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Histology Sample Questions
51. Which of the following types of cells will MOST likely comprise the lining epithelium of the ductus deferens? A. Columnar Columnar B. Squamous C. Stratified columnar D. Pseudostratified columnar 52. The sacrotuberous ligament is a modified part of which of the following muscles? A. Semimembranosus Semimembranosus B. Gastrocnemius C. Biceps femoris D. Adductor magnus 53. Pain sensation from the uterus will MOST likely be abolished by cutting which of the following? A. Nervi erigentes erigentes B. Superior hypogastric plexus C. Lumbosacral trunk D. Upper sympathetic trunk 54. The germ cells will MOST likely be derived from which of the following? A. Genital ridge B. Endodermal cells from the allantois C. Ectoderm of neurocentral canal D. Endodermal cells of the yolk sac 55. The major vitelline arteries give rise embryonically to which of the following? A. Inferior mesenteri mesentericc artery B. Ascending lumbar arteries C. Umbilical artries D. Superior mesenteric artery 56. Which of the following are canals containing blood vessels that traverse compact bone parallel to its long axis? A. Volkmann’s Volkmann’s canals B. Canaliculi C. Sharpey’s canals D. Haversian canals 57. The circulating white blood cells that are FEWEST in number are the: A. Lymphocytes Lymphocytes B. Monocytes C. Eosinophils D. Basophils
58. The golgi complex in secretory cells is believed to be: A. The major focus of oxidative enzymes B. The center for the synthesis of cell proteins C. An artifact in staining D. The site of concentration of cell secretion 59. What is the percentage of myeloblast in normal bone marrow? A. 5 – 10% B. 0 – 1% C. 15 – 20% D. 20 – 25% 60. Which of the following is a mucopolysaccharide found in ground substance of loose connective tissue that is relatively high in concentration? A. Chondroitin sulfate B. Hyaluronic acid C. Hyaluronidase D. Collagen 61. A. A band decreases in length B. H band is lengthened C. H band is obliterated D. Z line moves further away from the A band 62. The microscopic morphology of the tunica adventitia in a muscular artery is characterized by which of the following? A. Smooth muscle fibers B. Elastic & collagenous fibers C. Elements running parallel to long axis of vessels D. Absence of smooth muscle fibers 63. Which of the following structures is common to both cardiac and striated muscles? A. Intercalated discs B. I discs C. Multiple nuclei D. Centrally placed nuclei 64. Cobra venom is transported from the intercellular substance primarily via: A. Lymphatic capillaries B. Blood capillaries C. Both D. Neither
65. Monocytopoiesis is a function commonly attributed to which of the following? A. Lymph node B. Spleen C. Bone marrow D. Tonsil 66. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the epidermis? A. The stratum granulosum contains only melanin granules B. Pigment is produced by cells in the stratum germinativum C. Stratum lucidum contains eukeratin D. Numerous basal projections anchor cells of stratum basale to underlying basement membrane & connective tissue 67. As air passes from the trachea into the lungs, the LAST structure where complete gaseous exchange may take place through the wall is the: A. Bronchi B. Respiratory bronchiole C. Alveolar duct D. Alveolar sac 68. The connective tissue surrounding the periphery of a pulmonary lobule contains which of the following? A. The bronchial artery & vein B. The pulmonary vein C. The terminal bronchus & pulmonary artery D. All of the above 69. During the proliferative stage of the uterine cycle, the cells of the endometrial glands characteristically exhibit: A. Basal vacuoles B. “Lined-up nuclei” C. Increase in glycoprotein content D. All of the above 70. In a preoperative psychiatric counselling prior to sex change, a genital reconstructive surgeon lightly explains to a male patient that the lower esophagus, unlike the vagina, possesses which of the following in its wall? A. Smooth muscle B. A lamina propria C. Striated muscle D. A muscularis mucosae
71. Which of the following structures demonstrates the MOST prominent amount of smooth muscle dispersed within the connective tissue stroma? A. Bulbourethral gland B. Seminal vesicle C. Prostate gland D. Gland of Littre 72. The parenchyma of this organ develops from endoderm. It produces 2 hormones and part of its secretory activity is regulated by a trophic hormone from the adenohypophysis. This organ is MOST likely the: A. Liver B. Parathyroid C. Thyroid D. Pancreas 73. Which of the following structures possesses fibers that exhibit cross striations when examined with the electron microscope? A. Cardiac muscle B. Voluntary muscle C. Fibrocartilage D. All of the above 74. Which of the following structures is absent in the stomach bed? A. Left suprarenal gland B. Left kidney C. Spleen D. Transverse mesocolon 75. The prostatic utricle will MOST likely develop from the: A. Pronephric duct B. Wolffian duct C. Mullerian duct D. All of the above 76. The superior olivary nucleus is MOST accurately located in the: A. Pons B. Midbrain C. Medula D. Spinal cord
77. The tunnel of Corti is MOST likely filled with: A. Perilymph from scala tympani B. Perilymph from scala vestibulae C. Endolymph from the cochlear duct D. All of the above 78. The “duodenal cap” is demonstrable in the human body by: A. Dissection or surgical method B. Histological procedure C. Radiographic exam D. All of the above
79. Which of the following BEST describes the spleen? A. Is a hemolymph organ B. Develops in the left layer of the dorsal mesogastrium C. Has on its visceral surface impressions namely gastric, colic, pancreatic, & renal D. Has on its superior border 1-2 notches that is used clinically during palpation as a distinguishing point when it is enlarged 80. Which of the following BEST describes the coronary sinus? A. Receives all the cardiac veins of the heart B. Develops from the left horn of the sinus venosus C. Lies on the posterior interventricular sulcus D. Forms the posterior boundary of the transverse sinus 81. Which of the following BEST describes axillary vein? A. Begins at the lower border of the teres major B. Is the continuation of the cephalic vein C. Unites with the external jugular vein D. Runs lateral to the axillary artery 82. Which of the following BEST describes the ulnar nerve? A. Passes posterior to the elbow joint B. Does not supply muscles in the forearm C. Has its origin from C5, C6, C7 nerve roots D. Innervates the muscles of the thenar eminence 83. Which of the following BEST describes the fibrous pericardium? A. Extends over the inferior vena cava B. Does not extend over the superior vena cava C. Is related laterally to the phrenic nerve & the pericardiophrenic artery D. Does not receive blood supply from the internal thoracic artery
84. Which of the following muscles is NOT innervated by the obturator nerve? A. Obturator internus B. Obturator externus C. Adductor magnus D. Adductor longus 85. Which of the following muscles is NOT supplied by the perineal branch of the 4th sacral nerve? A. Levator ani B. Sphincter ani externus C. Bulbospongiosus D. Obturator internus 86. The rectus sheath does NOT contain which one of the following? A. Lymphatics B. Superior epigastric vessels C. Pyramidalis muscle D. Terminal parts of 3 lower intercostals nerves 87. By definition, which of the following structures is NOT part of a nephron? A. Glomerulus B. Loop of Henle C. Collecting tubules D. Distal convoluted tubules 88. Lymph nodes are MOST likely NOT found in which of the following structures? A. Tonsil B. Tongue C. Esophagus D. Thymus 89. Post-ganglionic fibers from the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion do NOT innervate the: A. Arterioles of the choroid vasculature B. Smooth muscles of the levator palpebrae superioris C. Dilator pupillae muscle D. Muscles of the ciliary body 90. Which of the following structures will NOT be stained by basic stains? A. Golgi apparatus B. Nissl’s granules C. Ribonucleoproteins D. Granular endoplasmic reticulum
91. All of the following are histologic features common to stomach, small intestine, and colon, EXCEPT: A. Single lymphatic nodule B. Muscularis mucosae C. Glands in submucosae D. Simple columnar epithelium 92. Mucous cells are MOST definitely absent from the epithelium of: A. Stomach B. Jejunum C. Gallbladder D. Esophagus 93. Which of the following is NOT a feature of an osteoclast? A. Cytoplasmic acidophilia B. Mitosis C. An irregular plasma membrane D. Multiple nuclei 94. The intense basophilia is indicative of large amounts of RNA in all of the following structures except in: A. Plasma cell B. Mast cell C. Neuron D. Osteoblast 95. One of the following does NOT arise as a median midline ventral diverticulum of the gut: A. Thyroid B. Pancreas C. Liver D. Laryngotracheal groove 96. Which of the following bones will NOT make up the lateral longitudinal arch of the foot? A. Calcaneus B. Cuboid C. Fourth metatarsal bone D. Talus 97. The arteries supplying the hip joint are derived from all of the following. EXCEPT: A. Obturator artery B. Medial circumflex femoral artery C. Superior gluteal artery D. Deep external pudendal artery
98. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the maxillary sinus? A. The infraorbital canal is related to it superiorly B. Opens into the middle meatus of the nose C. Is closely related to the roots of the 2nd and 3rd molar teeth inferiorly D. Rarely gets infected from other paranasal sinuses because of the relative positions of their openings 99. Which of the following muscles is NOT supplied by the hypoglossal nerve? A. Genioglossus B. Styloglossus C. Hyoglossus D. Palatoglossus 100. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the atlanto-axial articulation? A. It consist of 3 synovial joints B. Anteriorly, the 2 vertebrae are connected by the continuation of the anterior longitudinal ligament C. The largest range of movement in the articulation occurs during nodding of the head D. It forms part of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx