Quality Plan & Method Statement Project details Client Site Project Project description
GF Holding Contractors Ltd Bourne Leisure Marton Mere Park Multi-court & showground Refurbishment of existing indoor pool,toilets,changing rooms
Project duration Start date Completion date Working hours
23rd November 09 TBC 7.00am- 7.00pm daily
Project address & contact details Site Address
Marton Mere Holid liday Park ,Blac lackpool ,Lancashire FY4 4XN
Site Contact Phone Mobile
Graham Barton N/A 07826907779
Xcel Electrical Ltd - Project Management Company Address Xcel Electrical Ltd Silvercrest Blackpool Road Newton, Preston Lancashire PR4 3RE Contract Ma Manager Mobile Phone Fax Email Web Xcel Supervisor Phone Mobile
Jamie Du Duggan 07826 907779 01772 685200 01772 685222
[email protected] www.xcelelectrical.com N/A N/A N/A
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Table of contents: 3
Project Management
Arrival on Site
Welfare Arrangements
Labour Resources
Quality Control
Testing and Co Commissioning
Plant & Equipment
Handling & Disposal of of Wa Waste
Emer Emerg gency ency & Firs irst Aid Arra rrangem ngemen ents ts
Personal Pr Protective ive Eq Equipment
Inf Inform ormatio tion pro provi vide ded d to to Opera eratives ives
Monitoring Arrangements
Sequence of Work
Meth Method od Stat Statem emen entt Amen Amendm dmen ents ts / Ad Adde dend ndum ums s
Met Method hod Sta Statem tement Ackno cknow wledg ledgem emen entt
Xcel Electrical Ltd Quality Plan & Method Statemen Statementt 2 of 10
This Method Statement has been prepared on information provided by our client together with a Site Inspection by an Xcel Electrical Limited representative. Our intern internal al Health Health & Safety Safety object objective ives s ensure ensure that that we adhere adhere to indust industry ry standards set by the Health & Safety Executive. The method of work will be planned and carried out in such a way as to reduce to a minimum or eliminate risks of personal injury or property damage. All works will be performed in i n accordance with the following Health & Safety standards: The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 The Work at Height Regulations 2005 The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 The Management of Health Safety at Work Regulations 1999 The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 The Control of Lead at Work Regulations 1998 The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 The Health & Safety (Safety Signs & Signals) 1996 The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 The Environment Protection Act (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 The New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 The Environmental Protection Act 1990 The Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 The Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 The Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972 The above list is used as a guide but in no way constitutes a complete list
Project Management The project is to be managed by: Xcel Electrical Ltd Quality Plan & Method Statemen Statementt 3 of 10
Contract Manager / Director Jamie Duggan Supervisor: Graham Barton The project management team will ensure that throughout the project all Health & Safety Safety directives directives are followed followed by all Xcel Electrical Electrical Ltd Operatives Operatives’, ’, Labour Labour Only Sub-Contractors and Specialist Contractors. Supervisor Specialist Contract Electricians Contractors Director / Manager
Arrival on Site Any induction necessary for the site will arranged and conducted by the client during which the evacuation routes and emergency procedures will be advised.
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The Xcel Supervisor will outline the work methods and safe working procedures to be adopte adopted; d; he will will also also identi identify fy the main main perso personne nnell and respon responsib sibilit ilities ies to company operatives and labour only sub-contractors. Welfare Arrangements Toilet, Washing and Mess facilities will be provided by the Client. Training All operatives will be suitably competent and hold the necessary certificates of training for the relevant plant plant and activities. This will include NPORS, NPORS, IPAF, PASMA & CSCS or equivalent standards of training and competence. All All oper operat ativ ives es’’ cert certif ific icat ates es and and reco record rds s of trai traini ning ng are are reta retain ined ed with within in the the Company Office and are available for inspection on request.
Labour Resources The organisation will have suitable and sufficient labour capacity and resources to suit the programme for the duration of the project. The Contract Director / Manager will liaise and coordinate with the client and all parties involved in the project for the duration of the contract. He will monitor the installation, control the labour including plant and material resources, record and report any necessary actions required and retain commitment to health & safety and quality control for the duration of the project. The Xcel Electrical Ltd Supervisor main duties are to maintain quality and ensure the the corr correc ectt and and prop proper er inst instal alla lati tion on of the the work works s in acco accord rdan ance ce with with the the progra programm mme. e. He will will liaise liaise with with all compan company y worke workers rs and other other site site users users as necessary on all relevant Health & Safety issues that affect the works. Electrical Operatives and Labour Only Sub-Contractors with have the appropriate experi experienc ence, e, traini training ng and will will be sui suitab tably ly qualif qualified ied to undert undertake ake the works works to current IEE Regulations and Standards. Quality Control All works will be installed to the current edition of the IEE Regulations, British Standard Codes of Practice and Local Authority requirements. All work will be supervised and undertaken by trained, experienced and approved electrical engineers. Testing and Commissioning Tests will be undertaken at regular regular intervals as and when allowed. allowed. When any part of the installation is altered or completed, test will be in accordance with current IEE Regulations. On completion of testing and commissioning, certificates will be issued covering all relevant general lighting, power installation, emergency lighting, etc. Plant & Equipment
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Hand Tools 110v transformers Temporary lighting Battery operated drills Mobile tower scaffold MEWP Test equipment and materials Trailing leads Electrical operated machines (110v) All plant and equipment with be inspected with inspections recorded on a weekly basis in accordance with PUWER PUWER 98 & LOLER 98. 98. Scaffolding will be inspected in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations 2005 Handling & Disposal of Waste All surplus waste materials will be moved from the work areas and placed in designated waste / recycling skips provided and positioned around site.
Emergency and First Aid Arrangements All Company personnel will be inducted on arriving at site by the Xcel Supervisor. Actions in the event of emergencies will be detailed at this time. The The Xcel Xcel Super Supervi viso sorr will will have have a tele teleph phon one e avai availa labl ble e to summ summon on help help and and assistanc assistance e from either the Xcel first aider aider or the sites appointed appointed person/s person/s.. Xcel will inform the client / principal contractor immediately in an emergency situation that requires the emergency services. A trained first aider will be on site at all times (Name here), with first aid facilities located within the site office. All accidents involving personal injury shall be recorded in the Xcel accident book. The location of the nearest A&E Hospital will be communicated to all operatives during the induction: A&E Victoria Hospital; Whinney Heys Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3
8NR; Tel: 01253 300000
Personal Protective Equipment The appropriate PPE will worn in accordance with the site activity and the clients site rules. However. the following following will be worn as a minimum: Hard hats. Hi-Visibility vest or jacket. Protective footwear. Gloves - Where risk of injury or greasy work is present. Ear protection - Where noise is present. Eye protection - Where risk of eye damage is present. Information provided to Operatives
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Operat Operative ives s and Labou Labourr only only sub-co sub-contr ntract actors ors will will be iss issued ued with with approp appropria riate te informati information on prior to commenc commencemen ementt of works. works. They will also be issued with the company Health & Safety policy and safe working procedures.
Monitoring Arrangements There will be a full time Supervisor on site at all all times. He will plan, supervise and co-ordinate all installation operations.
The The Supe Superv rvis isor or will will insp inspec ectt work work prac practi tice ces s and and stan standa dards rds,, mach machin iner ery y and and equipment on a daily basis to ensure conformity with general health and safety requirements. The Contract Contract Director Director / Manager Manager will visit site regularly regularly to ensure compliance compliance to the programme and methodology as agreed with the Client / Principal Contractor.
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Sequence of Works
To install site temporary power & lighting for power tools etc, To wire temporary welfare facilities to site compound, To isolate redundant existing electrical installation with regards to refurb areas, To commence strip out of existing electrics, To commence 1st fix containment to changing rooms & pool areas , To commence 1st fix installation power & lighting, To commence 2nd fix of new installations, To upgrade the existing pool plant room supply for H&V panel, To carry out testing & commissioning of new installations, To demonstrate new electrical equipment to staff . For full in-depth scope of works please refer to Curona Consultants particular specification & drawings . To issue O&M manual,
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METHOD STATEMENT AMENDMENTS / ADDENDUMS Important note If any change to this agreed method statement is required due to site conditions it must first be discussed with the Contract Manager. A revised method of working will then be discussed discussed and agreed. Revisions to be itemised below
I confirm that all the changes have been agreed with the Contracts Manager. Name of Person Making Changes:
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METHOD STATEMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have read and understand the above Method Statement, and will comply fully with it. If the Method of Work needs to change for any reason, I will first consult with the Site Supervisor, who will then consult with the Contracts Manager to discuss the proposed revised Method of Work.
Date 23-11-09
Jamie Duggan 23-11-09 Dean Chatterton
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