Contoh Personal Statemen Letter untuk pengajuan beasiswaFull description
Income Statement
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personal statement for geographical and information systemsFull description
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PROBLEM STATEMENT Software is to be developed for automating a public library. The system should be standalone in nature. It should be designed with a focus on security and should have a break through user interface to make it easy for the people working on it. The following functionalities are required: 1. •
2. •
Issue of of bo books:
A member member should should be able to issue issue books. books. Each member can issue only a single book. The software takes the current system date as the date of issue and calculates the date of return. The due date for the return of the book is stamped on the book.
eturn turn of boo books ks::
Any person person can return return the the issued books {if they have have the member member code). code). The system displays the member's details on whose name the book is issued as well as the date of issue and return of the book,
The information information is saved and the corresponding corresponding updating updating takes place pl ace in the database.
!. "uery "uery #roc #roces essi sing ng:: •
eal time searching.
!uery processing will also include catalogue searching.
"ubstrings will be allowed .
$. "uery #rocessing: •
eal time searching.
!uery processing will also include catalogue searching.
"ubstrings will be allowed.
%. Security: •
Entire system is protected by passwords.
"ubstring searches will be allowed.
#ifferent people have different levels of authori$ation.
&. 'ogin: %erify the user and direct him to his account . •
(. )aintain Student *etail: To update student information and keep track of current status. •