Acc year 2016-2017
Su!ect: AR12-"1- Arc#$tectura% &es$'( ) III Facu%t$es: Ar* F$(++s#a , Ar* Sure.#a /*C ,ROECT- ) M$e3 Use T+4er 5T#ree Star H+te% 5H+s$ta%$ty a(3 C+mmerc$a% M$e3 use 3e8e%+me(ts The emerging consensus consensus is that, development development is more sustainable sustainable if it produces produces a mixture of uses. uses. Segregation of of land uses, encouraged encouraged in the the past, is not relevant now. now. The trend trend back back to mixed mixed usage usage brings brings a number number of potent potential ial benefit benefits. s. It ensures vitality through activity and diversity. It makes areas safer. It also reduces the the need need to trav travel el,, maki making ng peop people le less less reli relian antt on cars cars,, brin bringi ging ng welc welcom ome e environmental benefits. Diversity Diversity of uses adds adds to the vitality vitality and interest of town town centers. Dierent Dierent but complementary complementary uses, during during the day and in the evening can can reinforce each other, other, making town centers more attractive to residents, businesses, shoppers and visitors !Do", #$$%a&.
Reclaiming the City: Mixed Use Development, Andy Coupland (1997 Mixed use buildings ofer very productive use o space by combining multiple uses within a single tower. They add vitality to urban areas. Mixed use acilities are a viable design solution in terms o various environmental concerns, efective land management, economy and also bring socially interactive multiple opportunities. Diversic Diversicatio ation n o spaces spaces in a mixed mixed use acility acility aids greatly greatly in eciency, eciency, which helps to achieve high densities rom a residential and commercial retail by vertically stacing the user. !ong term maintenance cost o individual buildings is reduced as some o the components is being shared with others. Mixed use buildings contribute to the ollowing" •
#ee to create pedestrian riendly environments environments with a variety o uses that enable people to live, wor, play, and shop in one place. $nclude several diferent uses that wor together and share inrastructure, utilities, and public amenities. More ecient use o land % inrastructure
o &etail use can share paring acilities with residential uses because their pea hours or paring do not overlap substantially.
o 'eople living in apartments above retail establishments establishme nts help reduce potential or vandalism because or all intents and purposes there are no of(hours. •
The development o o a neighborhood, neighborhood, tract o o land, building, building, or structure structure with with a variety o complementary and integrated uses, such as, but not limited to, residential, oce, manuacturing, retail, public, and recreation, in a compact urban orm. #mart growth advocates and cite the advantages o mixed use developments in reducing trac congestion by locating homes and )obs within easy commuting distance and integrating shopping and related acilities into residential neighborhoods.
H+s$ta%$ty *ospital *ospitality ity and hotels hotels are are an important important component component o tourism tourism and commercial commercial ventures. They provide halting spaces and a venue or conducting meetings and gatherings. +part rom sleeping spaces, they bring in a relaxing abode, away rom home providing all the immediate services lie ood, laundry, saloon, bouti-ues, pool, restaurant, cofee shops, gymnasium etc. They also contribute to the overall tourism experience through through the standards standards o acilities and services ofered by them. The spatial experience and easy availability o acilities mae the guests satised and clients protable. The ambience created by the designer with respect to the context and theme can evoe a strong sense o space in the minds o the guest. 's designers of hotels and resorts, we are aware the generation of positive emotions emotions through creative design enhances enhances the guest guest experienc experience e and thereby thereby profitability for our clients. ' recent study shows that consumers are making their hotel hotel choices, choices, with more than two(thirds two(thirds of the survey group group admitting admitting to their selection being driven by emotional drivers, such as connection, warmth, excitem excitement ent and pleasure pleasure,, rather rather than a focus focus on rational rational features features and benets. The studies indicated the three key emotions in selecting a hotel) those that are inspiring and excite the guest* those that are competent, fulfilling the guest+s expectations* and those that are familiar, familiar, safe and comfortable. ne of the neglected emotions that resonate with today+s tourist is trustworthiness, trustworthiness, a -uality -uality inherent inherent to the concept of authenticity authenticity.. For a designer, authenticity starts o with a sense of integrity, integrity, a design quality that allows the design approach to be tied into its context without being pastiche. The guest can feel the architecture is of its place and related to the local culture. This, in turn, is tied into the broader broader concept of sus sustaina tainabili bility ty.. The contemporary traveler is incr increa easi sing ngly ly seek seekin ing g a trul truly y sust sustai aina nabl ble e eco ecofr frie iend ndly ly exper xperie ienc nce, e, expressed expressed in the architecture and the operations of the destination and in its relationship with the surrounding communities. The visitor wants to stay at a %(star resort in a natural, beautiful location, but also they want feel a genuine
sensitivity to its context and the surrounding community, coming away with a sense their visit had a positive impact on the very place they came to see* it fulfills their wish to relate/ at a personal level. Inte Intere rest stin ing, g, fun fun and and nurt nurtur urin ing g are are thre three e of the the posi positi tive ve emot emotio ions ns that that beg beg stim stimul ulat atio ion n thro throug ugh h expo exposu sure re to a crea creati tive ve hosp hospit ital alit ity y prod produc uct. t. The The term term int inter eres esti ting ng/ / can can have have a numb number er of conn connot otat atio ions ns,, some some not not so posi positi tive ve,, but toda to day! y!s s ex expe peri rien enti tial al trav trave elers lers seek seek a prod produc uctt that that cons constr truc ucti tive vely ly stimulates their interest through architecture, ambience and the range of products oered. The The yearni yearning ng for somethin something g diere dierent nt is eviden evidenced ced in the the success of the high design in areas of the bouti-ue hotel product, the art hotels and the growth of adventure tourism, cultural tourism and educational tourism. tourism. The new traveler+s idea of fun is an experience that invigorates, educates and adds to their personal growth* the concept of nurturing is fulfilled through oering experiences successful ful hospital hospitality ity that that positi positivel vely y trans transfor form m their their lives lives in some some way way. The success product ensures the positive stimuli are harmoni"ed with the sense of comfort comfort and wellbe wellbeing, ing, maintaini maintaining ng the personal personal connect connection ion with their their guest. 's designers, it is critical that we trigger each of these positive emotions, from the arrival experience through to the ambience of the rooms, the creative development of the physic physical al amenit amenities ies,, all in harmon harmony y with with the the prope property rty+s +s target target market market.. 'ppropriate stimulation of these positive emotions will be a primary in0uence in your guest+s future hotel booking booking choices. choices. #ource" Designing or emotions / Tim 'ec
&es$'( 9r$e Project: Mixed Use Tower (Three Star Hotel and Commercial) Re;u$reme(ts: As per the contemporary standards of facilities and serices aaila!le in the hotels "nder the Ministry of To"rism star ratin# and standards$ (Three star cate#ory) O!ect$8es: • •
To "nderstand the desi#n of m"lti"se spaces at different leels$ To "nderstand the desi#n re%"irements of hi#h rise !"ildin#s with respect to serices &H'AC STP fire and safety aspects etc$ To st"dy ertical transportation re%"irements and desi#n considerations for hi#h rise !"ildin#s$ Concept of core and m"lti leel spaces
To "nderstand the role of architect as primary cons"ltant for a project and co*ordinate with ario"s other cons"ltants offerin# speciali+ed serices$
!chedule Date
!tages and "o#$s to %e done
'ro)ect $ntroduction
Data collection8#ubmission9 collection8#ubmission9 in butter sheets
!iterature !iterature case study8#ubmission9 study8#ubmission9 in butter sheets
'revious pro)ect Discussions
'revious pro)ect Discussions
#ite #tudy
#ite +nalysis #ubmission in butter sheets
Master plan
Master plan
:irst #etch
:irst #etch
:irst #etch 8#ubmission9
#econd #etch
#econd #etch
#econd #etch 8#ubmission9
:inal presentation
&ATA &ATA COLLECTIO< CO LLECTIO< =E OF THE TO,IC =e(era% stu3y +( M$e3 Use u$%3$('s$ u$%3$('s$ ,ts releance and ario"s types$ Appropriate mix of "ses$ C+(cet + #$'# r$se u$%3$('s u$%3$('s ,ts definition need and the factors to !e considered in desi#n of hi#h rise$ (si+e footprint shape climatic aspects wind seismic dayli#htin# shadows etc) St"dy on H+s$ta%$ty sect+r partic"larly sect+r partic"larly hotels and their star cate#ory and ratin#s$ C+mmerc$a% saces saces - .esi#n criteria si+e of the retail shops areas !ased on mar/et st"dy$ S$te %a(($(' Accessi!ility %a(($(' Accessi!ility - entry0exits 'isi!ility Sec"rity$ Site +onin# possi!le ancillary an cillary facilities 1rientation of !"ildin# ,ar.$(' *'ario"s ,ar.$(' *'ario"s types 2oad layo"t 'ehic"lar and Pedestrian Moement Artic"lation of ehic"lar and pedestrian entries Streetscape and access relation with the street$ Ru%es a(3 re'u%at$+(s * re'u%at$+(s * 3erala !"ildin# 2"les 4ational !"ildin# Code Special proisions for hi#h rise !"ildin#s$ U($8ersa% access (differently access (differently a!led) St"dy a!o"t !arrier free constr"ction$
Stu3y + c+res c+res - Main core and serice core ertical transportation - st"dy on lifts si+es lift lo!!y desi#n escalators$ St"dy of str"ct"ral #rids mod"les$ St"dy on proximity and is"al connection !etween spaces$ 'ertical and hori+ontal h"man0#oods0serices circ"lation loadin# and "nloadin# of #oods Moement pattern and Actiity st"dy 6ehaioral patterns time motion mo tion st"dy$
A OF S,ACES Anthropometric st"dy of each space with dia#rams for all the "ses$ 5alse ceilin#s Material and methods of constr"ction (Str"ct"ral) 5orm and character st"dy of hi#h rise mixed "sed towers 5a7ade st"dy$
SERVICES Mechanical 8lectrical and Pl"m!in# (M8P serices) 9i#htin# and electrical - #enerator and transformer and !ac/"p systems
5ire fi#htin# 8ac"ation plan ref"#e floor ,dentifyin# fail"re examples Air conditionin#$ ;ater S"pply and pl"m!in# Sec"rity systems ;aste mana#ement$ 6asement entilation techni%"es ramp desi#n eac"ation plan str"xct"ral #rid