1&
C. )(1& . )($
). Which could could *+, be be the meaning meaning of the outcome outcome of an an experimental experimental probabi probability lity of -? -? A. A desired desired outcome outcome happened happened 1 time time out of trials trials B. A desired desired outcome outcome happened happened times times out of 1& trials trials C. A desired outcome happened times out of 1/ trials . A desire desired d outcome outcome happened times times out of 0 trials trials . Which clearly clearly illust illustrates rates an experime experimental ntal probabi probability lity?? A. layi laying ng cards cards altog altogeth ether er B. 2lying 2lying diff differe erent nt %ites %ites at at a time time C. Collecting Collecting coins of diff different erent %inds . Inspe Inspecting cting damaged damaged mangoes mangoes in a bas%et bas%et of newly harvest harvested ed mangoes mangoes $. A number number spinner spinner shows shows 1 to /. 2ive 2ive appeared appeared 1& times after after spinnin spinning g the spinner spinner !& times. What is the probability for $ to come out in the next spinning? A. 1(/ B. 3 C. /(1& . /(!&
/. Which shows shows the correct correct order order when when recording recording the outcome outcome of an an experiment experiment to compute compute the probability of the desired outcome to happen? 191
I. II. III. I5. A. B.
erform the activity repeatedly 4xpress the observation in the form of ratio +bserve how many times the desired outcome happens ,ally the number of times the desired event comes out after several trials I6 III6 I56 II I6 III6 II6 I5
C. .
III6 I56 II6 I I56 III6 I6 II
7. Which of the following clearly helps in recording the outcomes of an experiment? A. reparing a graph for the outcomes B. +bserving the activity several times C. 8sing a table in recording the outcomes . 9isting all the outcomes of the experiment 0. What do you do when performing an experiment to calculate the probability of the desired outcome to happen? I. +bserve the activity several times II. ,ry the activity several times III. Count the number of times the desired outcome happens
A.I and II only B. I and III
C. II and III . I6 II and III
:. Which best explains why we have to learn how to perform an experimental probability? A. It trains us on how to predict future outcomes. B. It trains us on how to conduct an activity. C. It trains us on how to compute outcomes. . It trains us on how to guess an event. 1&. Which do you thin% is the best reason why it is necessary to learn how to record outcomes of an experiment? A. ,o train us on how to prepare tables B. ,o ma%e the activity more interesting C. ,o ma%e our prediction more accurate . ,o ma%e the guessing exercise en;oyable
2or items 11 to 1)< =efer to the line graph in analy>ing the result of an experiment. It shows the distribution of different %inds of nuts combined in a pac%. 11. If we get another pac% with the same mixed nuts6 what is the probability of seeing the peanuts? A. 1&( $& B. $(1& C. 1($ . 3 1!. What is the probability for cashew to come out? A. 1($&
C. 1($
B. 1(1&
. 1(!
1). "ow many pieces of nuts were combined? A. $
C. !$
B. 1&
. $&
2or items 1 and 1$6 refer to the given situation to answer the items that follow. 1. ames got & pieces of coins from his collection of 1@peso6 $@peso and 1&@peso coins amounting to hp1:&. Which of the following could he have ta%en? A. !$ pieces of 1@peso 1& pieces of $@peso $ pieces of 1&@peso coins B. 1$ pieces of 1@peso 1$ pieces of $@peso 1& pieces of 1&@peso coins C. 1& pieces of 1@peso !& pieces of $@peso 1& pieces of 1&@peso coins . $ pieces of 1@peso !$ pieces of $@peso 1& pieces of 1&@peso coins 1$. What could be the experimental probability of having used 1& peso coins if he got only )& pieces of coins with !! pieces of these coins are $@peso coins? A. 1(!
C. 1(/
B. 1()
. (1$
1/. When is a problem on experimental probability a routine one? A. If it as%ed for the probability of an event to happen out of all the expected events. B. If it as%ed for the probability of the desired outcome to happen out of the number of observations made. C. If it as%ed for the target outcome of the observation. D. If it as%ed for the number of observations made. 17. Which could li%ely be as%ed in a non@routine problem on experimental probability? A. What is the probability of the event to happen based on the number of times it came out in the experiment? B. What is the probability of the event to happen out of all the events that could happen? C. "ow many possible observations were made given this experimental probability? . "ow many possible trials have been made? 10. Which of the following is a routine problem? I. What is the probability of letter A to come out in a sentence of 1& words? II. What is the probability of letter to come out as an answer in a multiple choice test with 1& items? III. What is the probability of letter to come out in a letter of consonants?
A. I only B. II only
C. I and II . I6 II6 and III
1:. Which of the following is a possible non@routine problem on experimental probability? I. What is the situation behind the probability of getting a perfect score which is )($ or /&? II. What is the probability of seeing a >ero digit in a set of 1& numbers? III. What is the number of observations made in a probability of 3? A. I and III only B. II and III only
C. I and II only . I 6 II and II
!&. Damyl tried to chec% how many #the' words in a paragraph of 1&& words. Ehe found out !$ of them. What is the chance of #the' to appear again in another paragraph of 1&& words? A. 1(