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Life is a question of balance…
Summary This booklet describes how your subconscious mind affects four key aspects of your life: health, wealth, success and relationships. In this document, you will discover how and why the subconscious mind has such an impact on the quality of the life that you lead…and the patterns of experience and behaviour that you encounter… …again and again as the years roll by. Ultimately, you will learn about how to use a form of psychology, called PSYCH-K®, to program your subconscious mind to attain and achieve more in your life. And in particular, you will discover about how to use PSYCH-K® to attain and achieve: improved health, increased wealth, impressive success and enhanced relationships. By the time you finish reading, you will realise that new research from the cutting edge of psychology and biology now makes it entirely possible for you to re-write any negative or outmoded belief statements that you feel to be getting in the way of any of your „life goals‟, quickly and easily. The result is that you will attract more positive people, events and outcomes into your life. And further to that, you will discover that biologists are beginning to acknowledge that even the very cells of your body are programmable by the thought forms that you rehearse and practise on a day-by-day basis. Note: See end of document for contact details if you are interested in a PSYCH-K® consultation or training.
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The aim of PSYCH-K® is to help you attain the kind of life you have always wanted…
Sometimes you can feel there is so much going on in your life, in terms of hopes, dreams, anxieties, fears, and insecurities that there‟s not much space left for enjoyment, and the attainment of health, wealth, success and good relationships.
Introduction: Most people would like to have more zest for life… …and a little more health, wealth and success, along with some improved relationships, sounds like a good place to start. As you read this text, you will probably have seen many commentators discussing self help techniques on the TV. And you will probably also have read about many specific techniques in books and magazines. There are lots of them out there, from Design Human Engineering (DHE) to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), from Ericksonian Hypnosis to Silva Ultra-Mind, and from Life Coaching to Sedonna Method. All of which have their strengths and their limitations; and all of which exist to help you initiate change in your life by reprogramming your deep-felt beliefs. So it should be pretty uncontroversial if we suggest that all four key aspects of a happy life (health, wealth, success and relationships) are hugely affected by what we believe about ourselves, within our subconscious mind…And it should also be pretty uncontroversial to suggest that three key questions often asked by people seeking a happy, successful and fulfilled life are: (1) Why is it that so much of my life is affected by beliefs that are beyond my conscious control? (2) How can I change deep-seated beliefs that make me unhappy? And, (3) What is the easiest and most efficient way for me to proceed? Now: Read on and this booklet will seek to provide answers to these three questions, in a format that will provide you with all you need to make practical plans to improve the quality of your future.
Some of the issues you have to deal with in life may make it feel that you are juggling with fire.
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Ultimately, you will discover that an approach to applied psychology, called PSYCH-K®, gives you a simple, yet powerful, set of tools by which to make friends with your subconscious mind … and that by using PSYCH-K®, you can find out: (1) what it is you really want from life, (2) what resources you already possess in your subconscious mind that are assisting you in attaining your dreams, and (3) which negative beliefs are holding you back… …You will also (4) discover the good news that, by using PSYCH-K®, you can root out negative beliefs and strengthen useful beliefs very quickly … and that thus you can achieve a lot of personal change in a very short period of time. If you wonder why such a marvellous new approach to personal change is now possible, then it is worth summarising later sections of this document by explaining that PSYCH-K® builds on the successes of many other powerful approaches to psychology, such as NLP, DHE and Applied Kinesiology…in themselves three techniques that provide some of the fastest tools for psychological change available in the world today. In essence, PSYCH-K® simplifies many existing approaches to personal development and applied psychology, whilst at the same time incorporating a number of new insights into the nature of the relationship that exists between Mind and Body. In particular, PSYCH-K® makes much use of reported research from the cutting edge of cellular biology, in which researchers are now realising that it is environmental factors, such as the patterns of electrical signals that flow around the human central nervous system, rather than physical DNA, that controls much of our health…from: the wellness of our bodies, to the chemistry of our brain, which affects how well we learn, think, act, communicate and relate to others. Put the whole package together and you have PSYCH-K® … and you have access to a set of protocol which give you an ability to alter the beliefs, the behaviour and the verve with which you approach life, quickly, simply, easily and yet in a very profound way. In short: If you would like to experience change in your life, in order to achieve the zest that you seek, along with better health, enhanced wealth and improved success, you are welcome to read on and find out more…
Key points to keep in mind: PSYCH-K® gives you tools or more health, wealth, success and better relationships.
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PSYCH-K® is a key that unlocks the door to a new you…
Section One: Read more about… Health, Wealth, Success and Relationships and how the contents of your subconscious mind are important to all four. Or… skip on to Section Two on Page 13 where we explain why subconscious beliefs have such a strong impact on health, wealth, success and relationships, before going on to discuss how PSYCH-K® can be used to rewrite those beliefs…often in a matter of a few minutes.
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The power of the human subconscious mind to heal and to enhance wellness is built into all tests of new medicines … what is great about PSYCH-K® is that it gives you the opportunity to tap into this power and embed healthy beliefs in your mind.
Health: There are thousands of documented cases of health improving or deteriorating on the basis of a patient‟s subconscious beliefs. For example, there are many stories of people who have misunderstood a medical diagnosis … and then gone on to get better or worse, in accordance with the prediction they thought they had heard. Or as another example, there are plenty of well known stories of famous individuals who have set their mind to becoming well and have then done so against all the odds. In fact, our health is so dominated by our subconscious beliefs that all trials of new medicines have to be conducted with not only the patient being unaware of whether they are taking real medicine or an inert sugar pill (called a placebo), but also with the doctor being kept in the dark. In short, all the scientific evidence points to the fact that the human subconscious brain is easily influenced and - if we leave that programming to random events – that influence may or may not always be beneficial to our state of well-being. For those who like statistics, Professor Ornstein‟s book, The Healing Brain, indicates that placebo medicines can often be effective up to about sixty to eighty percent of the time – and sometimes even more, depending on the depth of belief. So programming your subconscious really can have an impact on your wellness. The major obstacle to health and wellness being finding a way to achieve such „programming‟.
In tests quoted by Professor Ornstein, in his 1988 book The Healing Brain, it appears that even surgical procedures are often little better than placebo in terms of initiating a healing effect. More recently, the 2002 July 11 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reported that a placebo group who received imitated surgery for knee problems sometimes received greater health benefits than those who received the surgery for real.
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The problem is that the health benefits that derive from the so-called placebo effect are difficult to attain because as soon as you realise that you are playing with your beliefs then doubt can begin to creep in, and the placebo effect begins to evaporate. In short, unless you know what you are doing, programming your subconscious mind can be a difficult and a challenging process… In contrast…when you know how to use PSYCH-K®, you have access to protocol that can enable change can take place in a matter of minutes! Forget any image you may have of people who try to consciously reprogram their beliefs, by repeating affirmations such as “day by day I am becoming more healthy” or “day by day I am loosing weight” or “day by day I am free from cravings for sugar”. Recent estimates indicate that the subconscious has a power that is in the order of a million times greater than that of the conscious mind. So parroting positive words and images for a few minutes a day is unlikely to have much impact on your overall health when those few repetitions are counter-balanced by the impact on your body that derives from beliefs and attitudes embedded in a part of your brain that is both a million times more powerful and is also working 24/7. This is why „will power‟ always struggles in the face of deep-set desires and emotions. It‟s like letting a feather weight boxer in the ring with a champion heavyweight! Clearly, if you want to use your brain to obtain a change in your health, you need to get your subconscious thought forms working for you, because if you can do this…you will then have access to a medical intervention that is as powerful…and often more powerful…than the best that scientific or alternative forms of therapy can offer. PSYCH-K® gets to the heart of the matter and uses protocol that effectively implant new and positive beliefs into the subconscious, so that they are there working on your behalf, every minute of every day, counterbalancing any conscious misgivings you might have about the process. Giving you access to your best chance at optimum health. Points to Remember #1: Your subconscious mind is far more powerful and pervasive than your conscious mind. Points to Remember #2: PSYCH-K® gives you the tools you need to reprogram your subconscious, which makes any process of personal change relatively quick and easy…
PSYCH-K® is a natural first step towards a fitter and a healthier life-style.
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Whatever your concept of wealth, from a big bank balance that can buy you what you want to a balanced life style that provides you with peace of mind, PSYCH-K® is a great investment for your future.
Wealth: Wealth means different things to different people. To some, wealth equates to having money in the bank. To others, the word „wealth‟ is synonymous with political power. While, to others again, the notion of wealth is synonymous with a secure and happy family home. In short, and for the most part, the word „wealth‟ is a pretty relative term. But whatever you value in life, it is arguable that two of the greatest bars to achieving wealth in this life are, first, feelings of confusion and, second, feelings of low self esteem. People are often confused as to what they really want, and even if they identify a goal that is important to them, they often feel they lack the ability to attain their desires. Look around you. You will easily see people who are confused and who have low expectations. In the first instance, it is easy to see millions of people grasping after images sold via advertising, who have never stopped to think about what they really want from life. In the second instance, we all know people, who feel guilty and embarrassed to aspire to a lifestyle that is different from the one in which they grew up as children. And combine the two together: we can observe hundreds of thousands of people, who embark on all manner of wild and whacky activities and adventures in order to „find themselves‟. In short, almost everyone on the face of the earth has a pretty mixed up set of beliefs and attitudes, embedded within their subconscious mind, pulling them in multiple directions. And whilst trying to balance all these beliefs and attitudes, some of which are contradictory, it is difficult to actually get on with the practical aspects of acquiring skills, making decisions, spotting opportunities and (importantly) undertaking the work that is required to obtain what we seek…whatever that might be.
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For example, imagine if someone feels uneasy about their aspirations in life. They will often tend to undermine themselves at every turn. Their negativity and their body language may put off others who might otherwise help them. They are liable to turn down offers of help, for the most bizarre of reasons. They may make mistakes and slips and experience accidents because they are poorly focussed. They may get side tracked into goals that contribute nothing towards what they truly desire. And after a few years have passed…they will look around and wonder why they are still no nearer actualising their dreams. Research shows that those who are focussed and motivated often attract opportunities and success and are constantly scanning for ways to attain the dream lifestyle to which they aspire. They are fully engaged in the process of actualising their dreams. Because research also indicates that we end up attracting the life style on which we focus our minds. Often not quickly and often not in the manner that we expect, but nevertheless, this does appear to be a principle at work in the world around us. This is where PSYCH-K® can be invaluable. PSYCH-K® provides processes by which to close down any negative beliefs and install a more positive outlook that will provide a foundation for your future success. After only a few PSYCH-K® sessions, you will find yourself moving more and more towards the life experience of someone who is focussed and motivated…with the huge power of your subconscious brain working on your behalf 24/7…With your ultimate lifestyle firmly embedded in your subconscious mind, you can let that mental resource scan for opportunity and attract into your life that kind of wealth that you seek. Points to Remember #3: Virtually all the writings and advice of successful people indicate that in order to progress in life, you need to have a positive and focussed mindset. For you attract into your life that on which you consistently dwell and find attractive. Points to Remember #4: Before you can receive much in the way of wealth, whatever you conceive wealth to be, you have to feel worthy and eligible to receive the dream you have set before you. Otherwise, your subconscious mind will constantly act to sabotage your desires. Points to Remember #5: PSYCH-K® gives you the tools you need to focus on what you desire and to embed positive affirmations to help you to attain your dreams, whilst jettisoning any attitudes and beliefs that might work against your ultimate success.
PSYCH-K® is a great way to clear out the subconscious mind… and get you confident and focussed in a way that opens new opportunities in your future…
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Whether you prefer to stay in the foothills, or climb life‟s many mountains, PSYCH-K® can help you find your natural level and the confidence to do well within the lifestyle that you elect to follow.
Success: There are many forms of success in life. However, in order to kick off some discussion, and because sport is so embedded in our culture, we will begin by discussing athletic success as an easily understood analogy and example for success in other fields of life. Anyone with an interest in sport will be aware that the last few decades have seen a rise in the application of psychology in sport. This is because it is a scientifically established fact that a contestant‟s beliefs will affect the outcome of an event. In terms of winning and losing, belief is a big issue in sport…and indeed in many other walks of life. As the famous industrialist Henry Ford once said “whether you believe you can, or whether you believe you can‟t, you are right”. The fact is that people who are confident in performing to the best of their ability, who desire to succeed, and yet who can just as easily take failure as an opportunity to learn new life lessons, will become the best that they can be. In contrast, many of us know people who possess a lot of potential, but who never actualize that potential into a winning performance. For example: individuals who lack an expectation for success and therefore feel unmotivated to push themselves in training; individuals who are so focused on their anxieties that they become distracted and suffer accidental injuries that prevent them from training and competing; and individuals who get so stressed in performance that they perform poorly in front of a crowd . And: What is true in sport is true in all walks of life…
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…We all know people whose lack of confidence (belief in their ability to succeed) constantly draws them back into habits and established patterns of behaviour … and consistently causes them to feel imprisoned, whether in a bad job or in dismal relationships or in a humdrum existence. That feeling of not being able to break through to the next level of success and of always being trapped within an existing, repeating pattern of life can be very disturbing and depressing. No wonder that so many people turn to prescribed medication, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and a whole host of illegal substances. The fact is that if your mind‟s eye lacks a mental image of a future to which you aspire with joy and confidence, then your subconscious will do all it can to help you avoid the fears that you reflect up in your moment of dread. At best, this means a constant and grinding war with your subconscious, as you struggle to push down the fears that threaten to well up inside, so that you are no longer conscious of your anxieties. At worst, this means using all manner of chemical and diversionary tactics to help you pretend that the fears and the anxieties don‟t affect you. Points to Remember #6: As we have previously stated, your subconscious is attracted to helping you towards those aspects of life on which you focus and to which you feel attracted. Points to Remember #7: If negativity, anxiety, fear or stress is associated with success then your subconscious will work hard to ensure you remain unsuccessful. Similarly, if there is a sense that you will lose something you value, by becoming successful, then your subconscious will work diligently in the background to sabotage your best efforts. And remember that your subconscious is a million times more powerful and also switched on for a much greater part of the day, than your conscious mind. Real, deep-felt positivity is therefore key to making progress in life. Points to Remember #8:If you want to root out negativity, anxiety, fear and stress…or if you want to embed positivity, then PSYCH-K® can enable you to do so quickly and easily.
The wilder the challenges that you face, the more you will find the mental tools associated with PSYCH-K® helpful to your ultimate success
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All relationships start with hundreds of subliminal messages passing back and forth between your subconscious mind and the subconscious minds of those around you: so you need to ensure that your subconscious mind is sending out the right signals…
Relationships A huge component of human communication takes place at a subliminal level and nearly all this communication is mediated and controlled by the subconscious mind. Little wonder that the degree to which your subconscious is in tune with your conscious desires will affect your success in relationships. If you are seeking out a partner in life, and are filled with fear and anxiety , then every time you speak to a member of the opposite sex, you can expect your fear and anxiety will communicate itself … which is not the greatest of aphrodisiacs! Reflect on some of the social situations that you have experienced over the years… …You may have been aware of feeling uncomfortable around some people and not been able to put your finger on why that is. The answer is that their non verbal cues for fear and anxiety have probably been picked up by your subconscious mind, which has then made you feel fearful and anxious in response, by flooding your blood stream with chemicals and enzymes that cause you to feel anxious and uncomfortable, yourself. Not a recipe for a potential friendship…let alone a possible romance.
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Or to take another example, if you have to give a presentation and you feel afraid and anxious, then it is entirely possible that your subconscious mind will flood your blood system with adrenalin and cause a partial shut down in your ability to think clearly. In which case, you may find yourself at a loss for words and unable to articulate what you think, clearly and coherently. All of which does not put forth a good impression …nor does it make it easy to make new friends and influence people. But think for a moment… Where does all this fear and anxiety come from? And, Does it always have to be this way? What if your subconscious produced feelings of confidence and joy, exhilaration and liveliness, whenever you speak to a new person or have to address a group…or even when you are talking to friends and family you have known for years. How much do you think that your newly enlivened life might positively impact them…and crate a whole range of new opportunities in your relationships…old and new. Points to Remember #9: Your subconscious mind plays a major part in setting the tone for your relationships with people around you. And it works hard to implement that which it senses in your emotions and in your imagination. It works hard to cause your expectations to come to pass: whether those expectations be positive…or whether they be negative. Points to Remember #10: A lot of your expectations about how relationships will unfold have to do with your core beliefs about yourself, rather than anything to do with the beliefs and behaviours of other people. People who think or feel badly about themselves often filter out positive comments and gestures of acceptance, whilst people who think well of themselves can confidently weather and ignore any negativity that they encounter. Points to Remember #11: As you might expect, PSYCH-K® provides a number of easy-to-use techniques to move into a more positive frame of mind and also a number of easy-to-use techniques to implant a series of positive expectations into your subconscious mind…so that those around you will naturally find you easier to relate to.
Once you clear out the emotional baggage and have a clear view of what you want in life…your subconscious will help you attract and click with like-minded individuals.
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The two key themes from this section are: first that your brain consists of three mini-brains and that each mini-brain works semi independently of the others, such is why you can be in two or even three minds about anything,…
Section Two: Read more about… Why subconscious beliefs have such a strong impact on your health, wealth, success and relationships. Or… skip on to Section Three on Page 25 where we explain some background to PSYCH-K®, describe some of the processes used, and discuss why such simple processes can have such a powerful and profound impact on your subconscious mind, and thus upon the health, wealth, success and relationships that you experience. (NB: The section that follows is adapted from a similar description that is presented in our booklet entitled Executive Intuition).
…and second, that the most powerful mini-brain (your subconscious) is in control of your actions, thoughts and behaviour about 95% of your day, which is why conscious systems of positive belief often have so little impact on the problems and issues that you feel are preventing you from living the life that you desire. In short, your mind is like an ice-berg in which only a small percentage of what you think, feel and believe rises above the surface, where it can be observed. (Picture is a free wall paper downloaded from ice-berg-dk).
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The last few decades have seen a vast increase in our understanding of the internal workings of both mind and brain, as researchers have had access to scanners that can peer into the working brain and measure the electrical impulses generated while the mind is in motion. From top left to bottom right: EEG, HEG, MRI, and SQUID.
The story so far… In our discussions thus far, we have highlighted the fact that health, wealth, success and relationships, are hugely impacted by the positive and/or negative beliefs embedded within the mind, as a whole…and often within the subconscious mind, in particular. But, by now, you might be wondering about why this is so…and if you are prone to wonder…you will be interested to understand the psychological and biological basis for some of the statements made in Section One of this booklet, where on a number of occasions we skimmed over making any form of detail explanation. Here in this section, Section Two, we will discuss some of the models of mind that currently dominate within the fields of psychology, and which help make sense of many of the feelings of frustration you may have experienced when you have tried to make changes to your life in the past. To this end, we begin with some observations about the evolving nature of the human brain, from conception until adulthood, which will help you to understand why there are so many strange and bizarre aspects to the life and behaviour of your subconscious mind…and why it is likely that those around you appear to act in ways that you might perceive to be eccentric.
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States of Consciousness Research indicates that the predominant brainwave activity from pre-birth until age two is Delta, which in an adult is synonymous with a deep and dreamless sleep. Then, up until age six, the predominant brainwave pattern changes to Theta, which is a highly imaginative, dreamlike state. Finally, from six to twelve a child experiences Alpha, which is a superlearning and creative problem solving state, which in an adult is normally only consciously accessed and accessible during day dreaming and at the edge of sleep…and then only peripherally… …with an adult normally falling asleep, rather than being consciously focussed, once in an Alpha state of consciousness. After age twelve, brainwave activity in teens and in adults becomes predominantly Beta, which is the more limited and narrowly focussed state of consciousness that most of us experience on a day to day basis. Indeed, many, if not most, adults find conscious access to Alpha, Theta and Delta states of awareness difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. It is literally a case of “Childhood‟s End”. Ironically, our ability to be discerning adults ultimately detracts from our ability to access whole swathes of our mind, which can ultimately lead us to be non-discerning…a bit like upgrading your computer software and downgrading your computer hardware, which as many readers will realise leads to watching the mouse cursor for minutes or even hours at a time…. From the perspective of PSYCH-K®, the preceding research is worth noting for two key reasons… First, up until the age of twelve, the brain acts like a sponge that is so powerful that a child can learn to imitate up to four spoken languages whilst simultaneously learning the non verbal behaviours associated with each. Thus, what happens to us in our formative years has a huge impact on the programming of our subconscious mind. Second, after birth, we all experienced six to twelve years containing a mix of good and bad experiences, all of which were quickly input into the subliminal reaches of our mind, using Delta, Theta and Alpha frequencies of brain activity. During this time, very little in the way of filtering took place, thus good experiences are stored alongside bad. And useful insights are stored alongside misperceptions.
Thus, even minor bad experiences and childish mis-perception can cause aspects of our adult mind to work against our own best interests. Remember that childhood experiences and mis-perceptions derive from a childlike (and even childish) point of view. This does not change when we become adults. Often, new thought patterns are simply overlaid over the top of old ones. Remember that the adult mind is predominately operating in Beta whilst the childhood memories are buried down in Alpha, Theta and Delta. A good metaphor for all of this is that the various memories and perceptions are like songs being played on different radio stations. As you might expect, if the adult programming and the childish and childlike programming are at odds with one another, all manner of weird and whacky effects ensue. At the very least, the mismatch can cause inappropriate ideas; attitudes and behaviours to rise to consciousness capture our attention and send us off in a diversion to success. Thus, we need to find ways to address these inappropriate ideas, attitudes and behaviours, if we want to be assured of increased success in the days, weeks, months and years to come. Fortunately, PSYCH-K® gives us many tools and techniques by to do this…and to do this very effectively.
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A simple model to get us started Now lets look at the mind from a slightly different perspective…the simplest model of the mind can be likened to an iceberg in which a small amount of conscious thought is visible and can be reflected upon, whilst in the depths of the brain, a far larger set of beliefs and mental processes are responsible for something like 95% of what we think and do. For example, most people will have had the experience of reading or working or driving for several minutes, or even for several hours, only to look up and not be able to consciously recall what has taken place during the process of reading, working or driving…What has happened is that the individual concerned has simply phased out of consciousness and relied on subconscious processes to keep them going. More worryingly, brain scans indicate that people often make decisions in their subconscious mind and then logically rationalise those decisions, imagining the decision to be conscious, logical and rational, when in fact it is not. The reality is that we all think that we are more logical than we really are…which is why you can observe so many eccentric people around you…or at least people who are eccentric from your point of view. According to cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, some researchers estimate that the subconscious mind is processing in the order or 40 million bits of information, in the same time frame that the conscious mind can process 40. In short, if the photo of an iceberg were blown up to the size of a poster, while your subconscious brain processed the whole image, your conscious mind would be focused on a single small dot. This is why the parroting of positive affirmations often has little impact on deeply held attitudes, beliefs, compulsions and emotions. The affirmation is being practised by the conscious mind, in a Beta state of consciousness. As the iceberg metaphor reminds us, this is a state which is in the order of a million times weaker than the subconscious mind, in which many negative attitudes, beliefs, compulsions and emotions are „housed‟. It is also a state of mind which is incompatible with tuning into thoughts encoded into memory while in Alpha, Theta or Delta. Taken together, the preceding two paragraphs explain why it is that many people experience the process of personal change and personal development to be a slow and difficult challenge. What is needed is an approach that can be used to directly effect change in the subconscious mind. Because then change becomes easy, quick and long lasting.
The simplest model of the mind splits it into two…conscious and subconscious.
Trying to use the conscious mind to effect change in the subconscious is like trying to compare the power of a toy pedal car with a formula one race car.
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A second point that is clear is as follows... If our subconscious mind is often making decisions for us, and if our subconscious mind is often hijacking our conscious mind, without us even being aware, we need to ensure that the criteria on which our subconscious decisions are being made are appropriate. For example, if we have subliminal expectations with regard success or failure, in health, business, finance, sport or in personal relationships, our subconscious will be working at all times to ensure those expectations come to pass. Thus, it is important that our subliminal expectations are appropriate to our life goals. As one instance of this, the author once met a businessman who was worried that his business would become too successful and would thus become out of control. He therefore shied away from many decisions that might lead to additional success. All of which caused a lot of friction between the entrepreneur and his partners. As the famous industrial Henry Ford once said, “Whether you believe that you can, or whether you believe that you can’t, you are right”. Our subconscious mind is so powerful that the ideas, attitudes and behaviours, programmed into the subliminal reaches of our brain, dominate our health, wealth, success and relationships in life. Thus, we often get what we expect in life…and thus our life experiences often end up re-enforcing our expectations and prejudices. Behind the scenes, our subconscious mind has been directing the paths we have taken. Bizarre as it may seem, a few bad childhood experiences and a few childhood misunderstandings can affect the future course of your life, even though you may feel you have consciously resolved the emotions and memories associated with those experiences and misunderstandings. The issue is that what you consciously believe that you think and feel may be at odds with what you really think and feel in the deeper reaches of your psyche. If you imagine each level of consciousness, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta, as a separate radio station, you might be playing uplifting music on one station and punk rock on another. For example, some people have been taught to consciously parrot positive affirmations and to use conscious visualisations, which has made them feel better on a conscious level, but which has left nagging and unresolved feelings at a deeper level of their awareness. Unresolved feelings that they know affect their ideas, attitudes, expectations and behaviours…and unresolved feelings that they know ultimately affect their level of success in life.
You want a mind that is fast and well maintained, not one that flushes away the opportunities with which life presents you.
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The brain, as a whole, is like a banana split, with three main components and some limited inter-connections.
The cutting edge of neuro-science. Now is the time to add a couple of additional sophistications to our model of mind… In the 1970s and 80s, it was popular for brain researchers to describe the brain as being split into two parts, left and right. With the left brain viewed as logical and the right brain conceived as being more creative in nature. Since the early 1990s, it has become more common to refer to the brain as being split into three main components: left, right and lower (as in located physically lower within the skull); with the lower brain being viewed as the seat of emotion and the seat of the subconscious. To be more precise…the left brain is now viewed as a fully functioning mini brain in which we experience verbal thoughts and in which we process logic….the right brain is now viewed as a fully functioning mini brain in which we experience sensory images, like pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes and smells…. …while the lower brain, is viewed as a fully functioning brain which filters all the mass of sensory input from our nervous system, controls all our non verbal communication, such as tone of voice and body language, ensures that the life support functions of the body keep working, controls and coordinates our movement and is the seat of our emotions.
The original split brain model, with the left brain as the seat of logic and the right brain as the centre of creativity.
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From the perspective of this booklet, the main point to note here is that the three mini-brains have a hard time communicating with one another…because the left brain is verbal, the right brain is specialised in manipulating imagery (in terms of pictures, sounds and kinaesthetic) while the lower brain is either emotional or processing information completely below the level of human consciousness. And to make matters even more complex, not only do the mini-brains communicate differently, but they also communicate at different speeds and with different levels of intellect. In order to process verbal information, the left brain has to be slow and focussed. The left brain has sacrificed speed for intellect. In contrast, the right brain runs at a faster speed because it has to process images. However, to run at a faster speed, the power of the right brain to follow logical and intellectual arguments is far diminished. For ease of understanding, you might imagine the intellectual power of the right brain to be akin to a young teenager. Finally, it is important to understand that in order for the subliminal aspects of the lower brain to process a massive million times more information than the conscious mind, it has to make an enormous sacrifice in terms of intellectual power. Thus the intellect of the lower brain can be likened to that of a five, six or seven year old child. Stop here and reflect for a moment, and you will almost certainly be able to recall at least one instance in your life in which you were in two or even three minds about a difficult decision…and this was because each minibrain had a different view about what you should being doing….which means that next time you find your self “ummming” and “ahhhhing” and verbally running through a plan, whilst imagining a set of different possibilities and feeling drawn to a different option entirely, you will know what is taking place. Your three mini-brains are finding it difficult to reach a consensus of agreement. All of which highlights why it is so difficult to gain access to the subconscious mind and peer into what is taking place in the lower depths of the mind. The conscious and subconscious parts of the brain do not naturally communicate, one with another. And often they are so frustrated with one another that they are in a state of conflict…or at best in a state of Cold War…which is not the best context in which to attempt to engage in creative or intuitive thought.
We need techniques to help the three parts of the brain, all of which operate at different speeds and ages of intellect, to cooperate and live happily, one with another, like a family in which there is love and respect between individual family members.
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Getting to the bottom of things… To review our discussion to date… We can describe the brain-as-a-whole as being comprised of three minibrains that struggle to communicate with one another. To be specific: left brain, slow, focussed and logical, right brain, fast, teen-like and imaginative, and lower brain, ultra-fast, child-like and emotional. As one metaphor of what the preceding paragraph might mean in practise…imagine three different computers, all linked via the Web. Each computer uses a different operating system: Windows, Linux and Macintosh. Thus, none naturally wants to communicate with the others. And all three computers are linked via a narrow band phone connection, which means that data proceeds between the computers at a relatively slow rate. In this scenario, while all computers can co-ordinate and can share information, everything takes place at a slowed rate. As a second metaphor, we could say that one of the reasons that the three mini-brains struggle to communicate with one another is that they each naturally operate at different frequencies of electrical activity and are thus slightly out of tune with one another. Thus we can say that the more we can get the three mini-brains in tune with one another, the easier it will be for them to share communication, and thus the easier it will be for them to coordinate and to work at a faster rate. We therefore need techniques that enable us to encourage the three minibrains to work together, so that we can become more conscious of the contents of all three components of the mind. We also need the three mini-brains to collaborate together so that the good perceptions in one mini-brain can be used as a resource to cancel out the mistaken perceptions in another. This is especially the case when we are trying to plumb the depths of the lower brain, which is where many of our subconscious childhood and childish perceptions are stored. If we correct misperceptions in the lower brain then we get the huge resources of the subconscious mind onside to help us attain our goals life. This is important not just for the state of health of our mind, but also for the state of health of our physical body. To explain…
The lower brain can be considered to combine three functions. Within the lower mini-brain: the limbic system contains all the subconscious processes which programme and control our emotions; the autonomic nervous system contains all the subconscious processes which programme and control our nerves, muscles and organs; and the reptilian brain contains all the subconscious processes which programme and control the primitive and non verbal part of the mind that processes our habits, learned skills, rituals and customs. The reptilian brain is a foundational aspect of the powerful lower brain.
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As one practical example, the lower mini-brain has a massive influence on how the cells of your body behave, whether those cells be neurons, nerves, blood, lymph, skin, organs, muscles or skeletal…and thus the lower brain has a huge influence on the chemicals that flood your bloodstream and the muscle tensions in various parts of your body, which you interpret as attitudes and feelings to situations and people around us. Thus, the programming within your lower brain affects a huge amount of your attitudes and behaviours towards other people. It controls all the non verbal signals that you send out, the majority of which are below your level of awareness…but which then affect how other people relate to you. As another important example, there are an increasing number of people who argue for a metaphor of the brain as an antenna, which distributes computing power both throughout the central nervous system and also within the low level bio-magnetic field which surrounds and suffuses the human body. And also as an antenna that is attenuated to the low level bio-magnetic fields of other people and an antenna attenuated to the varying energetic fields of different materials in the world around us. This may be why some people, who are naturally good at intuitive thinking, are able to pick up on the thoughts and intensions of others with relative ease. It may also be why some people appear to be so lucky and fortunate, being in the right place at the right time. These fortunate people are tuned into one of the most ancient parts of the lower brain, which literally does have a “sixth sense”, albeit one that is totally explainable by conventional physics and even (to an extent) measurable, using conventional scanning equipment. However, if your lower brain is negatively programmed, you may be all but consciously oblivious to the opportunities that surround you. Your lower brain filters out all the useful intuitions long before they have a chance to be passed onto your adult conscious mind. As a final example, it is becoming increasingly evident that the programming in your lower brain affects many aspects of your physical health and well-being…as we will discuss on the following page. Thus, ensuring an appropriate belief set is one key to obtaining a life characterised by health and vitality. In short, we are back to the notion that our mental programming affects our health, wealth, success and relationships…
There is a line of argument that the lower brain is responsible for co-ordinating aspects of thought which are distributed within the low level bio-magnetic field that surrounds and suffuses the human body… …thus giving rise to the metaphor of the brain as an antenna.
Put several magnetic fields in a room and they will affect one another. Hence, someone who can tap into their own field can also learn to ‟read‟ the fields of those around them. It‟s a matter of simple physics. Take for example the ways in which individuals are affected when in a crowd.
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More about the mind–body interface Researchers in biology are now finding that thought processes affect the behaviour of the cells in your body to a much larger extent than previously imagined. As previously mentioned, there is now clear evidence that subconscious thought processes, embedded at the levels of Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves, directly affect the physical cells within your body, which in turn directly affects many aspects of your health and well being. Importantly, the new biological field of epigenetics now denies the dominance of genes as the controllers of our bodies, minds and emotions! It transpires that genes are no more than the blue prints for constructing proteins. It also transpires that the “construction workers”, whose job it is to interpret the blue prints, have a good deal of latitude over the ways in which your genetic “plans” are interpreted. And this interpretation is mediated via the thought forms, electro-magnetic fields and the chemicals to which those construction workers are exposed. All of which goes a long way towards generating a scientific explanation for the “placebo” effect…and a whole new approach to generating more effective medicines and performance enhancing techniques and technologies. For example, the subconscious belief structures in your mind affect the chemical composition of your blood, which in turn, affects how you “feel”, which affects the degree to which you are able to fulfil your full potential, in terms of: your ability to focus and to concentrate, your ability to be creative, your ability to learn and absorb new ideas, your ability to relax, your ability to tap intuitions and your ability to relate to those round you. To summarise a whole field in a single paragraph, it transpires that the behaviour of each individual cell in your body is controlled by hundreds of thousands of switching proteins on the surface of each cell, which are in turn affected by the physical, biological, chemical, electrical and energetic aspects of the environment in which the cell is expected to work. In short, what your subconscious mind believes to be true has a huge impact on your health, wealth, success and relationships. It is therefore essential that we all have access to techniques and technologies which enable us to tune into our inner beliefs, and which then enable us to encourage those belief structures that will give us more of what we desire in life…whilst diminishing the power and influence of those belief structures that will work against our success and well-being.
If you want a really mind boggling insight into the degree to which your lower brain can affect your behaviour and your wellbeing for good – or ill – then read The Biology Of Belief by cellular biologist, Brice Lipton.
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Genie In Your Genes makes connections between the new biological field of Epigenetics and forms of Secular Science and New Age belief.
If you feel doubtful about the notion that the cells of your body react to electromagnetic fields, then read books by Nobel nominee, Professor Robert O Becker and find out more about the mapping of the electromagnetic fields that exist around key body organs…and differences in then fields around healthy and non healthy organs.
The measurable electro magnetic field emanating from the human heart, source
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The key to your future development By now it should be evident that the key to your future personal development is to find ways in which to by-pass the limitations of a waking Beta frequency of consciousness…and to tune into your subconscious mind. In effect what you need to do is to: (1) map the belief structures in your lower brain, (2) identify those belief structures that are useful and helpful to your aims and ambitions, (3) root out those beliefs structures that are limiting or damaging to your aspirations, and (4) – where required - embed more powerful and focused beliefs where a new sense of vision and capability is required. All of which is far simpler than you might have previously imagined, if you have only read and heard about psychological therapies, developed prior to the 1980s… Conventional Nineteenth and Twentieth Century therapies emphasise the use of will power and positive affirmations. However, while the use of will power, alone, certainly does make it possible to use a number of visualisation techniques to make some limited changes – and in particular to embed some new conscious beliefs – it is not generally possible to use such conventional approaches to effect change on many of the deeply held subconscious belief structures that may have been organising and controlling your emotions and your physiology for many years… It is also possible to use a variety of hypnotic techniques, such as those derived from Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP, to make some really big changes within the lower brain, when a therapist puts a client into a suggestible state of mind, akin to deep Theta or deep Delta. However, the effectiveness of such an approach does tend to depend upon the expertise of the therapist and the receptivity of the client…which limits the application of such techniques. This brings us to PSYCH-K®, which provides us with a series of simple protocol by which to (1) simply, easily and quickly ask questions of the subconscious mind and map belief structures (whilst remaining in a Beta state of mind akin to normal adult consciousness), (2) identify those belief structures that are useful and helpful, (3) tune into a “reflective” brain frequency in which it becomes easy to root out those beliefs that are limiting or damaging, and – where required – to (4) embed more powerful and focused beliefs which will enable us to more easily attain the life goals that we feel to be important…All of which makes PSYCH-K®, very interesting to anyone who wants to effect positive change within their life.
There is no longer a need to attempt to beat your subconscious mind into subservience,, neither is there a need to be slavishly robotic, programmed to obey every emotional impulse. PSYCH-K® provides tools by which to consciously decide what you like and do not like about the person you are now and to simply and enables you to easily re-program your subconscious with belief statements that reconfigure the way your reptilian brain works.
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Imagine the issues and challenges that you face to be a river. PSYCH-K® provides a set of stepping stones from the Old You, as you are now, to the New You that you would prefer to be.
Section Three: Read more about… PSYCH-K Explained. ®
Or… skip on to Section Four on Page 37 which pulls together the information contained in this booklet, in a quick reference set of conclusions.
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Remember our overall aim in PSYCH-K® is to give you added zest for the life that you lead.
PSYCH-K® - aims and objectives: If you have read the preceding sections, which discuss the degree to which your subconscious mind affects your health, wealth, success and relationships … then … you will be aware that your subconscious has a huge impact on each of these aspects of life…and thus has a huge impact on the degree to which you feel a zest for life. Sometimes your subconscious is carrying so much in the way of emotional baggage and fears and anxieties for the future, along with insecurities with respect your ability to succeed in life that it can feel like a back garden that has become overgrown and choked out with weeds. The purpose of PSYCH-K® is to clear out the undergrowth, to give you a chance to see what there is that you like and dislike in the subliminal reaches of your mind, and to then give you an opportunity to redesign and plant new ideas … …converting an uninviting wilderness into a place in which you can experience peace, calm, relaxation, along with confidence and certainty.
If your life feels over grown with emotional issues and challenges, and your circumstances are complex and confusing, then imagine this to be an over grown garden…and PSYCH-K® to be a way to convert the jungle into a peaceful and beautiful Zen garden.
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To thrive in life, you really need to learn to allow your subconscious to whisper into your inner ear … and to feel that you are actually listening to what it says…
Making friends with your subconscious mind: By now you will realise that the subconscious mind is extremely powerful, and yet because of all the fears and anxieties and issues that you face, you may wonder if your subconscious mind could ever be your friend. Well … …The truth is that, while you may be subject to a few mistakes on the part of your subconscious mind, the situation is not a dire as it might appear. Your subconscious really wants to be your friend! It is just not always sure how to serve you well. And because it feels you have ignored it for years, your subconscious oscillates between doing its best and throwing the occasional tantrum…as would you if you were ignored by those around you on a daily basis. With this metaphor in mind, PSYCH-K® can help you by providing you with a simple line of communication between the conscious and the subconscious aspects of your mind. This enables you to listen to what the subconscious has to say, which causes the subconscious to feel good. Such a line of communication also enables you to explain how you would like the lower brain to assist you…at which point, your subconscious processes will become your best friend and work powerfully, effectively and efficiently to secure a future that is more congruent with your hopes and your aspirations.
Because the subconscious mind only has the same ability to process words and images as a young child; getting on well with your subconscious mind is like an adult parent learning to communicate well with a small child. Get the relationship right and it is a joy. Get it wrong and the tantrums and emotional outbursts make life a living hell.
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Forget what you see in the media One big problem that we face in explaining the ease with which you can make changes in your lower brain is that the dominant belief within the culture in which we live is that change has to be slow and painful. In fact, change can be fast and joyous…but unfortunately, that model of psychology does not lead to very many dramatic and award wining films, TV series or documentaries. For example, imagine if all those angst ridden cops were suddenly well adjusted pillars of the law, enjoying life and protecting the public with a smile….not exactly a script ideas that would be likely to attract much in the way of funding. Historically, Theatre Stars and then, later, Media Bosses and Film Stars became hugely influenced and entranced by the drama of talk-based psycho therapies, developed by psycho-analysts, like Freud, even though all the evidence is that such therapies consistently fail to effect change. The point here is that all media programming thrives on drama, and thus the dominant model of the mind in the mainstream movies and television shows and news bulletins has been one rooted in the dramatic belief that within each of us there is an ongoing war between logic and emotion … which of course makes for good drama and enthralling shows … but tends to make for a poor understanding of human psychology. …In reality, there is no need for a struggle and there is no need to attempt to dominate your subconscious mind. Neither is there any need to give in to every passing flight of fancy, so that you become dysfunctional. …In actuality, the different parts of your mind want to be friends with one another, and when they are taught how to communicate one with another, many problems simply begin evaporate. Any technique that begins to set up a line of communication between the conscious and the subconscious aspects of the mind can benefit you. Visualisation techniques are certainly a start. NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis go much future. And many of the psychological aspects of Systematic Kinesiology are also beneficial. PSYCH-K® picks from the best of these effective approaches and combines them into a convenient set of protocols by which, within a few hours, you can make huge and lasting changes to your attitudes, habits, beliefs and lifestyle.
Many people expect psychological change to be difficult and lengthy to obtain … mainly because that is how it has been portrayed in the media, who have popularised some pretty ineffective forms of psychology… because there are few dramatic storylines in a life that is easily lived.
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A description of a PSYCH-K® session
The PSYCH-K® facilitator and client chat and identify a set of positive beliefs that would be suitable to counteract and displace any negative beliefs
Mapping the beliefs in the subconscious mind A PSYCH-K® session will typically begin with a facilitator (a person trained in PSYCH-K®) chatting with a client. The facilitator will direct the conversation, with the aim of locating one or more key negative beliefs that the client finds „troubling‟. For example, imagine (1) a student who feels that they are simply not intelligent enough to learn or (2) a business person who feels that they are unlikely to be successful. The facilitator and the client then decide upon one or more positive affirmations that can be used to install a positive belief that will replace any negative beliefs, identified as a result of the conversation described in the preceding paragraph. For example, affirmations that might be given to the student and to the businessman, mentioned in the preceding paragraph, might be: I learn easily and enjoy my study, or I perceive good opportunities and intuit opportunities that will lead to success. In terms of protocol, sometimes the new positive belief statements are derived from lists created by experienced therapists, and are culled from years of experience talking with clients. In other cases, the statements are generated completely from the conversation between the facilitator and the individual client. Remembering that our interest in these statements is in terms of the way in which deep rooted beliefs affect our emotions. Finally…in either case… The client‟s subconscious level of belief in each positive belief statement is assessed using some standard muscle tests derived from a field of complementary medicine, called Kinesiology. If you need a metaphor…you can think of the process of muscle testing as being akin to a simple lie detector test. If all three mini brains believe a statement then a muscle will test „strong‟. If one or more of the mini brains disbelieves the statement then the muscle will test significantly „weaker‟. After a few minutes of work, the facilitator will have a list of which positive belief statements are believed and accepted by the subconscious mind and which are not. This inventory of beliefs is then used to plan what needs to be done next. And while a description of the testing process may sound long winded, the actual physical process itself often only takes a few moments.
Keep in mind it is our deep-set beliefs that ultimately affect our emotions, and thus ultimately affect how we act and behave in the world in which we find ourselves.
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Muscle tests are a great way to find out what you really think! In the UK, there is a Mind Magician, called Derren Brown, who uses a deep understanding of human psychology to simulate all manner of psychic phenomena. You can read about his work in books and you can also view a large body of his work on DVD and video, available from
Derren Brown‟s book, Tricks of the Mind.
In his own book, Tricks of the Mind, Brown explains that the relationship between the body‟s muscles and the contents of the mind of an individual has been well understood by magicians and stage mentalists, since the 1850s, when J. Randall Brown coined the term “Muscle Reading”: a term used to refer to noticing small changes in the musculature and muscle tone of a person with whom you are interacting, and learning to relate those physical cues to thoughts taking place in the head of that person. As an example, in one of the TV programmes that document the work of Derren Brown, we find the mentalist asking a grocer in a market to hide a small object. Brown then asks the grocer to think of the object but not to say anything. Using muscle reading alone, Brown navigates his way around the market and finds the object within a very few minutes. The fact is that while the object is in the mind of the stall holder, he is emanating all kinds of physical cues that help Brown to locate the hidden artifact. Given the link between the subconscious and the physical musculature of the body, muscle testing is simply a process in which a tester learns to become more aware of the physical cues given out by a person being tested, while the person being tested begins to amplify the extent to which their muscles react to statements which they either believe or disbelieve…with statements which are believed (to be true) producing strong muscle tests and a statements which are DIS-believed giving rise to weak tests. In practice, after a couple of minutes‟ instruction, most people find giving and receiving muscles tests very easy and straightforward, and soon become intrigued by this new window that has been opened into their mind. Of course, there is also a lot of science to back the use of muscle tests, but in most cases, the experience of giving and receiving muscle tests is often a more powerful personal convincer of the degree to which muscle testing can be used to explore the depths of the subconscious mind.
One of Derren Brown‟s DVDs
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Some of the science behind muscle testing With regard the science associated with „Muscle Reading‟…
To find out more about the background of kinesiology and its use by medical professionals…go to
Peer-reviewed research indicates that there is a significant difference in the strength of a tested muscle, depending on whether the words spoken by the conscious mind resonate as true within the subconscious. Hence muscle testing is an ideal way in which to initiate commutation between all three major aspects of mind and brain. With regard PSYCH-K®, the specific muscle tests used in PSYCH-K® have been adapted from those used by an approach to health care, called Systematic Kinesiology, which is an complementary approach to health care used by the tens of thousands of trained health care professionals (such as doctors, nurses and dentists) associated with The control of a session rests with the client While discussing the notion of muscle testing, it is worth underlining that everything that happens within a PSYCH-K® session has to be endorsed by a strong muscle test. There is no concept of „one size fits all‟ in the protocol used in a PSYCHK® session. All sessions are customised to the very specific needs of each individual client. Everything that takes place in a PSYCH-K® session is determined by the client and not by the practitioner. This is why in PSYCH-K® practitioners are normally referred to as „facilitators‟ with the role of the facilitator being very clearly defined as assisting a client through PSYCH-K® processes rather than doing PSYCH-K® on a client. The bottom line is that the client is very definitely in control. Only those PSYCH-K® processes and changes of belief, which resonate as useful and appropriate are ever used, with the direction of each session being determined by those ideas and statements which result in a strong muscle test. Thus PSYCH-K® is very much an approach to personal development and to therapy which mixes the ideas formed in the conscious aspects of the mind with the perceptions embedded within the subconscious.
Or to read about a wide range of muscle tests, read Touch For Health, by John Thie
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Making changes in your subconscious belief systems The easiest way to replace a negative belief statement is to install a positive (counter) belief. For example, I expect to succeed to replace I expect to fail. And the easiest way to achieve such a switch is to get all three mini-brains working in synchronisation.
Some of the techniques used to get the three mini brains to coordinate are the same as those used in schools, under the brand name BrainGym.
To this end, there are several physical postures and/or movement sequences which promote the physical coordination of the two conscious brain hemispheres, left and right. These postures and/or movement sequences also promote coordination between the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind. Some of these postures are as easy as sitting down and enfolding your arms in a specific way; while some are movement sequences, akin to marching on the spot. If you would like to know more about using such straightforward sitting postures and movement techniques to coordinate all aspects of mind and brain, then you might like to look into the research associated BrainGym and research associated with Hemi-sync audio devices. BrainGym uses physical techniques, derived from the work of Educational Kinesiologists, to help kids in schools to concentrate more easily. And it does this by using postures and movements to promote better interaction between both brain hemispheres and between the conscious and subconscious aspects of the student‟s mind. In contrast, Hemisync uses specially prepared audio tracks to achieve the same ends. Both have a wealth of research data associated with them. In terms of practical outcomes from a PSYCH-K® session, the experience of facilitators is that if you reflect on a positive belief statement, whilst utilising an appropriate posture or movement sequence, for a couple of minutes, the heightened coordination of brain activity seems to resolve any nagging negative beliefs, which might have been bothering you. Very quickly, the negative belief is supplanted by the positive affirmation, within your subconscious. It may sound strange and it may sound like wishful thinking, but repeated case study evidence is that the process works pretty much all of the time. And for those occasions where straightforward postures and movements are not appropriate, there are a half dozen slightly more sophisticated protocols, from which you can select…and which can affect change in more powerful ways.
If you like to view some of the academic research projects that indicate the effectiveness of integrating the three brain hemispheres using sound, then the book Focusing The Whole Brain, edited by Ronald Russell is worth a read.
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Energy balances: Very occasionally, some unhelpful, deep-seated beliefs may have a lot of emotional energy associated with them. In this case, it has been found that if key meridian or chakra points are touched (by either the client or the facilitator) then the emotion associated with a belief can be dissipated. For this reason, in PSYCH-K®, a number of specific meridian and chakra points are referred to as „Belief Points‟. If you are unfamiliar with the notion of meridians and chakras, it is worth mentioning that both derive from theories of medicine that are often referred to as „energy medicine‟ because, when working with meridians and chakras, a therapist is involved in balancing subtle energies within the body. If the notion of „energy medicine‟ and „balancing energies‟ sounds a little esoteric, it should be noted that theories related to energy medicine are routinely used in Chinese hospitals, alongside Western, technology-based medicine. In China, and in many other Eastern nations, the efficacy of energy medicine is accepted and believed proven, both on the basis of thousands of years of case study reports and also on the basis of modern scientific experimentation. Despite complaints by some Western doctors that there is a dearth of scientific evidence as to the efficacy of Eastern forms of energy medicine, the fact is that the evidence is there. It is simply not often translated into English. And if one reads books, like Vibrational Medicine, by Dr Richard Gerber and Energy Medicine by Dr James Oschman, it is possible to find out more about what our colleagues in the East have achieved. It is also possible to read of similar theories, currently being tested in the West, by Nobel nominee, Robert O Becker. In reality, the phrase „lack of scientific evidence‟, when applied to new forms of treatment for mind or body, really means that no research has been undertaken in the West because there are no pharmaceutical companies interested in paying for research that might undermine their market share. But…politics and economics aside for a moment... The message to note here is as follows: a few minutes touching an appropriate PSYCH-K® belief point can dissipate any powerful negative emotional energies that might be affecting the quality of your life.
Two more books that might interest you, if you are the sort of person who really likes to investigate the theory before moving on the practice. Or you can let us take care of the theory and just avail yourself of the benefits associated with the techniques.
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Kirlian photographs of the electric fields around objects.
Energy: If you are feeling conservative in nature, then realise that the human nervous system is electrical in nature and so there is a low level electromagnetic field around the human body. In recent years, this has begun to be directly measured in earnest by physicists, using a SQUID magnetometer. It can also be inferred using a form of photography developed in the Soviet Union by a Russian physicist, called Kirlian. In practical terms, focussing your own personal field can affect the field of another person. If you have sensitive enough measuring equipment, this is a measurable exchange of energy, which the facilitator initiates and which then resonates within the client. In terms of outcomes, this resonant effect can have a huge emotional impact on a client and dissipate years of emotional blocks in a relatively short period of time. If you are open to Eastern beliefs then you can also imagine that the field around a person to be augmented by Chi and or Aura energy. Though clearly, for some people, this second explanation is more controversial. SQUID Magnetometer.
Taking a Kirlian photograph.
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Two books by Nobel nominee Robert O Becker
Two more books that will be of interest to a student of energy medicine
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The major meridians, as use din health kinesiology.
For any scientists reading this booklet, products like Acustim can be used to measure the electrical conductivity of the skin, which varies at acupoints, providing an empirically measurable way to locate acupoints.
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…where we attempt to summarise the rest of this document in the form of a „neat package‟.
Section Four: Concluding Words
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Summary If you want to effect changes in your life, and in particular if you want to attain and achieve: improved health, increased wealth, impressive success and enhanced relationships, then you need to provide a conduit of communication between the conscious and subconscious aspects of your mind. Only then can you root out attitudes and beliefs that work against you, and implant new attitudes and beliefs that will work for you. In the final analysis, logical chat-based approaches to therapy and personal change are laborious and inefficient – and often end up in making matters worse. The subconscious either ignores the chat, or (even worse) takes the discussion of negatives as a set of commands to recreate those negatives, again and again, in the future. If you want to make changes in your subconscious then you have to use the language of the lower brain, which has the verbal intellect of a five or six year old child. Some creative and imaginative approaches to therapy can be helpful. So too is the word play and the use of powerful stories and metaphors, embedded in approaches to psychology, such as NLP. But often there is a need to go further and faster… …At the root of many of the physical and psychological problems that people face, you will find a plethora of attitudes and beliefs, wired into the reptilian aspects of the lower brain. This is the very lowest level of processing that one can model. Here, you need to address the very fastest and most powerful aspects of the brain, aspects of the brain that control and affect key life processes. And whilst addressing the reptilian component of the brain, you need to keep reminding yourself that these are also the least verbal and articulate components of the mind… …You therefore need to find a process with which the reptilian mind is comfortable and then you embed that process within well-defined protocol because the reptilian mind is attracted by ritual and order and habit. Thus it is that PSYCH-K® utilises a strict set of protocol, from which facilitators do not deviate, and in which muscles tests are used. In effect, a direct line of communication is established in which the conscious mind can ask questions and the subconscious can provide answers, via switching the strength of a muscle, either on or off. Further PSYCH-K® techniques are then used to implant changes, followed by more muscles tests, to ensure the changes have become „embedded‟.
If all of this sounds „complex‟, keep in mind that you don‟t need to understand any of the psychology in order to enjoy the benefits!
The whole of this document is here for those who are interested in the background theory…it is not necessary for the practise and is certainly not necessary to profit from any investment you make in training or therapy sessions,
Copyright: Dr Peter EH Smee, downloadable for free from, Page 39 of 40
As we have said before…life requires balance…
Final words: Of all the people that I have met who have learned PSYCH-K® or consulted a PSYCH-K® facilitator, the reaction is always the same…WOW…everyone is always surprised at how much can be achieved in a short time, and in a relaxed manner. So… If you would like to learn the technique for yourself, it only takes a weekend, or if you would like to enjoy a therapy session, get in touch with one of the facilitators listed below. Remember, the whole aim is to give you a new zest for life… …to enhance the four key aspects of life that most people seek: Health Wealth Success and Better Relationships…
Remember these: PSYCH-K® gives you tools for more health, wealth, success and better relationships.
Copyright: Dr Peter EH Smee, downloadable for free from, Page 40 of 40
Dr Peter Edward Henry Smee PhD, MSc, BSc.
Learning & Development Specialist ...with over two decades of professional expertise, gained working as a... Senior Teacher, Educational Strategist, Interactivity Designer and Software Developer ...making complex ideas easy-to-understand...
Over the course of the last twenty years, I have worked extensively in a wide variety of roles related to Education and to the design and development of Accelerated Learning Solutions, eLearning Digital Resources, Interactive Educational Technologies, eBusiness Initiatives, Creative Thinking Software and Collaborative Meeting Environments. And currently, at the time of writing this text, I am working as a self employed Independent Consultant. For example, in terms of teaching and educational strategy, I have an interest in researching the application of Brain Entrainment Technologies, such as those associated with the research groups involved with the development of Hemisync, Holosync, Brain State Tech and Heart Math, with regard to accelerating learning and with regard to encouraging more insightful decision making. While, in terms of new technologies: (i) I have an interest in experimenting with novel approaches to the UI and UX design of language learning software, based on the psychological models suggested by NLP; (ii) I have an interest in programming the new EMOTIV EEG headsets; and, (iii) I have an interest in the development of web agents that leverage Google Search, in order to make it easier for users to find and download information, images, video and music.
In terms of my wider background, I have worked: as a Teacher and Trainer, in a university department that was twice rated as the Best for Quality of Teaching in Technology in the UK; as an Instructional Designer, twice nominated for national recognition for my work integrating accelerated learning techniques and technologies into innovative approaches to teaching and learning; as an Innovation Facilitator, helping Teachers and Business Professionals to use creative thinking techniques and technologies to design new products and services and to plan more effectively for the future; as a Conference Presenter, with experience of successfully addressing large groups of academics, managers and business entrepreneurs; as a Marketing and Communications Strategist, teaching undergraduate business students how to use the web to promote ideas, products and services; as an Education Manager, each year responsible for the administration of a dozen undergraduate modules and for the teaching and learning experiences of a hundred and fifty students; as a Bid Writer, whose proposals have twice been later used as exemplars for future submissions; and, as an Educational Technologist, with both national and international-level recognition for my work associated UI and UX Design and Development. In terms of career highlights: (i) I have enjoyed success as an Innovation Facilitator, working with corporate clients; (ii) I was the Lead UI and UX Designer for the first Innovations Laboratory in the South West of the UK, a space optimised for: Graphic Facilitation, Concept Visualisation, Web-based Anonymous Brainstorming, Web-based Collaborative Authoring, ComputerMediated Conferencing, Creative Thinking and Group Discussion; (iii) I have designed and programmed over a dozen medium sized software applications, including: a Mind Mapping application, Scribble Pad, Paint Pad, Flow Charter, Gantt Charter, Marking Machine and Case-Based Discussion Tool; (iv) I have written, designed and illustrated thousands of pages of well-received electronic books, several thousand PowerPoint slides and over a dozen educational posters; (v) I helped a small business to utilise e-commerce technologies to increase profits by 500% in three years; (vi) I have contributed to the UI and UX Design of a suite of computer labs and two institution-wide CMS and VLE; and, (vii) I have taught over a thousand undergraduate students on modules related to Business, Public Relations, Educational Computing and Information Technology. If you feel that you would like me to provide you with coaching, training or consultancy, you can find out about my availability, read an up-to-date CV and access my current contact details by visiting: At the time of writing, I live in Basel in Switzerland, which has fast air and train links with most major cities in Europe.